Maxim Galkin and Alla Pugacheva celebrated Lisa and Harry's fifth birthday in a big way. Lisa and Harry Galkin gave a surprise to their father Harry and Lisa Galkin were born

Every week HELLO.RU talks about what celebrity children wear. Last time we got acquainted with the style of Raphael Elmaleh, the son of Princess Charlotte Casiraghi of Monaco and actor Gad Elmaleh, and today the heroes of our column are Harry and Lisa, the children of one of the most famous couples in Russian show business, Alla Pugacheva and Maxim Galkin.

Maxim Galkin with children

Early October 2013 Russian media The news spread that 64-year-old Alla Pugacheva and 37-year-old Maxim Galkin became the parents of twins - a girl Lisa and a boy Harry. The babies were born on September 18 from a surrogate mother at the Mother and Child clinic in the village of Lapino near Moscow, which is a 20-minute drive from country house Galkina in the village of Gryaz. It is noteworthy that in 1998, Denis gave birth to her son in the same clinic. eldest daughter Pugacheva - Kristina Orbakaite.

Two children were born - a girl and a boy. I don't know the details, but there was surrogate mother. The twins were born on September 18th. The girl was named Liza, and the boy Harry, Pugacheva’s director Elena Chuprakova told the press.

As the head physician of the clinic, Yulia Kutakova, told the press, Harry’s weight at birth was 2 kilograms 940 grams, his height was 50 centimeters, and Lisa’s was 2 kilograms 400 grams and 48 centimeters. Pugacheva and Galkin did not reveal the secret names of their children, noting only that they go well with the patronymic and surname.

The first impression was that grandchildren were born! Well, this is how it works, you see! And then, literally on the second day, when I began to come to them and be with them all the time... only now I understand that these are my children! This is probably natural in my position. And I would really like them to grow up good. So that I have time to raise them and see that they turned out to be good, smart, beautiful, well-mannered, educated children,” Pugacheva, who was personally present at the birth, said in an interview with Channel One, while Galkin was filming at that time.

Alla Pugacheva and Maxim Galkin with daughter Lisa
Maxim Galkin with his son HarryLisa Galkina
Harry Galkin
Maxim Galkin with his son Harry
Alla Pugacheva with her daughter Lisa
Maxim Galkin and Alla Pugacheva with children

Lisa and Harry were first introduced to the public in December, when their parents took part in the New Russian Sensations program. Here Pugacheva spoke out on the topic of surrogacy and rebuffed critics:

Surrogacy has been popular for a long time, I just don’t want to name famous names. But it was our family that turned out to be the starting point for discussing this topic. It amazes me how everyone attacked us... It was a very unpleasant and painful period for us. I was even glad that the children were small and did not hear this.

Alla Borisovna also noted that she wanted to give birth herself, but the doctors dissuaded her:

Do you think that I didn’t want to give birth myself? Of course I did. I’ll say more - I could give birth myself. This is my body. Let everyone know. But the doctors forbade me to carry it for nine months.

The children of Pugacheva and Galkin were introduced to the Internet public much later - in 2015, when their faces “lit up” in a photo with Philip Kirkorov’s daughter Alla-Victoria. The pictures made it clear that Lisa is growing up as a copy of her mother, and Harry as a copy of her dad. Their clothing style is also similar, which we will talk about in more detail.

Lisa Galkina
Lisa Galkina
Harry and Lisa Galkin
Lisa Galkina at a children's party
Maxim Galkin with his son Harry
Maxim Galkin with his son Harry

Even if, according to Pugacheva, she is not close to the position of raising her daughter to be a little princess, the most girlish color - pink - still prevails in Lisa's wardrobe. The baby is no less attracted to other bright shades - for example, red and rich blue, when worn, it is difficult to go unnoticed. And Lisa does not try to hide from the public, preferring to be in the center of attention and regularly organizing home - for now - concerts with songs and dances. Even the costumes for these performances are more than concert-appropriate: her wardrobe contains many fluffy tutu skirts, dresses with bright prints, sundresses with lace and, of course, accessories for her curly hair - bows, ribbons and hairpins.

