Mom in a large family: interview with mother of many children Svetlana Kutsevalova: Voronezh. Interview: “Having many children gives an extraordinary feeling of cohesion and friendship. Interview with a mother of many children for Mother’s Day.

On the last Sunday of November, a holiday was celebrated that awakens in the hearts of each of us tender feelings for the dearest person in the world - mother, Mother's Day.

Thanks to state support, over the last decade in our country there have been more families raising more than two children, but these days large families are quite rare.
What is it like to be mother of many children? How to manage everything and where to get strength? Mother of three children Ekaterina Sinenko told us about this and more on the eve of Mother’s Day.
- Ekaterina, have you always dreamed of having many children? What family are you from?
“I didn’t dream of a big family, but I knew from childhood that I would have one. I myself come from a large family, but unlike my family, I wanted my children not to have such big difference at the same age as my sister and brother.
- What are your children’s names, how old are they, what do they do?
- The eldest is Yaroslav, he is 8 years old. He is a collector of mine, collects various series of toys, loves active sports. Arina is 5 years old, she loves to sing and draw. The youngest is Varvara, she is one year old, very active child, dances to any music.
- What are your children like? Similar, different? Friendly or not?
- My children are completely different: different characters, interests. The only thing they love equally strongly is sweets.
- Do you buy sweets or do you have time to bake something yourself? And what do they love most?
- We mostly buy it; it’s extremely rare that we get a stove, since my baby is hand-made. Children love everything they buy. And they most often ask me to bake charlotte and cherry pies.
- What does your typical day consist of?
- Our typical day begins with getting ready and taking the older children to school and kindergarten. While the elders are studying, Varyushka and I do household chores. After lunch - lessons with Yaroslav, reading with Arina and, at the same time, “developmental” classes with Varya. In the evening, everyone has a couple of hours of free time. Usually the elders go for a walk, or if bad weather, play and watch TV.
- How do you manage everything? And are you on time?
- I manage everything that concerns children, but I don’t always have enough time for myself.
- Do children help around the house or in looking after the youngest?
- The children help me around the house and with my youngest. They sort out their own rooms. Yaroslav's regular responsibilities include taking out the garbage, and Arina's - washing dishes. When I'm busy with something, they sit with the little one.
- There is an opinion that it is difficult with one child, but with two or more it is easier. In your experience, is this true?
- This is actually true! It's harder with one. Our situation now is like this: Arina looks after Varya, and Yaroslav looks after Arina, and I have the opportunity to do household chores or just take a break.
- Do you have helpers (grandmothers, nannies, girlfriends...)?
- Grandmothers, of course, help, as without this!
- Do they take everyone at once or do they take turns?
- If I need to go somewhere, then, of course, they sit with everyone, but if they take me away for weekends or holidays, then only the older ones. Varyusha cannot stay without his mother for more than a couple of hours.
- What is your favorite favorite time accompanying when you get together with the whole family?
- The whole family doesn’t get together very often, since our dad works a lot, in addition to his main job, he does renovations in our house, but when he has a day off, we like to go for walks, go to children’s parks and attractions.
- You said that you are renovating the house, does that mean housewarming is coming soon? Are the kids waiting for this?
“They are waiting, and at the same time they are worried, because they will each have their own room and they will have to be alone, but they are used to always being together. The elders have never lived separately; they are used to having everything between them.
- And at the end - a quick survey. Finish the sentence. The most important thing in raising children is...
- Constantly speak words of love to children and show it.
- From a husband and father in a large family, first of all, it is required...
- Support and firm father's word.
- If you had a magic wand, you would...
- First of all, I would close the mortgage, and then I would fulfill all the cherished dreams of my beloved kids.
Of course, you can’t do without problems, but they exist in ordinary families too. But there is still more happiness in a large family, as well as children!

SR: How many children do you have, what are their names, what do they do, what age are they?

Svetlana: I have four children:
Daughter Alina, almost 21 years old, graduated from technical school and works. Studying by correspondence at SSAU.
Son Alexey, 14 years old. 9th grade student high school. At school he is a good and talented artist.
Son Alexander, 4 years old. Kindergartener. Shustrik.
Son Gregory, 2.5 years old. Beginning kindergartener. Little puzzle maker.

