The meaning of the name Valeria is: strong, healthy and unpredictable. The character and fate of a girl named Valeria

Valeria is a cheerful and energetic woman. She is responsible, takes all matters seriously, setting an example for others. Very organized. In emergency situations, the girl is able to sensibly assess the situation and make a decision in a matter of minutes. She does not tend to make hasty decisions; she carefully plans further actions, thinking through all the nuances.

Origin of the name

The female name Valeria has Latin roots. It comes from Latin word valeo, which translated means “strong”, “healthy”, “strong-willed”. Some researchers believe that the name acts female form male Valery.

In ancient Roman chronicles, where they talk about the reign of emperors, the male name Valerius is often found.

Valentina is a related name for Valeria. This word also comes from the Latin valeo.

Forms of the name Valery

Name abbreviation:

  • Lera;
  • Lerka;
  • Valya;
  • Valera;
  • Waka.

Diminutive forms:

  • Lerochka;
  • Lerusya;
  • Lerusha;
  • I'm wallowing;
  • Lerunya;
  • Valesha.

When writing poems about a girl named Valeria, you can use the following rhymes: empire, superstition, mystery, artery, artillery.

Valeria - full form named Lera

The church name is Valeria.

Transliteration for a foreign passport - Valeriia.

Table: name in different languages

LanguageIt is writtenReading
Chinese瓦列里娅 Valeliya
Korean발레리아 Ballelia
Japaneseバレリア Bararia
Arabفاليريا‎‎ Falyria
Yiddishוואַלעריאַ Valeria
GreekΒαλέρια Valeria
Spanish, Italian, GermanValeriaValeria

Middle names that go with this name

The following patronymics are most harmoniously combined with the name Valeria:

  • Valerievna;
  • Gennadievna;
  • Leonidovna;
  • Maksimovna;
  • Evgenievna.

Nickname options for social networks

When creating a personal channel on Youtube, an account on Instagram and other social networks, Lera can use the following nicknames:

  • lera;
  • va_leriya;
  • valery;
  • lerik;
  • valera.

Patron saints of Valeria, name day date

Patron saints of girls with this name:

  • Valeria African;
  • Valeria Milanskaya;
  • Valeria of Caesarea;
  • Valeria Limoges.

One of the most famous saints with this name was Valeria of Caesarea. The Great Martyr Valeria of Caesarea was canonized in ancient Christian times. With her like-minded people, she accepted the Christian faith and preached it to people. The girl was repeatedly subjected to brutal torture, demanding that Valeria of Caesarea embrace paganism. But this did not break her faith in Jesus Christ.

Holy Martyr Valeria - patroness of girls with this name

Lera celebrate name day:

  • March 31;
  • April 28;
  • May 6;
  • July 6, 7 and 20;
  • December 9.

Characteristics and influence of the name

Positive qualities:

  • loyalty;
  • determination;
  • honesty;
  • eloquence;
  • patience;
  • love of life;
  • frankness.

Negative qualities:

  • vulnerability;
  • skepticism;
  • waywardness;
  • envy;
  • timidity.

How does a name affect a child's character?

From birth, Lerochka gets used to the fact that parental attention belongs entirely to her. The mother spoils the baby very much, because of this she grows up wayward and capricious. He gets along poorly with his siblings and tries to win the love and attention of his parents from them through whims and complaints.

The girl is very stubborn, she always knows how to get what she wants. Lera is quite lazy, cleaning the room is the last thing she will take on of her own free will. The girl believes that there are activities that are much more interesting than the tedious shifting of things from place to place. But if she decides to restore order, she will do it perfectly. The baby loves bright fashionable things, she can spend a long time spinning in front of the mirror, admiring her reflection.

Little Lerochka loves to dress up and spend a long time hanging out in front of the mirror.

This is a very talented girl. Lerochka likes to take part in school creative competitions and attend various educational clubs. Studying is difficult for the girl, although she is diligent and diligent. Due to her inattention, Lera complicates her own path to success. In the team, she always tries to establish justice. In moments of failure, she becomes upset, offended and abandons unfinished tasks that she started with enthusiasm. Lera is a sincere, friendly girl. A faithful friend who can come to the rescue in difficult times. However, she has an unstable nervous system and her mood often changes.

Lera the teenager

During adolescence, Valeria becomes more sensitive, and her unpredictability sometimes alarms those around her. The girl often draws conclusions without properly understanding the situation, often succumbs to feelings and finds herself in awkward situations. Lera’s character is difficult, but those who have the patience to cope with it will be able to find a sincere and faithful comrade.

Lera tries to fight difficulties, studies diligently, carefully chooses higher education educational institution for yourself. She quite intelligently makes plans for future profession.Having set a goal, the girl confidently moves towards its implementation. At this age, she is of little interest to male representatives. Valeria devotes most of her time to self-development and educational process. Relationships appear in her life only if romantic dates do not interfere with preparing for future career.

