How long do bears live? How many years do bears live?

The bear is the largest predator on the planet today. A powerful stocky body, strong paws with claws, a plantigrade shuffling gait, small eyes, a short neck, and powerful jaws do not make one doubt that he is worth fearing.

Bears can be placed by removing and separating the small premolar tooth next to the dog teeth. Just as a tree has growth rings for each year of its life, rings appear in the cross section of a tooth. Because bears every year, there is a period of time when food shortage creates a ring. Over the years, enamel covers each ring so that when you look at a cross-section of the bear under a gun, you see a ring for each year the bear is alive.

How many years does a brown Siberian bear live?

Although we can tell the age of individual bears, determining the average lifespan of wild black bears is very difficult. Many bears die in wildlife, which are not studied or exposed to biologists. We can only report the ages of bears that we have documented over the years.

The largest species recorded in Kamchatka

She was in fact the oldest wild bear, of any species, in the world. In captivity, black bears are known to live into their 30s. Because adult black bears have no predators away from humans and other bears, they tend to live longer than most other wild animals.

Life expectancy and mortality

In Florida, a large contributor to black bear mortality is vehicle collisions. In an average year, more than 200 bears are killed on Florida roads. Natural causes deaths include drowning, cave floor, hypothermia due to flooded lairs, starvation, or infection from injury.

Two of the biggest threats are other bears and being hit by vehicles. Juveniles: Years will establish their own home range once they are separated from their mother. The years are subject high levels mortality from starvation, predation by other bears, and collisions with vehicles. About a quarter will die before they reach two years of age.

Young, independent women They usually establish a home birth near their mother. About 20% die before reaching adulthood. Underage males travel further in search of a new home. The travel required to feed and search for den sites in new, unfamiliar areas increases the risk of mortality, and approximately 46% of males will die before reaching adulthood.

What does a bear eat?

Adults: Once fully mature, black bears have no predators other than humans and other bears. The main causes of death are collisions Vehicle, hunger and poaching. After population estimates showed declines in bear numbers, bear hunting was closed throughout much of Florida. Apalachicola National Forest, Osceola National Forest, and Baker and Columbia counties maintained bear hunting seasons until a temporary review scale that includes hunting regulations and other government management activities regarding Florida polar bears.

The lifespan of bears depends on the conditions in which they exist. In the wild, the lifespan is 10 years. In zoos and menageries they can live up to 50.

A polar bear lives in the wild for 25-30 years, during which time the female can give birth several times, but not all cubs survive. The mortality rate is very high, ranging from 10 to 30%. In addition, poachers are contributing to the extinction of this species.

Black bears are one of the most common species in North America. They live in many different habitats and are not picky about what they eat. Their keen sense of smell gives them a lot of information about their environment and the food they eat. In some areas, the American black bear is considered a threatened species. In fact, they are protected in Louisiana, Texas and Mississippi. In other areas they hunt actively and are subject to the opening of “hunting seasons.”

Black bear anatomy includes a straight edge and flat shoulders. It has ears that are often pointed and a short tail. The fur color can range from black to chocolate brown with a gray combination. One of the most remarkable facts about this species is that they are excellent climbers, even when young.

The average life expectancy of a brown bear is 30 years. The Himalayan black bear can live more than 30 years in captivity, but in the wild the lifespan is slightly shorter. The baribal or black bear lives about 25 years.

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According to zoologists, most polar bears are poorly adapted to land hunting. For example, animals can pass through a nesting colony of white geese, but still not grab a single bird or destroy a single nest. Marine pinnipeds...

The black bear is very adaptable. They are quite smart and curious. But this smaller bear is very shy and generally avoids confrontation. Records of human attacks are rare. Threats: habitat loss, area fragmentation, changes environment because of global warming, poaching.

  • Size: About 4-7 feet long.
  • Child pairs are shared.
  • Baby weight: Babies are usually under one pound.
  • Vocalizations: Grunts, moaning sounds and growls.
IN winter time Children are born and live with black bears.

Polar bears live in extreme conditions. This large predator, and he needs adequate nutrition in order not only to survive in his world, but also to be able to give birth to offspring and preserve his species. What do polar bears like to eat? Polar, or...

