Vika Romanets left the project yesterday. Sudden departure of a roman

Victoria Romanets left "House 2"? Why did you leave the project? Cause?

    Victoria Romanets is the brightest participant in the House 2 project, who recently left the television project. Nobody expected this. In principle, it was interesting to watch her as a bright, interesting person.

    Victoria admitted that she left the project for a reason, but only for one simple reason, because she met the man of her dreams behind the project.

    Her new boyfriend's name is Alexander Lipovoy, here is the photo she posted on Instagram

    Victoria Romanets really left the House 2 project, because outside the perimeter of the popular TV show she met her Love - Alexander Lipovoy, a martial arts champion. Before this, the participant had long been a friend of Andrei Cherkasov, a TV show participant.

    Victoria Romanets, one of the most memorable participants in the Dom-2 project, born on January 14, 1990 in Donetsk, who appeared on the project on September 19, 2014, really left it, most probable cause- the established personal life outside the perimeter of the project, where Victoria’s chosen one was the famous kickboxer and world champion Alexander Lipovoy, who took her from the project straight from Lobnoye Mesto.

    Indeed, one of the most popular participants, Victoria Romanets, left the Dom-2 project. For a long time she met with Andrei Cherkasov and invited him to the wedding, but in the end nothing worked out. However, outside the perimeter, she met a guy named Alexander Lipovoy and they began a relationship.

    Alexander is 39 years old, he is a kickboxer and was against Vicki’s participation in the project. As a result, Romanets left House-2.

    Victoria Romanets found her new love, Alexander Lipovoy, and went to him, leaving both House 2 with Buzova and Borodina, and Andrei Cherkasov.

    Alexander Lipovoy, a successful 39-year-old man. He's doing dangerous looking sports He is a kickboxer, a fighter. Constantly in training.

    There was no particular doubt that Vika and Andrey did not form a strong alliance on the project. Andrey definitely didn’t want it, but Vika may have wanted it, but she understood that it wasn’t her. In the end, such a breakup was only a matter of time. And Vika is now a famous girl, promoted on TNT for so many years of being on the project. Therefore, finally, she was lucky, since this is not life on the perimeter project.

    They say that Victoria Romanets left the perimeter because she found her chosen one outside the walls of House 2. Things didn’t work out for her with Cherkasy, but with a new guy everything is still ahead. Why should she waste time on a TV set? And Cherkasov will also soon be sent out of the gate, following his ex.

    Victoria Romanets became famous thanks to the Dom2 project. In my opinion, the girl has already outgrown this project. She needs to move on. And while filming an advertisement, she met a successful 39-year-old extreme athlete, Alexander Lipov.

    Let's hope this relationship lasts for a long time.

    Vika Romanets left the TV project Dom-2 because she found her love outside the perimeter. The girl announced that she was unlikely to find love on this show and was already in love at the present time. Her chosen one was thirty-nine-year-old kickboxer Alexander Lipovoy.

  • Victoria Romanets left the House 2 project

    Probably one of the most bright girls project House 2, suddenly left the reality show and explained the reason for her departure. Alexander Lipovoy, it was he who became the culprit of Vika’s escape -

    Having never built a relationship with Cherkasov and not finding true love in the perimeter, Romanets decided to quit this part of life and become an adult. Lipova was categorically against her participation in House 2 and took the girl.

    Fans are unhappy and leave less than flattering comments

Victoria Romanets is familiar to Russian viewers from her participation in the reality show “Dom-2”. And although the girl left the project in 2016, she was able to leave such an impression about herself that even today Vika’s person attracts the attention of the press and an audience of millions “ Instagram ».

Victoria Romanets, a participant in the scandalous reality show “Dom-2”, was born in Donetsk into a wealthy family. Vika's father is a businessman, owner of his own chain of hotels in Black Sea coast. After graduating from school, the girl entered the Kiev National University of Culture and Arts, where she studied modeling technologies women's clothing and received a diploma in fashion design.

