Characteristics of different breeds of roosters. Maran chickens

Roosters were brought from different continents [photo]

Photo: Oleg UKLADOV

Roosters were collected from different continents for a whole year. And here they are - beauties! The photojournalist was the first to photograph representatives of 18 breeds. We will talk about each of them in this photo report.


The breed was bred by breeders from English black Orpington chickens. In 1922, six hens set a world record - in one year they together laid 1857 eggs, that is, an average of 309 from one hen!

High egg production is their main advantage. They do not stop laying eggs even in winter (one egg weighs 55 grams). The birds are also distinguished by good meat qualities, and also by a calm character. These chickens get along well with other birds.


The birthplace of the breed is India. She gained popularity among cockfighting enthusiasts.

The breed is distinguished by excellent physical characteristics and a fighting character. Birds are trainable, hardy, and can withstand heat and rain well.

They have a variegated red color. The neck and lumbar region are golden-red in color, and the tail is black with a bright green tint.

A rooster weighs from 2 to 2.6 kg, a chicken - 1.5-2 kg, eggs - 40 g. Egg production is not high - 50-60 eggs per year.

Ameraucana (blue and red-brown)

These chickens come from the USA. They were created by crossing tailless Araucana chickens, which lay blue eggs, with American breeds chickens

The birds have very dense plumage and have whiskers and a beard that practically hide their head. The wings are large and well developed, which allows the Ameraucana to fly.

The color of the eggs is most often blue, but there are gray, blue, green, brown, pink and olive.

Weight of an adult rooster and chicken: 3-3.5 kg and 2-2.5 kg. Egg weight: 60-64 g. A chicken lays 200-255 eggs per year.


Their homeland is the South American country of Chile. It is believed that they were bred there by Indians of the Araucana tribe, whose name later migrated to the chickens themselves.

The Indians valued hens that had the ability to lay colored eggs and roosters with the coolest dispositions. They especially valued tailless roosters, because they believed that the tail was just an extra hindrance for a real fighter.

The temperament of South American laying hens is calm and non-conflicting. They easily get along with other residents of the poultry house. But roosters of the Araucana breed protect their territory quite jealously and do not tolerate competitors in the chicken coop.

Laying hens produce about 160-180 bluish eggs per year. One weighs 57-58 grams.

Altai bantam (Colombian and calico color)

It is believed that the homeland of these birds is Japan. Meanwhile, there is another version - that such chickens first appeared in India. Their ancestors were wild, which easily explains the fact that Bantams have such good health.

Chickens are also distinguished by truly luxurious plumage and a proud head carriage. The color can be different - from walnut to snow-white, calico is very common.

Despite their tiny size (their weight is no more than a kilogram), chickens are distinguished by good egg production (about 150 eggs per year). Thanks to excellent health, more than 90% of the chicks survive.

Brahma (light and dark color)

It is known that these chickens were obtained artificially - by crossing Cochin chickens and Malayan chickens. For the first time, Asian temple servants were involved in their breeding.

Initially, the breed was bred as a heavy breed. When excellent meat qualities were obtained, breeders began selecting birds based on external data.

Regardless of dark or light color, roosters of this breed wear a contrasting collar. Their physique is dense and fleshy, with a wide chest and shoulders. The legs of roosters, like those of hens, have thick feathering.

An adult rooster gains weight on average up to 4.5 kg, a chicken - up to 3.5 kg. Egg weight - no more than 60 g. Egg production on average is 120 eggs per year.


The silver Wyandotte was the result of crossing several breeds: Dorking, Brahma, Leghorn, Orpington, Cochin, Bentham Seabright. The first Wyandotte chickens were brought to Russia in 1911.

The birds are not too large and are perfectly adapted to the harsh winters of Russia. The head, collar, lower back, and chest are silvery-white. Each feather on the belly, back, and chest has a thin black edge.

Roosters grow up to 3-3.5 kg, and chickens - up to 2.5 kg. Egg production is within 150-200 pieces per year. The eggs are quite large - 50-60 g.

Hamburg silver

In the 18th century, an interesting breed of chickens began to be imported to Holland from India. Due to the fact that the arrival went through the port of Hamburg, it began to be called Hamburgskaya.

These are very light, slender chickens with an agile body. The comb is directed back, as if combed, the lobes hanging on the sides stand out against the background of the plumage in white. The small beak gives off a bluish color.

You can expect about 175-195 eggs per hen per year. Record – 250 eggs.

Dutch white-crested

This is one of the oldest breeds. Its history can be traced back to the 16th century, thanks to the works of Dutch painters. The Dutch kept chickens that regularly laid eggs and produced a lot of meat. But there was one drawback - there was not enough beauty. Therefore, the breed was crossed with the white Polish crested. As a result, the laying hens lost productivity, but acquired a lush white crest of feathers.

These birds are not very large - the weight of a rooster reaches 2.5 kg, and no more than two hens. There are almost no feathers on the “face”; it has a reddish color. And there is no ridge at all. A sign of genetic purity is the feathers at the base of the beak. They have the same color as the main plumage and look like a butterfly.

Laying hens produce 100-140 eggs per year.

Hairless breed

It is not known for certain where exactly bare-necked chickens came from, but there is a hypothesis that their homeland is Transylvania. Although, it is quite possible that bare-necked chickens were bred in Andalusia.

They are distinguished by their exotic appearance, reminiscent of a turkey. They have a red neck, devoid of feathers, the top of the head is decorated with a small “headdress” that looks like a hat, and on the front of the neck there is a crimson “bow”. Hens “wear” round “earrings”. Despite the scarcity of plumage, the birds can withstand unfavorable climatic conditions.

Chickens of this breed are not considered too productive, as they produce 130-160 eggs per year.

Jersey Giant (black and blue color)

This is a relatively young breed - it is not yet a hundred years old. For the first time, huge chickens and roosters appeared in the USA. Jerseys later spread throughout Europe.