For feeding bears in zoos, national parks and nature reserves are monitored by rangers. They provide animals with fish, meat, stems, fruits and roots of plants. In the wild, the bear obtains its own food. Omnivore menu

The average cub size is 1: a black bear weighs between half and one pound at birth. The mother spends a year and a half weaning, feeding and teaching her cubs what to eat and how to survive. At this moment they begin to live independently. The sad fact is that many cubs will not reach maturity due to hunting and attacks by predators. The mother usually mates every 2 years, but the frequency depends on food resources, age, environment, and habitat density.

Habitat, lifestyle and diet of bears

Habitat distribution information suggests Canada accounts for about 55%, the United States 40%, and Mexico 5%. Thanks to conservation efforts, their populations are growing in some areas such as California. Historical information suggests that black bears' habitat includes most of North America, including Alaska, Canada, almost all of the lower 48 United States, and Mexico. Currently, their home territory is primarily in Alaska and Canada.

The Arctic is a vast region of our planet, on whose territory, despite the harsh climate, lives a large number of unique animals - polar bears, arctic foxes, reindeer, musk oxen and many other species. Instructions 1White, or polar,…

One of the strongest and most powerful predators of living nature - the bear - has a very large range a habitat. These mammals can be found both in the Arctic and in South America. Currently, there are 3 types of bears in nature:
- white,

White Northerner

In Mexico, their territory is significantly reduced. In the continental United States they live in less than 20% of their original range. Black bears prefer to live in dense forests where there is plenty of food and they can raise their cubs. But they have adapted to many various places a habitat. They build their dens in caves, burrows, tree trunks, brush or grass nests. They collect grass and leaves to make their dens.

American black bears eat cars and are mostly vegetarian. Baby birds are also voracious eaters. On the top the food chain they are not picky about their diet. They will eat field grasses, roots, tubers, nuts, berries of all kinds, fruits and other foods.

This summer's storm has hit Siberia, with extreme heat causing severe fires that have destroyed vast areas of forest and also contributed to drought. In such a situation, the main owners of the Siberian taiga, the brown ones, were left without a home and food...

Currently, the polar bear is listed in the Red Book as a dying species. Brown bears are under threat. The largest individuals are found in Kamchatka and Alaska. The body weight of some of them reaches 1000 kg and a height of 3 m.

They also eat ants, grubs, termites, beetles and other insects. Black bears also love salmon and other types of fish and will hunt small mammals, if they are available where they live. They capture their prey sharp teeth or claws. If given the opportunity, they will attack other predators to remove their prey. In fact, the wolves are tired of the bears monitoring their hunting activities.

Black bears are shy and usually avoid people. However, you should not get too close or feed them. They can become defensive if cubs are present and can bluff attackers with fake charges. When you're hiking, it's to "announce" your presence by making noise. If you encounter a resident black bear, you are not in danger. He's trying to get more information about you and your intentions.

Habitat, lifestyle and diet of bears

In Russia, brown bears live in places where there are dense thickets of grasses, bushes and deciduous trees- in Siberia, on Far East, Kamchatka.

The best defense is to slowly move out of the area. In parks like National Park Yosemite, California, black bears are accustomed to people because they view them as a source of handouts. Information about black bear hibernation suggests that they enter a partial state of the process. Although there is a decrease in body temperature, metabolic rate and heart rate, they can awaken from sleep to protect their young or ward off attacks if necessary.

A bear's hibernation can last up to 6 or 7 months depending on their habitat and climatic conditions. They use their fat and do not eat or pass any waste. One of the most remarkable facts is that some of them do not hibernate for as long or even skip the process when food is abundant.

The diet of brown bears mainly consists of grass stems, oak acorns, berries, wheat, oats, and corn. However, the bear does not disdain smaller species of animals and insects. With one blow of his paw he can kill a wild boar, a wolf, or a fox. Being near a body of water, he is able to catch fish. When there is nothing to eat in the forest, the animal may attack an apiary or livestock. The bear goes into hibernation when it gains subcutaneous fat. But there are also connecting rods. They rarely survive until spring.

