The official group of Marilyn Kerro is in contact. Hereditary witch from BE: Marilyn Kerro VKontakte

She tricked everyone again. Fans of the charming red-haired clairvoyant were sure that Marilyn and her chosen one would have a daughter. After all, she herself spoke about the future child: baby. But on June 29, a boy was born at night. Remarkably, this night was the June full moon.

The first person to congratulate the clairvoyant was her colleague, psychologist Olga Armasova.

“Dear Marilyn and Alex! I congratulate you on this happy, very important and wonderful event - the birth of your son! On behalf of myself and our entire team, I wish him to grow up healthy, happy man, making mom and dad happy! Mary, dear, now life is divided into “before” and “after”, has acquired new meaning, new context. Congratulations on your new status as “mom”!” she wrote on the official page of the Marilyn Kerro Center.

After that, it was no longer possible to hide anything.

“The full moon of June was truly magical. A long-awaited miracle happened in the family of Marilyn and Mark! A son was born - a little bundle of great happiness and hope” - and now official confirmation has arrived.

And soon the first photo of a young mother with her newborn son appeared on Marilyn’s Instagram page.

“So my pregnancy flew by, and a wonderful miracle was born! My baby! I will protect him as best I can. My first word was “finally,” because I really wanted to see the child. Thank you to everyone who supported me during this period. I will read your comments. Thank you, my dears. I am incredibly happy for everything I have. Love and appreciate your children!” – the clairvoyant signed the tender photo.

Fans began to shower the clairvoyant with congratulations. For several days now, wishes for health, happiness, everything that is customary to wish for young parents have been multiplying on Marilyn’s page.

Let us remember that Marilyn’s pregnancy became known in February. The clairvoyant does not like to talk about the child’s father. It is only known that his name is Mark Hansen; at the time he met Marilyn, he was married, but left his family for the sake of new love. The pregnancy was long-awaited, at least for Marilyn. And she came up with a name for the child almost immediately. Now fans wish her to get married soon. But the Estonian beauty also refuses to talk about this.

Marilyn Kerro - famous Estonian psychic, who captivated the audience not only with his magical art, but also with his incredible perseverance. The girl was the first witch to come to the “Battle of Psychics” project three times. But in each season she took second place, losing several audience votes to her rivals. Despite all the failures, Mary is deservedly the most powerful psychic of the famous project.

Early years

The famous witch was born in September 1988. The girl's birthplace was a suburb of the town Rakvere in Estonia. The early years of the witch passed in very difficult conditions. A constantly busy mother trying to feed her children and a drinking father. When Marilyn Kerro was only 6 years old, her parents separated. The father simply disappeared from their lives, and this was even for the better, because when he got drunk, he could hit his wife in front of the children. Mary still considers her stepfather, who passed away in 2015, to be her father. According to the recollections of the young witch, the family constantly lacked money, so Kerro was deprived of those things that her peers could afford. And the reputation of a child with “oddities” did not bring joy and happiness. Young Marilyn discovered her abilities at the age of six. Then a girl walking along the street was struck by lightning. Since then, she became interested in mysticism and the other world. Her aunt Salma began teaching her niece the art of witchcraft and fortune telling. It was she who became the person who discovered Marilyn door to the world of magic.

Instead of running and playing with friends,

Kerro organized seances in abandoned houses. The loneliness never left Marilyn , even though she grew up surrounded by sisters and relatives. Difficulties well strengthened the character of the young witch, because due to lack of attention, she had to choose her own path through victories and defeats. Despite her difficult childhood, the girl is very grateful to her mother. She admires her strength and courage, since the woman managed to do absolutely everything, even despite the fact that for a long time was a single mother of many children.


While still a child, Mary began to combine school and work. There were a lot of professions in the girl’s life. At first, Mary worked as a saleswoman in a store. The girl liked this job, but by coincidence she was laid off and was fired. Kerro’s new place of work was a vegetable warehouse, where she packaged goods. Having worked as a packer, young girl I realized that if I continued to live like this, I would be able to repeat the fate of my mother. Marilyn Kerro, whose photos are simply mesmerizing, graduated from modeling courses and decided to devote herself to a modeling career. Mom was delighted with the girl’s choice, because she herself had once dreamed of such an activity.

