The most shocking celebrity deaths. Strange and mystical deaths

Most people pass into another world quite prosaically - from illness or old age, a few - tragically.

But sometimes the “old woman with a scythe” mercilessly mocks a person, preparing for him a cruel and unusual death. The circumstances of the death of such people seem so incredible that they are difficult to believe. We present a chronological list of the most unusual deaths, ranging from 270 BC to the present day.

In 270 BC, while trying to solve the Liar paradox (this is the so-called liar paradox formulated by Eubulides), the poet Philetas died of insomnia.

In 207 BC. e. The philosopher Chrysippus, who lived in Greece, died of laughter while watching a drunken donkey try to eat figs. This is one of the most ridiculous deaths in history.

In 121 BC. for the murder of the Roman commander Gaius Gracchus, a reward was promised in gold, the weight of which should be equal to weight heads of Gaius. According to Plutarch, one of the participants in the murder, Septimuleius, beheaded Gracchus, removed the brains from his skull and filled the cavity with molten lead. The head was presented to the Roman Senate and weighed. The murderers received seventeen pounds of gold.

In 260, the Roman emperor Valerian was defeated in battle with the Persians and was captured. The Persian king Shapur used him as a stool, and then, in response to a request for release for a ransom, poured molten gold down his throat. But this was not enough for the king. He skinned Valerian and made a stuffed animal, filling it with straw and dung. And only three and a half centuries later, Valerian’s remains were buried.

In 668, the Roman Emperor of the Byzantine Empire, Constants II, was killed in a bath by a eunuch, Andreas. According to Theophanes the Confessor, the eunuch serving the emperor while washing hit him on the head with a marble soap dish, the stunned Constant fell into the water and choked.

In 1277, Pope John XXI, famous for his learning, was mortally wounded by the collapse of the roof of his own scientific laboratory.

In 1327, Edward II, the first heir to the English throne, suffered one of the cruelest and most unusual deaths. Overthrown from the throne with the help of his own wife Isabella, the king was executed in a sophisticated way - a hot iron was stuck into his anus.

In 1478, the Duke of Clarence, George Plantagenet, was executed in an unusual manner. He was drowned in a barrel of table wine, and according to legend, the Duke chose this death himself. The volume of the barrel in which malvasia was usually stored was 477.3 liters - quite enough to drown.

In 1514 one of the most martyrdoms received by Gyorgy Dozsa, leader of the peasant uprising in Hungary. He was seated on a white-hot throne, and his associates were forced to eat his meat.

In 1559, the French king Henry II, participating in a knight's duel to celebrate his daughter's wedding, was killed. His visor, which had a soft golden lattice, pierced the enemy’s spear, which hit him right in the eye and struck the brain.

In 1573, in the Kingdom of Croatia, after the defeat of the peasant uprising, its leader Matja Hubek was captured and brutally executed. They put a crown of hot iron on his head and then quartered him.

In 1671, Louis XIV's cook, whose name was François Vatel, committed suicide. He could not bear the shame of not receiving the fish ordered for the king’s table on time. The body of the unfortunate cook was discovered when his assistant came to inform him that the order had been delivered. Vatel's name became a symbol of the chef's professional honor.

In 1791 or 1793, composer and guitarist Frantisek Kotzvara died of suffocation after having too much sex with a prostitute. It was not only the most unusual death, but also the most unenviable - it is difficult to instill in yourself a respectful attitude towards such a deceased.

In 1834, Scottish botanist David Douglas, who was studying plants, died from an animal. He fell into a pit trap, where the bull pursuing him fell after him. The animal, naturally, attacked the man, and Douglas died from the horns of the bull.

In 1850, the President of the United States of America, Zachary Taylor, died from eating too much ice cream after an Independence Day ceremony on a very hot day. The President fell ill with indigestion and died five days later. The version of poisoning was not confirmed - in 1991, Taylor’s body was exhumed and doctors did not find any poison in it.

In 1884, the famous detective Allan Pinkerton, the prototype of the famous literary hero Nat Pinkerton, the “King of Detectives,” died of gangrene. He bit his tongue when he tripped on the sidewalk while walking. Antiseptics were not known in those days, and a simple wound became the cause of death.

In 1899, the French President of France, Felix Faure, died in his office from a stroke that happened to him while a 30-year-old beauty was giving him a blowjob. Truly, you need to know moderation in everything33;

In 1911, Jack Daniel, the founder of the Jack Daniel whiskey brand, died of blood poisoning. This death was listed as unusual due to the fact that sepsis was caused by an injury six years ago - once Daniel could not remember the code combination for his safe and kicked an iron cabinet in anger.