For teenage Valeria, it is not more important romantic relationship, and studies and plans for the future

This is a purposeful, attentive and prudent girl. In Lera’s team it is sometimes difficult to establish friendly relations, since she hostilely perceives criticism addressed to her. She is quite straightforward; giving in to her feelings can offend a person. Valeria doesn’t tend to work on her mistakes, so you shouldn’t expect an apology from her.

How does a name influence the character and fate of adult Valeria?

Dmitry and Nadezhda Zima believe that the emotional color of the name speaks of the broad worldview of its owner. Such a girl is distinguished by her love of life and desire to achieve high goals. But Valeria's willfulness can destroy everything she has worked so hard for. She often acts based only on her own beliefs and principles. Lera loves to daydream and is not particularly interested in household chores. When the bearer of such a name is in a good mood, work burns in her hands. She doesn't like doing the same thing twice, so she tries to make every effort to do everything well the first time.

Boris Khigir claims that Valeria has a difficult character. She is capricious, unpredictable, and prone to frequent mood swings. Literally any little thing can make a girl angry or upset. A person who manages to make friends with Lera will realize her vulnerability and sensitivity, hidden under irritability and the desire to constantly defend her point of view. The owner of this name is distrustful of people.

Valeria is distrustful of people, but the person who still manages to make friends with Lera is aware of her vulnerability and sensitivity

According to Pavel Ruzhe, Valeria is a strong-willed, reasonable and receptive woman. She is used to an active lifestyle. Even when choosing a profession, Lera considers those areas of activity that provide the opportunity to travel, conduct working hours in motion. Likes to act as an organizer social events or founder of creative associations. This girl is ambitious. She often breaks down if something doesn’t go as she planned. Valeria is a warm and hospitable hostess. She feels confident and comfortable in any company. The owner of this name is very successful, and often not so much in her career as in her social status.

Talents and hobbies

Valeria is comprehensively developed and very talented. She always has a lot of ideas in stock that she can implement not only in professional activities, but also at home. This girl has no interest in exact sciences, she is mostly interested humanities. Lera can excel in learning foreign languages.

The bearer of this name loves to prepare various culinary masterpieces, especially when she is in good mood. She has many books in her library, from which the girl chooses the most delicious recipes, delighting your family and friends delicious dishes.

Valeria does not like to do household chores, but enjoys creating culinary delights

Valeria in career and business

Valeria is characterized by responsibility, perseverance and patience. Whatever profession she chooses, the process itself will be most important to the girl, not the profit. If the owner of such a name does not enjoy her work, she will not be able to reveal her potential in the business and in most cases will prefer to change jobs. The following professions are perfect for Lera:

  • teacher;
  • seller;
  • teacher;
  • journalist;
  • cook, pastry chef.

The bearer of this name can prove herself well in entrepreneurial activity. Valeria is excellent at conducting conferences and knows how to successfully conclude important deals. She skillfully uses her knowledge of psychology and dialogue. In most cases, contracts concluded by Leroy are successful and profitable.


Valeria is not particularly predisposed to any diseases. But she needs to watch her diet and move more, since such girls tend to gain weight. extra pounds. Also, in the absence of proper rest, problems with nervous system.

To keep your figure in good shape, Lera needs to move more.

Valeria's love and marriage

Not every man is able to withstand Valeria's character. To win her heart, you should be patient. Such a girl prefers strong, strong-willed and purposeful representatives of the stronger sex. And if he manages to win her love through long courtship, then Lera will respond to her chosen one with devotion, care and tenderness.

Intimate connection is important for Valeria. Her desires are almost impossible to predict. Either she acts as a passionate, angry panther, or she shows indifference to her chosen one. Since the owner of this name prefers variety in sex, in her youth she often gives in to impulse and often changes partners.

When Lera gets married, she listens to her inner voice. It is very important for her how the chosen one treats her and what feelings she experiences for him. Such a girl will definitely marry for love, since she is a big opponent of arranged marriages.

Not every man is able to withstand Valeria’s character: to win her heart, you should be patient

Valeria can become a wonderful housewife, a caring and wise wife. She furnishes her home with taste. Lera also pays special attention raising children, trying to instill in them the most best qualities. She wants to receive mutual understanding and devotion from her husband. True, such a girl is very domineering and often takes control of her husband. Because of this, conflicts and misunderstandings may arise in the family.

