Estonian witch Marilyn Kerro showed her rounded belly. Psychic Alexander Sheps: reviews of the appointment, how to get an appointment

Psychic Marilyn Cerro.
Biography: a witch from Estonia (born in 1988), born in a lonely house on a hill in the suburb of Orakvir, the girl of the winner of the 14th battle A. Sheps. Participated in the 14th battle with the translator. Took second place. She came 2 years later to the 16th battle to win it, since second place did not suit her. I learned Russian.
In 2016, I decided to take part in the competition for the third time, saying that I left with a suitcase from Alexander Sheps.
Kero's specialty is blood magic and voodoo magic. According to Marilyn, she broke up with Sheps because they had different views about family and children, but at the end of the 17th battle she got back together with him and kissed him in public, for which she lost again. Hundreds of thousands of users search the Internet for information about it and that. On YouTube, the Naked Mary video has collected more than a million views.
The rituals of the Kerro witch go back to the ancient magic of Woodda. Visions come to her in a state of trance and take on a strange form.
Marilyn has two sisters, the younger Evelyn and the older Marilyn. The Estonian didn't even graduate high school. Once she even wanted to commit suicide by cutting her wrists. Kerro is the most famous witch in Europe, firmly established in Moscow.

Official website of psychic Marilyn Kerro, where you can ask her questions and make an appointment .

Finalist of the 17th season in 2016, again taking 2 places, finalist of the 16th Battle of Psychics in 2015 on the TNT channel (took second place) and finalist of the 14th battle in 2013 (second place).

How Marilyn Kerro passed new tests in the 16th battle, reviews, abilities:
+ I didn’t find a person hidden in the trunk of a car in 2015 (but I did find it in 2013).
+ I was able to find my photo from 11 others, and also indicated who was in them.
+ I was able to find the house from the photo.
+ was able to determine who is dead and who is alive by a love spell;
+ can find a person who has physically changed gender (but in the new 17th season she could not find it);
+ Kerro can determine why a person is cursed;
+ in one case he can determine from a photo whether a person is alive or dead, but in another he can’t!
+ can roughly understand what was hidden in a black box;
- those tests that he cannot pass, he refuses them, for example, with the hanged;
+ can find a person by his note, and also find this person’s apartment.
+ can determine whether a living person is standing behind a wall or not
+ can find a gay man
+ from the photo in the envelope can determine whether he is alive or dead

- can find owners in a house/apartment if they are nearby

How strong psychic Marilyn Kerro Marilyn Kerro according to a 3-point system: 3 (based on TV results of seasons 14 and 17)
(1 - none; 2 - something is possible, something is not; 3 - a strong psychic)

Present to your attention real biography Already known to many from the broadcast of the battle of psychics, the witch from Estonia - Marilyn Kerro. Despite the fact that the Internet is teeming various kinds similar information where main goal is - profit, through deception that supposedly the psychic(s) will answer your questions and the like.

  • Not the most pleasant childhood.
  • Exit to model business and extrasensory perception.

The beginning of the biography of Marilyn Kerro

So, as previously written, Marilyn Kerro was born in 1988 on September 18, in Estonia. “Life” itself presented many challenges for Marilyn. Therefore, the girl’s childhood and adolescence were spent in difficult conditions, her father drank heavily, her mother worked and raised her daughter alone.

Marilyn Kerro did not have much that other children of her age had; there were times when there was not even food in the house, but, despite all the difficulties and difficult life trials, Marilyn graduated from a regular school with honors, which is very commendable, but due to the constant lack of money to enter and, therefore, get higher education Marilyn couldn't.

All that remained was to work to help my mother and somehow provide for myself. Marilyn went to work as a salesperson, she liked the job and it suited her, but life gave her an unpleasant surprise - after working for about three months, Marilyn Kerro was laid off and again she had to look for a new job.

