Who is Abramovich's wife now? “Abramovich and Zhukova could not divide New Holland”

Consequently, the very possibility of marrying a millionaire is not a chimera or a utopia if completely ordinary women succeed in it.

To develop a strategy and find a rich groom, you need to learn one simple truth: a rich man has no fundamental differences from a poor person. Except money. He is also subject to female charms, also does not want to get married and also ultimately binds himself to marriage. Don't be afraid of millionaires. They themselves are constantly afraid... for their wallet.

Abramovich's women

“New Russians” prefer bright, spectacular women - and not at all because of prestige, as is customary. A man who earns a lot of money has neither the time nor the opportunity to choose his wife. He “pecks” at what shines brightest, or at the one who introduces herself to him.

Roman Abramovich, they say, saw his first wife, 23-year-old Olga, at the Industrial Institute. At some party he asked her to dance. Before this, Roman experienced a love failure - the girl did not wait for him from the army. And, apparently, he decided that this time he would not let happiness out of his hands. The beautiful Olga admitted that she has a little daughter, but Abramovich said that he loves children very much and Nastya will not become a hindrance to them. The romantic euphoria continued for eight weeks, after which Roman proposed marriage to Olga.

At first Roman was very good husband and father. But then problems began in the family. Apparently, it was the fact that he himself grew up without a father. Roman's mother died from an abortion. A year and a half later, my father died. Difficult childhood without parents, brothers and sisters could not but affect his character. In addition, Olga could no longer have children. And Roman had a new passion - flight attendant Irina Malandina, for whom he left his first family.

Nobody wants a Cinderella with patched shoes, everyone wants a princess. But appearing as a princess, being Cinderella, is true art.

Irina Malandina grew up in a family with little income. She also lost her father early, who worked as a waiter in a restaurant on Arbat. Aunt got Ira a prestigious job. The young flight attendant did not hide her intentions from her friends - to marry a business class passenger on an international flight. This passenger turned out to be Roman Abramovich. Thanks to Irina, Abramovich became a father of many children.

Khodorkovsky's currency novel

The life of millionaires, like ordinary mortals, is divided into two parts: work and rest. The more often you can catch their eye, the more likely you are to attract attention. It was at work that the imprisoned oligarch Khodorkovsky found his wives.

With his first wife Elena, Khodorkovsky studied at the Moscow Institute of Chemical Technology. The future spouses were brought together, they say, by Komsomol work: Mikhail was the deputy secretary of the Komsomol committee, and Elena was a member of the committee. The first marriage was short-lived. The parting was amicable. Khodorkovsky supports his eldest son, and ex-wife Mikhail Borisovich helped open a travel company.

Khodorkovsky met his second wife, the beautiful Inna, at the MENATEP bank, which he led. She worked as an expert in the currency transactions department and, by the way, also studied at the Moscow Art Institute, which she ultimately did not graduate from: in 1991, she gave birth to Khodorkovsky’s daughter Nastya, and eight years later - twins: Gleba and Ilya. The Khodorkovskys then lived on Rublyovka, various sources report. Now they have a mansion in the Old Arbat area, country house in the elite Zhukovka and... a cell in Lefortovo, where Khodorkovsky stays recent months. Don't renounce prison or poverty - this proverb also applies to billionaires.

Gusinsky pistol

No one knows how many legal wives Vladimir Gusinsky had. Various sources They call different numbers. With my last wife He met Elena at work. Elena worked in the Bridge group and advised her husband on various legislative issues. Gusinsky was so busy that consultations were postponed to a later time. The fruit of the consultations was a legal marriage.

At one time, they say, Mrs. Gusinskaya reacted very passionately to her husband’s late returns home: she threw massive ashtrays at him, and once even intimidated her husband with his own pistol.

BAB's last love

Women who happened to communicate with him found their own reflection in him. “In fact, he doesn’t need anyone. He can suffer from loneliness as much as he likes, but, unfortunately, he cannot stand anyone’s constant presence. God has not yet created his equal, and therefore even the most smart woman for him nothing more than a pet."

Berezovsky is as prolific as a man: seven children from four marriages. Nina Berezovskaya, first wife, friend student years, Today general public not shown. She gave birth to his daughters Lisa and Katya. Lisa received her education abroad (Faculty of Arts at Cambridge) and calls herself an artist. She is a well-known rowdy, she was detained in the company of St. Petersburg and Moscow “fashionable people”, her friendship with cocaine is known.

