The meaning of the word dunes. Sand dune

The meaning of the word Barkhany according to Efremova:
Dunes - Sandy alluvial hills in deserts and semi-deserts.

Dunes in the Encyclopedic Dictionary:
Dunes - (Turk.) - 1) common name bare sands of deserts;..2) crescent-shaped in terms of accumulations of sands (height up to 150 m), inspired prevailing winds; the windward (convex) slope is gentle (5-14°) and long, the leeward (concave) slope is steep (up to 30°) and short, turning into pointed “horns”. They move at speeds of up to hundreds of meters per year.

The meaning of the word Barkhany according to Dahl's dictionary:
m. pl. orenb. hilly steppe sands.

The meaning of the word Barkhany according to the Brockhaus and Efron dictionary:
Dunes- cm. Dunes.

Definition of the word “Dunes” according to TSB:
continental desert dunes, hills of shifting sand blown by the wind and not anchored by vegetation. Single and group B., caused by dense soil (with insufficient sand), are usually low (from 0.5 to several m), but over time can reach a height of more than 100 m. They have a characteristic semi-lunar or crescent-shaped outline in plan with a long a gentle (5-14°) windward slope and a short steep (30-33°) leeward slope, turning into “horns” stretched downwind.
In areas of continuous sand, both simple dune relief forms of small and medium sizes (height up to 10-20 m) and complex, complex ones are formed, where these forms are combined with large ones, with a relative height of up to 200-300 meters or more. Depending on the wind regime, B.'s accumulations take different forms: dune ridges, longitudinal to the prevailing winds or elongated along their resultant; dune chains transverse to mutually opposite winds; dune pyramids in places of convection of eddy currents, etc. B. not fixed by vegetation can be moved by the wind at a speed of tens of cm to hundreds of m per year. Dune areas with sparse vegetation often contain large reserves fresh water. See also Aeolian landforms.
B. A. Fedorovich.
Dune relief in the Sahara.

Dune relief in the Sahara.

Classification scheme for dune (desert bare) sand relief forms in accordance with the wind regime.
Wind mode. I - trade wind with a pronounced predominance of one or similar directions (shown by an arrow); II - monsoon-breeze with seasonal changes of opposite winds; III - interference with seasonal changes in mutually perpendicular winds; IV - convection with vectors different directions similar intensity.
Landforms of dune sands. A. simple shapes small and medium sizes (single, group and continuous fields): 1 - thyroid B.; 2 - thyroid B. with a funnel; 3 - sickle-shaped symmetrical B.; 4 - asymmetrical B.; 5 - longitudinal wind group B.; 6 - dune ridge longitudinal to the wind; 7 - dune
"train"; 8 - jagged dune ridge; 9 - dune ridge; 10 - dune triangular ridge; 11 - group sandhills and dune chains with elongated horns with a sharp predominance of winds in one direction; 12 - the same, with a smaller difference in the intensity of opposite winds; 13 - the same, with a small difference in the intensity of opposite winds; 14 - wedge-shaped small B.; 15 - wedge-shaped large B.; 16 - fine-mesh (circular) B.; 17 - large-cell (circular) B.; 18 - pyramidal B. B - complex forms(consisting of large forms, combined with small and medium); 19 - longitudinal dune ridge with diagonal ribs; 20 -
“whale back” with diagonal ribs made of complex dune chains; 21 - dune shaft with a ridge of dune pyramids; 22 - complex double bank with “scales” of dune chains of different categories of sizes; 23 - complex dune chains; 24 - articulated-double dune ridges and chains; 25 - crossed complex dune ridges and chains; 26 - rounded dune swellings; 27 - complex dune pyramids, and - ridges and slopes of sand shedding; b - gentle slopes of sand.

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The meaning of the word dunes

dunes in the crossword dictionary

Explanatory Dictionary of the Living Great Russian Language, Dal Vladimir


m. pl. orenb. hilly steppe sands.

New explanatory dictionary of the Russian language, T. F. Efremova.



Sandy alluvial hills in deserts and semi-deserts.


Encyclopedic Dictionary, 1998

    DUNES (Turk.)

    general name for bare desert sands;


(Turk.), continental desert dunes, hills of loose sand, blown by the wind and not fixed by vegetation. Single and group B., caused by dense soil (with insufficient sand), are usually low (from 0.5 to several m), but over time can reach a height of more than 100 m. They have a characteristic semi-lunar or crescent-shaped outline in plan with a long a gentle (5≈14╟) windward slope and a short steep (30≈33╟) leeward slope, turning into “horns” stretched downwind. In areas of continuous sand, both simple dune relief forms of small and medium sizes (height up to 10≈20 m) and complex, complex ones are formed, where these forms are combined with large ones, with a relative height of up to 200≈300 meters or more. Depending on the wind regime, B.'s accumulations take different forms: dune ridges, longitudinal to the prevailing winds or elongated along their resultant; dune chains transverse to mutually opposite winds; dune pyramids in places of convection of eddy currents, etc. B. not fixed by vegetation can be moved by the wind at a speed of tens of cm to hundreds of m per year. Barchan massifs with sparse vegetation often contain large reserves of fresh water. See also Aeolian landforms.

