Maximum weight of a bull. Influence of breed on weight

It is very important for farmers to know the weight of a cow in at different ages. This indicator is of particular importance when fattening animals. The higher it is, the more meat will be sold. The body weight of cattle depends on various factors, including the breed; its change is also influenced by the living conditions and diet of the animals.

How much does a calf weigh at birth?

Farmers know that newborn calves weigh on average about 40 kg. This value is approximate, it depends on the sex of the animal, breed and health status of the cow mother. It is considered normal if the weight of the calf at birth is 8-10% of the weight of the cow that gave birth to it.

Attention! Bulls are born larger and weigh 38-42 kg, and females are smaller.

In the first month of life, the body weight of calves increases 1.5 times. At this time, it is very important to control how the young animals develop and grow. Significant downward deviations in indicators may indicate health pathologies.

Average weight of an adult cow

How much a cow weighs on average depends on the breed, housing conditions and feeding. The weight of representatives of the same breed line at the same age can vary greatly. For example, cows belonging to the selected weight category weigh 450-500 kg, and individuals of the first class weigh 400-450.

The average weight of a meat and dairy cow of productivity receiving adequate nutrition is 350-450 kg. The body weight of two-year-old beef cows often reaches 600 kg. Adult bulls gain from 500 to 800 kg, and some individuals gain 1000 or more kilograms.

Dependence of weight on breed and direction of productivity

Belonging to a particular breed plays a decisive role in how much a cow will weigh as an adult. Information about the physique and dimensions of animals is inherited. Based on the type of productivity, cow breeds are divided into 3 groups:

  • dairy;
  • meat;
  • meat and dairy.

Dairy cow

Brown cows of dairy breeds are characterized by a developed udder. They provide farmers with high milk yields throughout the entire lactation period. Their diet contains more green food and hay.

Potatoes, which promote the growth of muscle and fat mass, are excluded from the cows’ menu, since starchy substances cause blockage of the milk ducts. Dairy cows are not prone to rapid weight gain, since most nutrients is spent on lactation. The average weight of a milk cow is 360-500 kg.

Attention! The Holstein breed is considered the largest of the dairy breeds. Average The body weight of an adult female is 650 kg, and that of a bull is 900-1000 kg.

Beef cows

Animals classified in this group are distinguished by their ability to grow quickly and increase body weight. Meat beef has a pleasant taste and delicate structure. For high-quality fattening, farmers prepare a specific diet for cattle, which includes:

  • grain crops;
  • beans;
  • vegetables and root vegetables;
  • hay and fresh greens.

Attention! Walking in the fresh air plays an important role for proper metabolism. Burenki meat direction spend 10-12 hours daily on pasture.

The weight of cattle reaches its maximum at the age of two. There is no point in fattening the animals any longer; they are sent to slaughter. The weight of a beef cow is 650-800 kg. There are also record holders in this category of cattle, for example the Hereford breed, which is distinguished by a longer body. At the age of 1.5-2 years, the body weight of a female individual reaches 900 kg, and that of a bull – 1200-1400 kg.

Meat and dairy cow

Rural residents and owners of small farms prefer to breed universal breeds of cattle for meat and dairy production. The average weight of such animals varies between 450-700 kg. They depend on the quality of feeding, living conditions and other factors.

Influence of other factors on body weight gain

In addition to belonging to a certain direction of productivity and breed, the weight of a cow depends on other factors:

  • health conditions;
  • living and feeding conditions;
  • age and gender.

Young animals grow quickly and develop properly when kept in comfortable conditions. In winter, the barn should be warm and dry, then the animals will not waste energy heating their bodies. The accumulation of musty air in the room, oversaturated with hydrogen sulfide and ammonia vapors, should not be allowed. In such conditions, cows get sick more often, which means their average daily weight gain will be minimal.

Proper preparation of cattle diet is the farmer’s primary task. Young animals should receive not only hay, but also the norm of succulent feed and concentrates. Vitamin and mineral supplements are also included in the daily diet of calves.

