Alexander Sadokov is a famous TV presenter. Biography of Nikola Kuznetsova Nicole Kuznetsova personal reception

The biography and moments from the life of Nicole Kuznetsova, a participant in the 16th season of the “Battle of Psychics”, is full of secrets and mysteries. She went through a difficult path to fame and glory, fate prepared treacherous tests for her and constantly put barriers in her way, but Nicole did not give up and came to fame.

Many skeptics argue that Nicole’s image is full of acting and falsehood, that everything life trials- this is a farce with the help of which the clairvoyant came to her current situation. But in fact, the woman paid too much for her popularity, because higher powers rewarded her with a gift in exchange for her health. Dozens of operations, clinical death, a constant feeling of sharp compressive pain and tracheotomy tubes in the throat, loss of voice and unhappy family life- the price for fame is too high.

Agata Matveeva (as she was called in criminal circles) was born in 1988 in Moscow. The woman doesn’t know where she got the gift of foresight from, because she doesn’t even remember her family. The parents abandoned the child because the baby was born weak and the doctors had no doubt that he would live. But a huge thirst for life won A. Nicole grew up in a foster family, and this period was painful. After all, every day was difficult, and health problems did not go away for a moment.

After she experienced clinical death at the age of six, an otherworldly world opened up before the girl, and she began to see the fates of other people. Helping others did not extend to my own life.

With age, his character and hobbies changed, then he was criminal world, in which, according to Nicole herself, she met Misha Yaponchik and gave birth to a son from him. And although many talk about a complete discrepancy between age and dates, nevertheless, Kuznetsova’s fans sincerely believe in these words.

Nicole herself She also participated in thievery schemes, handing over pensioners who had money at home to bandits. But the woman herself denies this and considers it a lie.

Now everything is good and stable in the life of a psychic. Loving and TV-famous husband, sons and beautiful house surround her and delight her every day.

IN early age Nicole discovered her psychic abilities. She told her parents about the gift, and they believed their daughter.

At about 15 years old, she met a man who told her about the capabilities of her mind and developed the makings of a “white witch.” As Kuznetsova admitted, it was he who directed her thoughts in a good direction to help other people and taught her to use extrasensory perception. Nicole keeps her mentor’s name a secret, but does not hide the fact that it was thanks to him that she took the path of goodness and changed a lot in her life.

About whether Nicole practices magical rituals for transformation fate or uses help higher powers to harm others, nothing is known, and the psychic herself considers herself a representative of good magic.

Appearance at "Battle"

As Nicole says, she did not apply to participate in the show because she never considered her abilities as an opportunity to make money or become famous. The red-haired beauty was not deprived of attention, but as for her talent, not many knew about it.

Director Kuznetsova sent an application for participation. And what a surprise it was when it passed. At the first casting, she managed to conquer everyone not only with her quiet voice, which was reduced to a whisper, but also with her beauty and insight. Nicole handled the show's tasks with ease and completed all tasks quickly. And her image on the program was shrouded in a veil of secrets and mysteries.

The psychic identifies four main character traits, which fully characterize it:

  • Willingness to take risks.
  • Craving for thrills.
  • Desperation.
  • Honesty.

Perhaps a serious illness and constant suffering, secrets of parents and difficult birth, a difficult life and criminal connections influenced her character, creating the aura of a firm and unshakable woman, devoted to her words and principles.

Determination and faith in strength brought psychic Nicole Kuznetsova to the semi-finals of the show, where she gave way to two of the strongest witches.

New life

Now Nicole Matveeva completely devoted herself to developing the gift of prediction and helping people. The psychic conducts receptions and helps others in solving problems, removes love spells, damage and others negative ways binding and harm. But she herself claims that she does not do anything that could bring destruction or harm. It’s difficult to get an appointment; after participating and almost winning the show, she became famous and popular. But nevertheless, on the Internet you can find a website with contact information and sign up for a specific date.

The woman plans to do a lot of work on self-improvement and helping other people.

Projects and plans

Now the magician is actively developing his school, where anyone can get acquainted with the basics of white magic, learn the power of nature, the interaction of man and higher powers. In addition, the psychic makes amulets and charms charged with her positive energy and helping to attract good luck and success. Nicole herself makes amulets, so it’s difficult to purchase them, because the quantity is always limited. Most often, these things are made to order and for a specific person.

