Mary VK page from the battle of psychics. Estonian witch Marilyn Kerro: biography and personal life

If you watch the TV show “Battle of Psychics,” then you probably remember the bright participant of seasons 14 and 16 named Marilyn Kerro. This heroine, originally from Estonia, went through several circles of earthly hell before appearing on television.

Marilyn Kerro was born in a difficult time - September 18, 1988. A poor family, a stepfather with a violent temper and heavy fists, working with early years at a vegetable warehouse. Deciding to turn the situation around, Kerro goes to a modeling school and begins modeling career, however, this bread turns out to be not so light. And only then does the girl remember that there was a real witch in her family for a reason...

As Marilyn Kerro says, the spirit of the great-grandmother did not take long to appear and appeared at one of the first spiritualistic seances. Then the girl became convinced: magic is for her! The methods of magic turned out to be not the most pleasant, and the ingredients were sometimes very unappetizing. But who said it would be easy? But watching Marilyn’s “work” on the show turned out to be incredibly interesting, so, having missed season 15, she returned for season 16.

Viewers remember how the magician made Linda cry, how she talked about the detention of Victor Cohen, how her magic turned out to be stronger than that of other participants in the show. They say that she even managed to bewitch another psychic - Alexander Sheps!

Marilyn's Instagram is only for crazy people

If you consider yourself a little “out of this world,” if you are inclined to explore new esoteric spaces and are able to discover new layers of reality, if you are visited by unknown images, and you understand non-existent languages, then Marilyn Kerro’s Instagram is for you. This is not just a photo album of a popular psychic girl. This is a gathering place for extraordinary, unworldly people. As of March 2016, more than 350 thousand people subscribed to Marilyn Kerro’s Instagram.

The page is located at the predictable address marilyn_kerro - you don't need psychic powers to find it. However, the content of the blog is as extraordinary as Marilyn Kerro herself. She shares on Instagram not only fragments of the TV show, but also her products - for example, unusual and probably “charged” earrings, bracelets, and other accessories.

They say all witches love vice. Kerro loves to pose in bold poses, apparently recalling his modeling past. She also loves cats: it’s not for nothing that these cute animals are “sewn” into all sorts of mysticism! So it makes sense even for non-fans of “Psychics” to go to Marilyn’s Instagram.

Today we will tell you about how simple girl came from a poor family hereditary witch, what obstacles she had to go through to achieve success and reach the finals of the famous reality show “Battle of Psychics.” So, today we will talk about a girl named Marilyn Kerro, and you will also find out if there is a real Marilyn in social network VKontakte.


  • Marilyn was born in the fall of 1988 in Estonia. During her life, the girl went through many trials.
  • When Marilyn was little, her mother raised her, and her father suffered from alcoholism. The family lived in poverty, but despite this, the girl studied “excellent” at school.
  • Since the family was experiencing financial difficulties, the girl immediately after school got a job as a salesperson. But after some time it was laid off. After that, she worked as a packer.
A little later you will find out that there is Marilyn Kerro VK, and now we will tell you how the girl became a hereditary witch.

Modeling career and a sharp turn in life

  • Marilyn successfully completes modeling courses. The model is photographed for magazines.
  • A little later, the girl gives up her modeling career because she finds old books that previously belonged to her great-grandmother, a witch. Marilyn's great-grandmother practiced Voodoo magic.
  • The girl began to study books and began conducting experiments in the field of magic.
  • During one of their seances, Marilyn saw her great-grandmother, who told the girl that she should become a real witch!

"Battle of Psychics"

  • Marilyn decided to take part in the famous “Battle of Psychics” program, where the most powerful magicians, sorcerers, psychics and witches compete with each other and test their magical capabilities.
  • This decision came to the girl after prophetic dream, in which Marilyn makes it to the finals of the reality show.

Is she registered on VK?