After working for six years, the young witch realized that she was not going her own way. At the age of 16, the girl decided to change her life and left for the UK, leaving school and work. She recalls how she sat at the station for two days, not having a penny to her name, until, by a lucky chance, she was offered to work in a cafe. But life in another country did not suit the young witch’s taste. Returning to her homeland, the girl nevertheless graduated from school with honors. Mary did not go further to receive an education, because financial situation did not allow her to pay for her studies. But in her dreams, Kerro imagined herself as a doctor who, thanks to her extrasensory abilities, could find out the cause of the disease without equipment. However, the girl was not confident in her abilities. Therefore, after watching several seasons of the show “Battle of Psychics,” Marilyn Kerro decided to take part in the project in order to prove to herself and others her abilities.

"Battle of Psychics"

Once on the famous show, from the first tests the girl began to surprise the hosts and television viewers with her gift. 2013 was a real discovery for the girl of herself and her abilities. Not having Russian language skills, the witch used the services of a translator. The audience immediately liked the girl, she was incredibly charming and modest. Occupying a leading position, she easily passed one test per to others. Marilyn Kerro I watched with pleasure how her colleagues on the show worked and learned invaluable experience.

Season 14 famous show became not just a test of strength, but also a new romantic story in the life of a witch. In the final, the girl ended up in the top three psychics, which also included Alexander Sheps . The guy was not inferior in his abilities to the Estonian sorceress, and after the results were announced, he became the winner of the battle. Everyone was surprised by Alexander’s gesture; he wanted to give his prize to the Estonian witch, but she did not accept the gift. After the end of season 14 Marilyn Kerro and Alexander Sheps began to communicate more, which led them to a serious relationship.

In season 16, Mary pulled herself together and returned to the show. Last time, the girl did not like second place, and she returned to take her first place, having enormous experience and a crowd of fans behind her. However, despite this, the girl again took second place, losing to her opponent.

In the 17th season of the battle, the girl again surprised her fans by participating in the show. Before this, no one had come to the “Battle of Psychics” three times in a row. U Marilyn Kerro their own began to appear anti fans are not only among the audience, but also among the participants of the show. However, the girl was unsuccessful again, and she never won the main prize.

Type of magic of the Estonian witch

Marilyn Kerro, whose biography is surprising in its richness, uses magic Voodoo . During their magical rituals the girl uses animal blood, as well as entrails, which she places next to wax dolls. The Estonian witch also often uses her own blood, as well as the blood of a person who wants to know his fate. The girl was taught such magic by her aunt and books, which were inherited from her great-grandmother-witch.

Delving deeper into the knowledge of magic,

Marilyn I realized who I really am. Having abandoned modeling career, the girl devoted herself to the development magical abilities. Now the Estonian witch can see the future and the past, as well as communicate with spirits and ghosts. She can easily figure out the intentions of the person standing in front of her. On at the moment Mary studies healing, and all her attention is aimed at helping people.

The men in Mary's life

Despite her excellent natural gifts, the girl did not have good relationships with the opposite sex throughout her life. The Estonian witch often encounters the admiring glances of men, but for a long time she could not find personal happiness. The girl’s fans believe that this happened because of Mary’s modest and shy disposition. The clairvoyant herself is sure that all problems with men come deep from childhood. Girls who were raised without a father are always not too confident in themselves and in their personal happiness.

Before participating in the project, the Estonian witch was in close contact with the famous Vitaly Gibert, but their friendship never turned into a relationship. Alexey was also a friend of the girl

Pokhabov , but the star of the novel did not work out with him either. The guy simply disappeared without even explaining to the girl what happened

Kerro and Sheps

After the end of season 14, psychic Sheps and Marilyn Kerro began to communicate closely, and as a result fell in love with each other. They began to live together and actively shared their microblogs pictures of joint travels and videos from life. Even when the girl participated in the 16th battle, Alexander strongly supported his beloved and asked his fans to help the girl.

But coming to the seventeenth battle, Mary stunned everyone with the statement that she and

Sheps no longer together. The guy packed his things and moved out of their rented apartment. The real reason The girl did not advertise the separation, but it was clear that some disagreements had arisen between the pair of magicians. Imagine the surprise of the fans when Alexander Sheps appeared in the show's finale. The lovers reunited and, judging by their joint pictures, very happy. About when the wedding will take place, Marilyn Kerro and Alexander do not report.

  • Marilyn Kerro is a vegetarian; she completely gave up meat.
  • In her youth, the witch had bulimia, which she was able to cope with on her own.
  • The girl considers herself a hereditary witch and is ready to soon teach her younger sister everything.
  • There are several tattoos on the girl's body.
  • IN early years Marilyn was abused and encourages girls not to be shy and to speak openly about the problem.
  • The Estonian witch openly disapproves modern system education with grades.