For a magician, handicrafts are not just another way to help people, but also a way of self-expression and realization of potential.

The red-haired beauty continues to appear on screens, but no longer as a participant in the show, but as a strong and possessive deep knowledge paranormal mystic. Thanks to her talent, more than one crime was solved.

In the plans of the adept:

  1. Development of a school of magic.
  2. Creating a project to help people.
  3. Work in charity.

I’ve been looking for the magician’s contacts for a long time, I tried to find Nicole Kuznetsova on VK, but for a year there was no result, I constantly came across fakes. I have a sick brother, and I wanted to ask for help from a psychic, because I think that my neighbor is to blame for the illness.

I really want an amulet for my brother, but how can I contact her?

I believe in horoscopes and astrology. I’m going through a personal crisis right now, so I can’t find a groom. I can't even meet normal guys. No matter how much I tried, nothing worked. Because of this, I had gynecological problems and started to get seriously ill.

I don’t know how to get rid of the celibacy wreath. I think Nicole will help me. I watched all the performances and tests. She is a very strong and confident magician.

I have a sick father. Doctors give him a difficult diagnosis. I read on the Internet that Nicole helped many people get rid of health problems. I really want her to help us, but I can’t contact the magician. I’m even ready to come to Moscow or wherever needed, as long as they help. There is simply no hope for a miracle anymore.

Attention, TODAY only!

If you want to know more about the clairvoyant called Nicole Kuznetsova -
her biography may surprise you. Her life can be called not only eventful, but also extremely mysterious. She became known to many people as the “widow” of Yaponchik, a thief in law whose name was Vyacheslav Ivankov. Nicole confirmed this in the first episode of the 16th season of “Battle of Psychics.”

In the article:

Nicole Kuznetsova - biography

The identity of the now famous clairvoyant raised many questions both in the past and during her participation in the “Battle of Psychics” program. There are many inconsistencies and omissions in the biography of psychic Nicole Kuznetsova; it is not easy to separate truth from fiction.

Nika Kuznetsova's real parents abandoned her, deciding that she would not survive. Indeed, she has serious problems with health, because tracheostomy tubes are used only in the most severe cases.

As a child, she met Vyacheslav Ivankov, better known by the nickname Yaponchik. Nicole claims he was a friend of her adoptive family. In 2012, in an interview, she said that her father was an influential Criminal authority, but did not mention his name.

Photo by Nicole Kuznetsova

Now she can be called one of the most memorable and capable clairvoyants among all project participants. Every viewer of this television program noticed that Nicole Kuznetsova can only speak in a whisper. The cause was a serious illness, which led to several surgical operations and two clinical deaths. The first clinical death occurred at the age of one year, the second at six years. She claims that it was after this that her psychic abilities.

One of the operations, which was carried out in 2012, was unsuccessful. After this, the clairvoyant is forced to wear a tracheostomy tube in her neck. Without this device she is unable to breathe. This pipe is the main reason Nicole often wears scarves.

However, she is not at all embarrassed by the tube in her throat; rather, she simply does not want to scare overly impressionable people. IN in social networks you can find photographs of her without a scarf and make sure that the tube in her throat does not spoil the bright appearance of the psychic at all. It is known that Nicole has a pseudonym - Agata Matveeva. This is the name she gave herself. The double surname - Matveeva-Kuznetsova, according to the clairvoyant, she got after her marriage. But her husband's last name is Sadokov. Most likely, Nicole combined her maiden name - Kuznetsova - and her pseudonym.

There have been rumors for some time that Nicole is actually a man who has undergone gender reassignment surgery. They have no real confirmation.

Nicole Kuznetsova's date of birth is September 15, 1988. She has a higher education in the humanities, which she received in Moscow, where she was born and lives to this day. In the same city she conducts personal receptions as white magician.

Nicole Kuznetsova at the Battle of Psychics

The clairvoyant uses her gift only to help other people, practicing exclusively white magic. Many are sure that she paid for him. Helping people is a real calling for Nicole. Before she gained fame, she worked as a volunteer at a hospice. Nicole Kuznetsova deals only with white magic and her main goal is to help people. She has her own online store of magical amulets and jewelry, as well as Tarot cards and pendulum divination kits. Handicrafts are not only her hobby, but also a way to provide magical assistance.

