Essay about the class teacher. Women about women - Newspaper "Novocherkassk Vedomosti" - Essay about a wonderful woman leader

My glorious criminal investigation!
The ranks have been replenished again,
And you are still just as young again,
And so are you with crime on YOU!

Fate decreed that from 1974 to 1993 I worked in the criminal investigation department of the Internal Affairs Directorate of the Tambov Region as an investigator for the search for criminals and missing citizens. She worked her way up from junior lieutenant to police lieutenant colonel. I was always proud that I worked with real men who knew their business, who were completely dedicated to difficult work, detectives from God. Many of them died early, but the memory lives on. I dedicate my essays to them and all employees of the criminal investigation department.

In this essay I want to talk about the famous, respected resident of Tambov, Vyacheslav Mikhailovich Gornostaev. For many, many people he remains a model of intelligence,
integrity, extraordinary spiritual kindness. He worked for 30 years in internal affairs bodies, was the head of the Leninsky District Department of Internal Affairs, and deputy head of the regional criminal investigation department. And wherever he worked, he was always a model for his subordinates - in every respect. They learned professionalism, restraint, and tact from him. Everyone who happened to go through Gornostaev’s school acquired an elusive resemblance to the boss - they also scrupulously understood the smallest details crimes, carefully calculated options so that innocent people would not inadvertently be harmed during operational actions.

Different situations arose. In the summer of 1974, police sergeant Mursalov, returning from duty at night, entered into single combat with hooligans. They stopped a Zaporozhets on the road, driven by a Great Patriotic War veteran. Patriotic War, broke the windows and tried to turn the car over. The sergeant rushed to help the elderly man. During the fight, one of the thugs stabbed the policeman in the back. The wound turned out to be fatal. It became a matter of honor for the head of the Leninsky District Department of Internal Affairs V. Gornostaev to solve the crime and punish those responsible for the death of a colleague. The operatives got down to business. It turned out that the killer was hiding in Uvarovo. V. Gornostaev, V. Tolmachev (then the head of the police department on duty) with criminal investigation officers went to arrest. When we entered the right house, the criminal was sleeping. Without disturbing him, the police took out two knives from under the pillow, and then woke up the killer. Seeing the operatives, he immediately put his hand under the pillow and howled...

Vyacheslav Mikhailovich did not leave the family of the deceased sergeant in trouble. Soon his wife Lida Mursalova put on a police uniform and came to work in the same department where her husband served.

Another trait of our boss captivated us - he never hid behind other people’s backs, he always took responsibility for himself. That's why we tried not to let him down.

Many Tambov residents remember 1978, when a real war broke out between hooligans and thieves. It began with the murder of a certain Rublev. The guy grew up in a good family (his mother was an Honored Teacher of the RSFSR), went in for sports, but became friends with thieves and often helped them pickpocket. Once, for a gambling debt, he beat up S., who was convicted of hooliganism. Soon, thieves and hooligans met in a pub near the Stedenets River. The brother of the offended S. called Rublev aside and inflicted several stab wounds on him, from which he died. This is how confrontation arose in the criminal environment. Hooligans and thieves in an irreconcilable battle multiplied the number of victims. Three people were killed, one was missing, and two were wounded. This count could have grown steadily if the criminal investigation officers had not intervened.
V. Gornostaev and V. Tolmachev (at that time the head of the regional criminal investigation department) became tacticians and strategists in restoring order in the city of Tambov. The participants in the bloody showdown were identified and their arrests began. We received information that one of the thieves was hiding in the village of Pushkari with a friend. He has a sawn-off shotgun and won’t just give up. Police officers conducted reconnaissance of the area. The house in which the criminal was hiding had two entrances and was located next to the first-aid post. Almost the entire village was visible from his windows. What should you do to ensure that people are not harmed during the arrest? Gornostaev proposed a plan, with which the management of the Internal Affairs Directorate agreed.

Along one of the quiet streets, distant from the city center, an ambulance was moving towards Pushkari. There were men in white coats inside. Passers-by could not even guess who they were going to provide and what kind of help. The “medical workers” were wearing bulletproof vests and hidden pistols under their gowns. They were not in a hurry because of a call from a sick person.

