What does the name Valentine mean for a girl. Valentin and Ksenia

"Valentine's Day is in mid-February,
Like snowflakes, valentines are flying, flying, hurrying."

These words from the song performed by Laima Vaikule are familiar to everyone. Indeed, on February 14, men named Valentine celebrate a double holiday - Valentine's Day and Guardian Angel Day. About the imprint it leaves beautiful name on the character and fate of its owner - in our article.

Name interpretations

The male name Valentin has a female counterpart - Valentina. For both names, the shortened version will be Valya.

In addition, there are many diminutive forms for a boy: Valyukha, Valka, Valyunchik, Valyasya, Valusya, Valechka, Valenta. For men, the nicknames Valens, Val or Val are sometimes used.

Patronymic names formed from given names will sound like Valentinovna and Valentinovich.

Foreign analogues

IN Ancient Rome there was even such a beautiful male name as Valentinian, which meant “belonging to the house of Valentine.” How does it sound? various peoples Nowadays?

As you can see, the name is popular in Europe. Many famous people wear it proudly.

Famous namesakes

Many men with the name Valentin have left their mark on history. Let's remember the most famous of them.

  1. Valentin Aleksandrovich Serov (1865-1911) – Russian painter and graphic artist.
  2. Valentin Petrovich Kataev (1897-1986) – Russian Soviet writer, author of the novel “The Lonely Sail Whitens.”
  3. Valentin Nikolaevich Pluchek (1909-2002) – chief director of the Moscow Satire Theater.
  4. Valentin Ivanovich Filatov (1920-1979) - Soviet and Russian artist circus trainer
  5. Valentin Savvich Pikul (1928-1990) - Russian writer, author of the famous historical novels “The Favorite”, “I Have the Honor” and others.
  6. Valentin Ivanovich Dikul (born 1948) – circus performer, folk healer.
  7. Valentin Aleksandrovich Karavaev (1929-2001) - Soviet and Russian animator director, author of the famous parrot Keshi.
  8. Valentin Grigorievich Rasputin (1937-2015) – Russian writer.
  9. Valentin Sergeevich Zorin (born 1925) – Soviet and Russian political commentator and writer.
  10. Valentin Vasilyevich Silvestrov (born 1937) is a Soviet and Ukrainian composer.
  11. Valentin Abramovich Yudashkin (born 1963) is a famous Russian couturier.

In addition, it is impossible to forget the popular artists who bore or bear such a name. These are Valentin Gaft, Valentin Smirnitsky, Valentin Nikulin and Valentin Bukin.

Let us also remember their foreign namesakes. During the Baroque era, one of the most famous artists was the French painter Valentin de Boulogne. And now the Italian fashion designer Valentino Garavani, his compatriot motorcycle racer Valentino Rossi and the popular American actor Val Kilmer are alive.

Fate and character

People around him are always drawn to the owner of this name. Valentin attracts them with his flexible, kind-hearted character and amazing cheerfulness. Moreover, he differs in such qualities from early childhood.

In childhood

Parents whose son bears this name can be kindly envied. More obedient, more polite and more educated than a child hard to find. He is never capricious or plays pranks, he is always ready to carry out any assignments, and he does everything not under duress, but with joy.

The boy loves to communicate with elders, listens with pleasure to the stories of his grandparents, and is interested in their lives. Having learned to read early, Valechka prefers books to noisy games with peers. He makes friends mainly with girls, often acting as their protector.

From early childhood, Valik was prone to contemplation. He likes to watch any living creatures. If parents give a boy an aquarium with fish, he will be happy not only to care for them, but also to study their behavior and habits.

Valechka is indifferent to sports. At the insistence of adults, he can enroll in any section, but he will attend it without desire, and soon he will quit completely.

Studying at school is easy for the boy. He especially likes humanities and science subjects. When doing homework, Valik tries to read not only textbooks, but also additional literature. Teachers are impressed by a diligent, well-mannered and erudite boy, so he will only have A's and B's in his diary and certificate.

In high school, Valentin begins to become interested in philosophy and psychology. He likes to study human characters, observe people's behavior and draw conclusions. Quite often this hobby smoothly turns into his favorite profession, and Valik enters a pedagogical or medical school to become a psychiatrist, psychotherapist or teacher.

Adult Valentine

In any case, our hero will devote his life only to the work that he likes. Moreover, the material side does not matter much to Valentin. He will constantly improve in his profession, study literature, take various courses only with the aim of enriching his knowledge and acquiring new skills.

Valentin always has a lot of friends and acquaintances. He loves to be in company, but not with bottle buddies, but with like-minded, intellectually developed people with whom he can discuss the latest book releases or go to a film premiere.

The man is respected by his colleagues. Everyone knows that you can safely entrust him with any secret, ask for advice or make a request. Valik does not refuse to help anyone, trying not for the sake of “earning points”, but simply at the behest of his soul.

Our hero prefers to lead a measured lifestyle. He likes to do the same things every day - work, walk, have lunch and watch TV at the same time. If Valentin has to break the regime, he will not feel entirely comfortable.

Love and family

Good-natured, cheerful and erudite Valentin cannot but please the fair sex. He is always attentive to his ladies: he presents flowers, gives gifts, and says compliments.