It is believed that nothing can be given for nothing, and that you will have to pay something for having certain abilities. Nicole received the gift from higher powers as a reward for the many trials she had to go through as a child. From the age of 15, Nicole studied magical practices from a mentor whose name she does not want to reveal.

Personal life of psychic Nicole Kuznetsova

The main arguments of skeptics who do not believe in the connection between Nicole and Yaponchik are discrepancies in dates, as well as information of unknown origin about the girl’s family. She reveals that Agatha-Nicole's parents worked in law enforcement agencies and were not associated with crime. According to some sources, her mother's name is Svetlana Ternova and she left her position with the rank of police colonel.

But Nicole herself says that her father had influence in criminal circles. According to her, she independently learned to “toughly resolve complex issues,” which attracted the attention of a crime boss, who until then had perceived her exclusively as the child of his friend.

ABOUT foster parents Nicole speaks with undisguised respect to her late “husband.” She still uses their advice and often solves problems in the way that people close to her taught her. Perhaps this is why Nicole Kuznetsova’s biography is full of secrets, because one of the pieces of advice is to behave in such a way that no one can understand who you really are.

The son, whose father Nika calls Yaponchik, was 4 years old at the time of the 16th season of the Battle of Psychics. She was fond of photographing matinees in kindergarten, which her son attended. Nicole is proud of her son and believes that his father would also be pleased with his success. After Jap's death, Nicole got married. Her photos with her husband are on social networks. His name is Alexander Sadokov, and he works as a sports news presenter on Channel One. In her marriage to Alexander, Nicole gave birth to another son, Stepan.

Fraud in the biography of Agata Matveeva

Real name: Agata Matveeva

Despite the fact that, as a psychic, Kuznetsova gives no reason to doubt her talents, in the past she has studied petty fraud, and she received a total of six sentences. The last one was in 2005. She was accused of robbing pensioners under the guise of a social services worker. After she was allowed into the apartments, Nicole gave the owners large bill and asked to change it. This way she found out where pensioners kept their money.

After she found out the location Money, Nicole asked for tea, and while the owners were preparing it, she managed to steal all her savings. The total amount of money received as a result of theft from pensioners was 15 thousand rubles. The court agreed with the prosecution and found the current psychic and witch guilty of illegally entering apartments and causing major damage.

Court sentence: 6 years in a general regime colony. It was subject to appeal, which Nicole Kuznetsova took advantage of already in 2006. It is known that she has been involved in fraud since she was 16 years old, and total number only proven thefts with her participation - 25. This is one of the facts in the biography of the famous clairvoyant that she does not want to disclose.

Dear readers, we have a surprise for you! We contacted a participant in the 16th season of the Battle of Psychics - Nicole Kuznetsova and she told us a little about herself.

Surprisingly, the red-haired beauty immediately responded to our proposal - to tell the readers of the site about herself. We admit, we expected a refusal))

So, let's go......

white witch. From birth he has psychic abilities and has been helping people for 15 years.

She is strong and self-sufficient, so she conducts sessions with people on her own, without assistants and does not practice in tandem with other psychics or witches.

During work, he uses stones and his personal power (his energy). Doesn't use tarot cards. Does not perform rituals with attributes to see the situation or possible development events.

Book by N. Kuznetsova:

It is known that the stronger the magician or witch, the less paraphernalia this person will use in his work. Remember, for example, the winner of the 15th season - she talked about people only by touching them and could tell about a person’s problems only by looking into his eyes. Remember the other winners of the program, whose working tools were only their hands...

“I absolutely love my job and go to the office (personal appointments) with joy. This makes me happy :-)” N.K.

These are the words of a man who, in our opinion, has found his “path of the heart.”
Everyone should strive to find their own path that will meet simple rules:

  • bring pleasure and joy
  • benefit not only yourself personally, but also those around you
  • and, as a consequence of the implementation of the first two points, generate income

Having found his “path of the heart,” a person begins to live in harmony with himself and the world around him.