And now you will find out if there is a page for a participant in the “Battle of Psychics” on VKontakte. We want to please you: Marilyn is a user of our favorite social network. Her this page You can find it at this address:

Marilyn Kerro has only about 90 friends and more than 62 thousand subscribers. You can add a girl as a friend, but you will not be able to write her a personal message if she does not confirm your application on VKontakte. I even added Marilyn Kerro as a friend.

Marilyn Kerro published 20 videos on her page. Here you can watch a video with the star, an excerpt from the “Battle of Psychics” with Alexander and Marilyn, a video “New Battle of Psychics - Sacrifice to Spirits” and others interesting points from a reality show. Marilyn did not publish a single album with photographs on her page. But you will be able to see photos of the girl in the avatar.


Marilyn Kerro in VKontakte is one of the leaders of the official community, which is called: “Marilyn Kerro | Official group." You can find this group here: The community has more than 43 thousand members. The community is dedicated to Marilyn's magical activities.

Now you know how to find Marilyn Kerro on the social network VKontakte . You can subscribe to her page or join the official group dedicated to her activities. We wish you good luck!

Marilyn Kerro gained wide popularity after participating in the 14th season of the TV show on the TNT channel “Battle of Psychics.” She quickly became one of the most beloved participants by viewers. In addition, another participant in the “Battle”, a practicing psychic, medium Alexander Sheps, began to court her on the project, who, by the way, won that season. Marilyn and Alexander then diverged and then came together again. But in the end, in June last year, Kerro made an official statement, announcing that with Sheps she now only has friendly relations. In an interview with StarHit, the Estonian witch admitted that no matter what, Alexander will forever remain a close person to her. “We live separately. When people don’t live together, it’s no longer a relationship,” Kerro said.

After high-profile romance with the medium, Kerro, who does not like publicity, stopped commenting and demonstrating her personal life. She spends most of the year at home in Estonia with her family, but often visits Moscow, where she recently opened a magic center.

It was in the capital that Kerro was photographed with Mark Alexander Hansen. Marilyn spends a lot of time with this European, as evidenced by photographs on the Internet. True, the star itself mystical show does not comment on rumors about the affair.

However, it does not refute what fans conclude - it is silent, does not delete the photo from official page VKontakte means it’s true.

Therefore, fans are now sure that Marilyn is expecting a child.

An intriguing photo appeared on one of the Instagram pages under the name Kerro, and then on the official VKontakte page. The fans are happy for their favorite. They not only congratulated Marilyn, but also asked many questions.

"This is wonderful! Probably, the little one is already pushing. I knew that everything would be wonderful with Mary! The reward for all good things will not be long in coming!”; “It’s still an interesting photo... I always liked watching how animals interact with children and pregnant women. This is interesting, animals always feel everything very subtly. But some pregnant dogs do not allow dogs near them, especially big ones... They are afraid”; “Did you expect to be pregnant or were you in shock?” - fans wrote in the comments.

And Marilyn responded to some subscribers. From Kerro’s official (but unconfirmed by representatives of the witch) page, she thanked for the congratulations and even hinted at the gender of the child: “The dog is part of the family, she feels the baby very well.” And when asked whether the pregnancy was unexpected, she said: “Long-awaited!”

Member name: Marilyn Kerro

Age (birthday): 18.09.1988

City: Moscow

Left season 16: took 2nd place in the final

Left season 14: took 2nd place in the final

Found an inaccuracy? Let's correct the profile

Read with this article:

Marilyn Kerro surprised everyone by the fact that she knows not only exact date of his birth, but also of his death. She claims that she will die in 2071. But this is not all that a witch can control...

The girl notes that thoughts of death do not bother her at all, and therefore she tries to enjoy life and help other people who need her knowledge and experience. He doesn’t stop there and develops his talents.

Since childhood, Marilyn's life has not been happy. She grew up in poverty and misery. My father drank constantly, he took everything he could out of the house just to buy himself another portion of alcohol. Being under the influence, he beat the girl, while her mother watched all this. Of course, the anger in the girl’s soul has not gone away since then.

