Does the Chupacabra really exist? Where did the Chupacabra come from: different versions

April 17, 2017: website: Translated from Spanish, the word “chupacabra” means “sucking goats.” For the first time, residents of Puerto Rico encountered a semi-mythical creature that kills defenseless domestic animals at night, sucking their blood. At that time, this mysterious animal was called the Vampire of Moka. In the 1990s, Puerto Ricans witnessed a second wave mass attacks vampire, and they began to call him "El Chupacabras". Since then at different points globe From time to time, information appears about the atrocities of the Chupacabra.

Only in 2004 in Texas, an American farmer managed to prevent a massive loss of livestock on his farm. The animal he killed was very similar in outline to a dog, but there was no fur.

According to eyewitnesses, the height of the Chupacabra did not exceed 150 cm. In appearance, the animal was very similar to a kangaroo. At the same time characteristic feature“Chupacabras” had no hair, the presence of spines on the spine, a possum tail and protruding eyes. And its main distinguishing feature was the structure of the oral cavity, the equipment of which with three huge fangs made it possible to carry out such brutal attacks.

There was an opinion that the Chupacabra was a victim of genetic experiments that were carried out at a secret military base in the United States. The beginning of the 21st century in the United States was also marked by Chupacabra adventures. Texas farmers managed to kill this mysterious beast several times. In some cases, genetic testing was even carried out, the results of which suggested that the so-called Chupacabra was a bald old coyote.

In 2003, reports of the appearance of the Chupacabra appeared in Ukraine. The first wave of messages concerned the western regions of the country. And by 2009, this monster, suffocating mainly rabbits, reached eastern Ukraine. Some Ukrainian residents managed to kill the offender. However, the results of the autopsy did not allow us to answer the question about the species of the Chupacabra.

It only turned out that the “chupacabra” has a rather small caecum and no large intestine. But what was most surprising was that in the stomach of the predatory “chupacabra,” which by that time had already allowed itself to attack a person, nothing except mulberry was found.

One of the versions when establishing the species identity of the “chupacabra” was that it is a hybrid of a wolf and a dog. However, scientists actively resist this assumption. They say that such hybrids live very short lives and are not capable of such active actions. According to latest news, loudly declaring that the mystery of the Chupacabra has been solved, this mysterious animal is none other than raccoon dog with a huge bouquet of various diseases, including ringworm.

For example, last year the news spread across the Internet that the Peruvian military managed to catch this unknown beast, but as it turned out, it was just a giant flying fox, which for a long time managed to terrorize local residents with his attacks. The huge bat attacked not only domestic animals, but also happened to attack people. The specimen that was caught by the military is a giant flying fox (Pteropus vampyrus), its wingspan reaches 2 meters, and is one of the largest known specimens of its kind.

As ornithologists explain, the giant flying fox does not have blood or animal flesh in its diet; it is a vegetarian by “origin” and eats fruits. Lives in Indonesia, its main “enemies” birds of prey and snakes. Some people also willingly eat their meat. So it has nothing in common with our “chupacabra”.

Will we hear more about this blood-sucking monster? Most likely yes! And a worthy replacement for Grandfather Babai to scare children with careless parents has definitely been found.

Chupacabra in the Nizhny Novgorod region

An unknown creature has been operating in the Buturlinsky district of the Nizhny Novgorod region for several weeks. It breaks into homeowners' yards and attacks domestic animals, destroying them. The creature kills rabbits, chickens, sheep, goats and sucks their blood. According to all eyewitness descriptions, the creature looks like the so-called Chupacabra. Residents of the regional village of Buturlino periodically discover killed and bled cattle in their farmsteads. Apparently, there is more than one creature in the area, since in one night there can be attacks in several different places.

People are scared, afraid to go outside in the dark. After all, an unknown creature moves quickly and it is unknown how it might behave; it is not predictable. The creature has been operating in the Buturlinsky district for at least about two weeks, but for some reason the local authorities have not taken any measures. The victims contacted the police and other regional organizations, but so far no one has responded to their appeals. In response to appeals from victims, the authorities assure that there is no Chupacabra, so there is nothing to be afraid of. But the cattle are dying. There may not be any Chupacabra, but no matter who this creature is, it still needs to be caught somehow. Whoever this creature is, it destroys livestock in large quantities and strikes fear into the population. Isn't this a reason for the district authorities to be alarmed?

