Everything about the month of March for children. Folk signs of March: watching the beginning of spring

Folk calendar March - agricultural folk holidays, rituals, customs, signs. They marked all labor cycles - plowing, sowing, reaping, harvesting, haymaking, threshing, hunting, Putin, etc. The folk calendar of March signs reflected the specifics of the lifestyle of the Orthodox Russian peasant, and those natural conditions where he lived. This is how folk holidays and signs appeared, generation after generation, which made up the folk calendar. The folk calendar for March may well serve as a kind of encyclopedia of peasant life with its folk holidays and everyday life.

In Russian folk calendar March is called a protalnik. Melt water - "snowflake" popular belief, healing. Other popular names for this month are also known, associated with natural phenomena: winterbor, kaplyuzhnik, dry (from the winds drying up moisture), berezol or berezozol, prolezhny - from this month spring began, the harbinger of summer. Although March itself is not spring, but the pre-spring. The morning of the year is March in the folk calendar. Breaks winter, gives a path to the new season. Peasant farms began preparing for going to the field and working in the garden.

March (protalnik). March ends winter and begins spring. In March, day and night are equal. March – the heat is unreliable, even a finger can freeze. March has arrived - put on seven trousers. Dry March and wet May provide good bread. March water has healing properties - against freckles and sunburn. Spring day feeds the year. The rook is on the mountain, and spring is just around the corner. If you see a starling, you know: spring is on the porch. February is heavy with blizzards, March with dripping rain.

We really hope that these folk holidays and signs of March will be useful and educational - after all, this is the life of our ancestors. These are the folk signs in March that our grandfathers and great-grandfathers lived by.

Signs of March. Folk signs in March.

Signs, proverbs and sayings of March.

Avdotya is red - and spring is red.
In March there is water, in April there is grass.
In March, day and night are measured and equal.
In March, you’re driving on a trough (off-road).
In March there is winter both behind and in front.
In March, the chicken will drink from the puddle (under the threshold).
In March the frost is creaky, but not stinging.
In March it blows from the south and warms the old one.
In March - April there is winter behind and in front.
Son of spring, stepson of winter.
If you see a starling, you know spring is on the porch!
The rook pecked at the winter.
The rook is on the mountain, and spring is just around the corner.
And in March the frost sets in on the nose.
Sometimes even March boasts of frost.
March - wind-carrier, watercourse, rookery.
March is a rookery, he brought the rooks.
March is a winter season, it fights winter.
March is the heir of February.
March is a march.
March ends winter, March begins spring and sows with snow and warms with sun.
March brings winter to nothing.
March sows with snow and warms with sun.
March knocks off the cow's horn.
The month of March loves to play tricks.
March is proud of its frost.
March is not spring, but the pre-spring.
March is unfaithful: sometimes he cries, sometimes he laughs.
March is ending the winter season, April is showing its way to the fly.
March will bury, August will bury (bread: bury in the ground, bury in the bin).
March will turn the hay ox's horns.
March is dry, but May is wet - there will be porridge and loaf.
March welcomes everyone with warmth.
March bought a fur coat from Mother Winter, but sold it three days later.
March to February-bokogrey is the younger brother.
March is not spring, but the pre-spring.
March, light up the snow, light up the ravines!
March frost with a hollow (not real).
The March sun will leave its mark.
Martyushka will still spin the snowstorm.
Martuska will spin the turntable. February will let in the water, March will pick up the water (about frosts).

If the ivy is nice, it will be nice all summer.
The rooks came and began to crush the winter.
There is no water in the morning, no grass in April.
Perezimok-March February-bokogrea little brother.
It's time to stock up on cold weather - when March is just around the corner.
A post is not a bridge, you can’t go around it.
March will come - and winter will cry.
Alexey came - take the shafts out of the sleigh.
March has arrived - put on seven trousers.
The Evdokeys came and gave the peasant some idea: sharpen the plow, repair the harrow.
Early in March, the stonefly begins to appear - unreliable warmth (this song is unreliable).
Water from the mountains is like fish.
Even though the roofs are dripping, the frost bites your nose.
With March flying by, spring begins.
It bakes from above, it flows from below, Alexey with warmth - all year long with goodness.
The titmouse began to sing in March - it spells the warmth of spring.
Early March has April thawed patches.
Fedot is a wind carrier, he lifts up the tail of chickens.
And if Avdotya looks at the sun, that is, askance, unfriendly, walking around in the fields of whistling?
In Siberia, from March (before plowing), wood cutting began - “the same suffering.”
At the end of March, the bears began to stretch.
In March, clouds float quickly and high - good weather.
In March, the aspen turns its bark brightly green, with fluff covering the open buds.
In March, the first egg belongs to the crow.
At the beginning of March, tits sit on the nesting grounds, sparrows select pairs for themselves (Moscow region).
In the first five-day period of March, expect the first melting of the snow, and at the beginning of the second, sap flow begins in the birches and maples.
The freckle is clear and frosty - a sign of crop shortage.
In the spring the rook arrived - in a month the snow will melt.
Gerasim Grachevnik brought the rooks.
The rook has arrived - the snow will melt in a month.
Rooks are playing - for good weather; they fly screaming, sit on their nests and fly again - the weather changes.
The rooks sat down in their nests - three weeks later they settled.
Thunder in early spring - before the cold.
Red Evdokea Day - for cucumbers and milk mushrooms.
Long icicles - for a long spring.
Evdokia the ivy flattens the snow with infusion and injects the haystacks.
If the water doesn't flow in March, the grass doesn't grow in April.
If the water does not flow in March, then in April the grass does not grow.
If during March snowstorms the snow falls on the fields unevenly, wavy, and in mounds, then garden vegetables and spring grains will be born well.
If there is water on Evdokeya, then on Egorya Veshny there will still be ice in the rivers.
If a warm wind blows on Teply Alexey on March 30, the summer will be warm and wet, if there is snow, frost and wind, the summer will be cold, and if it will rain- It will be rainy all summer.
If the first thunder strikes with a north wind, it means cold spring; in the east - to a dry and warm spring, in the west - to a wet spring, in the south - to a warm spring.
If lightning flashes in early spring, but thunder is not heard, the summer will be dry.
If the snow melts around a tree, forming circles with steep edges, spring is steep, and circles with gentle edges mean spring will be protracted (long).
If the icicle does not have a void in the middle, then the filling of the loaves is full and rich.
As soon as the hazel is decorated with earrings, the ground will no longer freeze; you can sow radishes, poppy seeds, cornflowers, and marigolds.
As are the streams, so are the floodplains (spring flood).
When the surface of the snow is rough in the spring, it means a harvest, and when it is smooth, it means a crop failure.
If the rooks fly straight to the nest, the spring will be warm and friendly.
If it’s cold on Eudokea, feed the cattle for an extra two weeks.
The bark that cracks a lot in the spring on birches and other trees predicts long, good and dry weather for the future (Voronezh province).
The cuckoo crows often and loudly in the spring - a sure indicator of approaching warmth.
The cuckoo, which crows often and loudly in the spring, portends a warm time.
The chicken in Evdokeia will get drunk, the sheep on Yegorya (May 6) will eat.
Chickens, having drunk melt water, begin to lay eggs a lot.
March water (from March snow) is healing for freckles and sunburn.
March thunder is a sign of fertility. In March, the clouds float high and fast - a sign of good weather.
A lot of May beetles in the spring - this year's millet harvest.
There are drips from the roofs on Vasily-Kapelnik.
There is snow transfer across the road to Evdokea - expect a cool spring.
At the end of March, the pike breaks the ice with its tail.
Don’t be afraid of the remains when there is nothing empty in the bins, the meat-eater is also terrible when there is no bread in the barn
Let's not let the grain go to waste, we'll harvest the life first!
If you don’t chop it before plowing, you’ll drown the winter with cheesecake.
Newbie (new month) near Evdokea with rain - summer will be wet.
The first snow in March is considered fertile, it is collected and the water from it is preserved: it is called March snow and is used for illnesses; it is also sprinkled on bushes and fruit trees so that bees will be found and swarmed (Oryol province).
According to popular belief, if it rains or snows on Evdokea, the summer will be rainy, and vice versa, a sunny day on March 14 foreshadows a good, dry summer.
The weather is clear - rye, wheat, and grass will grow.
The tit is singing, but there is wind.
There will be no wind for half a day, but it will blow in the afternoon, then the first half of summer will be good, and then the wind will cause the bread to fall off...
Look at the droplets on Vasily’s Day, and the droplets will come.
The Evdokei came to give the peasant some idea to sharpen the plow and repair the harrow.
The early arrival of rooks and larks means a warm spring.
The guys will chop some wood somewhere nearby: at least it will be useful for heating in the fall.
From Evdokea, a crow screams painfully loudly - spring is coming.
Snow water from the mountains is a rich harvest.
Thunder occurring in March is a sign of fertility.
Look at summer in Evdokea: on Evdokea, snow and rain mean a wet summer, and frost and north wind- for the cold summer.
Streams ooze separately from the snowdrifts, the snow does not burst into tears all at once and be bad food.
Dry March means fertility, rainy March means crop failure.
Those who are older and stronger go to chop wood away from the settlement for the night, that is, for three or four nights, or even a week.
I saw a rook - welcome spring.
The seagull has arrived - the ice will soon pass.
Frequent March fogs are a sign of a rainy summer.
Frequent fogs in March foreshadow a rainy summer.