Stressful situations

Cattle do not tolerate stressful situations, for example long-term transportation. Farmers are advised to avoid transporting cows long distances shortly before slaughter as they quickly lose weight.

Attention! While for a long time under stress, an animal can lose up to 20% of its weight.

Long term exposure negative factors causes deterioration general condition animal, leads to fluid loss. As a result, not only the slaughter yield decreases, but also the quality of the meat - it becomes tough.


From birth to 6 months, calves grow very quickly. At one year of age, the heifer’s weight is 85-90% of the weight of an adult. Only by the age of 2 years does this figure reach its maximum, provided that the animals are properly fed. It also matters how strong the individual’s immunity is. If a bull or heifer transfers infectious disease, this factor will certainly lead to a slowdown in growth muscle mass.

The heaviest bulls in history

The undefeated record holder in weight was a bull who lived in the last century named Good Man Donetto. He was born in Switzerland and weighed 1 ton 740 kg. It was truly a huge representative of the porcelain breed. So far no one has been able to break his record.

Later, a bull named Chili of the Fresian breed from England also became famous. Every year his body weight increased by an average of 100 kg. When he was 10 years old, Chili weighed 1 ton 300 kg. Another contender for the title of record holder belongs to the same breed as Chili, his name is Trigger. He is simply huge - the height at the withers is 1.96 m, and the length of the body has reached 4.3 m. The bull weighs 1 ton 200 kg.

The heaviest bull today is considered to be Field Marshal, he belongs to the Charolais breed. He comes from the English province. The bull's height reached 1.9 m, and its weight is 1 ton 700 kg. Despite its size, it seems cute, and its owner assures that the animal has a good disposition.

The weight of a cow is an indicator of key importance for the farmer. Based on it, you can find out whether the animal is healthy, whether it is developing correctly, and whether its diet needs correction. It is important to know the average weight standards of cattle for different breeds and age categories and use them to monitor the condition of your livestock.

Wanting to purchase healthy livestock, the buyer wants to get as much as possible more information about animals. One of the most important indicators confirming the quality of a product is the weight of cattle, since it is directly related to the health of the cow, bull or calf, and will also in the future affect their productivity and meat yield.

The weight of cattle carries a lot of information for livestock representatives. So, knowing the body mass of an animal, we can say about its physical condition, as well as growth and development.

Data on how much a cow or bull weighs is necessary for calculating and compiling a diet and vaccination doses.

Did you know? A cow's intestines make up 30% of its weight.

The standard weight of livestock is influenced by its:

  • age;
  • breed;

In livestock farming, it is customary to distinguish the following categories of cattle weight:

  • selected- weight is within 450-500 kg;
  • first grade- weight up to 450 kg;
  • second grade- the weight of the cattle is within 400 kg;
  • third grade- 300 kg.

If the average weight of an animal differs significantly with a permissible error of 30 kg for an adult, this may indicate an incorrect diet and diet, or the presence of diseases.


The average weight of a bull should be one and a half times the weight of a cow, which is approximately 700-800 kg, while an adult bull has a large meat breed this figure can reach a ton and even exceed this value, amounting to 1200 kg.

An average heifer can weigh about 350 kg, but no less if it is not a small breed.

Meat cows can weigh up to 700 kg if they are more than two years old and kept in good conditions.


At birth, the calf's weight should be just under 10% of the mother's body weight, which is an average of 40 kg. It can vary and depend on the weight and breed of the baby's parents.

Calves grow rapidly, they, like newborn children, should be weighed regularly in order to understand how much they are gaining, whether everything is in order with their health, and whether there is a need to introduce changes to the diet of a young bull or cow.
At the age of 1 month, the calf's weight should increase by at least 10 kg, on average they gain about 30 kg, that is, doubling their weight at birth. At the age of six months, he is transferred to adult food and weight measurements are taken less often, but always once a month.

How does the weight of cattle vary depending on the breed?

Specialists involved in cattle breeding and selection identify about a thousand breeds of cows all over the world. However, they are usually divided into three main types, based on their purpose on the farm:

  • dairy;
  • meat;
  • meat and dairy.


