Specify the summer months. Folk weather signs by month

When does summer start?

- if you ask this question offhand to people on the street, then 90 percent of those surveyed will answer “June 1,” and they will be right and wrong at the same time, 4% will clarify that the calendar summer begins on June 1, and the remaining 6% will tell you something interesting , by what signs do they determine that summer has begun?

In fact, before we talk about summer, we need to decide what we mean by it: Calendar summer - June 1st according to the current current date Gregorian calendar , lasts three spring months

June, July, August and ends on August 31st. Astronomical summer (according to the Sun): - comes on the Day Summer Solstice (June 21 or 22) and ends in the afternoon Autumn Equinox

(August 22 or 23). Climatic summer - here there are two criteria,
yes still. In addition, climatologists from time to time reassign the day of summer themselves, changing the period of temperature normalization (currently 1961-1990). According to the first criterion , closely related to the growing season, summer begins on the day when the climatic norm of the average daily temperature rises above+10°C
and, accordingly, ends when the temperature drops below this mark. In Moscow, these temperature transitions occur on April 30 and September 21. Second criterion differs from the first only in the boundary temperature:+15°C , but the resulting period corresponds significantly better to the generally accepted understanding of summer. By this criterion.

climatic summer in Moscow begins on May 29 and ends on August 23 According to the Old Russian calendar, until the 17th century, summer was considered to be the period from July 7 (Ivan Kupala - June 24, old style) to October 6 - 8

(at this time, corrections were made for the days advancing over four years). Phenological summer - that to count its beginning, various annually recurring natural phenomena are used, for example: the beginning of linden flowering, the appearance of strawberries in the forest, the beginning swimming season

etc. Everyone can choose a sign of the beginning of Summer to their liking:
If there are thunderstorms in the sky,
If the grass has bloomed,
If there is dew early in the morning
Blades of grass are bent to the ground,
If in the groves above the viburnum
Until the night the hum of bees,
If warmed by the sun
All the water in the river to the bottom -
So it's already summer!

So spring is over!

Evgenia Trutneva Poems. Summer

Most often they talk about warm, hot or cold summer, then dry (arid) or wet (wet, rainy). They also talk about the harvest and Indian summer, but "" is a different story.

Warm summer- this is the summer in which average monthly temperature air during the entire calendar summer exceeded the climatic norm. And here cold There may be a summer in which only the temperatures of June and August are below normal.

Dry summer - a summer may turn out to be dry, in which only one month there was less than normal precipitation, but there was no precipitation for a long time (if you struggle with watering, you will remember it all year long :). And here damp and wet, usually called summer with predominantly cloudy weather and above-average precipitation in each month.

Sergey Ov (Seosnews 9 )

P.S. Don't forget to look at the forecast - what the weather will be like in the summer of 2019 in Moscow.

What will summer be like in 2019? Moscow (preliminary forecast)

17.01.2019 (Preliminary forecast) In June, at first, the air temperature will be close to the climate norm, but such weather will be perceived, at best, as cool. In the second ten days it will be warm and sunny, mostly without precipitation. Warm, one might even say hot weather It will begin to set in the third decade of June, but thunderstorms and showers will not allow the heat to set records. June will generally be quite cool and wet.

When compiling a preliminary forecast for the summer, we used

Weather FACTS for 2019, Moscow:

We are waiting for clarification of the weather forecast according to signs:

14.03.2019 Avdotya stonefly

07.04.2019 Annunciation

04/21/2019 Rodion and Ruf -

04/28/2019 Easter

13.05.2019 Jacob the Apostle

27.05.2019 Sidor Borage

What will summer be like in 2018? Moscow. (preliminary forecast)

17.01.2018 Preliminary forecast: According to folk signs about the weather, it turns out that the summer of 2018 will generally be moderately warm and humid: June will be cool and rainy, July is hot and humid at first (thunderstorms) but at the end it will become hot and dry. Dry warm weather can last through the first half of August, and then, autumn will remind itself of itself with the arrival of rains, warm and sunny days will alternate with cold, wet and windy periods, such weather will last until the end of the calendar summer.

Weather FACTS for 2018, Moscow:

We are waiting for clarification of the weather forecast according to signs:

14.03.18 Avdotya stonefly- “Rain on Evdokia means a wet summer.”
(this sign does not apply to “solid” ones)
On March 14 there was no rain or snow.

07.04.18 Annunciation- “Like the Annunciation, so is the summer.”
On Annunciation, as if on purpose, a local minimum temperature occurred - the average daily air temperature was 5°C, partly cloudy, but at times cloudy and small rain. The weather, in general, is not the hottest summer, but it is encouraging that last year’s summer will not be repeated...

04/08/18 Easter. On Bright Day Christ's Resurrection They determine not the weather, but the harvest: “The sun is shining, the sky is clear - the harvest and the summer are red,” and by the weather of the next day they determine what kind of summer it will be - sunny or rainy...
The weather on Easter turned out to be perfect for the harvest; the day turned out to be absolutely clear!
True, the next day after Easter was almost completely clear and almost record warm - this suggests that the summer, in general, will not be very hot...

04/21/18 Rodion and Rufus -"Clear sunny day - warm summer."
On this day it was partly cloudy and raining.

13.05.18 Jacob the Apostle - The most difficult omen falls on this day: “A clear sunrise or a warm evening and Starlight Night- to thunderstorm and warm summer, harvest" - the evening was warm...

27.05.18 Sidor Borage- “If it’s cold on Sidor, then the whole summer will be cold.”
It was warm in Moscow on Sidor Borage Day - 23°C.

Weather FACTS for 2017, Moscow:

14.03.17 Avdotya stonefly- “Rain on Evdokia means a wet summer.”
In Moscow on March 14, there was no rain... (however, this sign does not apply to “hard”)

07.04.17 Annunciation- “Like the Annunciation, so is the summer.”
The Annunciation in Moscow began with rain; the rain ended only in the afternoon with a moderate downpour. relatively warm 10-11°C, partly cloudy in the evening, clouds gradually dissipate. The average daily temperature exceeded the norm by 5.7°C. - It turns out that the summer of 2017, in general, will be warmer than the previous one, the coolest and rainiest month, now almost traditionally, will be June, at the beginning of July there will be a series of torrential rains with thunderstorms, from the second ten days of July, harsh dry weather will begin to set in, which should last until mid-August. August as a whole will be warmer than normal - autumn will remind you of its approach only in the second half of the month...

04/16/17 Easter. On the Day of the Bright Resurrection of Christ, it is not the weather that is determined, but the harvest: “The sun is shining, the sky is clear - the harvest and the summer are red,” and by the weather of the next day they determine what kind of summer it will be - sunny or rainy...
Alas, we are not promised a big harvest...
On April 17 it was cloudy, and in the afternoon it was also snowy - for a warm, humid summer at first, at the end of summer, various weather quirks are likely.

04/21/17 Rodion and Ruf -"Clear sunny day - warm summer."
On April 21, the early morning was sunny, then a cloudy screen moved into the sky, which during the day either became translucent or darkened to complete cloudiness.
According to the sign, it turns out that this summer, to put it mildly, will not be the hottest..