The difficulty is that children are very jealous of their parents and compete for our attention. Moreover, Lisa is more mature in this regard. She often gives in to Garrick. And he takes advantage of it. And he militantly takes me to his side, for example. Apparently, he took after his father, arrogant. We have to constantly balance this so that attention is paid to everyone,

He told in an interview with HELLO! Galkin, along with whom his son Harry took part in the shooting. The boy, by the way, not only looks like his father, but also dresses in his style. You can often see him wearing jackets similar to his dad’s, which he combines with printed T-shirts, classic jeans, wool trousers, as well as three-piece sets for special occasions- like, for example, another children's party.

Harry and Lisa Galkin
Lisa Galkina
Harry Galkin
Lisa Galkina
Lisa Galkina

What can I dream about? So that my children are healthy, and that I and my husband, beloved Maxik, are healthy. So that we can withstand this period of formation of these children! I somehow see my path, it is clear and understandable to me! I'm calm, I'm happy! I wish the same for everyone!

She told in an interview with Channel One Pugacheva, who, according to her, in at the moment Most of all he wants to enjoy life with children and does not want to think about age at all.

Click on the photo to view the gallery Alla Pugacheva with her daughter Lisa
Maxim Galkin with his son Harry
Maxim Galkin with his son Harry
Lisa Galkina Lisa Galkina

Where did Pugacheva and Galkin have their children? This question worries many people. Alla Borisovna and Maxim have been in a relationship for more than 10 years, and only in 2013 wonderful twins were born.

Responsible decision

In an interview, Galkin admitted that he loves children very much and always dreamed of having several of them. While building a relationship with Pugacheva, he understood that an older woman was unlikely to decide to give birth.

Maxim adequately assessed the situation and did not want to put his beloved at risk for the sake of procreation. He often voiced the idea that a loving couple could live happily without children. Where did Pugacheva and Galkin get their children from in this case?

But after the official wedding, Alla Borisovna admitted to her husband that 11 years ago she froze her eggs in the clinic, so the spouses have a real chance to become happy parents.

Positive example

After the birth of Philip Kirkorov’s children, with the help of a surrogate mother, Pugacheva and Galkin went towards their goal with even greater enthusiasm. They realized that the happiness of becoming parents was just around the corner.

Kirkorov thus gave birth to a daughter and a son, less than a year apart. Alla Victoria and Martin are growing up big loving family. They are not deprived of female attention, and Philip Bedrosovich devotes himself to raising children maximum quantity time.

Royal twins

When information was published that the couple had famous artists kids appeared, their idols immediately asked where A. Pugacheva and M. Galkin got their children from. Everyone clearly understood that at 64 years old, the singer would not have been able to give birth to children on her own.

At first, everyone thought that the couple had adopted children. This rumor was dispelled after one of Maxim’s interviews. He openly said that the children were born thanks to a surrogate mother.

The famous couple are kids. Helped carry twins. Her name is hidden to avoid interference in a woman’s personal life.

Where were the children born?

The famous doctor and founder of a chain of clinics, Mark Kurtser, helped the famous couple make their dream come true. He personally managed the pregnancy and delivered the surrogate mother.

The doctor in an interview says that he has known Alla Borisovna for a long time, and she turned to him 11 years ago. It was then that the singer decided to freeze her eggs.

The twins were born at the Mother and Child perinatal center on September 18, 2013. This clinic is located in Lapino. The couple hid the birth of their babies long time. Therefore, when the news about the appearance of heirs from celebrities was first announced, everyone immediately wondered where Pugacheva and Galkin got their children from.

Happy parents

The doctor says that Alla Borisovna was present at the birth. She took part in them as much as possible and tried to help in every way she could. The first to be born was a boy with a weight of 2950 g and a height of 50 cm. A few minutes later a girl was born.

She was slightly smaller than her brother and was born with a weight of 2400 kg and a height of 48 cm. Such indicators are considered ideal for twins. The babies were born at 35 weeks; newborns were rated 9 out of 10 on the Abgar scale.

