Seychelles holiday season. Weather in the magical Seychelles by month

The weather by month is presented in the temperature table and in tourist reviews; in June in Victoria 29°C, Praslin Island 28°C.

The Seychelles Islands, to the delight of tourists, are far from the cyclones that bring cold weather, characterized by constant summer throughout its territory. The Seychelles is characterized by a tropical climate, but the close proximity to the ocean significantly softens tropical climate. Depending on the amount of precipitation, wind direction, and other factors, there are two main seasons in the Seychelles: the wet season and the dry season. The dry season in the Seychelles lasts from June to October; it is during this period that tourists from different countries peace.

During the dry season, the air temperature is cooler than during the rainy season. However, during the dry season the air temperature is sufficient to spend time on the beach. The average air temperature is about +27+28°C; at night, the air temperature drops several degrees, to +24°C, which provides an opportunity to take a break from the daytime heat. The hottest month in the Seychelles is July, and July is also considered the driest. In July, about 70 mm of precipitation falls. And January is considered the rainiest month of the year; about 400 mm of precipitation falls per month. The period from November to May is a humid period, air humidity is about 82%, and during the daytime during the humid period the air temperature can rise to 31°C.

Water temperature all year round quite high, in April the water temperature can be +30°C, and in August, the water temperature warms up to +26°C. Water temperatures in Seychelles vary depending on the season, dry or wet. Weather in the Seychelles in July: Victoria 28°C, Praslin 31°C.

Sometimes you look at an advertisement for a famous chocolate bar, where a girl eats this candy bar on a deserted beach with gorgeous shady palm trees and a marvelous and gentle sea, and you think that there are no such places on the planet or there are, but very far away. The Seychelles, it would seem, are located at the equator, but you can fly to them relatively quickly - the flight time from Moscow to the islands is up to 15 hours (while you can fly to Miami in America for almost a day). Paradise, it turns out, is not so far away.

Brief geographical characteristics Seychelles.

To make it clear where the islands are, we will now describe them in more detail. geographical location. Republic of Seychelles ( official name country) is located in the western Indian Ocean, slightly north of the African island of Madagascar. The Republic includes 115 islands, 33 of which are inhabited.

By geological structure Seychelles are divided into two types: granite and coral. Granite ones are located, as it were, inside the country and are surrounded on the outer part by coral ones.
The granite islands are larger, rising many meters above sea level (the highest elevation of the entire archipelago is on the island of Mahe and is 905 meters). Whereas the coral islands of the Republic are not very large in area and rise above the sea only about five meters.

The nature of the granite islands is rich and diverse, there are even endemic species. For example, only in the Seychelles does the unique Seychelles palm tree grow. Fruits (nuts) unusual shape and weigh up to 20 kg. Local residents will tell you that these fruits were the apples of paradise of Adam and Eve. By the way, these nuts are prohibited from being exported from the country.

Also, only in the Seychelles live some of the most large species turtles in the world - Aldabra (or gigantic, giant) land turtles. They mostly live on the Seychelles island of Aldabra (hence the name). There are several colonies of these
turtles on the nearest islands of the Republic of Seychelles. These turtles can easily live up to 100 years.

The Seychelles Islands, which became the basis coral reefs are practically deserted; only ordinary coconut palms survive on them.

The Seychelles attracts with its pirate past, peaceful and romantic present, richness and diversity of flora and fauna of land and ocean. The islands are loved by romantics and newlyweds who love to have weddings here. Holidays in Seychelles to a greater extent is a measured unity with marvelous tropical nature. Because average temperature The air temperature on the islands does not exceed +27 degrees per year, there is no drying heat that destroys everything around. The minimum water temperature in the archipelago area does not fall below +25 degrees, which allows you to swim in it all year round.

Dry and wet seasons in Seychelles.

But since the Republic of Seychelles is located in a tropical climatic zone, calendar year is divided into two seasons: dry and wet. But temperature fluctuations between seasons are insignificant. During wet season strong natural disasters, as this happens in, is not observed here.

Dry season
(aka tourist High season) lasts in Seychelles from June to November. During this period there is almost no rain, the average air temperature is +26 degrees (which is considered cool on the islands). Blowing average speed wind, which further cools the air. But at the same time minimum temperature the air barely reaches +24 degrees. Humidity fluctuates around 75%. The most dry months season - July and August.