A distinctive feature of dairy cows' products is:

  • milk with high fat content;
  • less nutritious meat.

Among livestock of this species, the most popular breeds in our region are:


Characterizing cattle of this species, we can name the following: distinctive features, How:

Among the most popular breeds of meat cows are:
  • . An adult cow can weigh 500-600 kg, and a bull - 800-1100 g. Meat yield - 53-65%, less often 70%;
  • . Brown cows also gain 500-600 kg of weight, and bulls a little less - about 800 kg. Product yield - 60%;
  • . An adult bull gains 1200 kg, and a heifer - 800 kg, despite the fact that they have a lot of meat, but not much fat, and also a large yield of meat products;
  • . They are extremely unpretentious in nutrition, as they eat any vegetation, reaching 550 kg at 16 months. In addition, the skin of cattle of this breed is used in the production of shoes;
  • Znamenovskaya. It has more miniature forms, since a cow of this breed will weigh a maximum of 550 kg, and a bull - 700 kg. Leather is also used to make shoes and bags.

    Representatives of this species have a strong body and are used universally for both milk and meat products.

    They produce more meat than dairy and more milk than meat. Average weight is between 550-900 kg depending on gender.

    Did you know? Cows live on average twenty years, although there are also long-livers. Bulls live less, fifteen years.

    Meat and dairy breeds of the KRG, which are popular among livestock breeders, are:

    • Brown Carpathian;
    • Lebedinskaya;
    • Alatau;
    • Red Gorbatovskaya;
    • Yurinskaya;
    • Shvitskaya;
    • Red Tambov;
    • Yorkshire;
    • Caucasian brown;
    • Simmentalskaya.


    What does the weight of cattle depend on?

    The weight of bred livestock directly depends on the conditions of its keeping, as well as on the nutrition provided by the livestock breeder. There are also recommendations for breeding and care, depending on the breed and type of cow.

    So, for example, long and grueling grazing is not required and even to a certain extent contraindicated for meat-type cows, since they can lose their own weight. They are advised to be raised in a stall.

    Important! Environment, diet and diet, climate and living conditions collectively affect the health and weight gain of livestock.

    When organizing a barn for cattle breeding, you should consider the importance of such aspects as:

    • temperature regime. The room should not be cooler than +10 °C, if it is not cold storage, for adult livestock and +15 °C for calves;
    • indoor humidity;
    • good lighting;
    • gas saturation;
    • no noise, quiet environment.

    It is also worth taking care of the pasture. Its use makes the breeding process less expensive, while the cow’s body can fully develop, her movements are not constrained, she breathes fresh air, bathes in sun rays. Most beneficial influence walking on pasture is available for dairy and meat and dairy cows.

    Feeding the animals

    Right organized feeding must be of high quality. It includes:

    • vegetable feeds: succulent (grass, silage, root crops), coarse (hay, straw), concentrated (technical waste, grains);
    • animals;
    • chemical and microbiological synthesis;
    • mixed feed and feed mixtures;
    • vitamin and mineral supplements.

Be able to determine how much a cow weighs on average, the exact weight of a calf, calculate the average daily gain in live weight, and others important indicators farming is the primary task of a real livestock breeder. Not knowing these characteristics can have a detrimental effect on your business. After all, you won't be able to do anything accurate forecasts. The ability to determine the weight of heifers will be beneficial both when purchasing new heads and when caring for animals, and will teach you how to raise healthy livestock.

Normal weight of young animals at different periods of life

The weight of an adult animal changes in accordance with its breed and feeding habits, but the weight of a calf at 1 year of life changes according to laws common to all breeds. At birth, the baby weighs 30-40 kg. Every day of his life, he gains 500-800 g. At 2 months, the baby doubles his weight.

At 6 months, the calf’s weight reaches 120-180 kg. You should remember these numbers - they will definitely come in handy when buying calves, because it is recommended to purchase them from 6 months of age. At 1 year old the young proper feeding can reach a weight of 250-400 kg. You can read more about nutrition in our article.