The North American black bear loves to swim. If there is water where they live, they will use it for food. Since bears love to hunt fish, they are not shy about water. In fact, their young quickly reach the water. When searching for food in their habitat, they may cross ponds, lakes and rivers to reach the best feeding grounds. They use their powerful front and back legs to move quickly through the water and are actually graceful swimmers.

At a normal pace, black bears swing slowly and casually. When they are in danger or hunting for prey, they have the ability to go into operation at speeds of up to 25-30 mph. They can only work short distances.

The brown bear chooses a place for a den under the roots of trees or in a windfall. His sleep lasts from 70 to 200 days. During this time, she loses approximately 100 kg.

How much does a bear weigh?

Black bear claws have short claws to help them climb, dig, gather plant food, and attack small mammals. They use their claws like fingers when they eat. Their front prints have an oval base with curved line. The rear tracks have a triangular indentation.

Depending on the ground surface, their claws may not be visible, making it difficult to obtain information about the species. This is especially true in soils that have a sufficient amount of sand, such as near lakes and rivers where they hunt for fish. Black bear cubs leave small imprints without indentations.

Polar bears live closer to the pole. They are excellent swimmers and calmly swim deep into the sea for prey. They feed mainly on pinnipeds - seals, sea ​​hares etc. They also hunt walrus cubs. They do not disdain carrion thrown up by the sea. They move easily on ice.

Only pregnant polar bears hibernate; other individuals, if they sleep in winter, do so much less often than in summer. The female is forced to look for a den so that the newborn babies get used to the cold climate after being in a warm environment. Pregnancy in polar bears lasts 230-250 days. Cubs are born in November-January and spend several months in a den, feeding only on mother's milk.

Lifespan of bears

The lifespan of bears depends on the conditions in which they exist. In the wild

An animal that almost everyone recognizes at first sight, familiar from childhood through fairy tales and cartoons, is the bear.

Description of the bear

He has a short and thick body, the same neck, and an elongated muzzle. The predator has small eyes and ears. Despite this, he has excellent eyesight and excellent hearing.

The paws have 5 toes with long, very powerful claws. It is not for nothing that they call it clubfoot, because the animal walks by stepping completely on its entire foot. This makes his gait seem clumsy. In fact, without being particularly graceful, bears can move quite quickly. They are very hardy, so they are able to cover long distances without rest.

All bears have a tail. It is usually very short and inconspicuous. Only the giant panda has a large tail.

Animals swim well. The polar bear has webbed feet. Thanks to this, he can stay in the water for a long time, covering distances of 30 km or more without rest.

Where does a bear live in the wild?

The animal's habitat is wide. It includes the Arctic and Antarctic, Canada and Alaska. In nature, bears can be found in Europe, Asia, and the American continent. Some representatives of predators live in Australia, on the islands of Japan, Sumatra, and Java. They live on plains and mountains, on the shores of oceans, in hot and very cold areas.

Some dig dens, others live in tree hollows, and others live in caves. All bears, except the white one, lead sedentary image life. They love solitude, although sometimes they can live in families (mother bear and cubs).

How long does a bear live?

Life expectancy is from 18 to 30 years, in captivity - up to 50.

How much does a bear weigh?

The weight of the smallest representative of the species, the koala, is from 4 kg to 18 kg, and the largest, the polar bear, is from 250 kg to 450 kg.

What does a bear eat?

The animal's diet consists of berries, nuts, and roots. They love fish, insects, frogs and shellfish. Brown bear don’t mind eating the meat of roe deer, deer, and elk. Loves honey. The Malayan bear eats bananas, and the panda eats sugar cane shoots. The smallest, marsupial bear, a koala, is a vegetarian: he feasts on eucalyptus, and makes up for the lack of protein by eating soil. This is the only representative whose menu contains neither insects nor the meat of other animals.

Bear breeding

The bear is a monogamous animal. But despite this, bear families are short-lived. Predators gather together when mating season arrives. After the female is fertilized, the family breaks up. Pregnancy lasts differently for each species. The gestation period for cubs is up to 200 days. Almost all female bears give birth to 1 to 3 cubs. Cubs are born blind, toothless, and without hair. For 2 years they feed on mother's milk. Sexual maturity is reached at 3-4 years. Only after this do they leave their mother.

Types of bears

Zoologists distinguish several types of bears. Each species has subspecies.

