Is there a name Sergey? Male name Sergey - what means: description of the name

Latin name Sergei throughout many years was on the list of the most popular male names in our country. At the beginning of the 20th century it was in 7th place, and in the second half of the century it completely moved to second.

However, the modern fashion for exotic names has considerably spoiled such rosy statistics. That's all today fewer parents They call their sons Sergei. In 2015, this name was not even included in the top 20. Perhaps, over time, it will be classified as rare. In the meantime, many people are still interested in the meaning of the name Sergei. Let's look at this issue in more detail.

Characteristics of the name Sergey

Character and destiny

As a child, Sergei looked at the world joyfully and optimistically. He is a diligent student who conscientiously completes his homework and takes part in creative projects. The leading traits of his character are sensitivity, the ability to empathize and peacefulness. As a rule, a person with this name has a melancholic type of temperament. He is balanced, reasonable, tactful and independent.

With his gentle and good-natured character, Sergei is able to show perseverance and firmness in decision-making. He finds a way out without much difficulty. difficult situations. This is largely due to his diplomacy and ability to establish contact with people. Possessing an analytical mind, Sergey rationally distributes the information received.

The positive qualities of the bearer of the name also include sociability, openness, restraint, fairness and commitment. Sergey has good intuition, allowing him to evaluate a person literally at first sight. However, its weakness is its susceptibility to outside influence.

Elena Berezina, numerologist and astropsychologist: “The numerical code of the name Sergei is 1. One, as the first digit of a number series, requires its owner to be the first in everything. Be a bright individual with innovative ideas. But, on the other hand, this desire for primacy makes Sergei not always tolerant of people, because he considers all his actions to be undeniably correct. His opinion should always be at the forefront. But due to his special attractiveness and ability to win people over, Sergei gets away with everything. It emits an inner hypnotic light that allows you to influence others and get what you want from them.”

Talisman stone

Pearl. He is a symbol of purity, family happiness, elevation, prosperity and health. Since ancient times, the pearl has been identified with Truth. However, to get to it you have to work hard (first get the shell from the seabed, and then open it). It is believed that pearls protect against damage, the evil eye and other negative influences. In addition, it helps cope with depression and has beneficial influence on vision and eye health.

Color of the name Sergey

Emerald green, red, lilac and pearl grey.


The number 5 promises good luck to Sergei.


The bearer of the name is patronized by Venus.


Time of year

Day of the week


Brown hare. It is the personification of speed and agility, rebirth, sacrifice, timidity and at the same time strength. Since ancient times, the hare's foot has served as a talisman against evil spirits. In general, this animal symbolizes rise, flourishing, and the beginning of a new life.

Sergei’s talisman in the world of birds is the nightingale. His singing can be interpreted ambiguously. On the one hand, it is a hymn to freedom, on the other, longing for native land. In ancient times, the nightingale was compared to a grieving mother shedding tears for her child. In Christian culture, this bird is considered a condemner of foolish idolaters. And the nightingale teaching the chicks to sing is a symbol parental love and mentoring.


Birch – personifies femininity and purity.

Heather is a symbol of solitude. Acts as a talisman for wanderers traveling in search of the meaning of life.

Wheat is a symbol of communion.



Gold. Symbolizes chosenness, wealth, purity, wisdom and divinity.

Name description


As mentioned above, Sergey has an analytical mind. He is a true rationalizer, accustomed to putting everything in order. Although the bearer of the name cannot be classified as a genius, he knows how to correctly operate with the acquired knowledge and direct it to solve current problems. Sergey is a generator of ideas, which he subsequently implements. Determination, pragmatism and fortitude help him in this.


Traditional moral and ethical social principles often seem to Sergei to be too strict. They limit the freedom of his reverent creative nature, yearning for inspiration in the form of a divine muse. And it doesn’t matter that one inspiration is quickly replaced by another, because art requires constant nourishment. Therefore, if Sergei thinks about moral standards, then only to once again accuse them of excessive severity.


Sergey is a rather ambiguous person. Today he is sociable and open to the world, and tomorrow he suddenly withdraws into himself. Such unpredictable behavior is explained by a person’s excessive sensitivity and his tendency to empathize. A rude word accidentally thrown at Sergei may not cause any external manifestations, but resentment will firmly take root in his heart. At the same time, the bearer of the name cannot be called a vindictive person. He easily forgives offenders, preferring peaceful coexistence to fierce war. However, experiences associated with a quarrel or disagreement greatly disturb him. Open criticism towards Sergei turns a sociable and witty guy into a tough, irritable and sad person.


Literally from birth, Sergei begins to get sick often, which greatly worries his parents. However, by school his immunity is strengthened and his health becomes stronger. As a result, a weak and sickly child gradually turns into a strong young man, and then into a strong, reliable man. This is also facilitated by playing sports. Weak point The bearer of the name can be called the nervous system. Sergei keeps all his experiences to himself, which does not have the best effect on his health. Avoiding stress along with regular emotional releases will help correct this situation. The lungs, bronchi and genitourinary system also require special attention in terms of health.


IN school years Sergey enjoys participating in amateur performances. Since childhood, he has cultivated a love for art, music, cinema and creativity in general. All this determines the direction of his hobby.


Sergey can be very successful in any creative profession. He is capable of becoming an excellent singer, musician, actor or writer. Even if the work of the bearer of the name is not related to art, he is simply obliged to include it in daily life. Performing songs with a guitar in the company of friends, writing lyric poems addressed to his beloved, visiting an acting studio will give him a feeling of happiness and peace. Deprived of the opportunity to engage in creativity, Sergei will feel unfulfilled and lost.


Due to his commitment and diligence, Sergei is able to climb the career ladder quite high. Such employees are valued by employers, which is why they often occupy leadership positions. However, this state of affairs does not always suit the bearer of the name. Accustomed to being responsible only for his own actions and deeds, he does not like to control the work of others. Sergey feels great in a team, he gets along with all its members and diligently avoids any conflicts. As for business, a person has every chance of becoming a successful entrepreneur. However, for this he will have to be tougher and learn to firmly defend his position.


Sergei may have quite a lot of hobbies and romances in his life. However, its true love he will give only to a feminine, affectionate, spiritually and intellectually enriched lady who shares his creative vision of the world. Appearance in this case will not play a special role. Sergei strives to become a real knight in the eyes of his chosen one, behind whose back she will feel completely safe. This character trait makes him eligible bachelor, attracting a huge number of women. However, winning the heart of a lady through romantic dates and spectacular actions is not his story at all. Usually he chooses his own companion from the abundance of fans around him.