Over 2 years, cows and bulls gain from 600 to 800 kg. If you take good care of the animals, at 3 years they will reach 900-1200 kg.

Interestingly, the largest bull in the world, weighing 1740 kg and reaching a height of 190 cm, belonged to the porcelain breed. This is the maximum weight recorded by herders.

Record holders for weight gain are still found today. There are bulls weighing up to 1.5 tons - it all depends on your goals and feeding methods.

Weight categories and factors influencing it

The live weight of livestock depends on many factors. To correctly answer the question of how to find out the weight of a newborn calf, a young heifer or an adult bull, you need to find out what these factors are. When determining the average weight of a cow, the following are taken into account:

  • breed;
  • type of breed (meat and dairy, beef, dairy);
  • period of cow development (age);
  • gender (the male is usually 350 kg larger than the heifer);
  • quality of maintenance and feeding.

The latter factor has a particularly strong effect on the weight of the newborn calf. Babies under three months need care and a lot of attention so that they grow properly and quickly.

Knowing how much cows weigh will help you figure out what type of animal they are. Cattle are divided into 4 categories. Selected heifers weigh between 450 and 600 kg. Cattle of the first category reach 400-450 kg, the second - 380-400 kg. Cows of the third type weigh less than 300 kg, their record weight can reach 380 kg.

Average daily growth: features and methods of calculation

To understand whether your animals are developing normally, you need to be able to calculate the average daily weight gain. If the live weight of cattle is in the range of 500-1000 g, then such an increase is considered normal. It depends on many factors: diet, breed, type, age. A two-month-old calf gains weight a little slower than one-year-old cows and bulls. You can calculate how much an animal gains per day using the formula:

  • determine the initial live weight (Wo);
  • determine the mass at the time of calculation (Wt);
  • subtract Wo from Wt;
  • divide the result by the time elapsed between initial period and the moment of calculation (t);
  • multiply the resulting number by 1000.

Thanks to this formula, you can not only monitor the development of calves, but also predict how many days (months, years) it will take for the animal to reach the optimal weight for slaughter.

Calculation of meat productivity

Live weight of cattle is the weight of the animal before slaughter. Meat production is the portion of meat in a cow, excluding the brain and the entire head, wool and hide, as well as legs and bones. The meat yield of cows is 50-65%, depending on the type of breed: meat, dairy, meat and dairy. Pork, in this regard, is more profitable than beef - its output weight is 70-80%. The percentages of live weight and carcass yield of cows are given in the table:

The table shows that the greater the weight of the animal and the fewer bones in its carcass, the greater the percentage of pure meat that can be obtained.

Most of the weight, with the exception of bones, is taken by the head and skin of animals. Goby skins are divided into two groups, depending on the thickness of the skin: light - from 17 to 25 kg and heavy - over 25 kg. The weight of a cow's head is 10-15 kg - this is a favorite product of housewives for preparing jellied meat.

Weight gain and average daily gain of calves

An indicator such as the weight of a bull is the basis of many farming tasks. Using it, you can determine what weight class the bull belongs to, calculate the average daily gain and track the level of development. That is why, in the first months of life, cattle breeders regularly measure the weight of the bull, monitoring the obtained indicators.

The calf actively develops during the first six months of life. During this period, farmers constantly take measurements and monitor weight gain. Strict control is important not only for those calves that are fattened for meat, but also for replacement heifers.

The table below will help you determine the norms of weight and average daily weight gain at the main stages of development of young animals.

The table shows that at 3 months, calves reach an average daily gain of 700 g and maintain it for up to six months. Moreover, during this period of development, the weight of the calf is not affected at all by the class of the calf. The only difference is that a breeding heifer is born with more weight than replacement breeds.

Indicators of popular breeds - what you should follow

One of the popular breed types for breeding is the Red Steppe. The weight of calves at birth can reach 40 kg. They are the ones who prefer to be purchased for fattening for subsequent slaughter for meat. This is one of the breeds that is successful in all areas. You can read more about the breed in the article.