Table: compatibility with male names

SergeyIn this union, spirituality comes first, not material assets. They do not conflict over the well-being of the family; they prefer to enjoy spending time together. The couple has a lot in common, but there is no stability in the relationship, and they do not strive for it. Partners respect and love each other, what else is needed for family happiness?
AlexanderBoth partners are independent, express their leadership qualities in the family. They have similar beliefs and characters, but this does not give stability. If spouses learn to give in to each other, then their union can be strong and durable.
EvgeniyIn these relationships, the feelings and intimate preferences of the spouses play an important role. If the extravagant Valeria and the prudent Eugene fail to discern other qualities in each other, then their union will soon fall apart. The spouse will constantly express his dissatisfaction with the management of the house. If Eugene can come to terms with his wife’s shortcomings, he will receive a caring, attentive and affectionate wife.
DmitryAlthough a bright spark of passionate feelings may flare up between Dmitry and Valeria, most likely it will quickly lose its brightness. Both spouses are purposeful and freedom-loving people. The man in this relationship takes the initiative and wants to build a family, but Valeria does not share his zeal. Because of this, conflict situations often arise.
AndreyThe couple's relationship is vibrant and passionate. But only for intimate connection strong family don't build. Valeria and Andrey try to show their leadership qualities in their marriage, but the stubbornness of both often leads to quarrels. Usually such a union does not have a happy future. But if the spouses learn to understand each other and begin to solve all problems mutually, it is quite possible that their marriage will be very successful.
AlexeyAn idyll reigns in the family of Alexei and Valeria; they understand and support each other in any endeavor. They can become excellent business partners, as their relationship is built on mutual loyalty, respect and trust. In a spouse, a girl values ​​​​courtesy, restraint and pragmatism. Such a union can last a very long time, since husband and wife complement each other.
VladimirA wonderful couple with an excellent sense of humor. They are interested in spending time together. Valeria and Vladimir set high goals for themselves and through joint efforts, overcoming all obstacles, achieve what they want. They have practically no conflicts; they discuss all controversial issues in a peaceful atmosphere at the family table.
IgorThe couple is very harmonious. The spouses are connected not by sexual attraction, but by spirituality. They arrange surprises for each other, each knows well the preferences of their other half. Igor and Lera are very creative. There is never a dull moment in their family. The connection is also cemented by a feeling of sincere and mutual love.
OlegThis family is not used to relying on luck. The couple decides their own destiny. They have no illusions about the future; all their aspirations are quite real. Valeria and Oleg are slowly but productively laying difficult path towards the goal, overcoming all obstacles.
YuriSuch a marriage cannot last. Both partners are freedom-loving and independent individuals. Each does not consider it necessary to tell the other about his affairs. This couple doesn't have joint plans, both are separately trying to create for themselves best conditions. Ultimately, due to the fact that it is pointless to live together in the future, such a union breaks up.
NovelLera's frivolity and uncertainty often irritates Roman. During the first meeting, her lightness and simplicity charmed the man, but in family life these qualities become rather disadvantages than advantages. Since Roma wants to have a faithful life partner nearby, there will be frequent disagreements and scandals in the family.

Significant years of life

Important years of Lera’s life:

Songs about girls with this name: “Valeria” by Valeria Meladze, “Valeria” by the group “Aramis”.

Table: name matches

PlanetMercurySuch people tend to show cunning, agility, and activity. Have the ability to foreign languages. They often work as correspondents, politicians or marketers.
Zodiac signLionFor these people, it is extremely important to be in the center of attention, to accept praise and approval addressed to them. It is extremely important to them what others think about them, so they always try to show themselves at their best. better light. They strive to be the first in everything.
ElementWaterThey always rely on their gut instinct, and it never lets them down. These people carefully think through their actions and anticipate all possible winning and losing situations. There is no problem for them that they cannot solve.
Number8 Extraordinary thinking, very smart. They are characterized by determination, they have a persistent, strong-willed character. In an emergency situation, they are able to think calmly and make balanced and reasonable decisions. These people are very good-natured, with a sensitive heart. They are capable of doing good deeds not only for yourself and your loved ones, but also for strangers in need of help.
ColorVioletThey have a penchant for psychology and philosophy. Sensitive natures, they know how to feel emotional state people. They are loving, in relationships they are guided only by feelings. Negative character traits are willfulness and selfishness.
Totem animalHorseA symbol of wisdom, clear mind, movement. A figurine with a horse can help you out of any troubles, gives you the energy of life and brings prosperity.
TreeChestnutThe personification of wisdom, care and intuition.
PlantPeonySymbolizes eternal youth, prosperity and happiness. Peony is believed to have the ability to heal. Thus, a tincture from the roots of this plant relieves stress and helps to achieve healthy sleep.
StonePomegranateSymbol of fidelity, love, friendliness. They believe that pomegranate is capable of reconciling warring parties and strengthening family ties.
MetalAluminumRepresents peace and tranquility. Serves as a talisman for finding the necessary acquaintances and establishing relationships in society.
Auspicious dayTuesday-
Unfavorable dayThursday-
Time of yearSpring-

The meaning of each letter in the name

B - optimism, sociability, sincerity, attentiveness. Always surrounded by male attention, but, as a rule, nourishes strong feelings to only one person for the rest of your life.

A - purposefulness, energy. Such a girl is prone to continuous self-development. Shows initiative when interested. She always strives to be the first in everything.

The first letter of the alphabet adds purposefulness and energy to a girl’s character.

