Horoscope: air signs of the Zodiac. Air element signs

All zodiac signs can be divided into four groups according to elements: Fire, Water, Earth and Air. It is on this basis that one can determine the temperament and stable qualities of each representative of the zodiac circle. From this point of view, water signs can be called changeable and dynamic, air signs - mobile and contact, fire - sparkling and temperamental, and earth signs - solid and stable. We will talk about the characteristic features of representatives of each of the above elements and their compatibility in this article.

Characteristics of fire signs

Fire signs have a truly fiery temperament. The peculiarity of this element is warmth and dryness, personifying metaphysical energy, life and its power. There are three signs in the Zodiac that correspond to these qualities: Sagittarius, Aries and Leo. They have an inexhaustible creative spirit, an unshakable will and extraordinary punching power. In addition, the element of Fire gives them entrepreneurship, a constant thirst for activity and organizational talent. They have been defending their independence, independence and personal freedom since childhood. It is interesting that they do not know how and do not like to obey, but they can adapt to almost any conditions. A flexible mind, strong will, and a creative approach to difficult life situations allow them to cope with any problem.

People whose horoscopes are dominated by the element of Fire are extremely ambitious. They are hot-tempered, impetuous, courageous, self-confident, courageous, warlike, careless, impatient and unceremonious. They love and know how to lead. Their inherent business activity and flight of soul help them reach serious heights in both the material and spiritual spheres. They receive genuine pleasure from their work, are proud of their own successes and expect universal recognition.


The fire signs of the Zodiac differ slightly from month to month. For example, the temperament of Sagittarius differs from the explosive temperament of Aries and Leo. His fire does not burn, but seems to smolder peacefully under the ash. This is the flame of inner passions, securely hidden from prying eyes. Sagittarius has another one characteristic feature: Like their element, they cannot be controlled. Like fire, they easily move from one thing to another and never look back. For them, the most important thing is adventure and action. They are always full of enthusiasm and often go beyond their own capabilities. Representatives of other zodiac signs can keep their energy under control.

Sagittarius Compatibility

Sagittarius is a fire sign, so they attract the attention of people around them with their ability to have fun, curiosity, spirituality and good disposition. However, not everyone can get along with them. For example, the signs of Fire and Earth contradict each other in everything. Cautious Taurus, tight-fisted Capricorn and pedantic Virgo can cause a strong attack of irritation in freedom-loving Sagittarius. And the water signs (Pisces, Scorpios and Cancers) require constancy and reliability from their partners. But any ties are a serious test for Sagittarius, so he will try with all his might to avoid them. Representatives of this sign are close to the fire and air elements. Gemini, Libra and Aquarius are not jealous and love a variety of adventures. They will make excellent company for Sagittarius in any endeavor. And Leos and Aries have a similar temperament and powerful vital energy. They will quickly find mutual understanding with a representative of this zodiac sign and make his life happy.


Fire signs of the Zodiac do not suffer from modesty and strive to make themselves known to the whole world. This quality is especially evident in Lviv. Their horoscope is dominated by the Sun - the planet thanks to which all life on Earth appeared. Perhaps this is why representatives of the “solar” sign consider themselves absolutely irreplaceable and refuse to play second fiddle in any situation. Their fearlessness and strength could get them into a lot of trouble, but they are smart enough to avoid them. With their courage they win the sincere sympathy of those around them. They are fair and want to see everyone around them happy. However, their own person always comes first for them.

Leo Compatibility

Leos are very attractive and attract the interest of all zodiac signs. However, find common language It's not as easy with them as it seems at first glance. For example, the signs of Fire and Water have many claims against each other. The compatibility of these two elements is a big question, because Pisces, Scorpios and Cancers prefer stability and demand maximum dedication from their partners, while Leo will not subordinate his life to the interests of his other half. He is too proud and independent for that. It is also difficult for people whose horoscopes are dominated by the Earth element to find the key to representatives of the “solar” sign. Capricorns, Virgos and Taurus are too predictable and stable. Leo's extravagance irritates them, and their extravagance makes them think about choosing a more practical partner. Representatives of the fire and air elements are the most suitable companions for Leo. Aries and Sagittarius will sacrifice their leadership for the sake of their “sunny” lover and make his life truly wonderful. And Gemini, Libra and Aquarius are able to inspire representatives of the “royal” sign to new exploits and endlessly admire their strong and generous nature.


Fire signs are aggressive and brave people. If necessary, they are able to mobilize all their internal forces and meet their opponent fully armed, while having a remarkable chance of success. All of the above is fully consistent with the character of Aries. Representatives of this sign know how to defend their interests, while possessing extreme egocentrism. They are straightforward, in disputes they fiercely prove their point of view, but they never cause rejection among people, as they have a rare charm. Aries are real hard workers. As a rule, they achieve success in their careers. However, they have one drawback. Boldly taking on the implementation of another idea, they are practically unable to bring it to completion.