SR: How did you decide on a third and a fourth?) It is known that in Russia there is, on average, one and a half children per family.
Svetlana: As I like to say, I don’t have four children, but rather two and two. The two eldest from his first marriage, they closer friend to a friend and by age as well. And the two youngest from his second marriage, the same age. My husband and I decided on the third, because he had no children in his life, and my first two at that time were “grown up” and already independent in some ways. The fourth child was born by accident, but I am convinced that there are no accidents, especially of this kind. My husband was very happy to learn about my pregnancy, and I was glad that he was happy. So, to everyone’s surprise (including children), Grisha was born.

SR: What difference between children seems to you the most optimal, did you plan this difference, or as God sends?
Svetlana: I consider a difference of three years to be optimal for both mother and children. But in our family there are no such ideal differences. After their daughter, they wanted a second husband with their first husband, but God decided otherwise. For six and a half years. Then seven years of loneliness, when I raised my children alone. Then there was no time to add to the family, and naturally one had to soberly weigh one’s capabilities and obligations to children. Then my kids. And there was no longer time to observe the differences. My youngest was born three days after my 40th birthday summer anniversary.

SR: What needs to be done in order to not lose sanity, adequacy, go crazy, and not turn into a tyrant when raising more than one child?
Svetlana: Here on the forum I came across a signature that turned out to be close: Two children are 3 times more than one. What can we say about three or four... I think in order not to turn into a tyrant, you just need to love them and thank God for entrusting you with raising children. Especially three or four. And, of course, take time for yourself. Find it for relaxation, work, reading, shopping.

SR: Do you have any tricks, secrets, tricks, tricks that help you cope with so many people in the kitchen, bathroom and other rooms?
Svetlana: We have a problem that cannot be “settled” large number people in the premises, and organize them. Organize a general get-up when necessary, a joint breakfast (lunch, dinner), send the kids to swim in an organized manner with dad and put them to bed together so that there is time to work. Those. avoid chaos in the regime. Sometimes with a game, sometimes with a stern word. This is with the baby. We're coping for now. If one of the elders does not want to carry out the assignment given to him, I always give him a choice. Do what I ask, or do something else, also necessary (but I know for sure that the child will not do this). The choice is that he does one thing, I do the other. As a result, the child, happy, aware of himself as a small person, does what I want from him. And I do what I would do anyway. Something like this.

SR: Are you more of a balanced person by nature, or more of a hot-tempered one?
Do you show character with children, or do you try to control yourself?
Svetlana: His character is rather balanced, with a quiet voice. Therefore, if I have to scream (alas, sometimes I have to), I experience severe stress and even fear from my own “second self.” Of course, I try to control myself, because... For children this is doubly stressful. I break down only if the situation threatens life or health and there is no hope for me to be quickly heard in any other way. Recently they admitted at work that they secretly call them “the iron lady.” I dare to hope that this still speaks of balance.

SR: About food. Do you cook the same thing for everyone (do you have a routine and discipline?) or for everyone - their favorite pie?
Svetlana: No, I don’t cook the same thing. There is still a separate table and menu for kids. For adults it’s different, and often different, because there are things that I love, but my husband or son doesn’t eat. So sometimes 4 burners are not enough. We don’t respect warmed food either. In general, I probably spoiled them a little here.

SR: About love. Do you love someone or their children more? Do children feel the “deficiency” of their mother, what do they think your relationship is like?
Svetlana: I love you equally. But I treat it differently. Children of different ages and personalities naturally have different requirements and are applied by default. different type communication. In terms of sympathy (not love, of course), there is probably a secret preference for the younger one. He is the only one similar to me in appearance, zodiac sign, and character. But other children have their own unique character traits, abilities and “flavors”. Probably all parents varying degrees mutual understanding with different children.
The eldest son probably feels the “deficiency” of his mother. He was the youngest in the family for 10 years, he was babysat, including his sister, he was not denied anything. And suddenly he turned out to be the eldest (his daughter now lives separately) and he has 2 younger brother! And I still want to be little. At this time, mom is all busy with the baby, doing housework, and doing laundry and ironing. But, nevertheless, we find time to talk with him, and review lessons, and relax.

SR: How does your dad cope with his role as father of the family? Do you find time to be outside of your parenting roles?
Svetlana: Dad became a dad perhaps deliberately. He took on this role while still in the maternity hospital, being present at the birth of both sons, and fulfills it throughout his life to the fullest. His sons adore him. And the eldest too. He is a second mother for them. It is difficult for us to be outside our parental roles. We have no nannies except us. But we're used to it. The lives of husband and wife, mother and father are intertwined.