Filming of Nicole Kuznetsova in the 16th season of the Battle of Psychics

Of course, we cannot get the secrets of the battle. Participants do not have the right to disclose about the process and the entire situation behind the scenes. But the main thing for us was to find out how Nicole herself experiences this process. This is what we asked.

TM: Are trials in battle difficult?

Nicole: At the Battle I get pleasure, not fatigue and stress. It's difficult for me, but interesting!

TM: How does communication between participants take place? No hostility?

Nicole: I communicate well with everyone and am glad to see everyone. Great team and worthy opponents. Only one participant causes negativity in everyone. But more on that on air...;)

From childhood:

"I don't know the exact date birth... I was taken from orphanage when I was dying from my illness. Thank you mom for not being afraid of a sick child.” N.K.

The girl has a congenital disease. At one year old there was the first clinical death. At 6 years old the second. Since 2011, she has been wearing a scarf around her neck, thereby hiding the tracheostomy tube through which she breathes.

Nicole studied and lives in Moscow. Received a higher education in the humanities.

Personal life:

Today, in the personal life of the red-haired witch, harmony and comfort reign - this is the main thing

The husband doesn’t like it when Nicole talks about him, so there is very little information: a famous person, airs on a major federal channel.


Bracelets made of natural stones, lava, s additional accessories and pearls will surprise you not only with their beauty, but also with their magical component.

While collecting the bracelet, Nicole puts protection against black magic, damage, and the evil eye. After paying for the product, you can order an additional program, for example, to unlock magical potential, harmonization or something similar.

An important component of the whole process is the pleasure of creation. A thing really gains power if it's done... positive emotions and pure intentions.

Interested? Then go to

The reason why Nicole Kuznetsova wears a scarf is a disease that manifested itself in her early childhood. She herself has already gotten used to it and is not ashamed of her illness, and wears a scarf so as not to shock others.

In the article:

Nicole Kuznetsova - the disease has haunted her since childhood

It is known that Nicole Kuznetsova has been suffering from an unknown disease to the public since childhood. It was she who became the reason that her natural parents abandoned her. They decided that the child would not survive or would not live very long.

Nicole Kuznetsova tube in the neck

Nicole Kuznetsova claims that she lived with a foster family. She was adopted despite serious illness. The clairvoyant herself says that she lived in the family of a crime boss, quite famous in certain circles. But there are sources, and they say that Nicole’s natural parents did not abandon her, and she grew up in the family of a police colonel.

The psychic suffered two clinical deaths as a child. The first occurred at the age of one year, and the second at six years. Nicole believes that psychic abilities appeared precisely after this. They became a reward for all the trials that she suffered. Nicole believes it is right to use them for the benefit of people.

Nicole Matveeva - what's wrong with the neck

Many viewers of the show “Battle of Psychics” are interested in what’s wrong with Kuznetsova’s neck, and also why she always wears a scarf. In the very first episode of the TV show, you can see that she quite clearly answered the presenter, who was interested in why Nicole Kuznetsova spoke in a whisper. She took off her scarf and showed tracheostomy tube through which she breathes.

The famous psychic suffered an unsuccessful throat operation, as a result of which she had a tube installed. With its help she breathes. Nicole cannot breathe without a tube. Without it, she is unable to stay alive. There is no chance of a favorable outcome of the disease and life without a tube. Nicole is sure that this is impossible.

Due to a throat-related illness, as well as unsuccessful operation Nicole can't speak out loud. During the filming of “The Battle of Psychics,” there were difficulties due to the fact that she simply could not be heard. As a result, the clairvoyant was equipped with a microphone that allows you to hear and record everything she says.

Nicole Kuznetsova - illness of Jap's wife

It is known that a lot of videos have appeared on the network that can prove that Nicole Kuznetsova is a woman, and on these videos there are recordings of her voice confirming the presence of the disease. Indeed, she can only speak in a whisper. There is a scandalous recording of a conversation with a representative of the Communist Party of the Russian Federation, in which they talked about certain criminal agreements and proposals.

On this recording you can hear that the clairvoyant cannot speak louder than she does now during the filming of “Battle of Psychics.” Some believe that Nicole Kuznetsova's voice is an innate feature, and the pipe is only a way to attract attention to herself.

