Funeral of Vera Glagoleva: Relatives have not decided on a place in the cemetery. Death and funeral of Vera Glagoleva latest news

On December 2, 2017, the next meeting of the Necropolitan Society took place, it was held at Troekurovskoye Cemetery. This year we already met on April 1, but when in November the conversation came up about the December meeting, the majority of those who took part in the voting spoke in favor of Troekurovskoye. And this is not surprising, because there is always something to see there. In addition, we monitor recent burials famous people, suddenly a monument was erected to one of them. And over the course of many years, it is very interesting to observe how, gradually filling up, the Troekurovskoye cemetery is transformed, and after many decades, our photographs taken at Troekurovskoye will become of historical interest, at least for those who will study the cemetery at the end of the current century.
The meeting began with a general photograph for memory, but it so happened that Sergei Merzhanov and Lena Cherdantseva are not in it, although they were already at the cemetery, and Zhenya Rumyantsev is also missing - he arrived later, and me (Dvamala) - I took this photo .

I will briefly describe our walk, compensating for the sparsity of the text with photographs. From the entrance, along one of the roads, we passed the grave of Elena Mayorova. The grave, as always, is well-kept, with a portrait of the actress on the cross.

Before reaching the famous actors' alley (section No. 6), we climbed the steps and moved to new territory. A monument was erected at the grave of actor and athlete Yuri Dumchev. He was not there in August. But on the grave of Fyodor Cherenkov there is still the same cross. But it’s immediately clear: the people’s path to it is not overgrown.

At the grave of film director G.E. Yungvald-Khilkevich erected a very original tombstone in the form of a stele, covered with a blue blanket (or carpet) with church symbols, but for some reason, without a cross. From a distance the “carpet” looks like a real one, although it is a mosaic. But when you look at the grave, you get the feeling that work on the monument is not completed.

The monument on the grave of actor Ilya Rutberg still attracts attention.

And nothing permanent has yet been installed on the graves of Natalya Krachkovskaya, Georgy Taratorkin, Igor Artashonov, Igor Fesunenko.

It’s still not possible to take such photos of the graves of Tamara Miansarova and Kira Golovko (their graves are nearby) that would be suitable for creating pages on the “Celebrity Graves” website.

We went to the far part of the cemetery. After walking among the new graves of the 25th section, we went to the 18th section, where Boris Notkin was recently buried. Lena Rozhnova laid a bouquet of flowers on the grave.

Then, since it is very close, Zhenya Dolgikh laid a carnation on the grave of politician and businessman Boris Nemtsov. I was not present at this time - I looked at what was now on the grave former singer“Ivanushek” by Oleg Yakovlev, but, to my surprise, I did not immediately find his grave in this still empty plot. And here’s why: she was blocked by a monument that had grown up in front of her (it wasn’t there in August).

In the same area, the grave of a baby was impressive. But his name is not on the sign, instead of his name there is an inscription...

From this site it is a stone's throw to the grave of Vera Glagoleva. I remembered the footage of how joyfully she danced at her daughter’s wedding a couple of months before her unexpected death. And now there is a grave near the road.

I have been waiting for a long time for the installation of a monument on the grave of actor Alexander Potapov, and I waited, it’s just a pity that the photo didn’t turn out very well.

We visited many graves on December 2, walked the length and breadth of Troekurovskoye, and we even spotted a squirrel near the feeding house in the tree. If the daylight hours were not so short, we would have gladly stayed longer at Troekurovsky. Finally, a few more photos...

The next meeting of the Necropolitan Society will take place in February 2018, follow the site news.

The sudden death of this amazing actress and film director shocked the whole country, and there was no talk of relatives. Vera Glagoleva died on August 16 in German clinic near Baden-Baden, where, according to friends, she had just arrived for examination. She was only 61 years old. About the fact that the artist for many years struggling with an incurable disease, only those closest to him knew.

Vera Vitalievna did not like to complain; few people had a complete idea of ​​how serious the actress’s illness was. It was cancer. But Glagoleva did not give up. She worked until the last day, she almost finished her film " Clay pit", there are three days of filming and editing left. And a month before her death she organized a luxurious wedding youngest daughter Anastasia (from her second marriage to businessman Kirill Shubsky). Vera Glagoleva was very proud that the world famous hockey player Alexander Ovechkin became her son-in-law. She managed to do everything... But those around her didn’t feel that the actress was in a hurry. She tried to live life to the fullest.