Partners really value Sergei as a lover, thanks to his ability to give unforgettable sensations in bed. He is able to kiss and caress his lady, provided that she reciprocates his feelings. Tender and passionate woman will be able to feel the full sexual potential of Sergei. Whereas the coldness of a partner will lead to a loss of interest on his part.


Sergei has a weakness for beautiful and spectacular women, which he tries to carefully hide throughout his life. Often his first marriages end unsuccessfully, since the prevailing factor when choosing a wife is the visual attractiveness and sexuality of the lady. If feelings fade away, Sergei may decide to have a relationship on the side. Since this person diligently avoids any conflicts, he almost never initiates a divorce. The fear of depriving children of their own father often plays a cruel joke on him. However, if the initiative for divorce came from his wife, and it still took place, Sergei tries to maintain relationships with his offspring and takes care of them.

To create strong family he needs a calm domestic companion with whom he will gladly share everyday life. IN happy marriage Sergei turns into a wonderful family man: a gentle husband and a caring father. Next to him, his family feels loved and protected. He readily helps his wife with housework and is not picky about food. In the circle of close and dear people, Sergei is accommodating and helpful. He is afraid of offending someone by word or deed, so he prefers not to express, but to “stifle” any discontent within himself. More than anything else, this person does not like to complicate relationships. Sergei will not claim the title of head of the family; he is ready to cede primacy to his wife. However, when solving important issues, the bearer of the name will rely on his own opinion.

It is worth noting that Sergei is pathologically jealous. Any suspicions of his partner’s infidelity (often completely unfounded) can make him angry and give rise to a flurry of negative emotions. But as soon as Sergei cools down a little, he realizes the absurdity of his behavior and asks for forgiveness from his wife.

Origin of the name

Special attention should be paid to the questions of what the name Sergei means and how it was formed.

What does the name mean (interpretation)

Most often, the name is attributed to the meaning “venerable” (deeply respected).

History of the name

The name Sergei was obtained during the transformation of the ancient Roman Sergius. Previously, this was the name given to the children of representatives of the nobility, respected members of society. In church tradition, the origin of the name Sergei is associated with the legend of Sergius of Radonezh, who founded the Trinity-Sergius Lavra.

Forms (analogues) of the name

The most popular variations are Seryozha, Serega, Gray, Serge, Sergeika. Diminutive name: Serezhenka, Sergunya, Serenya.

Name translation

WITH Latin name Sergei is translated as “venerable”, “high”, “clear”.

Name in English

Sergey/Sergei – both spellings are considered correct. In everyday conversation, Americans address the bearer of the name in the abbreviated form: Serge (Serge).

Name in different languages ​​of the world

Arabic – Sarjoun.
Armenian – Sargis.
Spanish/Italian/Portuguese – Sergio.
French – Serge.
Belarusian - Syargei.
Ukrainian – Sergiy.

The secret of the name Sergei

Patrons of the name

Hegumen Sergius of Radonezh,
Venerable Martyr Sergius of Sinai,
Venerable Sergius of Valaam (founder of the monastery of the same name on Lake Ladoga), Venerable Sergius of Obnorsky,
martyr Sergius the Roman,
Schemamonk Sergius Shukhtomsky,
Archimandrite Sergius of Petrograd,
recluse Sergius of Pechersky,
Venerable Martyr Sergius Savvait.

Angel's Day (name day)

Famous people

Composers: Sergei Prokofiev, Sergei Rachmaninov, Sergei Taneyev.

Film directors: Sergei Bondarchuk, Sergei Mikhalkov, Sergei Eisenstein.

Actors: Sergei Zhigunov, Sergei Bezrukov, Sergei Shakurov.

Singers: Sergey Lazarev, Sergey Krylov, Sergey Penkin.

Writers and poets: Sergei Aksakov, Sergei Yesenin.

The meaning of the name Sergei for a boy is difficult to overestimate, because it was borne by the famous scientist and designer, developer of rocket and space systems Sergei Korolev.

Compatibility of the name Sergey

Sergey and Alisa

Despite their frivolous attitude towards creating an alliance, these people manage to maintain it for many years. Their couple has mutual understanding and common interests. Versatile and non-greedy, Alice turns a blind eye to her partner’s shortcomings, without demanding mountains of gold from him. Sergei happily shares numerous hobbies with his companion. Although this couple cannot be called a model of stability and order, they are quite happy.

Sergey and Valeria

Partners do not understand each other, which leads to constant disagreements. The stubbornness of each of them makes reconciliation difficult and protracted. A couple can only dream of harmony in a relationship. Any sharply thrown word or unkind look can give rise to another conflict, which one day will be followed by separation.

Sergey and Anna

A complex and ambiguous union, the relationship in which is overshadowed by the stubbornness and selfishness of the partners. These people are not ready to make concessions to each other. To build a strong relationship, Sergei and Anna will have to go through a difficult path, requiring serious sacrifices and work on themselves. However, in most cases, partners who are unprepared for difficulties prefer to part ways peacefully.

Sergey and Daria

A magnificent creative tandem of two people who understand each other perfectly. The main value for partners is family, not career. These people do not tolerate reticence, lies and falsehood in relationships, which makes their union reliable and durable.

Sergey and Rosa

This union can hardly be called sincere and open. Each partner values ​​their own freedom and independence, keeping their “skeletons in the closet.” But despite this, people are quite good together. This is largely due to the presence of common interests, a desire for travel, self-development, and raising children. In addition to love, there is friendship in a couple, which is another unifying factor.

Sergey and Polina

There is no room for a struggle for leadership in this couple. Energetic Polina is the “locomotive” of the union, its driving force, which suits the calm Sergei quite well. He appreciates his beloved for her activity, cheerfulness and kindness. By combining their strengths, partners direct them towards cultivating harmonious relationships.

Sergey and Maria

This union is based on spiritual kinship. The partners approach its creation very carefully and responsibly. Ardent passion or reckless love is unlikely to unite these people. For them, the main thing in a relationship is to feel a reliable shoulder and support from a loved one.

Sergey and Anastasia

This union is full of contradictions. Loud showdowns are replaced by a passionate truce. Partners rush from one extreme to another. Either they cannot live for a minute without each other, or they long to set sail freely. A couple's relationship has a future if it is built on mutual love and supported by friendship or business interests.

Sergey and Victoria

Relationships can be long-lasting, but at the same time quite shaky. Victoria tries to establish her own rules in the house, which Sergei does not always agree with. As a result, violent disagreements begin to arise between the partners, which threaten the continued existence of the union.

Sergey and Yana

Tenderness and mutual understanding reign in this couple. In addition to mutual love, relationships also contain passion, friendship, and peace. All this makes the union very strong and long-lasting.

