Methodical technique “Letters from the forest. Letter from a tree growing in the forest to people II

The world(3rd grade)



1. Expand children’s knowledge about the richness and beauty of the nature of our Motherland.

2. Systematize children’s ideas about nature conservation.

3. Cultivate love for your native land.


(The song “Nature” is played, slides are shown, and a poem is read against the background)

There is just a temple

There is a temple of science.

And there is also a temple of nature

With scaffolding reaching out

To meet the sun and winds.

He is holy at any time of the day,

Open to us in hot and cold weather.

Come in here

Be a little hearty

Do not desecrate his shrines.

(S. Smirnov)

We are part of nature and cannot exist without it. Nature is not only a source of material wealth, but also an eternal source of knowledge and beauty. The nature of our Motherland is majestic and rich.

Beautiful, elegant

Planet Earth.

I can't find anything more beautiful


And the air here is clean,

The forests are beautiful

And blue water in the sea!

(The teacher draws attention to the man with a sad face)

Who is this? (HUMAN ECOLOGIST)

How do you understand who an environmentalist is?

Why is he sad?

(A letter from an environmentalist is read out)

LETTER: Dear guys, I know that you love to travel. There was a time when

people proudly called themselves conquerors of nature: they burned, chopped, destroyed, without thinking about what would remain after them. And today the nature of our planet is in danger. Help prevent disaster! Save our planet!

Guys, we must help the ecologist. And for this we will go on a journey through unusual islands. Close your eyes (the recording of “Bird Voices” is turned on).

Hello forest, dense forest,

Full of fairy tales and miracles!

What are you making noise about in the leaves?

On a dark stormy night?

What are you whispering at dawn?

All in dew, like in silver?

Who is hiding in your wilderness?

What kind of animal? What bird?

Open everything, don’t hide:

You see - we are our own!

ECOLOGIST wants to know if you know the forest?

Each team is given riddles about trees.

In a white sundress

stood in the clearing

The tits were flying

They sat on their braids. (BIRCH)

(Children tell interesting information about birch)

It turns out that trees can cry. Listen to what the birch tree is crying about: “My bark is cracked from the severe frost, but the branches are not good people broke off. Through wounds Birch juice flows out. My roots pull this life-giving juice out of the ground. Until all the branches and buds drink it, the leaves will not unfold.”

How to help birch? ……………………………………………………………………………………….

I have longer needles

Than the Christmas tree.

I'm growing very straight

In height.

If I'm not on the edge,

The branches are only on the top of the head. (PINE)

Did you know that:

A lot of cones on pines and spruces - to good year: both rye and wheat - everything will come.

Takes from my flower

The bee has the most delicious honey,

But they still offend me:

The thin skin is torn off. (LINDEN)

For plants in the linden forest, winter is a little “warmer”. The first snowdrops appear under the linden trees.

I crawled out of the little barrel,

He took roots and grew up,

I have become tall and mighty,

I'm not afraid of thunderstorms or clouds.

I feed pigs and squirrels -

It’s okay that my fruit is small. (OAK)

Oak loves the sun. The branches of the tree are twisted and curved. They grow so that the leaves do not overlap each other. And each of them felt light. That's why the extra branches fall off.

Forest pests have appeared in our clearing. And guess which ones!?

Hairy, green,

She hides in the leaves.

Although there are many legs,

Still can't run. (CATERPILLAR)

Birds fight with them. (CHILDREN READ MESSAGES)

The cuckoo has an extraordinary appetite: it can eat a hundred caterpillars in an hour. If a lot of insect pests appear in the forest, it deals with them within a few days.

This little baby

I'm glad even for a bread crumb,

Because it's dark before

She is hiding in a hole. (MOUSE)

Bats bring great benefits by destroying harmful insects. They clear the area of ​​malarial mosquitoes. One hour of night hunting bat can catch and eat 160 – 170 mosquitoes.

Birds are forest doctors.

Woodpecker is a forest doctor. He heals trees by removing caterpillars from under the bark. Larvae and beetles.