Aries Compatibility

Water and Fire signs are attracted to each other. This fact is clearly visible in the Aries horoscope. They get along well with Pisces and help them overcome their shyness, charm Cancers, and find a common language with Scorpios. However, the initial passion sometimes ends in bitter disappointment. These two elements have too little in common. Therefore, in order to get along in a long and happy marriage, representatives of these zodiac signs will have to work on themselves and overcome the serious difference in temperament.

Of all the representatives of the air element, Aries are most inclined to communicate with Gemini. Pressure from the former will be completely offset by the ingenuity of the latter. But with Libra and Aquarius, more complex relationships can develop. Aries will have to use all their tact in order to keep representatives of these zodiac signs near them.

Aries interact poorly with the earth element. At first they may be fascinated by the restraint of Virgo, the consistency of Capricorn, and the confidence of Taurus, but insoluble contradictions in their characters will quickly make themselves felt. The signs of Fire and Earth are opposite in nature.

Representatives of the fire element will be worthy partners for Aries. However, fierce competition cannot be avoided in this case. Leos and Sagittarius will never give up their positions and will not give up primacy to their lover. But this competition will bring real pleasure to the partners.

Earth element signs

If Fire signs welcome changes in their lives, then Earth signs prefer stability in everything. They are characterized by patience, reliability, practicality, rigor and confidence. People of the Earth element have a melancholic temperament and rare endurance. Often still in early age They set a goal for themselves and consistently achieve it throughout their lives. At the same time, they usually prefer the path of least resistance, but if necessary, they can mobilize all their strength and overcome a serious obstacle. The creation of material values ​​is the main activity in the lives of people whose horoscopes express the element of Earth. They are very practical, but have difficulty adapting to new living conditions. That is why they do not like to change their place of residence and are very attached to their work and home. Consistency often brings Capricorns, Virgos and Taurus the desired success.

Earth Sign Compatibility

The Fire signs of the Zodiac are not always pleasant to people of the Earth element. Of course, they need warmth. However, when these two elements interact intensively, friction can arise. The hot earth, as you know, turns into a hot desert. That's why happy marriage things rarely work out between representatives of these two elements.

But water signs get along well with earth signs. For example, Pisces and Scorpios can make an excellent match for Capricorns. Unless they have no prospects with Cancers. And Virgo’s desire to take care of and control everyone will resonate in the hearts of Scorpios and Cancers. However, they will not be able to find a common language with Pisces. Taurus also gets along well with representatives of the Water element. He can do happy Rakov, get along with Pisces, but will fight for the palm with Scorpio all his life.

Air signs can irritate Earth signs with their fickle and changeable disposition, but these serial bores also need some relaxation. That is why a long-term relationship can arise between representatives of these elements, but marriage is unlikely.

Earth signs interact best with each other. Taurus will always find an approach to Capricorn, Virgo or Taurus, because in addition to love and friendship, he can offer them long-term and successful cooperation.

Air element signs

Representatives of the air element are responsible for contacts and relationships. They are endowed with mobility, liveliness, changeability, flexibility, agility and curiosity. Gemini, Libra and Aquarius know how to impress people around them with their intelligence and rare intelligence. They instantly grasp information and pass it on to others in the form they themselves have processed. Then the signs of Fire, Water, Earth and Air, if they are on the same team, will unite together to solve this or that problem. Of course, one of the Air signs will come up with a brilliant idea, leaving its implementation to representatives of other elements. However, he will not stand aside - he will inspire his partners to complete the event until the last minute.

Air signs are recognized diplomats. In addition, they can excel in science, art and journalism. Talented, bright, sparkling, they attract the attention of all representatives of the zodiac circle. But getting along with them can be difficult.

Air sign compatibility

The signs of Air and Fire can create an excellent tandem, in which the former will effectively inspire the latter to great achievements. Such a union may seem very successful from the outside. However, partners are able to quickly lose interest in each other. The reason may be excessive assertiveness of Fire signs. Actively feeding on the air element, they are able to get carried away and cross all boundaries. And pressure, control and constant criticism are extremely undesirable for Gemini, Libra and Aquarius. They prefer freedom in everything, so they are likely to leave their “fiery” partner. According to the horoscope, Fire signs, in turn, do not tolerate inconstancy. The very first attack of jealousy will make them think about the advisability of a relationship with their unreliable partner. A rupture can be very painful. Which Fire signs are able to come to terms with the variability of the air element? Only the most devoted and in love! They will be able to tame their soulmate to perseverance and constancy.

The signs of Fire and Air, the compatibility of which was discussed above, are essentially antagonistic to each other. What about other representatives of the zodiac circle?

Stable and consistent Earth signs will be outraged by the wastefulness and superficiality of Air signs. This tandem may turn out to be extremely unsuccessful. The air, of course, is capable of spreading seeds that will subsequently fertilize the Earth, but it is also capable of raising thick clouds of dust, in which each of the partners will be very uncomfortable. However, everything is not so bad. Incredibly, both Earth and Air signs have common features. They are united by a sober and logical mindset. The brilliant intellect of representatives of the air element and the organizational talents of the earthly element can be successfully combined into a fruitful union.