In 1916, Grigory Rasputin, considered a prophet and healer and a friend of the family of Emperor Nicholas II, died. It was truly the most unusual death: Rasputin was poisoned with potassium cyanide, shot point-blank, and then thrown into an ice hole. And although the details of the murder are still controversial, it is believed that he died from suffocation underwater.

In 1927, English racing driver Parry Thomas died while trying to break his own record. He was decapitated by a chain that flew off his own car. Thomas managed to set a new record posthumously - a car with already dead The racer reached a speed of 171 mph.

In 1927, the famous dancer Isadora Duncan suffered a fractured cervical vertebrae and died of suffocation. When she was driving in a car, her scarf accidentally hit the car wheel and spun around it, instantly squeezing the woman’s neck.

In 1928, the Russian doctor Alexander Bogdanov, the organizer and director of the world's first Institute of Blood Transfusion, working with the pathogens of malaria and tuberculosis, died after an experiment performed on himself - he was transfused with contaminated blood. The life and death of the great Russian scientist and thinker is an example of service to science.

In 1941, the American writer Sherwood Anderson, going with his wife on a trip to South America, accidentally swallowed a toothpick at a party. The developed peritonitis led to death - it was not possible to carry out a complex surgical operation on the ship.

In 1943, the American military bomber Lady be Good went off course and made an emergency landing in the Libyan desert. The crew members died of dehydration, and their mummified remains were found in 1960.

In 1943, critic Alexander Woolcott died of a heart attack while discussing Adolf Hitler too temperamentally.

In 1944, the most unusual death befell the inventor Thomas Midgley - he invented a mechanical bed of a special design, and accidentally strangled himself in this bed. In such cases they say “death is the quintessence of life.”

In 1960, while performing an aria from Verdi's opera, he died of a stroke right on stage. famous singer Leonard Warren. It's amazing, but last words there were words from the opera with the title “Force of Destiny”, so symbolic for the singer: “Die? Great honor33;".

In 1981, 25-year-old Renee Hartevelt, studying in Paris, was invited to lunch by fellow Japanese student Issei Sagawa. As it turned out, as a dish, the man killed her and ate her. The killer was sent to Japan, and there he was safely released from custody.

In 1993, Bruce Lee's son Brandon Lee died during the filming of The Crow. In the pistol, from which, according to the plot, the hero was supposed to be shot, among blank cartridges turned out to be one combatant.

In 2003, 21-year-old American Brandon Vedas died of a drug overdose while participating in a virtual marathon organized by fellow drug addicts. The webcam broadcast the process of taking drugs and their effect, and thousands of people also saw the death of the guy live.

In 2003, American zoologist Timothy Treadwell died after living in Alaska for thirteen years alone with bears. One day, for some reason, the friendship between man and wild animals was broken, and Treadwell suffered the most terrible and unusual death - he was eaten alive by one of these predatory animals.

In 2006, Alexander Litvinenko, a KGB officer who was investigating the murder of Russian journalist Anna Politkovskaya, was poisoned. The poison was an extremely rare radioactive element - polonium-210.

In 2007, 28-year-old Jennifer Strange died from water intoxication. She took part in a competition in which the prize was game console"Nintendo Wii" According to the terms of the competition, you had to drink the most water, but you were not allowed to go to the toilet.

It didn't sound like that. But it’s one thing to pass away into another world at a ripe old age, in your own home on a soft bed, and quite another thing to die the most terrible death in the prime of your life.

To begin with, we will tell you several stories telling about the most terrible and mystical cases of death in the world.

Two brothers

It’s not for nothing that they say that twins are connected by an invisible thread; they not only feel each other at a distance, but even experience the same feelings at the same moment in time.

Two seventeen-year-old twin brothers from Finland tragically died two hours apart under identical circumstances. They were both motorcyclists, and both were hit by trucks while crossing the same road, but at different kilometers.

Burnt out like a match

In the 90s, information began to appear about spontaneous fires in people. Several hundred cases were confirmation that this phenomenon actually exists.

For unknown reasons, people’s bodies ignited and continued to burn until the fire “ate” them completely.

One of the oldest deaths in the world chose, among others, the American Henry Thomas. He was watching TV, sitting in a chair, when the flames suddenly engulfed him. No things in the house, and, in fact, the house itself were damaged. But all that was left of Henry’s body was a skull and part of a leg in a shoe.