Each owl kills 1,000 rodents per year. ( Along the way, a mosquito, a caterpillar, a mouse are removed from the clearing)

PHYS. WAIT A MINUTE. Live in this green world

Good in winter and summer.

Life flies like a moth

The animal runs fast,

A bird is circling in the clouds,

Jumps along the branches like a marten.

Life is beautiful, life is all around

Man is nature's friend!

Does a person always treat nature as a friend?


There are human traces left in our clearing. Let's heal this clearing.

Even at night there is an ant

He won't miss his home.

Path-path until dawn

Lanterns illuminate.

On large pillars in a row

White lamps are hanging. (LILY OF THE VALLEY)

What do lily of the valley flowers look like?

Blooms from under the snow,

Welcomes spring before everyone else. (SNOWDROP)

Where flowers will live longer in a vase with water and in a meadow.


(Man's hands are removed from the clearing)

A telegram arrived from animals, and guess which ones:

Behind the trees and bushes

The flame flashed quickly.

Flashed, ran

There is no smoke, no fire. (FOX)

Who lives in the deep forest?

Clumsy, clubfooted

In summer he eats raspberries, honey,

Does he suck his paw in winter? (BEAR)

What rule do you need to know so that all the animals in the forest live peacefully and do not disappear?


(traces of a person are removed)


We go to the next island under the splash of water.

Don't wash, don't get drunk

Without water,

The leaf won't bloom

Without water,

They can't live without water

Bird, beast and man,

And that's why it's always

Everyone needs water everywhere.

You and I are visiting a droplet. Ecological alarm!

DROP: A river with clean, pure water flowed across the plain - the Transparent River. They built a factory on its shore. It flows into the plant pure water, transparent. It pours out - dirty, waste. So: the river was clean, it was even called Transparent, but it became dirty - Multi-Colored.

Look at our island, what kind of water is there and is it suitable for life?


How should you save water?


(dirty stains are removed from the island)

Passes through the nose into the chest

And the return is on its way.

It is invisible, and yet

We cannot live without him. (AIR)

Ecological alarm!

Alarming news comes from many cities: “There is not enough fresh air! I can not breathe! Hordes of cars filled the streets, avenues, squares and rained down their exhaust fumes on the townspeople. And endless factories and factories are smoking, residents are suffocating from terrible smoke, acrid fumes, poisonous soot. Trouble, help us!”

What needs to be done to help the townspeople?


Did you know that the air contains microbes - very small living creatures? Among them there are those that cause diseases.

What needs to be done to reduce germs?


(germs are removed from the island)

Green valleys, forests and fields

And blue water in the sea!

Tree, grass, flowers and bird

They don't always know how to defend themselves.

If they are destroyed,

We will be alone on the planet!

CHILDREN: Animal holes,

Bird's nest

We won't ruin


Let the chicks

And to little animals

Life is good

Close to us!

Beautiful, beautiful


I can't find anything more beautiful

Look at the little ecologist – he’s smiling!


Labor lesson with elements of ecology.

TOPIC: Application “Magic box”.

GOALS: 1. Introduce medicinal properties some plants. Help reveal beauty flora. Contribute to solving environmental problems.

2. Make the “Magic Box” applique. Develop the ability to work in groups. Develop skills of independent, fast and accurate work.


Let's go on a trip, and guess where:

The house is open on all sides

It is covered with a carved roof.

Come to the green house

You will see miracles in it! (FOREST)

To get there, you need to remember the rules of behavior in the forest.

    Don't leave trash.

    Do not break tree branches or swing from them.

    Do not destroy anthills and bird nests.

    Don't shout in the forest. The forest loves kind children.

    Do not pick flowers for bouquets.

    Don't light fires. Protect the forest from fire.

Remember! One tree can make a million matches, and one match can burn a million trees.

The forest is a fairy-tale world, it is full of mysteries and mystery.

(Scene “How an ax went into the forest”)

Why are we friends with the forest?

Why do people need it?

The forest is our wealth!

The forest is the green outfit of our Earth. Where there are forests, the air is always clean.

The forest is a home for animals and birds.