At first, the signs of Water and Air have a very reverent and tender relationship. However, people whose horoscopes are dominated by the water element need attention, stability and boundless devotion. The inconstancy of Gemini, Libra and Aquarius can greatly hurt them.

Air signs get along best with each other. They are very romantic, and physical intimacy is not the main thing for them. Therefore, the relationship between them will be slightly literary, built on fantasies and experiences. In addition, representatives of this element are not jealous. They can separate for a long time, but with mutual trust they can unite again, creating perfect union, which will be admired by all the people around you.

Signs of the element of Water

People in whose horoscopes Water prevails are distinguished by a rich inner world. For all their external inconstancy, they are extremely stable in their preferences. They are characterized by dreaminess, softness, uncertainty and indecision. They are not able to express their feelings as clearly as other zodiac signs. However, their inner experiences are very deep and rich.

Among the representatives water element there are many successful musicians and artists. They can also excel in areas related to service and catering. And Scorpios, for example, are capable of becoming excellent detectives and investigators.

Water element compatibility

Water signs are drawn to representatives of their native element on a subconscious level. They understand each other perfectly, respect their partner’s personal space and successfully avoid mutual offense. The most successful couples between representatives of the water element are Scorpio and Pisces, Cancer and Scorpio, Pisces and Cancer.

Earth signs will be good partners for people of the Water trine. Any couple consisting of representatives of these elements has a high chance of building a long and fruitful relationship. They can create strong family and live in it happily ever after. Rare exceptions are usually due to personal individual qualities partners.

Between the signs of Air and Water, everything is much more complicated. They get along incredibly easily and are on the same wavelength for some time, but then their relationship also quickly cools down. Passionate and vibrant love may arise between them, but a beautiful romance is unlikely to end in a happy marriage.

According to the horoscope, Fire signs, despite different temperaments, are able to awaken deep passion in their “water” partners. Representatives of these elements have completely different approaches to life. If Pisces, Cancers and Scorpios weigh their every step, then Leos, Sagittarius and Aries get carried away without looking back and just as quickly cool down. However, if partners take a closer look at each other, they will understand that their relationship has prospects. Fire signs, whose compatibility is ambiguous, will certainly appreciate the originality of judgment of representatives of the water element, and they, in turn, will be imbued with the ardor and passion of Leo, Sagittarius or Aries. So, subject to mutual respect and tolerance, this union has a great chance of success.


The signs of Water, Fire, Earth and Air have different compatibility. Much depends not only on which element dominates in their horoscopes, but also on the personal qualities of each individual person. However, inexorable statistics show that representatives of different elements still have certain preferences. For example, most women trying to find their soulmate online are Air and Fire signs. Why do Leos, Sagittarius, Aries, Libra, Aquarius, Gemini look for their happiness on dating sites? It’s simple, because they easily get along with representatives of the same elements, who are also not averse to meeting people on the Internet. However, some representatives of these signs are not at all inclined to long-term relationships (Gemini, Sagittarius), are sometimes spoiled and capricious (Aries, Leo), and very picky (Libra, Aquarius). So it turns out that the second part of the male population (Earth and Water signs) practically does not intersect with girls of other elements. Representatives of the fire and air elements consider them boring bores, incapable of great feelings. But in vain! They make the best spouses. Often the signs of Fire in the horoscope (as well as Air) do not guarantee strong family happiness. Therefore, we encourage girls to more often pay attention to representatives of the signs of Water and Earth. They can also be very interesting partners and interlocutors.

Fire signs include Aries, Leo, Sagittarius. General features: ardor, desire for dominance.

Aries is a fire, an unbridled flame that can burn everything in its path, so people of this sign are hot-tempered, stubborn and do not like to obey. In love and sex they flare up instantly, like matches, but they burn out just as quickly when they get what they want.

Leo is a peaceful fire in the fireplace, which is pleasant to look at. Such a fire must be constantly maintained, otherwise it will go out. In this regard, Leos are capricious, they are characterized by narcissism. But these people also have incredible magnetism and sexuality. Leo's inner fire needs to be supported with compliments and affection. In addition to physical touch, Leos value spiritual warmth.

Sagittarius is the fire of the fire, warming and exciting. Such a fire attracts adventure and the spirit of adventurism; it can be difficult to ignite and just as difficult to protect from gusty winds (failures). Like Leo, Sagittarius constantly needs someone to give them fresh firewood-impressions, so sometimes they go to great lengths.

Water group

Water protects and heals Cancers, Scorpios and Pisces. But everyone in this three has their own state of water.

Cancer is hot steam, an intermediate state between water and air, so they easily transform and adapt to life situations, although they give the impression of fragile people. The changeable state of water in Cancer affects their mood: they are either hot in their judgments, or cool down and forget about the bad.

Scorpios are ice, burning with their coldness at the first meeting. Ice people are attractive and full of intrigue. It can be very difficult to split and melt such people. But if Scorpios truly love, they turn into melt water - tasty, cool, thirst-quenching.

Fish - deep lake. It is possible to raise their thoughts and secrets from the very bottom only by thoroughly stirring up such water. Sometimes Pisces themselves have no idea what is hidden in their depths. IN good mood Pisces water is clear and quiet. But in bad times it becomes muddy and viscous, like in a swamp. For a harmonious existence, Pisces need self-purification, so they are often busy with introspection.