In the car were “doctor” V. Gornostaev and “paramedic” - operative Sergei Nilov. Criminal investigation officers Semyon Slobin and Boris Posevkin were sprawled on the floor of the salon with machine guns in their hands. When the ambulance arrived at the first-aid post, the doctors with a suitcase got out of it, and the submachine gunners accompanying them, seizing the moment, quietly made their way into a nearby building to control the windows of the house under surveillance. Nilov gave a prearranged signal to Tolmachev and other employees who were in the car outside the outskirts.

In a matter of minutes, Gornostaev, Tolmachev, Grebennikov stood at the threshold of the house, at the other entrance - Protasov, Chikanaev and other operatives. The assault was lightning fast. The thief, who did not expect an attack, was so confused that he did not have time to grab his sawn-off shotgun. Handcuffs tightened around his wrists. Thus, thanks to the decisive actions of law enforcement officers, the bloodshed in the city stopped.

More than once or twice, V. Gornostaev participated in the detention of armed criminals. It happened when they shot at him. The task before the criminal investigation officers was tough: to achieve one hundred percent detection of murders and crimes involving serious bodily injury. And if they couldn’t do it without delay, they worked on them for years. So, in the late 70s, now already the last century, on the threshold of the store regional center unknown persons killed a 20-year-old guy. The response was great, but the investigation immediately encountered many difficulties. More than a year went into scrupulous work: they were looking for participants in the fight during which the young man died. It was established that one of them has the nickname “Grey-haired”.

The alibis of more than 200 people with the same nickname living in Tambov and its suburbs were checked. When the next suspect was brought to the department, V.M. Gornostaev organized a full verification of all versions put forward by him in his defense. It took a day to refute them and completely expose the criminal. The boss was the last to leave the department that day, late at night.

It has become flesh and blood. Vyacheslav Mikhailovich understood everything down to the subtleties. IN difficult situations took the “fire” upon himself, stood up for the honor of his uniform, regardless of the ranks and positions of his opponents. I remember such a case. Two drivers of the regional executive committee were detained for hooliganism. “Your shoulder straps will be removed!” - they threatened the policemen. And yet they received 15 days of administrative arrest. But Gornostaev was called to the carpet. The police colonel responded simply to the claims made: “I have always believed that Soviet power defends Soviet laws." On the same day, negligent drivers were brought to a special detention center work books– they were fired from their jobs.

Now, when you watch countless television series about the police, in which the chiefs, as a rule, are people of narrow minds, klutzes, you involuntarily remember Vyacheslav Mikhailovich Gornostaev. He remains our pride even now; we should make films and write books about such people, so that young people have someone to make a life of.

Irina Davydova

Reading time: 7 minutes


Those days when women only stood at the stove, nursed children and greeted breadwinners from work are gone. Today, no one can be surprised by a female boss. Moreover, the effectiveness of management depends not at all on gender, but on personal leadership qualities, education and experience. But, of course, there are peculiarities in the work of a female chef.

Woman boss - classification of psychological types

Leader - “Man in a Skirt”

Such a boss is stingy with emotions. What she lacks in emotionality she more than makes up for with her authoritarianism in communicating with subordinates and her harsh attitude towards people and affairs. Such a business woman will never forget her home " hedgehog gloves”, and there is no smell of democracy at work - exchange of opinions and free expression of one’s thoughts are excluded by default. As a rule, employees of a subtle mental organization flee from such a team. Therefore, outright sycophancy, quarrelsomeness and poking reign in him.
What to remember?

  • Learn to be silent and control yourself.
  • Do not allow the conversation to move from dialogue to other planes.
  • Use the gift of persuasion.

Boss - “Mommy”

The boss from this category is the complete opposite of the previous one. No action is complete without emotions. The main weapon is charm. The employees are almost her children, and friendship and only friendship should reign in the team. Read more. Kindness and emotionality do not contribute to order in the team - there is always chaos there due to the hyper-liberality of “mommy”.

What to remember?

  • Please only contact your boss directly with your problems and suggestions (not your colleagues).
  • Omit the technical details in your “presentation” - explain your ideas at the level of emotional painting. If the boss is inspired by your heartfelt speech, the technical details will be resolved by themselves.
  • The reprimands of such a boss usually represent women's grievances that are understandable to everyone. And you should respond to them accordingly. That is, turning not to the mind, but to the feelings.