Our hero takes intimate relationships seriously, perceiving sex not just as a process of procreation, but receiving aesthetic and sensual pleasure from it. A subtle psychologist, he treats each of his girlfriends special approach, so lovemaking brings real joy to both.

Valentin meets with women of different character and temperament, but for life together he is looking for a calm and “comfortably homely” woman. Indeed, in the understanding of our hero, you need to get married once and for the rest of your life, so it is very important not to make a mistake with your choice.

When she finally finds someone who is understanding, loving, not arrogant and not grumpy, Valentin enters into marriage, even if her appearance is very far from model standards. It is more important for him that there is a real mistress in the house, the children caring mother, and he has a favorite and loving wife. With a wife who will not try to command, but will become his support and support, our hero will live to a ripe old age.

Name compatibility

Having considerable knowledge in psychology, Valentin will be able to correctly “calculate” the name of his soulmate. These are the female names that will bring him happiness.

Having an accommodating character, Valentin will easily find mutual language and with his wife's parents. Both father-in-law and mother-in-law simply adore their son-in-law and try to please him in everything.

Health and habits

No wonder the name Valentin is translated as “strong.” From childhood, the boy grows up healthy, and even colds bypass him. The only thing that can let our hero down is his eyesight. An addiction to reading or the computer leads to the fact that already in school age Valik has to wear glasses.

Valentin does not smoke, but he treats people who smoke calmly, even if it is his own spouse. He is indifferent to alcohol, he can drink one or two glasses at a banquet or on the occasion of a holiday, and that’s all.

He does not engage in sports either in his youth or in his mature years. Even morning work-out becomes a problem for him. However, from excess weight Valentin does not suffer and, after 50 years, maintains an athletic figure.

He has no special preferences when it comes to food. Even if his wife is not distinguished by her culinary talents, our hero will not notice this, devouring both red fish steak and ordinary sandwiches with the same appetite.


Having fallen in love with nature since childhood, a man does not abandon his passion even as an adult. Valentin enjoys going into the forest to pick mushrooms or sitting with a fishing rod by the river, enjoying not so much the catch as the picturesque landscapes. He prefers his native fields and meadows to any overseas resorts.

True, such love is purely contemplative in nature, since Valentin will not dig in the garden and grow fruits and vegetables. The wife will do this, and our hero’s participation will consist, at best, in preparing barbecue and philosophical conversations with friends around the fire.

Valentin's main character traits

A wonderful family man, a reliable friend, an excellent specialist - this is how those around him see Valentin. Does he have any negative qualities? The results are in the table.

So, “strong” by origin of the name, Valentin really is that. After all, strength of spirit, warmth and love of life are also a considerable force that will support him all his life.

History of the name

First of all, you need to find out what the name Valentin means. From Latin “valentis” translates as “strong” or “strong”. During the Roman Empire, the name Valens was common, from which the diminutive form Valentin was later formed.

This name is revered by both Orthodox and Catholic Church. According to legend, it was worn by three holy martyrs who lived in the 3rd century. The first was a warrior in the army of Emperor Avsolan and openly professed Christianity. When persecution began against adherents of the true faith, Valentinus and his friend Pasikrates were captured and then subjected to brutal torture, executed.

In 269, during the time of the ruler Claudius II, the presbyter was beheaded christian church in Rome named Valentin, who did a lot to develop and strengthen the teachings of Christ among the pagans. More than 300 Christians died with him.

But the most famous among the holy people with the name Valentine is undoubtedly the bishop of the Italian city of Interamna. A short story about his life and death.

Saint Valentine - patron saint of lovers

According to legend, Emperor Claudius, getting ready for war, announced a recruitment of soldiers. But a sufficient number of soldiers could not be recruited. The ruler's advisers suggested that the wives who did not want to let their husbands leave them were to blame for everything. Then the emperor issued a decree prohibiting weddings. The priests who would violate it were waiting severe punishment and even execution.

The bishop of the city of Interamna named Valentin was not only a servant of God, but also a famous healer. In addition, he secretly married all the lovers.

According to legend, one day a city prison guard turned to the bishop with a request to restore the sight of his blind daughter Julia. Seeing the beautiful girl, Valentin immediately fell in love with her. But on the same day the man was captured by the guards and imprisoned.

The priest knew that he would die for secret weddings, so he wrote a farewell note to Julia, which he passed through her father. When the girl unfolded the leaf, she found a saffron flower there. Raising it to her eyes, she regained her sight and was able to read the words that were on the paper: “Your Valentine.”

Only two hundred years after his death, the Bishop of Interamna was canonized and canonized, and at the end of the 5th century, Pope Gelasius ordered that February 14 be considered St. Valentine's Day.

The tradition of celebrating Valentine's Day appeared only in the middle of the 19th century in England, and reached Russia only in the 90s of the last century. On this day, young people exchange Valentine's cards and give each other beautiful souvenirs and toys.

In addition to February 14, Valentine's name day is celebrated on April 27, May 7, July 19, August 12, October 4, October 11 and December 2. One of these dates may become the day of a guardian angel for a man named Valentine.