Air group

The elements of air belong to Libra, Aquarius, Gemini. Common features: changeability.

Gemini is a light breeze that changes its direction depending on its interests. Like the wind of change, Gemini is changeable, constantly on the move. Since the breeze is a warm wind, Geminis do not know how to take offense at loved ones for a long time, are easy-going and have a cheerful and friendly disposition.

Aquarius - draft, sudden, gusty. Such a wind cannot be contained within four walls, so Aquarians do not like to be limited by any framework or conventions. They come and go as they please, and they also easily change their words and decisions. Like Gemini, Aquarius is playful, but bad mood will cool anyone down.

Libra is a tornado, the wind of chaos. It is difficult to predict whether such a wind will pass by or sweep you away on its way. There is almost always confusion in Libra's head and heart; they act following a logic that only they understand. They are impulsive, get excited quickly and calm down only when they reach their goal.

Land group

Earth signs: Virgo, Taurus, Capricorn. Common traits: strength of character.

Taurus is the mother earth, the nurse, the fertile soil. In this regard, almost any Taurus project is crowned with success. Taurus are stable, inclined to philosophize and protect. They love to eat delicious food and know how to beautifully present everything - from food to gifts. Be generous with those you love. But the land of Taurus will not bear fruit without diligence and some care, so it is not recommended for this sign to be lazy.

Virgo is a mountain, inaccessible, but alluring. Hence the severity and demandingness towards oneself, first of all, and others. Virgo will never give up without a fight. But for those who overcome all obstacles, the unprecedented beauty of her soul will be revealed. How you feel about Virgo, this is how she will be for you: either a mountain with clean air, rare flowers and lush herbs, or a rocky surface - impenetrable, cold, surrounded by clouds.

Capricorn is a stone. He, like Virgo, can be cold and uncomfortable. But, warmed by the rays of the sun, a hot stone can heal and delight. For others, Capricorn can sometimes be incomprehensible or simple-minded, but you should not rely on the first impression. Capricorn's emotions are strong, he is faithful and reliable, but he is easily offended, and then the response - a rock shower of evil words - will not be long in coming.

Elemental compatibility

If you carefully read the descriptions, it is not difficult to guess that the elements are interconnected. The fire can flare up from the wind, or it can go out. In this regard, the relationship between people of fire and air can be contradictory. Water holds back the pressure of fire and nourishes the earth, so water signs rule well fire signs and get along with the earthly ones. The wind, in turn, excites the water, so it’s interesting for water signs with air signs; people of air spur them on to adventure.

The elements not only determine character, but can also heal their representatives. Water treatments are recommended for water people: swimming pools, relaxing baths, etc. Fire people need dry warmth. Scented candles or the warmth of the family hearth can set fire signs in the right mood.

Air people need to walk more and, if possible, use devices indoors to purify and ionize the air. Earth signs are inspired by their roots and have a strong connection to their ancestors. A trip to relatives or just communication with your family will help replenish your energy balance. Mud therapy and stone therapy are suitable treatments for the people of the earth.

The main types of energy in the world: Fire, Earth, Water and Air. Each of these elements is associated with the signs of the Zodiac and influences a person to a greater or lesser extent, determines his inner world and predispositions.

The moment of birth largely determines character and even... The date of birth falls within the interval when the Sun is in one or another sign of the Zodiac. Each of them belongs to one of the four elements: Fire, Air, Earth or Water.

The fire elements include Aries, Leo and Sagittarius. Fiery people are easily carried away by a new task, engage in it with passion, but have difficulty bringing it to the end. People of the fire element are initiative, active, possess leadership qualities. However, they can be overly aggressive, arrogant and irritable.

Air signs - Gemini, Libra, Aquarius - are sociable, rational and intellectually developed. They have excellent abstract thinking. People under the protection of the air element have a lively mind and are easy-going. Because of their practicality, they often seem too emotionally superficial. To maintain vitality they need fresh air, walks in the woods or at least in the park.

Representatives of the water element are Cancer, Scorpio, Pisces. Water signs are characterized by increased emotionality. They are sensitive and sensitive, their intuition rarely lets them down. Due to their strong sensitivity to everything that happens, water signs are often touchy and tearful. At the same time, they have a special sexuality and magnetism.

Taurus, Virgo, Capricorn belong to the elements of Earth. They are characterized by hard work, a practical and realistic view of the world. Earth signs are distinguished by diligence, diligence, and special tenacity in achieving their goals. More often than representatives of other elements, they are slow and stubborn.

All four elements are represented in every person. It is important to determine not only the predominant, but also the least expressed element in order to most accurately understand the character of a person, determine his weak and strengths, find the key to communicating with him.

Tip 3: Which zodiac signs have magical abilities?

The elements that patronize the zodiac constellations endow each sign with certain magical abilities. Every person at birth has a magical power, which is gradually lost throughout life: it is dissipated by everyday worries and everyday problems. So what magical qualities are endowed with people under the protection of Fire, Water, Air and Earth?