At every new turn of its fast career Boris Abramovich acquired a woman corresponding to his new status. His second wife Galina became his companion in the late eighties. At that time she was thirty. By the way, an interesting coincidence: each subsequent wife of the “oligarch” was younger than the previous one. Galina Borisovna and her children now live in Israel.

In 1995, Berezovsky, at one of the premieres at the Bolshoi Theater, met 24-year-old Elena Gorbunova, a former assistant to playwright Shatrov. She remained his for a long time common-law wife, and only after the birth of Arina (1996) their marriage was registered. A year later, their son Gleb was born.

And in 2000, Elena found out that she had a rival - fashion model Marianna, a young Lolita originally from the provinces. Boris Abramovich did not deny it. And he proposed a divorce. Now Elena Berezovskaya with two children, mother and nanny lives abroad in her own house.

Get married like Adzhubey!

Oleg Deripaska for a long time was a very private person, he “resurfaced” only after he married the daughter of Yumashev, Boris Yeltsin’s son-in-law, Polina. In this regard, it is appropriate to recall the old joke from Soviet times: “Don’t have a hundred rubles, but marry like Adzhubey” (he married Khrushchev’s daughter).

By the way

There are a lot of rich bachelors at the Russian millionaire fair. Here is the founder of MDM Bank Melnichenko and the “little” oligarch Smolensky.

Among the first bachelors in Russia there are many athletes: in first place in terms of income is Pavel Bure, then Yevgeny Kafelnikov, then Marat Safin, while Alexey Yagudin and Dmitry Sychev are not yet married...

The sons of our business elite are growing up - the grandson of Boris Yeltsin and the son of Khristenko, they say, they drive Mercedes all day long and also marry rich suitors.

8 August 2017, 07:04

He flew away...

You have a product, we have a merchant, as they say))) Roman Arkadyevich is a free guy now, I advise you to study his biography. Well, maybe it will come in handy))

Who is Roman Abramovich? a little history

Roman Arkadyevich was born in 1966, October 26, in the city of Saratov. His parents left him early - his mother died a year after the birth of her son, and three years later, his father died at a construction site. Roman was raised in the family of his uncle Leib Romanovich, in the city of Ukhta. Since childhood, Roman Abramovich was not distinguished by high academic abilities, but he had very noticeable organizational skills.

After graduating from school in 1983, Roman entered the Ukhta Industrial Institute at the Faculty of Forestry Engineering, from which he was never able to graduate. Although, most likely, he did not want to, because the wind of change, so clearly felt at the end of the empire, inspired our hero to do the unthinkable for Soviet man business - entrepreneurial activity.

Young Roman took his first steps towards the prosperity of an oligarch while still in the service of Soviet army. Today it is difficult to say exactly how he succeeded, but the novice businessman managed to sell off plots of forest and land to the local peasantry.

First wife

Returning from the army, Roman learned that the girl, as often happens, did not wait for him, and was starting to “go all out.”

At that time, the future oligarch drinks a lot, leads a riotous lifestyle, until he finally meets his first wife Olga Yuryevna Lysova.

Together with her, they trade at the market until Roman met Vladimir Tyurin. A friendship immediately struck up between them, and the young cooperators started a business selling rubber toys.

Things were going well for the guys and very soon Roman and Vladimir had already rented an entire toy production workshop. Their cooperative “Uyut” will soon become the basis for the oligarch’s future team. Despite the fact that the trade was quite successful, the commercial genius Roman Arkadyevich becomes cramped in such a small business, and he turns his attention to a truly wide field - oil trading. And for good reason. Abramovich was lucky to enter the chosen circle of no less significant figure, which he himself would become, the powerful oligarch of the nineties - Boris Berezovsky , with whom he begins to do business with oil. Popular rumor ascribes a lot to this tandem, such as the dilution of oil and even the outright theft of entire trains, not without the support of his uncle Roman, who at that time occupied a high, and most importantly, necessary post.