Boss – “Enthusiast”

This situational type of leader is a workaholic woman who lives for success and victory. She will always be the first to arrive and the last to leave. There is paper chaos on her desk. In her memory – often too. Due to the abundance of information, she often forgets about the specific responsibilities of her subordinates, the deadlines for completing tasks, etc. Compared to previous options, this one is not so bad. In any case, the forgetfulness of your superiors sometimes provides you with an extra day off, and you won’t have any special problems at work.

A woman in the village... She is both a worker and a housewife, she very often mother of many children. She does not seek recognition, does not expect high awards. Rural woman modest and very hardworking, because peasant farming does not tolerate lazy people. Keep up with everything: get up at the first roosters, manage the housework, get the kids ready for school, and run to work yourself. So, without the city noise and bustle, in difficult rural conditions, in the absence of mechanization and automation, having shouldered a heavy load of household and industrial worries, the life of a village woman passes unnoticed year after year. There are over twenty million of them in Russia. And about one of these rural workers with wonderful name I would like to tell Nadezhda on the pages of Vperedovka.

"I am a country girl"

Daktuy resident Nadezhda Volkova, nee Lakhina, is a native Amur resident, born in the military 41st. She speaks about her homeland, Ushumun, with special warmth and tenderness... She spent her childhood, adolescence, and youth there. She has something to remember, something to talk about. He speaks with reluctance about his war and post-war childhood: “... Life was hard for everyone, what can I say.” And about how in 1958, after graduating from school, I went to study and work, first as a baker’s assistant, then as a teacher in kindergarten, says with a smile.

My life cannot be called carefree, I had to work so hard,” Nadezhda Yakovlevna recalls. - Life forced me to be independent. My parents had four of us, and when I turned 18, my father died. Therefore, I always relied only on myself: both when I studied to be a baker at the Sverdlovsk school, and when I graduated from the Khabarovsk Pedagogical College. Village hardening helped. There were always animals in the flock, and more than one: cows, chickens, pigs. Since childhood, I knew how to manage the household. And she didn’t contradict her parents’ word, she respected and revered her elders, because old people in their lifetime have seen a lot of things in life and understood a lot. They won't give you bad advice. We villagers were always taught to obey our parents, that’s how I raised our children, and I tell my grandchildren about this.

Not a minute of idleness

In Nadezhda Yakovlevna’s house there is always order, cleanliness, comfort and some kind of special hospitable atmosphere. And homemade cakes will certainly be waiting for her dear guests on the table.

No matter what time of day, whether during the day or in the morning, you go to Nadezhda Yakovlevna, there are always hot pies, cheesecakes, and buns on the table,” village librarian Tatyana Shershneva praises her fellow villager. - And half the village can tell you how delicious they are! If you bake it, there will be enough for half the village, and if he plants seedlings, there will be enough for his own garden and a dozen neighboring ones. She is such a person - “golden hands”. And when her grandchildren come to her village for the whole summer, the hospitable grandmother has no equal!

But in addition to her culinary skills, grandma can sew and knit. All her grandchildren were knitted with all kinds of booties and socks by her tireless hands. Blouses, soft pullovers - everything can happen. One of the granddaughters also took after her grandmother-handicraftsman - she was named after her grandmother, Nadezhda.

But Nadezhda Yakovlevna is not only a great housewife. These skills were most useful in the profession when she, a young mother of three children, was invited to teach works at a rural school.

Teaching at school is not an easy and responsible task, the woman says. - Well, if your task is to teach a child to work: sewing, cutting, cooking - it’s quite a troublesome task. The labor teacher needs to be able to convince the children that work brings joy to a person. Therefore, he himself must be able to receive this joy from work. Only this way, and no other way.

Nadezhda Yakovlevna never once doubted her choice life path. Having crossed the threshold of school for the first time in 1972, she devoted 22 years of her life to teaching. Additionally, she led office work and a handicrafts group at the school. She worked as a laboratory assistant and secretary. Nadezhda Yakovlevna has been retired since 1997.

Among Daktuy residents, the pensioner enjoys well-deserved authority and support. More than once she was elected by her fellow villagers as a deputy of the local Council of People's Deputies and a member of the Women's Council, accepted active participation in all activities of their school and village. Repeatedly awarded with certificates of honor and letters of gratitude. And yet, the most important thing in the life of an elderly woman today is her children and grandchildren, about whom a caring grandmother is ready to talk 24 hours a day.