The forest is our friend: by retaining moisture, it helps people grow a good harvest.

The forest is a storehouse that generously gives away its gifts: nuts, berries, mushrooms.

(A butterfly appears) Oh, who is it?!.....

I am a butterfly………………………………………………………………………………………….

I want to invite you to my forest clearing, to my pharmacy.

Guess the riddle: Red, sweet, fragrant

It grows low, close to the ground. (STRAWBERRY)

Medicinal properties of strawberries:

    Wild strawberries contain a lot of vitamins, especially C.

    Strawberry fruits and leaves are used medicinally to treat stomach diseases and tuberculosis.

    Strawberry juice is used to treat skin wounds and to treat acne on the face.

And what berries do you still know?


WITH early spring and up to late autumn There are many flowers blooming in the forests, on the edges, and in meadows. What colors are we talking about?........

The dawn flames are torn to shreds

Rings over the meadows

All day…………………………….. BELL.

April is caressed with golden rays,

The aroma floats from the lawn.

Pansies from fairy tales

They look at the world in surprise.

The petals of the PANSY opened, and in the corolla White color– the color of hope, yellow – surprise, purple – sadness.

They are visible and invisible,

You can't count them!

And who just invented them -

Happy blue ones?

Must have been torn off

A piece of the sky

We did a little magic

And they made a flower. (Forget Me Not)

What colors did the guys talk about?

Among the flowers there are also medicinal ones.

White basket,

Golden bottom.

There is a dewdrop in it

And the sun sparkles. (CHAMOMILE)

Medicinal properties of chamomile: used as an analgesic and anti-inflammatory. For washing hair against dandruff. Chamomile flowers drive mice out of the house.

This plant produces flowers before leaves. The leaves are large, one side of the leaf is smooth, hard, the other is soft, warm. (COLTSFOOT)

Medicinal properties of coltsfoot: tincture of leaves and flowers is used for colds. Juice as a wound healer. A decoction of a mixture of coltsfoot and nettle leaves is used to strengthen hair and against dandruff.

Burnt in the dewy grass

The flashlight is golden.

Then it faded, went out

And turned into fluff. (DANDELION)

Medicinal properties of dandelion: dandelion is called the “Elixir of Life” and is used as an expectorant, sedative, and sleeping pill. An oil tincture of the roots is used to treat burns and skin diseases. Fresh leaves are eaten in salads in spring.

(Song “BODY”)

In order not to pick flowers and not destroy nature, we will make a magic box.

We will work with fabric and paper. We will work in groups. Each group will make their own box. With berries (made of fabric), with flowers (made of paper using the origami method), mushrooms (made of fabric), leaves (paper, symmetrical cutting).

Repetition of rules for working with scissors.

Repetition of rules for working with glue.

Rules for working with paper, fabric, etc.

Phys. a minute (while working)

We're growing, growing, growing

We learn everything about the world.

We won't hurt the insects

We will not destroy the birds' nests.

Let's not pick the beautiful lily of the valley.

Let's save the anthill.

the surrounding world peacenature and society. Humanity... course study « Ambientworld" in every class elementary school... lesson What We we know about...

Information letter for the “Letters to Animals” project

Dear teachers!

At the end of the Year of Ecology and the Year reserve system Russian Ministry natural resources and ecology initiated the “Letters to Animals” project. This project in the regions is supervised by specially protected natural areas, in the Kostroma region - the Kologrivsky Forest reserve.

Students in grades 1-5, preschoolers from 6 years old and their parents can take part in the project.

The goal of the project is to form careful attitude to nature and the surrounding world in children and adults.

Project implementation timeframe

We invite teachers preschool education and teachers of primary and 5th grades to take part in the project. To simplify your participation in the project, we offer you a Methodological Guide (author - Ryzhova N.A.), a lesson developed by the reserve’s staff on preparing for participation in the project with attachments, as well as forms and envelopes for letters.

Inquiries by phone - 89108052788 (Natalia Valerievna Panova)

For those who wish to join the project, we offer Brief instructions for the implementation of the project.