Abramovich's second wife Irina

The second wife was billionaire Irina Abramovich. She was born into a family of waiters of the most modest income. The girl's father died when she was 2 years old. Irina’s mother tried her best to provide for her family

Abramovich met Irina Malandina in 1990, when she was working as a flight attendant and he was an aspiring businessman. Having met Irina, Abramovich left his first wife Olga Lysova, with whom he lived for several years. Roman sincerely loved both Olga and her daughter Nastya from her first marriage, whom he even adopted. But, unfortunately for Olga, she could no longer have children. Abramovich, who survived early death I really wanted to have parents big family. He eventually realized this dream in his second marriage.
There is a version that Abramovich created his first toy cooperative thanks to Olga’s parents. But this did not make him rich. A decade and a half ago, Abramovich and Olga had nothing to share - he left her only a one-room apartment. After the divorce, Roman preferred not to remember his first family.

Marriage Irina Vyacheslavovna and Romana was surprisingly durable. Irina bore him five children: Anna, Arkady, Sophia, Arina and Ilya

Roman and Irina were together for 16 years. But nothing lasts forever

In 2005, Abramovich met new love- smart and beautiful Daria Zhukova, who is 15 years younger than the businessman.

Rumors very quickly reached the ears of Abramovich’s then wife Irina, but she flatly refused to believe them. Despite the fact that numerous “well-wishers” regularly informed her that her husband was being met here and there with a young representative of the “golden youth”. Irina, who married Abramovich in 1991 and lived with him for 16 years, brushed aside the rumors for almost a year, and only photographs of the couple in the press convinced her.

The report about the divorce of the Russian tycoon and Irina “was accelerated by the publication of photographs of Abramovich with Daria, taken in Paris.” Information about their relationship became public when it received confirmation from Abramovich's official representative John Mann, although rumors about the affair had been circulating for quite some time, but Irina did not believe them. After these pictures appeared, a conversation took place, after which Irina filed for divorce.

It is worth noting that the press in Russia also did not believe in this divorce until recently. It seemed that a long-standing marriage and five children were reliable protection against separation. But then Roman Abramovich finally made up his mind - he officially filed for divorce, pledging to support his family in full prosperity and abundance, and began openly dating Dasha Zhukova.

However, it is worth noting that even after many years, when the couple decided to end their relationship, no high-profile scandals the fuss-hungry public did not wait to hear about the division of property. The former spouses still maintain warm, friendly relations today.

Roman's career continued its rapid rise. In 1998, Abramovich was introduced to the general public as the treasurer of Yeltsin's inner circle, and already in 1999 he became the owner of a fortune of 14 billion dollars. His ascent to the political arena was not in vain, and in 2000 Roman Abramovich became governor of the Chukotka Autonomous Okrug. At the same time, Roman continues to develop his business, acquiring all the attributes appropriate for large capital, right up to the purchase of his own Chelsea football club in 2003, which he acquired for a crazy £140 million. In 2005, in October, Roman sold his part of the shares of Sibneft in favor of Gazprom for $13.1 billion and repeatedly makes attempts to leave the governor’s post, but each time after personal conversations with V.V. Putin, changes his mind. In 2008, at the request of deputies of the Chukotka Autonomous Okrug, Abramovich became a deputy of the Chukotka Duma, gaining up to 96.99% of the votes.

Today Roman Abramovich is a textbook example Russian oligarch, from the basics of accumulating initial capital, to luxury yachts, of which Roman Arkadyevich has three, jokingly called “Abramovich’s Fleet,” two personal planes, three helicopters servicing these yachts. The vehicle fleet cannot be accurately counted, but a couple of armored limousines, masterpieces from Maserati, Ferrari, Porsche, Mercedes Benz, Bugatti Veyron, Rolls Royce and a Ducati motorcycle are known for certain. Of course, all copies are exclusive and accordingly produced to order.

Well, finally the third wife, but not the last. Daria Zhukova

The other day, Roman Abramovich and Dasha Zhukova announced their separation. The billionaire and the gallery owner were together for a little over 10 years. The Page Six gossip section of the New York Post was the first to report this on Monday, then Abramovich and Zhukova confirmed it in a joint statement.