They are super heavy meat birds. Roosters of this breed have a large and wide head, the comb has a clear division into six sharp teeth. The beak of birds is strongly curved, strong, and not very long. They are blue or black in color.

Roosters reach 5.9 kg, chickens - 3.6 kg. Egg production is about 180 eggs per year.

Dwarf curly-haired Cochin (white and black color)

Despite the name, they were originally a separate breed and not a smaller version of the regular Cochin. They appeared in Europe at the end of the 19th century after, and before that they were kept in the gardens of the imperial palace in Beijing.

The plumage of birds is so thick and lush that it gives the impression of balls. Short legs covered with feathers are almost invisible in the grass, and it seems that the birds do not walk, but crawl or roll.

Despite their small size (a rooster weighs 0.8 kg, a chicken - 0.7), due to their abundant plumage, these chickens look massive. Color – black and white.

Egg production is 50-80 eggs per year. Minimum egg weight 30 g.

Chinese silk

This is a very ancient breed, the first representatives of which were bred in China. Famous traveler Marco Polo Already in the 13th century, in his notes about China, he described these amazing birds in sufficient detail.

Initially, in China they were bred as ornamental plants, as well as for medicinal purposes. Chickens entered Russia at the end of the 18th century.

In China, these birds are called "chickens with crow bones." They have black bones, brownish-black skin, and gray-black muscles. This is due to the penetration of the natural pigment eumelanin into the musculoskeletal tissue.

Chickens of this breed have five clearly separated toes. The plumage is delicate and silky, more reminiscent of the wool or hair of fur-bearing animals. This is due to the fact that the feather shaft is soft and fragile.

Chickens are quite small. Cockerels reach a weight of 1.5 kg, and hens - 0.8-1.1 kg. A laying hen can produce approximately 100 eggs per year, each weighing on average 35 grams.


Back in 1929, two English breeders began crossing the partridge Leghorn and the striped Plymouthrock to develop a breed of industrial chickens. The resulting hybrid was crossed again, and after a number of generations a new egg-laying breed appeared - Legbar.

The birds are silver-gray or golden-cream in color, with distinct stripes on males and less distinct stripes on females. They are distinguished by a beautiful crest, a bright crest and white “earrings”.

The weight of an adult rooster is 3-3.5 kg, a chicken is 2.5-2.8 kg. A chicken can lay up to 270 eggs per year - blue and sometimes olive-colored. They appear smaller than regular white ones, but in reality this is not the case.

Leghorn white

The breed was developed in Italy in the 19th century and is named after the Italian port of Livorno. At that time, chickens of this breed were not yet distinguished by outstanding egg production. Only in Europe has active work begun to increase this indicator.

Chickens are small in size, the body is wedge-shaped, the neck is thin and long, and the head is miniature. Characteristics– red “earrings” and a leaf-shaped comb. In addition to white ones, there are spotted, golden and even brown chickens.

A chicken weighs 1.5-2 kg, a rooster - 2.3-2.6 kg. Egg production - up to 300 pieces per year, each egg weighing 55-58 g.

Loman Brown

This is one of the most famous breeds, developed in Germany. Chickens have increased egg production - 320 eggs per year. The eggs are large (about 65 grams), brown in color and have a dense shell, for which they are valued. Another beneficial advantage is unpretentiousness in content.

The weight of cockerels reaches 3-3.5 kg, and hens - 1.5-2 kg.

Oryol calico

The breed of chickens is named after the legendary Russian estate of Count Orlov-Chesmensky. It was there that these wonderful poultry were bred.

The first thing that catches your eye is their special structure body (fighting) and beard. Other striking external features - long neck, “tanks”, small flat crest, thick short and curved beak, absence of “earrings” in females, small tail, developed shoulders, long claws.

These are quite heavy and massive birds. The average weight of roosters reaches 4 kg, hens - 3.6 kg. Chickens are excellent layers (130-140 eggs per year, each weighing about 55 grams)

Pavlovskaya (golden and white)

These chickens received their name in honor of the village of Pavlovo, located in the Nizhny Novgorod province. In the mid-19th century, their journey around the world began. They were exported to Turkey and then to England, where they were called Sultan's chickens.

These are small, light chickens with a graceful posture. They have a helmet-shaped crest, large “beard” and “sideburns” give the bird a rather exotic appearance and make it look like a pheasant.

Cockerels weigh 1.7-1.8 kg, and hens weigh up to 1.4 kg. Egg production is 70-90 eggs per year. Eggs weigh approximately 50 grams.

The most popular are two types of chickens: poultry, egg laying with white or colored (brown or pink) shell. Chickens that lay white eggs were created based on the Leghorn breed, and those with colored shells were based on the New Hampshire and Rhode Island breeds. However, the main difference between these poultry is not the color of the shell, but the direction of productivity.

Chickens with eggs white belong to egg breeds, and with color - to meat-egg breeds. However, there are also meat and sport breeds. Most often, chickens of the Orlov, Liven and Yurlov breeds, which were bred by amateur breeders, are bred on homestead farms. The main advantage of these breeds is their high viability, although egg production is at an average level.

Recently, miniature breeds of chickens have become popular, because with low feed consumption and low body weight, they are characterized by high egg production. However, such breeds are highly demanding in terms of living conditions.

Below are descriptions of the most common breeds of various types.

Breeds of laying hens with photos and descriptions

Chickens belonging to egg breeds are often characterized by high motor activity, they have light bones, dense plumage and low body weight. A characteristic feature of most egg hens is a developed leaf-shaped comb.

Egg production in chickens begins as early as four to five months after hatching, when the bird reaches the required body weight. Leghorn and Russian White chickens are most often bred on homestead farms, but sometimes other breeds are also found, the characteristics of which will be described below.