Marilyn Kerro now

At the moment, the girl and her lover are running their own store of magical items and plans to expand. She creates amulets and amulets. The girl also helps people solve problems through sessions.

Mary continues to participate in the filming of the program “Psychics Investigate.” The girl considers it her duty to help people in every possible way in their difficult situations.

Marilyn Kerro is a famous Estonian witch who takes part in the popular program “Battle of Psychics.” She is rightfully considered one of the strongest participants, although she has not yet won first place. However, viewers believe in her miraculous power and many dream of meeting her in person.

Life path of Marilyn Kerro

The future witch was born in a small village near Rakvere - a small village in northern Estonia. Marilyn does not hide the date of her birth and calmly talks about the date of her death. She is sure that she life path will end in April 2071, i.e. when she is 82 years old (date of birth - September 18, 1988).

The Kerro family was always very poor, mainly due to the fact that her father drank heavily and did not help her mother at all to improve the well-being of her household. The mother herself had three daughters, the youngest of whom was Marilyn. Despite financial difficulties, the girls regularly went to school and the youngest graduated with honors. During her studies, Marilyn often rebelled because she was not satisfied existing system education. She quarreled with teachers and even left school for a while. During her studies, Marilyn Kerro tried to help her mother: she worked as a packer at a vegetable base and as a saleswoman. This job, of course, did not suit her, so she decided to complete a modeling course, since her appearance allowed her to do so. Modeling helped the family get out of total poverty - the girl began acting for fashion magazines.

Since Marilyn was busy helping her mother set up normal life family, time to enter medical university she missed it. But this circumstance did not upset the girl too much, because she always felt her destiny in life was to be a witch. Nevertheless, she believes that she is still worth getting a special education in the field of medicine. The practical magic that Marilyn professes is closely related to the structure of the human body.

When Marilyn felt like a witch

Marilyn often communicated with her aunt, who, from the girl’s very tender age, began to show her fortune telling cards and learn how to handle them. At the age of six, Marilyn experienced terrible blow lightning, after which clairvoyance opened to her. At that time, she still did not understand this very clearly, but she could already predict some minor events in the lives of loved ones. Every year the gift of clairvoyance only intensified, and the girl even learned to communicate with spirits. A few years later, she accidentally found her great-grandmother's book, which described in detail how a woman could become a witch. By the way, the great-grandmother of the current witch was also a famous witch. Old book helped develop Marilyn's abilities even more and now she considers herself a Voodoo magician. It was at this time, when the girl plunged headlong into studying practical magic, that she completely left the modeling business.

Merlin Kerro - Voodoo magician

Every witch uses in her work different symbols and methods. Voodoo refers to those that require animal entrails, human blood, and wax dolls for rituals. Marilyn cannot do without knives and candles. The combination of these rather ominous symbols helps the witch look into the past and predict the future for people.

By the way, Marilyn is a real vegetarian, i.e. does not eat animal meat at all. Here's how to use them internal organs in his rituals he considers it justified and necessary if it helps a person in establishing some mysterious truth.

Using human blood, the girl takes it from herself - inflicts a deep cut on herself and thus obtains the means necessary for magic. Everyone who saw Marilyn live or watched programs with her participation noted increased emotionality. Marilyn cries often, but she doesn't do it on purpose. She says that when she becomes completely immersed in the suffering of another person, tears begin to flow involuntarily and help her better understand the problems and fears of her interlocutor.

Marilyn Kerro - how to get an appointment

Many people who believe in practical magic want to see the witch Marilyn in person and ask her for help or advice. Does Marilyn work individually with individuals? Sources say yes. There is information that you can contact her through social networks: , “

Marilyn Kerro comes from a village in northern Estonia, in the suburb of Rakvere. Date of birth: September 18, 1988. She knows the date of her death and is not afraid. Kerro believes that he will die in April 2071.

In the article:

Marilyn Kerro - biography

In the 14th season of the “Battle of Psychics” project, Marilyn did not speak Russian well. The accent is still noticeable, but the audience likes it. During the time between seasons 14–16 of the show, the Estonian witch learned Russian and is almost fluent in it. She doesn't need a translator.

Marilyn Kerro.