Having turned the page on the calendar and seeing March 1, many are glad that winter is left behind, and only warmth, rebirth and life lie ahead. But this border month is not so simple. The month of spring, the month of the equinox, the month of the beginning of a new life, and once upon a time the year. He is two-faced and unpredictable, because one foot is still standing in the winter cold, and the other is trying to get into the spring thawed patches.

In March there is winter behind and in front.

March has arrived - put on three trousers.

No less interesting are the folk signs for the month of March, which have been collected over the centuries.

March received its modern name in honor of Mars, the god of war. The Romans named it that way, so that the fierce god would protect peaceful workers, on whose shoulders a lot of worries fell in the first month of spring. IN ancient Rus' the name came from Byzantium, and the Byzantines borrowed the idea from the Romans.

In the folk calendar, March is called thawed and water-flowing, road-breaker and whistler, winter-forest and winter-forest, winter-forest and dry, spring-forest and spring-forest, the morning of the year or the morning of spring, the first-born of spring or the tout of spring, the gardener or the break of winter, the heir of February.

March breaks winter, clears the way for spring.

The winter month of March is February’s younger brother, Evdokeia’s godson.

Berezen - March received this name from Slavic peoples. This is attributed to the fact that at the beginning of spring they began to burn birch for coal. In addition, in warm regions they begin to collect birch sap.

Sakavik is the name of the first month of spring in Belarus, which when translated into Russian sounds like a distortion, a development.

Sušec is the name given to March by the Croats. They believe that the month is dry, with virtually no precipitation.

Yarilo took the winter with a pitchfork.

March is not spring, but the pre-spring.

In March the frost is creaky, but not stinging.

Kaplyuzhnik, capital, dropper, kapeluzhnik - that’s what people call it for the first drop.

Threshold, road destroyer, watercourse - it is in March that the first thawed patches appear and the snow melts quickly.

In March, the chicken will drink from the puddle.

Whistler, whistler, wind blower - for the cold winds that make even chickens freeze.

Katysh - such a wonderful name was given for the opportunity to ride the sleigh one last time.

Winter is coming to an end, hurry up and sled to your heart's content.

March - the beginning of spring, March - the beginning of the year: folk holidays and signs

For the ancient Slavs, the whole year consisted of two halves - winter and summer.

It was in March that the awakening began, the turn of winter to summer.

That’s why spring was called Lyalya, and was depicted as a slender and young goddess, beautiful and bright.

This turning point period of the transition from winter to summer was of great importance for the ancient Slavs. It is on the spring equinox that Kolyada falls, which is always noisy and fun.

This tradition has survived to this day, but slightly modified.

Now more related to Orthodox rites, which are closely intertwined with ancient rituals and ceremonies.

In Bulgaria, on March 1, folk signs of spring were embodied in the holiday “Baba Marta”. Everyone puts on and gives martenitsa to each other. These are little things made from balls and tassels that are woven from white and red threads. According to signs, such talismans bring happiness and health to their owners.

The fact that March was the beginning of the year is also evidenced by the names of the months of the year. From Latin, September, October, November, December are translated as “seventh”, “eighth”, “ninth”, “tenth”. It is this sequence that confirms that March was first in the calculation.

Moreover, March was considered the beginning of the year not only by the Slavs, but also by the Egyptians, Persians, Jews, ancient Greeks, and Romans.

Even in biblical traditions, the Lord spoke about March:

“This month is the beginning of months for you; the first will be in the months of summer.”

In Rus', the year began in March until 1492. Later, after Ivan’s decree III beginning year was postponed to September.

And only under Peter I the year adopted the usual calculation for us and March became the 3rd month of the year.

Calendar of folk signs and traditions for March

A day in March stays and becomes in duration equal to night. Until March 17th is the turning point of winter.

March is unfaithful: sometimes he cries, sometimes he laughs.

March frosts are “hollow”, not real.

February is heavy with snowstorms, and March is heavy with rain.

According to the astronomical calendar, until March 12, the Sun is located in Aquarius, after which it moves into Pisces.

The peasants also have a lot of troubles at this time. Very soon work will begin in the field and in the garden, for which you need to carefully prepare.

In the March heat, use a plow and a harrow.

There was enough trouble around the yard too. After all, it was in March that cattle began to breed. She now needed special care.

In March, the preparation of firewood began. The woodcutter continued until plowing. Afterwards there will be no time for this work. And the autumn firewood simply did not have time to dry out before winter.

The women also tried to collect March water, since melt water was considered healing.

March water is healing.

Short-term weather forecasts for March

There are quite a few signs in March that can help predict upcoming changes. weather conditions. We watched everything, the clouds and the wind, the moon and the dawns, natural phenomena.

What the peasants were told about natural phenomena that were not so rare in March.

Thunder in early spring - before the cold.

Frequent fogs in March foretell good weather.

A thunderstorm in March, according to popular belief, foretells a cold snap any day.

The clouds were no less informative, namely the direction of their movement and the height of their location.

The clouds are floating very high and fast - the weather is good.

The clouds are moving in one direction and quickly - it will be clear and warm.

Clouds are floating against the wind - expect bad weather.

The moon, as well as the dawn, could also suggest how weather conditions will change in the near future.

The moon faces down - the day will be warm.

The horns of the moon are steep and bright - for frost.

But the crimson dawns promised windy weather. If the cloudiness decreased in the evening, cloudy weather was to be expected, and if the wind died down, frosts were to be expected.

March folk signs about the weather

Many folk signs in March talk about what spring will be like.

Long icicles - spring will be long.

A lot of birch sap means spring will be warm.

If the snow began to melt in early March, it was believed that it would disappear quickly.

If the water doesn’t flow in March, then you shouldn’t expect grass in April either.

Neither water in March nor grass in April.

But thunder with a north wind promised a cold and protracted spring.

When the east wind thunders, expect a warm and dry spring.

With a west wind, thunder promises a wet spring, and with a south wind, a warm one.

It is also worth dwelling on the signs telling about the weather in summer.

After all, it is from summer weather depends on the future harvest.

With lightning and no thunder in March, expect a dry summer without rain.

If there is a lot of fog in March, then summer will definitely be rainy.

Watch exactly how the snow melts. A wet summer promises rapid snow melting.

Snow melts quickly - leading to a wet summer.

The snow melts at midnight of ant heaps - for a long and warm summer.

The snow melts in the afternoon of ant heaps - for a short, cold summer.

Warm wind in March warm summer, but rainy. If it is warm and clear in mid-March, the summer will be sunny and hot.

By all indications early spring promises many bad weather days in the summer.

Lifting groundwater and flooding are signs of an invasion of harmful insects in the summer.

Folk signs of March for children and adults about the harvest

Peasants began to worry about the future harvest long before sowing.

It would also be a good idea to monitor the weather conditions in March in order to predict what the harvest will be like this year.

Dry and clear March - to grain fertility.

The ice lasts a long time, the water does not flow - it is a fine, fertile year.

A dry March is a fruitful year, a rainy March is a lean year.

Dry March and wet May make good bread.

To learn about the harvest, they observed snowstorms, frosts, and snow crust.

The snow falls unevenly and undulatingly on the fields - the harvest will be for garden vegetables and spring grain.

Rare frosts at the beginning of spring promise large harvests.

When the surface of the snow is rough in the spring, it means a harvest, and when it is smooth, it means a crop failure.

March will bury, August will bury (the grain is buried in the ground and then put away in the bin).

We also watched how the snow fell and melted.

If during March snowstorms the snow falls on the fields unevenly, wavy, and in mounds, then garden vegetables and spring grains will be born well.

In March there will be snowfall, then there will be a harvest for the gardener and an egg.

In March, the snow melts from the sun, then the coming summer will be fruitful.

If the snow melts from rain in March, you should expect a drought.