Baribal, the name of the American bear, is the friendliest of the family. Although, in case of danger, it can hit with its paw, but immediately run away to a safe distance. As club-footed as his relatives.

He lives in 30 US states, from the Atlantic to Pacific Ocean. It can be found in Mexico and Alaska.

The fur of the baribal is black, sometimes gray or blue-black. The height of an adult male is about 2 m, weight reaches 350 kg. The black bear is the most common species in America.

The American bear eats berries, bees and termites, and fishes. Enjoy the meat of pigs or sheep.

A bear in captivity, under human protection, can live up to 30 years. In natural conditions it lives for 12 years.

The black bear is afraid of people, although it can go out onto the highway or climb into a farm in search of food.

The black bear has several names: white-breasted, Himalayan, Ussuri. The most romantic of them: the moon bear. It was given its name because of the crescent-shaped spot on its chest: white, sometimes with a yellowish tint.

The Himalayan bear lives in the forests and hills of Iran and Afghanistan. A large population of the predator lives in the Himalayas, Korea, and Japan. On the territory of Russia - in the Khabarovsk Territory (the image can be seen on the coat of arms), Yakutia. The Himalayan bear is found in Vietnam.

Males are quite large in size: length reaches 1m 80 cm, at the withers - up to 80 cm. Weight - up to 80 kg. Females are much smaller and lighter.

The Himalayan bear is often hunted. At the same time, not only animal fur is valuable. In some countries (Laos, Vietnam, China) it is bred on special farms to collect bile, which is widely used Chinese medicine. Here the paws of the predator are eaten.

The Himalayan bear spends most of its time in trees. Here he looks for food and escapes from midges. The diet consists of nuts, berries, plant shoots, and acorns. Since the predator's body needs protein, the bear eats ants, other insects, and also frogs.

The Himalayan bear mates from June to August. Females give birth to 1 or 2 babies, weighing 400 g.

Sleeps in winter. Main enemies - Amur tiger, Brown bear.

Life expectancy is no more than 25 years.

One of the largest family of bears, its average size reaches 3 m. It weighs from 350 kg to 450 kg. The heaviest bear lived in the Berlin Zoo, weighing 760 kg. Lives in the Caucasus, in the northern part of Russia. Found in Scandinavia, the Carpathians. A small number live in Palestine, Iran, and northern Iraq. It is difficult to name the exact place where the brown bear lives. The fact is that if there is enough food somewhere, then it will not go further than 500 hectares. If there is not enough food, then the brown bear begins to wander in search of food. The animal is a forest dweller. He prefers to make a den where there are a lot of swamps, in coniferous or mixed forests. It is quite difficult to meet a brown bear, since it is awake at night.

The appearance of an animal is deceiving. He, like the rest of the family, looks awkward: a huge head, short legs, large withers. But it can easily catch up with its prey and swims well (it can swim up to 6 km without stopping). IN at a young age climbs trees very well.

The Predator is endowed with enormous strength. It will not be difficult for him to tear out the ribs or break the skull of any large animal. With a blow from his paw he can break a person's spine. Dangerous animal after hibernation when hunger drives him after prey. During this period, he is not averse to eating human flesh.

Sleeps in winter. The longest duration of sleep is about 200 days. The brown bear sleeps for so long Kola Peninsula, where winter lasts from November to April and longer. The animal prepares its den in advance: it finds a dry place, covers it with dry leaves, hay, and branches. Very rarely it can build a rookery directly on the ground.

Pregnant bears arrange their dens in such a way that there is plenty of space and ventilation. In winter, the den is covered with snow, which becomes a kind of blanket for the mother and cubs.

The animal sleeps very lightly. This dream is like numbness. He wakes up when he runs out of fat reserves.

Animals that for some reason have not gained fat do not hibernate at all, but wander through the forest, looking for food. They are called "connecting rods". These predators are the most dangerous.

Life expectancy is about 30 years, in a seine - up to 50 years.