The boy Valentin grows up obedient, lively and cheerful - to the delight of his parents. To himself and his responsibilities around the house, which his parents assign to him already in the very early age, treats responsibly, which is what makes him stand out among his peers. Valyusha is unlikely to go for a walk without doing his homework first. But this is still a child, and, finding himself on the street among other children, Valya will immediately turn into an ordinary restless boy, taking part in all the yard fun. The boy Valya is not the initiator of childish pranks, but he will not fail to take part in them.

Valentin is a good friend and true friend. He is always ready to help his comrades with their lessons and will protect the weak. Young Valentin takes his studies very responsibly, always does his homework, tries to work actively in class and is often offended if he is not called on.

Valentin is trusting, vulnerable and touchy, but tries not to show others that he is hurt by unfair treatment of himself. Valya is a strong, extraordinary personality already in primary school. He begins to get involved in creativity, his parents enroll the boy in an art or music school, or in a dance club.

Adolescence is the most difficult time in the life of Valentin, like any other boys and girls. At this time, his attitude to life and the surrounding world, society is formed, and habits of proper communication are laid. Valya perfectly understands how important it is for her subsequent adult life to study well and receive a decent education, and therefore devotes a lot of effort, energy and time to her studies.

IN school curriculum Valentin sometimes does not find anything interesting - he intuitively senses its imperfections, the redundancy of outdated, unnecessary information, the ineffectiveness of teaching methods in many subjects, and does a lot of extra work on his own. To do this, Valya actively visits the library, searches for information on the Internet, and tries to find the most suitable alternative methods for studying various subjects. Very often he succeeds in this and makes significant progress, surprising teachers, parents and classmates.

To transform from a skinny teenager into a well-built young man, Valentin goes in for sports. As a rule, individual work with hardware under the guidance of an experienced trainer.

Having become an adult, Valentin still continues to trust those around him, although there are fewer and fewer a priori recognized authorities for him. He still loves people and is always ready to help others. But sometimes his desire becomes obsessive, which his work colleagues don’t particularly like.

Adult Valentin is an unusually active and energetic person. Sometimes the standard performance of everyday, routine duties at work is not enough for him, and therefore he becomes a volunteer, a participant in various animal aid societies, picks up stray dogs and cats, gives them a home, helping them find a new home.

In his yard or neighborhood, Valentin is the initiator of arranging a playground and creating amateur interest clubs. And the most interesting thing is that he does not demand anything in return, being completely satisfied with the results of his efforts.

1. Personality: living in two worlds

2.Color: blue

3. Main features: excitability - receptivity - intuition

4. Totem plant: foxglove

5. Totem animal: seahorse

6. Sign: Aquarius

7. Type. These men are sometimes nervous and sentimental. Mentally they resemble their totem - seahorse, who seems to be sleeping in the water, and then suddenly wakes up.

8. Psyche. They are psychopathic, although they hide it. Their sex life has two aspects: impressionability leads to the idealization of the object of love, followed by severe disappointment, and aggressive sexuality often creates unpleasant situations. They are passive, but at the same time they can acquire a tendency towards masochism.

9. Will. Rather, weak. Indecisive.

10. Excitability. Average. However, it should be remembered that often they are simply biding their time so that they can overtake you later.

11. Reaction speed. It seems that they are dozing, immersed in their inner world, but in fact they perfectly notice what is happening around them.

12. Activity. Average. Before getting down to business, they weigh and calculate their strengths and capabilities.

13. Intuition. Highly developed.

14. Intelligence. Their interests are strictly selective, they delve into trifles and pass by truly significant phenomena without deigning to pay attention to them.

15. Receptivity. Often susceptible to influence. Not too confident in themselves, rather indecisive, timid.

16. Morality. They know how to adapt to circumstances. Their system moral values never clear and precise.

17. Health. Good, but these people get tired quickly. They need long sleep and a calm, measured lifestyle. Susceptible to infectious diseases. Weak parts of the body are the eyes and bronchi.

18. Sexuality. The sex life of such men is subordinated to feelings. It takes them a long time to identify their desires, but then everything happens very quickly.

19. Field of activity. They become excellent technicians in the field of electronics, engineers in the field of aircraft construction, good researchers who can manage several areas of work at once.

20. Sociability. They are very sociable, especially when they are in a good mood, which does not happen too often. They do not like to give up old attachments.

21. Conclusion. Don't let people like this isolate themselves. Sometimes they are very active and active, sometimes they just sit back and are not always able to control the situation.

Sexy portrait of a name (according to Higir)

He is characterized by emotional impulses in sex, refinement of feelings, and a subtle psychological approach to his partner. Valentin is loving and impressionable, relying on his charm and intuitive feeling. He can quickly fall in love, but just as quickly become disappointed and look for a new hobby. Valentin leads a meaningful sex life, takes it seriously, perceiving sex not only as a way of procreation, but also as a source of sensual pleasures that bring mutual joy to partners. He is truly happy if he finds understanding with his girlfriend and can painlessly discuss any intimate topics with her.

Love, tenderness and sexual satisfaction are inextricably linked for him. He is able to achieve success with almost any woman, conquering her with his passion, perseverance and at the same time caring attitude. Alas, Valentin belongs to the type of man for whom the process of struggle itself is important, and having achieved his goal, he soon calms down and cools down. Valentin is sentimental, remembers past relationships for a long time and often idealizes them.