Sergey and Alina

This couple is driven by the spirit of adventure. Partners try to make their life together as rich and vibrant as possible, forgetting to lay a reliable foundation for it. There is plenty of passion in this union, which cannot be said about constancy and stability. This jeopardizes an emotional, but fragile relationship.

Sergey and Elena

This couple is successful from a material point of view. Partners can run a joint business very successfully and earn good money. Otherwise, these people have nothing in common. As soon as the only factor uniting them disappears, the union will instantly disintegrate.

Sergey and Evgenia

The absolute leader in this couple is Evgenia, who tries in every possible way to subjugate her follower Sergei. She watches his every move, gets involved in work matters, which irritates her partner. Conflicts are a constant companion of this union, which the calm and peace-loving Sergei really does not like. As a result, one of the scenes sooner or later ends in a breakup.

Sergey and Yesenia

These passion-based relationships can hardly be called smooth and calm. A riot of feelings and constant confrontation can overshadow the union. Both partners strive for leadership and achieving career heights, projecting these values ​​into their life together. If one of them agrees to make concessions, the couple will become very promising. Sergey and Yesenia are able to carry their passion through the years, only rekindling it over time.

Sergei and Ekaterina

Initially, this tandem is built on passion, which subsequently develops into a reverent friendship. In relationships, Sergei and Ekaterina value stability, reliability, trust and security. Despite the fact that the characters of the partners can hardly be called similar, this fact only benefits the relationship.

Sergey and Olga

The dominant emotions in this couple are ardor and passion. The partners are united by common interests, including love of life, creativity and travel. They are interested in walking hand in hand with each other and discovering new facets of the world. However, sooner or later the passion fades away and is replaced by a routine that is destructive to the relationship.

Sergey and Pelageya

The meeting of two ardent independent natures leads to the formation of a bright and passionate union. This novel develops quickly and rapidly, but just as quickly “burns out”. The love affair between Sergei and Pelageya rarely develops into marriage, remaining the most colorful memory for the partners.

Sergey and Veronica

The wasteful Veronica, who lives with rose-colored glasses, is incomprehensible to the rational Sergei. And her power and desire to control a man in everything further increases the distance between partners.

Sergey and Sofia

Sergei's indecisiveness forces Sofia to shoulder all the responsibilities, including men's ones. The partner resists this, which leads to frequent conflicts and quarrels. Despite the love that reigns in the couple, the relationship is unpromising.

Sergey and Kira

The union has every chance of success. Partners are connected by common interests and a natural love of life. An atmosphere of celebration and unbridled fun reigns in their home. Kira and Sergey love to spend time together: they visit clubs, exhibitions, theaters, and foreign resorts. The man spares no expense on his chosen one, which greatly impresses her. This relationship remains easy and passionate for many years.

Sergey and Arina

The relationships of these people are built on a commonality of interests, while passion is almost an afterthought. This union is similar to a deal between two mutually beneficial partners. They simply skip the period of courtship, dates, gifts and compliments, immediately moving on to living together. Due to the absence of intense passions, the couple turns out to be quite strong and stable.

Sergey and Ksenia

A stable, harmonious couple that easily overcomes any difficulties and obstacles. The inventive Ksenia generates ideas, and the efficient Sergei brings them to life. Provided there is a coincidence of interests, the alliance becomes as strong as armor. But if partners' views on life diverge, the relationship ends in a break.

Sergey and Tatyana

The partners in this couple are not ready to make concessions. Tatyana strives to become a full-fledged leader in relationships. Sergei is not ready to endure pressure from his partner. However, if during negotiations the lovers are able to share the palm, a happy future together awaits them.

Sergey and Milana

Milana dreams of a passionate prince on a white horse who will turn her life into a real fairy tale. Despite his slightly different worldview, Sergei is ready to become a real hero for his chosen one. He diligently creates a festive atmosphere around her, protecting his beloved from worries and worries. This is a tandem of two calm, balanced people, confident in the future. Despite the constancy and smoothness of the relationship, passion still remains in them.

Sergey and Marina

This couple can be strong and stable, provided that Marina can tame her ardor. Her desire to rule and command, along with her penchant for teaching and criticism, infuriates the balanced Sergei. With all this, Marina is an excellent housewife who lives in the interests of the family. If these qualities prevail over complex character, the relationship promises to be promising.

Sergey and Maya

In terms of energy, this union can be compared to a volcanic eruption. Constant conflicts and disagreements do not allow partners to enjoy their life together. The unambitious Sergei is quite ready to cede leadership to Maya, but once she gets the taste, she becomes a real dictator. Not every man is able to withstand constant reproaches and criticism addressed to him. The consequence of this behavior of the partner is constant conflicts, which are only fueled by the impulsive Maya. It will be very difficult to maintain the union.

So, in this article we looked at the meaning and origin of the name Sergei, as well as its forms of use. As can be seen from the narrative, the bearer of the name is a peace-loving, obligatory, but at the same time very vulnerable person, extinguishing in himself negative emotions. He needs a gentle, calm life partner who will become a real homemaker. Sergey will be happy to help her with housework, not forgetting to give affection and care to his children.

Sergey is a male name, popular in Russia and many foreign countries. It is revered in Orthodoxy and firmly inscribed in the annals of history.

It is believed that it first appeared in Ancient Rome and has Etruscan roots. The history of the name Sergei in Rus' begins in the 3rd century, during the period of early Christianity. At this time, Saints Sergius the Roman and Sergius of Sinai were mentioned for the first time, who died for the faith and were canonized.

Later this name was used mainly by clergy. In the 18th century, the nobility showed interest in it. So the name acquired the familiar sound to us - Sergey, and already by end of the 19th century century, it entered the top 20 most popular in Russia.


According to the most common theory, the prototype for Sergei was the Roman name Sergius. It arose in an ancient patrician family descended from the Trojans. According to this version, the name Sergei means “highly respected”, “noble”.

There is another opinion. In accordance with it, the origin of the name Sergei is associated with the Latin phrase “servi dei” and originally sounded like Servus, which translates as “servant of God”, “servant”.


Sergei's fate is ambiguous. In his life there is a place for ups and downs, mistakes and true decisions taken, hardness and excessive gullibility. Optimism, self-confidence and the ability to analyze the situation help him cope with difficulties.

A man with this name has creativity, enjoys cinema and music. He also has a penchant for working with technology.

The meaning of the name Sergei for a man in the career field allows him to achieve success in art, politics, and sports. In creative professions, his abilities are fully revealed. He might become an outstanding poet, musician, artist, inventor. His ideas often find application in the advertising business, manufacturing, and science.

Sergei's health was poor as a child. Concerns are caused by the respiratory, genitourinary and nervous system. Most diseases recede in older age, especially if one plays sports and devotes time to strengthening the body. Another possible vulnerability is addiction to alcohol in adulthood.