IN modern world, when technical progress is well developed, it would seem that there are resources for all occurring phenomena. scientific explanations. However, people are still surrounded unsolved mysteries. One of them is the Chupacabra, the existence of which is confirmed by eyewitnesses. What kind of creature is this Chupacabra, what does it look like and what danger does it pose to humans?

Who is Chupacabra?

The Chupacabra is an unusual animal that became known in the 20th century. The first eyewitnesses reported seeing this creature in 1947. At that time, its appearance was associated with secret American developments. However, this was just a version that was not confirmed.

According to another version, the Chupacabra is an alien guest exiled to study earthlings. As for scientists, they are of the opinion that the Chupacabra is an animal that appeared as a result of mutations.

Interesting! If we translate the word "chupacabra" from Spanish, it means "sucking goats." When attacking animals, this creature pierces holes in the neck of its victim with its fangs and sucks out blood.

Description of the mysterious monster

Thanks to the descriptions of eyewitnesses, it becomes approximately clear what the Chupacabra looks like. Residents of Latin America describe it as a beast whose height is about two meters. In terms of body structure and movement, the animal is similar to a kangaroo. On my paws unusual creature membranes were seen. The animal's body is covered with thorns and growths, and there is no hair. Although, not all eyewitnesses agree. Some argue that short hair is still present. In addition, the unusual kangaroo has sharp fangs to pierce the skin of animals and suck their blood.

Residents of neighboring countries describe the Chupacabra a little differently. They claim that the beast looks like a dog, having a characteristic muzzle and fangs. The animal cannot fly and lives near bodies of water. The beast has a disproportionate body covered with gray or reddish fur.

As a rule, the chupacabra hunts in the dark, due to which we can conclude that this creature has good eyesight. Cases of attacks on poultry, calves, goats, and rabbits have been recorded. The beast has never harmed a person yet.

Real photos of the Chupacabra in real life

Eyewitnesses not only describe what the Chupacabra looks like, there are also those who even managed to take photographs mysterious creature. So, real photos of the Chupacabra in life are presented below.

Chupacabra in Russia

After the Chupacabra was first discovered, it was seen in Puerto Rico, Spain and other countries. The beast moved quickly, attacked other animals and sucked their blood. However, the victims' bodies themselves remained intact. For many, it is still a mystery how the Chupacabra managed to escape from the crime scene so quickly.

In Russia, the Chupacabra was first discovered in the 21st century. Also, traces of an unknown creature appeared in Ukraine and Belarus. According to eyewitnesses, this Chupacabra really looks like a beast. True, it is still unclear which one exactly. Despite the fact that many compare it to a kangaroo, residents different countries indications vary as to what the creature looks like.

History knows the following data related to the appearance of the Chupacabra in Russia:

  • since 2004, reports began to come in about skeletons found that belonged to an unknown beast;
  • in the period from 2010 to 2011, there were reports from residents of the Nizhny Novgorod region about a Chupacabra attack on poultry;
  • in 2011, in the village of Kurdym, which is located in Bashkiria, someone destroyed livestock for a whole month;
  • in Novosibirsk and Tula regions similar things happened in 2011;
  • in 2012 Krasnodar region the remains of an animal were discovered that had been destroying livestock and poultry for several months;
  • in 2015, residents of the village of Kebanyel in the Komi Republic saw an unusual animal, which was immediately dubbed the Chupacabra;
  • in 2016, rumors appeared about an attack by a mysterious creature on a person in the Rostov region.

Today, the Chupacabra has been seen in almost every country in the world. This is confirmed by real eyewitnesses. Despite the fact that they describe in almost detail what the Chupacabra looks like, no high-quality photos or videos have been taken at this time.

Believe it or not?

People have differing opinions as to whether the Chupacabra exists in reality or not. From a scientific point of view, no mythical creature no, and if there is, there is a plausible explanation for it.

Animal bones have been discovered in and around the forests, which were initially mistaken for the remains of a Chupacabra. However, during research it was determined that they belonged to foxes, dogs and other animals. True, several cases have been recorded when the skeletons had nothing in common with known animals. Whose remains are these? For some reason, history does not provide any reasonable explanation for this.

Of course, the appearance of an unknown beast raises a lot of questions. Did it appear spontaneously or under human influence? How dangerous is the animal? How many species of chupacabras are there? It is impossible to answer all these questions today, but work is underway in this direction. One way or another, it’s good that the Chupacabara is not attacking people yet.

Video of a real chupacabra

You can see what the Chupacabra looks like in reality in the video.