“Winter” Valentine is less fortunate and happy in his intimate life than the rest of his namesake. He often fails, but retains the ability to please women almost until old age. Often his sexual exploits date back to a period when he was already well over forty. All Valentines are very sensitive; if they notice some kind of disorder in a woman’s toilet, they can break up with her forever.

“Summer” Valentin has an obsession - he is insanely afraid of his old age and this may make him grow older. Likes to look at erotic magazines. “Autumn” Valentine often becomes a participant in some adventures, but gets out of his troubles without big losses. His family intimate life full of difficulties.

According to Higir

Derived from Latin word"valeo" - to be healthy. Widely distributed among Slavic peoples, gained particular popularity in connection with George Sand’s novel “Valentine”.

He grows up to be an obedient and diligent child. As a child, he is friends with girls, protects them from offenders. He is observant and unobtrusive. He is drawn to his grandfather, and it will be very good if he helps his grandson breed fish, since the boy is inclined to contemplation and peace. As a teenager, Valentin begins to become interested in philosophy and psychology, and he can later become a good psychiatrist or psychotherapist. He is endowed with other abilities and, possessing the necessary volitional qualities, often achieves great success in a variety of fields of activity.

Valentin is a loyal friend; his comrades trust him with their secrets. He prefers a good book to a football match. Usually he does not smoke, although he treats people who smoke, including his smoking wife, condescendingly. Likes to pick mushrooms, fish, just breathe fresh air Outdoors. But it’s difficult to drag him into the mountains, And country cottage area is also not one of his hobbies. Chess and crosswords are for him. His wife's culinary abilities are not of decisive importance for Valentin. He is content with a hastily prepared sandwich and a sumptuous dinner, not noticing, however, that his wife expects praise from him in both the first and second cases. You shouldn’t be offended by it - it even has its own charm. So, Valentin will never quarrel because the refrigerator is empty. He values ​​modesty, complaisance and a quiet disposition in a woman. He easily finds a common language with his wife’s parents and does not refuse to help neighbors and relatives. You wouldn't classify him as a drinker. Not falling in love, he remains faithful to his wife, which sometimes even serves as the subject of jokes from friends. It’s better not to give Valentin any reason to be jealous.

A marriage with Angela, Valentina, Victoria, Daria, Lyalya, Maria and Marina should be successful, which cannot be said about a marriage with Albina, Alevtina, Antonina, Elizaveta, Nadezhda and Tamara.

By D. and N. Zima

Meaning and origin of the name:“Strong”, “Strong” (lat.)

Name energy and character: In the Russian language, which itself has considerable firmness, the name Valentin in a rather strange way combines lightness and at the same time a readiness for some tension, sometimes significant. The even lighter nature of the name is emphasized by the fact that nowadays it is much more often used in the female version - Valentina. It should be noted that this state of affairs can cause a lot of trouble in adolescence, when in courtyard groups hints about belonging to a different sex sometimes sound especially offensive. Thus, unless, of course, Valentin is brought up in some special conditions, isolated from the influence of the street, he often has to show character, which, in turn, can strengthen peculiar to the name voltage.

However, in any case, this name has a tangible impact on its bearer. Very often, behind Valik’s calmness and friendliness, one feels a very solid foundation, a certain inner rod, which is not so easy to break, and one can believe that to a large extent this happened because Valentin felt the need to strengthen his character in order to emphasize his courage, at least in his own eyes.

With age, this influence gradually disappears, but internal strength and the ability to accumulate tension for a long time remain and can bring significant benefits in life. At the same time, the inherent lightness of the name does not contribute to the development of despotic and cruel character traits; Moreover, among the Valentins there are a lot of humane people who are able to understand someone else’s misfortune and help their neighbor.

Valentin's character can best manifest itself in professions that require painstaking, hard work and patience. They can realize themselves in medicine, science, and art. At the same time, it can be difficult for them in leadership positions, where sometimes they need to use not only the carrot, but also its more radical addition - the stick.

Secrets of communication: Among Valentines there are a lot of sincere people with whom it can be pleasant to communicate, therefore, when approaching him with any matter, try to have a heart-to-heart talk with him. If you are sincere, he will be able to understand you better.

The name's trace in history:

Valentin Serov

Everyone who has had the opportunity to visit Tretyakov Gallery, I simply couldn’t help but stop in front of Valentin Serov’s famous painting “Girl with Peaches.” This canvas depicts Vera Mamontova: the girl seemed to have just ran onto the terrace and sat down at the table on which rosy peaches were scattered; the whole picture is permeated with sun, light, happiness. The talent of Serov (1865–1911), who considered himself a portrait painter (although he painted both landscapes and still lifes), was recognized during his lifetime, and fame brought the artist much more trouble than joy. He was constantly bombarded with orders from above, from people whom he simply had no right to refuse. However, despite the “portrait bondage”, Serov remained a man with a sense of his own dignity and a very capricious man, from whom high-ranking persons were never able to turn into an obedient court artist.

History has preserved the following fact: once Valentin Serov was invited to the court to paint portraits of members royal family. It was impossible to refuse. First, the artist began to paint a portrait of Nicholas II in the uniform of a Scottish regiment, and the queen wanted to look at the finished work. She asked the king to stand in his usual pose, took a brush and, comparing the features of the king’s face in the portrait with nature, remarked to the artist:

- It’s too wide here, but there we need to raise it...