In love, Sergei is fickle, jealous and unpredictable. He often gets carried away and can marry several times.

For the role of life partner, he usually chooses a calm, balanced and economic woman. He is ready to cede leadership in the family to his wife, with the exception of issues of fundamental importance to him. He turns out to be a caring and kind father.


Since childhood, Sergei has been very optimistic and energetic. He is diligent in his studies, knows how to empathize with others, and willingly participates in school amateur activities. Parents have a great influence on the formation of his personality, so they need to act as a united front in matters of education.

With age, Sergei's character practically does not change. He is always ready to listen to others, but he himself does not like to complain about life. He has an innate sense of justice, prudence and insight.

Developed intuition helps Sergei to correctly assess those around him, which becomes especially useful if his position involves managing a team. He finds a common language with everyone except inveterate boors and rude people. At work he is valued for his commitment and conscientiousness.

Weaknesses in character are excessive straightforwardness and sometimes irritability. It can also be difficult for him to complete the work he has started.

Name day

Sergei's name day falls on the following dates:

  • December 2, 10, 11, 15, 18, 20, 21, 23, 30 and 31;
  • January 3, 6, 15, 18, 27 and 31;
  • February 17 and 21;
  • March 5, 7, 8, 11, 13, 22 and 25;
  • April 2, 5, 14, 21 and 25;
  • May 7, 8, 10 and 26;
  • June 1 and 23;
  • July 1, 11, 18 and 20;
  • August 2, 8, 10, 13 and 25;
  • September 10, 16, 22, 24 and 29;
  • October 1, 7, 8, 11, 20, 23 and 31;
  • November 1, 3, 13, 16, 20, 27 and 29.

It must be taken into account that a person has only one name day. They fall on the date that coincides with the day he was born, or go immediately after this date.

Name color

For Sergei, the color of the name is gray. Such people have a contradictory character; it is difficult to convince them of anything. They highly value justice and are ready to fight for it (sometimes too zealously).

They do not always manage to find happiness in their personal lives. But their friends appreciate them for their loyalty and willingness to always come to the rescue.

Name flower

The patron plant for Sergei is heather. It is an evergreen shrub with pink or white inflorescences. It grows in the mountains, far from civilization, and therefore is considered a talisman for wanderers and serves as a symbol of solitude.

Church name, calendar

The church name Sergei sounds like Sergius. It appears more than 60 times in the calendar. The exact dates of the days of remembrance of the patron saints are indicated above (see the Name Day section).

Translation of name, in different languages

How is the name Sergei translated in other languages? According to the new transliteration rules, it must be written in the international passport as follows - SERGEI. Its pronunciation and spelling also differ in other cultures.

Translation of the name Sergey into different languages:

  1. Sergio (Sergio) - in Spanish.
  2. Sergio (Sergio) - in Italian.
  3. Serge (Sjodzh) - in English.
  4. Serge (Serge) - in French.
  5. Sergius (Zergius, Sergius) - in German.
  6. Σέργιος (Sergios) - in Greek.
  7. (Sargis) (Sargis, Sarkis) - in Armenian.
  8. Sergiusz (Sergiush) - in Polish.
  9. Sergiy (Sergiy) – in Ukrainian.
  10. Syargei - in Belarusian.

Full name, shortened and affectionate

The full form of the name is Sergey. You can affectionately call him Seryozha, Seryozhka, Sergunya, Sergulya, Sergeyka, Sergusya, Sergusha, Serenya. Derivatives are also often used in everyday life - Seryoga, Gray. The abbreviated name Sergey sounds like Serge, Gunya, Gusha, Gulya.

What names are suitable for patronymics?

Sergeevich is the middle name that Sergei’s son will bear. Boy names that suit him: Oleg, Vadim, Nikita, Artem, Vladimir, Dmitry, Mikhail, Fedor, Pavel, Victor, Ivan, Alexander, Andrey, Vitaly, Semyon, Anton, Anatoly, Yuri, Timofey, Vasily and many others.

What do you call a girl with the middle name Sergeevna? The choice is great. Female names combined with the patronymic Sergeevna: Daria, Svetlana, Natalya, Maria, Alexandra, Anna, Yulia, Tatyana, Alena, Sofya, Nadezhda, Inna, Alla, Lydia, Irina, Marina, Veronica, Valentina, Polina, Elena, Valeria.

Name compatibility

Ideal compatibility of the name Sergey is possible with a woman whose name is Galina, Victoria, Irina, Lyubov, Ulyana, Tatyana, Elizaveta, Valentina or Christina. With Alla, Larisa, Vera, Yana, Nina, Rimma, Varvara, Anna, Dina and Daria, on the contrary, relationships can be difficult and marriage fragile.

How to incline

Name declension by case:

  • Sergey – nominative;
  • Sergey – genitive;
  • Sergei – dative;
  • Sergei – accusative;
  • Sergei – creative;
  • about Sergei – prepositional.

Famous people with this name

Given the popularity of this name, as well as creativity and the talent of its owners, it managed to leave a noticeable mark on history. The most famous people who wore and wear it:

  1. Sergius of Radonezh (1314-1392). Hegumen, who contributed to the formation of Russian spiritual culture, the founder of several monasteries, including the Trinity-Sergius Lavra. He is revered as a saint in the person of the monk.
  2. Sergei Petrovich Botkin (1832-1889). General practitioner, Doctor of Science. Studied and described many infectious diseases. He was chairman of the Society of Russian Doctors and made a significant contribution to the development of medicine.
  3. Sergei Vasilievich Rachmaninov (1873-1943). Pianist, composer and conductor. He became the author of more than 60 musical works and was active in concerts. Awarded a gold medal from the Royal Philharmonic Society.
  4. Sergei Alexandrovich Yesenin (1895-1925). Russian poet, author of many poems and poems. Some of his works were later set to music and became popular romances.
  5. Sergei Mikhailovich Eisenstein (1898-1948). Director, screenwriter and actor. S. Eisenstein is often called the father of the art of montage. His works were dedicated to socialist realism, including famous films “Bezhin Meadow”, “Ivan the Terrible”, “October”, “Alexander Nevsky”.
  6. Sergei Ivanovich Ozhegov (1900-1964). Linguist, Doctor of Philology. Is the author Explanatory dictionary Russian language and a number of works on lexicology, lexicography, history of the Russian literary language.
  7. Sergei Pavlovich Korolev (1907-1966). Soviet design engineer, founder of cosmonautics and rocket science. He was the general designer of the USSR rocket and space industry, led the launch of the first artificial Earth satellite, and took part in preparing the flight of Yuri Gagarin.
  8. Sergei Fedorovich Bondarchuk (1920-1994). Director, screenwriter, film and theater actor. He directed the films “They Fought for the Motherland”, “War and Peace”, “The Fate of Man”, “Boris Godunov”, “Quiet Don” and others. Winner of numerous state awards for achievements in the field of cinema.
  9. Sergei Donatovich Dovlatov (1941-1990). Journalist, writer. He worked in the style of realism. He published more than 15 books, 3 of them were filmed.
  10. Sergei Viktorovich Lavrov (1950). Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation, diplomat. Represented the Russian Federation at the UN from 1994 to 2004. He was awarded the Order of Merit for the Fatherland, I, II, III and IV degrees.
  11. Sergei Kuzhegetovich Shoigu (1955). Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation, military and statesman. He is the founder of the party " United Russia"and Chairman of the Russian Geographical Society. He was awarded the orders “For Courage”, “For Services to the Fatherland” and others.
  12. Sergei Nazarovich Bubka (1963). Soviet and Ukrainian athlete, pole vaulter. He became the first person in the world to break the 6 m mark in this sport. Winner of 13 gold medals for participation in Olympic Games ah, World and European Championships.
  13. Sergei Vitalievich Bezrukov (1973). Actor, screenwriter, producer, director. Known for films and TV series - “St. Petersburg Mysteries”, “Shadowboxing”, “Yesenin”, “The Master and Margarita”, “The Irony of Fate. Continuation", "Vysotsky. Thank you for being alive,” “Gentlemen, good luck!” and others.
  14. Sergei Yurievich Svetlakov (1977). Actor, screenwriter, producer, TV presenter. He participated in KVN in the team “Ural Dumplings”, starred in the humorous series “Our Russia”, as well as a number of comedies - “Yolki” (all parts), “Gorko!”, “Gorko! 2", "Moscow-Russia ambulance".

Sergey is a good name for a boy and a man. It gives a person many positive qualities such as prudence, kindness, loyalty. Sergei has every chance of becoming successful in his career and achieving success in creative professions.

The meaning of the name Sergey: The name for a boy means "clear" or "highly revered." This affects the character and fate of Sergei.

Origin of the name Sergei: Latin.

Diminutive form of name: Seryoga, Serezha, Serenka, Gray, Sergeika, Sergulya, Sergunya, Sergunka.

What does the name Sergey mean: The name Sergei comes from the Roman family name Sergius. The name translates as “clear.” Another meaning of the name Sergei is “highly revered”, “venerable”. Among the owners of this name there are many talented individuals - singers, poets, writers or actors. The fact is that a guy with this name is gifted not only intellectually, but also creatively. He is responsible and reliable. You can always rely on him.

Patronymic name Sergei: Sergeevich, Sergeevna; decomposition Sergeich.

Angel Day and patron saints named: The name Sergei celebrates his name day twice a year:

  • July 11 (June 28) - St. Sergius the Wonderworker of Valaam, founder of the Valaam Monastery on Lake Ladoga, distributed Orthodox faith in Karelia.
  • October 8 (September 25) - Venerable Sergius of Radonezh.

Signs: On Sergius, in October, it begins, and from Matryona winter, winter sets in. If dry snow falls on Sergius of Radonezh, this promises nice summer. They pray to Sergius of Radonezh for chicken stock. On St. Sergius Day, cabbage is chopped.


  • Zodiac - Libra
  • Planet - Venus
  • Color - pearl gray
  • Auspicious tree - birch
  • Treasured plant - heather
  • Patron - brown hare
  • Talisman stone - pearl

Characteristics of the name Sergey

Positive features: The meaning of the name Sergey from the point of view of psychology. Cheerfulness, outstanding creativity, kindness, responsiveness, ability to empathize. Seryozha has a refined nature; any rudeness or vulgarity hurts his feelings. A man with this name can easily adapt to new people and conditions, get along with everyone except rude people. With age, courageous traits become more and more evident in one's character: courage, perseverance, high goals.

Negative features: The name Sergey brings a lack of firmness, will, and irritation. To bring his ideas to life, he needs the help of others. He may give up on something halfway; he lacks the perseverance and willpower to see it through to completion. Seryozha loves to make unrealistic plans, dream, fantasize, and amaze others with his extravagance and recklessness. He can perform heroic deeds, one-time actions, but solving everyday complex problems is not his thing. Life’s failures easily “knock him out of the saddle.” In childhood, a child with this name cannot be spoiled. Excessive affection and guardianship are harmful to him. The disagreement of parents in the education system will bring him great harm. In this case, the guy will early begin to be a hypocrite, lie, and adapt. He must grow up confident in his abilities and able to take responsibility for himself and others.

Character of the name Sergei: What character traits does the meaning of the name Sergei determine? Seryoga is multi-talented; it is not without reason that among those bearing this name there are so many musicians, painters, artists, and writers. A guy with this name shuns leadership and tries to do without outside help, but he himself is reluctant to help even the closest people. A man with this name is an unconditional statesman, he puts the interests of the state above personal ones, but prefers to act alone, because in the team he is not liked for his edification and directness.

Weak spot men named Sergey - passion for alcohol, sometimes even leading to collapse family relations. Many of them are alcoholics.

The little boy perceives the world optimistically and joyfully. Sometimes he has changes in activity: sometimes he runs around like crazy, sometimes he starts to act up. Parents will have to come to terms with this, so the child’s energy reserves are restored.

Seryozha is peaceful and sensitive, capable of empathy. In Skoda he studies well, conscientiously fulfills all orders, he doesn’t even need to be reminded - he remembers everything, takes care of everything. A guy named Sergei is very fond of music, cinema, and always takes part in amateur performances.

Having matured, Seryoga does not change in the main things: he is still obligatory, he can also listen, understand, and sympathize with a person. Seryozha is fair and calm. He is often offended, but he keeps all the grievances to himself and does not burden anyone with his problems.

He is unusually rich emotionally. He is very sensitive, able to evaluate a person at first sight. He has wonderful intuition. With such an imagination, Seryozha can be an actor, composer, writer, journalist, broadcaster, inventor.

Sergey and his personal life

Compatible with female names: A successful name marriage with Galina, Irina, Christina, Lada, Lina, Lyubava, Lyubov, Tatyana. The name Sergey is also combined with Ulyana. The name can have complex relationships with Anna, Valentina, Varvara, Victoria, Daria, Dina, Nina, Rimma.

Love and marriage: Does the meaning of the name Sergey promise happiness in love? Seryoga simply gets bogged down in love adventures, easily succumbs to the charms of love, but his affection is rarely long-lasting, a breakup occurs and then a new passion. He is attracted to calm, affectionate women; He is ready to cede leadership in the family to his wife, but on important issues he defends his point of view.