L is creative and talented, has a delicate taste, and understands art. Always in search of beauty.

E - often imposes his opinion on others. Often such a girl is left alone, not understood by society. But it doesn't upset her. She is sociable and always finds topics for conversation. Strives to gain universal recognition. Dreamy, strives for goals that only she understands.

R is quite prudent, able to calculate the situation several steps ahead. Needlewoman. In communication she shows courtesy and patience, but only if the conversation does not touch her to the quick.

And - spiritually enlightened. Has refined manners. He has his own unique style not only in clothes, but also in the manner of expressing thoughts. Negative qualities - distrust, straightforwardness, hot temper.

I know my worth. Such a girl needs constant sources of inspiration. Strives to gain universal respect.

Seven letters in the name mean that Valeria is a girl who adheres to established rules. She is sincerely convinced that only this will lead to happiness and success. Because of this desire to strictly observe the laws of society or the company, Lera often shows stubbornness and excessive intolerance.

When was Valeria born?

Winter Valeria is very hot-tempered, frequent experiences can lead her to depressive state. Sometimes a girl’s perception is so dramatic that many people stop taking her worries seriously. Lera, born in winter, is charming and temperamental, and has a special charm. She has high self-esteem, will never allow himself to be offended.

Valeria, who was born in winter, is very hot-tempered, frequent experiences can lead her to depression

Spring Valeria is a wayward, sometimes selfish woman. Uncooperative, always true to her convictions. She often imposes her opinions on others, because of this she has almost no friends. A girl born in spring knows how to use cunning and manipulation to achieve what she wants most.

Summer Valeria is selfish, not without cunning, always prudent and prudent. Achieves goals at any cost, especially if he sees personal gain or satisfaction in it. She almost never thinks about her actions, she is ready to stubbornly go over her head in order to get what she wants.

Autumn Lera is well-mannered, patient, and has excellent manners. Calm, always finds a competent and coherent answer to any question. She does not show her emotions in public, she is calm and focused. Relationships with men for Valeria, who was born in the fall, are not going very well; her coldness repels the stronger sex.

Autumn Lera can answer any question, does not show her emotions in public, is calm and focused

Table: name horoscope

Zodiac signCharacteristic
AriesSimple-minded and always positive-minded, she approaches any task responsibly. Has the makings of a leader, always in the know important events. Very charming and graceful. She knows how to create unique images that attract men to her. But just feelings are not enough for Lera-Aries; she is characterized by commercialism.
TaurusRestrained and prudent. Values ​​consistency. Even if she feels discomfort, she would rather accept it than decide to change something in her life. Patient and diligent, she easily copes with monotonous work. Creativity and creativity Lera-Taurus is completely absent. Slow, but responsible. Whatever he undertakes, he will do everything conscientiously. For this, her colleagues and close people respect her.
TwinsA playful, graceful, energetic woman with an excellent sense of humor and excellent manners. He approaches everything with extraordinary ease. Seeing Leroux-Gemini, you might think that everything is always great with her, since she can find good points even in the saddest situation. He is not shy about making jokes about his colleagues and being ironic about himself. Negative qualities - frivolity, fear of making difficult decisions.
CancerCharming, with delicate taste and excellent manners. Always surrounded by men. She is very homely and spends most of her time with family and friends. She values ​​consistency in work and family life. However, sometimes he can drop everything and go on a trip.
LionSecretive and silent, she treats everything with suspicion. Doesn't like to talk about himself. In her dreams, she is a heroine who defeats everyone and basks in glory and applause. Sometimes she envies the success of her friends. When talking about any events from your life, you may slightly embellish.
VirgoCalm, delicate, well-mannered. Applies his creativity in his work activities. She is open and sociable, easily gets along with people, and builds strong friendships. Her communication skills help her to actively move forward career ladder. He knows how to persuade people to his opinion, does it easily and unobtrusively.
ScalesCharming and responsive, positive. He takes on everything with a passion, but quickly loses interest in the work and most often does not complete it. Elegant woman. Her eloquence and demeanor attracts representatives of the stronger sex.
ScorpionTemperamental woman. She often points out people's shortcomings, but she herself is not at all ideal. He is extremely hostile towards criticism. Very hot-tempered. Always tries to be in the very center of important events.
SagittariusAn emotional, explosive woman. Valeria-Sagittarius is capable of starting a half-turn, and her anger is difficult to pacify. She doesn't recognize own mistakes, her behavior is sometimes devoid of morality. She values ​​politeness, an analytical mind, and social status in men.
CapricornStrict, distrustful. Constantly dissatisfied with her personal life and the society in which she finds herself. He communicates with people very warily, being wary of betrayal. Because of this, difficulties arise even with people who sincerely want to help her. He takes any criticism with hostility.
AquariusFreedom-loving, witty. She puts all of herself into her work, sparing neither effort nor time. Lera is appreciated at work for her diligence. Quite secretive, does not like to talk about her personal life. She values ​​a sense of humor, perseverance and resourcefulness in men.
FishCreative, charming and graceful. A workaholic, he always sets high goals for himself, which he persistently brings to life. Interesting and creative personality. She can only be interested in a purposeful and extraordinary man like herself.