Killer animals

No, no, these animals are not predators at all. The point here is completely different.

  • An Italian farmer lay down to rest on the grass while hunting rabbits. The man put the gun next to him. One small rabbit running by touched the trigger. The gun fired straight at the farmer. He died on the spot.
  • Fisherman from South Korea gutted the caught fish to put it up for sale. He raised the knife over the large fish, but it turned out to be alive and unexpectedly swung its tail, touching the knife. It fell out of the fisherman’s hands and hit him directly in the chest, leaving not even the slightest chance of salvation.

The reasons for these ridiculous and some of the most terrible cases of death are the banal carelessness of people.

Death in the Shadows

Two elderly Italians argued for a long time about which of them would take a place in the shade of a palm tree. The old man who won the argument did not even have time to properly enjoy his victory; the tree fell on him and crushed him to death.


  • In the Vietnamese city of Hischim, 50 onlookers gathered on a small bridge to watch a young girl attempt suicide. The bridge could not bear the load and fell. 9 people died. A girl who tried to commit suicide was saved.
  • An equally tragic incident occurred in Prague. A woman who believed rumors about her husband’s infidelity decided to take her own life. She stepped from the balcony of her apartment on the 3rd floor and fell directly on the head of her husband, who was returning home. The man died, and his wife regained consciousness in the hospital.


  • A New York man, who was hit by a car but did not receive any injuries, decided to take advantage of the situation and lie under the car, pretending to be injured. As soon as he was under the car again, it moved and ran over the crook, crushing him to death.
  • A resident of Bonn wanted to rob the local Art Museum. Having caught the eye of the guards, he started to run. Turning the corner, I came across one of the exhibits called “Instrument of Justice.” The meter-long sword pierced through the failed thief.

The worst celebrity deaths

From sudden departure No one is safe in the other world. Very often you hear about the death of your favorite star, especially if there are a lot of idols.

Maybe you've already heard about these very terrible deaths people famous throughout the world.

Bruce and Brandon Lee

The famous actor died right on film set. The official version is an allergy to the painkiller that Bruce was injected so that he could continue filming. However, some claim that Bruce Lee suffered a delayed death blow, which is owned by some representatives Chinese mafia(there was evidence that in his youth the actor had enemies from that environment). It is also surprising that the film on the set of which the actor died was called “Games of Death.”

Brandon Lee repeated the fate of his famous father and also died on the set, but under different circumstances. The actor starred in the film "The Raven". In the final scene, his character is killed. The take was filmed, but even after the director reported that the scene had been successfully filmed, Brandon continued to lie dead. The assistants who came to the rescue saw that the actor was actually bleeding. He died in hospital 12 hours later.

Isadora Duncan and her children

The famous American dancer died in a very strange and absurd way. Shortly before her death, a strange woman came into her room in Vienna, where the dancer was on tour, and said that she had been sent by God to strangle Isadora. It later turned out that this woman was mentally ill. However, God's plans were destined to come true. Isadora actually died from suffocation and a broken neck when her beloved long red scarf got caught on the axle of the car she was getting into. The car moved, the scarf got wrapped around the wheel, and Isadora died tragically.

14 years before own death Isadora lost two children. She went to Paris on business, and sent the children with a driver to Versailles, where she then lived with her family. On the way, the car stalled, the driver came out to see what was wrong, and the car rolled straight into the river. The babies could not be saved. The worst deaths in the world are the deaths of your own children. Isadora could not find peace until the end of her life.

Jack Daniel

American Jack Daniel, the creator of the famous Jack Daniel’s whiskey, died for a long time and painfully from sepsis. He received blood poisoning as a result of numerous kicks against a safe, the code for which he could not remember. By the way, it was his famous whiskey that was kept in the safe. If Jack did manage to open it, he could treat his finger with his own product and prevent it from getting infected. Alas and ah.

The worst deaths: top 8

A person does not always die under mystical or mysterious circumstances. We present to your attention the 8 most terrible causes of death, which, according to doctors, are the most painful:

  1. Hunger. A person can live without food for about two months. However, after 10 days of fasting there is no strength left at all. The body begins to suck nutrients and energy from fat. The liver begins to function incorrectly, secreting toxic substances which ultimately kill a person.
  2. Shipwreck. During a shipwreck, a person faces not only the danger of drowning, starvation or hypothermia. Even if you manage to survive, loneliness in the middle of the ocean can drive you crazy. And the threat of shark attacks does not leave you alone for a minute. Dehydration leads to painful death. Some, in the hope of salvation, start drinking sea ​​water, but it only increases the water deficit in the body, because salt draws out all remaining fluid from organs and tissues.
  3. Falling into a volcano. It is, of course, very difficult to get into the mouth of a volcano, however, if there are such daredevils, a painful and most terrible death awaits them. Upper layer lava is not so hot, but as you dive deeper into it human body will burn out within a few minutes.
  4. Sacrifice. One of the most terrible deaths for people is death in the process of sacrifice. If several centuries ago this was the norm in some societies, then in today’s civilized countries this crime is committed only within the framework of sects, the very act of falling into which is already like death, because a person “falls out” of life and renounces everyone, including myself.
  5. Plane crash. The worst deaths in the world are deaths in confined spaces. When the plane begins to fall, all passengers are overcome not only by a feeling of panic. The rapid approach of the aircraft to the ground leads to loss of consciousness for a couple of minutes due to lack of oxygen. When a person wakes up, the speed of the falling plane will be prohibitively high, and he will have no more than a few minutes to live...
  6. Predator attack. Tigers and lions kill their prey immediately, so it does not have to suffer for long. But hyenas and jaguars eat prey while it is still alive, starting from the legs.
  7. Frostbite. Low temperature has a very insidious effect on the human body. First, the muscles begin to tremble from lack of heat. Then, as a result of too active trembling, they rupture and the ability to move is lost. Attempts to crawl on the ground lead to nothing. Body temperature continues to fall, and faster than freezing internal organs. The functioning of the brain is disrupted, the person is no longer able to understand whether he is alive or dead.
  8. Shame.“Burn with shame,” everyone has heard this expression, but no one thought that one could actually “burn” from this feeling. High level anxiety and stress due to some action or event can lead to cardiac arrest. Prolonged soul-searching slowly develops into self-destruction and possible suicide.

I would like to think that the most terrible deaths in human history occurred only in times when the death penalty was not only the only method of justice, but was also carried out publicly. In fact, the insidious “old woman with a scythe” is lurking today at literally every step, and it is not yet a fact that life today is safer than several centuries ago. The worst thing about death is the unknown: no one knows at what moment it will creep up and what will happen after.

Life of the Stars


04.04.14 15:27

The death of a person, especially when it occurs in the prime of life, is always a tragedy. And the sudden death of a VIP entails a trail of speculation, rumors and versions. Journalists pester family and friends, fans try to follow their idol. The mysteries of the death of many celebrities still raise questions, and even if there are official conclusions from doctors and law enforcement agencies, they are not really believed.

The most mysterious celebrity deaths

Shot by unknown assailants

Let's start a little from afar. The musical comedy “Wedding in Malinovka” takes an honorable 5th place in the Soviet box office (for the entire period of its existence). Who doesn’t remember the perky Gorpina performed by Zoya Fedorova! And the last bright episode of the filmography - the watchman in the famous film “Moscow Doesn’t Believe in Tears”? The actress was desperately unlucky with love. She gave birth to a daughter from an American diplomat. But the authorities did not allow the lovers to unite, Zoya for a long time spent in “camps”. And when the hope began to go to the USA to be with her daughter, the woman was shot dead in her apartment in December 1981. The case is still not solved. Either the KGB didn’t want to let her go abroad, or someone had their eye on the actress’s diamonds. She was extremely careful and could only let in an acquaintance. But who?..

The famous bard Mikhail Krug was also killed in his own home. This happened in the summer of 2002. At night, unknown persons entered the country mansion; the singer’s mother-in-law and wife were almost unharmed, but Mikhail himself died the next morning in the hospital from the consequences of two gunshot wounds. There were many versions, possible customers were found. But exact facts, who and why needed to kill Krug, no.

There are still disputes over the ridiculous shot that was fired at the St. Petersburg Yubileiny in October 1991. As a result of a provoked brawl, a “stray” bullet interrupted the earthly path of singer Igor Talkov. It is known that the fatal bullet was fired from the pistol of administrator Igor Valery Shlyafman, and the bodyguard of the singer Aziza started the mess. But Talkov’s devoted fans do not believe in accidents; too harsh criticism of the existing political system was heard in the musician’s works.

Quest for fame or political games

Mark David Chapman, who shot the legendary Briton John Lennon, was never able to clearly explain why he did it. Having surrendered to the police voluntarily, the young man later admitted that he simply wanted to become famous. But some people still believe that the guy was “programmed” to kill by the special services.