Indeed, based on several photographs of the clairvoyant on the Internet, in which there is no tube in the throat yet, one can form such an opinion. But in these pictures Nicole looks much younger. Most likely, they were done before the unsuccessful operation, which led to consequences in the form of a tube in the throat. In addition, there are newer photographs in which both the pipe and the scar on the neck are clearly visible.

The girl is not at all shy about her features and does not want to hide it. In the first episode of “The Battle of Psychics,” she demonstrated this when the host began to suspect that something might be hidden under the scarf that would help the clairvoyant pass tests in a dishonest manner.

Nicole Kuznetsova - what's wrong with my throat now?

It is known that the famous clairvoyant and practitioner cannot breathe without a tube. The network says that once a month she is forced to undergo surgery in order to be able to breathe. It is unknown whether this is true or not. There are rumors that for medical reasons she may be forced to leave the project ahead of time. It is impossible to rule out the possibility that Nicole will need another operation.

There are assurances online from people who showed Nicole’s photo to a medical specialist. The doctor confirmed that participating in a TV show with such a tube is almost impossible. In his opinion, serious illness is completely excluded, as is the need to use a breathing apparatus.

There is a possibility that the pipe is a high-quality dummy that the psychic needs to attract attention and better suit the image of a white magician. The latter often cannot cure themselves, but help others. Back in 2012, Nicole didn’t have a tube in her neck, but her voice was always the same as it is now. There is also a possibility that the pipe is really a dummy, and the voice is an innate feature. But a scar on the throat, visible in some photographs, partially rules it out.

In general, there are many inaccuracies and discrepancies in Kuznetsova’s biography, which, however, add mystery and enigma to her image. Only one thing is clear - only the clairvoyant herself and her loved ones can know the truth.

Most Popular mystical show“The Battle of Psychics,” about people with superpowers, started on the TNT channel in 2007. Since then, seventeen seasons have been filmed, and with each new release, the show became more and more spectacular, the tasks became more complicated, and psychics, sometimes, amazed not only with their paranormal abilities, but also with their biographies, sometimes worthy of Hollywood blockbusters.

The program has been criticized more than once by viewers who accused the creators of the fake nature of the show, but still, everyone will judge in their own way, based on own views, experience and belief in the supernatural. The sixteenth season was perhaps the most scandalous in all the years of the project’s existence, and today we will talk about one of its finalists, or rather, the finalist. Psychic Nicole Kuznetsova- a white magician, whose eventful and rather mysterious life aroused unprecedented interest among viewers.

Biography of Nicole Kuznetsova

Nicole Kuznetsova. "The fight of extrasensories". Photo.

The identity of this girl raises many questions, both in her past and during her participation in the show. So, biography of Nicole Kuznetsova, whose photo can now be found on the pages of many popular publications, begins on September 15, 1988 in Moscow, where she was born and lives to this day. Even in early childhood Nicole Kuznetsova experienced two clinical deaths, the first occurred at the age of one. According to sources, it was after this that her real parents abandoned her, believing that the child would not survive. And at the age of six, she again experienced clinical death, after which her first psychic abilities began to appear.

At the age of fifteen, the future psychic Nicole Kuznetsova She studied with a certain mentor, whose name she refuses to name, and he helped her fully develop her gift. After graduating from school, Nicole received a higher education in the humanities and, even then, she began helping people by working as a volunteer at a hospice. It should be noted that the psychic has a pseudonym - Agata, which she gave herself, as well as a double surname - Matveeva-Kuznetsova, which she acquired after her marriage.

Nicole Kuznetsova. "The fight of extrasensories"

According to the clairvoyant, participation Nicole Kuznetsova in “Battle of Psychics”“- the initiative and merit of its director. He sent an application and a photo of Kuznetsova to the program. A month later, a response came with an invitation. The girl calls herself a desperate person, prone to risk and loving thrills. The Sage agreed to become a participant in the sixteenth season of the project "The fight of extrasensories". Nicole Kuznetsova I didn’t regret it at all.

Biography of Nicole Kuznetsova at the “Battle of Psychics” updated with new facts and events. The mysterious girl with a quiet voice immediately attracted attention - her rather bright appearance, as well as the ease with which she passed the tests, caused a very mixed reaction among viewers and skeptics. “The White Witch,” with expressive eyes and red curls, amazed the audience from the first broadcast and impressed the skeptic Sergei Safronov. The audience was divided equally: some said - Nicole Kuznetsova psychic talent, others – skillful acting and “showing off.”