Valeria Tsvetaeva - writer Valeria Savinykh - Russian tennis player Valeria Sokolova - Russian model

Video: Valeria - “Love and Pain”

Valeria is a strong and temperamental woman who often changes her decisions. He treats people with prejudice. Very vulnerable, she can perceive criticism addressed to herself as an insult. Lera has a strong-willed character. She is able to achieve her goals without anyone's help. Values ​​loyalty and does not forgive betrayal.

The female name Valeria, like the male name Valery (derived from the Roman generic name Valerius), is of Latin origin and means “hardy”, “healthy”, “strong from birth”. It is widely popular among newborn babies in Russia.

Name Astrology

  • Zodiac sign: Scorpio
  • Patron Planet: Pluto
  • Talisman stone: malachite
  • Color: yellow
  • Tree: chestnut
  • Plant: peony
  • Animal: scarab beetle
  • Favorable day: Tuesday

Character Traits

Names that have masculine and feminine pronunciation are endowed with a complex character and contradictions. Thus, the name Valeria carries a lot of energy, strength, discipline, and gravitates toward order. Such a woman strives for power, has a bright personality, and is capable of fighting. Most often he has a harsh, quarrelsome character. She does not know how to play in a team, she is too freedom-loving, she always strives to be first and do the work on her own.

Valeria is an excellent tactician, but a weak strategist. She achieves success through willpower and fortitude. Impulsive, she combines cheerfulness and sentimentality, lyricism and aggressiveness, short-sightedness and practicality. More often she is dissatisfied with herself and her environment than vice versa. Self-confident, prone to idealization, strives to subjugate everything that surrounds her. Educated, observant.

The secret of the name is that behind Valeria’s unpredictability and conflict, there is a vulnerable and sensitive nature. She is capable of reacting very violently to a disliked look or a carelessly spoken word. Prone to hysterics. Real problems arise when a complex, acute and deep conflict arises. This girl does not know how to give in, apologize, or forgive. She despises diplomacy and considers it a weakness of character.

The owner of the name Valeria is a wonderful housewife; order and discipline reign in her house. People who like her acquire a reliable friend and assistant in such a woman.

Interests and hobbies

Lera is actively interested in interesting ideas and projects, but rarely completes the task. She likes activities that give immediate results. Valeria is capable of creating a business for the sake of a hobby. She is interested in photography, extreme species sports, organizing weddings, parties, performing in public as a toastmaster, entertainer.

Profession and business

High resistance to stressful situations and education allows Valeria to become good leader. The profession of a journalist can bring good luck, insurance agent, sales manager, designer, reporter, television presenter, actress.


Valeria knows well the problems of her character and the influence of negative emotions on general condition health. Her weak points can be called gallbladder and liver. The need to get rid of excess energy leads to hypertension, increased fatigue, and weakened memory. A girl with this name should take care of proper sleep and rest, and seek unity with nature.

Sex and love

Leroux is attracted to calm, non-conflict men who know how to listen. But her calculating nature prevents trust and rapprochement. A woman named Valeria is very sexy. Intimate relationships play a central role in her union with a man. But she never discusses this issue with anyone. To his chosen one is faithful companion and an assistant.

Family and marriage

Valeria is a straightforward person. If she has already made her choice, then she demands complete submission from the other half. For this, she agrees to pay her spouse with devotion, fidelity, attention and “fiery” sex. She never refuses help and unconditionally shoulders family concerns. Living with her is not easy because of her hot-tempered and jealous character. However, many men are ready to tolerate her shortcomings, because she is a wonderful mother, an excellent housewife, a brave and confident life partner.

A name is given to a person once and for life. Together with the patronymic and surname, it allows you to feel like a spiritually rich person, distinctive from others. The meaning of the name Lera will allow you to fully recognize the girl’s character and determine what fate awaits her.

Origin of the name

Lera is a name derived from Valery. It is of Latin origin and is translated as “healthy”, “strong”, “strong”. The fate of the name is quite interesting, because its roots stretch into the deep past. The name comes from ancient family Valerius, which, in turn, was formed from valeo. According to some versions, the meaning of the name Lera must be considered, taking as a basis the male name Valerian, which in translation means “to be healthy,” and the female Larisa - “pleasant,” “sweet.”

Valeria's childhood

Little Lera is a real imp who needs an eye and an eye. She is cheerful, sociable, active. Parents should pay attention to the girl’s hyperactivity and raise her strictly. Otherwise, baby, despite her young age, will begin to push them around, imposing own desires and views. Moreover, to achieve her goal, little Lera, full name which is Valeria, uses all methods: exhortations, whims, tears, affection and even jealousy.