So the mystery of the murder of America’s favorite President John F. Kennedy has haunted the public for more than half a century; many films have been made on this topic, and a sea of ​​books have been written. Who was behind the figure of Lee Harvey Oswald? Did he really shoot the president? Why was he himself liquidated two days after his arrest? IN different time as customers of this " public execution» Kennedy was considered by Fidel Castro, the CIA, the KGB and the mafia. Neither version has clear evidence.

It is strange that his father’s namesake, John F. Kennedy Jr., died under very suspicious circumstances. In July 1999, his plane crashed into the Atlantic. No malfunctions were reported from the board, but someone noticed a white flash at the crash site aircraft. Along with John on board were his wife and sister.

Thousands of people still believe that the death of the Princess of Wales was not just accidental. car accident. That accident in one of the Paris tunnels became a tragedy not only for the British people, but also a grief for millions of Diana’s admirers living in all corners of the planet. Relatives of Princess Al-Faed's lover suggest a political murder (allegedly the British monarchy could not allow the marriage of the prince's ex-wife to a Muslim).

On the set

Another father and son who left at the peak of their careers are Bruce and Brandon Lee. The famous Hong Kong artist and martial artist Bruce died of cerebral edema at the age of 32. The reason was an unexpected reaction to the medication taken. The mafia and other secret enemies and envious people were suspected of involvement in his death.

Brandon died at the age of 28, right on the set of the cult dark film “The Crow”. There was a plug left in the revolver, which flew out along with the blank bullet and pierced the actor’s stomach. He bled to death. Whether this happened due to oversight or malicious intent is to blame is unknown. But for Lee's partner in the scene, Mike Massey, the fact that he accidentally killed a comrade turned out to be the cause of long-term depression.

Experiments with drugs or intent?

There is still debate whether what happened to Marilyn Monroe was a suicide. The absence of a farewell note raised doubts. Someone talked about a contract killing ( probable cause- love affairs with President Kennedy and his brother Robert), and someone wrote off what happened to the star as an accident: they say, she overdid it with sleeping pills and alcohol. But the fact remains: the blond diva died before reaching forty.

What caused the acute intoxication from a strange and excessive dose of drugs that claimed the life of 28-year-old Heath Ledger? There were rumors that he was never able to get out of fatal image Joker (for this role the actor was posthumously awarded an Oscar). They also talked about Heath's suffering due to his breakup with Michelle Williams. But it’s hard to believe that, being of sound mind, the artist could abuse such a bunch of drugs. Or that he decided to leave so early age, being so in demand in the profession.

Looking at famous personalities and reading about them, it seems that the only thing they do is shovel money, party at resorts and live comfortably. Hearing about the death of these people, you understand how short human life, and that even millions cannot be saved from accidents, fatal diseases and tragic circumstances. Even curses are not avoided.

1. Natalie Wood

"Miracle on 34th Street" Inner world Daisy Clover" and other films, in which Natalie Wood played impeccably, touched the hearts of film critics and viewers of the last century. Natalie passed away in 1981 at the age of 43. Her death is shrouded in darkness, and in the recent past, the drowning case was reopened by the police.

On the night of November 30, 1981, Natalie, her husband Robert Wagner and his friend Christopher Walken set off on a yacht off the Californian island of Santa Catalina. Besides them, Dennis Davern, the captain, was on the ship. According to him, that night Natalie quarreled with her husband Robert - allegedly, he was jealous of her Walken. After Walken left the couple alone, they continued to argue. Davern states that he heard sounds of fighting, screams and strange noises. When he decided to find out what was happening, Wood's husband reported that Natalie had left on a boat. However, everyone around the actress knew that she had been terribly afraid of water since 1949, when she almost drowned on the set. This fear was so strong that she refused to film even near a small lake.

When Wood's body was found, she was wearing a nightgown and jacket. The actress had abrasions and bruises on her body, which she received as a result of a fight with her husband. The official version was considered an accident - after drinking too much, Natalie fell overboard. However, witnesses claimed that they heard the woman calling for help.

After the publication of Marty Rally's book "Goodbye, Natalie, Goodbye!", which mentioned the testimony of Captain Davern, the police turned their attention to new evidence. Despite suggestions from witnesses that Robert Wagner was involved in his wife’s death, he officially stated that he would help the investigation and do everything in his power to uncover the mystery of Natalie Wood’s death.


Who would have thought that the handsome and public favorite Heath Ledger could suffer from depression? He had everything: recognition, roles, love from fans and even a little daughter. And yet, this could not save him from sudden death.