The local population nicknamed the animal the bear-dog. Maximum length the body barely reaches 1 m 50 cm, weighs from 25 kg to 65 kg. Yellow spot on the chest it looks like rising Sun, so another name is sun bear. It is assumed that the black bear uses the light spot to intimidate enemies. During the fight, he takes a threatening pose, standing upright on his hind legs. Distinctive feature– loose skin around the neck. This allows the animal to turn its head and deliver unexpected blows with its fangs. Leopards and tigers are dangerous for biruang.

The black bear lives on the island of Java, Sumatra, on the Malay Peninsula, Borneo. Habitat: tropical subtropical forest, sometimes found in the mountains.

The sun bear is the most aggressive of the family. With sharp fangs, he chews wood to get insects out of it. In addition, it feeds on berries and earthworms. It is not carnivorous, but can eat lizards and birds. He enjoys eating bananas and coconut palm sprouts. Zoo workers know what the animal eats, but they give them peanut butter and crickets to eat.

It is not known exactly how long a black bear lives in natural conditions. In captivity, its age reaches 24 years.

The sun bear is monogamous. There is no specific period for mating; it can occur at any time of the year. Mating games last from 2 to 7 days. The female's gestation period can last from 95 to 210 days. Brings from 1 to 3 cubs, which are born blind; the weight of newborn puppies is about 300g. They grow very quickly. 2-3 months after birth, they run, play, and eat with their mother, although they suck milk until 4 months.

The animal is listed in the Red Book as an endangered species.


The gray bear lives in Alaska and northern Canada. A small amount of preserved in Montana, near Washington and Yellowstone. The bear's height is about 4m, its claws are dangerous weapon 15 cm long. There is no exact answer to how much a grizzly bear weighs. The maximum weight is about 210 kg, the smallest female weighs just over 130 kg. Like the brown bear, it can live up to 30 years. Grizzlies are considered a bloodthirsty predator, although the food that the animal eats is no different from the diet of its relatives. The gray bear prefers algae, shoots of young plants, and berries. He loves fish, honey, and does not neglect frogs and lizards. He can smell the smell of carrion 30 km away and eats it with pleasure. Hunts mainly for weak or young animals. Capable of reaching speeds of up to 60 km/h, swimming across a river with ease, while demonstrating his enormous strength. A grizzly bear fishes during the salmon spawning season. It lowers its head into the water and catches prey with its teeth or paw. Particularly dexterous animals are able to catch fish when they jump out of the water.

A grizzly bear spends the winter in a den. During the thaw, he wakes up and wanders through the forest, looking for food. Goes to bed again when the frost gets worse.

Being solitary animals communicate only in mating season. From the moment of mating to the birth of the cubs, about 250 days pass. Their mother takes care of them for 2 years.

The grizzly bear does not pose a threat to humans. He can show aggression towards him only when he senses danger.

King of the Far North and Arctic Ocean- polar bear. The largest representative of the family. Height 1.5 m, length 3 m. The male is much heavier than the female. He weighs 450 kg, Weight Limit females 250 kg. Habitat: Far North. It is found on the island of Spitsbergen, on Novaya Zemlya, in the Hudson Bay area. Sometimes, drifting on an ice floe, he ends up in Iceland.

The bear's body is elongated, thick, with a large layer of subcutaneous fat. The predator's feet are longer than those of its relatives, since it needs to walk on snow. The feet are webbed for swimming. The coat is white or with a yellowish tint, regardless of the time of year.

Looks clumsy northern Bear swims great. The speed it reaches is 45 km/h. Even in Arctic waters it can swim 80 km without a break. The undercoat serves as an air cushion for it. Has no equal in catching fish.

The polar bear has sharp eyesight and is well oriented in the vast expanses of snow. He easily determines the road he needs, and chooses the shortest distance to get to the goal he needs.

The polar bear is the largest animal in its range, so it is not afraid of anyone. A wonderful hunter. It eats everything that lives around, but a special delicacy is the eggs and chicks of Arctic birds.

For an animal, frost of 80˚C does not pose a problem. The main thing is that there is water nearby, not covered with ice.

The female hunts all year round, leaving this activity only during pregnancy. During this period, she hides in a hole made of snow, bearing cubs, supporting the body with accumulated subcutaneous fat. Usually she gives birth to 2 babies, whom she quickly teaches all the intricacies of northern life.

Today, hunting the animal is prohibited. Killing them is allowed only for the purpose of self-defense.