Together for life

The family of Nadezhda and Peter Volkov has three children, three grandchildren, three granddaughters, a great-grandson and a great-granddaughter. Parents gave all children higher education. They have long since “flew away” from their native nest. Senior Andrey and younger Irina Today they live in Khabarovsk. Svetlana in Nakhodka. But every year they, together with their children, come to their parents’ house to visit their aged father and mother. And again they gather at the huge table big family Volkov and over a cup of fragrant village tea, devouring grandmother’s cheesecakes and pies, they remember past events and make plans for the future. For many years they live in perfect harmony: modestly, honestly, not for show. And it all started back in 1963.

It started spinning and spinning,” says Nadezhda Yakovlevna. - How Petya and I met in the spring at a friends’ wedding, he was then the groom’s groomsman, and since then we have never parted. He then often came to Ushumun to look after me, and in November 1964 they celebrated their wedding. Petya is from Daktuy, that’s why we moved to Daktuy.

You know what Nadezhda and Peter are like? beautiful couple there was a match for each other,” recalls Tatyana Shershneva. - Both are tall, stately, beautiful, and also good people: friendly, friendly.

For fifty years now, Pyotr Mikhailovich and Nadezhda Yakovlevna have been together. Both joys and sorrows - everything is in half. But for a long time now, the main burden of household chores has fallen on the shoulders of the wife. Thanks to her patience and love, Pyotr Mikhailovich was able to recover and quickly recover from the stroke. Nadezhda Yakovlevna’s endless care even today supports her sick husband and does not allow him to despair and mope. The neighbors call it a perpetual motion machine.

But where to go, because now you have to work for two,” Nadezhda Yakovlevna jokes about this.

But no one hears a word about what is difficult from the still strong, energetic woman. Since 1980, Nadezhda Yakovlevna and her husband have been living in a large, spacious house, and for more than seven years now, the woman has been independently maintaining order both in it and in the garden. She manages the mowing herself, and keeps the twenty-acre estate, a flowering garden and a vegetable garden rich in all sorts of vegetables, in order. In moments of relaxation, he reads newspapers, watches TV and is always aware of all events.

"I'm happy"

Where does this tireless woman get her strength? How and when do you find time to relax? To this Nadezhda Yakovlevna, smiling, answers:

If I suddenly want to relax, to be alone, I sit in a chair and start knitting. This calms your nerves and gives you time to think about your own things. I also love to sew. And sometimes I go to the forest for “green oxygen therapy” and relax alone with nature.

Looking at this woman, you are surprised that there are no worries, no worries in recent years They didn’t make her heart callous, they didn’t force her to withdraw. Always open, friendly, welcoming, “without a stone in her bosom,” she raised her children to be the same. Giving them love and tenderness without reserve, she receives from them in return the same share of attention and care. The children are very friendly and often visit their mother. Grandchildren and great-grandchildren love to visit their grandmother in the village.

A bright woman, a real rural worker, whose soul is open to people, and whose heart is responsive to the pain of others. Kindness and compassion are the main character traits of Nadezhda Yakovlevna, the Daktuy residents say about their fellow villager.

To answer the question: “Which day of your life do you consider the happiest?” Nadezhda Yakovlevna couldn’t do it.

“I’m just happy,” Nadezhda Yakovlevna smiles. - Every day throughout my life, even if it was not joyful, made it clear that someone needed me. More than once my fellow villagers needed my help, and I was happy if I could help them with something. At one time, my students needed my knowledge and skills, and I happily taught them everything I could. My husband, children, grandchildren still need me. Isn't this happiness? I don't need more.

Maybe these words contain the recipe for a long and happy life?

Teaching is not work
and renunciation
The ability to give your all,
Leave for a long feat
and torment
And see the light in this
and grace.

