Is it possible to plant potatoes for Easter? Is it possible to work in the garden on Easter and Easter week? When to plant and replant after Easter

I don’t know how it is in your family, but in ours compote is one of our favorite drinks. Neither tea nor coffee can compare with it. That is why in the summer, during the canning season, I devote special attention and I cook a lot of them and a variety of them. Most of all I like compotes for the winter - assorted ones: when the jar contains not one, not two, or even three berries, but more. Then the taste turns out to be very bright, “rich”, intense...

If you want an example, please: a simple recipe for compote of cherries, gooseberries, currants and raspberries. This assorted berry compote for the winter is very easy to prepare, and don’t be confused by the sterilization in the recipe, it’s actually easier than cooking fresh berry compote for the winter using several pours. In addition, such an assortment of berry compote for the winter can be stored in any conditions, like in an apartment, at room temperature, and in the cellar.

Ingredients for 1 liter jar:

  • 150 g berries
  • 130 g sugar;
  • 750 ml water.


We sterilize the jars in advance and boil the lids. Wash the cherries, removing crushed and irregular shape. Place the cherries in a colander for 10 minutes to drain excess liquid. Wash gooseberries and blackcurrants, removing any crushed berries. Cut off the sepals and tails. We also transfer to a colander to drain excess liquid. Raspberries are very delicate; when they come into contact with water, they immediately release juice, become crushed, and lose their shape. Therefore, you don’t have to wash the berries if you just picked them from the bush and you know that they were not treated with any chemicals. If the berries are purchased, carefully place them in a colander and rinse with water.

Place the berries in prepared jars.

Cook sugar syrup. Bring the required amount of water to a boil, add sugar and cook over medium heat, stirring, until the sugar crystals are completely dissolved.

Pour boiling syrup over the berries in the jars, filling them to the very top. Cover the jars with lids.

Line the bottom of a wide pan with a napkin (so that the jars do not burst during sterilization). Place jars of compote in a saucepan and pour hot water so that it does not reach the neck of the cans a little. Over high heat, bring the water in the pan to a boil and boil (sterilize) over medium heat for 15-20 minutes.

After sterilization, carefully remove the jars and immediately roll up the lids. We immediately turn the jars upside down, keeping them in this position until they cool completely. After this, we return the jars of compote to their normal position (lids up) and hide them until winter: you can go to the cellar, you can go to the basement, or you can just leave them in the apartment - in a pantry or closet.

The editors of decided to make a small material where we collected the most popular questions from our forum regarding Easter - , what you can’t do on this day, and what you can, and in general how to do it and.


First, let's tell you what it means. The holiday, Easter, is the main event of the year for Orthodox Christians and the largest Orthodox holiday. Easter as a great day came to us from Old Testament and is associated with the custom according to which the Jews sacrificed a lamb upon the exodus from Egypt. In the Church of the New Testament, the meaning of Easter is that God in the flesh was sacrificed on the cross of Calvary for all humanity. Thus, he saved human souls from suffering.

Regarding the question of what eggs mean for Easter, we note that eggs have always been a symbol of rebirth and eternal life, and the Easter cake personifies how Christ ate bread with his disciples so that they would believe in his resurrection.

Every year, believers around the world pay tribute to the resurrection of Christ.

What can you eat on Easter after fasting? When it’s over, together with him you can be less strict with yourself. But we must remember that everything should be done in moderation so that it is correct and does not cause harm to health. As for whether you can drink alcohol on Easter, they advise not to abuse it. But you can drink a little red wine on such a wonderful occasion.

For those who are planning to spend Easter at home, we will tell you how to do it right at home. The celebration of Easter begins with the breaking of the fast, at which traditional holiday celebrants must be present.

With the onset of spring, it becomes important for every gardener to comply with planting dates for various crops. Many people rely on nature's cues, lunar calendar. Some people have questions about linking the timing of sowing to the dates of various holidays. And one of the questions that beginner gardeners are most often interested in is whether it is possible to plant a garden after?

When can you plant a garden after Easter?

Easter is one of the holidays whose date changes every year. It may also occur on different numbers April, and at the beginning of May. At the same time, for garden crops there are approximate dates when it is most favorable to plant them. So, for example:

  • starting in mid-April, early carrots, parsnips and parsley are planted;
  • at the end of April, zucchini is also planted;
  • in the first ten days of May, melons, cucumbers and pumpkins are sown;
  • It is advisable to have time to plant potatoes and beets before May 10th.