She is a vegetarian. I am convinced that animal meat contains negative energy, and she doesn't need it. The witch calmly treats sacrifices, this is a need for the craft. But she loves animals.

Marilyn Kerro's childhood cannot be called easy. The mother earned a living and raised her daughter. Marilyn does not want to call her biological father dad; he abandoned the family when Mary was 6 years old. And for the better, he beat his wife, Mary's mother, and abused alcohol. She calls her stepfather father; he died in 2015.

There was not enough money, and the future witch did not have what her peers had. The reputation of a strange child did not add to happiness - psychic abilities Mary developed them in childhood after being struck by lightning. Because of loneliness, she wanted to commit suicide.

Stepfather, Mary, mother, sister.

However, she is grateful to her mother. She calls her upbringing free - she was allowed to make mistakes and learn from personal experience. The witch has three sisters, the eldest of whom appeared when her mother was 18 years old. Mary speaks of her like this in an interview:

Mom managed to do everything next to the children, she went through a lot, and therefore she is strong. I learned a lot from her. I hope that I will behave the same way with my children.

At first she worked as a salesperson, but lasted three months in this position. She liked her job as a salesperson, but downsizing forced the witch to look for a new place. Marilyn worked as a packer at a vegetable warehouse, but realized that her life would be no different from her mother’s. She decided to change everything and entered a modeling course. After graduation, she improved her financial situation and achieved success by acting for fashion magazines.

At the age of 17, the girl left school and went to the UK. . The mother took this calmly. Mary was not understood at school; conflicts with teachers were common. They became one of the reasons for leaving. Witch not too good opinion about the education system:

University is life. I myself choose the areas of education that interest me. School does not teach a person. The school system needs to be changed, grades need to be abolished, because because of them it turns out that this one is an excellent student, and that one is a poor student. And they look at the poor students: “This is bad boy, nothing will come of it.” Whether such a person can free himself from uncertainty depends on the person. In fact, he can turn out to be a decent person, and an excellent student can turn out to be a drunkard.

Mary went to Great Britain with a friend a year younger than her. They had to sit at the station for two days with 20 pounds in their pocket. Then they started visiting stores and coffee shops in search of work. In one of the establishments, the friends found a position as a waiter and housing. After a while, Mary returned to her homeland.

Marilyn returned to school and graduated with honors. I dreamed of getting a higher education medical education, but failed. She could not help but work, there were times when there was no food in the house. The girl did not have enough time to get an education; she school age I didn’t miss the chance to earn extra money. But she did not abandon her plans:

I want to study to become a family doctor, because I feel a person energetically and see diseases, I could prevent a lot, and people would benefit. But everything will happen when I’m ready for it.

After graduating from school, Mary continued her modeling career in her homeland. She was in this business for about six years. It is difficult to doubt that she has achieved success; Marilyn’s appearance attracts the attention of men who watch the “Battle of Psychics.” But she did not consider a modeling career a vocation. According to Mary, she succumbed to her mother’s influence:

Her dream did not come true, and she tried to make it happen through me. It was a modeling business. But I have a strong inner self, and I was able to express that this is not mine. Mom understood what she was imposing on me... But this is also life experience.

Despite her bright appearance, Marilyn Kerro had no personal life. At the beginning of the 14th season of the “Battle of Psychics”, she claimed that she had neither a husband nor a boyfriend, and was not in a relationship. Marilyn ate her loneliness with junk food.

There are many reasons for his distrust of men. The witch's social circle was small - best friend from Estonia, mother, sisters and their husbands, and stepfather. There was a friend named Michael who died a few years ago. Mary has no friends in Moscow. She is picky in communication.

They tried to rape Marilyn Kerro (photo from the VK official group).

A failed rape attempt is another cause of problems in your personal life. After the incident, she was left with a black eye and marks on her neck after strangulation, the main and serious thing was psychological trauma; she did not allow Marilyn to start a relationship with a man.

By posting photos taken after the terrible incident for everyone to see, Kerro decided to support the victims of violence and declare that it is impossible to remain silent about this. A similar situation can happen to anyone, and victims of violence need support. Marilyn believes that most girls who grew up without a father have problems with the opposite sex in adulthood.

Marilyn Kerro and Alexander Sheps.

There were rumors about an affair. In the show of the 14th season, a psychic from Estonia met love. Mary says that competition in the “Battle of Psychics” did not interfere with her personal life. The relationship began a month and a half after we met.