Pugacheva spent all the time in the maternity hospital with them. She changed their diapers and helped feed them. Maxim also often visited the kids, leaving only for filming.

What were the children's names?

The news of the birth of twins spread throughout the country instantly. Fans famous couple everyone was also interested in the question of where Pugacheva and Galkin got their children from. But they were even more intrigued by the names of the babies.

The couple named their son Harry. The little daughter was named Elizabeth. Maxim Galkin claims that the names were chosen solely on the basis of consonance with the surname and patronymic, as well as for personal reasons.

From the photo it already becomes clear that the boy is very similar to his father, and the girl is a copy of the Diva. Such a striking resemblance once again proves that the twins' biological parents are a celebrity couple. Therefore, the question of where Pugacheva and Galkin’s children come from is not so actively discussed.

Some interesting facts from the lives of children

After the birth of twins, parents regularly post videos and photos about the lives of their babies with comments on their pages on social networks. Thus, fans of the star couple can watch Harry and Lisa grow and develop.

The family lives in huge house in the Moscow region. Each of the children has a separate room. Even the children's nannies are different. Maxim and Alla Borisovna decided to hire two professional women who would pay attention to each of the twins separately.

Lisa is different angelic appearance and mental acuity. She is very smart and inquisitive for her age. Harry is more like his father. He is more reserved and serious than his sister.

The twins' godparents are also celebrities. The sacrament of Baptism took place in a castle in the village of Gryaz. Alla Pugacheva decided that the christening should be held in a homely atmosphere, because it is too early to take 2-month-old children out into public.

The children first visited abroad at the age of about one year. They and their parents vacationed in a villa in Israel for 2 months. For the flight, Alla Borisovna hired a private flight. The plane was equipped with cots for twins. According to the couple, the children slept peacefully throughout the flight.

Every year the number of questions about where Pugacheva and Galkin’s children come from is gradually decreasing. Now people are interested in how babies grow and how they make their parents happy.

Who spends more time with twins?

Alla Borisovna became noticeably prettier with the advent of her children. She admitted in an interview that she had an incentive to live longer. The singer has noticeably lost weight and is in good shape. physical fitness. Thus, the Primadonna copes well with the responsibilities of a mother and manages to do everything.

Videos have appeared on the Internet where Pugacheva goes to the pool with Lisa for swimming lessons. From Alla Borisovna’s comments it is clear that she madly loves children and is proud of them.

The mother of twins takes a responsible approach to the babies’ daily routine and their nutrition. She often cooks for them herself healthy dishes and makes sure that children do not miss lunchtime naps.

Maxim Galkin copes well with the role of the father. He's practically everything free time spends with Harry and Lisa. Even in the car on the way to entertainment, the parodist manages to communicate with the twins and teaches them how to pronounce words correctly.

In the warm season star couple often takes children with her on tours, especially if they take place by the sea. Parents try to spend as much time as possible with their children.

Very often you can see Harry and Lisa in the company of Claudia, the daughter of Christina Orbakaite. The girl is only 1.5 years older than the twins.

All the couple’s friends focus on the touching attitude of parents towards their children. Surrounded by Pugacheva and Galkin, no one heard their voices raised at the guys. Parents try to talk to their kids like adults and resolve all conflicts through discussions.

The environment in which Lisa and Harry grow up is filled with the love and care of their parents and all their many relatives and friends. But this does not mean that the guys are allowed everything. They are perfectly disciplined and obedient. Also, Alla Borisovna and Maxim try not to use expensive toys so that they understand the value of them and take care of their personal belongings.

Where Maxim Galkin and Alla Pugacheva’s children came from is no longer so important. The main thing is that now their marriage has become harmonious and even happier, and the family lives amicably and in love.

On September 18, 2018, star spouses Maxim Galkin and Alla Pugacheva had a significant day - their children, twins Harry and Lisa, turned five years old. We learned that the little anniversary was celebrated magnificently. Parents rented one of the most expensive restaurants on Rublyovka and invited dozens of famous guests. Sergei Lazarev, Svetlana Loboda and other stars came to congratulate the twins on their fifth anniversary. In total, the birthday celebration cost Galkin and Pugacheva one and a half million rubles.

