Abramovich's new love. Who is Roman Abramovich dating now: the oligarch's new girls

A year has passed since unexpected divorce Abramovich and Daria Zhukova. The marriage of the oligarch and the gallery owner lasted almost ten years. This union produced two children - son Aaron-Alexander and daughter Leah. The cause of the collapse of the family was, as always, another woman. But until today, the general public does not know either her name or age. The tabloids attributed the oligarch to an affair with ballerina Diana Vishneva, actress Yulia Peresild and even Olga Buzova. But none of these rumors were confirmed. Who is he dating now? eligible bachelor Roman Abramovich?

Roman Abramovich and his new girl: last news 2018

Although the former spouses retained quite warm and friendly relations, but each of them lives his own life. Daria is credited with an affair with Greek billionaire Stavros Niarchos, who broke up with his fiancée for her sake. The couple is often seen together on social events.

As for her ex-husband, he seems to be in no hurry to get married again and is enjoying his freedom. Last year, many media outlets claimed that the oligarch was courting it-girl Nadezhda Obolentseva. She is the founder of the intellectuals club “418”. Not long ago, Nadezhda divorced her second husband, top manager of Neftegazindustriya, Airat Iskhakov. Many were waiting for Obolentseva to move to Abramovich after his official divorce. But so far this has not happened. And there is no confirming data about the romance between Nadezhda and the oligarch.

As for Yulia Peresild, she was seen many times in company with Abramovich at exhibition openings, premieres, and sporting events. Although the actress is married and has two children, this does not stop her from whileing away her time in the company of the famous oligarch. Whether this is a romance or just a friendly relationship, no one knows. Julia herself spoke rather ironically about this on Instagram, listing all the alleged lovers whom the press attributed to her. Roman Abramovich was also on this list. But, judging by Peresild’s humorous tone, he is not the hero of her novel.

The romance between Buzova and Abramovich is a figment of the imagination of Olga’s fans and herself. Trying to stir up interest in herself, the TV presenter and for some time now the singer began to hint at her possible romance with the oligarch. But in reality, all these rumors turned out to be just rumors and dreams of the former participant of House-2 herself. Photos where Olga is captured with Abramovich are just photoshop and not the actual High Quality.

But who is she – the new fourth wife of oligarch Abramovich? Perhaps the eligible groom himself is already tired of trying to create an ideal family and has decided to fully enjoy his single life without a stamp in his passport? The personal life of the famous bachelor remains under seven seals.

Wives and children of Roman Abramovich

The oligarch's first wife was Olga Lysova. The union did not last long and was childless. Abramovich entered into a second marriage with flight attendant Irina Milandina. The couple managed to have five children together - three daughters and two sons. But in March 2007, this union also fell apart.

The third wife of Roman Arkadyevich was Daria Zhukova. In this marriage, the couple had two children. The Union was ordered to live long on August 7, 2017. In all cases, divorces took place quietly, without unnecessary fuss and scandals. As it became known, Roman Arkadyevich preferred to conclude marriage contracts to protect your condition. According to these papers, the wife could only receive the amount specified in it.

The divorce from his first wife was the simplest and fastest, since there were no children in this marriage, and he did not have any special wealth at that time either. But the oligarch gave his second wife almost half of his fortune (about 6 billion pounds sterling), houses and yachts. The amount of compensation was a record in the entire history of divorce proceedings. It was Irina who became the wife who inspired Abramovich to great achievements. Thanks to her, he earned his fortune, which was reflected in their agreement after the divorce. The couple stayed in good relations, and Roman Arkadyevich accepts Active participation in the lives of their five children.

One can only guess what Daria Zhukova got after breaking up with the oligarch. The spouses have many joint projects, which they continue to conduct as business partners. Abramovich's fortune as of 2018 is estimated at almost $11 billion.

Roman Abramovich, who " good friend", preparing kebabs for Yeltsin and his team, getting divorced. In general, the billionaire is a groom again, despite the huge number of children. Even if he leaves his wife and children houses, yachts, apartments and a decent maintenance, he will not become much poorer and not for long. His assets are enough to comfortable life grandchildren.