Roman and Daria said that the decision to leave was not easy for them, that they would remain friends and business partners, as co-founders of the Garage Museum of Contemporary Art in Moscow and the cultural center on the New Holland Island in St. Petersburg. And of course loving parents their two wonderful children - 8-year-old Aaron and 4-year-old Leah. The couple decided not to let anyone in on the material details of their separation, which aroused considerable curiosity. After all, their love was like a big-budget beautiful movie - it can’t end in anything?!

Page Six recalled that journalists did not know for a long time whether Abramovich and Zhukova were officially married, until WSJ Magazine confirmed in 2014 that they met in 2005 and got married in 2008.

Today, according to Forbes, Roman Abramovich is 12th on the list of the richest people in Russia. But his father-in-law, entrepreneur Alexander Zhukov, is also no slouch, although it is much more difficult to calculate his exact wealth (Forbes suggests that it is still less than that of his son-in-law - about 7.6 billion rubles).

Alexander Zhukov with his daughter Daria

Her father Alexander Zhukov is a co-owner of the oil and gas company JKX Oil & Gas, terminals in the port of Ust-Luga and the Iceberry group of companies, an ice cream manufacturer.

Daria is the daughter of businessman Zhukov from his first marriage and is already an adult girl (36 years old), the mother of two children and has positioned herself as a businesswoman since 2007, when she founded Garage in Moscow together with Roman Abramovich. Until this moment, Dasha was listed as a socialite and appeared at iconic social events, including football matches, where she was with her father, and “football” parties.

Roman and Daria are raising two children, son Aaron and daughter Leah.

The little daughter is growing up very similar to her dad.

Spouses could often be seen at the most fashionable resorts in the world, where they demonstrated their well-being on their own yachts. They flashed in paparazzi photos, together with world stars of show business, politics and business.

Alas, there is no reliable information about exactly when they met. According to one version, on new year party on the eve of 2005, arranged by the father Dasha, businessman Alexander Zhukov. Another version says that the fateful meeting took place at an after-party after a football match in Barcelona in 2005. Then, allegedly, a spark flashed between the then 24-year-old Dasha and 38-year-old Roman

At the time of his acquaintance with Zhukova, the billionaire was in his second official marriage with Irina Abramovich

Dasha was also not free. She dated the famous handsome tennis player Marat Safin

Fans hoped that Zhukova and Safin would get married

Rumors began to circulate in the Western media that Abramovich had lost his head over Zhukova.

The information quickly reached Irina Abramovich. Allegedly, she gave her husband a classic ultimatum “either me or her,” and he accepted volitional decision and went to his new passion, leaving his ex-wife more than generous compensation. In addition to a huge amount of money, she became the owner of four luxurious mansions in different parts Sveta

Before meeting Roman, Dasha Zhukova, who moved to California with her mother as a child, studied in America and then graduated from the London Institute of Naturopathy. However, she did not go into medicine and, together with her friend Christina Tang, decided to go into the fashion business, founding the Kova & T brand

Daria, together with her friend, for many years successfully developed the Kova & T brand, which was loved by many Western celebrities

Now Zhukova is not just the founder of the Garage Museum of Contemporary Art, but also a welcome guest on the red carpets of various social events. However, frankly speaking, it appears there infrequently. But, if she does appear, she can often be seen communicating, for example, with Ivanka Trump

After the birth of their second child, the first waves began to flow through the smooth surface of Roman and Dasha’s relationship.

The crowd started talking about Abramovich's passion for Mariinsky prima ballerina Diana Vishneva...

Abramovich's official representative even had to make a rare exception to the rules and comment on the businessman's personal life - they say that there was and is no affair with the ballerina.

The businessman’s press secretary did not confirm this information, and Vishneva’s relatives also refused to comment. The reason to assume a romantic context in the relationship between Abramovich and Vishneva was first a closed dinner at the Context International Festival of Contemporary Choreography, organized by the ballerina, where the businessman came alone. And then Abramovich began to sponsor new project Cherry.

At the same time, Dasha shamelessly hugged Leonardo DiCaprio in New York.

The conversations quickly fizzled out: there was no evidence of Roman’s connection with the ballerina, and DiCaprio would hardly have laid eyes on the girlfriend of an influential friend.

In addition to Ivanka and Leonardo, other interesting meetings began to appear in the media.