SR: Do you have free time, and how do you spend it?
Svetlana: There is no free time. But if you don't do something, it appears. It is impossible without this. We spend it either in nature, or watching movies together, or simply having a picnic on the loggia. We started on a small balcony, still in a one-room apartment. Cramped, but cozy and fun. We try to go with the children to parks, to the embankment, to the public garden.

SR: Do you work, and how do you manage to combine all your roles?
Svetlana: I worked all my life. There was not a single maternity leave with older children. This permanent maternity leave with the third and fourth child is the first. Now I work part-time in my specialty from home. Mostly late in the evening and at night. This is necessary not only financially, but also to maintain professional fitness. Once upon a time I finished technical university with honors diploma. I have worked in my specialty all my life and love my job very much. That’s why I want to stay “in the know.” For this reason, the laptop went with me to all hospitals and maternity hospitals.

SR: Question about money. If you don’t want to answer, you don’t have to answer (like any other question). Approximate family budget, and how do you cope with it?
Svetlana: I can’t give you an approximate budget, because it varies. We tried to keep track of finances, but at the end of the month we were convinced that all expenses were justified. As a result, they stopped. Like every family, there is probably a certain range of products and a range of stores that we can afford. I grew up in the era of general shortages, coupons and the wild 90s. Therefore, I keep a small but strategic supply of food at home, which allows me to bake bread, put out dough, and make kefir. Winter preparations are a must. The children are wearing shoes and clothes, they have everything. We pay our mortgage and car loan, like many others. You always want more. But this only means one thing: there is something to strive for. But that's not where happiness lies.

SR: What is happiness?
Svetlana: Tell me, what moment of your life do you consider the happiest? Or several moments? Happiness in love. Happiness is when you love, when you are loved. In my opinion, only children can love unconditionally and devotedly. Happy moments are the birth of children.

In which he talks about the life of his family and publishes master classes on sewing children's clothes and clothes for pregnant women.

Olga, nowadays a large family is a rarity. How and when did you and your husband decide that there would be many children in your family?

I know there are many girls and young women who dream of children, read magazines about children, hang posters with beautiful children on the walls (history is silent about how many children they actually have later))), but such a hobby has bypassed me. I never really thought about how many children I want, that is, in general at all))) My dreams were about something else, about travel, probably. So when my future husband declared that he wanted at least three children, it was somehow... strange. It's not that I wanted to run away from the terrible fate he had in store for me, it was just really strange and incomprehensible. I didn’t delve further into my feelings; first I had to give birth to at least one.

But after the birth of our first son, an amazing event happened to us - we learned Jesus Christ and became Christians in the Evangelical Church. And after that, I somehow had no questions either; it was obvious to me from the very beginning that children are a blessing from God, a legacy from Him. In God's eyes, children are not something to be feared and tried to avoid, but, on the contrary, something that brings happiness, meaning, and fullness to life. We met several large families and were surprised at how interesting and clever the life there was, the relationships between children, the attitude of children towards parents. One of my friends noted that Christian families are special worlds. We probably also wanted to create our own special world. Of course, all this did not happen smoothly and without doubts and trials, but looking back and around me, at everything that the Lord has given us and what he has taught us through our children, I see that this is truly an extraordinary gift.

Each child is an individual. Do you use universal rules of upbringing or do you find your own “key” to each child?

With the birth of each new child, the illusion of “universal” rules and magical remedies that help everyone always grew thinner and thinner and gradually faded away. In its place has come a feeling of moral readiness for the unexpected, we are constantly on our toes and do not relax))) We have to look for the keys involuntarily and right on the battlefield. I like the joke about how the maternity hospital lost the baby’s instructions. I have this feeling all the time - I was put in charge of some complex equipment, but they forgot to instruct me. And I sit and shout: “Guard!” But in fact, this is the real meaning of being a mother - not in knowing, but in constantly search. If we knew everything in advance, if we were warned and instructed about everything, motherhood would turn into a simple performance of duties and would lose its spiritual meaning, quest.

They say that an only child often grows up to be selfish, and children from large families more friendly, easier to find contact with peers and more helpful to parents. How do your older children react to the arrival of babies in the family? Do they help look after the younger ones?