In 2016, viewers of the show were upset by the admission of a difficult relationship with Sheps. The reason for this is Mary’s desire to have children and a family, but what Alexander wants is a mystery. She is ripe for relationships and is sure that she knows about family problems after the birth of children:

A woman in a relationship loses herself after having children. She devotes herself 100% to her children, does not develop and forgets her husband. A man thinks why he is needed if nothing is shared with him. He has nothing to talk about with such a woman, and he leaves. In a relationship, the woman and her interests come first, then the husband, then the children. When there is harmony between them and a woman feels her own dignity, children do not need special attention, they will grow up happy.

“Men hold back their emotions and work a lot. A man is not necessarily the head of the family; both are equal. But it’s not like that – I earn money, it’s up to me to decide.”

Now Mary speaks like this about people who close themselves off from love:

These are scared people. They are afraid that they will be hurt, but then it is better to go to the cemetery, because you are afraid to live. There are joys and sorrows in life, they go hand in hand, there are no other options.

In a similar way, the girl spoke about relationships that were not developing. It's about people's uncertainty and fear, they are afraid to take a step and experience pain. Recommends getting rid of fears; life with them will not lead to good things.

Voodoo dolls from a witch.

Marilyn advises to step back from the ego and listen to the voice of the heart. You feel bad together - leave. Okay, but there are problems that need to be solved. She is sure that every person is given signs, and one must be able to recognize them and distinguish them from manifestations of one’s own ego.

Marilyn tattoos

Kerro tattoo.

The witch has tattoos on her body. On the left hand there is a tattoo in the shape of a butterfly and with a name Michael. This is the name of a friend who died six years ago. She calls him a ray of light; in memory of this man, the girl wears a tattoo. She calls what happens between friends spiritual kinship; it arises when people have known each other for several incarnations:

Spiritual kinship means that you are close throughout other lives. You get the feeling that you have known the person for a long time. And they are right, since they met him in past lives. This is where awareness comes from. But in spiritual world there is no concept of “friendship”... This is the memory of the lives we lived together, since we live more than once.

This tattoo is not present in many photographs; it was removed by a photo editor. Viewers of the “Battle of Psychics” considered the images on Mary’s body to be fake. But the tattoos are real, except for the runes on her stomach and chest, which she showed during the test with the trunk in the 16th season.

On Mary’s neck is a tattoo with the inscription Believe, which translates from English as “believe.” There is also an inscription under the chest - Verus Amor, which translated from Latin means “true love”.

What type of magic does the witch practice?

Marilyn Kerro is angry.

Estonian witch Marilyn Kerro positions herself as a voodoo magician. She uses animal entrails, blood, knives, candles and wax dolls when performing magic. Mary works with the voodoo egregor and the world of the dead. She uses blood too, and the depth of the self-inflicted cuts shocked the show's audience. But Mary takes this calmly and does not believe that the cuts will negatively affect her well-being. He practices blood magic, and considers cutting to be a necessary measure; it cannot be abandoned when you need to get results in witchcraft.

Kerro was introduced to magic by his aunt; she was a witch and made money by telling fortunes. Training started in early childhood. At the age of six, Marilyn survived a lightning strike, after which her abilities manifested themselves in full force. Voodoo magic and the help of the dead, visions of the future became available to her. IN mature age Marilyn found her great-grandmother's book, she was also a witch. The study of magic and a career as a clairvoyant became the main reason for ending her modeling career.

The witch calls her favorite pastime in childhood; they came to her seances and moved objects. Then she learned to see spirits without spiritualism. The first time this happened, the aspiring young witch was scared. This happened while playing with my sister in an old abandoned house. She saw a woman who lived in it until death. Later, the abandoned house became the place where she performed rituals.

During one of the seances conducted by Marilyn after she found her great-grandmother’s book, its owner appeared to her. And she said that magic is the great-granddaughter’s life path, she takes the baton and becomes the next witch in the dynasty. Ghosts can't scare Marilyn. She can lure creatures from another world using blood.

Marilyn was unable to decipher her great-grandmother's notes. An Estonian specialist in ancient books helped with this. With his help, I was able to understand the knowledge left by the previous witch in the family. When Mary began to deliberately study magic, her friends noticed how she had changed. Outlook on life became more serious, high spirits evaporated. Marilyn began to take her choice of friends seriously, and the gift of clairvoyance helped to recognize the intentions of others. During this period, Mary decided to become a psychic.