However, Victoria had no particular desire to work in her specialty, so then she did not create collections of outfits and turn into a couturier, but began appearing in photo shoots as a model. The girl also became a regular participant in reality shows and television projects. She could be seen in the third season of the Ukrainian version of the “Bachelor” project and in such shows as “Dosvidos”, “Goddess of Shopping”, “Young Lady-Peasant Woman”, “100 Thousand for the Truth”.

Victoria Romanets in the show “The Bachelor”

Even before plastic surgery, Victoria Romanets visited Channel One as a “guest” with the host of the TV show “Let’s Get Married!” And then the most scandalous reality show appeared in the biography of Victoria Romanets recent years- “Dom-2”, where she stayed for more than a year and a half. After the project, the girl promotes her own outerwear models and appears in photo shoots.

Victoria Romanets in the video for the rap group “ME2X” - “I’ll be waiting for you”

Photos of Victoria Romanets often adorn the pages of social networks. In addition, she tried herself as a singer and actress, recording the song “Phobia”, and together with participants of the show “Dancing on TNT” and Slava Petrenko, she appeared in the video for the rap group “ME2X” for the song “I’ll Be Waiting for You”.

"House 2"

The next show in which Victoria found herself was the grandiose television production “Dom-2” on the TNT channel. From the first day, Romanets demonstrated that she is an ambitious and emotional girl who is not used to half measures in her feelings. Initially, she showed sympathy for Bogdan Lenchuk. But since the young man was then paired with, Vika, despite her self-confidence, did not succeed.

However, the new girl of the project did not remain alone for long and soon began romantic relationship with the long-running show. In November 2014, the couple moved to a new film set on Seychelles. Moreover, fans and neighbors in the “House” began to talk intensely about the upcoming wedding of Victoria Romanets and Andrey Cherkasov. The couple themselves confirmed that they plan to get married at the end of 2015.

However, due to increasing strife and misunderstandings at the end of the year, the young people canceled the wedding and separated. In May 2016, Victoria, who was unable to find her lover and build love in the show, left the project after a year and seven months of television life.

Later, Romanets commented on leaving the project. The young girl shared that she was tired of being in the role of an abandoned bride and watching her beloved build relationships with others. However, Victoria asked fans not to be upset, but, on the contrary, to be happy for her.

According to Victoria Romanets, those who stay in a project for a long time do not develop. The girl is sure that you should come to Dom-2 like this: move in, try to build a relationship, if it doesn’t work out, you don’t need to stay, because life doesn’t stand still.

Personal life

Viewers of the show “Dom-2” are very interested in who Victoria Romanets is dating outside of the ubiquitous television cameras. It is worth noting that even before her surge in popularity, the girl had been dating Ukrainian football player Oleg Mishchenko, a midfielder for Dynamo Kyiv, Vorskla Poltava and Metallurg Donetsk, for almost six years. It is curious that later the football player had an affair with another participant in “House-2”,.

After the scandalous TV show, the girl had a short affair with former kickboxer Alexander Lipov. True, later the public received a lot of indirect evidence that this relationship was just a PR move beneficial to both parties. And soon it became known that Lipovoy actually has a permanent girlfriend, the famous fashion model Alexandra Kabaeva.

The former participant of “House-2” began to hide her subsequent relationship. Therefore, when the Internet was overwhelmed by the unexpected news that Victoria Romanets was dating, the girl chose to leave this information no comments. Anton, on the contrary, reacted violently to every post that appeared on this topic from fans.

And this is not surprising, because in the same 2016 Gusev separated from his wife, another lady from the Dom-2 project. Fans compared the photos that the young people posted in their in social networks, and concluded that Victoria Romanets and Anton Gusev are together, since some of Victoria’s photos, like Anton Gusev’s photos, have the same background.

According to many, Victoria took Gusev away from the family. The man left not only his wife, but also his son Daniel.

Later former star reality show shared that Anton and Evgenia broke up due to the greed of the second. Allegedly, the girl began searching for the oligarch, but she didn’t care about her husband. Victoria knew that in fact the marriage had already broken up, and only on papers were Gusev and Feofilaktova listed as spouses.

At the beginning of 2017, it became known that the lovers had separated. The reason for the breakup was Anton's betrayal, which Vika could not forgive. However, already in March, rumors appeared about the engagement of young people. Anton Gusev gave his beloved a ring worth half a million rubles. According to the man, this is a responsible step for him.