  • Russian white

Chickens of this breed were bred by Russian breeders by crossing Leghorns with birds of local breeds. A characteristic feature of birds is their high vitality, good weight and excellent taste of meat.

Rice. 1. Russian white chickens

Birds begin to lay eggs at the age of five months, although the incubation instinct is weak. Live body weight can reach three kilograms in males and two kilograms in females.

The appearance of Russian White chickens is similar to Leghorn birds, but Russian White chickens have a slightly larger head (Fig. 1).

  • Leghorn

The breed was bred in the Italian city of Livorno, from where it was transported to Russia. The color of birds can be very diverse: from white and black to fawn, but the most common are white birds (Fig. 2).

The weight of adult Leghorn chickens can reach two kilograms, but they are characterized by high egg production (an average of 200 eggs per year). Eggs have a white and strong shell. However, despite the high percentage of hatching young animals, female Leghorn chickens do not have a developed brooding instinct, so it is more advisable to breed chickens of this breed in incubators.

Rice. 2. Leghorn chicken breed

Considering the high egg-laying qualities of Leghorn chickens, it was these chickens that were taken as the basis for breeding other breeds. At good conditions keeping birds are distinguished not only by excellent egg production, but also by high live weight, and brown-colored birds have higher weight, but egg production is lower with heavier eggs.

  • Poltava breed

Chickens of this breed can be clay or cuckoo in color. A distinctive feature of the birds is a bright leaf-shaped crest and the presence of red earrings and earlobes. The birds have yellow legs and beaks, but black-feathered chickens have dark, steely beaks (Figure 3).

Rice. 3. Poltava breed of chickens

Often, chickens of the Poltava breed are bred by amateurs. The average weight of birds does not differ from other egg breeds (2 kg for females and 3 kg for males), egg production is satisfactory (up to 170 eggs per year), but in comparison with birds of other egg breeds, Poltava chickens have a well-developed brooding instinct.

  • Orlovskaya

The details of the breeding of this breed are still not known exactly. Distinctive feature chickens of the Oryol breed is an athletic build and an exterior reminiscent of fighting birds (Fig. 4).

Rice. 4. Oryol egg breed

Oryol chickens lay medium-sized eggs with pale pink or white shells. Due to the original black or mahogany coloring, Oryol breed chickens are often used as exhibition specimens.

In addition, the advantage of this breed is its high vitality and adaptability to bad weather conditions, relatively good egg production (160 eggs per year) and body weight (up to 3 kilograms).

  • Pushkinskaya

Chickens of the Pushkin breed have striped-gray feathers (Fig. 5). Roosters are white with small gray spots. As a rule, chickens of this breed are bred to produce eggs, since the annual egg laying is more than 200 pieces. However, poultry meat also has high taste qualities.

The advantages of Pushkin breed chickens are high survival rate in harsh climates and undemanding conditions for keeping and feeding. Since the breed was bred artificially, chickens cannot fly and run poorly, so they are excellent for keeping in open enclosures.

  • Araucana

Araucana chickens were brought to us from South America. Externally, they are very different from the domestic chickens we are used to (Fig. 5). Firstly, they are completely devoid of a tail, and secondly, the birds have a kind of collar of feathers on their heads. In addition, the shells of eggs are pale green in color, and although Araucana chickens are... good layers, for our area they can be considered not only egg-bearing, but also decorative.

Rice. 5. Pushkin breed of chickens (1a and 1b) and Araucana (2a and 2b)

Despite the fact that chickens of this breed were bred in South America, they tolerate it well even low temperatures, quickly adapt to climate change and have high resilience. In addition, hens reach puberty early, but they lack the brooding instinct, so young animals can only be bred in incubators. In addition, Araucanian roosters are very aggressive.

  • Loman Brown

The Loman Brown chicken breed was developed as a result of selection work and crossing of several species, so the birds may differ in color. The most common are golden brown and white (Fig. 6).

Loman Brown is a very unpretentious breed, which is why such birds are bred not only in homestead farms, but also in industrial enterprises. A distinctive feature is not only high egg production, but also early maturity. However, the characteristics of the breed are completely lost when young animals are bred in an incubator, so to renew the flock, eggs and young chickens will have to be purchased from special farms.

  • Dominant

The cross was bred in the Czech Republic, and thanks to breeding work, chickens of the Dominant breed are distinguished not only by their high egg productivity and vitality, but also by their beautiful appearance (Fig. 6).

Rice. 6. Chickens of the breed Loman Brown (1a and 1b) and Dominant (2a and 2b)

The disadvantage of the breed is that the birds are almost impossible to hatch in an incubator. Despite the high egg production, one egg can have two or three yolks, which negatively affects the hatching of young animals.

Description of meat and egg breeds of chickens

Such breeds are also widespread among poultry farmers, since the birds are not only distinguished by high egg production, but also by good quality meat.

The precocity of chickens of meat and egg breeds is almost the same as that of birds of egg breeds. However, they have a calmer character and are less demanding of living conditions. In particular, meat and egg chickens do not require the installation of special high fences or fences in walking areas.

Most meat and egg breeds of chickens were developed through crossbreeding. The most common breeds and their descriptions are given below.

  • Rhode Island

The breed was brought to the USA in the mid-19th century¸ but Rhode Island chickens were brought to Russia only at the beginning of the 20th.

The distinctive characteristics of the Rhode Island Kuro's exterior are its strong build: a horizontal rectangular body with a convex chest, a long straight back, strong legs, small wings and a well-feathered tail (Fig. 7).

Rice. 7. Meat and egg chickens of the Rhode Island breed

The birds have yellow skin and brown-red feathers (some of the tail and flight feathers are black). The birds are distinguished by a yellow beak and bright red earlobes.

The average weight of Rhode Island roosters reaches 3.5 kilograms, and hens - three kilograms. Every year the birds bring about 170 eggs with light brown shells.