This whole set weather conditions contributes to attracting vacationers from all over the world. Someone will want to wander through the ancient forests (the tree species on the islands are the most ancient in the whole world, dating back to the time of the proto-continent Gondwana); someone to sunbathe on the finest snow-white sand (sand in the Seychelles is ground up particles of coral); someone will want to conquer the waves, since windy weather is frequent during this period; and someone wants to enjoy underwater world near the islands. In the Seychelles you can choose any holiday to suit your taste.

IN summer months There is no longer any rain, but strong winds are gradually beginning to blow. Relax with your child the best thing in Seychelles in June, then there are no winds yet, the sun is not very hot - it will not harm the baby’s delicate skin.

In July and August The winds are already rising and surfing enthusiasts are coming to the Islands.

Autumn in the Seychelles it is not very different from summer, only it rains sometimes. By the end of autumn ( October – November) you can come to the Islands to enjoy rest before the warm wet season.

Rainy season
lasts from December to April. During this period, heavy rains occur every day, sometimes several times, but they are short-lived in nature. Most often, precipitation occurs either in the evening or at night. So it won’t really affect your holiday. Moreover, the average air temperature in the wet season fluctuates within +30 degrees. Only relative humidity reaches 90% - a bit stuffy... The most wet month season - January.

Throughout winter months The amount of precipitation in the Seychelles is maximum, it falls day and night. Most of them fall on the islands of Mahe and Silhouette. Here the wet season itself is the longest.

in spring The amount and duration of rain decreases, and it often falls at night. The weather on the islands is not entirely ideal; rough seas will not allow you to fully enjoy swimming.

When is the best time to go on holiday to the Seychelles?

The optimal months for holidays in the Seychelles are off-season months – May and October. The temperatures of these months are comfortable; there is precipitation, but insignificant; sea ​​– fresh milk with gentle waves. And in May, after the wet season, the riot of colors and smells of fresh greenery is mesmerizing. In addition, it is in May that many birds nest on Bird Island and Cousin Island. An impressive sight.

October is notable for the fact that after a cool, dry season, the air temperature gradually begins to rise. If anyone was cool during the dry season, you should come to
Seychelles in October. There is virtually no rain this month, so don't get wet. Ocean waters quiet and warm, the wind has already stopped and there are almost no waves.

As you can see, the Seychelles is a blessed place to relax. And it doesn’t matter that a tour to this country will cost you a pretty penny. It's worth visiting here at least once in your life. And you can enjoy not only nature and the ocean, but also the original culture, which mixes the severity of England, the sophistication of France and the colorfulness of the East. Local residents are polite without intrusiveness, calm and self-confident. They seem to add the most refined touch to the overall impression of a holiday in the Republic.

The most unforgettable vacation will be the one when beach wallowing is combined with trips to the largest islands of the archipelago.

Seychelles is located in the territory East Africa in the western waters of the Indian Ocean and consist of 115 islands, of which 33 islands are inhabited.

Weather in Seychelles now:

The location of the islands is so far from the formation zones of weather cyclones that the climate in the Seychelles can be called one of the calmest on the planet. Here the temperature remains virtually unchanged all year round, maintaining an average of +27 °C. There is not much rain, precipitation falls in large quantities only during the wet season, which occurs in winter. The rainiest month is January. At other times of the year, the weather on the islands is hot and good, only in the summer strong winds blow, affecting the calmness of the waves, but it blows no stronger than 6 points.

Climate of Seychelles by months:


Spring is the best interesting times in the Seychelles. In May, many birds fly to Bird Island and Cousin Island. Exotic lovers can see the most various birds. These are the white and black gulls, the red cardinal, the snow leopard, and the Dutch pigeons, once brought by man, as well as rare representatives of exotic birds, the black cockatoo and the bulbul nightingale. And in coastal areas you can see huge sea turtles, some weighing 250 kilograms.


With the arrival of summer, the weather does not change much, except that the days become increasingly dry without any precipitation. There are rains, but at this time of year it is extremely rare and not very heavy at all. A southeast wind begins to blow, which raises waves, the wind force sometimes reaches 6 points and brings monsoon Indian air.


Precipitation sometimes occurs in autumn, and by winter it will become especially frequent in the more mountainous areas of the islands. The most favorable months for visiting the islands when the water is especially calm and warm, and the rainy season has not yet begun. Here on the islands trees bloom all year round. Fruit trees are especially unique. And the largest palm tree in the world is located on these islands and is called the Seychelles palm. Its fruits weigh up to 20 kilograms.