The nature of the name Lera can make a girl self-centered, so parents should definitely teach her to communicate with other children so that the baby understands that the world does not revolve only around her. The girl is not very neat, but she has ingenuity and a good memory, which covers up her other shortcomings.

Valeria's health

The meaning of the name Lera left its mark here too. Lera’s health is generally good, but she has problems with her weight. This usually happens during puberty due to hormonal changes in the body. To avoid this, a girl should be taught from childhood to proper nutrition and playing sports. Most often, since childhood, Valeria has a craving for dancing and aerobics, but other sports will also be useful.

Lera's school years

The girl is a mediocre student, but if she wants, she can achieve good results in all disciplines. The secret of the name Lera is that she always tries to prove her superiority, so if parents can find a teacher who will introduce a competitive and speedy element into her classes, then the girl will gladly accept the rules and learn everything perfectly. Valeria doesn’t want to study just like that, but if it allows her to become the best in the class, she will be active and win the championship.

Characteristics and fate of the name Lera

Valeria’s complex character will not become simpler even after years. The meaning of the name Lera is always present in her life. The girl is overly emotional, so most of her character traits are clearly visible. She is sensitive, vulnerable. To protect herself from insults, a girl will rarely let a stranger get close to her. At the first meeting, Lera, whose full name is Valeria, fully justifies her “masculine” meaning - she is very careful and will study for a long time new identity and only when he is convinced of her integrity will he allow himself to relax. Despite this, Valeria cannot be called a “scared sheep” or too touchy. This character trait should most likely be defined as willfulness. Sometimes a girl becomes so dissatisfied with a stranger that she becomes overly sarcastic, even rude. In some cases, the reason for her behavior remains a mystery to those around her, which only she understands.

By and large, the matured Valeria is not much different from the previous eccentric little girl. She is also energetic, impulsive, inquisitive and fickle in her intentions. A girl can zealously take on several things at once, but in the end she will not complete any of them. This is quite typical for her, however, after some time Lera is ashamed of her behavior and still finishes what she started, but without fanaticism.

Valeria loves risk, preferring it to a measured and monotonous life. The girl likes to feel free, so she often manifests herself as an ardent feminist. Valeria is convinced that life is wonderful, and it is simply unacceptable to waste it on boredom, so she always finds some new activity for herself.

The inconsistency of character over time tires Leroux herself. The girl begins to gravitate towards more balanced people who could rein her in a little.


In any team, thanks to her non-trivial approach to business, Valeria is considered a valuable employee. The ideas a girl gives out are almost always stunning in their simplicity and brevity. In addition, Lera has very developed intuition, which allows her to make decisions quickly and accurately. Therefore, even some character flaws do not prevent her from rapidly climbing the career ladder. Most often, Valeria chooses work related to children or in sales. This allows her to be around people and at the same time slightly distance herself from them due to her position.


Valeria loves to be the center of attention and please men. Therefore, she carefully takes care of her appearance, follows the latest fashion trends, dresses beautifully and can present herself. Relationships with the opposite sex are quite complex and unpredictable, and Valeria herself is always the culprit. Her attitude towards her partner can change in a matter of minutes, but the guy himself can rarely understand the reason for the change. Valeria's behavior with a man can be very different. With one she can have intimate relationships within a couple of hours after meeting, but he won’t let anyone else near him for several months.

Valeria is always looking for new sensations, and this also manifests itself in relationships with men. Therefore, if a partner becomes monotonous, she begins to look for variety on the side, which often leads to a break in an established relationship. Having cheated on her boyfriend, Valeria rarely feels guilty; she also does not pay attention to the gossip of others, believing that life is short enough, and she should have time to take everything from it. Despite her own inconstancy, Valeria is quite jealous and can make a scene for her partner even because of a fleeting glance at another woman.


Family comes first in Valeria’s life. She is caring, economical, and will always help her husband good advice. Special significance gives comfort and relaxed atmosphere in the house. She loves to receive guests, is hospitable and cheerful. Valeria loves her children very much, and they love her back.

Compatibility of the name Lera

Valeria will have a good alliance with Andrey, Oleg, Anatoly, Matvey, Sergey.

Less successful relationships will be with Mark, Albert, Vladislav, Peter, Kirill.

Dear readers, today you will find out what the name Lera means and what characteristics it can bestow on its owner.

Lera is a shortened form of such names as Valeria, Kaleria, Eleanor, as well as male names, Valerian, but now it is increasingly used as a full name. Translated from Latin it means “born healthy and strong.”