13.05.17 Jacob the Apostle- The most complex omen falls on this day: “A clear sunrise or a warm evening and a starry night - for a stormy and warm summer, a harvest.”
The sunrise was not entirely clear, and the evening was far from warm
- God forbid that this summer will be the same as spring... Sidor borage has the last word.

27.05.17 Sidor Borage- “If it’s cold on Sidor, then the whole summer will be cold.”
It was cold on Sidor Borechnik in Moscow. According to legend, this means that this summer will be colder than usual.

Actual weather. Summer 2017. Moscow

The monthly average air temperature is 14.5°C - significantly below normal;
minimum temperature 3.2°C - 06/03/17;
maximum 26.7°C - 06/30/17.
Precipitation per month: 140 mm - almost two monthly norms (180%).

The average air temperature for the month is 17.9°C - 1.3°C below normal);
minimum temperature 9.7°C - 07/07/17;
maximum 31.9°C - 07.29.17.
Precipitation per month: 105 mm - this is 120% of the climate norm!

The average monthly air temperature is 18.8°C - 1.8°C above normal;
minimum temperature 6.1°C - 08/31/17;
maximum 31.5°C - 08/20/2017.
Precipitation for the month: 68 mm - below the climate norm by 20%!

Weather FACTS for 2016, Moscow:

14.03.16 Avdotya stonefly- “Rain on Evdokia means a wet summer” - on March 14 there was no rain in Moscow... (however, this sign does not apply to “solid” ones)

07.04.16 Annunciation- “Like the Annunciation, so is the summer.” - In Moscow early in the morning it was relatively warm, partly cloudy, but the clouds were gradually thickening, by midday there was a short rain, after which cloudy weather without precipitation settled in for the whole day. The average daily temperature exceeded the norm by 1.7°C. - This summer of 2016, in general, will be warmer than the previous one, the coolest and rainiest month will be June, at the end of June - beginning of July there will be a series of torrential rains with thunderstorms, from the second ten days of July, harsh dry weather will set in, which will last until the first ten days of August. August will be warmer than normal, but autumn will remind you of its approach already in the second ten days of the month...
Watering this summer will have to be done one way or another - sufficient rain is likely only at the beginning of summer and at the very end.

04/21/16 Rodion and Rufus -"Clear sunny day - warm summer."
On April 21, the sun was shining in the morning, then clouds gradually began to roll in. By three o'clock in the afternoon the clouds had become hopeless - the sun had disappeared.
According to the sign, it turns out that the summer will be warm until the beginning of August..

01.05.16 Easter. On the Day of the Bright Resurrection of Christ, it is not the weather that is determined, but the harvest: “The sun is shining, the sky is clear - the harvest and the summer are red,” and by the weather of the next day they determine what kind of summer it will be - sunny or rainy...
On the first and second of May it was warm and sunny - a warm, fruitful, but probably humid summer.

13.05.16 Jacob the Apostle
On Jacob the Apostle, the sunrise was clear, the evening was not very warm, but the night turned out to be starry - we will assume that the sign indicates a stormy and warm summer!

27.05.16 Sidor Borage- “If it’s cold on Sidor, then the whole summer will be cold.”
It was warm on the day of Sidor borage

Actual weather. Summer 2016. Moscow

The monthly average temperature is 18.2°C - above normal;
minimum temperature 6.1°C - 06/08/16;
maximum 32.3°C - 06.26.16.
Precipitation for the month: 61 mm - slightly below the climate norm (80%).

The average monthly air temperature is 20.9°C - 1.7°C above normal);
minimum temperature 11.7°C - 07/08/16;
maximum 31.2°C - 07/15/16.
Precipitation per month: 144 mm - this is 140% of the climate norm!

The monthly average air temperature is 19.5°C - 2.5°C above normal;
minimum temperature 8.7°C - 08.29.16;
maximum 33.6°C - 08/07/16.
Precipitation for the month: 167 mm - 200% above the climate norm!

Weather FACTS for 2015, Moscow:

14.03.15 Avdotya stonefly- “Rain on Evdokia means a wet summer” - on March 14 there was no rain in Moscow... (this sign does not apply to “solid” ones)

07.04.15 Annunciation- “Like the Annunciation, so is the summer.” - In Moscow in the early morning it was cold and drizzling, but not for long, the clouds gradually began to clear, in the afternoon it became warmer, the clouds thickened and then dispersed, but there was no precipitation, in the evening it began to clear up, after sunset there was nothing left in the sky clouds. The average daily temperature barely exceeded normal. - It looks like this summer will not be very warm in general, although there will certainly be hot days in July. It will also be difficult to call this summer rich in precipitation; there will be sufficient rain only at the beginning of summer and at the very end.

04/12/15 Easter. On the Day of the Bright Resurrection of Christ, it is not the weather that is determined, but the harvest: “The sun is playing, the sky is clear - the harvest and the summer are red,” on Easter it was sunny and warm - for the harvest.

04/21/15 Rodion and Rufus -"Clear sunny day - warm summer."
The whole day of April 25, 2015 in Moscow was cloudy, it snowed at night and drizzled during the day - probably the summer will not be very warm...

13.05.15 Jacob the Apostle- The most complex omen falls on this day: “A clear sunrise or a warm evening and a starry night - for a stormy and warm summer, a harvest.” - On this day in Moscow, the morning was clear, and the evening was warm, but gloomy - probably due to the harvest and the warm first half of summer.

27.05.15 Sidor Borage- “If it’s cold on Sidor, then the whole summer will be cold.” - On Sidor Day the weather was warm and sunny.

Weather FACTS for 2014:

07.04.14 Annunciation- “Like the Annunciation, so is the summer.” - On Annunciation Day in Moscow in the morning the sun peeked through the haze, but the day turned out to be the warmest day of the first ten days, however, the excess of the temperature norm for this day turned out to be very small - by 2.5 ° C. In the afternoon, the sky was completely covered with clouds, but the rain promised by meteorologists “appeared” only in the evening - even the asphalt was not completely wet. This weather indicates that the summer will be warm and quite dry - rains will clearly appear only in August, and even then, most likely, at the end of the month. The weather on that day does not indicate a possible repeat of the prolonged heat of 2010...

04/20/14 Easter. On this bright day, folk signs in to a greater extent They determine not the weather, but what the harvest will be like: “The sun is shining, the sky is clear - the harvest and the summer are red”, “For Holy rain - good rye”. What kind of weather the summer would be like was determined on the next day: if it was clear on the second day of Easter, then it was believed that the summer would be rainy; if it is cloudy, then the summer will be dry.
On April 20, the weather in Moscow was clear and warm all day - " harvest and summer red"

04/21/14 Rodion and Rufus -"Clear sunny day - warm summer."
- Here is the opportunity to find out which of the signs is “more reliable”: The signs of the Day of Rodion and Rufus conflict with the signs of the second day of Easter. - On April 21 in Moscow, from the morning until almost the evening it was a clear and sunny day, but in the evening clouds appeared and began to thicken... Last year, the signs of Rodion and Rufus Day correctly showed what summer would be like, so preference is given to their indications - summer it will be warm cool weather will occur only at the end of August - beginning of September.

13.05.14 Jacob the Apostle- “A clear sunrise or a warm evening and a starry night - for a thunderous and warm summer, a harvest” - In Moscow the morning was cloudy, the evening, judging by the climate norm for that day, was still warm, but the night was starry, it turns out that despite the cloudy morning, since “or”, it is a sign of a warm and stormy summer.