For him it has special meaning sex. Intimate relationships for Sergei they are an obsession. Its potential is great. After meeting him, a woman is left with a feeling of happiness and peace for a long time.

As a rule, Seryoga does not know unrequited love. There are many women in love with him, but he unshakably believes that he deserves it and that he is entitled to it in life. Moral standards seem too strict to him. Such bright personalities how Sergei live in another dimension and do not fit into the usual framework.

He is married several times. Beautiful, sophisticated wives eventually give way to a calm, homely woman, whom Seryozha helps with household chores. He is not picky about food, he eats what he gives. It happens that Sergei is addicted to alcohol, but he gets drunk slowly. Loves to receive guests in a grand manner. Dresses very elegantly.

With all his heart he becomes attached to feminine and modest partners. Willingly participates in household chores. I'm not picky about food. Seryoga is a jack of all trades. He willingly cedes leadership in the family to his wife, but reserves the final say on important issues. He is not prone to alcoholism. He is gentle and kind with children. He reaches heights in his career as a politician, in art, in sports, and is inclined towards engineering work. Loves to tinker with technology.

Talents, business, career

Choice of profession: Sergei has many interests, tries his hand at everything and for a long time cannot choose future profession. A man named Sergei attaches great importance creative work. Among the men named Seryoga there are many outstanding composers, poets, and artists. The most diligent guy can find application for his extraordinary ideas in science and production.

Business and career: Sergey can achieve financial well-being through one’s own efforts or a successful marriage, but luck does not last long. He loves and knows how to dress with taste, he likes luxury. He can avoid troubles in money matters if he learns to spend money rationally, let it grow, and repel people who want to make money at his expense.

He cannot be called a great intellectual, but he is a reasonable, restrained person, he has enough firmness and skill to solve complex and intricate problems. Sergei can have a brilliant military career, and since he is able to put forward an interesting idea and, what is especially valuable, bring it to life, he can have a career as a leader at all levels. In any case, the person with the name Sergei knows his business perfectly.

Health and energy

Name health and talents: The meaning of the name Sergey from a medical point of view. A taciturn, obliging, friendly person, responsive, but secretive. Seryoga keeps his opinions about his loved ones, friends and colleagues secret. Derived from a Roman family name. In church tradition - Sergius. Initiative and persistent in achieving the set goal. He finishes what he starts.

In relations with loved ones, Sergezha is flexible and accommodating, trying not to offend anyone by accident. Sergey has good self-control and is touchy, but does not show this to others so as not to complicate the relationship. He is conscientious in business and does not like reminders of his duties.

He Sergei is restrained in expressing his feelings. Sergei is attracted to calm and affectionate women. Sergei's male potential is quite high, but he does not accept sexual excesses; in matters of sexual behavior he is captive of prejudices. A guy named Sergei is amorous and jealous. He often marries again.

The fate of Sergei in history

What does the name Sergei mean for a man’s destiny?

  1. The Monk Sergei of Radonezh (from the city of Radonezh) as a child amazed everyone with his piety and strict abstinence; He avoided games, prayed earnestly to God, and ate only bread and water. Through prayer, I received from God the gift of book understanding. The monk founded the Trinity-Sergius Lavra sixty miles from Moscow, and was its abbot. Out of great humility, he renounced the priesthood; for his holy life and great monastic deeds, he was honored with a miraculous appearance in the cell of the Mother of God with the holy apostles Peter and John; He was perspicacious and performed miracles with prayers. Radonezh died in 1392. His holy relics rest in the Trinity-Sergius Lavra.
  2. Sergei Bukhvostov (1659-1728) - began serving in the stables, and in 1683, when the young tsar called the hunters, he was the first to enroll in the amusements. Subsequently, the tsar nicknamed him the first Russian soldier, always showing his special affection. In 1706, Sergei Bukhvostov was promoted to officer and continued military service, traveling the length and breadth of Russia, visited Sweden, Poland, Turkey, Holstein and Pomerania. In the case near Stetin (1713), Sergei Bukhvostov was wounded and, having lost the ability to serve in the ranks, was promoted to artillery major and enlisted in the St. Petersburg garrison. Peter repeatedly wanted to elevate Bukhvostov, but out of modesty he always shied away from honors.
  3. Sergei Witte - (1849 - 1915) Russian statesman. Minister of Railways (1892), Minister of Finance (1892 - 1903), Chairman of the Committee of Ministers (1903 - 1906), Chairman of the Council of Ministers (1905 - 1906). Member of the State Council (since 1903). Count (since 1905). Actual Privy Councilor (1899).
  4. Sergei Aksakov - (1791 - 1859) Russian writer, government official and public figure, literary and theater critic, memoirist, author of books about fishing and hunting, lepidopterologist. Father of Russian writers and public figures Slavophiles: Konstantin, Ivan and Vera Aksakov. Corresponding Member of the Imperial St. Petersburg Academy of Sciences.
  5. Sergei Vernov - (1910 - 1982) Russian and Soviet physicist, academician of the USSR Academy of Sciences (1968), specialist in the field of physics cosmic rays. One of the participants in the discovery of the Earth's outer radiation belt. Hero of Socialist Labor, laureate of the Stalin and Lenin Prizes.
  6. Sergei Obraztsov - (1901 - 1992) Soviet Russian actor and puppet theater director, theater figure. People's Artist USSR (1954), Hero of Socialist Labor (1971). Laureate of the Lenin Prize (1984) and the Stalin Prize of the second degree (1946).
  7. Sergei Bondarchuk - (1920 - 1994) Soviet actor, film director, screenwriter, teacher. People's Artist of the USSR (1952). Hero of Socialist Labor (1980). Winner of the Stalin Prize of the first degree (1952), Lenin Prize (1960), State Prize of the USSR (1984), winner of the Oscar and Golden Globe film awards.
  8. Sergei Botkin - (1832 - 1889) Russian physician and public figure, created the doctrine of the body as a single whole, subject to the will. Professor of the Medical-Surgical Academy (since 1861). Participant in the Crimean (1855) and Russian-Turkish (1877) wars. Founder of the school of clinicians.
  9. Sergei Filippov - (1912 - 1990) Soviet comedian, People's Artist of the RSFSR (1974).
  10. Sergei Solovyov - (born 1944) Soviet and Russian film director, screenwriter, producer, People's Artist of Russia (1993).
  11. Sergei Bubka - (born 1963) Soviet and Ukrainian pole vault athlete, the first person in the world to jump above six meters. Honored Master of Sports of the USSR (1983). Champion of the 1988 Olympic Games, World (1983, 1987, 1991, 1993, 1995, 1997), European (1986), USSR (1984, 1985). Winner of the World and European Cups (1985) in pole vault. Silver medalist international competitions "Friendship - 84".
  12. Sergei Eisenstein - (born 1898) Soviet theater and film director, artist, screenwriter, art theorist, teacher. Honored Artist of the RSFSR (1935). Professor at VGIK. Doctor of Art History (1939), author of fundamental works on cinema theory.
  13. Sergei Diaghilev - (1872 - 1929) Russian theatrical and artistic figure, entrepreneur, one of the founders of the World of Art group, organizer of the Russian Seasons in Paris and the Diaghilev Russian Ballet troupe.