  • Lerochka is growing active child who demands the attention of others. From childhood, parents should teach her to make friends, communicate with people and be more collected. She is very cheerful and can start various imaginary games in company. He often prefers the company of boys, but he also indulges in female entertainment - he can play with dolls and whisper with girls. The girl is open to the world and looks at everything positively. This quality will remain in her throughout her life.
  • She can manipulate her parents and use whims, love and affection to achieve what she wants. Parents should attach importance to this and raise their child strictly. She is not very neat, but she has a good memory. The girl is quite talented, she has all the makings of an exemplary student, but she does not show much zeal for studying, so she prefers to get good grades without extra workload. Although in her favorite activity she will show all her hidden abilities and will develop it quite well.
  • The importance of her parents in her upbringing will be important to the girl, so she should not let her fate take its course. If a child shows interest in something, it is better to help her develop in this direction, rather than impose your ideals.

Lera is open to the world and looks at everything positively. This quality will remain in her throughout her life.

  • Adult Lera is quite cheerful, optimistic and cheerful. Her main life credo is that life is too short to spend it crying. She is energetic and friendly, as a rule, surrounds herself with friends and knows how to maintain friendly principles. She can get emotional, but is always sincere in all endeavors. She likes to pay attention to little things and at the same time show excessive emotions. Parents of a teenager should give this due importance and instill in her a more patient disposition.
  • She is inclined to achieve success, but often it comes to her not because of effort and perseverance, but because of unbending faith and anticipation in getting what she expected. Lera also tends to idealize everything around her at all times, and this quality will certainly extend to friendship and love.
  • Also, the date of birth will have a special influence on the girl’s character.
  • Lera, born in winter, usually overly emotional, harsh and excitable, which is why she may experience nervous shock and breakdowns.

A girl born in autumn is calmer, but also capable of unpredictable behavior. She will make a good artist, tour guide or fashion designer. Suitable middle names for her are Gennadievna, Semyonovna, Borisovna, Fedorovna, Maksimovna.

  • Girl born in summer months, may become conflicting. Those born in spring are a little capricious. She often shows dissatisfaction, but will be able to open up as an actress, singer, fashion model or artist. Patronymic names such as Ivanovna, Danilovna, Matveevna, Aronovna, Denisovna, Emilievna will be suitable.
  • The fact that the name Lera is also masculine will have a huge impact on the girl, which is why it endows its bearer with increased emotionality.

Valeria Sergeevna Kozlova - Russian singer, actress. Former member of the Russian pop group "Ranetki". Former vocalist of the group “5sta Family”

The secret of the name Lera is marked by intolerance of betrayal. If she trusts and opens up to a person, and he commits betrayal, then there will never be peace in their relationship. The girl will be able to wait patiently and take revenge at a moment when the offender does not even expect it. The girl often uses this technique when achieving her goals.

The girl always looks well-groomed and neat, loves to dress in fashion and attract appearance the views of others.


  • If you pay attention to the fact that the name Lera means “born healthy and strong,” this is exactly what her body is like in life.
  • It can be noted that Lera has a high vitality and gets sick quite rarely. This quality has been preserved in it for many years.
  • In any case, no matter what significance a name has on a person’s health, at any age you need to treat yourself with care and monitor your health.
  • The girl is prone to excess weight, which is already evident in adolescence. A selected diet and exercise will help solve this issue. It is also worth contacting doctors and trainers for recommendations on maintaining a slim figure.

Valeria Yuryevna Gekhner - jazz performer, as well as actress, director, promoter and screenwriter; creator and leader of the funk show group “Lera Gekhner Band” and “NO BUDDS”

Marriage and family

Despite the fact that Lera has a rather strong character, in family relationships gladly gives leadership to her husband and prefers to be behind him, as if behind a stone wall. She needs a family, so she has the desire to create one and maintain family comfort and trusting relationships. We can say that she will gain happiness in marriage and will be able to give care and love to her children and husband.

Valeria Dmitrievna Masskva is a Russian singer and songwriter.

Career and hobbies

When choosing a profession, she will give preference to her hobby and can become quite successful in this direction. She will make a skilled leader. In her work, she strives for career growth, so she can choose to become an accountant, financier, manager in banking, medicine or trade. She is quite a creative person and can try herself as an actress, singer, designer, hairdresser or cosmetologist.

Valeria Lvovna Kudryavtseva - Russian television and radio presenter, actress, dancer


  • Lera Kondra, Russian singer, actress and TV presenter.
  • Lera Masskva, Russian singer, songwriter.
  • L. Gechner, jazz performer, singer.
  • Lera Kudryavtseva, Russian TV presenter, actress, dancer.
  • Valeria Kozlova, also known as Lera Lera, LeRa, Lera Romantika, LeRanetka, is a Russian singer, former member of the Russian girl pop group “Ranetki”.

Did you know? The name Lera does not celebrate a name day; during baptism, the child will receive a different name and can celebrate name days according to it.

Other options

So you and I found out what the name Lera means and how it influences the character of its bearer. Parents should also pay attention that the child’s fate will be influenced by his date of birth and patronymic. When choosing a name, pay attention to its consonance with the surname and patronymic. I suggest you familiarize yourself with some more names that are presented on our website and may suit your baby.