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Just some twenty years ago, almost no one had heard of the Chupacabra, but in recent years the name of this mythical beast, unrecognized by science, became known throughout the world. Reports of an attack by a strange blood-sucking animal come from different parts of the planet. Where did the Chupacabra come from? and does it really exist?

First mentions

For the first time, people started talking about a strange beast that kills livestock in Puerto Rico in the mid-twentieth century, when several corpses of goats were found with characteristic damage. For a long time, this mysterious animal was considered only an urban legend, but in 1995, in the vicinity of the Puerto Rican city of Canovanas, bloodless animals and narrow puncture wounds in the neck began to be found again.

Chupacabras in the world

Quite quickly, word of the terrible animal spread beyond Puerto Rico: reports of blood-sucking monsters came from Peru and Bolivia, Mexico and Argentina, as well as the southern states of the United States. By strange coincidence Chupacabras began to be seen much more often by people after the release of feature films, animated films and TV series dedicated to “goat vampires”.

At the beginning of the 2000s, chupacabras also appeared in the countries of the former Soviet Union. It is not entirely clear how the animals moved from Central America to Eastern Europe: there is an assumption that European predators have little in common with their American counterparts except for the way they feed.

Scientists do not yet recognize the existence of the Chupacabra. Periodically in funds mass media There are reports of animals unknown to science, but on closer examination these animals turn out to be not vampires, but changed due to illness or genetic mutation mammals - coyotes, jackals, foxes and pigs.

Guest from another planet

Puerto Rico is considered favorite place pilgrimage of unidentified flying objects. In this regard, many believe that Chupacabras may be of alien origin. There are many exotic versions according to which chupacabras are alien scouts or pets of aliens , who escaped from the “flying saucer” during its forced stop.

It is the alien origin of the chupacabras that explains the fact that the animals appeared almost simultaneously in different corners globe.

In addition, there is a legend that next to the victims of an unknown vampire, hairs were found that could not belong to any known earthly creature.

Descendant of dinosaurs

Descriptions of a fanged chupacabra, galloping on its hind legs, are often reminiscent of the prehistoric inhabitants of the planet - dinosaurs . There is a version that the Chupacabra, like the famous Loch Ness Monster, is one of these lizards. For some reason, the Chupacabra escaped the sad fate of extinct dinosaurs, and it is still alive today.

This version seems quite reliable, but one thing remains unclear: why until the mid-twentieth century no one had ever encountered this strange beast. It seems unlikely that the chupacabra lay dormant for millions of years before going on a rampage, killing domestic animals around the world.

Secret technology product

The activities of secret military laboratories have always worried ordinary people: no one knows what kind of experiments are carried out in such institutions. Perhaps this is why the version that the Chupacabra arose as a result of secret manipulations at military bases in the United States of America is so popular. As you know, one of the secret American military bases is located in Puerto Rico. According to supporters of this version, it is likely that one day some monsters created as an experiment escaped from the laboratory, which then began to multiply and destroy livestock in the surrounding villages.

The question remains how escaped chupacabras could have traveled across the ocean and started hunting in European countries. Representatives of military organizations, of course, do not comment in any way on their possible role in the spread of the monster throughout the world.

Maria Bykova

Who is Chupacabra? New species of animal? Mutant? Alien? Hardly. There is a more scientific hypothesis - this article is devoted to it.

There are a lot of mysterious things in the world - anyone who at least sometimes leaves the limits of their comfort zone will confirm this to you. Every tourist has a whole collection of tales about wonderful animals that they either met themselves or heard about from friends, “but they won’t lie.” And what speleologists, diggers and ... And what is most interesting, among their stories sometimes there are true ones: in places where no human has set foot, creatures unknown to science can actually be found.

But if they talk about the Chupacabra, here it’s the other way around. She was not seen more often, not in dungeons, but in villages and farms. According to many eyewitnesses, this animal is found in close proximity to human habitats - is this possible? Official science knows nothing about this animal. So far only cryptozoologists are studying it.

Who is Chupocabra? Cryptid, a semi-mythical creature that supposedly attacks livestock and sucks their blood. Possesses unusual animal intelligence and probably psychic abilities. Potentially dangerous for people too.

Does the Chupacabra exist?

Does the Chupacabra exist? Ask the farmers whose livestock was bled dry. They have no doubt: the mysterious killer is not a fox at all.