  • New Hampshire

This is the second most common meat and egg breed of chicken. It was also brought to the USA in the 30s of the 20th century. The breed was based on Rhode Island chickens. However, New Hampshire chickens have higher egg production, viability and hatchability rates.

Puberty and egg production in chickens begins at the age of six months. The shells of eggs are brown, and the hatchability of chickens reaches 85 percent, although the brooding instinct of New Hampshire chickens is less developed than that of Rhode Island.

Rice. 8. New Hampshire chickens

Externally, New Hampshire chickens resemble Rhode Island chickens, but are distinguished by lighter, chestnut plumage. The birds have a very calm character, so they are often kept in cages (Fig. 8).

All New Hampshire birds are divided into two types:

  1. Broiler has pronounced meat productivity;
  2. Egg - chickens of this type can lay up to 200 eggs per year.

The live weight of birds, regardless of the direction of productivity, reaches 4 kilograms for roosters and 3 kilograms for chickens. The chick hatch rate is 78 percent, but New Hampshire chicken flocks often have few brood hens.

  • Plymouth Rock

Plymouth rock chickens were bred in the United States more than a hundred years ago by crossing several breeds of birds. The most common are the white and striped varieties of chickens. White is considered more popular for farms with meat production.

Puberty begins as early as six months of age, and hens lay eggs with light brown shells. The advantage of Plymouth rock birds is the high hatchability of chicks (up to 80 percent) and a well-developed brooding instinct. Chickens are also distinguished by their calm nature (Fig. 9).

Rice. 9. Appearance of Plymouth Rock chickens

A characteristic feature of chickens of this breed is rapid development, but slow plumage growth. The birds are distinguished by excellent meat qualities: chickens can be sent for slaughter at the age of 56 days, when their weight exceeds one and a half kilograms. A one-year-old rooster weighs 3.6 kilograms, and the live weight of an adult male exceeds 4 kilograms.

  • Jersey giant

Chickens of the Jersey Giant breed are one of the largest. Despite their high meat productivity, chickens are also distinguished by their excellent egg production (up to 180 eggs per year). Since chickens are quite large, they require special living conditions, in particular, extensive walking. In addition, laying hens often crush eggs in nests, so they need to be removed in time.

  • Orpington

Despite the fact that Orpington chickens belong to the meat-egg production direction, they are valued precisely for their meat qualities (Fig. 10). The weight of an adult is up to 5 kg, while the annual egg production of laying hens is 160-180 eggs.

Rice. 10. Chickens of the Jersey Giant (1a, 1b) and Orpington (2a, 2b) breeds

Chickens grow slowly and require high-quality feeding. At the same time, caring for chickens of this breed can be called simple, since the birds have a calm character and are unpretentious to climatic conditions.

  • Legbar

Legbar chickens are characterized by an average weight (up to 3 kg) and egg production (up to 200 eggs per year). A distinctive feature is the light green or blue color of the shell. However, birds have high endurance and good health, which makes caring for them much easier.

  • Russian Crested

Russian Crested chickens can be safely called universal. They are distinguished by high egg production, which practically does not depend on the season, and the weight of an adult individual can reach 3-4 kg. In addition, Russian crested chickens come in a variety of colors, and the presence of a small crest on the head also gives them decorative value (Fig. 11).

  • Foxy Chick

This is a fairly common breed in homestead farms, since Foxy Chick chickens do not require special housing conditions, they differ good health And high level hatchability of young animals. At the same time, they have tasty and tender meat with almost no fat, and the annual number of eggs from one hen reaches 250 pieces.

Rice. 11. Breeds of chickens for meat and egg production: 1 - Legbar, 2 - Russian Crested, 3 - Foxy Chick

Others, less common ,include(Fig. 12):

  1. Moscow: Birds have a long body and a convex chest. The plumage is black, but there are patches of yellow feathers on the neck (hens) or on the neck and back (roosters). A distinctive feature of chickens is the high hatchability of chickens (about 90 percent).
  2. Wyandotte- a breed of chickens with an average live weight (up to 3.5 kg for roosters and 3 kg for hens) and egg production (up to 180 eggs annually). The feather color of Wyandotte chickens can be black, white, yellow or golden.
  3. Kuchin anniversary The breed is distinguished by good meat qualities and high vitality. The plumage of hens is often light red with a golden mane, while roosters, in addition to red plumage and a golden mane, have black plumage on the chest and tail. The egg productivity of Kuchin Jubilee breed chickens reaches 180 eggs per year.
  4. Yerevan breed of chickens was bred in Armenia by crossing local birds with Rhode Island and New Hampshire chickens. Chickens have average weight body (up to 3.5 kilograms) and egg production (160-180 eggs per year).
  5. Sussex- chickens are silver-gray in color with a fairly high egg production (up to 200 per year). Birds are also distinguished by early sexual maturity, but their brooding instinct is poorly developed.

Rice. 12. Common meat and egg breeds: 1 - Moscow black, 2 - Wyandotte, 3 - Kuchinskaya, 4 - Yerevan, 5 - Sussex

These are also often grown at home. breeds of chickens for meat and egg production(Fig. 13):

  1. Zagorsk salmon. It was developed in the middle of the last century in Russia. The color of the feathers is light brown. The advantages of birds are not only high egg production and meat quality, but also unpretentiousness to living conditions. Since the breed was bred specifically for climatic conditions In Russia, birds tolerate even the most severe frosts well.
  2. Master Gray. Chickens of this breed grow quickly and gain weight, while maintaining high egg production (up to 300 eggs per year). Since the birds are quite large, they need to be equipped with special spacious chicken coops and extensive paddocks.
  3. Maran. Compared to other meat and egg breeds, Maran chickens have an average egg production (up to 150 eggs), but the meat is characterized by high taste. The main feature of Maran chickens is mobility, so extensive walking areas are provided for them.
  4. Bielefelder- a productive meat and egg breed of chickens. The egg production of females practically does not decrease in winter, and the weight of an adult chicken can exceed 4 kg. Bielefelder chickens are sensitive to drafts, so the house is insulated for the winter.
  5. Adler Silver. Laying hens of this breed produce large eggs and are highly productive. At the same time, they are also suitable for slaughter for meat, as they quickly gain weight.
  6. Amrox. One of the most popular breeds for meat and egg productivity. Amrox chickens are characterized not only by high egg production (up to 200 eggs per year), but also by good quality meat and almost 100% rearing of young animals at home.