The life expectancy of the animal reaches 25 - 30 years.

A polar bear never attacks a person. This can happen if the animal feels aggression from him. A predator can approach a person only out of curiosity. But if a person begins to feed the bear, then he will begin to perceive it as a source of food.


The length of the predator reaches 2 m, the height at the withers is from 60 cm to 90 cm. Females are about a third smaller than males. The animal has a massive body with big head, elongated muzzle. His lips are always protruded forward, completely devoid of fur. The coat is often black, sometimes with a dirty brown tint.

You can meet a bear in India, Pakistan, and Bangladesh.

The bamboo bear, which previously had other names: cat bear, spotted bear, lives in northern regions China. At the beginning of the 20th century, it became the emblem of the country. Males are 10% larger than females and 20% heavier. The length reaches 1.8 m, weight – up to 160 kg. A panda is a bear with a special coat color: the main color is white, the paws, ears, and round spots around the eyes are black. The panda has a tail 10-15 cm long. The front paws have five toes and a sixth one, designed for tearing apart the thinnest bamboo stems. This plant is the main food of the animal, daily norm- about 30 kg. Pandas, like all bears, need protein. To replenish it, they eat eggs, insects, and sometimes small animals.

The spotted bear's habitat is wide; in summer it climbs to a height of up to 4000 m to escape the heat.

The sexual maturity of the animal occurs from 4 to 8 years. Pregnancy lasts from 3 to 5.5 months. Usually 1 or 2 cubs are born, weighing up to 130 g. In this case, the mother takes care of the first baby, abandoning the second. Childbirth occurs once every 2 years. Therefore, the population is growing slowly. Life expectancy is 20 years.

The panda is considered an endangered species. According to the latest data, the number of animals is just over 2 thousand.

The Chinese authorities have taken the animal under state protection. The death penalty is provided for its destruction.

The animal's homeland is Australia. The answer to the question of which family it belongs to is controversial. Koala is marsupial mammal, and a marsupial bear. Perhaps the only similarity with the appearance is external. Soft gray fur, small eyes, downturned nose, round ears leave no one indifferent.

The animal's height is only 60 cm, weighs from 4 kg to 13 kg. The limbs and claws of the beast are designed in such a way that it can climb trees.

The papillary pattern of the finger pads is so similar to that of a human that it is difficult to distinguish them even with a microscope.

The koala's diet consists of eucalyptus leaves and bark. A plant that is poisonous to others is not dangerous to the koala. Every day they eat from 500 g to 1 kg of the plant. To replenish microelements, they eat soil.

The marsupial bear is a slow animal, motionless for almost 20 hours a day. At this time, he chews leaves collected and stored behind his cheeks, or sleeps, or slowly moves along the tree trunk. The animal swims beautifully. He can jump, but he does it to escape danger or in search of food.

From October to February, koalas breed. Several females gather near one male. Pregnancy lasts a little over a month. The newborn stays in the mother's pouch for six months, where he feeds on her milk. For the next six months it lives on its mother’s fur, tenaciously holding on to it.

Animals are like children: they are easily tamed by humans. They love to be petted. Left alone, they begin to feel sad and cry.

The koala has no enemies, because the bear cub smells of eucalyptus. It is destroyed by drought, lack of food and poachers.

Koalas do not live long, only 18 years.

Nature took care of preserving the species by giving males two penises, and females two vaginas.

  • They differ from other animals in that they distinguish colors.
  • The only enemy of the polar bear is the shark, which lives up to 200 years. Its habitat is Greenland.

Regarding mortality and life expectancy, everything marine mammals have a relatively long life. Typically, lifespan is related to the size of the animal; the larger the mammal species, the longer they live. However, there are many factors that negatively affect the lifespan of polar bears.

In the wild, male and female polar bears live up to 29 and 32 years, respectively, or an average of about 19 years. In captivity, their lifespan can be 40 years or even more.

Young polar bears are born between December and January. The female brings her cubs out of the den in late February or early March. She protects her offspring all the time, especially from males. As a rule, only one of two cubs reaches maturity, since raising two cubs is a difficult task for the female.