Exists interesting sign, associated with icicles, saying that hollow icicles promise a full filling of bread, and a rich one will be threshed. But the March thunderstorm promises a fertile year.

Weather forecast for March according to folk signs about animals and plants

Folk signs for March about the weather associated with animals and birds are quite diverse.

Titmouse songs promise several days of warm and sunny weather.

If bullfinches, cranes and great tits gather north at the same time and early, spring will be very early and very quickly.

The early arrival of rooks to old nests definitely coincides with a warm spring.

But if ducks have arrived, and they are fat and well-fed, expect a cold, long spring.

Geese fly high - there will be a lot of water, low - very little.

If there are a lot of cobwebs in the spring, the summer will be very hot.

And if mice appeared in March, the harvest this year will be poor.

The hares remain white and do not shed; spring will be protracted, with frosts.

No less interesting are the signs in March associated with plants.

If the birch tree is pubescent forward, then this year’s summer will be dry, and if the maple tree is wet.

Birch will bloom earlier than alder in March, and the summer will be dry.

Alder will get ahead of birch - summer will be wet.

When the bark of trees cracks, and many of them at the same time, the weather will soon be clear and dry.

Early dandelions predict that summer will be very short this year.

Video: signs of March

Spring has come, it's time to talk about March.

March - winter forest, birch, drip, thawed.

1.03. Yarilo, Prov, Danilo-novice. Previously, it was the first day of the new year, a holiday, non-working.

They noted: the children had to sweep the snow that had fallen at night from the path to the well, remove it from the porch - for health and happiness.

The sun rising on this day will give strength and opportunity to expectant mothers for a timely and happy birth, so they needed to look at the sun.

And at noon, those who delivered the babies collected snow and wiped their hands with it in the house. This gave the process a special purity.

2.03. Fedor the tyrant, Marimyana the kikimora.

Signs: the rampant warmth is deceptive, frost will come tomorrow, the sign intensifies if the thaw occurred after January 19 (Epiphany).

3.03. Agape Day. We got close to preparing for arable work.

A snowy day means rich bread, good grass growth is expected.

It will be a rainy summer if fog falls on Agap.

4.03. Day of Arkhip and Philemon. They baked a skullcap (loaf), dedicated to the sun, for relatives, neighbors, friends, and gave it to the very poor. Everyone was kind to Philemon.

Signs: the illness that came on this day remained for a long time.

5.03. Lev Katansky. We were in a hurry to enjoy the slides. Whoever has the longest sledding distance down the mountain will have the longest happiness.

At the forge they asked for or stealthily took hot coals and poured them on the edge of the field with prayers for good luck in arable work and a rich harvest.

Noticed: if you see a crow bathing, it means immediate warmth.

Early warmth is not always good.

6.03. Timofey-spring.

Signs: the weather in spring is the same as throughout spring. Birch and maple trees woke up from Timofey, warm winds blew.

The snow around the tree is steep - a sign of cold in spring; gentle - for a long spring.

If you meet a white hare, wait for the last snow.

7.03. Afanasiev day, Mauritius day. Arrival of rooks, swallows, starlings. If this was so, spring will come early, it will be a happy year.

Before the thaw, we had to manage to manure the fields. The first arable lump of earth was hidden in the hut.

Noticed: a blizzard day means a protracted spring; The sun is hot - the meadows promise greenery.

Loose snow is rich bread. Smooth - to low yield.

8.03. Sour girls. Day of Lazarus, Athanasius, Polycarp. The girls who had been sitting too long could bewitch the groom at this time, but they had to wait until the summer to get married. A secret bouquet for a woman - for quick and mutual love. Celebrating a holiday for a girl in the company of women means that marriage will not happen soon.

Note: fog means a stormy summer. A straw thrown into the snow fell through, the snow will melt by April.

Magpie chirping - to news or guests. Magpie on the roof of the house - you will have to prepare a house for the deceased.

Magpies hid - to the snow, cold weather.

A horse on the ground will bolt.

9.03. Midsummer - John the Baptist. Larks and storks arrive. Birdhouses were prepared.

Signs: storks and larks arrived in a timely manner - to a good harvest. And seeing them means prosperity for the year.

Snow - for a rainy Easter. Sunny on Ivan - a fine day on Easter. Bird nests on the sunny side - for a cold summer.

10.03. Day of Taras. They pray for kumoha (fever).

Noticed: the croaking of a crow means a stormy summer.

Cabbage and tomatoes planted on Taras will bear a lot of fruit.

11.03. Porfiry's Day.

Note: birds build their homes on the south side - in anticipation of inclement summers.

The early flight of birds is rich bread.

The sky in the stars - dry summer.

Melted snow will cause frost.

Strong wind means the end of frost.

There is excellent fishing on Porfiry.

It is not good to pick up a rope - there will be a suicide in the family.

12.03. Winter trench. It was time for good hunting and fishing. The sled path is not safe. Arable work begins with the appearance of snowdrops and fluffy willows.

Signs: drinking unclean water on Prokop means certain illness.

To ensure the harvest, they slaughter a rooster and put it in a bathhouse with a piece of bread until the morning.

13.03. Day of Vasily the Confessor, dropper.

Pine branch in the house - to clean air and the health of the owners. They prepared raw materials and brewed pine teas and infusions.

Rain on Kapelnik means a good summer.

Drops - for a fertile year.

Long icicles promise a long spring.

14.03. Evdokia's Day. They collected healing melt water.

They noticed: the day points to Avdotya all summer, the weather is good, and the summer is fine.

The wind direction on this day is the same as in the summer.

15.03. Agathon's Day, Fedot Vetronos. It's time for big winds and the last thaw. Grass suitable for grazing grew on Fedot.

Signs: the frost on Windcarrier could leave her without grass.

The weather on Agathon is similar to July.

Warm wind from the south - for a warm summer; northern, snowy - to cold.

Sunny afternoon - to rich bread.

Snow on Fedot is late grass.

Those born on Vetronos are congratulated with honey porridge, then they will always be faithful to their loved ones.

16.03. Day of Basilisk and Eutropius. They walked around the fields crosswise, calling on the sun to warm the earth and give it snow. And the found cross protected the arable land and crops from pests and black power.

In the evening you cannot give and take money and bread - you will have debts all year long; You can’t take out the trash so that you don’t take out your happiness.

Washing before sunrise with water with an egg and silver in it will provide youth and beauty for a year.

Signs: cheerful and loud chirping of tits - for warmth; quiet, sad sound - the cold will return.

The singing of bullfinches means warming; They gather in flocks in the snow - there will be more snow.

17.03. Gerasim the rookery. Arrival of rooks.

Signs: the birds rushed to their former nests - spring will come together, the snow and spring waters will quickly subside, sowing will be on time, in early April. The rooks land on the nest and take off again - the warmth will move away for a while, and the sitting will drag on.

18.03. Konon is a gardener, Stradnik. They dug for the Stradnik and manured the gardens, even if the day was not entirely warm, it was necessary to start to express respect to the patron

A fine day on Konon - summer is calm and warm.

Mice appeared in the field and house - a sign of crop failure.

Wine with cinnamon drunk by the spouses on Konona will strengthen their feelings.

19.03. Day of Constantine and Helena. It is necessary to trample the snow around all the wells - take away their health and prevent dirt from flowing into them.

Signs: frost on Elena will bring forty frosty matinees.

Early wagtails – fine spring.

20.03. Vasily the dropper. The bride was dried on Kapelnik.

Signs: icicles drip - hemp and flax will grow.

If it freezes overnight, it will freeze in the morning.

21.03. Vernal equinox. Willow bearer. They whipped willow for strength and lightness of the body. A willow twig was always brought into the house, even if there was no resurrection. If they don't make plans, they won't come true.

Signs: the fog brings frost to Verbonositsa.

Uneven, lumpy snow - to fertility. A lot of water around is a sign that the year will be fruitful

22.03. Day of 40 martyrs. Spring is greeted with larks baked and coated with honey.

Signs: jackdaws flew to Soroka and magpies brought prosperity.

Wind from the south means a damp summer.

23.03. Vasilisa's Day.

We noticed: there will be a chilly wind on Vasilisa - there will be a cold, hungry winter.

Fog in the morning - the snow will melt, the summer will be damp.

24.03. Day of Efim and Sophrony. Arrival of lapwings and finches. You have to blurt out some change in your pocket so that you have money at the first time you hear the cuckoo’s voice.

They noticed: the birds arrived at once - there will be bad weather.

Cranes fly low, without making a sound - they bring bad weather.

Swans from the polynya move through bodies of water - sunny days are coming.