So, in March 2017, the British tabloid The Daily Mail reported that Zhukova had dinner with Joshua Kushner. The latter is one of the most eligible bachelors in America. His surname is well known - he is younger brother Jered Kushner, son-in-law of US President Donald Trump.

By the way, model Karlie Kloss, with whom Joshua is credited with a five-year romance, is Zhukova’s friend, who even came to the opening of “Garage” in Moscow.

According to the tabloid, supported by photographs obtained from American paparazzi, Zhukova and Joshua Kushner met at a sushi bar in New York's SoHo (a district in Manhattan).

However, they arrived separately. 31-year-old Kushner asked to be given a distant table in the corner of the establishment, and Zhukova arrived later. “The couple spent the evening whispering and laughing,” wrote The Daily Mail. After the meal, Kushner walked Zhukova to the end of the street, where a car was waiting for her, and hugged her goodbye.

In February 2017, the Italian tabloid Chi published photographs in which, as expected , Zhukova was photographed together with New York art dealer Vito Schnabel.

For some time he was in a relationship with the star of the film “Fifty Shades of Gray” Dakota Johnson, but after that, in 2014, he began dating the famous German model Heidi Klum. According to Chi, based on the photographs obtained, there was an affair between Schnabel and Zhukova, but Abramovich's representatives said that the photos were fake.

Another news of a similar nature excited the British tabloid The Sun in December last year. Then a photo appeared on New York journalist Derek Blasberg’s Instagram showing him wearing red polka dot pajamas and knee socks. Next to him is Daria Zhukova in a red top, black skirt and striped knee socks.

By the way, then a lot of comments appeared under the photo in which Internet users wondered whether Abramovich was jealous of his wife?

However, Zhukova’s friendship with Blasberg is no secret. Like Kloss, he, for example, was among those invited to the opening of Garage.

They were repeatedly divorced, each of them being accused of having affairs with world stars of politics, art and show business.

But every time after such messages they appeared together. And here is the official statement from Roman Abramovich's adviser John Mann.

John Mann, adviser to Roman Abramovich: “After 10 years of marriage, we made the difficult decision to leave, but we remain close friends, parents of two wonderful children and partners in projects that we started and developed together. We intend to raise our children together and continue to work as co-founders of the Garage Museum of Contemporary Art in Moscow and the cultural center on New Holland Island in St. Petersburg.”

The couple’s separation was commented on by family friend and lawyer Alexander Karabanov.

Alexander Karabanov: “It’s difficult to comment on this here, because after all, personal life is a secret, no one can be fully privy to it. I'm just sure that every relationship has its beginning and its end. And, of course, I personally even look at the examples of my friends who have recently divorced. For a man, of course, the material side is very important. In terms of what is happening now with business, with the crisis. It’s quite likely that this acted as a bit of a catalyst, including in personal relationships.”

The main issue is jointly acquired property. At one time, Abramovich’s second wife, Irina Malandina, received 6 billion pounds during a divorce by mutual agreement of the parties, more than half of her husband’s fortune. She also received four villas in the UK, including an estate worth £18 million, two London apartments total cost 20 million, as well as a castle in France. This time, apparently, everything is also carefully thought out and agreed upon.

Alexander Dobrovinsky, lawyer: “Many people knew that their union was coming to an end. As far as I know, at the very beginning, when they began to live together, they concluded marriage contract. Something was happening, for close people, for people in a certain circle, it was definitely known. This could be observed from the outside, for example, how often Roman appears alone at football matches. Or at parties they saw Abramovich without Daria and her without him. Everything was pretty clear."

Now Roman Abramovich's fortune is estimated at $9 billion, he ranks 12th in Russian list Forbes. According to the Daly Mail, he and Zhukova have houses in London, Moscow, Colorado, the Caribbean, and the south of France. There is also a mansion in New York. The 50-year-old businessman is said to have spent about $70 million in 2014 to buy three townhouses and rebuild them into one five-story mansion. Abramovich is also the owner of one of the largest yachts in the world - Eclipse.

But the main thing is Abramovich's collection, which is estimated at a billion dollars. Its pearl is a collection of 40 works by artist Ilya Kabakov worth approximately $60 million. Plus, don't forget about Chelsea, which, according to Forbes, is worth about $1.5 billion. It is known that Abramovich bought his wife a Giacometti figurine worth $14 million, paintings by Francis Bacon for $86 million or Lucian Freud for $33 million.