On the one hand, of course, if we're talking about about an only child, you can’t escape from selfishness, because a person is used to everything being just for him. Even if he wasn’t spoiled, when his mother brings home a bag of gifts, the child already knows that everything is his, because he doesn’t need to share with anyone, right?

But on the other hand, I can easily imagine a situation where it is possible to raise ten children to be seasoned egoistic rivals who only squabble among themselves all their lives. A lot depends on upbringing. Almost all of my friends are from families with 1-2 children and they are all completely different.

As for the attitude of elders towards children, for some reason many adults regard the appearance of a baby in the family almost as an encroachment on the rights of the older child. Maybe these people were not allowed to go out as children, forcing them to sit with the younger ones? I don’t know, but I have never seen children upset about the birth of a brother or sister. They perceive it completely naturally - it’s just that a person has appeared in their life, in their home. new person, that's all. This new little person also immediately appears in their games, conversations, in their entire childhood cosmology.

Of course, I very carefully follow all the shades of childhood experiences. I see my task as creating an atmosphere our family. IN modern culture sometimes you come across such an attitude towards the family, as if a poor child was dragged here to live with boring parents and stupid relatives, and they also force them to clean, and they don’t give money for an iPhone, they are such tormentors. I want each of my children to understand the value his Houses, his family, realized his role in the life of the family as a single organism. It seems to me that a child, like any person, is pleased to know that he can influence something, change something. Therefore, in matters of household work and help, I try to draw the child’s attention to this - for example, cleaning up to make his room even more beautiful.

So that children help with the younger ones willingly, out of love, I try in every possible way to emphasize the unity of us all in our family, caring for our brother. When you sit one child on your lap and watch with him ours brother, this brings us so close! Or I ask their opinion about their little brother. And right before my eyes, a relationship is born that will grow and develop for the rest of their lives.

Have you encountered the problem of childhood jealousy?

I don’t think it’s necessary to make a “problem” out of this. (I speak, of course, based only on my experience with children with a small age difference; I don’t know how everything would have worked out if the children had a difference of 5 and more years.) What we call childhood jealousy are normal emotions that arise in every child, especially tired or sick ones, at least from time to time, when he knows that his mother is needed at this moment to him, and the mother at this time pays her attention to another child. little child, of course, cannot critically analyze what he feels, and with all his might he “wins back” his mother, pushing away his competitor.

This happens here, and I think it’s normal, as long as it doesn’t become a pattern. The main thing for a mother at this difficult moment is not to let her emotions carry her away, calm down, not rush to scold a child who offends out of jealousy, and somehow let him know that everything is under control :) And, having finished things with the younger one, be sure to devote time to the older one .

I try to spend at least five minutes with each child alone during the day, to talk with him one, stroke his, hug his one, whisper. With age, of course, problems become more complicated, and you can’t solve them by simply sitting on your mother’s lap, but trusting relationships will last a lifetime, and trust is a good vaccine against jealousy)))

I also try to ensure that each child has his own favorite activity, which he does with his mother. For example, with Mishka we will stay after dinner to draw together, with Sasha we will fry cutlets, with Lisa we will comb our hair and rummage through the closet... Others, of course, can also join, but only with the permission of the boss))) The more the child feels in demand and needed, the more fewer reasons for jealousy.

Many parents who have one or two children rely heavily on grandparents or nannies to help with child care. How do you cope with parenting and household chores?

We are lucky that my grandparents (my husband’s parents) live very close to us, so they help us out a lot when I need to go somewhere. But on ordinary routine days we manage without their help. Of course, it wouldn’t be true to say that I cope with everything alone, no. The husband is usually somewhere nearby, in the wings. Due to the fact that he is a farmer by occupation, and this is a seasonal job, in the winter he is relatively free and is often at home, and in the summer he also often works nearby, so if I need to free my hands for a minute (and these minutes are precisely what bring a lot of stress), he comes to the rescue.

By the way, we haven’t sent our children to kindergarten for four years now. The main reason was their frequent illnesses, but there were also reasons of an organizational nature (read laziness))) How can I imagine that the morning, already difficult, must begin with dressing all the kids, shouting “I don’t want to go to kindergarten!”, dragging them on myself on a dark winter morning through snowdrifts (after all, no one cleans our path) or knee-deep in mud (there is no asphalt at our end of the street either) to the kindergarten - brr, no, thank you, we manage very well at home. The main thing is to provide everyone with something useful to do, and there is always enough to do at home)))

A large family is more likely associated with a large country house than with an apartment. Has your decision to have many children affected your choice of where you will live?

Yes, we live in a private house in rural areas, but I don’t remember, to be honest, whether we bought it with the expectation of big family or not. It seems that the choice was more “city or countryside” rather than “houses or apartment”. As a city dweller, it was difficult for me to decide to move to the village, but under the pressure of circumstances, in a hurry, I myself did not understand how I ended up as the owner of a large house in the countryside, 180 km from regional center. Now, when the children are already grown up, when they have such freedom to play here, a whole farm with chickens and ducks, a vegetable garden where we all dig together, I no longer doubt that we did the right thing, but it was quite difficult to get used to .

It’s actually hard for me to imagine how our family would function in a city apartment, but many families live like this, and they live well. When we went on vacation at the seaside with four children, we fit so well into two tiny rooms and were surprised at how little space we needed!

Many modern families do not dare to have more than one child due to financial difficulties - a mother who has not worked for several years, shopping for clothes, strollers, bicycles, school expenses... How does your family solve the financial issue?

The short answer is that we are frugal and do not refuse help if it is offered from pure heart))) And if it’s long and serious... There are objective and subjective reasons why people don’t have enough money. The main problem for young families is, of course, the lack of housing. In this case, indeed, most of the income goes to rent, and this is a shame. I would advise young couples to acquire something of their own at the first opportunity, at least buy half an apartment to begin with. In my opinion, this is one of the few objective reasons.

Almost all other reasons for lack of money are subjective. People don't know how to handle money, and these are not just pretentious words. For example, there is a young girl standing in line with me at the gynecologist. From her chatter, I understand that she is very poor, and she recently buried her beloved goat, and had to borrow money for the bus. But during the hour she spent in line, she ran to the buffet three times and, according to my calculations, left at least a hundred rubles there for pies. Another example: we are in the hospital with our child; in the room with us is a mother from a neighboring village with two children. Naturally, she is poor and works as a milkmaid. But every day she bought huge quantities of food at the buffet (this is with reasonable food in the hospital), toys for the children, I’m generally silent about cigarettes - and so 400-500 rubles a day. And then these people find out how many children we have, and they think that we are either crazy or millionaires if we can afford such luxury. But the problem is not our income, but our attitude towards money and our (in)ability to distinguish our own whims from our needs.

One of the best money principles that we follow in our family is that we should not increase income, but optimize expenses. Calculate how much you will need for the necessities, put something into the piggy bank, and from what remains, buy something nice. A good book for children and adults on this topic is “Money, or the ABC of Money” by Bodo Schaeffer, about a dog who knew a lot about finance))) At times too mercantile for my taste, but certainly a useful book.

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Friendly, cheerful, big family- this is the result of parental work, patience, the desire to give your loved ones the best, to teach the most necessary things. To raise a child to be a person with a broad outlook, with internal moral values, to raise a person who will feel confident in the waves of adult life is the clear goal of every parent. How do large families cope with such educational tasks, where do they get the strength for all their children, how important is it to be able to instill discipline, mutual respect and independence? Each large family has its own answers to this, its own recipes for a happy life.

Nikolai and Elena Korneta live in Zhukovsky near Moscow, they have three children. Nikolay works as a manager. Elena is a housewife and mother. Her main job is caring for and raising Alexandra, Maria and Nikolai. We talked with Elena about what joys and difficulties there are in the lives of large families, what problems parents solve, and how they take into account the individuality of each child.

“Stork on the Roof”: Elena, what would you first tell future parents who dream of a large, friendly family?

Elena Korneta: A family that plans to have a child - first, second, third, it doesn’t matter - inevitably faces questions of a material nature (housing, income) and psychological. Many of my friends, having no financial obstacles, cannot even decide to have a second child precisely because of psychological fears and concerns. When we were planning a third child, I constantly felt anxiety and remorse that it would be too hard, that I couldn’t cope, that I would abandon my daughters, because the eldest had to go to first grade, the youngest to kindergarten. But now I can say that fears just need to be overcome. The birth of a child is a natural and happy event. After the first crazy post-maternity days, everything falls into place and becomes orderly. Naturally a daily schedule is built, a place is found for each child, husband, for oneself, and after a few years for work.