On Saturday, August 19, Moscow and the country said goodbye to Vera Glagoleva in the capital’s House of Cinema. Vladimir Putin and Dmitry Medvedev expressed their condolences to their loved ones. Government telegrams were also sent by the Mayor of Moscow Sergei Sobyanin, the Minister of Culture of the Russian Federation Vladimir Medinsky, the governor Oryol region Vadim Potomsky, governor Kemerovo region Aman Tuleyev and many other government figures.

Conduct Vera Vitalievna to last path One of the first to come was Joseph Kobzon, singer and State Duma deputy.

She was outstanding actress“, who tragically passed away, left her family, the country, you and me,” Kobzon said. - So recently I rejoiced at her happiness when she married Nastya. Then I asked her to dance with her son-in-law Ovechkin. This turned out to be Verochka's last dance. She did this, enduring all the pain, physically she already felt bad. No one knew or expected that Vera was leaving. And she did everything so as not to overshadow her daughter’s holiday. You probably also saw it somewhere for the first time and immediately remembered it. This is the secret of personality. She is unlike anyone else - modest, beautiful, charming. She is remembered as a bright actress. On top of everything, she was a real woman, gave birth to three wonderful girls, beauties. She was a kind, caring mother, wife, and actress.

"You loved what you did"

The head of the Union of Cinematographers, Evgeny Gerasimov, said that today, August 19, all state cinemas in the capital will show Vera Glagoleva’s last film, “Two Women,” which she managed to release during her lifetime in 2014. In this film, which was based on Ivan Turgenev’s play “A Month in the Country,” the famous British actor Ralph Fiennes starred in the role of Mikhail Rakitin. He sent Vera Vitalievna’s relatives a touching telegram:

“Now I can’t talk to you, I can’t enjoy your cheerful conversations when you speak very quickly, and with my modest knowledge of Russian I try to understand you. I cherish in my heart the memories of the times we worked together. I clearly hear your voice, loud, clear and the explosion of your laughter. I remember the happy time with your family after filming. With Kirill, Anya, Masha, Nastya, we laughed, ate barbecue and every evening you beat me at chess. Your brave and strong soul is still with us. She provokes us, questions us. I think you would be happy to know that I started shooting the film yesterday. I dreamed of sending you a photo from our first day of shooting. Thank you, my dear Vera, for the inspiration, joy and love that you gave me! I will never forget that summer spent with you and Turgenev under the Russian skies. I will always remember our filming time and will smile because you loved what you did. With love, your Rakitin Ralph Fiennes."

"Verka, thank you for being there!"

Also starring in “Two Women” was actor Alexander Baluev. - She brought a lot of joy. She called me her talisman. And somehow I was even offended. Now I'm proud that it was like that. I am proud that I had the good fortune to work with her and argue. With the last film “Two Women” we were supposed to go to a festival in Spain, but... I will remember you all my life. Verka, thank you for being there! - Baluev said at parting.

Actor Valery Garkalin said at the funeral ceremony that creative biography actress and director - an example of the most serious and deep understanding of the film profession.

The essence of acting is the uniqueness of each of us. She comprehended this essence, says Garkalin.

Alexey Uchitel, Glagoleva’s colleague, appreciated and loved her very much.

More amazing combination I haven’t met an external and internal person for a long time,” says the Teacher. “We were friends, we made films.” Usually there is always some kind of chill between colleagues. But not with her. When communicating with Vera, there was never a feeling of heaviness; it always felt good. And I can’t imagine that we won’t meet tomorrow, that the feeling of light won’t come. This is such a rare combination when your loved ones, spectators and colleagues love you. Vera, I love you very much, I will miss you greatly!

"I was always rushing somewhere..."

A very close friend of Vera Vitalievna was the actress Marina Mogilevskaya, who could hardly pronounce the words, sobbing:

I lost a friend, a friend that is few and far between. “I’m so grateful for our communication, for how much I learned from you,” she turns to her friend.

How I learned from you to love my family, my profession... Vera was always rushing somewhere: to read, to film, to understand. How important it is to tell each other, while we are close, what we feel. On this day, August 19, exactly 6 years ago, I gave birth to a daughter. And I didn’t have time to prepare anything at all. And when I went home, I saw a fantastic children's room that she had completely prepared for me, which I never expected. And how could I have thought that after 6 years I would be saying goodbye to her?