The bride and groom did not organize a magnificent celebration, but simply got married and flew off to rest in the Maldives. The couple shared in an interview that they cannot have children now because they want to live for themselves. Victoria hasn't arrived yet the required form, and if she gets pregnant, she will gain weight (Vika’s height is 173 cm, weight – 57 kg). The girl is not ready for this yet.

Victoria Romanets is fond of equestrian sports and lives by the three “N” rule: “No. Nothing. Impossible."

The girl doesn't hide what she did plastic surgery on the chest, lips and nose. In addition, Vika has lost a lot of weight. If we compare some pictures of the former participant of “Dom-2” different periods, it is clear that in some she is “chubby”, and in others she has brought herself into shape.

Victoria Romanets now

Five months after the marriage was registered, in February 2018, information appeared that Vika and Anton. This statement appeared in official group Victoria Romanets in "

Having intrigued everyone, both fans and spiteful critics, with a donated or purchased ring, and then with a brand new car, Victoria Romanets today suddenly left the TV project House 2. In order to dispel the last doubts, she announced that she had gone to see her admirer Alexander Lipov.

Victoria motivates her departure by the fact that at the moment in the clearing of house 2 there is no faithful, reliable man on whom the girl could rely in her later life. Therefore, Vika’s choice fell on a compatriot who has lived in Moscow for a long time, is an athlete, a fairly wealthy and accomplished man.

Did Vika find the one she was looking for?

It seems that Victoria has found the right person who can satisfy her needs and provide the lifestyle to which she is accustomed and so desired. But it still remains unclear why not so long ago she tried to respond to Timur’s advances, and pestered her as well. Cherkasov. Moreover, with an athlete and public figure Did you meet Alexander on the set of Timur’s video?

When announcing her departure from the reality show, the girl did not regret it kind words to the TV project. But she decisively turned this page of her life. No matter how her fate turned out in the future, she was also one of the real contenders for victory in the “Person of the Year 2015” competition.

Good luck to you, Victoria. The reaction of Cherkasov, who broke up with Romanets six months ago and finally came to the end of this relationship quite recently, is not yet known. To him .

Surprised? It doesn’t remind me of anything: after all, other girls, such as Lisova or Kiushkina, left the same way? And why does the producer promise that we will see Vika again in House 2?

Anton Gusev became famous on the Dom-2 project thanks to his relationship with the beautiful Evgenia Feofilaktova. They were a very bright couple who greatly increased the show’s ratings with their loud and passionate scandals. In June 2012, Anton and Zhenya got married, and five months later their son Daniel was born. Having become parents, the Gusevs left the project.

Everything was going great: Anton opened an online store, Evgenia got a job as a presenter cooking show. Soon the couple released their own clothing line and opened a chain of boutiques with a franchise in many cities of Russia. Along the way, Anton was involved in real estate.

They were everywhere together, delighting subscribers with touching family photos on social networks. Even when a serious accident confined Anton to bed, Zhenya was always there. And at the end of 2016, the Gusevs suddenly stunned fans by deciding to get a divorce.

The reason for the separation was not hidden for a long time: Anton found someone else, and at his wife’s birthday. And that was ex-participant of “House-2” Victoria Romanets.

“At a party, passion flared up between Anton and Vika. They looked at each other, winked... Afterwards they began to call each other and write text messages to each other. After some time, Zhenya found out about their relationship, caused a scandal, and demanded that Anton stop communicating with Vika. But he had already fallen in love. Then she filed for divorce...” said another former member project Ruslan Solntsev.

However, Victoria soon faced the same fate as her predecessor. A few months later, the girl found out that Gusev was cheating on her.

She said yes

“I can no longer sleep in the same bed with him, say that I love him, he killed my feelings,” Victoria admitted. - Dear friends, please stop writing to me about reconciliation with Gusev. You don't know the whole situation. And I’m sure not a single one would connect her life with a traitor. Everything collapsed in an instant. Thanks to those girls, and there were a lot of them, for opening my eyes.”