Morning. The bell rings, and the lyceum students rush to take their seats, immersing themselves in the unique school atmosphere. Everything is pleasing to the eye, everything is subordinated main goal: create for the guys ideal conditions for study and relaxation. And the main inspirer of all the affairs of the lyceum, the creative mentor of the team, its soul is the director of the Republican Classical Lyceum, Irina Vladimirovna Kartopolova. Her confidence in success fills her with optimism and makes her believe in herself.
She dreamed of being a teacher, teaching her dolls literacy and mathematics as a child, helping her classmates, imagining herself as an adult teacher, and her dream came true. After graduating from the Barnaul State Pedagogical Institute, she worked as a teacher English language in the village of Multa (Ust-Koksinsky district), then at school No. 6 in Gorno-Altaisk and, since 1993, at the Republican Classical Lyceum. Irina Vladimirovna became not just a teacher, but a real professional, constantly improving her skills and her teaching talent!
A teacher is a state of mind, a way of life, if you like. Irina Vladimirovna’s life credo: “Be able to feel the person next to you, be able to understand his soul, see the complex in his eyes spiritual world"(V.A. Sukhomlinsky).
The main goal that our director sets for himself and his colleagues is the education and development of a free and cheerful talented individual, enriched scientific knowledge about nature and man, ready for creative creative activity and moral behavior.
More than 30 years pedagogical activity left behind... Is this a lot or a little for the life of a teacher, and subsequently the director of a lyceum? Probably, for any person this is not just a period in life, but a huge journey, full of ups and downs, joys and sorrows, victories and failures... But what do these years mean for a school leader? This is constant and purposeful work on raising children, self-improvement and the formation of a unified educational space. For Irina Vladimirovna, the teaching career is not just a job, it is truly a great service to the noble cause of educating new generations! Hundreds of graduates gratefully pronounce the name of their beloved director. Irina Vladimirovna dedicated 24 years of her life to the Lyceum. Over the years, an educational institution has been created, which occupies a leading position among schools in the Altai Republic. In 2014 and 2015, the lyceum was the only one in our republic among educational institutions entered the TOP-500 rating best schools Russia based on the results of 2013 - 2014 and 2014 - 2015 academic year. In 2016, the Republican Classical Lyceum was included in two lists of the best schools in Russia providing specialized education in the following profiles: philological and social and humanitarian. Lyceum students receive education in prestigious universities our country and abroad, many of them work as leading specialists in our republic in the field of healthcare, legal
prudence, economics.
The competitiveness of the lyceum is largely due to the high qualifications of teachers, which Irina Vladimirovna pays attention to special attention; the methodological growth of a teacher, in her opinion, is the main task of a school leader. The director painstakingly and skillfully coordinates the studies and development of each member of the team. She devotes a lot of strength and energy to working with young teachers, subtly and wisely correcting the activities of experienced mentors. All this allowed the teaching staff of the lyceum to become a friendly and cohesive team, capable of solving any issues of training and education of the younger generation.
Excellent organizational skills and knowledge of human psychology help her to captivate the teaching staff common cause. A special feature of Irina Vladimirovna is a heightened sense of the new. She has some kind of unquenchable innovative impulse, an amazing sense of the new, knows how to see this new in many different situations and is always ready to help others. The most advanced pedagogical discoveries and methodological innovations are reflected in the practice of the lyceum.
To celebrate the 20th anniversary of the Republican Classical Lyceum, Irina Vladimirovna was asked to write an essay about herself and the lyceum.
Here is her “Confession...”:
“A teacher gives his life to children.
A noble, beautiful, respected profession.
It is not true that a teacher sacrifices his life for the sake of children. This is not a sacrifice, but a joy, otherwise he is not a teacher. For those who go to school with a heavy heart, it will seem like hell. In fact, school is the center of life, it is the center of energy, wisdom, love, joy. How the teacher perceives school is how the students perceive it. Everything is in the hands of the teacher.
I am grateful to my school teachers who taught me to think and live, introduced me to the profession, and became an example in life.
I respect my colleagues - teachers of the lyceum, I admire them high professionalism, their wisdom, hard work, their ability to love and understand children, their willingness to give up rest in order to solve the child’s problems, their modesty, internal culture, their ability to enjoy life, the success of children, not to lose heart even in the most difficult situations, their patience, their desire learn and move forward. It is their work and attitude to life that is embodied in the students of the lyceum.
I have a hard time getting used to new kids, especially eighth-graders.
snikam: awkward, unorganized, unable to organize themselves, grasping at everything but not finishing much, lacking skills independent work afraid to argue with the teacher, unaccustomed to asking questions. But with what courage do they sacrifice their free time To achieve this goal, how quickly they absorb the spirit of the Lyceum!
I sincerely love graduates! I love them for their determination high intelligence, the ability to quickly adapt in an unfamiliar situation, the ability to find an adequate solution to any problem, the willingness to take responsibility, decency in everything. They know how to work honestly, conscientiously, creatively, have fun, live with dignity, and act honorably. I believe that this is exactly what Russian citizens should be like. With peace of mind I can entrust them with the future of our country.
I thank fate that I became a teacher, that every day is filled with meetings and communication with amazing teachers and talented children.”
That's what she is, our director! An extraordinary, courageous and beautiful woman! With her intelligence, high culture, ability to listen and hear another person, she managed to create around herself an atmosphere of mutual understanding, creativity, and search. This woman has so much beauty, charm, strength!
Currently, no one doubts that the effective development of the education system in our country depends exclusively on highly professional people, such as Irina Vladimirovna Kartopolova.
Over the years of teaching, Irina Vladimirovna has grown from a simple teacher into a modern and successful leader. She is an excellent student of public education, an honored teacher Russian Federation, winner of the All-Russian competition the best teachers within the framework of PNPO 2008, winner of the All-Russian competition “Director of the Year 2013”.
Of course, this is not the limit! We sincerely wish our director new victories, achievements and worthy appreciation of her work. Happiness to you, dear Irina Vladimirovna!