25.03. Feofan's day. They treated the birds to hemp and flax, otherwise the omen would not come true: in the morning there is fog - flax and hemp will be born.

Low fog on Feofan - to warmth, sun; high - to bad weather.

26.03. Nikiforov day. Bears wake up, disturbed by melt water.

Signs: the geese returned to Nikifor - there will be no hunger; splashing in the water - warmth is expected.

27.03. Fedor the cattleman. They revered and tidied up livestock, and hung amulets around the cattle’s necks. They didn’t chop wood or sharpen knives. The old people did not look at Fyodor in the mirror until the morning, so as not to attract death.

Signs: frost on Skotnik - the cold will not subside yet.

Poor milk yield means bad weather.

Cows don't drink water - they're waiting for rain.

Thunder on this day means summer warmth and a bountiful harvest.

28.03. Day of Nikander. They especially revered the forest and spoke about it with respect.

Noticed: seagulls flew to the ice drift.

An itchy head means trouble.

They don’t wash their hair on Nikandr – this means separation. Seeing an angel in a dream means prosperity and longevity.

29.03. Savvin day. The sleigh was removed, the cart was taken out and prepared, and repaired for arable work.

They noted: it’s a fine day, and spring will be the same.

Fast and high clouds for warm, clear days.

The snow is melting quickly, the streams are full - for a damp summer.

30.03. Warm Alexey - water from the mountains. The sleighs were put away for the summer. When you ride a sleigh, your desires fly past you.

Signs: large streams - to a large flood, sufficient meadow and field moisture.

Warm Alexey on this day - it will be warm throughout the spring.

31.03. Kirill-deri-poloz. The melted and frozen snow on the road tore at the runners.

Note: loose, rough snow promises a bountiful harvest; smooth - to low yield.

The first month of spring is generous with signs. According to popular beliefs, at this time you can predict the weather almost a year in advance, and estimate how rich the future harvest will be, and ask your fate about your personal life - especially if you are planning to get married in March. Every day something will tell you!

What is another name for the month?

The familiar name for March was given to us by the ancient Romans, a quarrelsome and militant people who constantly got into skirmishes with their neighbors. The first month of spring, when the roads on the Apennine Peninsula were drying out and the weather was getting better, was ideal for launching the next military campaign - that is why this time, without hesitation, was dedicated to the bully Mars. True, the name of the Roman god of war reached us only centuries later, through Byzantium, slightly modified along the way, but nevertheless, over time, it managed to completely displace the names of the month previously accepted among the people from speech. And there were a lot of them:

  • berezozol;
  • Březen;
  • more spring;
  • freckle;
  • rookery;
  • Zimobor;
  • dropper or dropper;
  • Marzian;
  • summer;
  • protalnik;
  • sunny;
  • dry.

Note: among the English, not spoiled by good weather on their windswept continent, March was called the “month of storms.”

General signs of March

In Rus', March was considered the beginning of the passage - the transition season between the cold winter and the hot summer. They tried to guess from it how long the frosts would last this year; calculated best time for sowing and estimated which of the plants would give the richest seedlings.

Changeable March weather can tell a lot about the coming summer

The first thing we looked at was the weather:

  • if a warm wind blows in the middle of the month, the summer will also be warm;
  • if the snow melts quickly and smoothly, and fogs creep over the ground every now and then, expect a damp and dank summer;
  • if the anthills thaw first from the north, the summer will be long and hot, from the south - short and full of stormy days;
  • if at the beginning of spring long icicles hang from the roofs, frosts will linger for a long time;
  • if the first thunderstorm subsides in March, the year will be cold, but fruitful, and after bad weather the cold will certainly return;
  • if there is a thunderstorm without thunder, expect drought in the summer;
  • if the snowdrifts melt from the sun, the harvest will please you, but if they melt under the first spring rains, you will have to tighten your belts;
  • if during the last snowstorms the snow falls in waves, spring crops will rise well, and there will be a lot of vegetables in the gardens;
  • prophesy bountiful harvest and rare March frosts;
  • dry March means that fruit trees will produce abundantly this year;
  • if bad weather breaks out on the Sunday before Maslenitsa week, there will be mushrooms like midges;
  • if the ice stays on the river for a long time, there will be a hungry year;
  • water rising too high predicts an invasion of pests.

And in the old days they said: when you hear the first thunder in March, check where the wind is coming from. From the north? You will have to wait a long time for warmth. From the east? Soon you will be able to bask in the sun. From the west? Spring will be slushy. From the east? The coming months will be dry.

If the hares are not going to shed, then the winter will last a long time

No less attention was paid to the behavior of animals:

  • if the hare is still running white in March and does not try to shed, you can’t wait for the warm weather to come soon;
  • if the bullfinches are about to fly away early, the cold will end;
  • the tits began to sing - to the warmth;
  • the higher the geese fly, the stronger the flood will be this year;
  • if the rooks have returned to their old nests, April and May will be sunny;
  • birds prefer to build their homes on the sunny side of the trees - they will have to freeze for some time;
  • If mice show up in March, you shouldn’t count on a bountiful harvest.

When walking through a forest or park in early spring, don’t forget to look for a birch tree in the area. If she “cries” in March, you can pack your winter clothes: you will no longer need thick scarves and gloves.

Folk signs for every day of the month

  • March 1 - Danilo is a newcomer.

Danilo washed himself and hurries to wash everyone with the rain: soon, instead of snowflakes, they will be knocking on the roofs raindrops! But if it did snow that night, it was sent to sweep the youngest members of the family off the path so that they could walk healthy all year. Well, pregnant women were supposed to get up at dawn on March 1 and admire the rising sun- after this, the baby was supposed to be born strong and handsome to behold.

  • March 2 - Fedor the Tyrant and Marimyana.

What is the weather on Fedor, so will the summer. But don’t trust spring: if March 2 beckons with warmth, it will certainly be followed by frost.

  • March 3 is Agape Day.

It is believed that the small bunting bird, which gives voice to Agap, calls for spring: where its ringing trill is heard, there the sun will appear. But seeing the fog creeping over the ground is not very good. In summer you will have to get wet in the heavy rains.

  • March 4 - Fedot, Arkhip and Filimon Veshny.

High snowdrifts on this day foreshadow late and sparse greenery in April. But spring drops are a good sign: more water- more grass. And make every effort not to catch a cold today! Rumor has it that illnesses are especially sticky to Fedot.

  • March 5 - Lev Katansky.

On Leo, a crow bathes for warmth, the snow leaves with rain - for a flood, and too early and stormy spring promises trouble in the form of new frosts. Take advantage of your last chance to sled down the mountain; Whoever carries away the furthest across the snowy surface today will be the happiest in the coming year.

Entire families rode Lev Katansky
  • March 6 - Timofey Vesnovey.

Using Vesnovey they guess the weather for the next three months: the day will turn out to be fine and sunny, there is no need to fear the return of cold weather. At this time, the trees wake up, starting to drive sap to the branches, and by the circles around the trunks you can tell what spring will be like. If their edges are steep - emergency, flat - protracted.

After March 6, elderly people in villages without fear go out to the rubble and benches in front of their houses to rejoice at the beginning of spring: “The spring is blowing, keeping the old people warm.”

  • March 7 - Athanasius and Mauritius, Mauritius Day.

Bird watching is common in Mauritius. If the birds returned from warm climes in unison, good weather will soon be established. spring weather. Did swallows appear among the birds that flew home that day? The year will be happy. Is a tit whistling? Wait for the warmth. Woodpecker pounding on trees? It will be cool. Did the finch speak? Bad weather is coming. And on March 7, it wouldn’t hurt to check the crust of the snow crust: what is it like? Rough and “kostrubaya” promises an excellent harvest, smooth, caught in the frost, prophesies a shortage of crops.

  • March 8 - Polycarp.

The day, which now bears the proud name of international women's day, in the old days was called much less seriously: sour girls. It was believed that young ladies of marriageable age, who did not have time to walk with their sweetheart to the altar before Lent and therefore “soured into girls,” could today bewitch their betrothed. In addition, on Polycarp, magpies returned to the forest, leaving human settlements, and black grouse began to call their friends.

  • March 9 - John the Baptist.

Based on the weather on Midsummer's Day, the weather for Easter is predicted. Snow will fall, the bright holiday will turn out to be chilly; the sun and thaw will come - warm weather will set in on Christ's Resurrection.

  • March 10 - Taras the kumoshnik, Tarasy Bessonny.