Serov took a palette out of the drawer and handed it to the queen with the words:

“Then you, Your Majesty, write, and that’s enough for me.”

Several years passed, and the tsar, through the artist’s friend, Diaghilev, turned to Serov with a request to paint a new portrait. Serov went to the post office and dictated a telegram to Diaghilev. The answer was laconic: “I no longer work in this house.”

The Greek name Valentin comes from the Latin word "valens", which means "strong" and "healthy". The ancient Romans gave great importance such concepts as strength and health, and since most names have ancient Greek roots, names with this meaning have always been popular.

Among the Slavic peoples, the name Valentin became widespread as meaning “not susceptible to disease” and served as a kind of amulet. The name gained particular popularity with the dissemination of Georges Sand's novel "Valentine". Nowadays, boys are called this name quite rarely, since it is most often found in the female version of Valentine.

When giving their son the name Valentin, parents should be very careful with feminine derivatives, since in this way they can inadvertently provoke feminine in a masculine character.

Meanwhile, a lot of history is known outstanding personalities bearing this wonderful male name. Among them are fashion designer Valentin Yudashkin, writers Valentin Pikul and Valentin Kataev, doctor Valentin Dikul, actors Valentin Gaft and Valentin Smirninsky, artist Valentin Serov and many others.

Name days and patron saints

The patron saint of the name is Saint Valentine, who became popular all over the world thanks to the holiday called Saint Valentine's Day. But the story of St. Valentine has two versions of its origin.

According to one version, the ancient Roman emperor Claudius II decided that a single man would be a much better soldier than a family man, and forbade young men of military age from getting married. Priest Valentin, realizing the injustice of this decree, risking his life, continued to marry loving couples. When this became known, the emperor ordered the execution of the priest.

If you believe the second version, then Saint Valentine was the first person to send his beloved girlfriend a Valentine - a touching letter from a man in love. According to legend, when Valentine was in prison, he fell in love with a young lady who visited him during his imprisonment. Before his death, he wrote her a letter full of tender confessions.

If you look into the lives of the saints, you can see several more saints named Valentine, so all owners of this name can choose their name day closest to their date of birth from the following dates: April 27; May 7; July 19; 12th of August; October 11.

Characteristics of the name

Valentine, like his patron saints, is sacrificially kind - this is his main character trait, which more than covers all his shortcomings. Valentin is ready to save everyone, even to the detriment of his own interests, he simply physically cannot stand it if someone next to him suffers. He does not expect rewards or gratitude, he himself is never the first to enter into conflict, he knows how and loves to make friends.

However, excessive pressure causes irritation in Valentin, and criticism can provoke a sharp, even rude reaction on his part - this may surprise those who consider Valentin to be a weak and spineless person. It is quite difficult to provoke Valentin’s anger, but behind the calmness and friendliness of the man, you can feel an inner core that is not easy to break.

Valentin is quick-tempered, but quickly moves away and willingly goes for reconciliation. He should not be allowed to withdraw into himself, as this could result in depression. A man needs communication, he will gladly help his wife and neighbors with household chores, go fishing with friends, and spend time with the children.

By nature, Valentin is timid and constrained; his character is not characterized by aggressiveness and authority, but he is characterized by extremes - some desire or business can captivate a man so much that he ceases to hear the “voice of reason.” In this case, it can be difficult for Valentin to cope without outside help and support from loved ones.

Valentin can be called a sincere person, to whom you always want to turn for support and advice. He loves heart-to-heart conversations, is able to understand a person’s mental turmoil and is always ready to help. Valentin is sentimental, but the man tries to hide this trait of his character.

Valentin has a rare intuition that can easily compete with that of a woman. He is receptive to everything around him, but is often interested in small details, without paying due attention to really important things and events. Valentin can easily adapt to circumstances and people, and his moral principles are rarely firm and clear.

Valentin can confidently be called a highly intellectual person, and with enough effort, he has every chance of achieving great success in life.


Little Valya usually grows up as a calm and inquisitive child, but often has complexes because of his “feminine” name. It is very important to explain to the child the meaning of this absolutely masculine name as early as possible, to teach him to appreciate it and be proud of it.

From early childhood, kindness and compliance are noticeable in the child; he willingly shares toys and sweets with his peers. He has many friends among girls and often acts as their protector.

In adolescence, a young man can become interested in philosophy and psychology, he loves to read and does well at school. The boy rarely gets involved with bad company, as he prefers to spend time at home. By nature he is a dreamer and romantic, more inclined to contemplation than to decisive action.


Valentin is the owner of good health, but he needs to lead a measured lifestyle and ensure proper sleep, since the man gets tired quickly and needs a long time to recover.

Valentin is prone to infectious diseases, and he also needs to be careful about his vision.


Women like Valentin, he knows how to charm and seduce them. His sexuality is subordinated, first of all, to feelings, and is not revealed immediately.

Valentin attaches great importance to external attributes; the environment and the smell emanating from a woman are important to him. He devotes a lot of time to foreplay and sexual games, and knows how to maintain his partner’s sexual desire. Valentin is sexually active, recovers quickly after sex and is ready to continue.