27.05.14 Sidor Borage- “If it’s cold on Sidor, then the whole summer will be cold.”

Actual weather. Summer 2014. Moscow.

The monthly average air temperature is 16.1°C - below normal;
minimum temperature 6.3°C - 06/18/14;
maximum 32.2°C - 06/06/14.
Precipitation for the month: 74 mm - slightly below the climate norm (95%).

The average air temperature for the month is 21.1°C - 2°C above normal);
minimum temperature 10.4°C - 07/11/14;
maximum 32.7°C - 07/30/14.
Precipitation per month: 4 mm - barely 5% of the climate norm, drought!

The monthly average temperature is 19.2°C - above normal;
minimum temperature 7.4°C - 08/31/14;
maximum 33.0°C - 02.08.14.
Precipitation per month: 84 mm - climatic norm..

Actual weather. Summer 2013. Moscow.

The monthly average temperature is 19.8°C - above normal;
minimum temperature 8.7°C - 06/06/13;
maximum 32.0°C - 06/27/13.
Precipitation for the month: 49 mm - below the climate norm by 30%.

The monthly average air temperature is 19.2°C - within normal limits (slightly higher, deviation less than 1°C);
minimum temperature 9.5°C - 07/24/13;
maximum 30.1°C - 07/04/13.
Precipitation for the month: 119 mm - above the climate norm by 40%.

The monthly average temperature is 18.3°C - above normal;
minimum temperature 7.1°C - 08/28/13;
maximum 30.2°C - 08/08/13.
Precipitation for the month: 73 mm - below the climate norm by 10%.


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Today we often encounter incorrect weather forecasts in the news and on TV. Why is this happening?

The fact is that the forecast comes from artificial satellites, and this data is processed by complex mathematical processing using computers.

But the capabilities of machines are not limitless and many factors are often simplified and overlooked in computer modeling.

And if we take into account that many important circumstances that can influence the weather forecast remain unknown today, then the accuracy and long-term validity of weather forecasts is greatly reduced.

A simple peasant who lived in the recent past, when he went to bed, was confident in his weather forecast for the next day, summer, autumn.
Anyone can successfully create their own weather forecast according to folk signs of weather by month.


January is prosinets, the turning point of winter, winter break.
January is the beginning of the year, the middle of winter.
January - Father begins the year and calls winter.
Month January - winter sir.

If January is cold, July will be hot and dry: don't expect mushrooms until autumn.
January is dry - the peasant is rich.
If it's March in January, be afraid of January in March.
In January there are many frequent and long icicles - the harvest will be good.
New Year- turn towards spring. If the New Year's sky is starry, it means harvest.
On the New Year of the Stars there will be a summer of many berries.

5 January - Fedul. On Fedula the wind brings the harvest. And if there is no wind, on the contrary, it will lead to crop failure.
January 6 - Christmas Eve, the eve of the Nativity of Christ.
Frost is coming. Severe cold promises a reliable harvest.
Snow on the ground is like manure for crops.
Jan. 7 - Nativity. There is a lot of snow at Christmas, but the grass is good and the bread is good. A lot of snow means a lot of bread.
January 8 - "Babi's porridge." If this day is clear, there will be a good millet harvest.
January 13 - Malanya. Vasilyev evening. The day arrives at a chicken pace. If at night the wind blows from the south, the year will be hot, from the west - to an abundance of milk, from the east - to an abundance of fruits. If the evening is warm and snowy, expect a warm summer with rain.
January 14 - Basil the Great. Vasiliev's day. New Year.
If there is fog, there will be a rich harvest.
There are many stars in the sky - many berries will be born.
A blizzard on Vasiliev's Day promises a rich harvest of nuts.
January 15 - Sylvester, Seliverst day. The weather on this day determines what February will be like.
January 16 - Malachi.
The weather on this day is used to judge what the weather will be like in March.
January 17 - Feoktist. On this day the weather in April is judged.
January 18 - Epiphany evening, Epiphany Eve.
Beginning of the post. If in Epiphany night the stars are bright - the harvest will be good, a lot of berries and peas are expected.
January 19 - Epiphany.
About what open sky If you pray, it will come true.
It's frosty on Epiphany, but a lot of snow will fall - bread will arrive.
January 20th - John the Baptist the Baptist.
A clear day promises a dry summer, and a cloudy day promises a rich harvest.
January 23 - Grigory is a summer indicator.
On Gregory, frost marks what kind of summer it will be: dry or rainy.
Frost on the haystacks means a damp summer.
January 24 - Fedosei is a spring tree.
Fedoseevo is warm, like early spring.
If it’s warm on this day, then wait for late autumn.
The 25th of January - Tatyana Kreschenskaya. Tatyana's Day.
If the sun shines on this day, the birds will arrive early.
Snow on Tatiana - summer It will be rainy.
If there is snowfall, there will be frequent rains in the summer.
28 January -Pavel Faveisky.
If there is wind on this day, the year will be damp.
January 29 - Peter - half fed.
It's windy on this day - expect a rainy summer.
January 30 - Anton is a winter-dweller.
Perezimnik will reassure you, warm you, and then deceive you - it will cover everything with frost.
January 31 - Afanasy the clematis, take care of your nose. Kirill.


January - father - frosts, February - snowstorms.
February blows away the winter, and March breaks it.
If February is rainy, then spring and summer can be expected to be the same, and if it is weathery, it foreshadows drought.
February is cold and dry; August is hot.

1st of February - Macarius day.
What the weather is like on this day, so will it be for the rest of the month.
If there are drops on this day, early spring will.
If there is a snowstorm on Makaria, then there will be snowstorms for a long time.
February 2 - Efimy.
If there is a blizzard on this day, blizzards will dominate the entire Maslenitsa.
The sun in Efimya means early spring.
February 4 - Timofey is a half-winter worker.
Half of winter has passed.
Severe frosts, Timofeevsky frosts, begin.
If the sun shines through on this day, spring will come early.
February 6 - Aksinya (Ksenia) - half winter, half bread.
What is the weather on Aksinya, so will spring.
If there is a snowstorm on this day, then spring will be late.
February 7 - Gregory the Theologian.
What the weather is like from morning to noon, such will be the first half of the next winter, and from noon to evening speaks of the weather in the other half of winter.
February 10 - Ephraim the Syrian.
A windy and wet year is expected for Ephraim.
The 14th of February - Tryphon.
If the sky is starry, then spring will be late and winter will last a long time.
February, 15 - Presentation of the Lord.
On this day winter meets spring.
Sretensky frosts. Sretensky thaws.
What the weather is like at Candlemas, so will spring come.
Snow blows by late spring, and if not, then by early spring.
On Candlemas there is snow and rain in spring.
The sky is white with stars - spring will be late.
February 17 - Nikolai is cold.
It was a rare year in Rus' that there was no frost on this day.
A lot of snow falls on Nikola Icy.
February 20th - Luke.
Midday wind on this day - wait for the spring harvest.
24 February - Vlasiy (knock off the horn from the winter).
Vlasyev's day came, and Vlasyev's frosts came.
The last frosts have arrived.
Vlasiy knocks down the horn from the winter.
February 27 - Kirill.
Good weather - wait for frost.
28th of February - Onisim-zimobor.