Rice. 13. Other popular meat and egg breeds of chickens: 1 - Zagorskaya Salmon, 2 - Master Gray, 3 - Maran, 4 - Bielefelder, 5 - Adler Serebristaya, 6 - Amrox

It is worth noting that in various regions they quite often breed local breeds, which differ not only high quality meat, but also good egg production. These breeds include the Orpington, Yurlovskaya, Pervomayskaya, Livenskaya and Australorp breeds, which have not become very widespread lately. A distinctive characteristic of these breeds is the rapid growth of young animals, whose weight at ten days of age exceeds a kilogram. From the video you will learn even more useful information about the features of breeding and keeping chickens of meat and egg breeds using the example of the Amroks species.

A distinctive feature of meat breed chickens is their large size and more compact horizontal body (compared to egg breed chickens). Chickens have loose plumage, dense bones, short legs and a phlegmatic character.

Since the main breed of chickens is meat production, their egg production is poorly developed, but the brooding instinct is developed quite well. Below are the distinctive features of the most common meat breeds of chickens, and Figure 14 shows the characteristic external features birds meat direction productivity.

  • Corniche

Birds of this breed are a cross between English fighting and Malayan chickens. However, until the mid-20th century, Cornish chickens were not very common. This was explained by the fact that the birds have low egg production and a small mass of eggs; the chickens hatch poorly and fledge slowly.

A selection was made, as a result of which chickens with relatively high egg production with light brown shells were obtained.

Rice. 14. Meat breeds of chickens: 1 - Cornish, 2 - Brama, 3 - Cochin

Chickens are white in color; in addition, the birds are distinguished by their large body weight (more than 4.5 kg for roosters, and about 3.5 kg for chickens).

It was the Cornish birds that were taken as the basis for many crosses intended for breeding broilers.

  • Brahma

Chickens of the Brahma breed differ in appearance from others. They have almost no crest and have fluffy feathers on their legs. In addition, all roosters of this breed have a unique collar around their necks made of feathers that contrast with the main color.

There are many subspecies of the breed, but the weight is approximately the same: up to 3.5 for hens and up to 4.5 for roosters.

  • Cochin

This is another fairly common meat breed of chicken. The live weight of birds reaches 5.5 kg for males and 4.5 kg for females. Chickens lay eggs with light brown shells, and the color of the feathers of Cochin chickens can be black, white, fawn or even blue.

  • Faverolles

Birds of this breed gain weight very quickly and by the first year of life reach a weight of 3.5-4 kg. At the same time, their egg production is quite high for meat production: up to 160 eggs per year. The appearance of Faverol chickens can be seen in Figure 15.

Rice. 15. Chickens of the Faverol breed

Additionally, dwarf chickens of the Faverol breed were bred, whose weight does not exceed 1 kg, but egg production is significantly higher and practically does not decrease in winter.

The video shows detailed information on breeding and keeping chickens of the Brama meat breed.

Sports and decorative breeds of chickens

In addition to the breeds described above, some homestead farms also breed sporting and ornamental birds.

Most famous sport chicken breeds include(Fig. 16):

  • English fighters are the most common chickens. The birds have a very unique appearance: a head with a wide forehead and a small crest, a vertical neck, dense plumage, long and strong legs. In addition to their strong build, the birds have a very aggressive character and featherless legs. Egg production is low (about 100 eggs per year), but English fighting breed chickens are often used for crossing with meat breeds to improve the strength of the physique and greater development of the pectoral muscles.
  • Kulangi most common in Uzbekistan. Feather color can be brown, black or red. The weight of roosters can exceed 4 kg, and hens - 3 kg.

Rice. 16. Sports and decorative breeds of chickens: 1 - English fighting, 2 - kulangi, 3 - bantam, 4 - shabot

Ornamental chicken breeds are often bred on homestead farms for aesthetic purposes. Birds can be much smaller than standard size, have long tail(or be without a tail at all) or have unusual plumage.

The most famous decorative breeds of chickens are(Fig. 10):

  • Bantams are the most common ornamental chickens, since this breed includes many subspecies of dwarf birds. The first group includes the bantams themselves, and the second group includes dwarf copies of other breeds (Langshans, Cochins). The birds have low egg production (up to 100 eggs per year), and their body weight does not exceed a kilogram.
  • Shabo- a dwarf breed of chickens, which is often bred for decorative purposes. Feathers can be white, yellow, porcelain or calico. The weight of adult roosters reaches only 600 grams, and hens - 500 grams.

Pavlovskaya is also considered one of the most famous ornamental breeds of chickens (Fig. 17). Such birds are not bred for meat and eggs, since the weight of an adult individual rarely exceeds one and a half kilograms, and laying hens produce only about 80 eggs per year. Pavlovsk chickens have a very beautiful unusual golden-brown color and a large crest on the head. From a maintenance point of view, Pavlovsk chickens are very demanding: they cannot be kept in cages, and the range must be spacious.

Rice. 17. Chickens of the Pavlovsk breed

More useful information about chicken breeds is given in the video. You will learn how to properly care for birds and keep them for profit.