In winter, the rainy season begins, precipitation becomes many times greater, which is brought by northwestern monsoon winds, and in January the amount of precipitation may exceed average at 394 mm. It is in winter that frequent rain showers occur, but unlike the long rains we are accustomed to in Europe, showers in the Seychelles are short-lived and end quickly, while the humidity throughout the year is high at about 80%. Temperature in winter time The rainy season still averages around 27°C.

We spent the May holidays in the Seychelles. The hotel was chosen in the capital - the city of Victoria. The impressions from the trip were simply fabulous. The weather was pleasant every day. We swam for hours in the warm ocean. The waves were gentle and not big, and even then rarely.

However, to say that the islands are hot is an understatement. Although, as experienced people later told us, May is the most comfortable month for a holiday in the Seychelles. Although, we always had the feeling that we were in a greenhouse. The climate is somewhat reminiscent of Sochi.

The air temperature is plus or minus 30°C around the clock. The ocean water temperature is one or two degrees lower. On the first day, even being under the tent, we managed to get burned. Therefore, I advise everyone to actively use sunscreen.

Last May, my family and I decided to take a vacation and go to the Seychelles. The weather was excellent and I would like to say that May is the ideal month to visit Mahe Island and swim. Basically, during the day the temperature reached +31 degrees, and at night +28 degrees, but despite this a cool breeze blew, since the island is located in Indian Ocean. We are very pleased with our vacation, we had a good rest from the daily routine and are planning to go again!

We vacationed in the Seychelles in winter - in December last year. The water was warm - about +28 degrees, I swam a lot, almost never left the water. In such warm water To be honest, I haven’t bathed yet. As for the weather, it was simply wonderful; during the day the air temperature was about +30 degrees. We really enjoyed our time on these islands. We definitely want to come back here again.

Weather in Seychelles now: today, for 3 days and for 2 weeks. Climate and weather in the Seychelles by month. Weather forecast for cities of Seychelles.

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Average monthly temperature, °C day and night, water





  • June







The fabulous Seychelles Islands fit the definition of paradise perfectly, not only in the sense of “postcard” landscapes and an abundance of exclusive hotels with every imaginable range of services. The weather in the Seychelles is exactly what it should be in the Garden of Eden: constant and comfortable temperature air +27.. +30 °C, almost identical temperature of the turquoise surface of the ocean - +26.. +29 °C, cloudless sky and brightly shining sun the vast majority of days of the year. The Seychelles is a real lifesaver for travel agents and those who want to relax in the blessed warmth of tourists: you can safely go here on any of the 365 days of the year, without fear that the vagaries of nature will spoil the vacation that was hard-won from your bosses.

Seychelles in winter

December, January and February are the period of the conditional warm season in the Seychelles. These months are dominated by the northwestern monsoons, bringing not only high (by local standards) air temperatures, but also rains: January in the Seychelles is the rainiest month. Let us remember that Africa is located northwest of the Seychelles, so air masses are saturated with the heat of the Dark Continent. Rains - in the form of strong and frequent downpours, but quickly ending, after which the sun comes out again.

Seychelles in spring

March, April and May in the Seychelles are a continuation of the warm wet season. Although the air is still hot, there is less and less rain here - in May the winds change direction to the southeast, and the season “turns” to winter. In March and April, the skies are still filled with deafening downpours, but in May, when you go out for a walk along the beaches stretching beyond the horizon, you no longer need to take an umbrella with you. In general, May is the ideal month for a holiday in the Seychelles: the ocean is impeccably calm, the winds are gentle, and the air is pleasantly warm.

Seychelles in summer

The summer (according to Russian “count”) months in the Seychelles is the height of the conditionally “cold” and dry season. In June, July and August, the level of air humidity decreases noticeably, and cool southeastern monsoons dominate. Holidays in the Seychelles in summer are ideal for those who do not like heat: the average air temperature during this period is about +26 °C. However, those who like to take a nap, spread out on the surface of the water, are in danger of disappointment - the ocean is often turbulent. But there is no rain at all in July and August, so no annoying clouds threaten your tan.

Seychelles in autumn

Autumn in the Seychelles is a transitional time between the dry “cold” and wet “hot” seasons. In September, after the summer lull, the rains resume - however, the rainy days in the month can still be counted on one hand. In October winter season ends - and until the summer northwest monsoons come into their own, you can swim to your heart's content in the calm ocean, explore the surroundings in almost completely windless weather and enjoy the pleasant warmth in the air. November is the beginning of the wet season: heavy showers and air temperatures of about +30 °C mark the arrival of the Seychelles summer. The ocean is slowly beginning to show its stormy character: although the water temperature at this time is +29 °C, the elements periodically reward swimmers with water “slaps in the face.”