It was up to Taras to ask the heavenly patrons for good health and vigor - so that the fever-kumoha would not become attached, and drowsiness would not knock him down in the middle of the day. And in northern regions, where only by this time the trunk holes appeared, they began to guess from them whether spring would be bold: steep edges - to the exuberant warmth, gentle ones - to the cold.

First of all, the snow melts near the tree trunks
  • March 11 - Porfiry.

On Porfiry, spring is deceptive: if the snow has begun to melt together, it will not go away soon. But the thin ice that covers the puddles serves as a sure sign of a fine summer.

  • March 12 - Prokop Perezimnik, Prokop Road Destroyer.

Winter Procopius (celebrated, by the way, on December 5) will dig the road, but Perezimny will leave no trace of it. If by this day the snow had thoroughly melted, destroying the sled tracks, and the birds managed to return to their nests, the peasants were confident that the harvest would not fail. And the snowdrops that hatched from the ground on Procopius gave the signal for the start of field work.

  • March 13 - Vasily Kapelnik.

The dropper came - winter began to cry. According to popular belief, on this day there is always a slight thaw, so strong, dry icicles are considered a bad sign, promising a chilly spring. And one more sign on March 13: if the sun is in circles in the spring, the peasant is well-fed in the fall.

  • March 14 - Evdokia Plyushchikha (Avdotya Vesnovka).

Evdokia Plyushchikha flattens the snow and soaks the threshold; If it’s nice for Evdokia, the whole summer will be nice. The melt water collected on this day was used to wash the sick so that they would recover quickly.

  • March 15 - Fedot Vetronos.

If spring came early, cattle were released to Fedot after winter to nibble the first thin blades of grass that emerged from the ground. If there was snow and a chalk blizzard lying around, they understood: the animal would have a hard time - “there will be a skid on Fedot, the cattle will go to demolition.” Also on this day they watched the wind, wondering whether it would bring warmth and moisture from the south, or dry cold from the north.

  • March 16 - Basilisk and Eutropius.

Eutropius melts the snow and blazes a path. And to make all this happen faster, the owners were recommended to go to the field and cross it from one end to the other, marking the place for the sun.

  • March 17 - Gerasim Grachevnik.

If the rooks that returned from overseas that day flew straight to the old nests and began to improve them, after 3 weeks they began sowing. But when the birds behaved fussily, every now and then breaking away from their nests, it became clear that real warmth was still far away.

With the arrival of the rooks, real spring begins
  • March 18 - Konon Ogorodnik.

Popular signs say: even if there is still snow around, the peasant is supposed to go out to the garden and at least symbolically start digging it - this promised a rich harvest of vegetables.

  • March 19 - Arkady.

If the ground freezes on Arkady in the morning, you will have to endure another 40 morning frosts before real warmth arrives. A woodpecker knocking in the forest on this day prophesies late spring, but the wagtail, on the contrary, with its early arrival marks the approach of sunny days.

  • March 20 - Pavel Kapelnik.

In the old days, water flowing abundantly from the roofs served as a promise for housewives of a good harvest of flax and hemp, and a cold snap foreshadowed new frosts. In addition, it was believed that heavy layers of snow falling off roofs on this day symbolized human sins falling heavily to the ground.

  • March 21 - Solstice, Vernal Equinox, Willow Bearer.

If the clouds are high in the sky, you can count on good weather. On this day, men began plowing, and women baked round pancakes, symbols of the Sun, and brought palm branches into the house to rid the home of hardships and illnesses.

  • March 22 is the day of 40 martyrs, Forty Forty, Larks.

The last belated birds are arriving from the south, and winter is finally saying goodbye, giving way to spring. If magpies and jackdaws return by this day, sunny weather will be firmly established; if a warm wind blows, it will bring with it rain and hope for an excellent harvest.

  • March 23 - Kondrat and Vasilisa, spring water indicator.

The thunderstorm that died down on this day makes the land fertile, the fog carries away the remnants of snow, and clouds with a bluish tint promise warm, albeit rainy days. And gloomy weather is not such a problem: “the day is hazy - flax is fibrous.” But melt water flooding the underground or cellar could become a real problem, so they prayed to Saint Vasilisa with a request to divert the spring flows away.

  • March 24 - Efim and Sophrony.

What is the day on Efim, so is the summer: warm to warm, cold to cold. If you hear the cuckoo, rattle the money in your wallet, it won’t run out all year. But if the cuckoo calls before the first leaves bloom on the trees, it will be for worse: it will be a hungry year. On this day, unpleasant harbingers of crop failure include mice that have become too prolific by the end of March, and birds that are late returning to their homeland.

It’s good when the cuckoo starts calling after the leaves appear
  • March 25 is Theophanes' Day.

Ice and fog melting in polynyas tell of a rich harvest. Moreover, it is very important to monitor whether the whitish haze rises high above the ground: the fallen haze promises sunny weather, and the swaying haze above human height brings bad weather. If the ice begins to sink, instead of slowly thinning out, expect shortages.

  • March 26 - Nikifor.

Fog - for rain, finch - for cold, lark - for warmth; what you see on this day is what will happen. If the geese have arrived and are splashing around in the water, it will be a glorious and fruitful summer.

  • March 27 - Fyodor the cattleman.

A red sun at sunrise signifies a good year, while a thunderstorm predicts a fruitful summer. It is customary for Fyodor to take care of livestock: clean, groom, and speak against damage and the evil eye.

  • March 28 - Nikandr.

If the seagulls show up, there will be no ice on the river. Sparrows call for good weather, a bright sunset occurs before heavy rains, and if the spring waters flow sluggishly on Nikifor, you won’t be able to enjoy the harvest.

  • March 29 - Savva.

Unharness the sleigh to Savva, get the cart ready for summer. The wind drives clouds across the sky high and fast - for warmth, water runs in streams - for damp weather until autumn.

  • March 30 - Alexey is warm.

It is not for nothing that the day has a second name, Alexei - water from the mountains: by how wide and fast the streams are at this time, one can judge what the flood will be like. In addition, the peasants believed that luck would be missed by a careless owner who did not remove the sleigh from the yard on time.

  • March 31 - Kirill deri poloz.

If the snow on Kirill is pliable and loose, the shoots will be friendly, but if the hard crust breaks the runner, there will be a crop failure. Yellow specks of coltsfoot flowers appeared on the slopes, and mosquitoes rang in your ear? Now the heat will definitely not go anywhere!

Wedding in March: favorable and unlucky days

In folk tradition, March was not the most popular time for weddings. Most of it - and even the entire month - regularly fell on Lent, during which no weddings or festivities took place, and parishioners devoted time to cleansing the soul. However, in good years, the most leisurely ones could find time to carve out a week or two to celebrate the birth with honor. new family. And this event had its own signs about the wedding in March.

Snow and cold are not a hindrance to love

First of all, March, as a capricious and unpredictable month, promises major changes for newlyweds: moving, changing jobs, the imminent birth of offspring. Yes and in everyday life For newly-made spouses, tender sunny days filled with love will now and then be replaced by everyday thunderstorms. However, what family can do without them? They also say that “March” brides will be forced for a long time living with the in-laws before the couple gets on their feet and can afford their own home.

On the day of registration, signs advise you to watch the weather. And not just for the sake of making the photo shoot a success! For example, snow during a March wedding prophesies prosperity for the newlyweds, the wind promises a changeable and interesting life, and if frost suddenly strikes, very soon the first-born will be born, well-behaved and strong. And only a thunderstorm during a wedding is considered an unkind sign, predicting quarrels and squabbles.

The beginning of Lent in 2019 falls on March 11 and will last until the end of April, so religious people should hurry up with the wedding ceremony. Otherwise, you will only be able to get married in May.

As for wedding ceremonies, astrologers do not highlight any significant aspects that would prevent the union of two loving hearts. The only caveat is that some numbers are more successful, and certain dates are not so favorable for marriage.

  • Favorable dates for a March wedding 2019: 1, 2, 10, 11, 13, 16, 18–20, 24, 25, 27–29.
  • Unlucky dates for a wedding in March 2019: 3–9, 12, 14, 15, 17, 21–23, 31.

Video about March signs

It was not for nothing that our ancestors watched the weather for centuries, trying to grasp the connection between natural phenomena, because the harvest, and therefore the survival of the clan, depended on it. And let today changed ecological situation calls into question many signs that the ancestors did not doubt! Most of their observations continue to serve the observant and curious faithfully to this day. Come on, let's see if we can create our own meteorological forecast for a year, using the experience of previous generations?