The legend of the Chupacabra appeared in Latin America, where for the first time in the world the mysterious murders of domestic animals were witnessed. The “goat vampire,” as local residents called the unknown predator, made its way into closed pens, locked barns, passed guard dogs unnoticed and averted people’s eyes: not a single individual, dead or alive, could be obtained for a long time. Later, about ten years ago, under the same circumstances, cattle began to die in Ukraine - and the Chupacabra became a star, displacing Nessie and Bigfoot on the pedestal of cryptozoological glory.

Chupacabra in Ukraine met with worthy resistance: every rural guy here has in his arsenal, if not a hunting rifle, then a good ax - and is ready to kill anyone who encroaches on his chickens or piglets. News of unknown animals being killed comes from the front almost every day; reporters are invited to the scene of events to witness the victory Ukrainian people over overseas trash... but city guests find only the corpses of wild dogs, foxes, ferrets, raccoons, weasels, and other quite ordinary living creatures.

“Did you hear, Semyonovna? Someone broke the lock on Petrovich’s chicken coop and took away all the birds - nothing less than a chupacabra!”

It would seem that you can laugh and forget - but someone is killing cattle! It kills and does not eat, which is completely unusual for dogs, foxes, weasels and other known predators. In the middle latitudes there are no blood-sucking animals, as in Latin America. They live in Mexico vampire bats, which can be blamed for the bleeding of goats. There are none in Ukraine. Therefore, following the reporters, amateur cryptozoological expeditions arrive at the scene in order to thoroughly question the local residents about the mysticism going on among them. Collecting eyewitness accounts is at the moment perhaps the only way to find out whether the Chupacabra actually exists.

What does a real Chupacabra look like?

An enemy, even a potential one, must be known by sight. Let's see what a real Chupacabra looks like - I found a completely plausible photo.

Eyewitness accounts vary in detail, but among common features unknown beast can be distinguished as follows: this creature is without hair, with massive hind legs and short front legs, with long tail- that is, in appearance it resembles a kangaroo. With its muzzle it looks more like a dog or a hyena. The imagination of some eyewitnesses adds half-meter fangs to the beast, then horns, then wings, then human hands, which sounds completely implausible.

On the Internet you can find many photos and videos of the person involved alive (almost all of them are ordinary dogs, which seemed somehow suspicious to witnesses) or in the form of carrion. Which during life was also a dog or an ordinary forest predator. When the corpses of animals decompose, they lose their hair - remember the children's rhyme: the cat is dead, the tail has peeled off... And if the body lies in the sun in summer heat, it does not rot, but mummifies, and after that it looks even more mysterious. You cannot rely on such evidence: if not all of them, then almost all of them are fakes, designed for an extremely ignorant viewer.

What does a real Chupacabra look like? Are there any photos of the Chupacabra? full height, of normal quality, which clearly shows that this is not a dog? I managed to find this:

This creature was caught in China in 2010, and it really does not look like any animal known to science. Pay attention to its mouth: there are almost no teeth in it, except for two lower fangs - the chupacabra needs exactly this jaw structure to bite through the victim’s neck and suck blood. Scientists took the prisoner to the laboratory... and still no research results have been made public. It’s hard to believe that the Ukrainian chupacabra reached all the way to the Celestial Empire - even though encounters with it were recorded both in Belarus and in western regions Russia, but China is very, very far away... But this particular individual in the photo was caught in a poultry yard, where she was doing her usual thing - drinking blood from chickens. Something to think about...

Where did the Chupacabra come from?

A literate person can accept only one hypothesis about where the Chupacabra came from as reasonable: it is the result of controlled mutations.

The main question that excites the minds of inquisitive citizens is where did the Chupacabra come from? After all, animals do not appear suddenly: to appear new look, centuries of natural selection are needed. So a systematic conclusion suggests itself: there is nothing natural in the appearance of the Chupacabra. This is not a spontaneous mutation - mutants are most often nonviable and almost always sterile. These are not people from other worlds - this hypothesis is too unscientific. These are artificially bred animals, probably of origin.

Modification of the gene code of animals is prohibited throughout the world. This is a fact. It is possible to grow GMO crops in some countries, but to create new species of animals is not. Too dangerous: if the transgene gets into the natural environment, it will have the most disastrous effect on the ecosystem. In addition, the very existence of artificial animals poses a danger to people. However, it is not at all a fact that scientists adhere to the ban. Whether for purely academic purposes or completely pragmatic ones, such experiments may well be carried out. And the only hypothesis of the origin of the Chupacabra that claims to have any scientific logic is that this animal was created artificially. And not in a single copy.