February 6th, 2017

We have already discussed these exotic birds, but again I could not pass by these birds. I also remembered the Soviet cartoon about “The Black Hen,” which seemed kind of scary to me. Video at the end of the post.

In general, this unusual poultry is called Ayam Chemani (translated from Indonesian, SUDDENLY! - black chicken). Its all-black coloration has earned this bird the title of the most exotic and most mysterious breed in the world.

Every part of this unique bird's body is black, from the metallic sheen of its feathers to its onyx feet. Even her internal organs are inky. This unusual effect was due to the presence of a dominant gene in her blood that causes hyperpigmentation. This mutation explains the excess of the natural pigment melanin in the tissues of a living organism. The process occurs even at the stage of embryonic development, and thanks to it, there is a whole separate species of ayam cemani chickens in the world, all of whose offspring are born black as soot.

Here are more details:

Photo 2.

Ayam Cemani is a direct descendant of wild bank chickens from the islands of Indonesia, in particular from the island of Sumatra. This type and currently lives in the jungle in the wild. There is an opinion that the original Ayam Tsemani have already died out, only hybrids with Ayam Kedu remain. However, this is a controversial issue, since Ayam Tsemani differs from Ayam Kedu, which is bred as a bird with good consumer qualities. Obviously, overlap is possible.

It can also be assumed that in the region of Middle Java, there are still aboriginal, purebred Ayam Tsemani, despite the fact that they play an irreplaceable role in the rituals of traditional Indonesian medicine and culture. Translated from Indonesian, Ayam means “chicken”, and Tsemani is the name of a village in Middle Java, near the city of Solo. Ayam Cemani is bred in the areas of Middle and East Java, Sumatra and Madura. In their homeland of Indonesia, these pure black, rare chickens fetch a lot of money and are considered to have mystical powers. Local residents often buy them for ritual purposes, endowing the black meat and entrails of these birds with magical properties.

Photo 3.

Ayam Tsemani was first described in 1920 by Dutch colonialists. The founder of breeding of this species is considered to be Tjokromikhardyo from the city of Magelang in Central Java. His son continued the breeding work and organized a large farm. The first specimens of this bird and the first hatching eggs were brought to Europe by the Dutch poultry specialist Jan Stevernik, who in 1998-2000. visited Indonesia several times and devoted himself to the study of this breed and its origin.

Photo 4.

At the moment, there is no single standard for Ayam Tsemani chickens. Basic information about the breed comes to us from Indonesia, as well as from the book by the author France Sudir. The main requirement is the pure black color of the entire bird. The plumage, legs, claws, tongue, beak, comb, earrings - the whole bird must be black. Individuals with white fingers, or at least the tip of the tongue, are subject to culling.

The body weight of a rooster reaches 1.8-2.0 kg, a chicken - 1.2-1.5 kg. The body is narrow, compact, with long legs. The comb is lamellar. Average egg production- 100 cream-colored eggs weighing about 50 grams.
Ring sizes: for roosters - 18 mm, for chickens - 16 mm.

Photo 5.

Ayam Tsemani fly well and are very timid, so the walk must be covered. They do not trust the person and try to avoid any contact with him. You need to enter the chicken coop very carefully, slowly and without sudden movements, so as not to frighten the bird. In panic, they may harm themselves.

Photo 6.

Photo 7.

Photo 8.

Photo 9.

Photo 10.

Photo 11.

Photo 12.

Photo 13.

Photo 14.

Photo 15.

Photo 16.

Photo 17.

Photo 18.

Photo 19.

Photo 20.

And here's more about black chicken meat.

If this isn't some internet confusion, they claim that there is another unusual breed of chicken with black bones and even black internal organs.

A breed called the Chinese Silky has very soft, fluffy feathers, and inside it differs from other chickens in that it has bluish-black skin, dark meat, and black bones and internal organs. In the West, Chinese silky chickens are bred, as a rule, for decorative purposes, but in China and some other eastern countries their meat is considered a delicacy and is not available to everyone.

The breed has been known since the 7th century, and eating these chickens, known in China as wu gu ji (Chinese for “black-bone chicken”), is believed to have beneficial effects on human health. For example, Chinese women traditionally eat Chinese silky chicken meat after childbirth to restore energy, and the Chinese also say that black chicken dishes have a positive effect on the blood, lungs and stomach.

As a rule, in order for the Wu Gu Ji meat to fully display its unique properties, a broth is prepared from it with the addition of ginseng, dried wolfberry and Chinese dates, and such chickens are rarely fried.

Mention of silk chickens is found in the notes of the Chinese traveler Marco Polo dating back to the 13th century - a genus of domestic chickens whose skin was covered with black hair instead of feathers. One of the first mentions that these chickens are found on the territory of Russia dates back to 1768-1773. Domestic poultry farmers brought this breed from Europe. The German naturalist Pallas reports that he saw a Chinese chicken that had black skin and white plumage. These chickens are also found in Siberia, Persia and Astrakhan. Silk hens are excellent brood hens and mothers; they are often used for breeding not only chicken eggs, but also for raising pheasants and partridges. White silkie chicks are hatched with canary-colored fluff—the cutest little creatures you could possibly imagine! The highlight of silken chickens is the color of their skin, bones and meat - it is blue-black.

Eastern medicine considers the meat and eggs of Chinese chickens to be healing, like ginseng. It tastes excellent. In the old days, silken chickens were served at dinner parties, seasoned with white sauce to deepen the color of their meat.

In family communities of silk chickens, more than in other breeds, mutual affections arise. Cockerels are very attentive “gentlemen” not only to their own “ladies”. You probably won’t find more fearless defenders of your harem. Despite their toy appearance, they do not hesitate to rush to protect their family. Hens are also known for their strong brooding instincts - they are used to care for the chicks of other poultry (including waterfowl - geese and ducks) and even game birds (quail and pheasant). And this is not the fruit of the efforts of geneticists or biologists, as it might seem. Silk is one of the oldest breeds.