Sketches for portraits of contemporaries

The myth that women can only speak about their own kind in a dismissive and condescending tone was dispelled by the recently published collection “Women about Women.”
The idea to create such a book arose in the bowels of the public organization, the Association of Journalists "Aksinya", which just this year celebrates its 15th anniversary and decided to present itself, its beloved, with such original gift. A few months ago, the head of Aksinya, Irina Mardar, invited members of her organization to write essays about their contemporaries - about those whom they have known for a hundred years or whom they met quite recently, about young or old people who occupy high positions or who have found something modest, but very important for them. their place in life. The main thing is that the person is interesting to the author - no matter what, his biography or its individual episodes, his non-standard views on the world or commitment to conceptual principles that he himself developed, his attitude towards the profession or people. The main thing is that the heroine of the future essay should somehow surprise, amaze, or delight the author, which makes him want to write about her.
Members of the Aksinya organization (and the overwhelming majority are women) responded with enthusiasm to the proposal, especially since journalism is very close to many of them, and it seemed like becoming the authors of the collection, returning to such an almost forgotten genre today as the essay, or just trying it out very tempting. And, speaking in journalistic language, everyone had plenty of material for this, because there are no uninteresting people, there is a reluctance or inability to “stir up” one’s character, explore his fate, press hidden “springs”.
The presentation of the collection “Women on Women” took place last Friday in the fireplace room of the central city library, and, as often happens with “Aksinya” events, there was a twist. Along with the authors of essays about women, the heroines of the essays were also invited to the meeting. This added general atmosphere holiday... reality. Here they are, our contemporaries, real, not fictitious, not born of creative imagination. Each woman in these sincere stories is truly “ the whole world worthy of everyone's attention", each of them "lives in full height and creates his own personal history in the context of the history of a large country."
“Women about Women” is an anti-glamor publication. A woman here is attracted not by “a minimum of clothing or a maximum of bright feathers on her”, not by involvement in intrigues, scandals, investigations. She is ordinary, and at the same time, when you hold your gaze on her and focus your attention, she turns out to be not so ordinary, but on the contrary, she has invaluable experience and unique personality traits. This idea was emphasized by Irina Mardar, who is also the editor and compiler of the collection, when welcoming the presentation participants. And then each author was given the floor - about the “searches and finds” of his heroine. And the heroines, in turn, expressed their attitude towards the idea of ​​“Aksinya” brought to life.
By the way, the publication of the book became possible thanks to funds from the Global Fund for Women, as well as from the publishing house “Old Russians” (Rostov-on-Don), headed by Natalya Startseva, a writer, author of the novels “In the Light of Love”, “To Me” It doesn’t hurt”, a collection of fairy tales “Tales from the Christmas Tree”. She attended the presentation and declared her love for all the heroines of the collection’s essays, who became close to her during the preparation of the book for publication. And a great gift for everyone gathered in the fireplace room, and there were not only the authors and heroines of the collection, but also members of other public organizations The cities that came to congratulate “Aksinya” on her birthday became books by Natalya Startseva with a personal signature.
All presentation participants received the book “Women about Women” as a gift. And on Monday, several such books were presented to the local history department of the library named after. Pushkin and each branch. Any reader can get acquainted with the collection of sketches about contemporary women.