The famous producer Mark Rudinstein also said wonderful words in memory of Vera:

She was a tuning fork human relations in this complex cinematic world. She cemented this world. She helped me when I made mistakes. Thank you, Vera! - he thanked.

One more close friend producer Natalya Ivanova, who filmed two films with her latest films, believes that, despite the absolute suddenness, she “orchestrated her departure.”

The director’s unfinished film “Clay Pit,” according to Natalya Ivanova, will be completed and released in her memory. The film is 80 percent ready, three days of shooting and final editing remain. - This scene [“House of Cinema”] was her favorite, because we presented each of our films for the first time here. We were always very worried and afraid of how the viewer would respond. And there was always a full house and gratitude. I say thank you to Kirill Shubsky for doing everything possible to keep Vera with us as long as possible! - said the producer.

"Life tested her"

Inna Churikova gave a big speech in memory of Vera Glagoleva from the stage of the House of Cinema.

It’s like a blow, like every person leaving there, very close, almost nearby, but in a different space. But we are together, we are always close, because a person lives forever,” the actress is sure. “I first heard about her from Anatoly Efros, who said: “I’m filming a picture now, and there is such an amazing young girl who I really like, she amazes me. She is filled with joy and happiness that she works in films.

Now, filming with Anechka, her daughter, I see how similar she is to her mother, how organized, responsible, understanding she is, how great she is creativity. Vera is a wonderful mother. She raised beautiful daughters in the very in a deep sense this word. They are beautiful, expressive, talented, they are artists. And, of course, this is thanks to Vera, thanks to her clear understanding of how to educate. It seems to me that she did not indulge, she was demanding, but she loved very much. And all this was passed on to the girls. I saw how inquisitive and inquisitive she was about people and life. How she didn’t miss anything, how accurately she assessed. She learned from life.

It seems to me that life tested her. Because in her existence there were such difficulties that she endured herself, without showing anyone, without demonstrating anything, overcoming. Apparently, she understood that those people for whom she felt love were innocent of this. Her departure was an explosion for me personally! What a surprise! For me she was powerful man. With each painting she grew, became more interesting, more significant. The painting “One War” is an amazing painting! And “Two Women” according to Turgenev is unique, deeply penetrating. She was a hard-nosed, non-conformist director. For me it was a discovery, just like this picture. She seemed so strong to me, so young, so strong, so loving. And when I found out [about her death], it was something unbearable.


In 2005, the film “Order” was released, directed by Vera Glagoleva from her own script. The film won the Audience Award film festival"Pacific Meridians". The director’s next work, the film “Ferris Wheel” (2006), was awarded the Grand Prix at the 1st All-Russian Film Festival “Golden Phoenix” in Smolensk. In 2012, she filmed the melodrama “Casual Acquaintances.”

Vera Vitalievna did not like to complain; few people had a full idea of ​​how serious the actress’s illness was. It was cancer. But Glagoleva did not give up. She worked until the last day, she almost finished her film “Clay Pit”, three days of shooting and editing remained. And a month before her death, she organized a luxurious wedding for her youngest daughter Anastasia (from her second marriage to businessman Kirill Shubsky). Vera Glagoleva was very proud that her son-in-law became the world famous famous hockey player Alexander Ovechkin. She managed to do everything... But those around her didn’t feel that the actress was in a hurry. She tried to live life to the fullest.

Vera Glagoleva died on August 16, 2017 at the Black Forest Bar Clinic at the University of Freiburg in the suburbs of Baden-Baden (Germany) from stomach cancer. Farewell to Vera Glagoleva took place on August 19, 2017 at the Central House of Cinema. The funeral took place at Troyekurovskoye Cemetery (plot No. 8-A, grave No. 704).

Death and funeral of Vera Glagoleva photo. Latest information.

The people's favorite was buried at the Troekurovsky cemetery. At the farewell ceremony there were close relatives of the artist - daughters, grandchildren, sons-in-law and both husbands, as well as her colleagues - actors Vera Vasilyeva, Valery Garkalin, Larisa Luzhina, Tatiana Drubich, Evgeny Gerasimov, head of the Moscow Department of Culture Alexander Kibovsky, singer Alexander Buinov, director Yuli Gusman, Joseph Kobzon and others.