Smart businessman Roman Abramovich and his wife Daria Zhukova announced their divorce together. “We have made the difficult decision to separate, but we remain close friends, parents of two wonderful children and partners in projects that we started and developed together,” the couple said in a statement.

Rumors about the separation of Abramovich and Zhukova appeared three years ago. The oligarch was credited with an affair with the famous Russian ballerina, prima of the Mariinsky Theater Diana Vishneva. However, later Abramovich's representative denied this information.

Daria Zhukova and Roman Abramovich lived together for about 10 years. According to rumors, it was for the sake of Daria that Abramovich broke up with ex-wife Irina Malandina. Zhukova gave birth to two children to the oligarch: in 2009, a son, Aaron Alexander, and in 2013, a daughter, Leia. Zhukova heads the Moscow Center modern culture"Garage", enjoys clothing design and collecting art.

Before his affair with Dasha Zhukova, oligarch Roman Abramovich was married twice. Once, while still very young, he proposed to a girl named Olga, whom he soon divorced, and a few years later he met a woman who became his life partner for a long time. At the time when he met flight attendant Irina on the plane, Abramovich was still a novice businessman and was still far from billions. A chance acquaintance resulted in a whirlwind romance, and soon the lovers got married.

Roman Abramovich's second marriage seemed truly strong - his wife supported the entrepreneur in all his endeavors and was with him at that difficult moment when he was moving towards the top of his career. Over the 16 years of their relationship, the couple had five children - could anyone believe that they would ever separate?

But life is sometimes more surprising than any book or film - Abramovich’s path to untold wealth was thorny, which negatively affected his relationship with his wife. In one of her interviews, Irina Abramovich said: “My life with Roman is not at all the fairy tale that the newspapers tell about. For my safety and, most importantly, the safety of our children, he hired a whole staff of employees from a security agency. We changed numbers cell phones once a week so that no one can track my whereabouts. On the other hand, he and I understood that we couldn’t hide children somewhere and not show them life - that wouldn’t work. That's why we went to theaters and museums with a crowd of security guards. My husband took it calmly, but every year it became more and more difficult for me.”

As a result, a marriage in which Roman and Irina could not even afford relaxing holiday with children, cracked. True, this happened when all the difficulties seemed to be behind us - in 2007, the whole world had known the name of Abramovich for a long time - and the dangers of the “dashing 90s” had passed, but it was at that moment that the couple began to think about divorce.

Roman Abramovich himself has never given an interview about his personal life, so true reasons His separation from Irina can only be guessed at. However, rumors persistently suggest that the divorce occurred because the businessman met a new love - the smart and beautiful Daria Zhukova, who is also 15 years younger than Roman.

Roman Abramovich and his future lover Dasha Zhukova met in 2005 at a football match in Barcelona. The girl, who can safely be classified as a representative of the “golden youth”, periodically went to the stadium in the company of her father, businessman Alexander Zhukov - it was he who introduced his daughter to the billionaire. According to the “official version”, Roman and Daria liked each other during a pleasant conversation at a party dedicated to the victory English club Chelsea, owned by Abramovich, over the Spanish Barcelona. By the way, at that time not only was the businessman married, but Dasha herself was not free - she was dating tennis player Marat Safin.

However, after meeting Abramovich, Zhukova somehow became particularly interested in football, and not tennis... In any case, she began to be noticed regularly at Chelsea matches in the company of a businessman - it was then in Western media and rumors spread that Russian billionaire intends to leave his wife for his young passion.

The press in Russia did not believe in this novel until recently. It seemed that a long-standing marriage and five children were reliable protection against separation. But then Roman Abramovich finally made up his mind - he officially filed for divorce, pledging to support his family in full prosperity and abundance, and began openly dating Dasha Zhukova.

The stormy romance between Abramovich and Zhukova developed in front of cameras, but the couple made it a rule never to talk about their relationship with journalists. The lovers lead a measured lifestyle, spending most of their time not on land, but at sea - on the oligarch's luxurious yacht called Eclipse.

Rumors about upcoming wedding At the beginning of their relationship, Daria and Roman appeared almost every week, but they were in no hurry to arrange a ceremony. Then, in 2009, Zhukova gave her lover a son, Aaron, and 4 years later, a daughter, Leah.