The first meat type includes cows of the Angler breed, whose weight reaches 550 kg. Angler bulls gain weight up to 1000 kg, for which they are valued by livestock breeders. First meat type represented by such breeds as Ukrainian meat, Charolais, Hereford, Ascanian.

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Raising cattle is considered profitable business, and therefore many novice livestock breeders ask the question: what is the most effective fattening of bulls? One way to solve the problem is to add fertilizers mixed with feed and water that increase muscle mass. They contribute rapid growth and at the same time do not harm the body of the animal itself. Additives are used by both owners of private farms and owners of large complexes.

Basic rules of fattening

To gain weight quickly, calves need proper diet. It is best to get a special journal in which you can record weight gain, as well as this or that feeding technique. Most farmers settle on a three-time food distribution schedule at equal time intervals. And if each owner makes an independent decision about the ingredients, then he adheres to certain rules described in animal science.

From the postpartum period until day 60, calves are fed milk, then supplemented with wheat cereal and hay. good quality. This diet promotes rapid growth and eliminates problems with the digestive system.

From 60 to 90 days, preference is given to feed with a high protein content, which helps to gain muscle mass. This includes vegetables and crushed grains. From day 120, the next additive is dried or fresh green mass in an amount of 10 - 15 kg. This norm must be increased every day. This method fattening bull calves for meat at home leads to weight gain of up to 0.6 kg per day. At the same time, the young animals do not starve, but they also do not receive food in quantities that can only be harmful.

The most optimal period for submitting animals to slaughter is one and a half years of age, but if we take intensive fattening as a basis, then this period will be significantly reduced.

What should the diet be like?

There are a large number of feeding schemes, starting from the moment the bull is born. Such technologies allow you to get the desired result in a short time with the greatest effect of gaining muscle mass. It is especially important to adhere to certain standards if we're talking about about obtaining marbled beef. Based on the diets already compiled by specialists, each owner can create his own based on what is at hand.

If we talk about the principles of feeding, then there is a summer and winter menu. In the warm season, the basis is green mass with the addition of concentrates. In winter there is no grass, but the animals need to eat something, and therefore its lack is compensated by other components. Next, you can familiarize yourself with an approximate diet for the cold season, which consists of the following ingredients:

  • hay can be replaced with straw, but the first option is preferable;
  • roots;
  • supplements consisting of probiotics and vitamin complexes;
  • dry fodder grass harvested in summer.

As for the food itself, all products, without exception, must be of high quality. Spoiled products lead to indigestion and poisoning, which results in weakness and predisposition to a number of other diseases.

How much food does an animal need per day?

During the day, the bull should consume:

  • hay – 3-4 kg;
  • root vegetables – 4 kg (large vegetables are recommended to be cut into several parts);
  • concentrates – 2 kg, per head.

Every day the animal will gain weight and grow, which means it will be necessary to make adjustments to the existing diet taking into account the needs of the young.

Note to the livestock breeder!IN winter time Instead of green mass they give mixed feed. But with the onset of the grazing season, animals must be switched to grass, but this must be done gradually so that there are no problems with digestion. Otherwise, there will be no positive result, and the whole matter may end in the death of the young animals.

Types of fattening

Use of grain fodder. If you use special additives, then fattening bulls for meat at home is carried out several times faster. The most accessible products include Lactobifadol, which is added to feed throughout the life of the animal until slaughter. As for the time of food distribution, it is different for each household.

Good weight gains are obtained when using crushed grain fodder, with daily increase its quantity.

The proposed scheme allows you to gain up to 500 kg by the age of one year. Feed according to the latest norm is given before slaughter. They use either grain mixtures, for example wheat and barley in a 1:1 ratio, or one type of grain. In the latter case, the weight gain may be slightly less. The advantage of this type of feeding is efficiency and economic benefits.

Using pulp. This technology allows you to achieve daily weight gain from 800 to 1000 grams.