Winter begins to fight with spring.
Foggy glass in frames means warming.
Smoke spreads across the ground - wait for snowfall.
Mother spring is beautiful to everyone. Spring is red with flowers, and autumn with pies.

In the spring it wets for a day, and dries for an hour. If you miss a day in the spring, you won’t get it back in a year.
Good year visible in the spring.
If it melts early, it won’t melt for a long time.
Early spring is a sign that there will be many bad weather days in the summer.

Spring is red during the day.
He who sleeps in spring cries in winter.
Hope for spring, and stock up on firewood.
Spring is generous with its time, but stingy with its time.
March - zimobor, protalnik, dry, berezozol.
March has arrived - put on seven trousers.

Martuska will spin the turntable.
And in March the frost sets on the nose.
Sometimes even March boasts of frost.
Dry March and wet May - there will be porridge and loaf.

In March, the clouds float high and fast, indicating good weather.
If the water does not flow in March, the grass does not grow in April.
Frequent fogs in March foreshadow a rainy summer.
A dry March promises fertility, a rainy March promises crop failure.

March, 6 - Timofey - in the spring.
According to Timothy, spring is judged.
Spring warmth blows and warms the elderly.
9th of March - the day of the discovery of the head of John the Baptist.
The peasants associated this day with the behavior of birds.
On the day of Finding, the bird finds a nest.
If birds build nests on the sunny side of trees and houses, it means cold summer, and back.
If snow falls on this day, then the holy week (Easter) will be cold.
March 12 - Prokop-winterweed.
Digging the road is ruining it. The water has a sharp nose - it breaks out everywhere.
March 13 - Vasily - dropper, woodcutter.
It starts dripping from the roofs, the sun noticeably warms up during the day.
March 14th - Evdokia (Avdotya) - ivy, wet the threshold, whistler, freckle, wet the hem.
What is the weather like in Evdokia, so will the summer be.
It’s nicer on Plyushchikha, it’s been nicer all summer.
Evdokia is dripping from the roofs - wait for a warm summer.
To Evdokia clear - year beautiful, cloudy - bad year.
Warm for Evdokia wind - summer wet.
March 15th - Fedot is a wind carrier.
If the sky is covered with clouds, don’t expect good haymaking.
Snow, blizzard on Fedot - there will be no grass for a long time.
There is a drift on Fedot - the cattle will go for demolition.
Fedot is evil - don’t be with the grass.
March 17 - Gerasim is a rookery.
The first spring bird, the rook, arrives.
I saw a rook - welcome spring.
If the lark flies to the warmth, the finch flies to the cold.
18th of March - Konon the gardener, Konon the farmer.
From this day on you need to start digging gardens.
Cabbage seeds are soaked for sowing in closed greenhouses.
20th of March - Vasily-dropper (for northern regions)
Spring is coming from Vasily. It drips from the roofs and touches your nose.
March 22 - Magpies. Forty martyrs. Forty forty.

Forty martyrs - forty matinees (forty more frosts to come)
What the weather is like on that day, it will be like that for forty days.
If it’s frosty on this day, then expect another forty frosts.
If it rains, expect forty rains.
On Soroki day and night are measured. The vernal equinox.
30th of March - Alexey is a man of God, Alexey is warm.
If the day is warm, then spring will be warm.
The snow will soon melt and the water will run smoothly - wait for a damp summer.
March 31 - Kirill-deri runner.
From now on, the roads deteriorate and it becomes impossible to ride a sleigh.


April-snowrunner, light up the snow, sparkle the ravines.
In April the earth crumbles. The sun is rolling down the April hill into summer.
In April, clear nights end in frost.
The first April rain is worth a cartload of gold. In April, clear nights end in frost. Blue clouds in April mean warmth and rain. At the end March - early In April, starlings arrive. April opens the springs and water.

April 1 - Daria. Dirty ice holes.
The weather on this day is used to judge what the weather will be like on October 1st.
April 4 - Vasily - sunflower, greenhouse, warm.
On Vasily, the sun is in circles - for the harvest.
If red circles are visible in the sky at sunrise on this day, then the year will be fertile.
April 6 - Zechariah and Jacob.
If the night is warm, spring will be friendly.
April 7 - Annunciation Holy Mother of God.
Annunciation is the most big celebration from God.
At the Annunciation, spring overcame winter.
As you spend the Annunciation, so will the whole year.
Wind, frost and fog on Annunciation - for a fruitful year.
It's raining on Annunciation - expect a mushroom harvest.
Annunciation without swallows is a cold spring. If the Annunciation is cold, expect forty frosts.
On Annunciation there is frost - there are oats under the bush, wait for the harvest on milk mushrooms.
On Annunciation there is a thunderstorm - for a warm summer, for a nut harvest.
April 8 -Gabriel, Vasily.
What is the weather like on Gabriel, this will be the case on October 8th.
On the day of Archangel Gabriel, remove the shafts from the sleigh.
Everything that is not ugly on this day is ugly.
April 9 - Matryona-mentor, half-turnip.
The last crust is clearing.
The lapwings are arriving.
14th of April - Mary of Egypt (light up the snow, make the ravines play, empty cabbage soup).
Marya is starting to flood. Hollow water carries away the memory of winter.
If there is a spill on Maria, expect a lot of grass.
The ice melts quickly - the year will be fruitful and good.
April 15 - Titus-Polikarpov day (icebreaker).
If the ice on rivers and lakes sinks, the year will be difficult.
April 16 - Agafya, Nikita (water field).
The rivers begin to flood.
April 17 -Joseph is a singer.
The windows are wide open - you'll shut out the warmth!
It is believed that on this day crickets wake up and cranes call.
April 18th - Fedul the windy man.
Fedul came and blew up the heat. Open the windows on Fedula.
April 19 - Eutyches.
If the day is calm, it means the spring harvest.
20 April -Akulina. Rain on Akulina - good viburnum will be born, but spring ones will be bad.
April 21 - Rodion - icebreaker, icebreaker, Rufus.
On Rodion, the icebreaker meets the sun with the month: good - a clear day and nice summer. Thin - bad weather and bad summer. Time to sow oats.
April 24 - Antip - flood, flood.
Antipas dissolved the water. The rivers open up and the flood begins.
25th of April - Vasily Pariysky.
Vasily soars the earth. The bear comes out of the den.
April 28-Pud.
On Holy Pud, get the bees out of hiding.
Whoever has honey and butter has a holiday.
April 29 - Irina (Arina) is a seedling, digging up the banks, snatching up the snow.
Around April 29, the grandfather in rivers and lakes, as a rule, begins to melt near the shores, hence the Irinya level of the banks.
From Irina, this cabbage is used for seedlings.
April 30 - Zosima is a beekeeper.
On this day, bees are taken to apiaries.


May-herbal, herbal. May has arrived - paradise under the bush. May decorates the forests, summer awaits visitors. Rain in May raises bread. If it rains in May, there will be rye.
How many rains there are in May, the harvest will take so long.