Roman Abramovich always gave Dasha generous gifts. girl with early childhood was fond of art, and it was with the help of a billionaire that she managed to fulfill her long-time dream - to open the Garage exhibition center in Moscow, which became one of the most popular in the capital, and also to organize numerous exhibitions abroad, promoting Russian art to the masses.

Recently one of the most richest people Russia's Roman Abramovich and socialite Daria Zhukova announced that they broke up after ten years of marriage. The couple emphasized that this decision was extremely difficult for them. Nevertheless, the former lovers will continue to raise their common children - three-year-old Leah and seven-year-old Aaron - and develop joint projects, which include the Garage Museum in Moscow and the cultural center " New Holland" in St. Petersburg.


The news of the separation of 50-year-old Roman and 36-year-old Daria had the effect of a bomb exploding and provoked heated discussions on the Internet. Many were perplexed as to why the couple, whose relationship seemed ideal from the outside, decided to separate. While Abramovich's fans rejoiced and made plans to win the heart of the oligarch, other Internet users put forward different versions what happened between Abramovich and Zhukova. Thus, the notorious blogger Lena Miro said that the separation of the businessman and the it-girl was quite expected.

“In general, nothing surprising happened. After Dasha Zhukova got caught with a man, it was clear that there would be no further relationship. (...) Roman Abramovich, unlike the hamster, has every reason to consider himself an alpha male. Just like Dasha Zhukova, thinking that she wasn’t found in a garbage dump. Each of them has reason to nurture their own freedoms, but not one of them is satisfied with the freedoms of their partner,” says the blogosphere star.

Miro believes that the separation of the spouses was influenced by their characters. Being leaders by nature, Daria and Roman had difficulty putting up with an equally demanding person next to them. “Both Abramovich and Zhukova need betas, or even gammas,” Lena concluded.

Singer Natalya Sturm, with whom Roman Abramovich was once in love, believes that the vacant position of the oligarch’s other half has already been filled. It was for this purpose that the entrepreneur and the it-girl decided to announce their separation.

“For the public, they've dotted the i's for something. For what? They are the only ones known. Either it will be an official marriage of either Dasha or Roman Arkadyevich, or it will be announced new union. So that it doesn’t look like dirt, they are forced to announce that everything is over,” commented Sturm.

The names of Roman Abramovich's alleged lovers regularly appear on the Internet. Whoever they don't name new darling businessman. Thus, some predict that Diana Vishneva, the wife of the Mariinsky Theater, will be the oligarch’s wife. A couple of years ago, Roman attended her private dinner alone, and then undertook to sponsor the ballerina’s project. Another possible contender for the role of the entrepreneur’s companion is it-girl Nadezhda Obolentseva. Most recently, she divorced Ayrat Iskhakov, so she is ready to accept Abramovich’s courtship.

Blogger and social commentator Bozena Rynska believes that rumors about Roman Abramovich's hobby ex-wife wealthy oligarch are not true.

"I do not know for sure. But definitely not with Nadya Obolentseva,” these are the words the journalist answered when asked about the new romance of the owner of the Chelsea club.

At the same time, Rynska claims that she knows the identity of Zhukova’s chosen one, with whom she has been dating for about three months. However, the notorious blogger refused to declassify the gallery owner’s other half. “I won’t tell you and don’t ask,” the woman shared on Facebook.

In the comments to Bozhena’s post, a whole discussion unfolded. Rynski's followers put forward their own assumptions about who Zhukova is dating. However, the blogger was relentless and continued to remain silent, only occasionally answering questions from subscribers. So, according to the woman, Roman Abramovich’s ex-lover is definitely not dating Emmanuel Macron or anyone from Donald Trump’s family.

In addition, Bozena Rynska denies that Daria Zhukova is allegedly happy in her relationship with Heidi Klum’s ex-lover Vito Schnabel, with whom she was photographed by an Italian tabloid. By the way, a serious scandal broke out then. As a result, Abramovich’s representatives declared that the pictures were “fake” and managed to remove them from the publication’s website. Rynska claims that Zhukova is dating a young and attractive man.