Type of feed Fattening stages
Start Middle Completion
Sour pulp 45 40 40
Cereal hay They don't give They don't give 1
Straw 3 3 2
Syrup 0,5 0,5 1
Pull corn They don't give They don't give 0,4
Bran 0,7 1 1,3
Leguminous crops 0,2 0,3 0,2
Table salt 30 40 50
Feed phosphate 60 60 60

Using silos. With this type of fattening, the average daily weight gain is 950 – 1000 grams.

Name of food Fattening stages
Initial Average Final
Corn silage 30 25 20
Wheat straw 3 2 1
Meadow hay 1 1 2
Grain concentrate 1 1,3 1,6
Bran 0,3 0,3 0,3
Table salt 20 30 35
Feed phosphate 50 60 70

The amount of feed is given in kilograms, with the exception of salt and phosphates, their amount is in grams.

If none of the listed options is suitable, and preference is given to those products that are at hand, you can try the following technology. Here an individual approach is carried out based on the conditions of detention and food supply:

  • distribution of special preparations to drinking bowls;
  • fresh succulent food;
  • green mass with hay or straw at transition period, transfer to grass.

From six months of age you can give food waste from a person’s table, again initially in small quantity, gradually increasing it. This is the method that most private farmers choose because of its benefits. For example, potatoes should be given boiled and mashed. The young animals are gradually accustomed to the type of feed available on the farm, and if the event is successful, then no problems should arise with fattening the calves for meat products.

Allows only adjustments to diets, but not their complete change, and therefore even a beginner can raise calves on a home farm. The main thing here is setting the right task and putting effort into its implementation, and in this case it will be possible to achieve the desired result without much effort. Animals are kept in an intensive way to obtain products in the maximum possible way. short terms, but not to the detriment of livestock.

Feed additives

Premixes developed by specialists have a significant positive effect on fattening animals and gaining muscle mass. This is exactly what the “Superpremix” additive belongs to. They give it at the rate of 150 grams per animal. As for the exact quantity, here you need to know the mass, age group calves and look in detailed instructions, offered with the drug.

The additive is suitable for both large livestock complexes and home farms. It contains mineral and vitamin supplements, a stimulant that affects growth, as well as a fragrance that promotes better feed consumption.

With regular use, animals experience a good gain of muscle mass, and at the same time, the fattening period itself is reduced by 42 days. In addition, less feed is consumed, which is very beneficial for the farm owner. And if under normal conditions approximately a ton of feed is consumed per bull, then in this case it is reduced to 800 kg.

"Superpremix" does not contain harmful substances that have negative influence on the health of young animals. To obtain marbled meat, the additive is fed before slaughter.


Get heavy weight in animals during fattening it is possible to use antibiotics. If they are used for 30 days, the weight increases to 5%. After 90 days, this percentage reaches 15 and the effectiveness remains for 6 months, then the indicator decreases. By one year of age the difference will be only 8%.

There is no clear agreement among specialists on the methods of administering antibiotics. Experiments have shown that intramuscular injections and oral administration have less effect than mixing drugs with feed.

When using injections, you need to know that they are given twice a day. To influence the growth rate, you can use “streptomycin” or “penicillin”. With correct calculation, the young animals begin to rapidly increase in size, their appetite increases, and hay feeding can be started from the fifth month.


“Perestarter” contains good recommendations, containing mineral and vitamin supplements, as well as a cellulose prebiotic. Affects growth rate, improves immunity, promotes good work digestive system, develops proventriculi.

Prebiotics begin to be given at four days of age. At first, up to 21 days, the drug is mixed with milk and given to young animals. With the accelerated cultivation option, the use of “Restarter” is recommended for the entire period according to the instructions, so you can get the desired result.

Breed characteristics also influence fattening; some bulls can weigh about 600 kg by the end of the period. Feed is distributed 4 times a day. The main rule is that when adding Prestarter, animals must be provided with access to water.

How are biostimulants used?

Today, many livestock owners use Krezacin, which provides significant influence during fattening periods, by increasing appetite. If you use such a drug, you can achieve daily weight gain of about 15%.

Important to know!The use of "Krezacin" is permitted only from six months of age.