Dear readers, share your impressions of what you read in the comments. Write what name you chose for your child and what qualities it has for you high value. I wish you success!

Greetings, my dear readers! As I promised earlier, let's continue talking about names. Today we’ll talk about what the name Valeria means. Among you, I think, there will be readers with such a wonderful name.

Let's take a closer look at where the name came from, what it means, what it gives to its owner, and much more.

Ancient Roman names are very beautiful. One of them is Valeria. Where did it come from? The history of its origin is very interesting. This has been known for more than 2500 years oldest name. It originates from the ancient Roman family of Valeriev.

The name Valeria originates from male name Valery, who has Latin roots. It comes from “Valeo,” which is Latin for “strong, healthy.”

Popularity of the name Valeria

The name began to spread in the fifties of the last century. Before this period, it was considered ecclesiastical. Now has widespread in the CIS countries. Lera is the short name for this name. Foreign language synonyms are Valere and Valerie.

Characteristics of a name by season

Valeria "winter"

She is very excitable and prone to nervous breakdowns. Small problems for her develop into a big tragedy, and therefore she often cannot find a common language with the people around her. But since she is a woman of principle, this can give her inner strength.

Valeria "spring"

This capricious woman is most often lonely. Her great popularity among men makes her a self-confident person.

Valeria "summer"

She is quite cunning, mercantile, and careful. Will achieve his goals, especially when they promise benefits. Summer Lera with its principles and concepts does not always meet the standards of ethics and morality.

Valeria "autumn"

Restrained, calm and balanced. It is not easy to get impatient with her, since she answers any question with a reasonable answer. She, hiding her feelings and emotions, creates problems in relationships with representatives of the stronger sex.

What does the name Valeria mean in childhood?

funny, sunny child Lerochka quickly makes friends and can play outdoor games with them all day long. Even as a child, she loves to help her mother, and also to repeat after her mother everything that she does.

The unpredictability of Lerochka’s character has been felt since childhood. The girl is capable of unexpectedly getting upset. But before mom and dad understand what’s going on, the baby becomes cheerful again.

Valeria has been impulsive and purposeful since childhood. Even at school, she tries to prove herself as best as possible and compete with others. For a girl, this is an incredibly strong incentive to study well.

The artistic and talented Lera takes part in school celebrations and attends various clubs. The girl has a generous, kind, sympathetic nature. Lerushka loves close people, relatives very much and is always devoted to her friends.

Characteristics for girls and women

Do you know that girls with this name have a great desire for self-affirmation, which is the main driving element in her career?

Adult Valeria is an exemplary, honest worker. The girl finds true friends at work. Thanks to her, the team becomes more friendly and united.

The character of the bearer of the name is peculiar . Lerushka is a woman with many positive, funny qualities. To the very strengths character include:

  1. Love of life;
  2. Focus;
  3. Communication skills;
  4. Impetuousness;
  5. Inspiration, sensitivity;
  6. Wit.

As an adult, her mood changes quickly again. She goes to the most extremes and does not control mood swings, which affect the significance of the name, fate and character. One second Lera can be cheerful and sweet, and the next - gloomy. She is unpredictable, extraordinary.

Do you know how its stability is manifested? In her sincerity. She hates lies and hypocrisy. Next interesting fact is that, being a great friend, Lerusya can also become an implacable enemy if she is betrayed.

Bearers of the name are vulnerable, sensitive. It is very easy to offend them both with words and actions. Sometimes this is precisely the reason for her unexpected outbursts.

Other, no less important characteristic is determination, self-confidence, purposefulness. But it happens that in life she is caught by laziness. Fortunately, this time does not last long.

What does Valeria mean in church terms?

In Orthodoxy this name is not changeable. It is ecclesiastical and allowed for baptism. Valeria's name day falls on March 31, April 28, May 6, June 6, 7, 20, December 9. According to the calendar, you can determine who will become the patron saint of the girl.

Family in Lera's life

This name can really make a difference. You ask: what path in life does it suggest? Correct question. I'll try to answer it.

Valera devotes a big place in her life to family. She will become a devoted companion to her husband, as well as a strong support in difficult times. Lerushka adores children and raises them with great pleasure.

She is a rather jealous person, perfectly notices the indifferent glances of her envious women.

Valeria in different languages

Interesting translations of this name in different languages. So, in Belarusian it is Valeria, in Ukrainian it is Valeria. Valeria sounds very unusual in Japanese - Ba-re-ri-a. Isn't that interesting?

Valeria's name spelled out

This original and beautiful name is often heard in poems and congratulations.

Let's see what this name means in letters:

B - love of life, optimism, moderately sociable, attractive.

A - loves to lead, do something new, strives to provide external and internal comfort.

L is the letter of creation and creativity, which speaks of good taste.

E - independence of views and thoughts, self-expression through communication.

P - some flexibility of character, patience with work.

And - inspiration, the desire to live and exist in harmony with the world around us.

I am self-esteem, a rich inner world.

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