- There will be no trial - neither in Chukotka, nor in London, nor in Moscow, - lawyer Alexander DOBROVINSKY reassures us. - The couple signed a carefully developed prenuptial agreement - and this is the most reliable guarantee of a truly peaceful separation. That's how you heard that they would remain good friends, good partners And caring parents, so you won’t hear any more details. Personally, I really hope that the golf club will remain with Roman Arkadyevich.

And I never tire of repeating that a good marriage contract is the key to a long and happy marriage.

As Roman Abramovich himself said, the couple divorced back in May, and now information has simply surfaced that the ex-spouses allegedly tried not to advertise so as not to wash dirty linen in their elite “hut.” And no wonder, because such squabbles often harm business. And who knows, Roman Abramovich is a man whose capital is estimated at $9.1 billion, occupying 139th position on the list Forbes billionaires, owner of the legendary Chelsea football club, understands this like nothing else.

The story about Cinderella meeting an oligarch at a gas station is not about Daria Zhukova. Your destiny as one of richest people She found Russia at a football match in Barcelona, ​​where she came with her father, businessman Alexander Zhukov, owner of several large companies. Then young Dasha was considered a bright representative of the golden youth - the girl bathed in parental love and had affairs with the most eligible bachelors, including the son of the Dukes of Kent, Freddie Windsor. At the time of her meeting with Abramovich, Zhukova was dating tennis player Marat Safin. But Marat, with his rackets and cramped apartment on Patriki, could hardly be regarded as a potential spouse. Zhukov Sr. prudently introduced the heiress to Roman, so to speak, just in case: just when rumors about discord in the oligarch’s family reached from London to Moscow. And he was right: until the end of the day the smile did not leave the oligarch’s face, and not only thanks to his Chelsea’s victory over Barca.

The match between the English and Spanish teams had a miraculous effect on Zhukova’s taste in sports: Dasha no longer followed the Wimbledon tournament, and learned about the most talked about football transfers before sports commentators. Whether she played a role in the businessman’s divorce from his wife Irina is not known for certain, but Dasha took a seat next to the businessman at Chelsea Stadium even before her lover’s official separation from the woman with whom he had lived for 17 years.

After Abramovich's divorce from his wife, Daria finally moved from Moscow to London. The girl did not live at the oligarch’s residence for a long time, making voyages around the world on his yacht. Together with Roman, Dasha took a fancy to the “island of millionaires” - St. Barths, where the couple hosted noisy parties. Zhukova’s circle of friends also underwent significant changes: instead of Moscow party girls dressed in leopard print, members began to receive invitations to Zhukova’s soiree royal family Great Britain (the granddaughter of Queen Elizabeth II Beatrice even carouses on Abramovich’s yacht almost every month), as well as world cinema and catwalk stars. Dasha Zhukova's best friend was the promising New York journalist Derek Blasberg.

In the person of her beloved, Daria also found the main investor in her most important project - the Garage Museum of Contemporary Art. At the Art Basel fair, Abramovich, without thinking for a minute, shelled out $14 million for a statuette by Swiss sculptor Alberto Giacometti, which became the first exhibit in the Garage. One of the best architects in the world, Rem Koolhaas, worked on the new premises of the museum, and guests from all over the world flocked to the opening party of the building in Gorky Park, including model Karlie Kloss, a girl sibling Donald Trump's son-in-law Jared Kushner. By the way, Daria also became quite close friends with Kushner’s brother Joshua. American journalists recently witnessed a dinner between Zhukova and Kushner in New York.

In 2009, Daria gave birth to her first child and the sixth child of Roman Abramovich - curly-haired baby Aaron Alexander. Four years later, Zhukova and Abramovich became parents again - this time a girl, who was given a name like the princess from " Star Wars", - Lea.

After the birth of their second child, the first waves began to flow through the smooth surface of Roman and Dasha’s relationship. The crowd started talking about Abramovich’s passion for Mariinsky prima ballerina Diana Vishneva, and Zhukova unashamedly hugged Leonardo DiCaprio in New York. The conversations quickly fizzled out: there was no evidence of Roman’s connection with the ballerina, and DiCaprio would hardly have laid eyes on the girlfriend of an influential friend.