B. A. Fedorovich.


Dunes (disambiguation)


  • Dunes - a moving accumulation of loose sand
  • Barkhany - village, Narimanovsky district, Astrakhan region

Examples of the use of the word dunes in literature.

On top of that, they're vile dunes, which looked so hard and indestructible, immediately began to crumble underfoot, as soon as one of the friends climbed to their middle.

Elina and her companions rode through the desert for another eleven days before dunes were replaced by ordinary rocky soil.

He stood motionless for another moment, then the monotonous howl of the whirlwind was replaced by a metallic whistle. compressed air, blowing through the nozzles, clouds of dust surrounded the stern, green reflections ran through them, mixing with the red light of the sun, and in the roar of incessant thunder that shook the desert and returned from the rocks with multiple echoes, the ship slowly rose into the air, leaving behind a scorched circle , glassy dunes and wisps of fog, disappear with increasing speed into the purple sky.

He threw away the oxygen device, took a tentative breath, but when the cold pre-dawn air filled his lungs, he walked faster, trying not to think about anything other than this hike through dunes, into which he continually fell knee-deep.

To his right, then climbing onto dunes, then sliding into the inter-dune hollows, his shadow rushed.

Having passed the high dune, which under its sands kept the secret of the ancient settlement, the commander turned the car to the right, to where, like an army ready to attack, countless dunes, similar to the crescent of the new moon.

Irana and scimitar-blade nomads dunes Karakum and Kyzylkum.

Here you could only shoot and eat and wander through dunes- until the end of days.

Dunes, dunes And dunes, as well as an old, sometimes sandy caravan road.

He stood there, getting used to the darkness again, and began to distinguish the nights that were fading into oblivion. dunes, and looking closer, I saw, at the limit of visibility, very faint lights on the horizon or on something that served as a horizon in the darkness.

Golden dunes stretched in all directions, their feet were stuck ankle-deep in the sand, and around - not a single trace.

The desert was everywhere, sand, dunes, occasionally the teeth of rocks broke through, from which one could conclude that the planet, in any case, does not consist entirely of sand, below, under it, there is also solid rock.

The man looked at the sun, putting his palm up to his eyes, and the woman looked around her and at her feet with the air of a person who expected to see something completely different from what appeared to her gaze - dunes and the rare rocks, similar to the hotels that once stood here, no more than the lizard that ran between the man’s legs looked like Nile crocodile, which has long disappeared from the face of this planet.


DUNES (Turkic), mobile sand dunes not fixed by vegetation various shapes(lunate, thyroid, crescent) with a convex windward side and a steeper leeward side. A specific component of biotopes of desert and semi-desert ecosystems. Widely found in Australia Central Asia(in the southwest of Kazakhstan), etc. They are often formed under the influence of human activity.

Ecological encyclopedic dictionary. - Chisinau: Main editorial office of the Moldavian Soviet Encyclopedia. I.I. Dedu. 1989.

Dunes are moving landforms in sandy deserts, consisting of wind-blown sand. In sandy ecosystems they are accumulators of fresh water.

Ecological Dictionary. - Alma-Ata: “Science”. B.A. Bykov. 1983.

  • Barochors
  • Biogenic migration of elements

See what “Dunes” are in other dictionaries:

    Sands moving in shafts or ridges in the steppes. Dictionary foreign words, included in the Russian language. Chudinov A.N., 1910. DUNES in steppe areas. moving sands in the form of shafts or ridges. Dictionary of foreign words included in... ... Dictionary of foreign words of the Russian language

    - (Turkic), 1) general name for bare desert sands; 2) crescent-shaped accumulations of sand (height 15,150 m), blown by the prevailing winds; the windward (convex) slope is gentle (5 14sh) and long, the leeward (concave) steep (up to 30sh) ... ... Modern encyclopedia

    - (Turk.) 1) general name for bare desert sands;..2) crescent-shaped accumulations of sand (up to 150 m high), blown by the prevailing winds; the windward (convex) slope is gentle (5 14 .) and long, the leeward (concave) steep (up to 30 .) and ... Big encyclopedic Dictionary

    Male, plural, orenb. hilly steppe sands. Dictionary Dalia. IN AND. Dahl. 1863 1866 … Dahl's Explanatory Dictionary

    dunes- Asymmetrical sand hills different heights(from 1 10 to 150 200 m), crescent-shaped and common in deserts and semi-deserts. [Dictionary of geological terms and concepts. Tomsk State University] Topics: geology, geophysics... Technical Translator's Guide