This time she became a packer at a vegetable warehouse, but she understood that this was not a way out of the situation and if she did not change her life soon, then life would break her, as it had broken the lives of her mother and many other people. Having realized and understood this, Marilyn sets herself the goal of changing her life and everything that surrounds her.

Continuation of the biography of Marilyn Kerro

She enrolls and successfully completes the modeling course. From this moment of awareness, doors of opportunity began to open for her - Marilyn began to earn good money working as a fashion model and, accordingly, taking photographs for various magazines.

However, Marilyn also leaves this job because she comes across old books that belonged to her great-grandmother, who was a witch and had considerable power and great knowledge in the field of voodoo magic and much more. It was these books that the current participant in the battle of psychics of the 14th season, Marilyn Kerro, began to carefully study. Having gleaned a lot of knowledge from them, possessing a strong will and life-hardening, the newly minted witch began to experiment.

At one of the spiritualistic sessions, her soul appeared to her great-grandmother, who gave Marilyn not only faith in her abilities, but also said that it was her life path, which she must continue by taking up the baton and becoming the next witch in their family.

Since then, a completely different life began for the psychic Marilyn Kerro; the human soul is now no secret to her, and her own life path too. According to her, she will leave for another world at the age of 72.

As for the battle of psychics, she decided to come and achieve victory after she saw prophetic dream, in which she participates in this world-famous reality show. In addition, Marilyn understood perfectly well that, given her knowledge and experience, she would not have to put in much effort to reach the finals and win.

At the end of the article, we note that the “Magic Constellation” website does not provide any false information, does not provide any services on behalf of famous psychics, for example, Alexander Sheps, Marilyn Kerro, Frau Rotter, Ekaterina Ryzhikova and other participants in the battle of psychics in season 14.

Well, on my own behalf, I would like to say that the psychic Marilyn Kerro is a young, strong participant, but I would not underestimate the other participants in the battle. In particular, these are.

Estonian witch Season 14 of the “Battle of Psychics,” according to many, has every chance of becoming the winner of the show. After the first tests, her name appeared in a white envelope. This a good start and a bold bid for victory. Until recently, the biography of Marilyn Kerro was unknown to few people. The opinion of TV viewers about her was formed only by her abilities and rather shocking methods of work. Who is this mysterious girl, and what dangerous magic does she use to win?

Psychic Marilyn Kerro lives in the Estonian city of Rakvere. For a long time she worked as a model and was engaged in own business in the field of public catering. She came to the “Battle of Psychics” of season 14 with a decisive statement that she would reach the finals.

Marilyn Kerro's working methods horrify many. For example, during the casting, in order to find a person in one of the cars, she sacrificed a real animal heart. According to her, in order to establish a connection with the dead world, she needs to use the method of sacrifice. Fans of the show have already begun to suspect that the girl made a pact with the world of the dead. How else can we explain the fact that she passes all the tests of the project so easily.

According to Marilyn herself, she calls for help exclusively on the soul of her deceased aunt, who, by the way, was also a witch during her lifetime. According to the participant in the “Battle of Psychics” of Season 14, she receives all the information only from her relative. Marilee Kerro admitted that she even knows the date of her death. The witch's soul told her that she would pass away at the age of 72.

In addition to spiritualistic seances, Marilyn Kerro owns voodoo magic. This African black magic, as a rule, is capable of influencing people, bewitching them and causing damage. However, the Estonian witch claims that no matter how strange and creepy the methods of her work were, she has never harmed a person, because she knows what terrible consequences all this can turn out to be.

At the “Battle of Psychics” of Season 14, the project participants already began to slightly shy away from the mysterious witch from Estonia, because many of them admitted that contacts with spirits leave a negative imprint on a person’s karma. And psychics from previous seasons expressed the opinion that the girl has very strong magical protection. This could be seen in the series when, during one of the tests, Marilyn looked at the video that kills without any fear. “The battle of psychics,” according to Marilyn, revealed in her such qualities and character traits that she had not previously noticed in herself.