Considering that in recent years The weather is not stable; experienced summer residents, when choosing the timing for planting a vegetable garden, are guided by the tips of wildlife. These include the following folk signs:

  • When snowdrops begin to bloom (this happens in early to mid-April), it is recommended to sow seeds of cabbage, tomatoes and cucumbers in the greenhouse. This will help you get vegetables that ripen earlier than in an open garden;
  • when catkins begin to appear on the aspen, you can begin to sow carrots, parsley and parsnips;
  • From the moment the catkins appear, potatoes are planted on the birch tree. Beginning gardeners often wonder whether it is possible to plant potatoes immediately after Easter. As a rule, the moment earrings appear on a birch tree coincides with this holiday;
  • the appearance of green leaves on an oak tree signals that it is time to plant legumes;
  • the flowering of chestnuts indicates that it is time to sow corn, beets (for storage) and beans;
  • when the viburnum has bloomed, you can plant pumpkins;
  • During the blooming of the willow and the flowering of the rowan, seedlings of tomatoes, peppers and eggplants should be planted. During this period, the likelihood of frost disappears;
  • The flowering of the hazel tree indicates that the soil will no longer freeze. At this time in open ground they begin to sow cold-resistant crops, for example, radishes, sorrel, spinach;
  • Cherry blossoms will help you understand that you can sow dill, herbs, re-greens, zucchini, pumpkin, and squash.

When to plant and replant after Easter?

Considering that Easter is a major religious holiday, believers are interested in: what week after Easter should they not plant? In accordance with church canons, it is generally accepted that you cannot work for the entire next week after this holiday. This time should be devoted to prayer, going to church and turning to God.

On the other hand, everyone who is used to working on the land is familiar with the saying that one spring day feeds the whole year. Therefore, the question is more applicable to agricultural work: on what day after Easter can you plant? In this regard, the rule applies that you can start planting a vegetable garden three days after Easter.

The timing of planting garden crops varies from year to year depending on weather conditions. Spring can be early, timely or late. Therefore, it is important to correctly navigate and decide on the time of planting the garden, as this will help to get a good harvest in the future.

Holiday tips from MK

On Sunday, Orthodox Christians will celebrate one of the two largest religious holidays - Easter. The Resurrection of Christ, along with Christmas, are the brightest and most solemn days for believers. Those who regularly visit churches know that, in fact, there are constant services throughout Lent, since the church considers this time not so much intended for food restrictions, but for prayers and repentance. Particularly active church life goes on in the so-called Holy Week- the last one before Easter. But nevertheless, the service directly on the night from Saturday to Sunday is the most important and solemn.

The premises of the churches are specially prepared for this holiday. Of course, the premises are re-cleaned and cleaned. Great importance is given to how to decorate the church with flowers before Easter. In fact, this is a separate art and it also has its own canons. Unlike the Catholic and Protestant churches in Orthodox churches the floral design is not dominant; it is done in such a way as not to distract people from contemplating the icons and from what the priest is saying. Flowers are usually allowed to the left and right of the iconostasis and at the royal doors. Also, especially revered icons are decorated with flowers. Before Easter in Good Friday decorate the shroud with flowers. It is permissible to entwine it with a garland of heads of white carnations and small chrysanthemums, adding a little greenery. In some churches it is customary to entwine the shroud with a garland of 33 carnations (according to the number of years of Christ’s earthly life), while in others they use hyacinths. In any case, the flowers should be white.

Directly to the ceremony Easter service The church is being decorated more colorfully. In many churches, along with the inscription “Christ is Risen!” lined with light bulbs, this inscription is also laid out with flowers.

Believers can also bring flowers to the temple. However, there are varieties that are prohibited for decorating churches, these are - poisonous plants and those that are mentioned in conspiracies, for example, wild rosemary, henbane, dream grass, weeping grass, etc.

Easter cakes, Easter eggs and colored eggs are blessed on Saturday. On the same day, parishioners confess and receive communion. At about twelve o'clock at night the Easter Liturgy begins for the glory of Jesus Christ. It is prefaced procession. Exactly at 00:00 local time, the priest proclaims, “Christ is Risen,” and the congregation responds, “Truly He is Risen.” Those who came to the service are advised to defend it to the end.

For those who have fasted, you can break your fast after the Liturgy and Communion. It is recommended to do this with a small amount of Easter, a piece of Easter cake, or an egg. You can eat some rice or millet milk porridge. On Easter, the church allows everything to be eaten, including small quantity alcohol. Doctors strongly recommend breaking fast gradually for at least a week. You should start with liquid dairy products, then add cheeses and cottage cheese, then fish and only then meat and alcohol.

On Easter, the church encourages everyone to rejoice and have fun, because it is believed that this holiday will mark the victory of life over death. It is forbidden to be sad and yearning; on the contrary, one must receive guests, treat them (by the way, some of the Easter dishes must be left in the church after the consecration), and give gifts.

Interestingly, the church does not approve of throwing away blessed egg shells. You can burn it, for example, on a personal plot, and bury the ashes where people and animals do not walk. Or put it in the river.

Watch the video: Painting eggs: master class from Miss Russia