Like many parents, Maxim and Alla often publish photos and videos with their children on their social networks. Therefore, we can say that fans of the stars watched the entire five-year story of Harry and Lisa online. During this time, the children managed to win the hearts of many Instagram subscribers.

Galkin says that although the children were born on the same day, they are very different in character from each other. He noticed that his son took after him, and his daughter was a small copy of Alla Borisovna.

The children of Galkin and Pugacheva are baptized. Godfather became Igor Nikolaev. And designer Mila Stavitskaya, with whom Alla Borisovna has been friends for more than 20 years, became godmother.

Galkin showed what Lisa and Harry are doing on their birthday

Fans of Alla Pugacheva's family flooded social media the stars sent congratulations and wishes, and right in the morning the parents presented Lisa and Garik with a festive surprise. Users are sure that today the children of Maxim and Alla will have unprecedented fun on the occasion of the round anniversary. In the meantime, the father of twins showed in his story what the children are doing at home in anticipation of the holiday - Garik retired to a chair with his phone, and Lisa played backgammon with the nanny. It doesn't look like a holiday yet.

But judging by the way the brother and sister are dressed, the celebration should take place today. Garik was dressed in a classic black suit and sneakers, and Lisa was dressed in a light dress and pink shoes.

In the morning, Maxim Galkin showed how he and his wife decided to surprise the kids in honor of the holiday - the children were given very important gifts - live hamsters and canaries. Garik especially liked the first ones; the boy noted that this is exactly what he ordered.

Galkin showed a touching video about Lisa and Harry’s fifth birthday

Popular comedian and husband of Alla Pugacheva Maxim Galkin published a video touching to tears on his Instagram page.

“I wish you, Garik and Lisa, and all the children a wonderful future! Be happy!.. P.S. Our favorite song from our childhood is performed by the Talisman Song Theater,” Maxim signed the video.

The video shows the positive atmosphere that reigned at the celebration of the fifth birthday of the talented children of the most famous couple in our country. Followers rushed to join the celebration with their congratulations.

“Wow, just super!”, “Amazing holiday! Thank you for the bright emotions! And these crazy, enchanting dances”, “What a magnificent and fabulous holiday it turned out to be!”, “Wonderful holiday. Happiness to your family, health”, “Well done parents! The holiday for children is just super! Bravo!”, “God, how joyful it is to look at happy faces children! Happy birthday!”, “Very cute selection”, “Wish all children had such wonderful holidays.”

Photos and videos of Harry and Lisa Galkin’s gorgeous birthday appeared on the Internet

Let us note that the celebration was organized in the best traditions of children's parties. The organizing team was responsible for the event. The children were entertained by animators in completely different costumes (there was even a dinosaur). The young guests of the holiday especially enjoyed it dance competitions and a paper disco. “Letidor” already wrote about how the son of Sergei Lazarev amazed the guests with breakdancing.

“Happy birthday Harry and Lisa. ❤We were happy to share this evening with you. Eva sleeps without her hind legs... Before going to bed she said: “Mom, this is a great holiday!!” 😂👌 Sweet babies, may heaven protect you.🙏Thank you for the emotions you gave,❤ ", - Svetlana Loboda appreciated the birthday, showing how much fun her daughter Eva had.

“How cute 😻❤”, “Cool!!! Both kids and parents are relaxing!!😀🙌✌”, “Wonderful kids!”, “Super holiday for children,” Svetlana Loboda’s subscribers appreciated.

The whole evening, singer Jasmine shared video clips of the holiday in stories. The star brought with her her daughter Margarita and son Miron. The children enjoyed ice cream, circus performances and soap bubble shows.

The eldest son of the daughter of the famous fashion designer Valentin Yudashkin, Galina, also had fun at the holiday. Anatoly took part in competitions and other activities with pleasure. He even managed to dance with Alla Pugacheva.