1st of May - Kuzma.
According to peasant custom, carrots and beets were sown on this day. To improve the germination of seeds, they were moistened with river water for three days.
5 May - Luke.
On this day, onions and garlic are planted.
the 6th of May - St. George the Victorious, St. George's Day, St. George's Day.
On this day, field work begins.
If on St. George’s Day a birch leaf is the size of a coin, then you can start planting seedlings in the ground.
On this day, they begin to plant tomato seedlings in the greenhouse.
May 7 - Evsey (oat oats)
If there is dirt on the road, then oats are the prince.
May 8 - Mark.
Flocks of songbirds arrive.
May 10 - Semyon is an early tiller.
They begin to plow the land. If thunder rumbles, it's time to plow. The forest begins to dress with leaves.
May 11 - Maxim and Jason.
The beginning of the collection of birch sap.
If the wind is warm, then it brings health.
If the night is warm and starry, it means harvest.
may 13 - Jacob the Apostle.
If the evening is warm, it means a good harvest.
May 14 - Eremey is a harnesser.
Preparations for sowing are underway.
The leaf is full, so the sowing is full.
This bread - don't sleep.
A bad day on Eremey speaks of a cold winter.
They didn’t lend money, seeds, or food to Eremey; they were afraid of crop failure.
May 15 - Boris and Gleb. This bread.
On this day, songbirds begin to sing.
Boris and Gleb sow grain.
16th of May - Mavra is a thrush, green cabbage soup. Timofey.
The nightingales sang in front of Mavra - spring has come in peace.
Cabbage soup is made from nettle, sorrel, and quinoa.
The bird cherry tree is starting to bloom, and the cold weather is coming soon.
May 18 - Irina (Arina) is a seedling.
On this day, the grass in the fields is burned.
Cabbage seedlings are planted in the garden. Only women planted vegetables; it was believed that vegetables would not bear fruit. If they are imprisoned by men.
Cucumbers began to be planted in warm regions of Russia.
May 19 - Job is a borage and pea plant. Job dissolved the dew.
It’s a clear, beautiful day - get ready for the cucumber harvest.
Abundant dew - for the harvest of cucumbers.
They plant peas and turnips.
May 21st - John the Theologian. Ivan is a wheat farmer.
If the bird cherry blossoms, sow the wheat.
Rain on this day means a mushroom harvest.
22nd of May - Nikola is spring, Nikola is spring.
If it rains, there will be bread and rye.
They begin to plant potatoes.
The alder has bloomed; they are sowing buckwheat and spring crops.
We didn’t swim before Nikola.
May 24 - Mokiy (Mokey) Wet.
The weather for the whole summer is judged on this day.
It's damp in Mokea - expect a damp summer.
If the sunrise is crimson, there will be a terrible and fiery summer.
May 25 - Epifan.
Red dawn on Epiphany - for a hot, fiery summer.
26 of May - Lukerya the mosquito
Mosquitoes appear from Lukerya.
If there are a lot of mosquitoes, prepare a basket for the berries; if there are a lot of midges, prepare a box for the mushrooms. If there are few mosquitoes, there will be few oats and herbs.
May 27 - Sidor borage.
You can plant cucumbers on Sidor.
If the day is clear, there is a rich harvest of cucumbers; if the morning is cold and cloudy, the cucumbers sown on that day will not be good.
They begin to sow flax on Sidor.
Swifts and swallows arrive and bring warmth.
Early swallows - for a happy year.
If swallows fly high, it means warmth.
May 28 - Pakhom- bokogray.
If it’s warm in Pahoma, the summer will be warm.
From this day on, summer weather sets in.
Late oats, wheat and barley are sown.
May 29 - Fedor-zhitnik.
They certainly sown crops on Fyodor.
May 31 - Fedot is an oatmeal. Seven maidens.
Look at Fedot on the top of the oak tree with the edge, you will measure the oats with a tub.


June is a hoard, grain growth. If the nights are warm in June, you can expect an abundance of fruit.

June 1st - Ivan is long.
If the first two days June is coming rain - the whole month will be dry.
Crows sit with their beaks in one direction - towards the strong wind.
On this day, cucumbers continue to be sown.
2 June - Falale is a borage plant.
Average sowing of cucumbers.
There are a lot of cones on the fir trees - there will be a lot of cucumbers.
Many gadflies have appeared - for the cucumber harvest.
June 3 - Konstantin and Olena the Lenoseyka.
They sift out the grain and begin to sow flax and hemp.
If it's stormy on Olena weather - autumn it will be rainy.
If the rowan tree has bloomed, cucumbers and tomatoes are planted in the ground.
June 4 - Basilisk.
On this day, no sowing was done to prevent the fields from becoming overgrown with cornflowers.
June 5 - Leonty is a borage planter.
On this day, the last cucumbers are planted.
June 7 - The day of Ivan. Feropont.
Heavy dew begins, heavy dew means a bad harvest.
The rowan blossomed late - for the long autumn.
On Midsummer's Day, cabbage is planted.
the 9th of June - Fedora. They don’t sweep dirty linen about Fedora in public. June 10th - Nikita is a goose keeper.
If the day is calm and quiet, a good harvest is expected.
June 11 - Feodosya is a grate.
The rye is earing - you will find a lot of mushrooms.
If peonies have blossomed, viburnum and iris have bloomed, pumpkin plants are planted, and late cabbage is planted.
12 June - Isaac is a serpentine.
On this day beans are planted.
Snake weddings begin.
June 13 - Eremey - the unharnesser.
The sowing ends. All crops must be completed.
June 14 - Ustin is the end of the flight, the beginning of summer.
It's raining on Ustina - expect hemp and flax harvest.
June 16 - Lukyan is a windy man.
There's a thunderstorm in Lukyan - hay harvesting will be bad.
If it rains all day, there will be a lot of mushrooms.
June 17 - Mitrofan.
Buckwheat was sown on this day.
June 18 - Dorofei.
If the weather is warm and clear, the grain will be large.
The shortest nights begin - the passerine nights.
It is believed that weeds weeded out on this day will no longer germinate.
June 19 - Hilarion.
Weed control begins. Hilarion came - the weeds are out.
Pigeons coo, signifying good weather.
Mosquitoes and midges fly in groups or swarms - the next day the weather will be good.
June 20 - Fedot.
If it rains on this day, the ear will be thin.
21st of June - Feodor Stratelates.
Stratelate is rich in thunderstorms.
During a thunderstorm, thunderclaps can be heard - expect inclement weather for a long time.
The thunderstorm on this day indicates bad cleaning hay
From Fedor the day they remove manure for couples.
22nd of June - Kirill.
On Kirill, the sun gives all its strength to the earth.
Summer solstice day.
The strawberries begin to sing.
June 25 - Peter-turn, skit.
The sun turns to winter, and summer to heat.
The month goes into profit.
The final plantings of cabbage and cucumbers are being carried out.
Heavy dew falls.
They sow radishes.
June 26 - Buckwheat shark, hold up your tails.
The beginning of summer and the appearance of gadflies.
Buckwheat mowing begins.
Whoever plants cucumbers on this day should not expect good cucumbers.
27th of June -Elisha.
Rain on this day promises seven weeks of rain.
June 29 - Tikhon.
The sun shortens its run and moves more quietly.
On Tikhon the songbirds become quiet.
The late sowing of spring grain is coming to an end.
The gardens are blooming.
30 June - Manuel.
On Manuel the sun hides, lingers at its zenith.
All vegetation begins to grow.
Frequent lightning spells promise a good harvest.
Rain on this day indicates a snowy winter.