Tenderness, love and sex - for Valentin these things are inextricably linked. He sincerely believes that sex should bring pleasure to both partners, and he does everything for this. If there are failures in sex, Valentin is sincerely worried and upset.

Marriage and family, compatibility

Valentin likes quiet, modest and well-mannered girls - this is exactly how he wants his future wife to be. He will make a faithful and caring husband who will support his wife in everything.

In everyday life, Valentin is unpretentious and non-conflict, he will never allow himself to look at other women, and will demand absolute fidelity from his wife. He will be happy to garden, go mushroom hunting and fishing, and will never cause a scandal because of a missing lunch or a mess in the apartment. He will easily find a common language with his wife’s parents and with other relatives and neighbors. Valentin is indifferent to alcohol.

A man treats children with great trepidation and love, and usually becomes not only a father to them, but also a friend.

The most successful marriage is possible with women named Valentina, Valeria, Victoria, Evgenia, Maria, Daria, Marina and Natalya. Relationships with Nadezhda, Antonina, Tamara, Eva and Elena should be avoided.

Business and career

If you encourage Valentin’s ambitious plans from childhood, he will be able to make a good career and create good personal capital. A man is inclined towards the humanities, he knows how to subtly feel people, so he can make a good psychologist, teacher, educator, lawyer, judge or artist.

Valentin can do painstaking, monotonous work, work hard and achieve results. But he can't borrow leadership positions, since the man is too soft and unsure of himself, and the team is unlikely to obey him.

At Valentin's Strong arms and big creative potential, he can become a good surgeon, carpenter, carpenter, artist or musician.

When choosing a profession, Valentin will choose the one he likes, and not the one that will bring more income.

Talismans for Valentine

  • Patron planet - Uranus.
  • Patronizing zodiac sign is Aquarius. If a boy born under this sign is named Valentine, then nature will endow him with all kinds of talents and a happy destiny.
  • A good time of year is spring, a good day of the week is Wednesday.
  • Lucky color is pink.
  • The totem animal is a doe. This graceful and timid animal is a symbol of timidity, tenderness and passion. At the same time, the doe is considered the personification of loneliness, hermitage and melancholy.
  • Totem plant - maple and foxglove. Maple symbolizes spirituality, peace and prosperity. If you believe Slavic mythology, maple is able to scare away evil spirits, brings a person peace of mind, and at home - happiness and peace. Foxglove is a bright flower that symbolizes hard work and perseverance. It protects the house from evil spirits and negative influences.
  • Talisman stone - beryl. This is a stone for people with a philosophical mindset who are looking for themselves and their path in this world. The stone helps to overcome difficulties and attracts the necessary connections.


Aries- a friendly, active person, a never-failing optimist. He absolutely does not know how to say the word “no”, which is why he himself suffers first of all. By nature, he is an idealist and romantic, builds castles in the air and sincerely believes that they are real. Sympathy from those around Valentin-Aries is added by his kind and generous soul, passionate and warm heart, as well as the cheerfulness and love of life that the man constantly radiates to everyone. However, deliberate self-confidence often hides behind itself a timid and insecure person. IN mature age Valentin-Aries will no longer be so trusting and straightforward, his plans will no longer resemble Napoleonic ones. But the whole point is that this man will take a very long time to reach maturity. Valentin-Aries does not have strategic thinking, so it is better for him not to engage in business, but to choose a profession related to communication. IN family life it will not be easy with Valentin-Aries, since he is distinguished by his temper and intolerance to any criticism; he will stubbornly defend his independence, at the same time, demanding complete submission from his wife. As a wife, he needs a feminine, flexible and wise woman who will be able to direct her husband’s energy in the right direction. A Leo woman can become such a partner for Valentin-Aries - this will be a truly strong and lasting union.

Taurus- a silent and restrained man in expressing emotions, but reliable as a rock. He does not tolerate external fuss and empty chatter, and his slowness can sometimes cause irritation. Valentin-Taurus is stubborn and will never dance to someone else's tune; he does not change his decisions and moves forward, albeit slowly but confidently. His absolutely realistic perception of life allows him to compile facts, analyze information and make the right decisions. Those who have known Valentin-Taurus for a long time know that there is no situation from which he would not find a way out. His future wife can be sure that this man will always have funds for his own home and a comfortable existence - Valentin-Taurus knows how to not only attract money, but also keep it. A man is characterized by a high degree of punctuality and accuracy, as well as such qualities as thoroughness, pedantry and love of order, so this person can be successful in any profession. As a wife, he needs a clean and economic partner, since a man greatly values ​​comfort and coziness. The wife will have to forget about her career and devote herself entirely to her husband and raising children. The most suitable match for Valentin-Taurus could be a Cancer woman - this will be a connection between two people who are completely satisfied with each other, imbued with calm and comfort.