On January 22, 2008, 28-year-old Ledger was found in a New York apartment. According to police, the actor was naked and surrounded by jars containing numerous drugs. An autopsy of the body did not show anything, so an additional toxicological examination was carried out. It was subsequently announced that Heath died from taking an inappropriate combination of sleeping pills, painkillers, and tranquilizers.

Heath Ledger as the Joker

IN recent months Ledger's life starred in the film "The Dark Knight". In an interview given to one of the tabloids, the actor said that he slept only two hours a day during filming, and spent most of the time in solitude in order to better understand the character of his character. This filming, against the background of his divorce from Michelle Williams, apparently greatly exhausted the actor. Some put forward incredible versions that he was killed by sectarians, others believe that it was suicide, and others talk about an accident. It should also be noted that Ledger did not seem to be planning to die, because he had an appointment with a friend the next day.

By the way, Heath Ledger in the role of the Joker received an Oscar for Best Supporting Actor posthumously, a year and a month after his death.

3. James Dean

Death famous actor and a car racing fan raises many questions, but what happened after it is even more shocking and raises thoughts about a possible curse.

On September 30, 1955, at the age of 24, Dean drove his brand new Porsche 550 “Spider” to the races in Salinas in the company of mechanic Rolf Wütherich. Dean was driving along the highway past the town of Kholame, and a Ford was moving towards him, driven by student Donald Thornspeed. The cars collided head-on. Mechanic Wütherich was seriously injured, and Dean died on the way to the hospital. His last words were: "This guy should have stopped, he saw us." However, Thornspeed later told the press that he did not see Dean's car on the road.

After purchasing the car, which the actor affectionately called “Little Bastard,” strange things began to happen. A week before Dean's death, his comrade Alec Guinness told James that he would die if he touched this car. Then, three days before the accident, a friend asked Dean not to get into the car or drive it anywhere because she had a premonition that something bad was going to happen. Naturally, James did not pay any attention to this.

After the incident and the death of the actor, strange things continued to happen: a film with his participation, “Rebel Without a Cause,” was released, which included a racing scene; the main actors of the film died under mysterious circumstances. All subsequent owners of the "Little Bastard" either died or remained disabled. In 1960, the car was completely restored, however, after some time it disappeared and has not yet been found.

4. Anna Nicole Smith

The controversial actress and Playboy model died at 39. In addition to her turbulent career, Anna Nicole had an equally turbulent personal life: several husbands, high-profile divorce proceedings, a son who died of a drug overdose at the age of 20 literally in her arms.

On February 8, 2007, Anna Nicole herself died in a hotel room in the Bahamas. There are many versions of her death. Many claimed that against the backdrop of the death of her son, unstable mental state and alcoholism, the actress committed suicide. But an autopsy found that Smith had pneumonia, and due to the weakening of her body after childbirth and stress, the disease progressed. There was also a version that Anna Nicole died from one of the varieties of tuberculosis.

The cause of the star's death remains a mystery to this day. The list of assumptions includes suicide, drug overdose, rehabilitation after a failed facelift and many others.

5. Bruce Lee

A man who devoted his entire life to martial arts and improving his own body died because of a headache pill?.. The death of 32-year-old Bruce Lee still excites the public.

On July 20, 1973, newspapers came out with the message on the front page: “Bruce Lee has died!” This was so unexpected that rumors were connected with the filming in which the actor participated - his character was supposed to die. When later information Li's death was confirmed, and the whole world was taken aback. No one could have imagined that one of the most strong men on the planet can die so unexpectedly.

The first version, announced as official, stated that Lee died of natural causes - from a brain tumor. But of course, a few days later rumors appeared that the actor had been killed. The disappearance of a doctor's death certificate added to the matter without a trace. Several witnesses said Lee was brought to the hospital by his mistress Betty Ting Pei, where he collapsed at her house. Then they began to say that Bruce was taking drugs, from an overdose of which he died in Betty Ping’s apartment. It was also said that Li was a victim of the Chinese mafia organization Triad, which he had crossed paths with in the past.

The most interesting version was that the actor was killed by a killer who mastered the so-called “delayed death technique” - a special blow after which a person can die months later. And some fans believed that Bruce Lee did not die at all, but faked his death to hide from his enemies.


The son of the legendary Bruce Lee - Brandon Lee - became famous after leading role in the cult mystical film "The Raven". The 28-year-old guy was like his father in many ways: his passion for martial arts, his profession as an actor, and his ridiculous premature death.