"Krezatsin" refers to harmless drugs that do not accumulate in the body. Can be added both to feed and drinking water, where it will completely dissolve. Calculation of the dosage for 1 kg of mass is no more than 0.010 g of biostimulant.

Cereal supplements

The use of cereal and legume diets is the way to rapid weight gain in bulls. Animals raised on this feed produce soft, tender meat products, eating green mass containing fiber and vitamins. The diet is aimed at intensive rearing, and young animals gain weight well.

For a home farm, it is important to pay attention not only to the quality of the feed, but also to the distribution location. The premises where animals are kept must be clean so that pathogenic microorganisms cannot cause a particular disease. You shouldn’t think that all the care of cattle consists of distributing feed and turning the livestock out to pasture; here you need to put in a lot of work to get good meat products. The above recommendations apply to all breeds of cows: Holstein, Holstein and others.

Raising young animals for fattening has its own nuances, and begins with sending animals to pasture lands in spring months after the appearance of green mass. Here it is important not to forget about the distribution of dry food.

A person who has no experience working with livestock is advised to think through everything carefully: how to keep calves, what to feed them, how to protect them from disease and death. There should be no problems with feeding, because... All diets have long been freely available. They need to be read carefully and based on the food supply available on the farm.

Note to the farmer!Bulls when organizing the right conditions content, together with decent food, will give stable weight gain. It is much more difficult to achieve exactly the same result from cows. It is recommended to think through the entire fattening technology in advance, even before livestock appears on the farmstead.

The method for obtaining rapid weight gain is chosen in such a way that the bulls gain weight without feeling hungry.

Hungry livestock can eat feed indiscriminately, and this is harmful not only to health, but also has a negative impact on the quality of meat products. Young animals from the age of one should receive special additives in food or drinking water to stimulate muscle gain. The diet may also contain cereal feed: a mixture of sprouted grains and barley containing useful microelements.

Having decided to start fattening bulls for meat at home for subsequent sale of products, every person should remember that being a supplier is not as easy as it seems - it is associated with enormous responsibility.

Video. Fattening bulls: the most effective at home

Cows are large animals that are the basis agriculture in many countries. And they are valued not only because a large number nutritious milk, but also thanks to their meat. In animal husbandry, the amount of product that a particular individual can produce is very important. Therefore, it is so important for every owner to know how much a cow weighs. And this indicator depends on many factors.

What affects weight

First of all, how much a cow weighs depends on its breed. Representatives various breeds can weigh from 150 kg to a ton. According to productivity, animals are divided into dairy and meat. From the name it is clear that the first cows have high milk yield, while the second are a source more meat.

In addition to the breed, weight depends on stress, living conditions, and the age of the animal. It’s worth taking a closer look at each point to understand how much a cow weighs. This is especially important for those who are planning to purchase this animal for the first time.

Dairy breeds

Animals of such breeds produce high milk yields, while the milk has a high fat content. However, the meat of such cattle is much less nutritious than that of beef cows. The most common dairy breeds in our country are:

Red steppe. How much does it weigh average cow this breed? About 400-500 kg. An adult sire can weigh up to 900 kg.

The black and white breed is no less common, and the weight of these animals is not too different from the previous ones. The female weighs about 500 kg, the male - 800 kg.

Kholmogorskaya. This breed is one of the very first bred in our country. How much an adult cow of this breed weighs also depends on external factors, the average weight of Kholmogory cows is 500 kg. However, individual representatives are known that reached a mass of 800 kg.

Holstein. One of the largest dairy cows. Their average weight is 650 kg. Bulls can weigh about 1200 kg.

Meat breeds

These animals are raised specifically to produce tasty and healthy meat. As much meat as possible. It is for this reason that it is so important for the owner of a cow or a herd of this direction to monitor how much the cow weighs. In accordance with the indicators, you can change their diet, living conditions, or decide on the time of slaughter. The meat of these animals has high taste and is a biologically complete product. The weight of animals, depending on the feeding method and breed, ranges between 650-850 kg for cows and 900-1350 kg for bulls.