Water Element

Aquatic creatures begin to actively show their magical abilities V stressful situations or in those moments when global changes occur in life.

Cancers by nature have strong intuition, and they make excellent predictors of the future. They know how to very clearly interpret signs sent from above.

Scorpios can also predict future events, but their energy is aimed mainly at protecting their loved ones from negative influences.

Pisces can protect your home from troubles with just their presence. If you are friends with Pisces, then invite them to visit you more often. You will immediately feel how it will become easier to breathe in your home, and many small everyday problems will resolve themselves as if by themselves.

Earth Element

The energy of the Earth helps its wards in the fulfillment of their cherished desires.

Many Taurus people have an extraordinary ability to attract money and material values.

Virgos and Capricorns have a natural affinity for astrology and numerology. Virgos love to pay attention to little things and notice what is inaccessible to others, and Capricorns are able to restore energy very quickly.

Fire Release

Fire signs have great magical potential.

Aries can charge food, water, and even personal items with both positive and negative energy.

Sagittarians can become real healers. These people have great potential and can restore their magical energy very quickly.

Leos are bright representatives of fiery energy. They are able to force a person to think about themselves with the power of thought. In love magic, Leos simply have no equal.

Air Element

Geminis naturally have the gift of hypnosis. They literally captivate their interlocutor and direct his train of thought in the direction they want.

A gift received from Libra is a powerful amulet that can effectively neutralize negative influences, and Aquarius can work miracles involuntarily. For Aquarius, magic is a kind of exciting game where you can show off your extraordinary magical abilities.

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It is impossible to clearly say which zodiac signs are the smartest. On mental abilities People are influenced not only by their date of birth and the location of the stars at that moment. However, the type of thinking of a particular zodiac sign depends on the element under whose protection it is.

Fire Element (Aries, Sagittarius, Leo)

Representatives of the Fire element have intuition. Their thinking is like a fire that burns only when the wind blows on it. The extraordinary gift of premonition that these people are endowed with often helps them make the only right decision and find a way out of difficult situations. For Aries, Sagittarius and Leo, it is simply necessary to see a goal in front of them. Only then will they be able to fully mobilize their intellectual potential.

Air Element (Gemini, Libra, Aquarius)

These signs live in their own world, full of illusions, which they try to analyze regularly. Sometimes they are simply unable to comprehend reality. Grandiose projects are constantly brewing in their heads, which they almost never implement. Gemini, Libra and Aquarius often become the authors of fresh ideas. True, they are often implemented by other zodiac signs.

Earth Element (Taurus, Virgo, Capricorn)

Signs under the protection of the Earth element have excellent analytical thinking. They love solving logical and strategic problems. Taurus, Virgo and Capricorn are excellent at solving those issues that can be analyzed and have scientific explanation. True, Earth signs often have little imagination and imagination.

Water Element (Cancer, Scorpio, Pisces)

How and what these signs think is unknown to most people. Their fantasies and ideas are not subject to society. No wonder many representatives of water poetry become famous and successful people. Cancers, Scorpios and Pisces can use their intelligence in both exact sciences, and in art. Their way of thinking is diverse and deep. They are able to predict future events.


Compared to signs of other elements, people of water signs of the Zodiac are more immersed in the world of their own experiences. But despite the fact that they live primarily in the inner world than in the outer world, they are distinguished by their extraordinary ability to easily adapt to any life circumstances. Positive qualities signs of the water element are insight, goodwill, high spirituality, the ability to compassion and empathy, as well as rich creative potential. Water signs have the ability to attract people. They are open, pleasant to talk to and are excellent psychologists. Negative traits of water signs are impracticality, a tendency toward laziness and pessimism, and irritability.

Scorpio is considered the strongest among all representatives of the water element. People of this sign are endowed with a huge amount of energy, although this may not appear outwardly. They have enormous endurance and often provoke violent experiences in their lives, as this helps them to know themselves and become even stronger. Scorpio is distinguished from other signs of the water element by its aggressiveness. He can be very conflictual and unrestrained in communicating with others. But highly developed Scorpios are able to influence people very well, somehow magically helping them to open up from the very beginning. best sides.

Cancer has a rich imagination, developed intuition and excellent memory. This zodiac sign is very dependent on the environment and needs emotional comfort more than others. For this reason, Cancer is strongly attached to the family: a calm and well-established family life gives him a sense of security. People of this sign are very changeable. They can be open and sociable, or completely self-absorbed and withdrawn, they can show perseverance and endurance, and then abruptly switch to a state of indecision and uncertainty.

Pisces have a very high capacity for compassion, sacrifice and unconditional love. Astrologers often call them the most loyal among other zodiac signs. Pisces are overly impressionable, they deeply experience any blows of fate, so they are less adapted to life in the outside world than other water signs and are prone to escaping reality. This sign has a dual nature, so its representatives are divided into two types: passive and active Pisces. The former float with the flow of life and do not try to resist it at all, while the latter maneuver in the flow, choosing the right direction and achieving their goals with incredible persistence.