Zhukova’s trip to the Swiss resort of St. Moritz in February of this year caused much more noise. The Italian paparazzi caught Dasha in the arms of the German womanizer and the lover of supermodel Heidi Klum, Vito Schnabel. Scandalous story Abramovich’s representatives tried to put the brakes on, and through threats of legal action they managed to get the pictures removed from the Italian website Chi.

They promised to still raise their children together and continue working on the Garage museum. In Russia, the public Super was the first to report the breakup. Rumor has it that the main cabin on the Eclipse yacht will soon be occupied by the socialite seductress Nadya Obolentseva, who just recently divorced her oligarch husband Airat Iskhakov and is now fully accepting the courtship of the freed Abramovich.

The love passed, but Abramovich’s gentlemanly qualities and respect for his ex-passions remained. Today we will talk about Roman’s three marriages and the beautiful things he did after each divorce.

Story one. How to take revenge on first love: lessons from oligarchs

In 1983, Abramovich met Victoria Zaborovskaya. The young people were in their first year at the Ukhta Industrial Institute, and Vika, of course, shone. Roman was ready to make any sacrifices, but Victoria’s parents refused the young man who wanted to marry their daughter. The family was very wealthy, and Roman had not yet managed to earn substantial capital. For failure young man expelled, he went into the army, and the beautiful Victoria immediately began an affair with another student. It seems more successful than Abramovich in those years.

To take revenge on Vika, Roman married his new friend, Olga Lysova. His business went uphill, but Olga, despite her apparent perfection, could not have children. Roman was tired of babysitting Nastya, the child from Olga’s first marriage, although he liked the girl and managed to become attached to her. The businessman wanted to have a child together. He worked hard, starting various startups, and Olga’s family helped financially. However, the ideal image of his own family was so firmly ingrained in the head of the future oligarch that he did not intend to put up with a reality that did not coincide with the latter. The couple broke up, but remained on good (for ex-spouses) terms.

The second story. How can a flight attendant marry a successful businessman?

In 1991, Roman, while developing his business, was forced to fly very often. Once on the plane he met flight attendant Irina Malandina, a 23-year-old girl who was forced to go to work for a carrier company due to a serious illness. financial condition own family. Irina, being an easy-going, interesting and endlessly attractive young girl, immediately charmed Abramovich. After just over two months, Roman divorces Olga Lysova and proposes his hand and heart to Irina.

The couple will have five children in their marriage. Irina will become a wonderful wife, will support Abramovich in all his endeavors and protect the children from constant public attention. But threats from Roman’s former partners, constant moves, different phone numbers and 24-hour security will take their toll. The frightened girl, tired of the tension, will be forced to leave the oligarch.

However ex-spouses maintain excellent relationships. Children from Roman’s marriage to Irina will live in abundance, receiving expensive gifts with or without reason. The two youngest still live with Irina - the rest have already “fledged” and fluttered out of the family nest. Irina Abramovich did not change her last name after the divorce; she received half of Roman's real estate in the UK and 6 billion pounds of "compensation".

Story three. How to romance the owner of a football club by meeting him at a party

Daria Zhukova, a confident beauty who has lived in Russia, the USA, and the UK, met Roman at a party after one of his Chelsea football club matches. This happened in 2003. The young people almost immediately began to communicate, and the media, which noticed a successful acquaintance, connected Irina and Roman’s divorce with his “cheating” with Dasha. The couple did not fuel rumors about the wedding; Abramovich and Zhukova lived quietly together, developing their own business projects, and in 2009 they gave birth to their first common child, son Aaron. The marriage did not work out in any way - the couple argued about the points of the marriage contract, which was apparently mandatory for conclusion. In the past 2017, Roman and Dasha announced their separation. Remained good friends. Roman sponsors the Garage Museum of Contemporary Art, which was opened with pomp by Daria, not without his help. Dasha is raising Aaron and Leah - the girl was born four years after her first child.

Summing up these love stories of Roman Abramovich, known to the tabloids, we can say that the best way to the oligarch’s heart is not through the stomach. Being an easy, self-confident, impossibly beautiful (after an hour-long make-up session with styling at the nearest beauty bistro) nymph is a well-trodden path for the success of the seekers of promising business owners.