Brief instructions for teachers on implementing the “Letters to Animals” project

1. Acquaintance with methodological, informational and instructional materials.

2. Conducting a class or series of classes to prepare for participation in the project. A version of such an activity is attached, you can also use Methodical manual Ryzhova N.A.

3. Writing letters (children with parents or teachers, individually or in groups, write letters to animals, hand them over to the curator at educational institution, who sends all written letters (no later than April 10, 2018) to the Kologrivsky Forest Nature Reserve (address: 157440, Kostroma region, Kologriv, Nekrasova St., 48, Federal State Budgetary Institution " State reserve"Kologrivsky Forest", department for environmental education). You can use the letterheads and envelopes we offer or make them yourself.

4. Receiving answers (reserve employees and volunteers write answers to children’s letters on behalf of the animals and send them to educational institutions).

5. Best letters(30 pieces) are sent to the project organizing committee for further selection. Their authors are awarded at the regional level.

6. The organizing committee selects the best 50 letters and publishes them in the second edition of the book “Letters to Animals.”

Note: suggested teaching materials can be used on extracurricular activities, classroom hours, when carrying out environmental activities.

Option for a lesson to prepare children to participate in the “Letters to Animals” project

Target– prepare children to participate in the “Letters to Animals” project.


1. Expand children's knowledge about the animal world.

2. Foster a love for animals and respect for nature.

3. Give to children scientific ideas in the field of biology, ecology, geography, but at the same time present the information in an attractive and interesting shape. IN game form introduce the children younger age with the ecological features of some animals.

4. Introduce children to the rules of correspondence with animals: how to make envelopes, write an address, fill out forms, draw a portrait of an animal, etc.

Equipment: cards with animal portraits, globe, Mailbox, forms for writing letters, envelopes, a multimedia projector, a computer, a bag of acorns, cones, berries, bark, etc., questionnaires, the game “Where is whose house?”

Progress of the lesson.

Part 1. Traveling through natural areas. Conversation, working with a globe, watching episodes from documentaries is possible.

Today we have an unusual activity, we will go with you on a journey in order to get acquainted with the living inhabitants of our planet. We also had the opportunity to establish correspondence with animals using “forest mail”.

Guys, what do you think I brought you? ( globe With). That's right, but what can you say about him? ( this is a scale model of the earth).

Look how colorful it is! Do you know what they mean different colors? (blue color - seas, oceans, yellow - deserts, green - plains, steppe forests, brown - mountains, blue branches - rivers).

Our planet is inhabited by many various types animals, but this is not visible at all on the globe. Therefore, today you and I will travel to different areas of the Earth and populate it, using our knowledge.

So, the first natural area we will consider will be the Arctic. What else can you call it? ( kingdom of snow and ice).

Why is there such a climate here? ( Snow
and the ice here never melts, the winter is long and harsh, there are severe frosts. The sun shines, but does not warm, so it cannot melt the ice).

If there is snow and ice everywhere in the Arctic, who can live here? ( polar bear, walrus, seal). How did these animals adapt to the harsh climate of the Arctic? ( they have thick fur and a thick coat subcutaneous fat).

What do they eat? ( Polar bear- fish, seals. In the snow he is completely invisible: his fur coat is white and the snow is white, only his nose is black. When he hunts seals, he covers his nose with his paw. The bear is not afraid of either frost or ice water– he has thick fur and a thick
layer of subcutaneous fat. The polar bear is a good swimmer and can even swim underwater).

Who can tell us what the walrus eats? ( Walrus - stronganimal, he has fangs with which he breaks ice and finds food: crustaceans, mollusks, his fangs protect him from enemies, he is not afraid of the cold, he has a thick layer of subcutaneous fat).

We remembered those animals that live in the Arctic, and now I propose to complement the Arctic landscape. We need to find images of those animals that live in the Arctic (children come out and work at the globe - attach pictures of animals to it).

This is how the Arctic turned out - a kingdom of snow and ice, where winter is always harsh and cold.