Despite her wary attitude towards men, Marilyn Kerro loves to attract attention and arouse admiration. She feeds on the energy of male attention and considers attractiveness and femininity to be important qualities for a witch.

Marilyn Kerro in "Battle of Psychics"

Marilyn Kerro appeared in the “Battle of Psychics” project in season 14. She took second place and lost first to Alexander Sheps. During the show, Marilyn received more than one white envelope, and this is a well-deserved reward for her abilities Estonian witch. She impressed viewers as a strong witch from the first episodes of the 14th season.

In the first days of filming, Kerro admitted that she felt uncomfortable under the gun of photo and television cameras. She grew up in the village, and was not used to having so many eyes turned to her. And given her modeling background, filming was difficult for the witch. She decided to participate in the show when she saw herself at the “Battle of Psychics” in a dream.

While participating in the 14th season of the “Battle of Psychics,” Marilyn believed that winning was gaining valuable experience. In an interview she said that filming made her stronger and gave her self-confidence. According to Mary, numbers and places are just numbers and places. It doesn't matter to her.

Marilyn Kerro at the "Battle of Psychics".

Marilyn Kerro came into the 16th season of the show with fans. On Internet resources dedicated to the project, they argue that Marilyn Kerro came to the 16th season for first place. She had the second, but the third and lower are not according to the status of a powerful witch and can damage her reputation. Kerro had considerable experience, a magical gift, as well as perseverance and willpower. However, Mary came in second place.

She returned to the “Battle of Psychics” in the 17th season. The reason was problems in relations with Sheps. Before the start of the 16th season, she spoke in an interview about her attitude towards second place in the project:

For me, winning the “Battle of Psychics” did not matter, and Alexander said the same. The most important thing is that I found a soul mate. When we reached the finals, we laughed among ourselves that it didn’t matter at all which of us won.

Kerro has a special relationship with fans. She regularly holds meetings, answers questions from subscribers and leads fan groups in social networks. Communication with fans is an important part of a witch's life.

If you are interested in how to fulfill a wish, a ritual from Marilyn Kerro will help. It is easy to carry out and effective. You will need a sprout of any plant, a new flower pot, as well as a sheet of paper and a pen. A ritual is performed for the waxing moon.

Write your wish on paper. It is important to formulate it correctly. To be happy, buying an apartment is not enough, so write - “ new apartment" When you write, imagine that your wish has come true. Try to feel the joy of owning what you dreamed of.

Place the wish leaf at the bottom of the pot and cover it with soil, then plant it. Pour with these words:

Grow, my desire, I will look after you, cherish you and cherish you. You will grow up strong, healthy and beautiful. I will admire you, and you will give me joy.

The spell is said every time you water. The pot should be in the bedroom. You will have to take care of the plant, it is growing - the desire is preparing to be embodied in real life . If he dies, it will not be fulfilled. It will be fulfilled when the plant gets stronger.

How to get an appointment with Kerro

Photo by Kerro on Instagram.

Like , Marilyn accepts people in need magical help. Receptions are held in Moscow, where the clairvoyant lives. You can sign up on its official website. Marilyn Kerro is on Instagram, VKontakte and other social networks, where telephone numbers for making appointments are indicated.

She started helping people at the age of 17–18, but considers this definition selfish, as she said in an interview:

I wouldn't call it help, it sounds selfish. More like people come to me for advice or seeking direction.

In 2015, Marilyn received people in a four-room apartment rented in Moscow, where she lived with Alexander Sheps. It is located near the city center. However, the energy of the clients began to interfere with the witch, and she rented an apartment specifically for receptions. In an interview, Mary said that buying real estate in Moscow is expensive for her. The appointment schedule is different from the usual, and there are no days off:

I am a night person, my day begins at twelve o'clock. I tried to take it in early time, but I can’t, because energetically I can’t work in the morning. Every day with people, and if I miss one, I feel like it’s missing.

From an interview with EESTI PAEVALEHT, it became known why the queue for Marilyn is scheduled ahead:

I received three to four people a day, I realized that this was a lot. It's two now. Mister says that this is too much, but I feel that two is what is needed. When they come to me with the topic of death, I cancel the next appointment because there is no energy.

Before receptions, the witch does not eat or drink herbal tea. She is used to having breakfast in the evening; she considers it harmful to eat before practicing magic. Mary and Alexander’s refrigerator is almost empty - the couple eats in a cafe or orders food to be taken home.