“Not him at all. He's handsome and big-nosed. And this freak is kind of disgusting. He’s like a young Abramovich, but taller and more beautiful,” Bozena commented on the resonant footage.


A source from Forbes magazine claims that there is no talk of any official divorce between Abramovich and Zhukova yet. The same, according to the insider, applies to compensation for Zhukova. Whether this is so is not known for certain.

However, there is also a point of view that Roman Abramovich and Daria Zhukova divorced in the spring, they were simply in no hurry to announce the change marital status. If this information is true, then there will definitely be no division of jointly acquired property. However, lawyer Alexander Dobrovinsky, who specializes in separations of the rich and famous, believes that Roman and Daria discussed all the issues when they got married.

"I think it's smart people and they certainly did. All documents have been signed about what will happen if the couple breaks up. So don't expect any process. The crowd will not get a discussion, because there will be no process,” Dobrovinsky told reporters.

An expert on all matters, Yuri Loza, is worried about which spouse will get Chelsea. The artist worries about the future of the football club.

“If he does, then even more or less. If she does, then it will probably be interesting. A woman at the helm of a football team? For me this spectacle is not very clear. Chelsea is a good football club. Still, Abramovich is interested in football: he goes to matches, makes some decisions, and participates in the life of the club. If Chelsea goes to her, then it will be a burden for her,” the musician said.

Everything else, the artist emphasized, is of little interest to him. As for the separation of Roman and Daria, the man considers this a completely normal phenomenon. “The rich get divorced, the poor get divorced,” journalists quote Loza.

Due to sensational statement the press also recalled the man’s previous divorce about the separation of Roman Abramovich and Daria Zhukova. Then the amount of compensation that Irina received amounted to a record 300 million dollars. Moreover, the oligarch undertook to support five common children and gave his ex-wife four villas in the UK, an estate in West Sussex, two apartments in London and a castle in France. Now Irina is among the most richest women Russia. Daria Zhukova, journalists say, will get (or has already gotten) no less.


One of the most discussed posts in the blogosphere was the recent publication of TV personality Ksenia Sobchak. The star spoke out in support loved one who is going through a difficult period in life. Many immediately decided that we're talking about about Daria Zhukova, whom the presenter has known for about twenty years.

“You must be able to appreciate what comes into your life, enjoy what you have, and, the most difficult thing, let go when it all ends... Today I am in thoughts with one very dear person, whom I have known since childhood, a beautiful and bright woman, which has a lot of incredible discoveries and new roads ahead!” – Ksenia shared on the microblog.

According to Alexander Dobrovinsky, he knows who initiated the separation, but does not plan to share this information with the press. The lawyer emphasized that Zhukova and Abramovich are “very decent people” who have done a lot for the public good. Lawyer defended ex-lovers from the attacks of ill-wishers and called for them to leave privacy at rest.

“Look what Dasha and Roman Arkadyevich did for art! Look what Roman Abramovich did for our sport, it’s amazing! Took over in his most difficult moments. Look what Chukotka is like! And what a golf club he built, which is completely subsidized, like most of the things he does. How much money he invested in Chelsea football and how much joy it brings to the fans,” Dobrovinsky said.

Roman Abramovich's first love, singer Natalya Sturm, is also extremely good opinion about an entrepreneur and his ex-girlfriend. According to the singer of the hit “ School Romance", the oligarch and socialite never boasted of their wealth. This behavior, the artist notes, is worthy of respect.

"These were beautiful relationship. I really liked Dasha in this couple. She never showed off her wealth, didn’t show off, didn’t create hype. She gave birth to two children from her beloved man. Roman Abramovich never caused scandals. He's a good person. He was as good as a child, and so he is now. It’s breaking up normally,” Sturm said.

Materials from Forbes, RBC, RIA Novosti and "Komsomolskaya Pravda".

His controversial figure arouses constant public interest. He did fast career, achieved success in the field of entrepreneurship, became the owner of a multi-billion dollar fortune. Many people are interested in what kind of women surrounded this man and who Abramovich’s wife is now.