U polar bears there are no potential predators, but they are their own enemies. Sometimes, when there is a shortage of food and polar bears starve for months, they kill and eat their cubs. This explains why most of them do not reach adulthood.

Young coppers leave their mothers 2-3 years after their birth. At the beginning of independent life, cubs should avoid any adult male, who is likely to kill and eat them.

Climate change and pollution are other reasons that negatively affect the lifespan of polar bears. As the climate changes, the ice floes that usually support the bears' prey, seals, are melting. This pushes polar bears to hunt on land or swim further than was previously required.

Brown bear (lat. Ursus arctos) - carnivorous mammal bear family; one of the largest land predators.

The brown clumsy bear is a forest animal.

Its usual habitats in Russia are continuous forests with windbreaks and burnt areas with dense growth of deciduous trees, shrubs and grasses; can roll into the tundra and alpine forests. In Europe it prefers mountain forests; in North America it is more often found in open areas - in the tundra, alpine meadows and on the coast.

The bear usually lives alone, the female stays with her cubs of different ages. Males and females are territorial, an individual area on average occupies from 73 to 414 km?, and for males it is approximately 7 one more than for females. The boundaries of the site are marked with scent marks and “scratches” - scratches on conspicuous trees. Sometimes makes seasonal migrations; So in the mountains, the brown clumsy bear, starting in spring, feeds in the valleys where the snow melts earlier, then goes to the chars ( alpine meadows), then gradually descends into the forest belt, where berries and nuts ripen.

The brown bear is omnivorous, but its diet is 3/4 plant-based: berries, acorns, nuts, roots, tubers and grass stems. In years when there is no berry harvest in the northern regions, bears visit oat crops, and in the southern regions - corn crops; in the Far East they feed in cedar forests in the fall. Its diet also includes insects (ants), worms, lizards, frogs, rodents (mice, marmots, gophers, chipmunks). In summer, insects and their larvae sometimes make up up to 1/3 of a bear’s diet. Large males attack young ungulates - roe deer, fallow deer, deer (caribou, deer, pampas deer), ibex, wild boar and moose. Grizzlies sometimes attack baribal bears. The brown clumsy bear loves honey; eats carrion and sometimes takes prey from tigers, wolves and pumas.

The usual food item is also fish during spawning season (anadromous salmonids). In years when food is poor, bears sometimes attack livestock and destroy apiaries.

The brown bear is active throughout the day, but more often in the mornings and evenings. The seasonal cyclicality of life is clearly expressed. By winter, the clumsy bear fattens up its subcutaneous fat (up to 180 kg) and lies in its den in the fall. Dens are located in a dry place, in most cases in holes protected by windbreaks or under uprooted tree roots. Bears reach sexual maturity at 4-6 years of age, but continue to grow until 10-11 years of age. Life expectancy in nature is 20-30 years, in captivity - up to 47-50 years.

Updated: 09/24/2009

In captivity, polar bears live longer because they are fed properly and on time and given an ideal environment.

IN ideal conditions Polar bears live about 32 - 35 years, and one specimen reached 43 years. They don't hunt animals because they don't need to. All this helps to increase the life expectancy of polar bears in captivity.

Polar bears do not appear to be natural predators in the Arctic. However, adult bears sometimes fight each other to defeat a female during the breeding season. The polar bear's struggle results in severe bruising, which is likely the cause of her death. A wounded bear, no matter how powerful, is less likely to hunt.

In addition to fighting, adult polar bears also kill cubs mainly to bring females into estrus and rarely eat them as a potential food source. Interspecies conflict also appears to become more significant when food is scarce. All these reasons lead to a reduction in the life expectancy of polar bears in the wild.

Quick answer: bears live up to 50 years.

The brown or common bear, as it is often called, is the most famous member of the bear family. And one of the largest - sometimes you come across giants weighing more than one ton! Agree, such dimensions are impressive...

Bears reach sexual maturity at 3 years of age, and continue to grow until they are 10-12 years old. Life expectancy in nature rarely exceeds 30 years, while in captivity it increases to 50 years.

This is due to the fact that although bears have practically no enemies in nature, strikes between the same males occur quite often. Sometimes with a fatal outcome. Nevertheless, the life expectancy of a brown bear compared to many other animals is quite high.