Next natural area desert. What is the climate like here? ( hot climate, long summer, sand dunes, main difficulty– lack of water)

Does this mean that no one lives in the desert? What animals can we meet there? (camel, monitor lizard, lizards, snakes, jerboa, scorpion, turtle). How did they adapt to given climate? (may for a long time go without food and water)

Who wants to talk about desert animals? (IN The camel is a desert dweller, it is called the ship of the desert. He has fat in his humps, which helps him go without food and water for a long time; after long marches, both humps hang to one side like empty bags. But once the camel has eaten and drunk, its humps straighten out again. He has pads in his hooves that allow the camel not to get burned in the sand and not to fall into the sand); (the monitor lizard is a lizard, and they called it desertcrocodile: if he catches a lizard, he will eat it, if he catches a turtle, he will swallow it, but he cannot catch a jerboa, because it jumps very quickly). Almost all desert animals are brown in color. Why do you think? (This makes them invisible to enemies)

The next natural area is a tropical forest. What is the climate like here? (humid, rains every day, hot)

What animals can you find here? ( elephant, monkey, sloth, hippopotamus, crocodile, tiger, rhinoceros)

Tell us about the largest animal. ( Elephants are amazinganimals. They love water very much, they like to “take a shower” by watering themselves with the help of their trunk. An elephant's trunk is a long nose, thanks to which he breathes, smells, drinks, grabs food, and even makes sounds. Elephants also have very powerful tusks that grow throughout their lives. Elephants usually live in herds. They swim and run well. Elephants eat tree roots, grass, fruits.)

Many inhabitants of the tropics have a spotted or striped color, why do you think? ( The striped or spotted coloring of many inhabitants helpsanimalshiding in the permeated here and there sun rays twilight of the tropical forest)

Part 2. Drawing up a profile of the animal and its address.

Now let's go to our forest. In the Kostroma region there is taiga, mixed, small-leaved forests. What is the significance of forests for humans and animals? ( house for plants andanimals, for humans a source of wood, berries, mushrooms, medicinal plants, resting-place)

What animals live in the Kostroma forests? (bear, fox, wolf, marten, wild boar, wolf, elk, squirrel, hare, etc.)

Let's talk together about one of the forest animals and create a unique questionnaire for it.


Animal profession

Special signs



Possible options

Using this questionnaire, it is very easy to compose the animal’s address and write a letter to it. For example, the animals in the Kologrivsky Forest Nature Reserve are really looking forward to your letters and are ready to answer you and tell you about their lives.

Let's try to make up the animal's address. In the Where column you need to indicate natural area or the name of the reserve where the animal lives, then the specific place where it lives. For example, the Kologrivsky Forest Nature Reserve, a hole on the Sekha River.

To more accurately determine the animal’s address, let’s play the game “Where is whose house?” (See Lesson Appendix)

In the To column you need to indicate the name - “last name” and “first name” of the animal. The given name is the name of the genus, and the surname is the name of the species. For example: European mink, Brown bear, Common fox, White-backed Woodpecker, Grass Frog, etc.

A letter with an incorrect address will take a long time to find its recipient. In this case, the answer will not come soon, and perhaps the postman will not be able to deliver it at all. In order for the letter to look real (especially if you want to get a response from the animal), you need to indicate your home address, school or kindergarten address on the envelope. (The address of the school can be written under the guidance of the teacher)

We have envelopes prepared ( you can also make envelopes yourself in art or technology lessons), you yourself will draw portraits of your favorite animals on the stamp space and write the address. And then compose the texts of the letters. In letters, you can tell the animal what you already know about it and ask what you want to know, you can create a menu for the animal and also put it in an envelope. You can also, after assessing your capabilities, invite the animal to visit (if you can create suitable conditions for it, as in nature) or refuse to accept it (due to the lack of conditions). Remember that letters will reach animals that live in our area much faster, which means you will soon receive answers to them.

To make a more accurate menu, let's play the game "Guess what's in the bag." (The magic bag is used to identify objects by touch (for example, acorns, berries, cones, bark, leaves - animal food). Children's task: identify objects by touch, name them and tell who eats this food.)

Now you are ready to write letters to animals, let's start creating them.