    Dunes- (Turkic), 1) general name for bare desert sands; 2) crescent-shaped accumulations of sand (height 15,150 m), blown by the prevailing winds; the windward (convex) slope is gentle (5 14°) and long, the leeward (concave) steep (up to 30°)… … Illustrated Encyclopedic Dictionary

    Ov; pl. (unit barkhan, a; m.). [Kazakh. barkhan]. Sandy alluvial hills in deserts and steppes, not supported by vegetation. ◁ Dune, oh, oh. Used sands. * * * dunes (Turkic), 1) the general name for bare desert sands; 2) sickle-shaped in plan... encyclopedic Dictionary

    dunes- DUNES, ov, plural (ed dune, a, m). Small hills in deserts and steppes, having gentle slopes consisting of wind-blown sand, not supported by vegetation. The dunes stood up on the sides, soft, loose, wavy (B. Lavrenev) ... Explanatory dictionary of Russian nouns

    - (Turk.) continental desert dunes, hills of loose sand, blown by the wind and not fixed by vegetation. Single and group B., caused by dense soil (with insufficient amount of sand), are usually low (from 0.5 to several... ... Great Soviet Encyclopedia

    See Dunes... Encyclopedic Dictionary F.A. Brockhaus and I.A. Ephron


  • The greatest natural phenomena, Collection. From time immemorial, the unknown, little-studied and difficult to explain makes people think about the secrets of our world, encourages scientists to Scientific research and expeditions, and amateur enthusiasts -...

When you mention the dune, a picture of an endless desert appears before your eyes, along which caravans of camels loaded with various goods slowly trudge. Bedouins who wander along the sand after camels and leave footprints that are immediately carried away by the wind.

What is a dune?

A dune is a mound of sand formed naturally as a result of sand movement. This is a huge sand hill that is located in constant movement.

Where do dunes come from?

In the desert, processes take place that are in many ways similar to the formation sea ​​waves. The wind, which in the desert is not hindered by houses, trees and mountainous landforms, can move freely over long distances. At the same time, it picks up microscopic sand and carries it over considerable distances. As a result, entire mountains of sand are formed. This is what a dune is.

Etymology of the word

Where exactly the word “dune” came from in the Russian language is unknown. Some languages ​​have similar words. Thus, you can find words that sound similar in sound in the Kazakh language, Turkmen, Kumyk and other languages.

According to D. N. Ushakov’s dictionary, the word “barkhan” has Turkmen roots and comes from the local word “balqan”. Literally it means "sand drift".

In the interpretation of N. M. Shansky’s dictionary, the word comes from Kazakh language and literally means “going.” This is what a dune means to traditionally steppe peoples.

But still, many researchers of the Russian language are inclined to believe that this word originated from the Kalmyk language. Residents of this region know firsthand about dunes and sandy deserts. In Kalmykia there is the famous “Singing Dune”, the largest in the Caspian region.

What is “dune” in the Kalmyk language? Translated, the word “barkhan” means “high bank” - this is a literal translation. The comparison with the marine theme is clearly visible.

Highest sand hills in the world

The tallest dune in the world has long been recognized as a dune located in the Iranian desert. Its height is about 408 meters in height. It is quite difficult to name the dunes, as well as to determine their location due to their unstable location. A dune was recently discovered on the border of Oman, the height of which is already about 460 meters.

The second recognized dune, located in the Gobi Desert. Its height was about 405 meters from the base to the top.

The tallest dune in Russia is a dune from Dagestan. His height is 263 meters.

What are the closest meanings to the word “dune”? The meaning "dune" is often used as a synonym. But this is not entirely true. Barchan is a type of sand dune. You can also use the word "hill" to mean "sandy hill."

Facts about dunes

  • The singing dune was so nicknamed because the wind, passing along the surface of the embankment, quickly intensifies and creates a peculiar sound, similar to a howl. According to the second version, the sound of a dune is obtained due to the friction of tiny grains of sand against each other.
  • In the desert you can meet a dune cat. This is a small cat animal with a rounded muzzle and a large head. They hunt snakes.
  • Barkhan Sarykum in Dagestan is located on the territory of a nature reserve, and a river flows at its foot.
  • Small obstacles such as rocks contribute to the formation of hills. First, sand adheres to them in a thin layer, after which layer by layer it slowly grows on the surface, eventually forming a sand mountain. So we can say that every dune has a “heart”.

  • Sand mountains can travel for many kilometers, so it is impossible to navigate by sand in the desert; it is in continuous movement.
  • Several dunes often form a sandy ridge, which looks more like a long wall.
  • Quicksand can often be found near sand hills.
  • Two of the most popular activities in the desert are 4x4 driving across sand dunes and sledding down sand hills.

The sand dune in the photo is presented in the article.