Sergey in different languages ​​of the world

The translation of the name in different languages ​​has a slightly different meaning. The meaning of the name Sergey sounds a little different. On English translated as Sergius (Sergius), in Spanish: Sergio (Sergio), in German: Sergius (Sergius), in Polish: Sergiusz (Sergiush), in Ukrainian: Sergiy.

A person with such a masculine name is very sociable and open. Able to think deeply. The meaning of the name Sergey speaks of unpredictable nature. Seryozha is a born mass entertainer. He is able to “infect” those around him with his ideas and inspire them to implement the most daring plans.

The meaning of the name Sergei for a boy warns that the owners of this name quite often get sick from the very beginning. early years. This causes a lot of worry and trouble for parents. Immunity becomes stronger only by the age of six. From this age, the child’s character begins to emerge.

According to the interpretation of the name, Seryozha is a caring boy. Knows how to empathize. Great value gives other people's feelings. But, with such high vulnerability, he tries to show his feelings as restrainedly as possible. Prefers to do rather than chat in vain.

The meaning of the name Sergei for a child suggests a penchant for music. These boys often become active participants in amateur performances. Relations with mother and father go smoothly. Sergunya always listens to the opinions of her parents and tries to act in such a way as not to upset them.


Sex for Seryozha is unthinkable without love. This fact means that feelings in relationships with women are of utmost importance to him. Such men are able to quickly make a woman fall in love with them. Serguni’s beloved simply basks in affection and a sense of peace in such a relationship.

Seryozha, born in the summer, may be overly indecisive and constrained in love. He is often overwhelmed by prejudices. But an experienced and, at the same time, very relaxed partner is able to reveal great sexual potential in him. Those born in winter are jealous and stingy in expressing emotions. He may be madly in love with his partner, but at the same time he tries not to show his feelings in public.

Short form of the name Sergei. Seryozha, Serge, Seryonya, Seryoga, Sergeyka, Sergulya, Gulya, Sergusya, Goose, Sergusha, Gusha, Sergunya, Gunya, Serhito, Chucho.
Synonyms for the name Sergei. Sergius, Sergius, Serge, Sergio, Sergi, Sergi, Sergiush.
Origin of the name Sergei. The name Sergei is Russian, Orthodox, Catholic.

The name Sergei has different versions origin. According to the first, most common version, the name Sergei comes from the Roman generic name Sergius, which is a Roman generic name that comes from Sergius. The Sergii are an ancient Roman patrician family, which, according to legend, traces its ancestry to the Trojans. Translated from Latin it means “high”, “noble”.

According to the next version, the name Sergei is a modern form of the obsolete name Sergius, which comes from the Latin “servi dei”, translated meaning “servant of God”. As one of the variants of this version, the name Sergei comes from the Latin “Servus”, which translates as “servant”.

You rarely meet people so sociable and open to the world, like Sergei. He has depth of feelings and sometimes behaves unpredictably. Sergei can be a good creative person - he easily puts forward new ideas and is able to independently implement each of them. You can be sure that everyone he involves in the incarnation process will undergo careful selection on his part. Sergei does not tend to hide or try to present in a different way all the facets of his character, therefore both the good and the bad in him are always visible.

However, Sergei tries to keep his feelings to himself. It is more pleasant and easier for him to act than to show any emotions. The ability to participate and tact appears in this man only at an advanced age. Sergei considers himself cunning man, but he often underestimates his opponent and gets into trouble. Seryozha’s life is well known, but it is difficult for him to understand an individual person.

For an employer, Sergey is a valuable employee. He is very obliging and conscientious. His first desire upon successful employment is to arrange and adjust the work process. However, with his opinion, he will not interfere with everyone.

It’s not difficult to offend Sergei; even a small thing can ruin his mood. He often tries to cope with problems alone, without relying on anyone. Sergei values ​​his friends very much and is always ready to help them. Women and cheerful feasts are at the center of the hobbies of a man with this name, but he does not show this to others.

Sergei's fate is composed, like a mosaic, of bad and good deeds, excessive trust and gentleness and, on the contrary, steadfastness and firmness in decisions. It is not common for him to lose hope in the most dead-end situations. It is at these moments that hidden forces appear in him. Sergei lacks brilliance in his life, and he strives for it in every possible way. This man will definitely remain in people's memories.

Sergei has a talent for finding a way out of the most confusing situations. In this he is helped by his thinking abilities, which are capable of paying attention to both the whole and the particulars.

Living with Sergei is very difficult. His actions are unpredictable. He himself easily evaluates a person with one glance and has a highly developed intuition. When Sergey is around, it’s difficult not to quarrel with him, but when he disappears from life, all the positive moments of life with him come to mind, and there are quite a few of them. Sergei's behavior often does not fit into the social framework of morality and ethics; they are too narrow for him.

Sergeevs make the best fathers and husbands, and these men, as a rule, choose calm and balanced women as life partners. He listens to his wife in everything, but does not forget about his opinion.

When it comes to pleasure, Sergei often knows no limits. He is interested in music and loves going to the movies. He was the leader and joker in the company, not averse to participating in performances and productions. The desire to embody and considerable creative potential often force Sergei to choose a career as an actor or composer. Even if a man’s choice did not fall on creative professions, he will strive to become a manager or advertising worker. Only in such positions will he be able to fully realize his potential.

Sergei's birthday

Sergey celebrates his name day on January 6, January 15, January 27, February 17, March 5, March 8, March 11, March 22, April 2, April 5, April 14, April 25, May 8, May 10, May 26, June 1 , July 1, July 11, July 18, July 20, August 2, August 13, August 25, September 10, September 22, September 24, October 1, October 7, October 8, October 11, October 20, October 30, 31 October, November 2, November 13, November 14, November 16, November 27, November 29, December 2, December 10, December 11, December 15, December 18, December 20, December 31.

Everyone knows that the male name Sergei does not have a paired female name (like, for example, Alexander-Alexandra or Valery-Valeria). But it wasn't always like this. In Ancient Rome, the name Sergei had several paired female names. They were formed from related cognomen.