July is the peak of summer, the month of berries. Haymaking begins. Black currants, cherries and bird cherry are ripening.
In July, clouds stretch across the sky in stripes - there will be rain.
In the morning, fog spreads across the water - good weather.

July 2 - Zosima.
Zosima - bees store honey.
If the bees quickly fly into the hives, it will soon rain.
Before a drought, bees get angry and sting more often.
They sit on the walls of the hives - to the heat.
3 July - Methodius. Spider day.
It will rain on Methodius for forty days.
If fog spreads across the water, it means good weather.
The frogs croaked, indicating rain.
Ants hide in a heap - to strong wind, rain, thunderstorms.
July 6 - Agrafena is a swimsuit.
Start of swimming in rivers. They heated the baths and took a steam bath.
They sow turnips.
Brooms are prepared for the whole year.
Herbs and roots are collected for medicinal purposes.
July 7 - Ivan Kupala.
A starry night means a mushroom harvest.
Abundant dew means a harvest of cucumbers.
The mowing begins.
The flowers smell strong - it's raining.
July 8 - Peter and Fevronya.
Forty days of heat are expected from this day.
July 9 - David is a strawberry grower.
The strawberries are ripening. Bees store honey.
July 10 - Samson is a haymaker.
It almost always rains this year.
If it rains on Samson, it will be wet all summer.
July, 12 - Peter's Day. Peter and Pavel.
The day decreases and the heat increases. Summer is in full swing. Herbs in juice.
If it rains on Peter's day, the harvest is not bad, two rain is good, three rains - rich.
the 14 th of July - Kuzma and Demyan came and went to mow.
In the garden, the beds are watered and the root vegetables are pulled out.
Haymaking continues.
July 17th -Andrey- pours.
They reached Andrei's winter in bulk.
Grain in a spikelet - don’t wallow in the cold.
July 19 - Eremey.
Every Jeremiah understands to himself: when to sow, when to reap, when to gather into stacks.
July 20 - Avdotya is a hay fever.
At night there is no fog and dew - inclement weather.
It's rainy season, and the hay spoils, so you have to rake it into heaps.
July 21 - Appearance of the Kazan Icon Mother of God. Procopius.
They begin to collect hay into piles.
The intense heat begins.
The blueberries are ripe, the blueberries are ripe, and the rye is ripe.
July 24 - Efimya the housekeeper.
It's a stormy time.
If there is thunder, there will be a good catch of fish.
Muffled thunder means quiet rain, loud thunder means heavy rain.
July 25 - Proclus the Great Dew.
Before Proclus, they tried to dry the hay, as heavy dew began to occur.
In the morning, heavy dew and fog mean good weather.
At night there is no fog and dew - bad weather.
Proklov dews were considered healing, they were collected by healers.
26 July - Gabriel.
Clear weather promises a good autumn.
July 28th - Kirik and Julitta.
It usually rains on this day.
July 29 - Afinogen.
The birds fall silent and the nights get colder.
Rain on this day promises rotting of the hay.


August - lively, pickled, thick-eater. It's time to harvest. Apples, tomatoes, gooseberries, cherries, and plums are ripening.

August 1 - Macrida.
What kind of autumn will be judged by this day: Makrida is wet - autumn is rainy, dry on Makrida - autumn is dry.
If it rains on this day, there will be no nuts.
The fluff has flown from the aspen tree - go get the boletus.
August 2 - Ilyin’s day.
Ilya's summer is ending. Peter and Paul shortened the day by an hour, and Elijah the prophet dragged away two hours.
From this day on, cold nights begin and the water cools down.
Swimming is prohibited.
Before lunch it’s summer, after it’s autumn.
Rain on this day portends bountiful harvest next year.
There is no rain on Ilya - there are many fires.
August 4 - Mary Magdalene. Berry.
As a rule, there should be thunder on this day.
If there is a thunderstorm, there will be hay behind your eyes.
On Mary, flower bulbs are taken out of the ground.
5th of August - Trofim is an insomniac. It's time intensified work, suffering. Viburnum and raspberries are collected.
If you sleep for a long time, you will wake up with debts.
August 6 - Boris and Gleb. Boris and Gleb - the bread is ripe.
On this day they tried not to work, fearing lightning and fire.
August 7 - Anna is a cold person. Anna was used to judge winter.
What is the weather like before lunch is the winter before December, what is the weather after lunch is the winter after December.
Ants expand their anthills for the cold winter.
August 9 - Nikola is a cabbage. Panteleimon Paliy.
Cabbage forks curl into heads of cabbage.
11th August - Kalinnik. Kalinov day.
If it’s foggy on this day, save your braids for oats and barley.
12th of August - Strength and Siluyan.
If at this time the days are cloudy and cool, then there is no fear of rain, and work can continue without stopping; when it’s stuffy and oppressive and the insects are especially angry, then it will rain.
August 13 - Evdokim. Preparation before the Assumption Fast.
August 14 - Spas the first (honey). Farewell to summer.
There is a lot of things at this time: vegetables, bread, fruits, berries.
You are allowed to try honey for the first time.
Cold dew begins.
Swallows fly away to warmer climes.
The raspberries are ripening.
Rain on this day promises few fires.
August 15 - Stepan - hayloft.
As is Stepan, so is September.
They begin to mow the remnant (second hay).
August 16 - Anton is a whirlwind. Isaac the raspberry grower.
According to Isaac and October.
If there is wind with whirlwinds, it means a snowy winter.
Coming full swing picking raspberries.
August 17 - Avdotya - hay fever, robin borage.
If it rains, all the hay will rot.
What is the weather on Avdotya, so is November.
Picking cucumbers.
August 18 - Evstignei is a granary.
Reap with one hand, this with the other.
As Evstigney is, so is December.
Remove the onions.
Onions woven into braids are hung in the house for this purpose. To clear the air.
August 19 - Transfiguration of the Lord. Second Spas, apple.
They try apples. On this day they see off the sunset in the field with songs. Meeting autumn. On the second day, apples and honey are blessed.
As is the second Savior, so is January.
The cranes begin to fly away.
From the second Savior, sow winter crops.
August 20 - Pimeny, Marina.
As are Marinas, so is January.
If storks are preparing to migrate, autumn will be cold.
August 21 - Miron is a carminative.
Strong winds begin on this day.
As are the Mirons, so is January.
Early frost at the end of summer - for next year's harvest.
August 23 - Lavrenty.
If it is hot or raining, then it will be like this all autumn.
August 27 - Micah - quiet.
Winds blow on Micah - towards dry autumn.
The leaves are starting to fall.
August 28 - Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary.
Dormition is the end of the harvest.
August 29 - Third Spas (Nut). End of the Assumption Fast.
By this day the nuts are ripe.
Farewell to summer, end of harvest.
August 31 - Flor (Frol) and Laurel-horses. Horse holiday.
Flor and Laver - finish sowing the rye.
Pickle cucumbers. Autumn matinees begin.
From 14 to 21 August - old Indian summer.


September is gloomy, howler, howler.
September is cold, but full. Thunder in September foreshadows a warm autumn.
The web spreads over the plants - for warmth.
A lot of acorns - for a fierce winter.