In the first release of the project, in September 2015, psychic Nicole Kuznetsova, the only one of the magicians, gave the correct version of who is behind the black screen. The girl’s rivals – Marilyn Kerro, Victoria Raidos, Pakhom and others – did not answer the question. In each episode of the “Battle of Psychics,” the participants were eliminated; the three strongest reached the final stage: clairvoyant Nicole Kuznetsova, Estonian witch Marilyn Kerro and occult science specialist Victoria Rydos. Raidos took the lead, Kerro took second place, and Nicole Kuznetsova became third.

In 2015, Kuznetsova, or Agata Matveeva, announced on the Instagram microblog that she would help those who wish to develop magical abilities, for this purpose he opens the “Center for Correct Magic” school. The Center offers those who wish to order a talisman that will help unlock their magical potential.

For Nicole Kuznetsova “Battle of Psychics” became the initial stage in creative biography. In March 2017, the talented girl appeared on the TNT channel again: the 28-year-old “white witch” passed the casting and became a participant in the project “Psychics Are Investigating. Battle of the strongest."

Nicole Kuznetsova's disease

Psychic Nicole Kuznetsova. Photo.

During the project, it was impossible not to notice that a beautiful young girl constantly wears a scarf and is able to speak only in a whisper. This was all due to the heavy Nicole Kuznetsova's disease, because of which she underwent more than one rather complex surgical operation. However, despite all the efforts of the doctors, it was not possible to overcome the disease, and the necessary measure was the installation of a tracheostomy tube in Nicole’s throat. Without this rather unpleasant-looking device, she simply will not be able to breathe. Also, because of the tube in the trachea, psychic Nicole Kuznetsova can only speak in a whisper, which is why a special microphone was constantly used on the project to help the clairvoyant. The girl is not at all ashamed of her illness, and wears scarves and scarves around her neck only so as not to frighten those around her, among whom there are sometimes particularly impressionable individuals.

Some are inclined to argue that Nicole Kuznetsova's disease is just a fiction and a good PR move, and they openly accuse the girl of deception and playing for the public. The clairvoyant never enters into an argument with such people, but simply silently removes the scarf from her neck and demonstrates the terrible hole in her throat. By the way, Nicole Kuznetsova, whose Instagram now enjoys unprecedented popularity among subscribers, posted several pictures there, clearly demonstrating the device without which she cannot breathe. But, nevertheless, in most photographs her neck is covered with an elegant headscarf, even in beach photographs.

Yaponchik and Nicole Kuznetsova

Psychic Nicole Kuznetsova. Photo.

Nicole Kuznetsova, biography which is full of mysteries and omissions, claims that her father was a very influential man in criminal circles, so that since childhood, the crime boss Yaponchik and Nicole Kuznetsova were well acquainted. Slava Yaponchik, as he was called in the criminal world, was allowed into their house, and, according to the psychic, was friendly relations with her family. The girl says that, growing up in such an environment, from childhood she learned to make rather tough decisions herself. difficult situations, which later attracted the attention of Yaponchik, since earlier he perceived Nicole Kuznetsova, exclusively as the daughter of his friend.

With time, Jap and Nicole Kuznetsova-psychic they began to live together, and the girl even gave birth to his son George, but it is not possible to reliably confirm or refute this information. One thing is certain, the clairvoyant speaks with great respect of this person, as well as of her adoptive parents. She claims that they taught her a lot and gave her a few important advice, one of which the girl even made her life credo. She was taught to behave and live in such a way that others could not fully understand who you really are, and, as you can see, this lesson Nicole Kuznetsova learned it well.

Anticipating the approach of death Jap, Nicole Kuznetsova could not help him in any way, because the self-confident man did not pay attention to her warnings special significance. Some sources claim that this moment psychic Nicole Kuznetsova is married to Alexander Sadokov, who works on television as a sports news presenter. And indeed, on social networks you can find many pictures confirming their close relationship. Many are even inclined to believe that it was from Alexander that Nicole gave birth to her second son, but, like many of biography of Nicole Kuznetsova, these facts also remain only assumptions.