Twins- self-centered, emotional nature, a great lover of travel and adventure. He can make promises left and right, and just as easily forget about them. The life of a Gemini Valentine makes sense only when everything around him is boiling and changing, any attempts to take control of him end in failure. That's why it's great for the man suitable for the profession, associated with risk and business trips, he can become an excellent athlete, but a career as a salesman or politician is best suited for him. In trading, he can be simply a virtuoso, and his remarkable organizational talent will help a man become a good administrator or intermediary, producer. Gemini Valentine is an easily carried away person, and when a new interest appears in his life, he is able to completely break off old ties and start life from scratch. His wife will have a hard time, since she will have to become not only a wife for her husband, but also a “mommy” who will guide, console and cherish her husband - an eternal teenager. She will need to take on all the worries about the family, but at the same time do not forget to consult with her husband, since Gemini Valentine is very touchy and vulnerable. An Aquarius woman can become both a wife and a mother in one person - there will always be more mutual understanding between them than disagreements.

Cancer- this is a person who loves to attract attention to himself, but at the same time he is sincere and reliable. In principle, he is not capable of meanness, he is always ready to sympathize and take part in solving other people's problems. But at the same time, his practicality sometimes borders on stinginess; he is unlikely to shower his chosen one with flowers and gifts. Valentin-Cancer is conservative to the core and bones; he adapts very poorly to new people and circumstances. A man has good intellectual abilities, but at the same time manages to live in a world of illusions, completely unable to analyze and think analytically. Work in the life of Valentin-Cancer is of great importance; he is always fanatically devoted to his work. He has pronounced abilities in cooking and art, and he could make a good psychologist or psychic. Lack of self-confidence often leads to the fact that a man cannot fully realize himself professionally; moreover, he does not know how to defend his interests. Valentin-Cancer is very touchy; he is sensitive to even the slightest criticism addressed to him. Accumulated grievances can plunge him into depressive state. He does not know how to competently “take a punch”, so he can be aggressive and prone to frequent mood swings. A Virgo woman is best suited for him as a wife - she will give strength and confidence to her vulnerable and sensitive spouse.

a lion- This is a great enthusiast, accustomed to being guided by feelings, not reason. He is quick-tempered and impatient, has a selfish character, but at the same time is noble and charming, like a true lion. Valentin-Leo knows very well the value of his charm; he loves to be in the center of attention. The man has a rather rare feature in our time - he has golden hands. He does any work calmly and without tension, everything works in his hands and works like a clock. As a profession, he is best suited to one where there is no need to follow other people's orders. Routine, uncreative, monotonous work is not suitable for him, and work in the service sector is also not suitable. Valentin-Lev loves and knows how to work with people, he always voices his point of view without fear and knows how to defend it. He'll make it wonderful leader- fair and demanding. Valentin-Leo is the type of person who needs everything or nothing. There should be an abundance of everything in his life - money, women, admiration, clothes, attention, since this is all his element in which he feels comfortable. He is very proud, so criticizing him is like playing with fire. At the same time, he is always generous, selfless, and ready to go through thick and thin for the sake of his loved ones. Valentin-Leo is unlikely to become an exemplary family man, since he simply needs female attention, and he will never be able to pass by beautiful woman. His union with an Aries woman looks most favorable - she will be able to direct her husband to the true path without hurting his painful pride.

Virgo- an open and courageous, but slightly naive man, distinguished by his aristocratic manners, special charm and charm. This is a very disciplined and committed person, not prone to risk, to various tricks and tricks. Valentin-Virgo can prove itself in the best possible way in a profession that requires good organizational skills, administration, planning or consulting. He has a well-developed sense of beauty, so Valentin-Virgo can find himself in an applied specialty or in art. Valentin-Virgo is a real workaholic who knows how to earn and save money; he simply cannot imagine his life without work and without systematically increasing his income. A man cannot stand vulgarity and bad taste, so only a girl with aristocratic manners who knows how to behave in society can become his chosen one. Valentin-Virgo is alien to romanticism and violent manifestations of feelings, but he knows how to be faithful, and the best proof of his love will be loyalty to women’s whims, the desire and ability to provide for his family so that she does not need anything. The most suitable match for Valentin-Virgo could be a Virgo woman - these are like-minded people who have the same attitude towards love and life.

Scales- a man restrained in the expression of feelings, conservative, diligent and patient. He is cultured and intelligent, he is characterized by sophistication and a love of beauty, but at the same time the man is a little lazy and indifferent. Valentin-Libra can be an excellent conversationalist, knows how to argue reasonedly, and does not like conflicts and loud showdowns. Physical labor is completely unsuitable and even contraindicated for a man, since he is a thinker, not a worker. He has pronounced creative abilities, where the desire for harmony and self-expression will be combined with the opportunity to make good money. It is very important for Valentine-Libra public opinion, he always tries to please everyone, and for the sake of this he is even ready to lie or boast a little. Valentin-Libra is romantic and knows how to find an approach to a woman, but he is looking not just for a lover, but for a like-minded woman, because for him love, harmony and sex are inseparable concepts. This man has a kind soul, and he treats all women kindly, and will never allow himself any vulgarity or dishonesty. At the same time, Valentin-Libra is very down-to-earth; a cozy home and an organized life are not empty words for him. The perfect couple an Aquarius woman could be for him - they will always be attracted to each other, because they are alike in everything.