Twins Harry and Lisa are frequent heroes of online publications. The very news about the birth of babies 4 years ago became a real sensation. No one expected that Alla Pugacheva and Maxim Galkin would decide to have children together, because the Diva has adult daughter and grandchildren. It would seem, why does she need new troubles and worries. But Harry and Lisa were born, and now millions of people watch with a smile the beautiful babies growing up. In this material we have collected the most interesting things we know about Harry and Lisa. So, 9 facts.

1. The children of the star couple were born to a surrogate mother, but the biological parents are Alla and Maxim.

Immediately after the wedding, which the star couple played in 2011, 62-year-old Alla Pugacheva admitted to her lover that she had frozen her egg 11 years ago. Maxim without hesitation supported the idea of ​​becoming parents.

2. Before the babies were born, the future dad studied a bunch of books on child psychology and development.

Sources claim that, having found out about different systems of raising children, Harry and Lisa’s parents decided to settle on Italian. Its main principle is the natural development of the child, taking into account his uniqueness and originality. Children are given absolute freedom within the boundaries set by their parents.

3. Harry got his name after Harry Potter, not Prince Harry.

This is how Alla Borisovna explains the origin of the name:

No, we did not name the boy in honor of the prince. The first association was Harry Potter! Because Maxim, when I met him, was very similar to Harry Potter! When the son was born, it was even more clear that this was Harry - Harry Galkin! And that sounds so good!

4. The children have two nannies, and the parents approached their choice very responsibly.

Here's what Maxim Galkin says about this:

Alla chose the nanny. She involved her friends and acquaintances. My brother’s wife and our close friend, singer Irson Kudikova, helped us in finding a nanny.

5. In the family, Alla Borisovna is more strict in raising children, while Maxim spoils them.

In one interview he admitted:

We have a strict Alla, she also dotes on Lisa and Harry, but I can’t raise them at all, I’m half-heartedly touched.

6. Alla Borisovna and Maxim don’t really think about who their children will become yet. But Harry and Lisa themselves know something about their talents.

Lisa claims to be an artist, dancer and singer. Harry, in his own words, also has three abilities: repair, fire and skates. Parents are still enjoying the fun age of their children and do not want to think about who they will become in the future.

All we care about now is that they eat on time. What our daughter and son will become when they grow up does not interest us at all yet.

7. Harry is the spitting image of his father, and Lisa is a copy of Alla Pugacheva.

Harry's godmother Mila Stavitskaya immediately noted this:

The boy is very similar to Maxim, and Lisa is a copy of Allochka. When she was born, I immediately said: “Alla Borisovna, it’s you!” This hair is curly, the eyebrows are reddish, the eyes are radiant - a copy of Pugacheva. The girl is very beautiful.

8. Parents are not obsessed with healthy eating; kids can easily dine on French fries.

Here is irrefutable proof of this fact.

9. Children grow up modest and are happy with simple toys.

For the kids’ fourth birthday, Pugacheva’s longtime friend, whom Harry and Lisa simply call “Grandma Alina,” gave Lisa skates, and Harry a gift. military uniform. The children really liked the gifts!

We never tire of being touched by Harry and Lisa! How nice and funny they are! Let the children grow up happy and healthy, making their parents and us happy! 🙂

Star children are the object of close attention of society and money mass media. Paparazzi are hunting for pictures of babies, capturing them from all angles: in the company of their celebrity parents on vacation or in the supermarket, with nannies, grandparents. Their appearance, similarity or dissimilarity with their mothers and fathers, wardrobe, behavior - the public is interested in everything.

From the day she was born, Elizaveta Galkina, her twin sister, has been growing up in the spotlight. After all, Liza is the child of a Soviet prima donna and Russian stage and comedian No. 1. A four-year-old girl and her brother promise to overtake famous parents in popularity. From the first years of her life, Liza Galkina was a media person, while the girl’s parents had to go through long haul to glory.

Lisa Galkina is a few minutes older than her brother. The name of the twins' surrogate mother is kept secret. Liza Galkina’s weight is 2 kilos 400 grams, head physician Yulia Kutakova told reporters. My sister turned out to be “slimmer” than her brother by 540 grams. Elizabeth's height is 48 centimeters. The names of the babies were announced to the curious by art director Alla Borisovna.