The polar bear is the closest relative of the brown bear. It is believed that the separation between them occurred about 500 thousand years ago. Subsequently, these two species were crossed and hybridization occurred. Scientists are confident that polar bears are descendants of those same hybrids.

As with the brown bear, the polar bear's lifespan is 25-30 years in the wild and no more than 45 years in captivity.

Another known species bears - grizzlies. This is a subspecies of brown bear, mostly found in Canada and Alaska. Appearance The grizzly bear resembles the Siberian subspecies of the brown bear.

Grizzly bears in nature live somewhat shorter - up to 25 years, but in captivity they can live up to 40 years.

    In nature there are different types, breeds of bears, and their life expectancy depends on the breed and the conditions in which they live. For example, our brown bear usually lives longer than its relatives, up to 50 years with proper care.

    The life of a brown bear in the wild is quite difficult and many young animals die before becoming adults. Those who managed to survive live for about 20-30 years. In zoos, conditions for bears are much more comfortable than in natural environment habitat, and they can even live up to 50 years.

    Babiral, the so-called black bear, lives up to 30 years in captivity, and only 10 in the wild.

    Polar bears in wild conditions live up to 25-30 years. Life is worse for them in captivity, but there was a case when a polar bear lived to be 45.

    Bears don’t live that long; what matters is the breed and the place where the bear is located. A brown bear does not live more than fifty years, and even then he can live until such a date if he is in captivity, and polar bears - no more than thirty years.

    In bears average duration life. IN natural conditions they live less than in captivity. Life expectancy is affected by the conditions in which bears live. So, for example, a brown bear lives 20-30 years (in captivity up to 50 years). A black bear lives only 10 years (in captivity up to 30 years), a white bear - 25 years (in captivity it lived up to 40 years).

    Some species of bears are not as long-lived as the brown one. For example, the bamboo bear (panda) lives 14-20, the baribal - only 10 (but in captivity up to 30 years), the biruang (Malayan bear) - up to 24 years, the spectacled bear - up to 21 years.

    Bears live not very many years.

    In captivity they live longer if they are properly cared for - up to 50 years, and in nature a little less - up to 30 years.

    The number of years of life also depends on the type of bear. Some live shorter, while others live longer.

    The brown bear, among other relatives, is considered to be a long-liver.

    There are many species of bears on our planet and their life expectancies vary.

    Black bears and baribals live on average 10 years, but there are also long-livers - they are 20 years old; under human care they can live up to 30 years.

    White-breasted bears, Himalayan - approximately 25 years old.

    Brown bears in the wild live on average 25-30 years; in zoos, many live up to 48-50 years.

    Grizzlies, sometimes called gray bears, are mostly vegetarians, but there are exceptions - then among them there is a fan of eating game. One of these is a grizzly bear nicknamed Old Moses,

    which for 35 years kept people in fear in the state of Colorado and if we take into account the fact that bears are still growing for ten years, then we can assume that this bear lived for 45 years in the wild.

    The oldest polar bear is 35 years old, but in captivity he can live up to 45.

    The lifespan of bears depends on their habitat and their breed. For example, a brown bear lives on average 20-30 years in the wild and up to 50 years in captivity. A polar bear in its natural habitat lives for about 20 years. More than 25-30 do not even live under human supervision.

    The life expectancy of a bear in the wild rarely exceeds 25 years - and this is entirely due to the destruction of the bears’ natural habitats and their diet, as a result of which in the remaining areas where bears live, their diet shifts towards an increase in the proportion of rodents and a decrease in the necessary plant parts.

    In captivity, the life expectancy of bears can reach 52 years.

    All large bears almost long-lived. IN good conditions in captivity they easily live up to 50 years - almost the age of Methuselah for a predatory animal. Of course, this age in nature is significantly reduced, because the bear has to get its own food, and it becomes more and more difficult for an aging animal to do this every year. Therefore, in natural conditions, bears, brown, white and grizzly bears live only up to 30 years. Small bears, such as pandas, live significantly shorter lives. Big panda up to 20 years in freedom, little panda 10 years. The maximum age a red panda can live in captivity is 18 years. Malay and Himalayan bears They live a little longer - up to 25 years in captivity.