Noble Roman women from the Sergius family could be called Sergius, Sergiana or Sergilla. Modern women only occasionally do they receive the derivative name Sergin (the French version of the name). In French it is written as Sergine. It is worn by Sergin Desjardins, a writer and essayist from Quebec, and Serguine André, an artist from Haiti.

Famous people named Sergei

  • Sergius of Radonezh ((c.1314 - 1392) in the world - Bartholomew; monk of the Russian Church, founder of the Trinity Monastery near Moscow (now the Trinity-Sergius Lavra), transformer of monasticism in Northern Rus'. Sergius of Radonezh is revered by the Russian Orthodox Church as a saint as a venerable and considered the greatest ascetic of the Russian land.)
  • Sergei Ozhegov (linguist, lexicographer, Doctor of Philology, professor, Russian linguist, literary language historian, author of the world-famous “Dictionary of the Russian Language”)
  • Sergei Prokofiev ((1891 - 1953) Soviet composer, conductor and pianist. People's Artist of the RSFSR (1947). Laureate of the Lenin (1957 - posthumous) and six Stalin Prizes (1943, 1946 - three times, 1947, 1951). One of the largest, most influential and the most performed composers of the 20th century.)
  • Sergei Rachmaninov (outstanding Russian composer, pianist and conductor)
  • Sergei Yesenin ((1895 - 1925) Russian poet, representative of new peasant poetry, and in a later period of creativity and imagism)
  • Sergei Korolev ((1906/1907 - 1966) Soviet scientist, designer and organizer of the production of rocket and space technology and missile weapons USSR, founder of practical cosmonautics. The largest figure of the 20th century in the field of space rocketry and shipbuilding. S.P. Korolev is the creator of Soviet rocket and space technology, which ensured strategic parity and made the USSR an advanced rocket and space power. Is key figure in man's exploration of space, the creator of practical astronautics. Thanks to his ideas, the first artificial Earth satellite and the first cosmonaut, Yuri Gagarin, were launched. Twice Hero of Socialist Labor, laureate of the Lenin Prize, academician of the USSR Academy of Sciences.)
  • Sergei Witte ((1849 - 1915) Russian statesman. Minister of Railways (1892), Minister of Finance (1892 - 1903), Chairman of the Committee of Ministers (1903 - 1906), Chairman of the Council of Ministers (1905 - 1906). Member of the State Council (with 1903). Count (since 1905). Actual Privy Councilor (1899).
  • Sergei Aksakov ((1791 - 1859) Russian writer, government official and public figure, literary and theater critic, memoirist, author of books about fishing and hunting, lepidopterologist. Father of Russian writers and public figures Slavophiles: Konstantin, Ivan and Vera Aksakov. Member - correspondent of the Imperial St. Petersburg Academy of Sciences.)
  • Sergei Vernov ((1910 - 1982) Russian and Soviet physicist, academician of the USSR Academy of Sciences (1968), specialist in the field of cosmic ray physics. One of the participants in the discovery of the Earth’s outer radiation belt. Hero of Socialist Labor, laureate of the Stalin and Lenin Prizes.)
  • Sergei Obraztsov ((1901 - 1992) Soviet Russian actor and puppet theater director, theater figure. People's Artist of the USSR (1954), Hero of Socialist Labor (1971). Laureate of the Lenin Prize (1984) and the Stalin Prize of the second degree (1946).)
  • Sergei Bondarchuk ((1920 - 1994) Soviet actor, film director, screenwriter, teacher. People's Artist of the USSR (1952). Hero of Socialist Labor (1980). Laureate of the Stalin Prize of the first degree (1952), Lenin Prize (1960), State Prize of the USSR ( 1984), winner of the Oscar and Golden Globe film awards.)
  • Sergei Botkin ((1832 - 1889) Russian physician and public figure, created the doctrine of the body as a single whole, subject to the will. Professor of the Medical-Surgical Academy (since 1861). Participant of the Crimean (1855) and Russian-Turkish (1877) ) wars. Founder of the school of clinicians.)
  • Sergei Filippov ((1912 - 1990) Soviet comedian, People's Artist of the RSFSR (1974))
  • Sergei Solovyov ((born 1944) Soviet and Russian film director, screenwriter, producer, People's Artist of Russia (1993))
  • Sergei Bubka ((born 1963) Soviet and Ukrainian pole vault athlete, the first person in the world to jump above six meters. Honored Master of Sports of the USSR (1983). Champion of the 1988 Olympic Games, world champion (1983, 1987, 1991, 1993, 1995, 1997), Europe (1986), USSR (1984, 1985). Winner of the World and European Cups (1985) in pole vaulting. Silver medalist of the international competitions “Friendship - 84.”
  • Sergei Eisenstein ((born 1898) Soviet theater and film director, artist, screenwriter, art theorist, teacher. Honored Artist of the RSFSR (1935). Professor at VGIK. Doctor of Art History (1939), author of fundamental works on cinema theory.)
  • Sergei Diaghilev ((1872 - 1929) Russian theatrical and artistic figure, entrepreneur, one of the founders of the World of Art group, organizer of the Russian Seasons in Paris and the Diaghilev Russian Ballet troupe)
  • Sergei Prokudin-Gorsky ((1863 - 1944) Russian photographer, chemist (student of Mendeleev), inventor, publisher, teacher and public figure, member of the Imperial Russian Geographical, Imperial Russian Technical and Russian Photographic Societies. Made a significant contribution to the development of photography and cinematography. Pioneer of color photography in Russia, creator of the “Collection of Landmarks of the Russian Empire.”)
  • Sergei Lukyanenko ((born 1968) is a popular Russian science fiction writer. He calls his genre “hard action fiction” or “fiction of the Path.”)
  • Sergei Lemeshev ((1902 - 1977) Russian Soviet opera singer(lyric tenor) and opera director, teacher. People's Artist of the USSR (1950). Laureate of the Stalin Prize, second degree (1941).)
  • Sergei Shoigu ((born 1955) Russian statesman, governor of the Moscow region (since 2012). Army General (2003). Hero Russian Federation(1999). Chapter State Committee RSFSR and Russian Federation for civil defense matters, emergency situations and disaster relief (1991-1994), Minister of the Russian Federation for Civil Defense, Emergency Situations and Disaster Relief (1994-2012).)
  • Sergei Yursky ((born 1935) Soviet and Russian theater and film actor, theater director, screenwriter. People's Artist of the RSFSR (1987).)
  • Sergei Nikolsky ((1905 - 2012) Soviet and Russian mathematician, academician Russian Academy Sciences (1991; academician of the USSR Academy of Sciences since 1972). In 2012 - the oldest among living Russians - personalities of the Russian Wikipedia with verified age data.)