A week later, the couple announced their engagement. In the capital's restaurant-yacht, Gusev, kneeling down, presented Vika with a white gold ring with a diamond weighing 0.7 carats and worth half a million rubles. And the girl said: “yes.”

“I still can’t understand what came over me, why I cheated on Vika,” Gusev confessed to the portal then. - I tried to justify myself: “Men need such a “shake-up”, it helps you understand whether you need a person or not. I still remember in detail the morning when she forgave me. My beloved was robbed. I immediately rushed to her house. She didn’t even let me in the door; I sat outside the door for several hours. When I finally opened it, I couldn’t contain my emotions. To calm her down, he hugged her to himself and promised: “Now everything will be fine! I'm near".

Gusev admitted that after the quarrel he realized main goal own life. This a strong family. He even proposed marriage to Victoria. And he already told everyone how he dreams of a daughter with blue eyes, said what a wonderful mother his future wife would be.

“Where did you see love?”

But two weeks before the celebration, the couple announced: there will be no wedding!

The reason was Victoria’s correspondence with another man, published by Gusev through the Starhit website. Future husband Romanets hacked into his phone and found out that all their love was a fiction.

“This is the strangest wedding,” the interlocutor wrote to her.

“Yes, Sash. Don’t you understand why I’m doing this?”

“To make money?” – the man suggested.

“Where did you see love?” – Victoria continued.

The girl complained that all the expenses for the wedding fell on her shoulders.

“I called you to get married. There is no money... - Vika was indignant. “I’ll tell him: “Take the ring you gave me and go to the pawnshop.” Still, he didn’t give it to me from the bottom of his heart, I can feel it.”

The girl planned to compensate part of the costs with the help of wedding gifts. She even calculated how much money she could earn.

“I hope that there will be at least 450 thousand, but they are all mine,” Romanets wrote in correspondence.

After reading the bride’s messages, Gusev called off the wedding, and Victoria then threw his things out onto the street.

“Happy life, Gusev, good luck,” she wrote on social networks.

“There is no money even for my son”

Romanets assured that she was not going to grieve over what happened, and scolded Anton on social networks and in conversations with journalists.

“Now the main task for me is to get the money back. Anton did not invest a penny in the wedding. Everything he says now will remain on his conscience. But, unfortunately, he has no conscience. In the correspondence he talks about, I complained to the administrator that Anton could not even find 200,000 rubles to invest in the wedding celebration.”

But I believed in the wedding ex-wife Guseva:

“Didn’t Vika see these problems before, before the wedding? Anton doesn’t help the child financially in any way,” Evgenia Feofilaktova shared with reporters. “It’s terrible that they’re pouring so much dirt on each other now, it’s just a shame.” I think they will get back together and the wedding will take place, Anton and Vika are suitable for each other.”

One of the brightest participants in the reality show “Dom-2”, Victoria Romanets, recently decided to leave the project. Alexander Lipovoy came for the girl and took the beauty with him. But then it turned out that the man had a lover. Victoria told StarHit what really connected them, and also talked about what was happening in her personal life now.

Many fans were upset when you left Dom-2. Why did you decide to leave the project?

I don’t know why my like-minded people are upset; on the contrary, they should be happy. I believe that the people who are on the project are not developing. I decided to move on. It seems to me that for me, an attractive and intelligent girl, there will be something to do outside of the project. I see how those who have been in prison for six or seven years are condemned. Everyone has their own deadline for the project. I wanted to leave at the end of January. But then they offered to star in the video, then I broke my leg and stayed on. It seems to me that at Dom-2 it should be like this: come, build a relationship, if it doesn’t work out, then what to do next. That's what I did. She quickly collected her luggage and moved on. I spent a year and seven months on the project.

You left Dom-2 so spectacularly - Alexander Lipovoy took you away, and suddenly suddenly his girlfriend allegedly says that he was not in a relationship with you. What really happened?