September 1 - Andrey-Stratilat. Fekla is a beetroot grower.
Indian summer. On this day oats are harvested.
Begin harvesting beets.
September 3 - Fadey.
If this day is clear, then the weather will be good for another four weeks.
4 September - Agathon is a humanist.
Mushroom picking.
A large harvest of mushrooms portends a long winter.
September 5 - Luppa - lingonberry.
If the lingonberries are ripe, then the oats are ripe.
The first frosts begin.
If the cranes flew south on this day, then winter will come early.
September 7 - Titus and Bartholomew.
Bartholomew came to this ashes.
Titus grows the last mushroom.
8 September - Natalya - fescue.
Oat harvesting is coming to an end.
They collect rowan and viburnum.
A rich harvest of rowan - to frost.
11 September - Ivan the Lenten is the godfather of autumn.
They begin to harvest turnips.
If for Ivan Kupala they collected herbs, then for Ivan Lenten they collected roots.
September 13 - Kupriyan.
Harvesting of carrots, beets, except turnips begins.
Digging potatoes.
September 14 - Simeon the Stylite. Marfa.
The old Indian summer has arrived. Happy day.
A warm day on Simeon promises warm weather.
Indian summer is stormy; autumn is dry.
First day Indian summer clear and warm - the whole autumn will be warm.
September 15th - Fedot and Rufina.
Don't drive the cattle out in the morning - you'll get into trouble.
September 17 - Lukov day. Icons of the Mother of God “The Burning Bush”
On this day they begin to harvest onions from the beds.
This day was especially revered by the people, for the icon of the Mother of God protected the house from fire, and they prayed to it from fire in the soul.
September 19 - Mikhail.
The Mikhailovsky frosts are beginning. Cold weather. The day is shortened by as much as 5 hours.
Don't work for Mikhail - God will punish you.
September 20 - Luke.
If the weather is good on this day, then autumn will be good.
September 21 - Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary. Autumn. Ospozhniki.
As on the day of the spring equinox, on this day the fire in the huts was renewed - the old one was extinguished and a new one was lit. From the Nativity of the Virgin Mary - onion week, women harvest onions.
If the weather is good, then autumn will be beautiful.
23 September - Peter and Pavel are mountain ash growers.
If there are a lot of rowan trees in the forest, it means a rainy autumn.
A lot of berries on a mountain ash - for a severe winter.
September 24 - Fedora- obdera.
In Fedora, summer ends and autumn begins. Third meeting of autumn.
It's raining more and more often, and it's starting to get slushy.
September 25 - Artomon.
On Artamon, the snakes go into the forests and hide.
September 26 - Cornelius.
From Corniglia the root does not grow in the ground, but freezes.
All root vegetables are removed - potatoes, rutabaga, carrots, horseradish, except turnips. Wait for the Exaltation, so tear your turnips.
September 27 - Exaltation of the Holy Cross.
On this day the bear lies in its den.
From the Exaltation they began to chop cabbage.
You can’t go into the forest for Exaltation, because snakes “go into the forest.”
September 28 - Nikita-goose flight. Recut.
The geese are flying away. On this day sheep are sheared.
They begin harvesting turnips on this day.
September 30th - Faith, Hope, Love and Sofia.
All-world women's name days.
If the birch leaves turn yellow on top, then spring will be early; if from below, then spring will be late.
The leaf fall will end quickly - leading to a harsh winter.


October is winter, leaf fall, muddy, wedding.
In October there is thunder - for a snowless winter.
Frost - to dry and sunny weather, to warmth.
Good harvest - for winter.
If there are a lot of nuts, but no mushrooms, it means a snowy and harsh winter.

October 1 - Arina is a crane's age.
If the cranes fly away on this day, then expect frost on Pokrov, and if not, then there will be no frost until Artemy (2.11).
Rose hips are collected and dried.
If the weeds grow tall, there will be a lot of snow.
2 October - Zosima is the protector of bees. Trofim.
They set up hives and prepare them for winter.
October 3 - Astafy.
Note the wind on this day: north - cold, south - warm, west - damp, east - warm.
It's warm and dry on this day, and the cobwebs are flying... warm autumn, to late snow.
The 4th of October - Kondrat, Ignat.
Whatever the weather is like on this day, it will stay like this for another four weeks.
October 7th - Fekla is a zealot.
With Thekla, the days quickly shorten, the dawns become crimson.
October 8 - Sergius of Radonezh. Skit.
On Sergius they chop cabbage.
The first dry snow promises a dry summer.
If the first snow will fall When there are no leaves on the cherry tree, winter will fall.
October 9 - John the Theologian.
If snow falls on this day, then winter will come on Michaelmas Day.
October 10 - Savvaty is a beekeeper.
The bees are taken to the omshaniks for the winter.
October 13 - Grigory.
If snow falls, winter will not come soon.
Old mattresses were gutted, the straw from them was burned, and the mattresses were stuffed with new straw.
October 14 - Pokrov, first winter.
On Pokrov it is autumn before lunch, and after lunch it is winter.
If it snows on Pokrov, then it will certainly snow on Dmitri’s Day (November 8).
If there is no snow on Pokrov, there will be no snow on Christmas.
What is the weather on Pokrov, so is the winter.
17 October - Erofey.
From Erofey the cold is stronger.
The 20th of October - Sergius.
Winter begins with Sergius.
If the ground is covered with snow on Sergius, then from Matryona (November) the winter will become more severe.
October 21 - Tryphon and Pelageya.
It's getting colder.
22 of October - Yakov. Lumberjack.
Russulas grow later than everyone else until this day.
Firewood is being prepared for the Russian stove.
October 23 -Evlampius.
If the horns of the month are at midnight on Eulampia, it means that winter is coming, the snow will fall dry; if at noon, winter does not come soon, there will be mud and slush, until Kazan (November 4) autumn will not wash itself with snow, and will not dress up in a white caftan.
the 25th of October - Prov.
The stars watch the martyr Prov and use them to tell fortunes about the weather and the harvest.
Bright stars mean frost. Dull - for the thaw.
Many stars - for the pea harvest.
27th October - Paraskeva. Friday.
Paraskeva begins to crush and fray the flax.
This day is never dry.
October 30 - Hosea.
The end of the summer journey.


November - deciduous, semi-winter, breast.
November is the gate of winter.
In November there will be snow and bread will arrive.

November 4 - Day of the Kazan Icon of the Mother of God.
Winter is on the doorstep.
It always rains on the day of Our Lady of Kazan.
If the Kazan sky begins to cry, then winter will come after the rain.
November 5 - Jacob (Jacob).
November 8 - Dmitry Solunsky. Dmitrov week.
If November 8th is cold and snowy, then spring will be late and cold, and if there is a thaw, winter and spring will be warm.
On Dmitri's Day, funerals for the deceased were celebrated everywhere in Rus'.
November 9 - Zinovy. Titmouse's day.
The appearance of tits promises the onset of cold weather.
November 14 - Kuzma and Demyan. Meeting winter.
Kuzminki - meeting winter.
A snowy day promises a big flood next spring.
If on this day the leaf still remains on the tree, then next year there will be frost.
November 19 - Paul and Varlaam.
If the day is rich in snow, then the winter will be snowy.
20 November - Fedot - freeze-up.
If the road is bumpy, then the bread should be bumpy.
November 21 - Michaelmas Day.
The ground is freezing.
If there is frost on Michaelmas, there will be heavy snow, and if there is fog there will be a thaw.
Birds hide under roofs in anticipation of frost or snowstorm.
November 22 - Matryona winter.
It's starting to get cold.
Cloudy, snowy weather predicts a stormy May, frost - the oat harvest, rain - wheat.
Frost on the trees means frost, fog means thaw.
November 23 - Erast, Rodion.
Expect an icy crust from Erast.
If frost appears on the trees, expect heavy snow.
The day begins with fog - wait for the thaw.
November 25 - Ivan the Merciful.
There is snow on Ivan.
Rain or snow means a thaw before Introduction.
November 27 - Philip.
Frost is a harvest for oats.
Crows croak—the thaw.
November 28 -Gury.
Christmas post.
If there is snow on Guria, then it should remain there until the flood comes.
November 29 - Matvey .
If violent winds blow on this day, then there will be blizzards and blizzards all the way to Nikola.
November 30th - Grigory.
Clear on this day means a good winter, stormy means a bad one.