Marilyn conducts training seminars in Moscow. They provide an opportunity to learn a lot personally from a clairvoyant and discover the dormant abilities in every person.

  • Read along with this article:

Marilyn Kerro suggests purchasing products from magical properties. These are voodoo dolls, they will become a personal assistant in any matter. Each one is unique, just like people. The voodoo doll set contains charged Kerro stones and autographed instructions for use. She also publishes books about practical magic.

Marilyn Kerro is an Estonian model, psychic, participant in the 14th, 16th and 17th seasons of the Russian “Battle of Psychics”. At this show, she was just one step away from winning. She calls herself a hereditary witch.

Childhood and adolescence

Marilyn was born in the suburbs of the Estonian town of Rakvere. By the way, Marilyn Kerro is a real name, not a beautiful pseudonym.

The parents paid little attention to their daughter: the father drank, and the mother tried to earn money to feed the family. Most of the time, the baby was left to her own devices, communicating mainly with her aunt Salme, who practiced witchcraft and fortune telling. She opened the door to the world of magic for Mary.

Instead of playing with her peers, little Marilyn loved to conduct seances in an abandoned barn. From her aunt and great-grandmother, who, according to family legend, was also a witch, she inherited magic books. According to Marilyn's story, at the age of six she was struck by lightning, after which she began to see the future.

The girl began bringing money to the family at the age of 13. At first she sewed curtains, and in the summer she went to Finland to pick strawberries. And at the age of 16, she and her friend fled to Britain, where she got a job as a waitress. She returned to Estonia six months later, realizing that foggy England was not for her. Mary graduated from school with honors, but lack of money in the family prevented her from continuing her education. Therefore, she had to get a job: first as a saleswoman, then as a packer at a vegetable warehouse. But such a life did not suit the unusual girl, and she took a modeling course. Mary had all the data for this: when tall she was very thin, since at the age of 16 she had first-hand experience with bulimia. The disease was subsequently overcome, and since then Marilyn has been a vegetarian.

The mother, who in her youth dreamed of the catwalk and photo shoots, was pleased with her daughter’s career and hoped that this would distract Marilyn from practicing magic. However, Marilyn herself, having moved to Tallinn and devoted six years modeling business, did not give up spiritualism. As the girl herself said, during one of the sessions the spirit of her great-grandmother-witch appeared to her and pointed out her true purpose.

Shortly after this, Marilyn saw her stepfather watching the Russian entertainment show “Battle of Psychics” on TV. She began to observe with interest and solved all the tasks for the participants. The girl decided that this was a sign and decided to take part in the program herself.

Marilyn Kerro at the "Battle of Psychics"

From that moment on, her fate changed dramatically. In 2013, having made it to the final of the 14th season of “Battle” and taking second place, Marilyn gained enormous experience and earned the love of millions of television viewers. The victory was won by Alexander Sheps, who was even ready to give her his prize. But Mary said that she herself would return for him next season, and kept her promise.

In 2015, she took part in the 16th season of the “Battle of Psychics.” Viewers remembered the episode in which the organizers hid a skull in a box allegedly Bigfoot. Entering the room where the remains lay, Kerro began to tremble and cry. “People are paying for this - one woman has already buried her husband, there will be other deaths.” Based on the results of that issue, she was recognized as the best psychic. But again she was only one step short of victory, which was literally snatched from her hands by the St. Petersburg witch Victoria Rydos.

But this failure did not break the purposeful Estonian. In 2016, unexpectedly for everyone, she appeared again in “Battle”. Her third arrival caused bewilderment and criticism not only among her rivals, but also among television viewers. However, Marilyn did not pay attention to such trifles and persistently walked towards her goal. And again second place - first went to the mystic Swami Dashi. Fans are left wondering whether their favorite will appear in the next season of Battle or follow the saying “God loves three.”

Marilyn Kerro about the finale of the 17th season of “Battle of Psychics”

Marilyn Kerro enjoys the fruits of popularity to the fullest. In 2017, she opened a store of magical items, “Magic Workshop”: first in Tallinn, then similar stores appeared in Samara and Moscow. On the counter are various amulets and talismans, voodoo dolls self made and other accessories for magical rituals.

Personal life of Marilyn Kerro

During her first participation in the “Battle of Psychics,” Marilyn became close to another participant, the young psychic Alexander Sheps. Despite the fact that the girl spoke Russian very poorly at that time, this did not stop the young people from becoming first close friends and then a romantic couple.