The touched singer commented on the appearance of her daughter and son in her life: Alla Borisovna was present at the moment the babies were born. She said that the first impression that came to her was that she had two grandchildren.

The understanding that Lisa and Harry were her children came on the second day. The diva was next to the twins while the babies were in the clinic.


Alla Pugacheva first spoke about babies in December 2013 on the “New Russian Sensations” program. The diva, upset by the uproar surrounding the issue of surrogacy, rebuffed her critics. She hinted that this type of motherhood has been practiced in Russia for decades, but parents (and among them are well-known names in the country) do not advertise that they “gave birth” to children in this way.

Six months later, the sensation ceased to be such, society got used to the idea that the star and her young husband were parents, and Pugacheva and Galkin plunged into pleasant chores.

The birth of Lisa Galkina and her brother pacified the singer, as Galkin spoke about in the biographical film “I Like... Alla Pugacheva”. The parodist, happy with fatherhood, is confident that the children will grow up talented and bright personalities, because the wife raised her daughter and grandchildren as such, in whose life she participated from the first days of her birth.

When Lisa Galkina turned 2 years old, parents and friends star family They said that the baby and her brother speak well, draw, and know a couple of dozen English words and communicate with their kindergarten peers.

IN talk show broadcast“Alone with everyone,” the parodist admitted that Lisa and Harry turned him from a pragmatic and assertive person into a soft and flexible one.

Everyone who closely follows the star family first saw Liza Galkina’s face in 2015. The baby and her brother attended Alla-Victoria Kirkorova’s birthday party. Then observant fans noted Elizabeth’s resemblance to her mother, and Harry’s resemblance to his father.

Maxim Galkin spoke about the first difficulties that parents faced in raising twins: children are jealous of each other’s father and mother, competing for attention. But Liza Galkina is more “mature” and inferior to her brother, who takes advantage of her sister’s compliance and pulls the blanket parental love on yourself. Therefore, mom and dad have to balance and balance the situation so that none of the children feel like favorites.

Lisa Galkina has already developed tastes and preferences in clothing: girly clothes predominate in her wardrobe pink. But Elizabeth also loves other bright colors - red and rich blue, which do not allow her to get lost in the crowd. The baby is relaxed in public and does not shy away when hundreds of eyes or a video camera lens are fixed on her. She easily sings and dances, recites poems and answers questions.

For impromptu home concerts, Lisa Galkina chooses fluffy tutu skirts, bright printed dresses, lace sundresses and eye-catching hair accessories.

Lisa Galkina now

Events in the biography of Lisa Galkina instantly become public knowledge. Touching comments appeared under the one posted in “ Instagram» video parodist with Lisa and ladybug, which brought the little girl to tears. The girl noticed a cow on a dandelion and wanted her mother to see it, but the insect flew away.

From Galkin’s comment, subscribers understood that Lisa knows French words: she told her father what the French call a ladybug.

A video of Lisa Galkina swimming in the pool of the castle in Gryazi has received millions of views. On the video signed by the father “ Mom sings, and daughter swims!”, subscribers saw that Elizabeth was confidently floating on the water.

In January 2016, the diva created her own account on Instagram, where she shares the successes of her heirs. Subscribers of the page saw the first crafts of Lisa Galkina: a flower and a tree sculpted from plasticine with her own hands.

In 2017, Alla Pugacheva performed on “New Wave”. The children watched their mother’s performance on TV, while Lisa sang and danced, as her father told him about.

TV viewers were convinced of Lisa Galkina’s vocal abilities when they heard the girl sing on the comedian’s show “MaximMaxim,” which is broadcast by Channel One.

In the summer of 2017, the showman posted a new video on Instagram from the Riga coast, which shows Lisa Galkina dancing. The girl’s first artistic performance took place on the beach: Elizabeth danced to the music being presented in front of the admiring spectators. The video received 1.8 million views.