December is cold, cold, cold.
If there is frost, snowdrifts, or frozen ground in December, it means harvest.

December 1 -Plato and Roman.
Like Plato, so is winter.
If the weather changes during the day, then the weather will be changeable during the winter.
A crow walks along the road - towards warmth.
December 3 - Damn.
If it snowed on December 3, then it will rain on June 3
December 4 - Presentation of the Blessed Virgin Mary into the temple.
Introduction has come, winter has arrived.
Before the Introduction, the snow will fall and will certainly melt.
After the Introduction, snow will fall - winter will fall.
In Introduction frost - all holidays are frosty, warm - all holidays are warm.
5th of December - Prokop.
The digger came and dug up a snowdrift.
On this day, they went out to place markers along the roads so that travelers would not get lost, as blizzards and snowfalls began.
December 7 - Catherine. Sannitsa.
Sleigh rides begin.
9th December - St. George the Victorious. Egory is cold. Yuryev day.
On this day, doors are covered with felt, windows and cellars are caulked.
12 December - Paramon.
The morning is red to be clear in December.
There will be snow on Paramona until Nikolin's day.
A lot of snow means a lot of bread.
The snow is deep - the year is good.
December 17 - Great Martyr Barbara.
Varvara is paving, Savva is sharpening nails, Nikola is nailing.
Varyukha is cracking - take care of your nose and ear!
December 18 - Savva.
Smoke in a column from a stove chimney means frost, in a drag it leads to bad weather, smoke without wind hits the ground and hits snow.
December 19th - Nicholas the Wonderworker, Mikola the Winter.
Nicholas is the second intercessor after God, the patron of agriculture and cattle breeding, the owner of earthly waters, a merciful saint, an intercessor from all troubles and misfortunes.
What a day it is on winter Nikola, so it is on summer Nikola.
The first serious frosts.
Frost on Nikola - for the harvest.
December 25 - Spiridon. Turn, solstice.
On Spiridon it is light for a clear and frosty New Year, gloomy for a cloudy and warm one.
There is frost on the trees - a warm and cloudy New Year.
December 29th - Agey.
If there is severe frost, then it will stand until Epiphany.
If there is frost on the trees on this day, then Christmastide will be warm.

The beginning and end of four seasons in different countries Europe and America are counted by two methods - astronomical and calendar. In addition, there are meteorological, phenological and cultural principles for determining the beginning of the seasons of the year.

In Russia, it is customary to count according to the calendar principle, so March 1 is congratulated on the first day of spring, and March 8 is considered a spring holiday. But if you read books by American writers, you will notice phrases like “it was at the end of winter, on March 10.” The fact is that in the USA. In Canada and many European countries, it is customary to count the beginning of the seasons according to the astronomical principle.

According to astronomical principle, the beginning of the seasons occurs on the days of the solstice:

- spring(March 20 or 21);
- summer(June 20 or 21);
- autumn(September 22 or 23);
- winter(December 21 - 22).

But the solstice is different years falls on different days(the difference is 1 - 2 days). Therefore, for convenience in countries where it is used astronomical method, usually new season start from the 21st day of the corresponding month. That is why it is believed that Catholic Christmas- a holiday that occurs at the beginning of winter. However, in everyday life, many Europeans use a simpler calendar principle.

This difference in approach often surprises expats and travelers. It must be taken into account when reading national literature (however, translators usually provide explanations in footnotes in such cases).

The astronomical approach also explains the reason for the widespread start of summer holidays in Europe at a later time than in Russia. End of holidays in European countries ah often falls in mid-September, which also corresponds to the end of the main holiday season.

From a meteorological point of view, the astronomical principle for most European countries is closer to the actual beginning of the seasons than the calendar one. December, although the darkest month of the year, is usually less cold than March (this is explained by climate inertia - the earth, which has accumulated heat, releases it more slowly than it warms up). The beginning of June is usually cooler than the beginning of September (this is especially noticeable at sea).

But from the point of view of meteorologists and climatologists exact date the beginning of the seasons does not exist at all! Winter comes at a time when the average daily air temperature, having crossed 0 C, tends to decrease. Therefore, in Yakutia, for example, winter begins at the end of September, and in Krasnodar - at the beginning of January. And summer, which begins when the average daily air temperature rises from +15 C, does not come at all in some regions of Russia. For example, in Murmansk it happens only in warm years.

In different eras in different countries, the beginning of a particular season was determined according to cultural and religious traditions. In Ireland, for example, August refers to the autumn months, according to Celtic traditions. And in Rus', until the 18th century, seasons were counted in accordance with major holidays: spring came at the Annunciation (March 25) and lasted until the Nativity of John the Baptist (June 24).

Finally, there is also the phenological principle of determining the onset of a new season - according to the behavior of nature. According to this principle, spring will come when thawed patches appear in the field. And it will end when the rose hips bloom.

Summer- the warmest and most pleasant time of the year. The sun is shining brightly and warming, birds are singing, the fields are making ears. This is the time of vacation, holidays, relaxation at sea or near a river. No wonder they say: “Summer is the golden time, don’t waste a minute.” At this time of year, the days become longer and the nights become shorter. In summer, many berries and fruits ripen. With the help of folk signs of summer natural phenomena, crops, and animal behavior can determine future weather and what winter will be like.

Signs about the weather in summer

  • Rainy summer leads to snowy winter.
  • Summer is dry and hot - leading to a frosty winter with little snow.
  • Increased wind in the evening means worsening weather. If at this time its direction changes counterclockwise, there will be prolonged precipitation.
  • If high temperatures appear during the day Cumulus clouds- expect thunderstorms again at night.
  • A clear sunset is a sign of stable clear weather.
  • Evening dew is the first sign of clear weather for tomorrow.

Summer signs about nature

  • Earthworms are crawling out - expect bad weather and rain.
  • Sparrows bathe in dust or sand - it could be rain.
  • If there are few inhabitants around the anthill, it will soon rain. Life is in full swing around the anthill - no rain is expected.
  • Pigeons coo to warm sunny weather.
  • The appearance of the dung beetle - sure sign good weather.
  • Late in the evening, crickets sing loudly - good weather.
  • Mosquitoes fly in swarms - the weather will be good.
  • An abundance of berries in summer foreshadows a cold winter.
  • There are a lot of insects circling around the acacia - expect bad weather.