On March 31, 1993, Hollywood was shocked by the news of the death of Brandon, who was wounded right on the set of the gloomy “The Crow.” Eight hours before filming the fatal scene, Brandon picked up the prop gun, twirled it in his hands, put it to his temple, pulled the trigger - and nothing happened. Some of those present gasped, and Brandon, grinning, said that this toy would do nothing for him.

While filming the scene where main character should have died, Brandon was shot from the same fake Magnum. This time there was only one blank bullet in the pistol, which did not suit his caliber - because of this, the shot turned out to be very powerful, and the actor’s body was pierced right through. Brandon lay on the surgical table for more than five hours, but he could not be saved. Doctors reported that he was “literally bleeding to death, and even if he had survived, he would have remained paralyzed for life.”

Brandon Lee as Raven

As it turned out later, the filming of “The Raven” took place in a tense atmosphere: many claimed that there was a curse on the film. The actors were constantly injured, the scenery broke for no apparent reason, the journalist who wrote about the filming had an accident, and the artist went crazy. We had to finish filming using computer effects and a stunt double.

Brandon tragically died a week before his wedding to Eliza Hutton. He was buried next to his father in Lake View Cemetery in Seattle.

7. Tupac Shakur

The first rapper in the world to have a monument erected was shot dead at the age of 25. Once Tupac was able to survive after being shot five times, but he failed the second time.

Shakur was in a gang and was in prison more than once. He constantly got involved in unpleasant situations and paid in full. So, in 1994, the rapper was accused of rape, however, the day before the verdict was announced, he was robbed and then 5 bullets were fired at him. It was rumored that the assassination attempt was organized by Shakur's main enemies: Puff Daddy and Notorious B.I.G. From that moment on, the “War of the Coasts” began among street gangs.

In 1996, rumors began to circulate that Tupac intended to leave hip-hop for politics: allegedly, he was tired of his lifestyle, he wanted to radically change his image and even run for mayor.

On September 7, after a boxing match, Tupac and his friend Suge Knight decided to unwind a little, but on the way to one of the clubs, Suge’s car was shot at by unknown assailants. Shakur was hit by four bullets and was taken to the hospital in in serious condition, breathing was artificially supported, but six days later, on the fateful Friday the 13th, the rapper died.

There were many rumors surrounding the murder. Some believed that Suge Knight himself ordered Tupac, others said that he was killed because of a showdown in the casino after the fight. Many still believe that Tupac is actually alive and that his death was faked. But the most likely version seems to be that the eastern group with which he competed, namely the Notorious B.I.G., is to blame for Shakur’s death. and Puff Daddy. The rapper's body was cremated, and his ashes were smoked along with marijuana by his close friends and comrades.

Sometimes during archaeological excavations, scientists find such unexpected and mysterious artifacts that not only baffle them, but force them to completely rethink the course of history. Our review talks about 10 creepy finds that scientists have not yet been able to explain.

1. Swedish skulls on stakes

In 2009, archaeologists discovered an 8,000-year-old Stone Age settlement known as Kanaljorden in southeastern Sweden. At the excavation site at the bottom of the former lake, fragments of the skulls of 11 people were discovered in a mass grave. Oddly enough, the bases of two of these skulls were pierced with wooden stakes. Nobody knows who these people were and why they were buried in such a strange way. Archaeologists also cannot explain why another woman's temporal bone was found inside one woman's skull. One theory says that it was some kind of ritual. Another theory is that the Swedes killed their enemies in battle and brought the heads home as trophies.

2. New facts about Tutankhamun

Since then, Tutankhamun's tomb was first discovered in 1922, the cause of his premature death Egyptian pharaoh(he died at age 19 in 1323 BC) is the subject of endless debate. One theory is that Tutankhamun was killed in a chariot accident, while other historians suggest that he was attacked by a hippopotamus or kicked by a horse. These theories are based on the fact that a huge injury was discovered on the boy's chest. However, some experts believe the injury was post-mortem, caused by thieves in the 20th century when the pharaoh's tomb was unguarded during World War II. According to recent analyses, scientists have suggested that Tutankhamun died due to serious problems health problems caused by genetic disorders due to inbreeding of his parents.

3. Skeletons of the Sahara - evidence of the first known intercommunal conflict

On the edge of the Sahara Desert in northern Sudan, archaeologists and anthropologists were studying human remains discovered at the Jebel Sahaba cemetery east of the Nile River. The skeletons, which are 13,000 years old, are the oldest ever found in official cemeteries. But more importantly, they may be the victims of the world's first known communal conflict, which has played out over many months or even years. Most of the victims died from wounds inflicted by flint-tipped arrows. Scientists believe that these people were the ancestors of modern African-Americans, but until now the identity of the attackers on this tribe or community has not been established. It is possible that their enemies were of a completely different race or ethnic group.