“Stork”: How did you and your husband come to the decision to become large family? Was the support of relatives and friends important?

Elena: I always thought that I would have two children, perhaps because I myself grew up in such a standard family. My husband, on the contrary, was an only child, but from the very first day of our marriage he planned a large family.

The decision to have a third child somehow came naturally. I suddenly realized that I wanted to become a mother again, that there were opportunities, there were strengths. Having many children gives a different perception of family, in my opinion. An extraordinary feeling of cohesion and friendship. In addition, children grow up and turn from simpletons into full-fledged interlocutors, it’s so amazing.

I think there is no need to rely on the opinions of others when planning a family. I got the impression that our society accepts only one model - a family with two children. Families with one child, three or more, or no children are generally considered abnormal. Of course, you need to listen to the opinions of your loved ones, especially if they are part of the responsibility for caring for the child, but final decision can only be for spouses.

“Stork”: Tell us about your leisure time, about the development of children. Is it possible to give each child due attention? How to find time for both daughters and son to develop as independent, unique individuals?

Elena: I don’t work in the usual sense of the word, that is, I don’t go to the office every day. My job is taking care of children every day. I have enough time for each child. The eldest daughter is in the fourth grade, she needs help with her homework and talk to her a lot: about school, about her affairs. Danger is coming adolescence, and I would like to approach him in the most trusting relationship. I am preparing my second daughter for school. She does not visit development centers; I, having a pedagogical education, work with her myself. My son is three years old, an active age, when everything is interesting and everyone wants to do something - sculpt, draw, listen to books being read. Gadgets are not accepted in our family, children do not play computer games, eldest daughter does not go online, is not registered on social networks, works with a computer only when performing school assignments. All her free time is consumed by the dance studio.

We don't put pressure on children, they do what they want. The eldest daughter went to the pool and dances, then she stopped liking the pool, and now she just dances. The younger children do not attend anything yet; I organize all the leisure time that remains after kindergarten myself.

On weekend evenings we like to get together at the table and play board games: lotto, Monopoly, Scrabble, board games for children, of which there are a lot now.

My husband and I try to introduce our children to culture: we go to museums, theaters, and exhibitions. Every year we definitely travel to Russian cities. We have already visited Kolomna, St. Petersburg, Novorossiysk. It was not easy with the little ones, but I hope they will have some memories.

Dad is actively involved in water tourism and already takes his eldest daughter on small trips around the Moscow region.

“Stork”: In large families, special attention is paid to discipline. Probably, some future parents may reasonably think that this will be the main difficulty when raising several children. What could you answer them?

Elena: In my opinion, discipline directly depends on an adult’s ability to handle a child and has nothing to do with the number of children. Serious disciplinary problems can also arise in a family with one child. Children are flexible and receptive, they integrate very organically into the life of the family and exist according to its laws. What you allow your children to do, they will do, and subsequently demand. If initially, from birth, a child lives according to a clear, precise daily routine, knows when to go for a walk, when to go to bed, how much to watch TV, then as he grows up there will be no difficulties with this. Whims and uncontrollability are a direct consequence of parents’ lack of understanding (or unwillingness) to create an understandable, clear environment around the child.

Of course, children are not robots, and discipline is not training; it makes no sense to demand absolute obedience. You need to be more relaxed about a certain percentage of “error”. I myself, having a soft character, cannot boast of impeccable discipline.

“Aist”: What support from the state is most in demand for you? And how would you rate the state’s care for large families in general?

Elena: Almost all benefits provided by the state are in demand by us.

Very worthy program maternity capital, we took advantage of it by paying off part of the mortgage loan. But it seems to me that this program needs to be developed and expanded. Now the law allows a fairly narrow range of needs for which a family can spend maternal capital. I think that if families are given a wider choice of how to spend this money, there will actually be more people wanting to give birth.

Of course, the opportunity to get land plot. This is a huge plus for us. We have not yet taken advantage of this benefit, but we are looking forward to it, because the opportunity to spend time at the dacha, at fresh air, is very valuable to us.

It seems to me that a good help from the state for large families would be preferential mortgage loans and other housing programs. There are many families who want to have a third child, but they have limited housing and simply cannot afford it. It would be great if the state showed interest in the emergence of new citizens and helped its citizens a little to make the right decision.