Personal life of Marilyn Kerro still remains a mystery. The witch only admitted that she had never had a loved one, and that her heart was still free. It is quite possible that she completely decided to devote her life to magic and the occult world. The official website of psychic Marilyn Kerro is already completely inundated with reviews and laudatory comments about her talent and abilities.

So far, Marilyn Kerro is the main contender for victory in the “Battle of Psychics” of season 14. And although there are still a lot of challenges ahead, and there are many strong competitors among the participants in the show, the audience has already drawn their conclusions from what they saw. So far, Marilyn sees the psychic Alexander Sheps as her main competitor. However, as always, everything can change at the last moment. We cheer for Marilyn at the “Battle of Psychics” and bet everything and

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Biography, life story of Marilyn Kerro

Marilyn Kerro is a psychic.

Childhood and youth

Marilyn was born on September 18, 1988 in the small village of Rakver (Estonia). Marilyn's parents passionately dreamed of a son, so when the little girl was born, they were terribly disappointed. Because of the unfulfilled hopes of little Marilyn's parents, she had to learn from her own experience what dislike is. In addition, her father was not an exemplary family man - he regularly drank and often beat his wife, Marilyn's mother, in front of his daughter.

When Marilyn was still just a child, her father left the family. The mother had to shoulder all the household chores. She worked a lot and was practically not involved in raising Marilyn, who, by the way, even then began to be considered a strange person. Adults said that she had scary eyes, and children tried not to get close to her.

At the age of six, Marilyn experienced a terrible shock - she was struck by lightning. She spent some time unconscious, and when she woke up, she realized that something had changed in her. Over time, the girl began to hear what others could not hear, to see what no one else could see.

Her aunt Salme, a fortune teller, had a huge influence on Marilyn. Salme was not like the rest of the villagers - she did not have her own home, and she earned food by predicting the future. When Salmier died, Marilyn inherited a Bible written in Old Estonian.

Marilyn spent almost her entire childhood in an abandoned house that was located on the edge of her native village. There the girl communicated with spirits and improved her skills.

After graduating from school, Marilyn worked for some time as a salesperson in a store, then as a packer at a vegetable base. Over time, the girl realized that she was capable of more. She entered a modeling school, which helped her rise, as they say, from the bottom. For six years, Marilyn was a sought-after model in Tallinn. But there were some tragedies - at first the inexperienced model suffered from anorexia, then from bulimia. Fortunately, Marilyn managed to cope with these ailments and improve her diet.


"The fight of extrasensories"

In 2013, Marilyn Kerro appeared on the popular show “Battle of Psychics.” At first, the girl from a small village was terribly afraid of cameras and could not concentrate on work, but over time she got used to the new environment. Marilyn became a finalist in the 14th season of “Battle” and took second place.

In 2015, Marilyn returned to the project. The Estonian witch was serious about winning, but, alas, her luck ran out. She again took second place. However, the lack of championship did not in any way affect the love and respect of Marilyn’s fans. After the 14th season, she began to be inundated with requests for a session.

Personal life

Closed and closed Marilyn for a long time was alone. During the first interviews in 2013, Carrie said that she was a virgin. By her own admission, it is difficult for her to trust a man - not only did she see enough of her scoundrel father as a child, but once she was almost raped. Marilyn miraculously managed to escape, but the painful bruises and torn clothes remained in her memory for a long time.

“The Battle of Psychics” brought Marilyn not only fame and demand, but also her first true love. On the project, she became close to Alexander Sheps (he took first place in the 14th season of the show). At first, Marilyn insisted that she and Alexander were connected exclusively friendly relations, but by the end of filming, their little secret was revealed. During the last episode of the “Battle of Psychics,” Sheps asked Marilyn to become his wife.

After the end of the project, the lovers moved in together in an apartment in the center of Moscow. There, Marilyn and Alexander equipped a cozy office in which they receive visitors who want to know the future or look into the past.