According to a genetic study conducted in 2011, the unique feature of Chinese silky chickens is due to their unusual genetic mutation, characterized as “a complex rearrangement that results in overexpression of Endothelin-3, a gene that is responsible for promoting the growth of pigment cells.”

A significant increase in the number of pigment cells not only causes the black color of the skin and bones, but also causes darkening internal organs. Another interesting fact about Chinese silkies is their high content of carnosine, a natural peptide that is sold as food additives. People take it for enlargement muscle mass, slowing down the aging process and alleviating diseases such as diabetes and autism.

The nature of black skin was studied at the university in Jena, and by zoologists in Bonn. Studies have shown that it is rich in amino acids, vitamins (especially group B), calcium, phosphorus, iron, contains nicotinic acid, and also substances that purify the blood and increase the number of red blood cells and hemoglobin, activating the work of the spleen, kidneys, and genitals. The Chinese use medicines from the meat of silk chickens to cure tuberculosis, migraines, kidney diseases, gynecological and many other diseases.

There is such Chinese legend. In ancient times, a man's mother became terminally ill. The son put her in a cart and took her to look for a doctor who could save her. They traveled around the villages for a long time, but no one was able to help. Returning to their native places, they stayed with some peasant. The owner, according to the laws of hospitality, prepared the most valuable thing he had in his house - black chicken. The next morning the old woman felt better, and by the evening of the next day she was walking vigorously, and in the end, she was completely cured. Since then, silk has been believed to “heal all ailments.”

Remember, there was an old cartoon about the Black Hen? He seemed kind of scary to me:

“What does the cockerel say? What about the chicken? – the grandmother asks her grandson sitting in the stroller. And the baby confidently answers her. From an early age we firmly grasp the fact that the “boys” and “girls” of the chicken family are very different. They make different sounds, wear different combs on their heads, and have different plumage. But still, why are domestic chickens and roosters colored differently?

The rooster has a bright and beautiful comb and beard on its head. His “earrings” have the same rich color. He himself is always larger than the female hen, with large legs, often decorated with spurs.

The rooster's color seems to be a source of pride for its owner. Wings with long and strong feathers, which he spreads from time to time, as if wanting to demonstrate them to others. Two or three swings - and you expect that the rooster is about to fly into the air so that we can admire it from the bottom of our hearts. But no, the ability to fly during the thousand-year history of chickens being under human care was almost lost. And for those daredevils who still try to fly onto the fence, the owners “carefully” clip their wings.

The special pride of the rooster is its tail, with long semicircular feathers called “braids”. And complements the corresponding plumage on the neck, often with shiny feathers that match the entire costume. Compared to a rooster, a hen's coloring is always much more modest. The set of colors with which nature painted her costume is incomparable with that of the male. However, hens tend to reach the fledging stage more quickly than roosters.

Why do you think? The latter spend more strength And nutrients to reach larger sizes. Therefore, the hen is much lighter than the male, has a very small comb and a beard of the same size.

Why are they different?

The phenomenon of differences in color between Petya and his girlfriends reveals such a property of living beings as “sexual dimorphism.” Of the birds, it is especially pronounced in gallinaceae, as well as in passerines and anseriformes. For example, in black grouse (they are also chickens), we see a decoration on the male’s head, but the female does not have it. In addition, many male birds, due to their color and external features attract females during the mating season.

An ordinary house sparrow has more variegated wings and a lighter belly, and it itself will be larger than a sparrow: small, inconspicuous, with an almost uniform color. Why does this happen in nature? Scientists argue that sexual dimorphism is more pronounced in living beings, the more different the male and female roles in raising offspring are. If, for example, a hen must sit chicks in a safe place and “hatch” them for several months, then the rooster has different responsibilities. He, firstly, needs to win his right to girlfriends, secondly, protect them from enemies, thirdly, find them food every day, and also discourage predators from the nest with the hen.

The role of a hen requires inconspicuous plumage (she hatches her chicks on the ground) and an easy-going temperament. The rooster, by virtue of his “official duties,” is obliged to be a warrior. Why? The answer is simple: if he fails, he leaves no offspring. Natural laws are inexorable. We offer you to admire all the beauty and majesty of the male in the video from the author Olesya Kvassov.

Interestingly, bank jungle fowls living in wildlife in the countries of Southeast Asia and the Hindustan and considered the ancestors of our domestic crested birds, sexual dimorphism in color is equally pronounced. By the way, the bank rooster is the only wild chicken that sings “ku-ka-re-ku!” The rest of the undomesticated ones make a sound that is more reminiscent of a crow's caw.

Male and female banker chickens

The distant relationship of the banker chickens with numerous species of domestic chickens living all over the world is evidenced by their ability to produce joint offspring. By the way, despite the fact that wild representatives of chickens live in the jungle, they fly rather poorly. Nests are not made and the offspring are raised on the ground in secluded places - somewhere in a hole in a bush. Inconspicuous females are the same caring mothers as their domestic relatives.

A characteristic manifestation of sexual dimorphism in all roosters, both wild and domestic, are spurs on the legs - military weapon in cockfights. Spurs, like powerful beaks, help inflict painful damage on the opponent, and then drive away and force the hens to abandon their attention.

By the way, do you know why people began domesticating chickens 3-4 thousand years ago? Do you think it’s because of the delicious meat and delicious eggs? No matter how it is! It turns out that at first our ancestors were attracted by the fighting fervor of wild roosters - and they began to be used in ritual cockfights, which are still popular in the habitats of bank chickens - Indochina, Sri Lanka.

The plasticity of wild chickens, their ability to easily adapt to very different climates and natural conditions, helped people domesticate them and develop many species with an attractive exterior.