Let's look further. The escape of a test animal from a secret laboratory is more like a plot for a Hollywood horror film, rather than something possible in real conditions. Moreover, a mass escape - after all, a Chupacabra cannot be in a dozen places at the same time, in America and Eurasia. No, the bloodsuckers were brought to their future habitat in natural environment and released. For what? And this is the most interesting thing. Geneticists want to check how the transgene will feel in the wild, whether it will be able to hunt, and how this will affect the local ecosystem. Is it not for nothing that third world countries were chosen as testing grounds?..

Small digression. During the time of settlers' exploration of America, someone smart suggested: let's not fight the Indians? War is expensive, it takes a long time, people are killed in war... It’s better to kill the bison - the main food supply of the local population, and the enemies themselves will die of hunger. So they decided. The ecocide was a great success: dead bison piled up in mountains everywhere, feeding flies. Then epidemics came, because the water and soil were poisoned with cadaveric poison. Result? You know the result. The remnants of America's once-proud indigenous peoples now live on reserves as native fauna and sell baubles to tourists.

Our time East Europe. A cunning and insidious creature, not like an animal, slaughters cattle. Every year everything more messages about visits from a mysterious bloodsucker - but extremely rare real cases his murder or capture. The habitat of the new animal is expanding. Draw your own conclusions: what is a Chupacabra if not a biological weapon? His trials have already begun - the only question is how far they will go. And who is the mysterious enemy who brought this fantastically tenacious transgene to our land?..

The truth should be sought anywhere, but not in the media. There they will show you only another dead dog - and scientists hide the real facts with all care in order to prevent premature panic.

If this is the first time you’ve heard about the Chupacabra, then you’ve probably never watched TV or read a newspaper. Once upon a time, this unknown animal was on the lips of at least half of the world’s population. Does it exist in reality? No one can vouch for the exact answer.

And it all started in the 70s of the last century in Spain, in Puerto Rico, where things began to happen strange cases among the goat population. More precisely, small livestock owners began to find their pets bleeding. The most interesting thing is that the only traces left by the killer were only two small holes on the victims’ bodies.

Of course, concerned residents immediately drew an analogy with vampires, and the mysterious creature was dubbed the “chupacabra,” which translated means “sucking goats.” After some time, the attacks stopped as suddenly as they began.

Maybe, terrible secret the creatures would not have spread further. But the attacks resumed 20 years later! With the difference that now news of similar incidents began to come from other continents. What was once a small tragedy in one country immediately became a world sensation! One might even say mass hysteria. People rushed to hunt an unknown creature.

What does a chupacabra look like?

No one knew exactly what the Chupacabra looked like. What almost all versions had in common was that the beast had an elongated muzzle, moved on four limbs, and was about the size of a fox. Information about skin They differed: some argued that the animal was bald, but the majority insisted on the presence of short gray fur.

Newspaper headlines were full of reports of chupacabras caught or seen. But scientists persistently rejected all attempts to officially register the creature. Every piece of evidence he brought: a skin, a skeleton, a corpse, after careful examination, was already declared known to science a beast or even a fiction, a fake.

The most popular regulars at the tables of scientists were foxes, dogs and coyotes. Photo of the skeleton that has been considered the remains of the Chupacabra for as long as possible:

In the end, he too was declared a fox skeleton.

What kind of animal is this?

Of course, after some time, ordinary people were no longer satisfied with these explanations (someone continued to kill the unfortunate domestic animals), and they independently put forward several versions:

  1. Chupacabra is a mutant. Perhaps this theory received the most widespread. It was believed that radiation and pollution were to blame environment etc.
  2. Chupacabra is the result of biological experiments . It was alleged that the creature was bred in laboratories and then escaped or was deliberately released “in the wild” to observe it in real conditions.
  3. Chupacabra is an alien. This version came out more like a joke, but it also quickly gained its followers. Someone believed that they were sent by creatures for the purpose of collecting biomaterials of earthly creatures. Someone that these are messengers from parallel worlds thrown to us for a still unknown purpose.

By now, the Chupacabra has already visited almost all corners of the world. At least, this is what eyewitnesses say who allegedly encountered her in life.

There have been no recorded cases of monster attacks on humans. Perhaps this means that even if the chupacabra is not a myth, it is unlikely to pose a greater danger than the same foxes. And if we take into account the fact that no one manages to take high-quality photos or videos of an unknown animal, then the likelihood of meeting it becomes very, very low.

Video on the topic of the article

Chupacabra caught in Texas: