Zodiac signs and alcohol: who should you not drink with? Alcohol horoscope: about drunken representatives of different zodiac signs.

Sooner or later, each of us becomes acquainted with alcoholic beverages for the first time. For some, the introductory stage is difficult, with unpleasant consequences and disgust, while others quickly find common language With strong drinks and from time to time allows himself to relax with their help. Let's take a closer look at people's attitude towards alcohol from an astrological point of view in order to understand which zodiac signs are better off staying away from alcoholic beverages.


They perceive alcohol as a kind of addition to a fun time with friends. Representatives of this zodiac sign are always happy to support any company, and boldly agree to take part in any alcohol competitions. In addition, they themselves are often the initiators of large-scale drinking bouts. As a rule, people recover from drinking easily and quickly; they rarely become addicted.


They are more likely than other zodiac signs to become dependent on alcohol. If in real life These people are quite restrained and reasonable, but under the influence of alcohol they are possessed by a certain fearless character, capable of any of the most desperate and reckless acts. After such active parties, Taurus often feels ashamed in the morning.


These are ardent lovers of cool parties and big feasts. But this love is more connected not with attachment to alcohol, but with the desire to have fun and interesting time with old and new friends. If Gemini's lifestyle consists of precisely such events, then they have a high probability of developing a habit in the form of abusing strong drinks.


People of this sign are usually divided into 2 categories: ardent opponents of strong drinks and those who are also alcoholics. Representatives of the first category consciously approach their choice and understand the consequences of frequent drinking. But the latter drink, quit drinking, assure that they will never drink again, and after a while they take up their old ways again.


Leos most often have a neutral attitude towards alcohol. Their common sense usually overcomes their desire to support the company. The thing is that for people of the Leo zodiac sign their reputation is extremely important, so they always try to carefully monitor what they drink and in what quantity.


Despite their cool heads and sober calculations for everything that happens in their lives, Virgos quickly become hostages of alcohol. Moreover, most often Virgos become drunkards alone and, as a rule, against the backdrop of their insolvency. If Virgos have everything in order in their personal life and professional sphere, then addiction to alcohol bypasses them.


Owners of this zodiac sign rarely become drunkards, since, having experienced at least one hangover, they are wary of any alcoholic activities for the rest of their lives. To avoid unpleasant consequences after a feast, Libra always tries to eat more and maintain interesting conversations.


They often become dependent on alcohol, because in a state of intoxication they manage to relax at least a little and stop seeing a threat in everyone and everything that surrounds them. Yes, Scorpios are always suspicious and distrustful. By the way, they themselves often “solder” the interlocutor in order to bring him to clean water and find out what the other one really thinks about them.


They just love fun companies And noisy parties. And alcohol, as you know, is the main component of such events. If Sagittarius is lonely and not particularly busy with work, constant feasts and alcoholic parties become his way of life. In such a rhythm of life, you can easily reach alcoholism.


Capricorns usually fall into the “rarely but accurately” category of people. They don’t particularly like to while away their evenings with a glass of red semi-sweet or something stronger with slices of ice. But if a grand party is planned, Capricorns should prepare their bodies in advance to take large doses of alcohol. The morning after such gatherings is usually not easy for Capricorns, and they do not mature very quickly for the next such gathering.


Most Aquarians have a rather cold attitude towards alcohol. The fact is that the owners of this zodiac sign love too much live communication, new acquaintances and emotions, and under the influence of alcohol it is rarely possible to fully enjoy pleasant communication. This is why there are so many opponents among Aquarius alcoholic drinks.


This sign and strong drinks are two inseparable concepts. Good alcohol under delicious snack in a cozy place next to a loved one - this is what, undoubtedly, should be present in the life of every Pisces. In such an environment they feel comfortable and at ease, and rarely fall into alcohol addiction. But those Pisces whose reality absolutely does not coincide with their ideal picture of the world often become hostages of alcohol. That is why astrologers recommend that Pisces be careful with strong drinks and, if possible, minimize frequent alcoholic gatherings.

Those who believe in horoscopes also believe that the signs of the zodiac are influenced by everything in their own way. And even alcohol.


Scorpio knows his limits perfectly, so he stops drinking the moment he is in ideal condition. At the same time, this sign knows how to have great fun and give encouragement to those who do not know their limits. So if you're at a party with a Scorpio, beware of becoming an Internet star.


Most often, Aries do not get drunk, which does not prevent them from getting others drunk. And drunken Aries are ready for adventures, so their company will be very pleasant. But also make sure that the Aries do not add too much to you.


Taurus people get drunk quickly, and they do it very well. At the same time, Taurus try in every possible way to hide their intoxication, and even try to convince themselves that they are as sober as glass. These are the same people who constantly demand that the banquet be continued, even if they themselves are no longer able to continue it.


Virgos get drunk quickly. But in a drunken state they are very positive, they never cause scandals or pogroms and are in a wonderful state of drunken spirit. Usually they love the whole world and all life in general.


A drunken Aquarius is ready for anything, he can even move mountains. After drinking alcohol, he seems to switch to new level your capabilities. So don't be surprised if he suddenly draws a picture while very drunk.


The dual nature of twins is very evident after alcohol. Under the influence of alcohol, however, one side will be revealed to you, but to the fullest extent. And then how lucky you are: whether you get a cheerful and sweet person or a demon who will tell you the whole truth to your face. But only “today’s” truth, since tomorrow it may be different. In short, a drunk twin is unpredictable.


Alcohol shows true cancer. And the modest Cancer may suddenly become the king of the party. In the morning, of course, he will hide in his shell again, but why should you give him something to drink again?


Libras under the influence of alcohol cease to be so balanced. After an alcoholic evening, they may be terribly ashamed of their actions, however, they usually love the whole world, even more than virgins.


Capricorns are transformed by alcohol: they can turn from an introvert into the life of the party. Easily! But in the morning they will return to their former selves and remember all your sins.


Drunken archers are also argumentative, and in an argument they can even kill if passions really boil over. So if you are going to drink with a Sagittarius, then under no circumstances should you argue.


Drunk fish is a fireworks display of emotions. Now she cries, now she laughs, now she dances to Stas Mikhailov, whom only she can hear. It all sounds funny, but not everyone can handle it.


A drunken lion and a sober lion are one and the same in appearance. Yes, this zodiac sign, even under alcohol, can control itself and maintain its important face. And, of course, under alcohol, lions’ love for themselves will increase even more.

So, have you found something in common with yourself? We won’t be surprised if not: we don’t know what we really are like when we’re drunk. Well, unless we were filmed by a scorpion.

So it’s time to check it out in practice, buy vodka, whiskey, tequila and cognac with wine and mix it all well. And we at the WineStreet store can find you the alcohol for the party of the year!

Every year, scientists publish new articles about the benefits and harms of alcohol. Some believe that small doses of alcohol have a beneficial effect on the human body. For example, drinking one glass of red wine a day helps prevent a number of diseases cardiovascular system. Other scientists, on the contrary, sharply criticize strong drinks. In their opinion, the presence of even microdoses of alcohol in the body slowly poisons a person. Our astrologer offers to look at this issue from an unexpected angle. He identifies several representatives of the zodiac circle for whom alcohol in any form or quantity is contraindicated.

Which zodiac signs should not drink alcohol at all?

Pisces is the most vulnerable sign to the “green serpent”. In their case, it is advisable not to use anything stronger than kefir. From an astrological point of view, they have an innate tendency towards alcoholism and self-destruction on this basis. Their main problem is the inability to drink. Being “under the influence”, a typical representative water element may behave inappropriately, cause trouble, ruin his reputation, and the next day not remember anything.

Libra embodies the image of a bohemian alcoholic. Among them there are many creative personalities who look for inspiration at the bottom of the glass. They find solace in him, he helps them overcome disappointment and forget. But in reality, alcohol is much more dangerous for them. less benefit than harm. They also favor the “hangover”, which only aggravates the situation. It is better for them to generally stay away even from low-alcohol drinks.

Geminis are always confident in themselves and will not even listen to someone who advises them to slow down during a feast. Because of his own arrogance, the representative air element can very quickly fall into a state of intoxication without even noticing how it happened. In addition, this is one of the few zodiac signs that does not need company and a reason to get drunk.

Among Aries there are very few binge drinkers and everyday alcoholics. But they ended up in this anti-rating for a reason. Despite neutral attitude to alcohol, sometimes representatives of this sign still drink to relax or celebrate some event. The problem is that their body does not tolerate strong drinks well. They literally poison Aries and stupefy his mind. It is precisely because of such physiological characteristics“Fiery” people are contraindicated to drink.

Alcohol is undoubtedly worst enemy of all humanity, but when working week As Friday comes to an end, we become increasingly convinced that all these are stories and myths, and in fact, alcohol is our friend, which will help us forget all the hardships of working time and give us long minutes of joy and relaxation in the company of friends. But before you go on a drinking binge, we advise you to find out under what zodiac sign your potential drinking buddy was born, otherwise you never know...


The consciousness of a drunken Capricorn is calculated using a simple formula: character to the tenth power plus the root of common sense multiplied by minus one. The condition occurs after the third glass and does not change further, regardless of the amount drunk. A closed and cautious Capricorn, when drunk, turns into the life of the party, who generously lavishes compliments on others and reacts good-naturedly to jokes. Don't be fooled! The catch is that the next morning this bastard Remembers Everything.


A drunken Aquarius is capable of turning the world upside down without wasting time on such trifles as a fulcrum. He grabs a sheet of paper and gives birth to divine lines, rushes to the canvas and in three strokes enters the history of world painting, composes revolutionary economic models or creates a new religion. But, unfortunately, no one has ever seen this. As well as, in fact, drunken Aquarius. Because usually a slightly tipsy Aquarius says: “You are here, but I’m off to bed.” And goes to bed.


If the fish is a sawfish, keep your distance. If the fish drank a lot, run. A drunken Fish experiences the full range of emotions in four minutes, after which it repeats this cycle until it is able to move its gills. One minute she was sobbing in the corner because no one loves her, and thirty seconds later she was happily jumping on chairs, waving her panties over her head and throwing caviar at her drinking companions. And at the same time she retells the anecdote she just heard in the first person as a story that happened to her just yesterday.


The first rule of drinking with an Aries: never drink with an Aries. If you are already drinking with Aries, try to seat a sober Aquarius next to you so that he can get you away in time. Otherwise, you risk waking up in some Leningrad (wherever this city is located), after which it will turn out that yesterday you married an elderly Russian language teacher and offended good man wearing a black faux fur hat. At the same time, Aries will look at you sympathetically with absolutely sober eyes and shake his head: “Why are you doing this, we’re doing a little bit.” Well, if you are an Aries, you should keep in mind that other signs have very strange physiology - they get drunk from alcoholic drinks.


A drunk Taurus always pretends that he is sober. Even if Taurus crawls along the floor like a snail, leaving a wet trail behind him, he is still sure that the evening has just begun. Taurus has an unshakable rule: take everything from life. All the money, all the sex and so that the house - full bowl. This applies equally to alcohol. When planning to drink with a Taurus, do not skimp, otherwise you risk hearing something like: “Send the fool for vodka - he will bring one.” However, two vodkas won’t save you either: after them, Taurus will reveal the beautiful-eyed Bychar to the world and destroy everything he can get his hands on: a coffee set, geraniums, and your good relationships.


The notorious duality of Gemini at the stage alcohol intoxication retreats, bringing one of the hypostases to the fore. And here - depending on your luck. A cheerful cat with a microphone and the summary “You sing great!” can come out onto the mountain. or a gloomy fiend of hell who not only hates everyone around him, but also strives in every possible way to destroy them. In the second case, Gemini's counterpart risks learning a lot of new things about his appearance, his abilities and his life decisions. And the next morning Gemini will wave his hand - they say, are you crazy, should you be offended? I was drunk.

Getting Cancer drunk is the only way to truly get to know him. The arthropod master of camouflage, when drunk, opens up to the world and finally stops being shy. If taking a sober Cancer out for spontaneous sex is a task with an asterisk, then a drunk Cancer is already practically wearing only stockings and is all on fire. Of course, the next morning Cancer will crawl back into his chitin and will suffer there silently, gritting his teeth.

A drunk Leo is no different from a sober Leo. Unless the number of decibels increases in direct proportion to the amount of alcohol consumed. The sober Leo, telling about his valor, adventures and victories, still sometimes pauses to breathe a little air. But a drunken Leo has absolutely no need for air. Drunk Leo needs to tell the story from the series “how cool I am, Lord” for the hundredth time, because in a company of twenty people there was one unfortunate person who for some reason had not heard this story yet.


Why Virgos drink is completely unclear. Perhaps the soul of a drunken Virgin temporarily leaves her body to wander through green fields with violets and grazing unicorns. In our sinful world, the Virgin goes through three mandatory stages: “I’m so drunk” (after the first glass of cocktail), “I love you so much” (middle of the night) and “Where is the aspirin?” (in the morning). A young, hungover Virgo may discover in the morning that she is no longer a virgin, but she will never remember the details. Very convenient, by the way.


Libras are afraid to drink, but they love it very much. Because only in a drunken state do they finally stop weighing everything around them and come into harmony with the world around them. The eternal search for a bright ideal temporarily stops, because this is the very situation when there are no ugly women. Stupid men, by the way, too. Everyone is so darling, bunnies and cats that it is completely incomprehensible how one could wrinkle one’s nose for so many years in aesthetic rejection of the Universe. True, the next morning Libra, who remembers how they managed to drink themselves to the point of brotherhood with a man from a threshing and crushing technical school, becomes unbearably ashamed. But so on in the morning.


Scorpio drinks just to the point of courage, and then sharply brakes, continuing to pour water to those around him, at the same time Jesuitically whispering “I have a light hand.” He's lying! Scorpios have a very, very heavy hand, and they absolutely love to laugh at how their victims are trying to get back on their feet. If you plan to get Scorpio drunk specifically in order, for example, to get him into bed or to find out some information, it is better to shoot yourself right away. Because he will say: “yes, of course, but let’s have one more first, I’ll pour it, my hand is light.” And then - yes - Leningrad, an elderly teacher and kind person in a black hat. Drinking with Scorpios is only allowed for those who dream of becoming a YouTube star.


Sagittarius. Or a teetotaler. Because life has not gone well for Sagittarius. Or it was a success. It’s generally not clear how to drink with Sagittarius. In the first case, there will not be enough health. In the second case, you will die of boredom about halfway through the lecture about the dangers of consuming alcohol solutions. But be that as it may, when you get to the table with Sagittarius, do everything as he says. Arguing with him is harmful - he will either shoot you or be offended, and the latter is incomparably worse.

Alcohol is the worst enemy of all humanity, but when the work week comes to an end and Friday approaches, the confidence that all these are stories and myths takes root in us, and in fact, alcohol is our friend, which will help us forget all the hardships of working time and will give us long minutes of joy and relaxation in the company of friends. But before you go on a drinking binge, we advise you to find out under what zodiac sign your potential drinking buddy was born, otherwise you never know...


The consciousness of a drunken Capricorn is calculated using a simple formula: character to the tenth power plus the root of common sense multiplied by minus one. The condition occurs after the third glass and does not change further, regardless of the amount drunk. A closed and cautious Capricorn, when drunk, turns into the life of the party, who generously lavishes compliments on others and reacts good-naturedly to jokes. Don't be fooled! The catch is that the next morning this bastard Remembers Everything.


A drunken Aquarius is capable of turning the world upside down without wasting time on such trifles as a fulcrum. He grabs a sheet of paper and gives birth to divine lines, rushes to the canvas and in three strokes enters the history of world painting, composes revolutionary economic models or creates a new religion. But, unfortunately, no one has ever seen this. As well as, in fact, drunken Aquarius. Because usually a slightly tipsy Aquarius says: “You are here, but I’m off to bed.” And goes to bed.


If the fish is a sawfish, keep your distance. If the fish drank a lot, run. A drunken Fish experiences the full range of emotions in four minutes, after which it repeats this cycle until it is able to move its gills. One minute she was sobbing in the corner because no one loves her, and thirty seconds later she was happily jumping on chairs, waving her panties over her head and throwing caviar at her drinking companions. And at the same time she retells the anecdote she just heard in the first person as a story that happened to her just yesterday.


The first rule of drinking with an Aries: never drink with an Aries. If you are already drinking with Aries, try to seat a sober Aquarius next to you so that he can get you away in time. Otherwise, you risk waking up in some Leningrad (wherever this city is), after which it turns out that yesterday you married an elderly Russian language teacher and offended a good man in a black faux fur hat. At the same time, Aries will look at you sympathetically with absolutely sober eyes and shake his head: “Why are you doing this, we’re doing a little bit.” Well, if you are an Aries, you should keep in mind that other signs have very strange physiology - they get drunk from alcoholic drinks.


A drunk Taurus always pretends that he is sober. Even if Taurus crawls along the floor like a snail, leaving a wet trail behind him, he is still sure that the evening has just begun. Taurus has an unshakable rule: take everything from life. All the money, all the sex and so that the house is a full cup. This applies equally to alcohol. When planning to drink with a Taurus, do not skimp, otherwise you risk hearing something like: “Send the fool for vodka - he will bring one.” However, two vodkas won’t save you either: after them, Taurus will reveal the beautiful-eyed Bychar to the world and destroy everything he can get his hands on: a coffee set, geraniums, and your good relationships.


The notorious duality of Gemini at the stage of alcoholic intoxication recedes, bringing one of the hypostases to the fore. And here - depending on your luck. A cheerful cat with a microphone and the summary “You sing great!” can come out onto the mountain. or a gloomy fiend of hell who not only hates everyone around him, but also strives in every possible way to destroy them. In the second case, Gemini's counterpart risks learning a lot of new things about his appearance, his abilities and his life decisions. And the next morning Gemini will wave his hand - they say, are you crazy, should you be offended? I was drunk.


Getting Cancer drunk is the only way to truly get to know him. The arthropod master of camouflage, when drunk, opens up to the world and finally stops being shy. If taking a sober Cancer out for spontaneous sex is a task with an asterisk, then a drunk Cancer is already practically wearing only stockings and is all on fire. Of course, the next morning Cancer will crawl back into his chitin and will suffer there silently, gritting his teeth.


A drunk Leo is no different from a sober Leo. Unless the number of decibels increases in direct proportion to the amount of alcohol consumed. The sober Leo, telling about his valor, adventures and victories, still sometimes pauses to breathe a little air. But a drunken Leo has absolutely no need for air. Drunk Leo needs to tell the story from the series “how cool I am, Lord” for the hundredth time, because in a company of twenty people there was one unfortunate person who for some reason had not heard this story yet.


Why Virgos drink is completely unclear. Perhaps the soul of a drunken Virgin temporarily leaves her body to wander through green fields with violets and grazing unicorns. In our sinful world, Virgo goes through three mandatory stages: “I’m so drunk” (after the first glass of cocktail), “I love you so much” (middle of the night) and “Where is the aspirin?” (in the morning). A young, hungover Virgo may discover in the morning that she is no longer a virgin, but she will never remember the details. Very convenient, by the way.


Libras are afraid to drink, but they love it very much. Because only in a drunken state do they finally stop weighing everything around them and come into harmony with the world around them. The eternal search for a bright ideal temporarily stops, because this is the very situation when there are no ugly women. Stupid men, by the way, too. Everyone is so darling, bunnies and cats that it is completely incomprehensible how one could wrinkle one’s nose for so many years in aesthetic rejection of the Universe. True, the next morning Libra, who remembers how they managed to drink themselves to the point of brotherhood with a man from a threshing and crushing technical school, becomes unbearably ashamed. But so on in the morning.


Scorpio drinks just to the point of courage, and then sharply brakes, continuing to pour water to those around him, at the same time Jesuitically whispering “I have a light hand.” He's lying! Scorpios have a very, very heavy hand, and they absolutely love to laugh at how their victims are trying to get back on their feet. If you plan to get Scorpio drunk specifically in order, for example, to get him into bed or to find out some information, it is better to shoot yourself right away. Because he will say: “yes, of course, but let’s have one more first, I’ll pour it, my hand is light.” And then - yes - Leningrad, an elderly teacher and a kind man in a black hat. Drinking with Scorpios is only allowed for those who dream of becoming a YouTube star.


Sagittarius is an alcoholic. Or a teetotaler. Because life has not gone well for Sagittarius. Or it was a success. It’s generally not clear how to drink with Sagittarius. In the first case, there will not be enough health. In the second case, you will die of boredom about halfway through the lecture about the dangers of consuming alcohol solutions. But be that as it may, when you get to the table with Sagittarius, do everything as he says. Arguing with him is harmful - he will either shoot you or be offended, and the latter is incomparably worse.