Silver Laced Polish Chicken

Today, the number of domestic chickens worldwide reaches 13 billion! Thanks to this, we can not only eat chicken meat and eggs, but also admire the sometimes very elaborate plumage of this wonderful and so familiar bird. And everyone’s cockerels and hens are different, as nature intended.

Video “Southern Thailand: wild chickens in natural conditions”

Fishes Cockerels originate from Thailand and Indonesia, where they live in swamps and rice fields. Wild Cockerels do not have long, bright, flowing fins and a thin, long, fancy-looking body. In fact, they have short and stocky bodies with fins like female Bettas. The dominant colors of the original Cockerels are red, green and blue. The wild species are more aggressive and have more muscles than many modern aquarium Bettas.

Cockerel fish are very peaceful, but there are two reasons why they may be considered an aggressive species:

  1. Territory defense
  2. The right to breed with a female

Male Bettas are very territorial, so no more than one male can be kept in one aquarium (especially a small one). It should also be remembered that males can also attack females, so the aquarium should have a lot of shelters and plants behind which they can hide. Male Cockerels are more beautiful, brighter and have long luxurious fins. This is why many hobbyists keep only males, and only one at a time in one small aquarium, otherwise they will fight to the death.

Contain Fighting Cocks simple enough. They do not require huge aquariums with expensive filters. They also do not need to be fed expensive food. For example, for one male Cockerel, a small container (9-10 liters bowl or jar) is suitable. They are fed 1-2 times a day. The water is changed every 4-5 days. It is thanks to this simple care that Cockerel fish are great for beginner aquarists.

Types of Betta Tails.

Veil tail or VT.
Siamese Fighter Veil Tail, Betta splendens VT, Veiled Cockerel.
This type of tail is the most common among Cockerels, and is therefore often found in pet stores. The veil tail gene is dominant. This tail is long and thin. Its feathers usually taper towards the end.

Delta tail (Delta tail or D).
Siamese Fighter Delta, Betta splendens D.
The cockerel of this species has a delta-shaped caudal fin converging at the caudal peduncle. The angle between the outer rays of the tail is measured in degrees, and can be up to 130 0.

Super Delta Tail or SD.
Super delta cockerel, Betta splendens SD, Super delta cockerel, Siamese Fighter Super Delta.
These are Bettas with wider tail shapes than the Delta Tails. Usually their tail fins open to an angle of 130-180 0.

Ultra Delta Tail (UD).
These are Roosters with an even more improved version of the Dalt Tail. The angle between their outermost tail rays is more than 180 0.

Tail Half Moon (HM).
Siamese Fighter Half Moon, Cockerel Half Moon, Betta splendens HM.
The shape of the tail of these cockerels practically does not need description. The caudal fin of the Crescent opens to 160-180 0, and its rays should be of the same length. (This rule also applies to all forms of Delta Tails). Finding a real Crescent Cockerel is quite difficult, and they are very expensive. Fish marked as HM (Half Moon) have fairly large elongated fins (dorsal and anal).

Double tail (Double Tail or DT).
Betta splendens DT, Double-tailed cockerel, Siamese Fighter Double Tail.
Bettas with this type of tail are very beautiful. Their caudal fin is split down the middle, producing two caudal stalks and what are called caudal lobes (lobes or fins). A true Double-Tailed Cockerel must also have two tail stalks. The dorsal fin of these fish is elongated. Breeding Double-tailed Bettas is a very risky process, as due to the double tail stalks there is a possibility of producing fish with spinal deformities and short bodies. Sometimes these types of tails can be combined with any Delta Tails and Crescent Cockerels.

Crown Tail or CT.
Betta splendens CT, Crowntail cockerel, Siamese Fighter Crowntail.
Crowntail Bettas are the newest and most expensive Betta species. The fin rays of these fish are bare approximately from the middle, that is, they do not have membranes.

Single Ray or SR - Cockerels in which only one ray passes through the tail without a membrane (membrane).

Double Ray (DR) - Cockerels whose rays are connected in pairs by partitions. The third membrane is short.

Triple Ray or TR - quite rare Cockerels, each three rays of which are connected by partitions.

Double Double Ray (DDR or Double Double Ray) - very expensive Cockerels, in which the membranes are reduced between the 4 branches of the ray and between the rays themselves. The number of rays is counted only on the caudal fin, while the dorsal and anal fins have reduced membranes between all rays. This type of tail is found in combination with the Double Tail, any of the Delta Tails, and the Crescent Tail.

Modern aquarium hobby is developing very quickly, which contributes to the emergence of more and more new species of Cockerel, differing in size, appearance and color of the tail. Below let's look at some common colorings of Bettas.

Colors of Cockerel fish.

The fins and body are bright red, the head and gills are also red, but a little paler.

A common coloration where the red color runs throughout the entire fish, including the gill plates and head.

The fins and body (ending with the gill plates) are dark blue. The head is usually dark gray. This color is very susceptible to red flecks (the red color can usually be seen on the fins).

The fins and body are light gray and dark metallic blue, ending at the gills and head, which are the same as the Royal Blue. This color is also very susceptible to red flecks.

Turquoise: This Cockerel's entire body is a fading bright green color, ending at the gills. The head of this fish has the same color as the Blue Cockerel, that is, grayish-black.

Black/Melano: This is one of those types of Cockerels that are very difficult to breed in a pure form, but at the same time their coloring is one of the most attractive. The body and fins of these Bettas are black. Males with this coloration are not very fertile, but the problem with fertility lies in the females. This has not yet been proven, but there is a connection between the action of the Melano Gene and the reproductive system of females, which makes them infertile. To obtain black Cockerels, it is best to cross a Melano male with a Steel Blue female.

Black Lace: this fish has a black discolored appearance. These Bettas are fertile and actually look like Steel Blues.

Yellow: The color of these Bettas is yellow, which can vary from a very light yellow to a bright yellow covering most of the body and fins.