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Today it became known that People's Artist of Russia Vera Glagoleva died at the age of 62. According to preliminary data, the actress died due to cancer. Glagoleva began acting in films immediately after school, in 1974. An accident helped: she came to the audition to help the actor, and unexpectedly received main role in the film "To the End of the World".

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On August 16, Glagoleva came with her husband and daughter to a clinic in Baden-Baden for a consultation with local doctors. Vera entered the medical facility on her own two feet, which is not typical for terminally ill people.

Even before the farewell ceremony began, hundreds of people gathered at the House of Cinema in Moscow. Fans of Vera Glagoleva’s work discussed the events among themselves last days and her best works, thanks to which the actress fell in love with the audience.

The head of the Union of Cinematographers, Evgeny Gerasimov, said that today, August 19, all state cinemas in the capital will show Vera Glagoleva’s last film, “Two Women,” which she managed to release during her lifetime in 2014. In this film, which is based on Ivan Turgenev’s play “A Month in the Country,” the famous British actor Ralph Fiennes starred as Mikhail Rakitin. He sent Vera Vitalievna’s relatives a touching telegram:

Actor Alexander Baluev also starred in Two Women. “She brought a lot of joy.” She called me her talisman. And somehow I was even offended. Now I'm proud that it was like that. I am proud that I had the good fortune to work with her and argue. With the last film “Two Women” we were supposed to go to a festival in Spain, but... I will remember you all my life. Verka, thank you for being there! - Baluev said at parting.

“Why count the family’s expenses? Why do we care? Unlike some scary folk ones, this family treated itself, buried itself”; “Exclusive coffins. Cemetery places surrounded by famous and quiet neighbors... She doesn’t need anything... Stupid article. Terrible. Shame on the author”; “This article is a mockery of the deceased, a dance on the bones.”

— A person suffering from cancer for a long time can die from a completely different disease. Cancer patients may have a number of concomitant diseases such as: hypertension or ischemic disease, cerebrovascular accident, which are not directly related to oncology. Against the background of reduced immunity of the body, it loses strength to resist other diseases,” an oncologist at the Central Clinical Hospital explained to MK Russian Academy Sciences Pavel Koposov.

“The cost of a burial area of ​​one by two meters is comparable to the price of an apartment in Moscow. At the same time, for the installation of a tombstone and the production of a monument, you will have to pay about three million more, depending on eminence sculptor. But since Vera Glagoleva had the title of People’s Artist of Russia, her family received a place for the grave for free - all they had to do was obtain permission from the city authorities,” the article says.

Death and funeral of Vera Glagoleva video. Detailed information.

Death and funeral of Vera Glagoleva 2018-02-10

Vera Glagoleva, apparently, will rest at the Troekurovsky cemetery in the capital. Klim Lavrentyev, deputy chairman of the Union of Cinematographers of Russia, stated this to RIA Novosti.


Troyekurovskoye is one of the most prestigious churchyards in the capital. The cemetery was founded in 1962 and received its name from former village Troekurovo, possession of the Troyekurov boyars, who lived at the end of the 17th - beginning of the 18th centuries. In 1975, the executive committee of the Moscow City Council adopted a decision “On the construction of the starting minimum for the memorial Troekurovsky cemetery.” Citizens who had rendered services to Moscow and the country as a whole were to be buried here. Among the most famous are Natalya Gundareva, Lyubov Polishchuk, Valentina Tolkunova and her husband, Anna Politkovskaya, Vlad Galkin, Andrey Panin, Vitaly Vulf.

A mere mortal can lie in such an environment only if there is a very big money– according to unofficial data, a place here costs ten million rubles. But buying it even for this amount is very problematic - the demand is too great, and there is almost no free land left. Thus, the cost of a burial area of ​​one by two meters is comparable to the price of an apartment in Moscow. At the same time, you will have to pay about three million more for installing the tombstone and making the monument, depending on the eminence of the sculptor. As they say, politician Vladimir Zhirinovsky bought himself a place on this divine plot for a couple of million, who wished to rest next to his mother. But this is all, of course, at the level of private conversations.

Since Vera Glagoleva had the title of People's Artist of Russia, her family should get a place for a grave for free - for this they need to obtain permission from the city authorities.