Nastya Kiushina introduced me to Alexander after my breakup with Andrey. We became friends, he supported me, told me that I had great opportunities to move on. One day I called him and asked him to pick him up from the project. He said to me: “Right now?” “No, tomorrow,” I answered. He did a lot for me in terms of giving right direction. But, most importantly, he and I have exclusively friendly relations. He has a girlfriend, they have a crazy romance, we know her. So we didn't deceive anyone. We didn't have any love, only partnerships.

So your heart is free now?

Now I don’t advertise my personal life. I will say one thing - everything is good in my personal life, even very good. But I understood one rule - happiness loves silence. I try to limit my loved ones from strangers, otherwise many people start looking for something on my social networks and write unnecessary things. Lipovoy had to close the page, such threats were sent to him... Yes, there were compliments, and in most cases, but these were written by strangers. I don't want to expose loved one attacks. I even had to unfollow some of my friends and classmates so that they would be left alone. I’m used to it, I don’t care, I have my own ideas about life. Opinion stranger won't affect me.

Maybe because of too close attention from others, you were unable to build a relationship with Andrei Cherkasov?

No, not because of this. When you leave the project, you begin to sensibly assess the situation. I came to the project when I wanted to get my ex back young man, football player. Yes, ex-boyfriend showed up, but then I got into a frenzy. During the program you don’t think about many things – we are provided with everything. You start to appreciate personal traits person. In Andrey I found kindness, care, tenderness, affection - just what I was missing. But outside the project, these qualities fade into the background. The main thing is the material base; a person must stand firmly on his feet. I realized in time that Andrey was not worth my worries. I understand what opportunities I have outside the perimeter.

Are you currently communicating with Andrei Cherkasov? Are you in any relationship?

We do not have general topics. I even left him the dog, although I said it was a gift from him. Actually this is not true. It was a shame for me that my boyfriend could not buy a dog for 60 thousand rubles. I recently saw him tell his new girl: “You weren’t in Paris, but I was.” I really wanted to add: “At my expense!”

What do you think about him new darling Stella? Do you think they will be able to start a family or build at least some kind of relationship?

I'm glad that Cherkasov found a simpler girl. She is pretty, less show-offy, and pleasant to talk to. I wish them happiness, good luck, their professions are similar, there will be no misunderstandings. They will be able to build strong relationships. Moreover, trying is not torture.

How do you feel about Cherkasov now? Do you think about him, remember the happy moments that you experienced together? Would you like to return everything back?

I think everything is for the better. I don't miss him. My friends say that I don’t learn from my mistakes, I give myself completely to men, I spend money on romance. I can meet a young man in a limousine from the airport, rent restaurants at top floors high-rise buildings And in my relationship with Andrey, as I joke, I just learned to fight!

Maybe in your relationship with Andrey you realized what qualities you like in men and what you don’t? What is your ideal man?

Yes, in my relationship with Andrey, I realized that if my mother is too domineering, nothing will work out. Of course, you need to love your parents, but make decisions on your own. And Andrei demanded increased attention to his mother. She was against me. When Andrey and I wanted to get married, it was she who said that we couldn’t live on 60 thousand, so we had to postpone the wedding. There was euphoria on the project, and now - real life. I understand that my man must be purposeful, strong, and financially secure. I don’t have supernatural demands, I don’t chase millionaires. A man should have an apartment that he earned himself, a car no worse than mine. I want to see a man more successful, then my attitude changes. Sometimes women agree to be a janitor, a mechanic, for example. But this is not my story. I know what I deserve. Andrey always lost in many respects to mine ex-lover, I had to praise him. Why exalt him? A man should have a serious job, a business, albeit small, but his own. And of course, good family, parents who don’t meddle in their children’s lives.

Do you dream of children or want to realize your career?

From childhood, of course, all girls dream of a wedding. But for now I don’t have a wild desire to have children so that I can give birth tomorrow. As soon as possible. In my career, I do not intend to become a replacement for Madonna, Jennifer Lopez, Alla Pugacheva. Perhaps I would sing a duet, take part in some projects that would allow me to easily earn extra money for an apartment. I'm planning to buy it in November. And then I will think about family and children. Now I take part in various filming and photo sessions with pleasure.

Many fans consider your figure to be almost ideal. But not long ago you began to think about getting new implants. For what? Have you changed your mind yet?