Part 3. Registration of addresses. Creation of portraits. Writing letters.

(The letter can be individual or group, it can be written in a class under the guidance of teachers or at home with the help of parents. Letters must be collected and sent in one parcel from the school or kindergarten no later than April 10 to the address 157 440, Kostroma region, Kologriv, Nekrasova str., 48, Federal State Budgetary Institution “State Reserve “Kologrivsky Forest”, Department of Environmental Education Information by phone 89108052788)

To whom_______________________________________




Destination index

Application to lesson_Game_Where is whose house is.

Form for letter

Lesson appendix_Game_Where is whose house?

Abstract open class in the secondary group on ecology “Letter from the Forest”

Program content (tasks):

Educational - expand children’s ideas about nature conservation, reinforce the rules of behavior in nature; give elementary representations about the relationship between man and nature;

Developmental - develop imagination, imaginative perception, creativity;

Educational – to form a careful and caring attitude towards the surrounding nature.

Integration of educational areas:"Cognitive development", " Speech development", "Artistic and aesthetic development", "Socio-communicative development", "Physical development".

Methods and techniques:

1) gaming;

2) visual;

3) verbal.

Equipment and materials:colored paper, glue, brushes, scissors.

ICT tools: presentation, projector, screen.

Preliminary work:examination of illustrations on the theme “Trees”, “Mushrooms”; learning proverbs and sayings about nature; drawing "Magic tree".

Progress of the lesson

Educator : - Guys, today we received a letter from wild animals living in the forest. They are very interested in what you know about their home - the forest. Tell me, please.(children's answers). Look, which trees do you know?

Children watching images different trees, call them.

Educator : - That's right, all the trees guessed right! Now try to solve my riddle: “They grow - they turn green,
They fall and turn yellow,
They lie down and turn black" (leaves).

Didactic game “Which tree is the leaf from?”

Educator : - What else grows in the forest? Well, of course, berries and mushrooms. Listen to the riddles and try to solve them:

He stood in the forest
Nobody took him
In a fashionable red hat
No good. ( fly agaric)

What kind of guys are on the stumps?
Crowded together in a tight group?
And they hold umbrellas in their hands,
Caught in a cloud? ( honey mushrooms)

Guess what, guys:
His hat is shaggy.
A mushroom like a pink ear.
What's his name? (wave)

If they are found in the forest,
They will immediately remember the fox.
Red-haired sisters
They are called... (chanterelles)

Educator: - Guys, we must protect the forest. Please tell me how to behave in the forest?(children's answers)

Physical education minute:

"Fun in the Woods"
The hares got up early in the morning,
They played merrily in the forest. (Jumping in place.)
Jump-jump-jump along the paths!
Who is not used to charging? (Walk in place.)
Here is a fox walking through the forest.
Who's jumping there, I wonder? (Stretching - arms forward.)
To answer the question,
The little fox pulls his nose. (Jumping in place.)
But the bunnies jump quickly.
How could it be otherwise? (Running in place.)
Exercise helps!
And the bunnies run away. (Walk in place.)
Here's a hungry fox
Looks sadly at the heavens. (Stretching - arms up.)
Sighs heavily, (Deep inhales and exhales.)
He sits down and rests. (Sits down and rests.)

Didactic game “What is a tree made of?” (The teacher asks the children to name the parts of the tree and show them in the picture)

Educator: - Children, can anyone remember the sayings and proverbs about our nature?(children's answers).

The forest is wealth and beauty, take care of your forests.

Living near the forest means you won't be hungry.

What is a forest without miracles?

If there is a lot of forest, don’t destroy it; if there is a little forest, take care; if there is no forest, plant it.

The forest is our wealth.

Groves and forests are the beauty of the whole world.

The plant is the decoration of the earth.

Educator: - During our lesson, we remembered what trees and mushrooms grow in the forest; how people should behave in nature. Don't forget that you need to protect nature.

And to inform the animals that we know about the forest, let's send them a reply letter with collective application"Trees in the autumn forest."

Team work (application) - “Trees in the autumn forest.”