First marriage

He met Olga Yuryevna Lysova, that was the name of Roman Arkadyevich’s first wife, when he returned from the army. They rumored that their marriage was the revenge of Abramovich's first love. The girl's name was Victoria Zaborovskaya. The future oligarch would be happy to connect his life with her, but Vika’s wealthy relatives opposed the marriage. Therefore, she never became Abramovich’s first wife. Expelled from the Ukhta Industrial Institute for poor academic performance, Roman joined the army. When he returned, he learned about the fickleness of his beloved: the girl very quickly found a new boyfriend and even managed to get married.

At first, Roman and Olga made a living by trading at the market. After Abramovich met Vladimir Tyurin, the business took on a different form: young people started selling rubber toys.

But this was not enough for the novice businessman, and he became interested in oil trading. Of course, during this period, Abramovich’s wife (we posted a photo of the couple above) supported her husband in everything. The love between them was sincere. Roman officially adopted Olga’s daughter from her first marriage, Anastasia. Unfortunately, due to health reasons, the woman could no longer have children. Roman Abramovich, who was left an orphan at an early age, dreamed of big family. At the time of the divorce, the young family did not have a significant fortune; the one-room apartment went to ex-wife Abramovich. Subsequently, Roman did not communicate with her.

Stewardess Irina Malandina

At the beginning of the 1990s, the future oligarch often had to visit Germany on financial matters. This is how he accidentally met the charming flight attendant Irina Malandina.

Irina's family lived modestly. Parents worked as waiters. At two years old, the girl was left without a father, so it was not easy for her mother to be alone. At twenty-three, the girl, thanks to the help of her aunt, was able to get a job on international airlines.

Second marriage

The development of the couple's relationship was rapid and stormy. A couple of months later, Abramovich filed for divorce from his first wife and began preparing for marriage to Irina. They got married in 1991.

Abramovich's second wife fulfilled his dream of becoming a father. Over the years together family life this couple had five children: Anna, Arkady, Sophia, Arina and Ilya. In the strength of their marriage, which lasted sixteen years, for a long time there was no doubt.

Reasons for divorce

The wife managed to become a real keeper of the family hearth. But... this idyll is over. In 2005, Roman Arkadyevich met with new love- smart and beautiful Daria Zhukova.

Irina refused to believe the rumors reaching her about this affair. Well-wishers tried their best. This went on for about a year until she saw a photo of the couple in the press. A serious conversation took place between the spouses. Abramovich's wife's decision was divorce. Until the last moment, the press hoped for a different outcome of events. Only this didn't happen. After the subsequent official divorce, Roman Abramovich pledged to allocate sufficient funds for maintenance former family. He stopped hiding his meetings with Zhukova from prying eyes. By the way, the couple were able to separate without a violent division of property. The relationship between them was warm and friendly. There were rumors among secular gossips that Irina harbored hopes for a family reunification and could forgive her husband for betrayal.

After the breakup

Roman Abramovich's older children live independently. The two youngest - Arina and Ilya - with their mother. The father actively participates in their lives, tries to meet with them more often and does not skimp on expensive gifts. So, he took upon himself to pay for the expensive hobby of his daughters Arina and Sofia - horse riding.

Abramovich's wife received almost six billion pounds sterling, half of her ex-husband's real estate in the UK, and a French castle. She has unlimited use of the Pelorus yacht and a private Boeing 737 jet. Thanks to the “dowry” she received, the woman found herself on the list of wealthy English brides. She has several places of residence: London, the south of France, Switzerland and Russia.

Daria Zhukova - third wife

This girl is one of the true representatives of the “golden” youth. Her parents, businessman and microbiologist Elena Zhukova, separated after her birth. Mom was invited to work in the USA, and Dasha went with her. From the age of sixteen the girl lived in London. She met Roman Abramovich at a football match. The meeting turned into a romance. Daria even broke up with tennis player Marat Safin.

The couple formalized their relationship in 2008. Everyone found out about it a few years later. This is how Roman and Daria protected their personal lives. Dasha became the mother of two more sons, Aaron and daughter Leah. In the photo, Abramovich's wife is shown with them. Roman assisted Dasha in opening the contemporary art center Garage (Moscow). The girl is also a co-owner of the clothing company Kora & T.