When Marilyn was seven, her father abandoned the family completely. To get her daughter back on her feet, the mother had to constantly disappear from work. Despite this, the family had no money.

In the house, the girl was considered strange from an early age, and her peers tried to stay away from her.

Marilyn could not attract attention to herself with things, and children rarely pay attention to the internal content. The girl studied at school, her grades were all excellent. True, the family did not have money for studying at a university.

I had to go to work. Where did Marilyn not have to stop? She was a salesperson, but she couldn’t stay in place because layoffs began.

Next she found work as a vegetable packer. But she wanted more. Then Marilyn goes to study at a modeling school. Many publications began to invite Kerro to photo shoots. Marilyn was a model for 6 years.

Marilyn Kerro is a true supporter of vegetarian nutrition. She is sure that the organs of killed animals include negative energy, and therefore you can’t eat them. Is it only to use animal flesh in conducting magical rituals. The girl explains this by saying that she needs to appease the spirits, and this can only be done through sacrifice.

The witch has tattoos on her body. One of them is on the wrist. There are rumors that it is dedicated to memory deceased friend. There is another one on the back of the head, and hieroglyphs are depicted on the chest.

As for her personal life, Marilyn was not alone. Men celebrated her beautiful appearance Always. The girl, however, had an unpleasant experience in the past. They attacked her and even tried to rape her. This all reminded her of her father's behavior.

Currently in a relationship with
. A romance broke out between them when they took part in the show “Battle of Psychics” season 14. In the summer of 2017, the guys broke up.

Marilyn first showed her gift when she was very young. She played games where she had to conduct séances and summon spirits. According to the girl, the spirits really came.

Then she saw the spirit of a woman in an abandoned house. She was there with her sister. It turned out that only she sees the ghost. She became scared, but after that she learned to communicate with the world of the dead.

Participated in season 14 « Psychic battles ", but took only 2nd place. Sheps invited her to share the victory, but Marilyn wanted hers.

Therefore, Marilyn returned in season 16 to receive a personal statue. But again she only managed to get 2nd place, will she come back again?

Every broadcast she proved that she was worthy only of the highest praise and awards.

In 2016, Marilyn returned to the Battle of Psychics, but did not even go through the casting, but immediately came in the second episode. As a result, I took 2nd place. Marilyn also mentioned that she and Sheps had problems in their relationship. As a result, the psychics broke up.

Don't miss interesting things:

Photos of Marilyn

Marilyn has a very attractive and unusual appearance, once worked as a model.

Marilyn Kerro and her lover Alexander Sheps either quarrel or make up. Recently they once again announced their separation, but a few months before this event, the couple communicated with fans on Periscop. Even then, Marilyn admitted that she had been dreaming of a child for a long time. Estonian witch told fans that she sees the birth of a daughter in her future.

Marilyn recently shared a photo on Instagram and fueled rumors about pregnancy. In the photo, Kerro poses with a noticeably rounded tummy.


Marilyn did not comment on her situation in any way, but put only a few playful emojis and turned off the ability to comment. Next, the participant in the “Battle of Psychics” posted a joint photo with ex-lover Sheps and wrote: “I really like this photo.”

Fans seem to be completely confused about the relationship between Alexander and Marilyn: “Is she pregnant?”, “Are you together? I don’t understand anything,” “She’s not pregnant, it’s just a provocation,” “Mary, are you expecting a baby soon? If yes, then don’t hide it, but on the contrary, brag about it. After all, pregnancy makes any girl beautiful,” “How wonderful you are! Always be together" (Spelling and punctuation are copyrighted. - Note edit.).

Let us remind you that recently the finale of the 17th season of the “Battle of Psychics” took place in the center of Moscow. The winner of the season was spiritual practitioner. It also became known that the finalist of the “Battle” Marilyn Kerro made peace with her lover Alexander Sheps. Alexander came to support Mary in the final. When the lovers went outside, they were surrounded by fans. The crowd began chanting: “Bitter! Bitterly!" And psychics