Methodical technique

"Letters from the Forest"

Vozmishcheva Tatyana Sergeevna

teacher 1st quarter To.

MBDOU " Kindergarten combined type No. 52" AGO

An ecological worldview is a product of education; its formation occurs gradually, over many years of a person’s life and learning. The beginning of this process falls during the period preschool age, when the first foundations of world understanding and practical interaction with the natural environment are laid.

During the preschool period, a significant proportion of environmental information about different sides the life of nature is transmitted to children through educational activities. The main component of such activities are various demonstration and teaching aids, that is, clarity that allows children to form clear and correct ideas about nature. We look at pictures, illustrations with children, talk, read children's literature, look at slides, photographs, presentations, etc.

Important feature environmental education, is the fact that most often continuous educational activities are devoted to familiarizing children with species of animals, plants, their living conditions and habitats, which are not represented in the immediate natural environment and cannot be known through observation. This leads to the fact that children cannot be given knowledge in full, and even more so in northern conditions, since the harsh climate makes it impossible to observe wildlife.

To broaden the children's horizons and introduce them to representatives of the animal and plant world, I introduced educational process, the next gaming technique and gave it the name “Letters from the Forest”. Thanks to this technique, children receive “letters” from different representatives flora and fauna. In these letters, animals, insects, plants, etc. describe themselves, indicate their habitat, without saying who they are. While reading the letter, children must guess who it came from. After reading, adults together with children compose a response to the respondent.

This technique is used in educational activities children of senior preschool age. It promotes the development of memory, thinking, imagination, increasing curiosity, as well as fostering empathy for our smaller brothers.

By using such techniques, I solve the problems of children's environmental literacy, which is very important, especially now, when nature needs our protection and support.

Hello, dear guys! A forest dweller is writing you a letter. A hare I know recently told me that he wrote you a letter and has already received an answer. So I really wanted to make friends with you. I’ll write about myself: - I live in the forest, I belong to the family of rodents. I build my house high on a tree in a hollow, or I make a nest for myself. I have sharp, curved claws on my paws, which allow me to grip, hold and move well on wood. I have strong and longer hind legs than my front ones, which give me the ability to make big jumps from branch to branch. I have a very beautiful and fluffy tail, which acts like a parachute when jumping and keeps me warm in the cold winter. Just like a hare, I change the color of my fur twice a year. In winter I have a gray color, and in the spring I shed, I shed my old fur, and instead of it a new, smooth, red one grows. In the fall, I grow thick gray wool with undercoat to keep me warm in winter. I am a very hardworking animal. In the fall I make so many supplies that it lasts all winter, and I can treat anyone. I eat nuts, cone seeds, mushrooms, acorns and berries. I, like all forest dwellers, have enemies - these are predatory animals and people who hunt me for my beautiful fur. Therefore, I am a very careful animal. Guys, come visit me, I will be very glad to see you. I promise not to be afraid of you, because even the hare, and he is a known coward, overcame his fear, then I will try to be bolder. I really want to make friends with you. Goodbye! I'll wait for an answer.

Hello, dear guys! A representative of the plant world is writing you a letter. I really want to make friends with you. I have many friends in the forest, but it will also be great to have friends among you - children. After all, if you and I become friends now, then when you become adults, you will not offend me. Friends don't hurt each other. I will write a little about myself and my friends. We live in a forest clearing, enjoying the sun, rain and light breeze. I used to have a lot of girlfriends, but now there are much fewer of us. And all because when spring comes, we are filled with juice, which we nourish our kidneys with. People love our sap and make nicks in our beautiful, white trunk with an axe. And then our sap flows to the ground, and not to the buds, and our trunk and branches dry up. This makes us very sad. After all, in order to grow into large and slender trees, we need at least fifty years. When there are many of us, of course, we have more fun, and then we form a whole grove. There are a lot of mushrooms and berries growing in our groves. People have written many poems and songs about us. We are proud of this and say thank you. Guys, if you agree to make friends with us, then write to us and be sure to come and visit us in the forest. We'll be looking forward to your response. Goodbye!