But this couple also experienced a breakdown in their relationship. Moreover, rumors about him appeared quite a long time ago. The husband and wife began to be noticed quite often spending free time apart. In the end, the couple announced their separation and decided to remain close friends, partners in previously started joint projects. And of course, they will raise children together.

A year has passed since the unexpected divorce of Abramovich and Daria Zhukova. The marriage of the oligarch and the gallery owner lasted almost ten years. This union produced two children - son Aaron-Alexander and daughter Leah. The cause of the collapse of the family was, as always, another woman. But until today, the general public does not know either her name or age. The tabloids attributed the oligarch to an affair with ballerina Diana Vishneva, actress Yulia Peresild and even Olga Buzova. But none of these rumors were confirmed. Who is the eligible bachelor Roman Abramovich dating now?

Roman Abramovich and Daria Zhukova with daughter Leya

Roman Abramovich and his new girlfriend: latest news of 2018

Although the former spouses maintained quite warm and friendly relations, each of them lives their own life. Daria is credited with an affair with Greek billionaire Stavros Niarchos, who broke up with his fiancée for her sake. The couple is often seen together at social events.

In the photo - Dasha Zhukova and Stavros Niarchos

As for her ex-husband, he seems to be in no hurry to get married again and is enjoying his freedom. Last year, many media outlets claimed that the oligarch was courting it-girl Nadezhda Obolentseva. She is the founder of the intellectuals club “418”. Not long ago, Nadezhda divorced her second husband, top manager of Neftegazindustriya, Airat Iskhakov. Many were waiting for Obolentseva to move to Abramovich after his official divorce. But so far this has not happened. And there is no confirming data about the romance between Nadezhda and the oligarch.

In the photo is Nadezhda Obolentseva

As for Yulia Peresild, she was seen many times in company with Abramovich at exhibition openings, premieres, and sporting events. Although the actress is married and has two children, this does not stop her from whileing away her time in the company of the famous oligarch. Whether this is a romance or just a friendly relationship, no one knows. Julia herself spoke rather ironically about this on Instagram, listing all the alleged lovers whom the press attributed to her. Roman Abramovich was also on this list. But, judging by Peresild’s humorous tone, he is not the hero of her novel.

In the photo is Yulia Peresild

The romance between Buzova and Abramovich is a figment of the imagination of Olga’s fans and herself. Trying to stir up interest in herself, the TV presenter and for some time now the singer began to hint at her possible romance with the oligarch. But in reality, all these rumors turned out to be just rumors and dreams of the former participant of House-2 herself. The photographs where Olga is captured with Abramovich are just photoshopped and not of the highest quality.

Fake photo (collage) - Roman Abramovich and Olga Buzova

But who is she – the new fourth wife of oligarch Abramovich? Perhaps the eligible groom himself is already tired of trying to create an ideal family and has decided to fully enjoy his single life without a stamp in his passport? The personal life of the famous bachelor remains under seven seals.

Wives and children of Roman Abramovich

The oligarch's first wife was Olga Lysova. The union did not last long and was childless. Abramovich entered into a second marriage with flight attendant Irina Milandina. The couple managed to have five children together - three daughters and two sons. But in March 2007, this union also fell apart.

In the photo Roman Abramovich with his first wife - Olga Lysova

The third wife of Roman Arkadyevich was Daria Zhukova. In this marriage, the couple had two children. The Union was ordered to live long on August 7, 2017. In all cases, divorces took place quietly, without unnecessary fuss and scandals. As it became known, Roman Arkadyevich preferred to enter into marriage contracts in order to protect his fortune. According to these papers, the wife could only receive the amount specified in it.

In the photo, Roman Abramovich with his second wife, Irina Milandina

The divorce from his first wife was the simplest and fastest, since there were no children in this marriage, and he did not have any special wealth at that time either. But the oligarch gave his second wife almost half of his fortune (about 6 billion pounds sterling), houses and yachts. The amount of compensation was a record in the entire history of divorce proceedings. It was Irina who became the wife who inspired Abramovich to great achievements. Thanks to her, he earned his fortune, which was reflected in their agreement after the divorce. The couple remained on good terms, and Roman Arkadyevich takes an active part in the lives of his five children.