Interesting fact

In the mid-2000s, Marilyn Carrie gave up animal products, believing that animal corpses carry negative energy. And although the psychic herself does not eat meat, she can use the flesh of animals in her rituals, arguing that the spirits need to be appeased through sacrifice.

Marilyn Cerro(Marilyn Kerro) - Estonian fashion model, participant in the 14th, 16th and 17th seasons of the mystical project on the channel "TNT" "Battle of Psychics".

Biography of Marilyn Kerro / Marilyn Kerro

Marilyn Cerro born September 18, 1988 in Estonia. Childhood Marilyn It was difficult - my father drank, and my mother constantly worked in order to somehow support her family. The family lived poorly, sometimes there was not even food in the house. Marilyn, despite all adversity, she graduated from school with honors. Attempts to enter university after school were frustrated by financial difficulties. Marilyn I was forced to go to work in order to somehow help my mother. At first she worked as a salesperson - and she liked the work. However, due to insufficient experience, very soon the girl was laid off and was forced to get a job as a packer at a vegetable warehouse.

Marilyn I always knew that I deserved more. She enrolled in modeling courses and, after graduating, began building new life– her income has increased noticeably, her opportunities have changed. The new profession suited the girl quite well until something unusual happened...

Great-grandmother Marilyn, according to rumors, was a witch and had a certain gift that helped her find missing things and people and predict misfortunes. From her Marilyn They inherited ancient books describing various magical rituals.

The girl began to study the volumes with interest, and at one of the spiritualistic sessions, as she claims, Marilyn, the soul of her late great-grandmother-witch appeared to her. It was she who gave her great-granddaughter faith in her own psychic abilities...

Battle of psychics Marilyn Kerro / Marilyn Kerro

First time on the show "The fight of extrasensories. Season 14" Marilyn Kerro appeared in 2013. On transfer Kerro I immediately decided to compare my strengths and capabilities with the achievements of my competitors. Marilyn From the very first minutes, she attracted attention with her commitment to “dark” rituals: she sacrificed animals, used fish eyes, voodoo dolls and other unpleasant attributes during rituals.

That's what it is Marilyn Cerro speaks about the experience gained on the project: “It was my first time taking part in such a competition. I wanted to try my hand, because the tasks here are so difficult. This interesting experience, I had never seen how other psychics work before, but here such an opportunity arose. You know, I often cried during trials. This happened because I had all the negative energy through me: someone lost a child, a person was killed, someone went missing... I cannot be indifferent when it comes to someone’s death, it hurt me. I felt and saw what these people suffered. And even when filming ended, I couldn’t come to my senses for two hours. All this is very difficult. After filming, I went home to Estonia, I will open a magic salon, I will work only at home. After all, every person who turned to me, opened his heart and thoughts to me, has the right to know where and how I live. Everything is simple in our family. My mother owns a beauty salon, my father is raising my little sister at home. I have three sisters, the two older ones already live separately, and the youngest is only four years old, but she is already showing signs that indicate that she will be a good psychic - stronger than me.”

During the qualifying test called "Trunk", the girl used the heart of an animal, which helped her pass further. Other participants in the project openly disliked the young witch or were even afraid of her. However, despite the unfriendly environment, Marilyn managed to reach the finals of the project and ultimately took second place.

In September 2015 Marilyn took part in a show on a TV channel “TNT” “Psychics are investigating. Season 6". The strongest participants took part in this program "Battles of psychics" throughout the history of the show. They had to not only solve mysteries and find criminals, but also fight each other.

September 19, 2015 on the channel "TNT" started "The fight of extrasensories. Season 16". In the clearing where all the applicants for participation in the project gathered, Marilyn Cerro greeted as a real star: took pictures with her, took autographs. However, soon the attitude of the magicians towards the Estonian changed when they learned that she had not come to support someone, but in order to become a participant "Battles". Enthusiastic fans immediately turned into dissatisfied competitors.