Tatyana Vozmishcheva
Methodical technique “Letters from the forest”

Methodical technique

« Letters from the Forest»

Vozmishcheva Tatyana Sergeevna

teacher 1st quarter To.

MBDOU "Combined kindergarten No. 52" AGO

An ecological worldview is a product of education; its formation occurs gradually, over many years of a person’s life and learning. The beginning of this process falls in the period of preschool age, when the first foundations of worldview and practical interaction with the natural environment are laid.

During the preschool period, a significant proportion of environmental information about various aspects of natural life is transmitted to children through educational activities. The main component of such activities are various demonstration and teaching aids, that is, clarity that allows children to form clear and correct ideas about nature. We look at pictures, illustrations with children, talk, read children's literature, look at slides, photographs, presentations, etc.

An important feature of environmental education is the fact that most often continuous educational activities are devoted to familiarizing children with species of animals, plants, their living conditions and habitats that are not represented in the immediate natural environment and cannot be known through observation. This leads to the fact that children cannot be given knowledge in full, and even more so in northern conditions, since the harsh climate makes it impossible to observe wildlife.

In order to broaden the horizons of children and introduce them to representatives of the animal and plant world, I introduced the following game into the educational process reception and gave it a name « Letters from the Forest» . Thereby children receive« letters» from different representatives of flora and fauna. In these letters animals, insects, plants, etc. describe themselves, indicate their habitat, without saying who they are. While reading letters, the children must guess who it came from. After reading, adults together with children compose a response to the respondent.

This is used reception in the educational activities of children of senior preschool age. It promotes the development of memory, thinking, imagination, increasing curiosity, as well as fostering empathy for our smaller brothers.

Through the use of similar techniques, I solve the problems of environmental literacy for children, which is very important, especially now when nature needs our protection and support.

letter from a forest dweller. A hare I know recently told me that he wrote to you letter and already received a response. So I really wanted to make friends with you. I'll write about to myself: - I live in the forest, I belong to the family of rodents. I build my house high on a tree in a hollow, or I make a nest for myself. I have sharp, curved claws on my paws, which allow me to grip, hold and move well on wood. I have strong and longer hind legs than my front ones, which give me the ability to make big jumps from branch to branch. I have a very beautiful and fluffy tail, which acts like a parachute when jumping and keeps me warm in the cold winter. Just like a hare, I change the color of my fur twice a year. In winter I have a gray color, and in the spring I shed, I shed my old fur, and instead of it a new, smooth, red one grows. In the fall, I grow thick gray wool with undercoat to keep me warm in winter. I am a very hardworking animal. In the fall I make so many supplies that it lasts all winter, and I can treat anyone. I eat nuts, cone seeds, mushrooms, acorns and berries. I, like all forest dwellers, have enemies - these are predatory animals and people who hunt me for my beautiful fur. Therefore, I am a very cautious animal. Guys, come visit me, I will be very glad to see you. I promise not to be afraid of you, because even the hare, and he is a known coward, overcame his fear, then I will try to be bolder. I really want to make friends with you. Goodbye! I'll wait for an answer.

Hello, dear guys! Writes to you letter, representative of the plant world. I really want to make friends with you. I have many friends in the forest, but it will also be great to have friends among you - children. After all, if you and I become friends now, then when you become adults, you will not offend me. Friends don't hurt each other. I will write a little about myself and my friends. We live in a forest clearing, enjoying the sun, rain and light breeze. I used to have a lot of girlfriends, but now there are much fewer of us. And all because when spring comes, we are filled with juice, which we nourish our kidneys with. People love our sap and make nicks in our beautiful, white trunk with an axe. And then our sap flows to the ground, and not to the buds, and our trunk and branches dry up. This makes us very sad. After all, in order to grow into large and slender trees, we need at least fifty years. When there are many of us, of course, we have more fun, and then we form a whole grove. There are a lot of mushrooms and berries growing in our groves. People have written many poems and songs about us. We are proud of this and say thank you. Guys, if you agree to make friends with us, then write to us and be sure to come and visit us in the forest. We'll be looking forward to your response. Goodbye!