4. The mysterious poisoning of an Italian commander

The Renaissance military leader and ruler of Verona, Can Grande della Scala, died in 1329 due to stomach disease. But when his mummy was autopsied in 2015, it turned out that the ruler had in fact been poisoned by foxglove poison (which causes nausea, vomiting and diarrhea in small quantities and cardiac arrest in an overdose). In July 1329, 38-year-old Can Grande arrived in the city of Treviso, which he had recently conquered. A few days later he developed a fever, vomiting and diarrhea. The symptoms progressed rapidly and Can Grande died four days later. At the time, it was believed that he died from drinking contaminated water. But during a modern autopsy, researchers found foxglove pollen in the rectum, liver and stool samples of the ruler of Verona.

5. Fierce Warriors of Mesa Verde

In the late 13th century, the population of Mesa Verde (central Colorado) dropped from 40,000 to zero in just three decades. A 2014 study from Washington State University may shed some light on the unusual violence that contributed to the culture's disappearance. Archaeologist Tim Kohler found that nearly 90 percent of all skeletons in the area belonged to people who died between 1140 and 1180 and had head or arm injuries. This means that many of them died violent deaths. Kohler believes that this happened as a result of the Mesa Verde-Rio Grande War.

6. Mayan victims

In the old Mayan city of Uxul (Campeche, Mexico), archaeologists from the University of Bonn were excavating, unexpectedly making a gruesome discovery in a man-made cave that was once a reservoir. They discovered 24 human skeletons, each of which had been decapitated and dismembered. Skulls were scattered chaotically throughout the cave. The violent death was obvious, especially since many of the skulls bore traces of axes, i.e., the heads were cut off. It remains a mystery who these people were and why they were killed in this way. Some of them had jade dental inserts, indicating high social status.

7. The Fleshed Woman from Devil's Valley

In the Philippines, 9,000 years ago, there was a bizarre funeral ritual. All the flesh and internal organs were removed from the corpse of an adult woman, the bones were crushed, burned, and then they were placed in a small box, which was buried in a cave in the Devil's Valley. This was the first known cremation in South-East Asia, and it is especially notable for its complex ritual. Large bones of the arms, legs and skull were smashed with a hammer. Where the woman’s flesh went is unknown.

8. Mass grave of sacrificial children with lamas

Archaeologists once believed that the people of the Chimu civilization of northern Peru performed their ritual sacrifices only in the capital of Chan Chan, which was conquered by the Incas in 1470. However, outside former capital in 2011, a 600-year-old mass grave was found containing the skeletons of 42 children and 76 llamas. Although the Chan Chan people built a sophisticated irrigation system that helped their city prosper, the harsh desert region received only about 0.25 cm of rainfall per year. Therefore, water has always been a valuable resource for this community. In the summer of 2014, archaeologists discovered more victims in the Chimu habitat. All of these deaths are believed to have occurred as part of a religious ritual.

9. Remains of Kasta Hill

In the Greek northern province of Macedonia, during excavations of the Kasta Hill, archaeologists discovered another secret. An approximately 60-year-old woman whose remains were found in the largest grave ever excavated in northern Greece has been identified as Olympias. Alexander the Great's mother was executed by Cassander, one of the Diadochi generals who took control of Alexander's empire after his death. To ensure his place on the throne, Cassander destroyed all of Alexander's immediate family, including his mother Olympias, wife Roxana, and young son Alexander.

10. Kennewick Man

Kennewick Man is a prehistoric skeleton dating back 9,300 years. This was the subject of a lawsuit by eight prominent anthropologists and archaeologists against Native American tribes and the US government, who wanted to prevent Scientific research remains and bury them. It all started in the summer of 1996, when a couple of teenagers accidentally found a skull on the banks of the Columbia River in Kennewick, Washington. Soon an almost complete skeleton was found. The stumbling block for scientists was that Kennewick Man looked completely different from the American Indians. In 2004, a federal appeals court ruled that Kennewick Man was too old to be related to existing Native Americans. As a result, scientists were able to study the remains. They discovered that the Kennewick man was about 40 years old when he died. His height was 175 centimeters and his weight was about 75 kilograms. He was incredibly strong, but had many injuries, the origin of which remains a mystery.

Continuing the historical theme, we will tell you about one of the most mysterious places on the planet: which violates the laws of physics.