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Air signs of the zodiac, like the wind, are changeable and easily change their minds. Such people are very sociable and, thanks to their sociability, they are always surrounded by a huge number of people.

What are the Air zodiac signs?

This element includes 3 signs: Volodya, Libra, Gemini. Another characteristic of air is cold, and it is also characteristic of these people, and that’s all because they do not have the habit of giving in. In relation to others, they can express their regret, but most likely out of politeness, and not from the heart.

Representatives of this element also love to build castles in the air. Incredible ideas, which often enough do not turn into reality, make others think of their dreaminess.

“Aerial” people are the most intellectually developed, and therefore are indispensable for such work. While still at school, they take first place in competitions and get straight A's.

Another property of air is freedom, so representatives of this element are in no hurry to burden themselves with any obligations or attachments.

Positive aspects of the zodiac signs of the Air element:

These people always look at things objectively and evaluate situations, all thanks to their common sense. Comprehensively developed representatives of these zodiac signs are excellent conversationalists; they can support any topic of conversation.

Pros: prudence, fairness, sociability, adaptability, impartiality, prudence.

Negative aspects of these zodiac signs:

Because of the love of freedom, very often there may arise serious problems in relationships with the opposite sex. Due to their height, representatives of these zodiac signs can be cold and calculating. Cons: duplicity, intransigence, insincerity, frivolity, callousness, lack of discipline.

Representatives of this element can realize themselves in the following areas: science, writing, medicine, singing, dancing and acting. They also feel great in any area where they need to apply mental work.

Characteristics of the air signs of the zodiac

Scales– Fearless, balanced and focused people are distinguished by their ability to convince others.

Aquarius– people belonging to this zodiac sign are distinguished by a huge number of ideas that are simultaneously seething in their heads.

Twins– can be different, just like air. Today they are hot, tomorrow they are cold, no one can keep track of their inconstancy. Representatives of this zodiac sign also stand out among others for their ability to right moment Use your wits and incredible charm.

Compatibility of air zodiac signs

Representatives of this element will feel good only next to a person who has a similar mindset. In addition, relationships should be varied, since “airy” people get bored with everything very quickly.

Within an element, any options are considered ideal except those of the same name (for example, Libra-Libra).

Also, zodiac signs of the air element are perfectly combined with representatives of the fire element.

People who belong to these zodiac signs think and worry about their future more than others. Before doing anything, they will always think about the consequences. The past and present play the role of a “springboard” for them to create a carefree future.

Nutrition tips
  1. Your diet should include foods that stimulate brain function, such as seafood.
  2. Positive on nervous system influenced by B vitamins, especially B12. They are found in the following products: poultry, liver, eggs, soy, cheese.

The first mentions of the location of stars, planets in the sky and their influence on people’s lives date back to the 5th millennium BC. e. They were of interest in Mesopotamia and Egypt, but the names known to us were given to the zodiac signs by the ancient Greeks, connecting them with the myths and exploits of the legendary Hercules. The zodiac signs were also divided by elements.

Many generations of sages and astrologers have sought the connection between a person’s date of birth and the main traits of his character. Their works often replaced the predictions of oracles, accurately describing both the possible actions of people in different situations, and events in a person’s life related to the position of the stars.

Chinese scientists became the founders of structuring zodiac signs by elements. Based on similar character traits, they came up with the idea of ​​dividing them into four groups, associating them with metal, air, earth and water.

In the very first astrological treatises there was a fifth element, but it stood out from the general series, and was subsequently abandoned.

Zodiac signs belonging to the same element did not follow one another, but alternated at intervals of about three months. Thus, the 12 signs were divided into four main groups for the first time.

The Greeks improved the system by replacing metal with fire. In their opinion, the explosive temperament of the representatives of this element was more consistent with an unpredictable flame that easily turns into a fire and a natural disaster.

Main groups

Zodiac signs and elements give detailed description the internal state of a person and the characteristics of his interaction with others. Knowing the date of birth of a relative or friend and understanding the horoscope, you can predict their actions and reactions to various incidents. The main signs of different elements are described in detail, but to complete the picture it is better to study the features characteristic of the zodiac sign.

The three zodiac signs belong to the Earth element: Capricorn, Taurus and Virgo. Their similar qualities and characteristics:

  • reliability;
  • craving for material wealth;
  • stubbornness.

Representatives of this element rarely commit rash acts; it is important for them to have a strong rear, good work and stability in all areas of life.

Capricorn is not distinguished by a rich imagination, but he is persistent and persistent in any endeavor. He is characterized by a desire to occupy a high position in society, while Capricorn is not picky about his means. Heartlessness and composure are often its main components career success. However, he is capable of becoming true friend and support in difficult situations.

Of the three signs, Taurus is the most susceptible to hoarding and love of luxury. He is patient, but if you seriously anger him, the offender will get it in full. Taurus takes care of the family and dreams of a cozy home and delicious dishes always waiting for them in the kitchen.

Virgo has one trait that creates problems in communication and building long relationship with her. At first, she idealizes her new acquaintance, and then quickly becomes disappointed in him. If she manages to overcome maximalism, she will not find a better friend than Virgo. She loves to go shopping, where she tastefully chooses outfits. She is characterized by sophistication and sensitivity.

Aries, Leo and Sagittarius will not let others get bored. They are generators of all kinds of plans and ideas. Fire signs according to the horoscope are distinguished by:

  • passion for travel;
  • self-esteem;
  • excess energy.

Representatives of the element of Fire are capable of sweeping gestures, which they regret more than once with the passage of time. They need to constantly discover something new, for which they go on long trips.

Aries does not tolerate being contradicted and will always passionately defend their point of view. Possessing strong character, he does not strive to become a boss, rather, he wants to get a decent and exciting job that involves business trips. He is a faithful family man and loves children, whom he will mentor and guide in accordance with his views.

Leo behaves regal and proud. He will never do anything to the detriment of his person. He avoids people who do not recognize his primacy. Leo reflects the element of Fire, which gives the zodiac sign generosity and independence. He treats the mistakes of others condescendingly, considering it beneath his dignity to even point them out.

The main fidget in this trio is Sagittarius. Usually during his life he changes several houses, and often countries. He is uncomfortable immersing himself in routine. Extraordinary actions distinguish Sagittarius in any society. His clothing style is also eccentric and flashy.

Water Group

Sensitive, emotional Pisces, Cancer and Scorpio are strikingly different from each other in many ways, although they belong to the same element. Their most common manifestations:

  • compassion and empathy;
  • flexibility in communication;
  • need for approval.

Pisces are very artistic and easily get acquainted with the most different people. They are interested in views on life that differ from their own, they are not stubborn and are able to admit that their opponent is right. Artists and poets are often Pisces by horoscope, since this zodiac has the most developed sensitivity to emotions and beauty.

Sensitive, always doubtful, Cancer is attached to loved ones and reacts to any changes in their mood. He cannot be alone for a minute. He constantly needs support and a strong shoulder. Cancers are well versed in fashion trends, although they themselves prefer noble antiquities and classic outfits.

Scorpio is a sign of conflicting passions. He has a hypnotic gaze and a bewitching smile. Despite the apparent brutality and self-confidence, Scorpio painfully experiences any mistake or injustice in his soul. He begins to sting those who have offended him with caustic words, but to his real friends he is able to give the last thing he has.

The element of air includes such zodiac signs as Aquarius, Gemini and Libra. They have:

  • passion for superficial knowledge;
  • frequent mood swings and instability;
  • impatience.

Aquarius loves equality in friendship and communication and does not try to adhere to traditions. He rather likes innovative ideas. He is very responsive and would like to help the whole world, so acquaintances often use this quality. However, Aquarius himself is not averse to manipulating people from time to time.

Geminis are constantly moving, not staying long in one place or with one person. For their grace and charm, those around them forgive them for their frivolity. Geminis tell fascinating stories, but do not like to listen to others. Their notebook filled with phone numbers and names of people whom this zodiac sign considers to be their friends and remembers them at the right time.

Irresistible and gallant Libra does not leave representatives of the opposite sex indifferent. Many people consider them ideal partners and do not want to share with anyone. However, Libra needs access to theaters and exhibitions; they are not ready to sit within four walls, even with their loved ones. They extinguish any quarrel before it flares up and try to say nice things to people.

Knowing which element a person’s zodiac sign belongs to, it is easier to find common ground and understand the motives of his behavior.

The most dangerous is the union of Water and Fire, the participants of which are capable of driving each other into a frenzy with one word. Moreover, Water signs do not always show gentleness and friendliness in order to extinguish the anger of their fiery partner. Rather, they resemble a waterfall rushing quickly down a mountain, trying to win an argument.

All zodiac signs would like to get along with representatives of the Air element. Cheerful and cheerful, they captivate with their spontaneity and funny ideas. However air signs are not ready to tolerate routine and too strict control, so Air-Earth relations are complicated.

Feelings of the Air-Fire couple flare up quickly, but usually they are short-lived.

If you have wisdom and a desire to be together, any combination of elements and zodiac signs is acceptable. Small concessions and patience will benefit every union.


Astrology has been a sought-after field for thousands of years, and drawing up a natal chart in some countries was considered a prerequisite for marriage or starting a joint business. The zodiac forecast has too often turned out to be correct, even in cases of predictions that were inexplicable at the time of making them.

It must be remembered that belonging to one or another zodiac sign determines the position of the Sun. Moreover, other planets can be in any of the 12 houses, as astrologers call them.

Even people of the same zodiac sign have different traits precisely due to the complex schedule of planetary movements. In any case, studying the belonging of a person’s zodiac sign to a certain element will allow us to eliminate mistakes and find interesting topics for communication.

My name is Julia Jenny Norman and I am an author of articles and books. I cooperate with the publishing houses "OLMA-PRESS" and "AST", as well as with glossy magazines. Currently I help promote virtual reality projects. I have European roots, but I spent most of my life in Moscow. There are many museums and exhibitions here that charge you with positivity and give inspiration. IN free time I study French medieval dances. I am interested in any information about that era. I offer you articles that can captivate you with a new hobby or simply give you pleasant moments. You need to dream about something beautiful, then it will come true!

Gemini, Libra and Aquarius are Air signs of the zodiac. They are distinguished by their quick mind and quick wit. They are very sociable, love communication and enjoy finding new interlocutors. They hate boredom and monotony.

In their life, reason dominates over feelings. Air signs think clearly and evaluate situations objectively. They are easily able to tell or explain something and are endowed with the gift of persuasion. It is believed that their mission is to transmit information.

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If you need to solve a problem rational approach, then Gemini, Libra or Aquarius will implement it with a plus. They know how to distance themselves from emotions in order to make a balanced and logical decision.

The key feature of Air zodiac signs is intelligence. Many of them prefer mental work rather than physical work.

No wonder. They require constant mental tension, thinking of new ideas and concepts. These zodiac signs often spend their free time solving crossword puzzles or solving logic problems.

About Air signs in general

These zodiac signs make friends and establish new contacts easily. They are cheerful, energetic, talkative and friendly. Many people want to make friends with them, because a conversation with Air people can be long and extremely fascinating.

The friendship of Gemini, Libra and Aquarius is usually unobtrusive. They will be happy to spend time with you. But if you are busy or have other plans, then no problem. They will not be offended, sort things out or demand special treatment to yourself.

Air signs have one peculiarity. They find it difficult to express emotions. A powerful intellect and the desire to think about everything lead to some problems. Where they need to feel, they replace feelings with thoughts. And often they themselves do not realize this.

For example, on a romantic date, instead of immersing themselves in sweet emotions, these zodiac signs only think about how good they feel, mental activity is in full swing in their heads. Even if the flow of thoughts would be better suspended. Something similar is possible in intimacy.

Therefore, for Air signs of the zodiac, partners in love must be good friends with whom there is something to talk about.

It is very important for Gemini, Libra and Aquarius to learn to express their feelings, concentrate on emotions and at least sometimes give their mind time to rest. In situations full of joy and fun, you should turn off the “mental meat grinder” and immerse yourself in emotions. Unfortunately, without these skills, it is very difficult to experience true happiness rather than a mental image of it.

Positive qualities:

  • sociability, sociability;
  • developed intelligence, quick wit, ability to be objective;
  • friendliness and cheerfulness.

Negative qualities:

  • sometimes excessive talkativeness - talkativeness;
  • frivolity, carelessness;
  • difficulties in expressing emotions.

Features of Gemini

The airy nature of this zodiac sign is associated with the fickle wind. Now it is blowing to the west, and in an hour - to the south. Today the wind is cold and dank, and tomorrow it will be warm and soft. Geminis change in life in exactly the same way. For them there is nothing immutable and permanent; they love change.

Gemini is filled with a thirst for search new information and new impressions. Moreover, they do not need this information for practical application, but to keep your mind in good shape. They grasp knowledge on the fly.

Another positive feature of Geminis is their desire to learn. These people are frequent clients of all kinds of courses: from massage lessons to business training. By the way, they are attracted to courses not only by the opportunity to learn something new, but also by meeting fellow students.

The air sign Gemini has a light, cheerful character. These people are active and do not like to sit still. They usually have a lot of friends and acquaintances. Gemini's wide range of interests also has a downside.

It is difficult for them to concentrate on one direction and complete things. There are so many exciting things around that you want to give up one thing and quickly take on the next one.

Features of Libra

This Air sign is associated with organized air. This includes all kinds of ventilation and ventilation systems that bring a breath of freshness into buildings, clean air and long-awaited coolness. Or a warm wave if the room has cooled down and become too cold.

It is not surprising that communication with Libra is perceived by many people as grace. Indeed, it is very pleasant to talk with this Air sign. He is smart, educated, polite, endowed with good manners and subtle taste.

Thanks to these qualities, Libra feels easy to communicate and knows how to establish contact with any person. They don't like conflicts. They always try to find a solution that will satisfy both parties and are ready to compromise.

Libras are great at choosing the right words to express your opinion without offending your interlocutor.

For the Air sign Libra, the team and a state of balance with the outside world are important. These people do not like to sit alone. Their best qualities manifested in communication and teamwork. They are usually liked and respected at work.

Features of Aquarius

The airy nature of this zodiac sign is associated with air that is under pressure. We can find such air, for example, in a compressor - this is an energy machine. Compressors are used everywhere in our lives.

The mental energy of Aquarius is very concentrated, he is close to philosophical thoughts about global issues humanity. Many of them reach heights in the study of science and technology. The thinking of this Air sign is accompanied by flashes of insight.

In general, Aquarians are freedom-loving and original, they have everything own opinion. The views of these people, as a rule, are devoid of prejudice. They oppose any discrimination - be it racial, national or religious.

Aquarians are convinced that any person is free to be who he wants to be.

If someone tries to limit a representative of this Air sign, infringe on rights or prohibit something, the spirit of a rebel and revolutionary will rise up in him. Then Aquarius will rush away, sweeping away all boundaries in its path. Similar to how compressed air breaks free.

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