Scorpion- a very charming, capricious and unreliable person, full of contradictions. This is a very charismatic personality, unpredictable and mysterious, and therefore doubly attractive. His unshakable self-confidence is fascinating; he always has ambitious and far-reaching plans, the implementation of which he approaches with all passion, sweeping away all obstacles in his path. He learns quickly, knows how to draw the right conclusions and learn from his mistakes. Valentin-Virgo can go over the heads, be cunning and deceive completely without a twinge of conscience - he always lives by his own rules. The man can be called a “gray eminence”, since he does not strive for open leadership, but prefers to act behind the scenes. He was born to lead, explore, teach, heal and create - any profession that matches these qualities is suitable for him, but on the condition that the work will bring a stable income, allowing him to take a worthy position in society. You definitely can’t call Valentin-Scorpio an altruist. A man knows how to look after beautifully, and in bed he simply has no equal. As a wife, he needs a wise woman, strong and passionate, with whom he will always be interested. He does not need a caring housewife; his partner should be an interesting and self-sufficient person. The Sagittarius woman is best suited for Scorpio Valentine - both are dynamic, energetic and ambitious, they will always be able to support each other.

Sagittarius- a purposeful, persistent and active man, at the same time a cheerful optimist, one might say, the darling of fate. He boldly walks through life, without fear of any obstacles, and looks at the world openly and honestly. Valentin-Sagittarius always speaks the truth, without thinking at all that this truth can hurt the interlocutor. Frankness and straightforwardness often turns people against him, but a man simply cannot do otherwise. He himself is so trusting that his personal life is open book for others. Valentin-Sagittarius sincerely wants to benefit society, so professions related to restoring justice, helping people, or in the service sector are best suited for him. But he does not accept routine, monotony and hopelessness of occupation, as well as difficult physical work. Valentin-Sagittarius is always kind and friendly, so people like to be in his company. He will never pass by someone else's misfortune, he will always try to help sincerely and selflessly. But the man does not tolerate any pressure or encroachment on his freedom, so he ties the knot with great reluctance. Commitment and reliability are not his strong point. He may not hold back this promise, and reaching an agreement with him is a risky and unreliable business. A Gemini woman is best suited as a wife for Valentin-Sagittarius - these people will not make claims to each other, both are easy-going and do not like obligations.

Capricorn is a self-confident loner, withdrawn and uncommunicative. He is practical, smart and very reliable, disciplined and committed. Valentin-Aquarius is able to subordinate his entire life to his career, forgetting about himself and his family. He loves to be praised, admired and exalted in every possible way; his ambition allows him to become a very successful person. He is not afraid of responsibility and knows how to make decisive and correct decisions. We can say that any profession where there is a prospect of great success is suitable for this man. career growth and good earnings. It will not be easy in a marriage with Valentin-Aquarius, since he will not tolerate any feminist manners or unwashed dishes - he is a real housebuilder. He appreciates and respects family values, and therefore will be a faithful and caring spouse. His wife must be a good housewife, but educated and able to behave in society. A woman will feel married as if behind a stone wall, their family will always have material wealth, but she should not expect romantic gifts from her husband. Possible for Valentine-Capricorn perfect union with a Taurus woman - both are patient, purposeful and reliable, together they are able to overcome any troubles in life.

Aquarius- a freedom-loving and contradictory person living in her own romantic fantasy world. He is completely open and closed at the same time - this is the main contradiction of Valentin-Aquarius. He always says what he thinks, never holds a stone in his bosom, but in his soul there is always a hidden place where even the closest people are not allowed to look. He is sociable and friendly, it is easy and pleasant to communicate with him, he is always ready to help, and you can always rely on his word. Valentin-Aquarius has a well-developed sense of collectivism, he is good at performing social work, and is not calculating or envious. Best professions for him these are professions in the field of television, art, pedagogy, spiritual mentoring, as well as in the field of medicine and natural sciences. Valentin-Aquarius is a bad owner; he does not know how to save money and does not know how to spend it wisely. He is happier when he is poor than when he has a lot of money. A man always tries to avoid conflicts and bypasses sharp corners, but he always defends his beliefs with fervor, he has a heightened sense of justice and independence. But by nature he is still more of an observer than a fighter. Valentine-Aquarius always strives to learn something new and unknown. The best life partner for Valentin-Aquarius can be a Libra woman - in marriage they both need a certain degree of freedom, and they will get it.

Fish- a slightly insecure person, prone to contemplation and reflection. He has a soft and kind heart, but shyness often prevents him from communicating normally. Valentin-Pisces is quite satisfied with the measured course of life; he does not set global goals and does not make ambitious plans. Valentin-Pisces knows how to find small joys in life, so he does not at all strive to come to the fore not in family life, not in professional activity. The man is smart and efficient, but in life he is often hampered by chronic laziness with bouts of depression and melancholy, during which he is generally unable to do any work. Due to his extremely delicate nature and lack of self-discipline, Valentin-Pisces cannot occupy leadership positions or become a good businessman, but he can become an excellent teacher, educator, doctor or psychologist, and his rich imagination and subtle taste allow him to achieve success in the field of arts. Valentine-Pisces can be an excellent family man, a caring and responsible father. A woman who does not need Mexican passions in the family, but who values ​​calmness, reliability and partnerships, will feel comfortable with him. The most successful couple for Valentin-Pisces could be a Cancer woman - this will be a union of two dreamers and visionaries with a rich inner world.