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Folk signs. THUNDER

  • Thunder is sharp, bright - to clear weather
  • Dull thunder - bad weather
  • If strong rumbles of thunder are heard, you need to cross the window with the Gospel three times and place it open to the east, the thunder will subside
  • Whoever makes a noise on St. George's Day (March 23) will certainly be killed by thunder
  • When you hear thunder for the first time in winter, you should wash your face with silver to get health, whiteness and beauty of your body.
  • When the first spring thunder thunders, you need to immediately run out into the street and wash yourself with rainwater with a gold ring on your finger, or grab the pocket with the money in it and say: “There’s money!” then you'll be rich
  • When you hear the first thunder, you need to kiss the ground: then you will not be afraid of thunder
  • When you hear the first thunder, you need to kiss the ground so that your lips don't crack.
  • If in the spring the first thunder catches fish under the ice, there will be a large catch of fish
  • Thunder in winter - to strong winds
  • If the first thunder is heard from the north, then the coming summer will be cold
  • If the first thunder thunders from the south, then the coming summer will be warm
  • If the first thunder thunders in the morning, then the coming summer will be neither warm nor cold, neither one nor the other.
  • If the first thunder thunders at noon and from the warm side, then the coming summer will be warm and fertile
  • If the first thunder is heard in the evening and from a cold side, then the coming summer will be warm, and autumn is cold and dangerous for winter crops
  • At the first thunder, you need to hit your head with your fist three times and say the words: “Iron head” - then your head won’t hurt all year
  • Having heard the first spring thunder, you should roll over three times, saying: “You, thunder, can thunder, but my back doesn’t hurt” - then your back won’t hurt all year
  • When you hear the first thunder in the spring, you should crawl under the cart and lift it with your lower back so that your back and lower back don’t hurt
  • At the first thunder, you need to gnaw on the first stone you come across so that your teeth don’t hurt all year
  • At the first thunder, you need to roll a large stone and rub your chest and shoulders against a birch tree or hug it so that your chest and arms don’t hurt all year long
  • When you hear the first thunder, you need to fall to the ground and, fidgeting, pretend to scream that your stomach hurts, so that your stomach actually doesn’t hurt all year
  • Horseradish stops being bitter after the first thunder
  • He who often eats rotten bread will not be afraid of thunder
  • If the first thunder occurs when the snow has not melted, then the coming summer will be cold
  • If the first thunder thunders when the ice on the rivers and lakes has not yet melted, then after a cold spring there will come a thunderous and stormy, but at the same time fruitful child, favorable for human health
  • He who is afraid of thunder should eat moldy bread at every opportunity.
  • Those killed by thunder are considered: a man - righteous, a woman - sinner
  • Thunderstorm - the wrath of God
  • During a thunderstorm, you should take shelter under a birch tree, and not under a spruce or pine tree
  • During a thunderstorm, they do not drive on the roads, but drive along the grass
  • You can’t stand on the doorstep during a thunderstorm - it’s a big sin
  • If a thunderstorm breaks out on the Annunciation, then there will be a rich harvest of nuts
  • During a thunderstorm, it is good to fumigate the house with Chernobyl, preferably blessed
  • A black dog, a black cat and a black rooster in the house save from a thunderstorm
  • He who eats moldy bread will not be afraid of thunderstorms
  • A fire from a thunderstorm needs to be doused with fresh milk from a black cow, kvass, beer, milk, eggs

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  • why thunder in September
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  • folk signs during a thunderstorm
  • why thunder in September
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  • Why does thunder roar in autumn?
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For a long time, the Slavs accumulated knowledge - various rituals, fortune telling, traditions and numerous signs. Many of them reached modern days. Everyone has the right to independently decide whether to believe in superstitions or not, but it is worth considering that according to them long time determined the weather and other important events.

Folk signs for March

In the old days people were more superstitious than modern society. It is believed that signs for March were formed thanks to the observation of people who looked for the relationship between different events.

  1. On the 2nd, people prayed to Theodore Tiron that missing people and lost things would be found.
  2. On March 4th in ancient times they prepared a loaf of bread, which was distributed to relatives and the poor. The remaining crumbs were given to the birds, throwing them behind their backs.
  3. On the 5th, people tried not to look at the sky, because it was believed that if a person saw a star falling, then an imminent illness would occur.
  4. To avoid getting sick, on the 10th you couldn’t go to bed after lunch.
  5. According to popular belief, if you bring a pine twig into the house on the 13th, you can not only cleanse the space, but also improve the health of all your relatives.
  6. To improve your financial situation, you need to ring the change in your pocket on the 23rd when the cuckoo is heard.
  7. On the 30th the sleigh was removed, and if this is not done, then a person may rush past his dream.

March 1st Judas Day - signs

In ancient times, during the pagan period, this day was dedicated to the god Yarila, who was considered the god of spring and the sun. In addition, the first of March is considered the most difficult day of the year, since Judas committed suicide. Signs for March 1st have been formed over many years.

  1. If the clouds are moving quickly across the sky, it means the weather will be good.
  2. A straw lying on the snow falls through - this is a sign that after a month the snow will melt.
  3. If the wind picks up at night, then expect heavy rainfall and rising temperatures.
  4. A well-known sign of March is that if the day is warm, it means there will still be a cold snap.
  5. The loud cawing of crows will indicate that the temperature will soon drop.
  6. It is believed that if you collect snow and melt it, it will have healing properties.
  7. Thick fog indicates that there will be frequent rain in the summer.

Signs for John the Baptist on March 9

On the ninth day of the first spring month, the Church celebrates the discovery of the relics of John the Baptist. The Slavs believed that on the ninth the storks and larks could be seen returning. If you manage to see such birds, then you can attract happiness and good luck to yourself. Various signs for the month of March have survived to this day.

  1. On this day it is forbidden to wash clothes so as not to scare away migratory birds.
  2. If there is still snow on the roofs of houses, it means there will be snow on Easter as well.
  3. Hearing the sound of a woodpecker in the forest is a sign that spring will not come soon.
  4. It is believed that if you have a headache on March 9, you need to read a prayer to John.
  5. It is forbidden to sleep during the day because you may get sick.
  6. If a bright moon with light horns appears in the sky at night, it means there will be frost in the morning.

Folk signs for Evdokia on March 14

On this day, the Slavs began field work, and the church remembers the martyr Evdokia, who repented of her sins under the influence of faith and received the gift of healing. The signs of March 14 concern not only the weather, but also various aspects of life:

  1. The first sign of spring is the awakening of the marmot and his whistle.
  2. If the rooks arrived before this day, then in the summer there will be a lot of rain and the snow will melt early.
  3. A high temperature on the thermometer on this day indicates that spring will be early.
  4. The appearance of a warm wind foreshadows a wet summer, and if it blows from the north, then a cold one.
  5. Many signs of March relate to the harvest in the coming season, so if it rained on Evdokia, then the grain harvest will be good.
  6. If you plant seedlings in pots, they will not be damaged by frost. It is recommended to sow cabbage on this day.

March 20 is the day of the vernal equinox - signs

It is believed that the equinox is a magical day, and it can have a strong influence on a person’s fate, so it is forbidden to think about bad things. You should not be sad on this day, because you can attract misfortune to yourself. There are signs for March 20 that predict the weather for the future.

  1. Since ancient times, people have believed that the weather at the spring equinox will continue for another 40 days.
  2. Warm weather on March 20 meant that frosty days could no longer be expected.
  3. It is believed that a wish made on this day will definitely come true.
  4. If a person could count thawed patches and there are 40 of them, then a happy fate awaits him.
  5. The Slavs tried to celebrate the spring equinox as cheerfully as possible in order to attract the favor of nature.

Signs for Soroki March 22

According to Orthodox church traditions, on this day the memory of the 40 Martyrs of Sebaste is honored. Signs of March indicate that the second meeting of spring is taking place and birds are arriving en masse. Traditionally, in Soroca, the Slavs bake lark-shaped buns, which are smeared with honey. The following weather signs are known for March 22:

  1. The warm weather of this day will linger for another 40 days, and if it is cold, then the mornings will be cold for the same amount of time.
  2. The loud chirping of sparrows heralds warmer temperatures.
  3. Previously, they were used to treat many diseases. medical leeches, so, if they stuck to a jar or aquarium, then this was a harbinger of a storm.
  4. If snow persists until the 22nd, then Easter week it will be cold.
  5. Arriving birds build nests on the sunny side, which means the summer will be cold.
  6. Frost promises a good millet harvest.

Wedding in March - signs

Many wedding superstitions remain, and a large number of couples observe them.