Surprising skeptic Safronova there was also no limit when the next contender for participation in the show, who came to the “Search for a person in the trunk of a car” test, became Marilyn Cerro. Moreover, Marilyn throughout the season, she successfully passed one test after another, winning the sympathy of viewers, skeptics, and invited guests.

In one of the episodes she made the singer cry Linda. The difficulty of the test that psychics were asked to undergo was that the magicians did not see or hear Linda. A skeptic sat in front of them Sergei Safronov, who was listening to the singer’s new song on headphones, and behind the participants’ backs "Battles" I watched her clip on the screen. Psychics had to describe what they see and hear Sergey. In another room, I watched what was happening on the monitor myself. Linda and her friends. Linda She did not hide the fact that she was greatly impressed and was experiencing inner tremors. After the test she was asked to be left with Marilyn alone: ​​she had a lot of questions for the witch.

As a result Marilyn reached the final of the show "The fight of extrasensories. Season 16", in which her rivals were Victoria Rydos and clairvoyant Nicole Kuznetsova. Marilyn Cerro, as last time, took second place, losing the palm to Victoria Rydos.

On September 3, 2016, the 17th season started on the TNT channel "Battles of psychics" and the names of 12 project participants were announced. However, in the second episode, both the audience and the psychics who passed the qualifying tests received a big surprise from the creators of the show. Marat Basharov at the end of the issue he announced an additional test. The presenter invited the psychics to determine who was behind the door. There were versions that she was beautiful there bright woman, which Marat likes. Turned out to be a mysterious beauty Marilyn Cerro. At the end of the test, Basharov stated: “I want to introduce everyone to the 13th participant in the 17th “Battle of Psychics.” Marilyn Kerro is back in "Battle".

Marilyn Kerro about her participation in the show “Battle of Psychics”: “The 16th season turned out to be the most difficult for me emotionally, because there was practically no support, and the 17th season was the most comfortable. In 14, I was still “green”: I didn’t understand what and how. In 16, I repeatedly had the desire to leave. But I stopped and thought that I couldn’t just give up. If I’ve already come, then I have to do everything that depends on me to get to the end.”

Marilyn considered the master to be her main rival in the show “Battle of Psychics”, season 17 oriental practices and Osho's student Swami Dashi. Kerro reached the finals of the show (the episode aired on the TNT channel on December 24, 2016), but Swami Dashi became the winner according to the results of the audience vote.

IN short speech Before the ceremony at which Basharov was supposed to announce the results, Mary said that she understood one thing: the main thing is not the goal, but the path that a person takes to the goal, so who wins is no longer important to her.

Personal life of Marilyn Kerro / Marilyn Kerro

Before “Battles of psychics. Season 14" Marilyn Kerro talked to a psychic Vitaly Gibert– winner “Battles of psychics. Season 11". We walked together, went to restaurants and just talked. When Marilyn reported Vitaly that is going to take part in “Battle of psychics. Season 14", Vitaly told her it was bad idea. Marilyn, in his opinion, had little chance in this project, and her original methods will cause mixed reactions from viewers.

Of all the project participants, he was the most loyal to the girl Alexander Sheps. Together they began to perform rituals, and after a while rumors appeared in the press that the young people were dating.

In January 2016, rumors appeared that there was a rift between Sheps and Marilyn. In one of the interviews, Kerro only added fuel to the fire, saying that she does not plan to marry Alexander: “Marriage is a game, demonstration performances. Going to the registry office is just a matter of putting a stamp in your passport, it’s like shouting to the whole world: “Look how much we love each other!” I never dreamed of a magnificent celebration, a white dress, a huge cake and other wedding attributes.”

In the finale of the 17th season of “Battle,” Mary and Sheps demonstrated a hot kiss, clearly demonstrating to their fans that they were together again.