  1. It is believed that marriage in March is ideal for people who want to move away from their native places.
  2. The following signs are also popular: getting married in March means that serious changes will soon occur, which may be associated with various aspects of life. People believe that relationships between young people at first will be like a rollercoaster, that is, up and down.
  3. If it snows at the wedding, it means that the future family will be financially secure.
  4. March wedding signs say that a strong wind promises a windy life.
  5. A bad prediction is a thunderstorm that breaks out during a wedding.
  6. If the weather is changeable during the wedding, the spouses will live happily and prosperously.
  7. Frost on a March wedding day means that the first child will be a healthy and strong boy.

March folk signs about the weather

In Slavic traditions, many weather signs have been preserved that had great value for people when there were no radios or televisions. Thanks to superstitions, people determined what to expect from the near future.

  1. Signs for March 8 say that if magpies are hiding under the roof, it means it will snow heavily. If magpies chatter loudly in the yard, this is a harbinger of news or the arrival of guests.
  2. If the stars are small and difficult to see in the sky, then there will be a strong wind.
  3. Warming is predicted by a clockwise change in wind.
  4. March weather signs say that if sheep are huddled together and bleating, then expect bad weather.
  5. If chickens dig in the snow, this is a harbinger of warming.
  6. Early spring is heralded by a squirrel whose fur has acquired a bluish tint.

Thunderstorm in March - folk signs

One of the most striking weather signs that people paid attention to was a thunderstorm; they used it to predict future events.

  1. At the beginning of spring, thunder was a harbinger of the onset of cold weather.
  2. If a thunderstorm breaks out, and there are no buds on the tree and the branches are bare, this is a bad sign, foreshadowing a hungry year.
  3. There is such a sign - a thunderstorm in early March promises a cold spring with a north wind, and a dry and warm spring with an east wind. When there is a thunderstorm outside and the wind is blowing from the south, then the weather in the coming weeks will be warm, and if from the west, then you should expect rain.
  4. If at the beginning of spring lightning flashes brightly, but thunder is not heard, it means that the summer weather will be dry.
  5. People in ancient times believed that if you support a tree with your back during the first thunder, your back will not hurt for a year.

Rain in March - signs

Many superstitions are associated with this weather phenomenon, how rain and people over the years have determined a certain relationship with future events.

  1. March weather signs indicate that if the snow melts from rain, then you should prepare for drought. If you can see a lot of tadpoles in the puddles, then there will be a good harvest in the summer.
  2. March rain foretells the appearance of a large number of mushrooms.
  3. If it rains often in March, this is a bad sign indicating that the harvest will be poor.
  4. When it's raining March 13, then you can expect a wet summer, but it will be kind.

Rainbow in March - signs

In most cases, a rainbow is considered a harbinger of happiness, but only if it is full. If a person was able to see it, then good luck will help him throughout the year. A double rainbow is a harbinger of a series of happy events.

  1. Weather signs for March indicate that the first rainbow is a symbol of the fact that spring has finally come into its own.
  2. If a rainbow appears in the sky, then the weather will soon change. When it is high, then you should expect wind, and when it is low, then rain.
  3. An evening rainbow promises good weather.

Cold March is a sign

With the onset of summer, people expect warm days, but often the cold stubbornly persists. There are folk signs for the month of March that explain what cold weather may portend.

  1. If a cold wind blows, then you should expect weather conditions to change for the worse
  2. If the air temperature is low on March 22, it means it will remain for another 40 days.
  3. Weather signs in March say that if it is cold and dry, then the grain harvest will be good.
  4. If it is rare, but the temperature drops below zero, then the year will be fruitful.

On March 1, according to the calendar, spring begins, but the month is not always pleasing with warm and clear weather. Popular superstitions say that frosts, although they do occur, do not last long. The first month of spring was also called “thrower” or “rookie”, and the 21st day marks the equinox, when day is equal to night.

Signs about the weather

People have long associated the month of March with Maslenitsa and farewell to winter. There is such a sign: if just before the start Maslenitsa week On Sunday there will be bad weather, then the coming summer will delight you with a large harvest of mushrooms.

A thunderstorm on any day in March foretells a cold snap.

Long icicles on the roofs of houses indicate that spring will be long.

If there is lightning flashing, but absolutely no thunder is heard, then you should not expect a lot of rain in the summer, it will be dry.

Folk signs for March about the weather:

  • the titmouse began to sing - it will be warm and sunny for several days;
  • snow melts quickly - a wet summer;
  • a lot of sap flows from the birch - the whole spring will definitely be warm;
  • The ice holds, but the water does not flow - the year will not be happy with the harvest and weather.

If there is a lot of fog in March, then the summer will definitely be rainy, but dry and clear month foreshadows grain fertility.

Rising groundwater and flooding are signs of an invasion of harmful insects in the summer. If there is no water flowing in March, then in April the grass will not yet grow.

To learn more about the harvest of spring grains and garden vegetables for the fall, you need to take a closer look at the March snowstorms: the snow falls unevenly and wavy on the fields - the harvest will please you with its quantity. A proven sign says that a fruitful year is foreshadowed by rare frosts in the first month of spring.

In March, a warm wind blows - summer will be warm, but rainy, and when the weather is warm and clear in the middle of the month, summer will also delight with sun and warmth.

If hares do not shed for a long time in March, then spring will be cool and, possibly, with frosts.

In March, the first thunder roars and the north wind blows - spring will be cold. East wind in this situation, it foretells a dry and warm spring, the western one - wet, but the southern one - warm spring weather.

When the snow begins to melt early in March, this means that it will not completely melt soon. In addition, early spring is a sign that a large number of bad weather days await the summer.

If the snow melts at midnight from the ant heaps on the north side, the summer will be long and warm, and when at noon and on the south side, then, on the contrary, it will be short and cold.

If you believe the folk superstitions, when the snow melts from the sun in this spring month, then the coming summer will be fruitful, but from the rain you need to expect drought.

A fruitful summer foreshadows many tadpoles in puddles in March. The simultaneous and early departure of bullfinches, cranes and great tits indicates that spring will come very early and very quickly.

Signs for the month of March related to animals:

  • rooks fly to old nests - wait for a warm spring;
  • the fat ones arrived wild ducks– spring will be long and cold;
  • birds build nests on the sunny side - summer will not please you with sunny and clear weather;
  • geese fly high - there will be a lot of water, if very low - there will be little;
  • in spring there are a lot of cobwebs flying - in summer it will be very hot;
  • a lot of mice have appeared - this year’s harvest will be very poor;
  • Bees stay on cherry blossoms for a long time - the cherry will be born.

If the birch tree is pubescent forward, then this year’s summer will be dry, and if the maple tree is wet. When the birch blossoms earlier this month than the alder, the summer will definitely be dry, but when the alder is ahead of the birch, it will be wet.

Cracked bark on large quantities trees indicates that in the near future the weather will be clear and dry. But if a dandelion blooms early, then according to signs long summer don't expect it.

Short-term weather forecasts for March:

  • crimson dawns - for windy weather;
  • month with horns down - the day will be warm;
  • the horns of the moon are steep and bright - for frost;
  • the clouds are floating very high and fast - sure sign good weather;
  • clouds move in one direction and quickly - it will be warm and clear;
  • clouds are floating against the wind - expect bad weather;
  • in cloudy weather, in the evening the cloudiness decreases and the wind subsides - leading to frost.
  • March 1 is the day of Fyodor Tyrone and Mariamne. In the old days, on the first of March they prayed for the return of lost loved ones and stolen things. Folk omens promised a good harvest if a bright moon appeared in the evening, rain - a bountiful harvest of grain and flax.
  • March 2 is the day of Leo, Agapit, Vladimir the Confessor, Yaril and Ovsyanka. On this day, they inspected the equipment, prepared for sowing work, and revered the bunting bird, which was the harbinger of imminent warmth. A lot of snow on March 2 - there will be a lot of bread, a lot of water - there will be a lot of grass. The clouds are passing high and quickly - the day will be clear and without rain.
  • March 3 – Apostle Arkhip and Philemon Veshny were honored. The women spent almost the entire day in the kitchen, preparing loaves and a lot of goodies, and then did “good deeds” (treating the poor and beggars passing by the yard). Seeing a hives butterfly is a sign of great happiness. Showed up in the forest white hare- still wait for snow, a seagull flew by - the ice on the river will soon melt. The flickering moon in the haze means snow.
  • March 4 is the day of St. Leo, Bishop of Katan or Katysh. Last time rode a sleigh and baked koloboks. Whoever travels the furthest along the well-worn path will prolong his happiness. And if you get sick on this day, then get well soon There’s no point in waiting, or death will prevail. According to signs, if it's snowing, then the grass will not appear even in April, birds sit in flocks on the road - bad weather will soon occur.
  • March 5 – Timofey Vesnovey, Evstafiy, Georgy. On this day they said: “Timofey came to know the warmth at the door.” The old people got off the stoves and went outside to look at the weather. A fine day means a quick and warm spring. Thunder rumbles with a north wind - it will still be cold; with an east wind, spring will be warm and dry; with a south wind, it will be hot.
  • March 6 is Mauritius Day. The first field and garden work began. The swallows have arrived - for a happy and fruitful year. Dry and windless weather promised immediate warmth, a strong westerly wind promised prolonged dampness.
  • March 7 is the day of Polycarp and Matrona. It was considered women's day, when girls hid their wedding dresses until autumn. People used to say: “The magpie went into the forest, took to its nest, and the black grouse began to sing.” A woodpecker knocks - it will be late spring, a chaffinch sings - expect bad weather, and a tit - it will be warm.
  • March 8 is St. John's Day. They prayed for the health of children, relief from headaches, and fertility; women did not wash their clothes so as not to scare away the visiting birds. According to signs, there is snow on this day - for cold Easter and cold April, warm - and in April for that reason.
  • March 9 is the day of Saint Tarasius of Constantinople, Alexander and Mstislava. Bad omen It was believed that if you looked into a house from the street through a window, you would definitely get a fever. A door torn from its hinges - to with great sorrow in the family. Livestock gather in groups - to the cold and bad weather. The young moon has sharp horns - expect strong winds.
  • March 10 is the day of St. Porphyry of Gaza or the Later. Beliefs say: birds fly in en masse - for a harvest year. The rooks have arrived - to the imminent warmth. In the morning the puddles are covered with ice, then the summer will be warm.
  • March 11 is the day of the Digging of Perezimnik or the Road Destroyer. If the willow begins to bloom from the top or the snowdrops bloom, then you can sow. Window shutters flapping and creaking in the wind - a sign of bad weather, chickens paddling in the snow - a sign of warming.
  • March 12 is the day of Vasily Dekapolit or Kapelnik. The snow began to melt on the roofs. Pine branches were brought into the house to cleanse it and the health of the whole family; medicines (infusions, teas, rubs) were prepared from young shoots and pine needles. A dripping south wind foreshadowed a hot summer.
  • March 13 is the day of John Cassian and the Icon Mother of God. According to signs, the weather is usually warm on this day, but long icicles on the roofs indicate a protracted and cold spring.
  • March 14 – Evdokia Iliopolskaya, Svistunya or Plyushchikha. On this day, women collected melt water, as it was believed that it had healing properties. The seasonal winds began to blow and whistle. Signs of this day: sunny and the surface of the snow is rough - this is a sign that the harvest will be excellent, and the smooth surface of the snow indicates a failure of the harvest. Juniper branches straighten - for good weather.

  • March 15 – Fedot of Cyrene or Vetronos, usually marked by thaw and winds. Signs say that when there is a snow drift, wind or blizzard in the yard on this day, there will be no grass for a long time and they say: “Fedot is not the same.” The wind blew from the north - it will be a cold summer, from the south it started to rain - wet, but warm.
  • March 16 is the day of Eutropius and Basilisk. The bears are waking up. They walked around the field and prayed to the sun to melt the snow on it faster. Folk signs indicated: if the sun sets in clouds or clouds on that day, then bad weather should be expected the next.
  • March 17 – Gerasim of Jordan or Grachevnik. Rooks flew in from the south, and if they immediately set about repairing their nests, then it would be warm and they could sow; if they circled over the nests without starting work, there would still be frosts. On this day, housewives baked birds from dough and treated them to all household members and neighbors. If the Pleiades star cluster is hard to see on a cloudless night, expect warmth.
  • March 18 is the day of Konon of Isauria, the Gradar, the Faster or the Gardener. We began to dig up and fertilize the garden, soaking vegetable seeds before planting. According to signs, the weather on Konon is sunny - in summer you don’t have to be afraid of hail. The moon in a blue haze means bad weather will happen soon.
  • March 19 is the day of Theodore Tyrone and Constantine. They trampled snow around the wells or simply walked around them in circles. To make it rain sooner, moss was thrown into the well. White storks flew in, and the swallow could be delayed on its way by the cold. Crimson-red dawn - to a strong wind. The frost foreshadows another forty frosts in the morning.
  • March 20 is the day of Paul the Confessor or the Most Simple and Vasily Kapelnik. They prayed to the icon of the Mother of God and said: “Spring is like a stepmother: it will beckon you with warmth, then it will drive you away with cold.” Cold and cloudy weather at night is a sign of frost. Abundant melting of icicles means a good harvest of flax and hemp.
  • March 21 is the day of St. Theophylact of Nicomedia, Lazarus and Athanasius. Spring solstice day, larks fly in and bring warmth to the windows. They reverence the willow and bring it into the house to drive out evil spirits, quarrels and illnesses. It is prepared for medicine. According to signs, if the clouds are floating high and fast on this day, then the next few days will definitely be good weather.
  • March 22 is the day of the Forty Martyrs, who suffered in Lake Sevastia of the Forty Forty. No field work was carried out; women baked larks from dough, which children hung on poles, roofs, trees, and painted as pets. Warm weather on this day, according to signs, promised warmth for another 40 days, thunder foreshadowed a hungry year, and snow meant a good millet harvest.
  • March 23 – Kondrat and Vasilisa Veshnitsa. Retracted spring water away from the houses, roaches began to be caught. Swiftly passing blue clouds indicated warmth. The thunderstorm was a harbinger of a fruitful year. The old people said: “Vasilisa’s fogs are eating up the snow, and the cold wind is in the back - it will be difficult to survive the next winter.”
  • March 24 is the day of St. Euthymius and Sophronius. The movement of sap from the birch trees and gardening work began. According to popular belief, when you heard the voice of a cuckoo on this day, you had to “clang” coins so that they would be found all year round. The lack of cold meant that the summer would be warm and dry. The fluffy frost at night promised clear weather without snow.
  • March 25 is the day of St. Theophan of Sigrian or the Confessor, Gregory. They took the horses to the stream to drink water and prepare them for field work. To ward off the evil eye from animals, they threw silver coin or a ring. The horse shakes its head and throws it up - to inclement weather. The fogs foreshadowed a successful harvest of oats, hemp, and flax.
  • March 26 is the day of Nikephoros of Constantinople. The spring melt woke up and disturbed the bear, and we waited for the arrival of the geese. They looked closely at who arrived first: if the finches, then expect a late cold, but the return of the larks promised quick warmth. Fogs on this day are a sure sign of rainy summer weather.
  • March 27 – Benedict of Nursia and Michael. They looked after the pets, took them out into the yard, cleaned and washed them. Thunder on this day promised a wealth of fruits, vegetables and fruits, frost promised another week of cold weather. According to signs, the year will be good if the sun at sunrise is red, or burgundy flashes are visible in the sky in the morning.
  • March 28 - Alexander's Day, Agapius and the Seven Martyrs, Forest Landing. They revered the forest, said prayers and incantations to it to please it with a harvest of mushrooms, berries and medicinal herbs, and game, but they did not go into the thicket, since the wolves “played weddings” and became very aggressive. A seagull or a crane has arrived - expect warmth, and if a seagull is swimming in the water - expect cold.
  • March 29 is the day of Savina of Ermopol or the Cartmaker. We put away the sleigh and switched to summer transport. If the weather is warm in the yard, then everything spring months will be warm. If the snow melts equally on all sides on an anthill, it means a long and hot summer.
  • March 30 – Alexy's day God's man or Warm. Collected birch sap and brewed it with honey and spices, drank it with the whole family to get rid of ailments and the evil eye. They harvested birch buds, took out beehives, and when the weather was good, they began to sow oats and barley. Early flowering of coltsfoot on the hills means warm April, thunder over an ice-covered river means a good bite.
  • March 31 is the day of St. Cyril, martyrs Trophim, Demetrius, Natalia. Snow melts quickly during the day and freezes at night. Mosquitoes have begun to appear - expect warm weather soon, smoke from the fire spreads along the ground - bad weather.

March is a great month for weddings. The first spring flowers are starting to emerge from under the snow, a lot of sun and warmth create unique conditions for original photo sessions. The awakening of nature symbolizes the birth of a new family.

According to signs, a wedding in March promises the newlyweds a long married life, equally filled with both joys and sad moments. However, the bride will have to live “on the other side” (with her husband’s parents) for a long time.

It is considered a good sign if the Decembrist (Christmas or Schlumberger) blooms again in March. Its owner will receive pleasant surprises in the form of a meeting with his soulmate or a marriage proposal.

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