In what year was Timati at the factory? Singer Timati: biography, personal life, family, wife, children, daughter - photo

Timati, real name Timur Ildarovich Yunusov (b. 1983), is a Russian rapper, actor, producer, and businessman. He has the title of Honored Artist of the Chechen Republic.

Childhood years

Timati was born in a Moscow maternity hospital on August 15, 1983. His dad, Ildar Yunusov, is a fairly famous and wealthy entrepreneur. Timur's mother, Simona Yakovlevna, is a musician and plays the guitar. But she did not work by profession and specialty. Since the family had quite successful business, the woman was raising children. Timur has younger brother Ishka Artyom. My mother’s maiden name was Chervomorskaya; Jewish and Tatar roots were mixed in her blood. Timur’s grandfather sang in the choir, so, one might say, the boy was born and raised in a family that was not only wealthy, but also musical.

Despite the fact that Timati’s parents were already successful and rich at the time of his birth, he did not grow up as a major boy. His parents’ views were rather conservative; they believed that every person in life should achieve everything on their own, as they did.

Mom tried to raise her son comprehensively developed personality, therefore with early years Timur was sent to various creative and sports sections. The child grew up very sociable and active. This was especially evident in relations with his younger brother. As in any family where there are two boys, the Yunusovs could not do without fights. And what did the boys’ experiments cost their mother when they threw a dog down from the second tier of a child’s bed to see how it would land? It was even more fun when they set fire to and launched a burning paper airplane from the same bunk bed. Mom managed to grab it and put it out right next to the floor carpet.

Since childhood, the boy was rarely called by the name Timur, more and more often his relatives called him Tima, hence the future stage name Timati.

From the very early childhood the child was drawn to music. Noticing such abilities of their son, mom and dad decided to send him to a music school, where he studied violin and vocals for four years. Timur didn’t particularly like the violin, but what can he do, he had to practice because his mother forced him to.

At the age of ten, the boy already went to children's camps in the summer, where his girlfriends were mostly girls, and older than him in age. From about the same age, Timur began to choose his own clothing style, tried to earn extra money by washing cars, placing orders at McDonald's and selling skateboards. He managed to earn extra 50-100 rubles, but to him at that time they seemed like a lot of money. There were no problems with money in the family, but the parents preferred to spend it on their children’s education rather than on all sorts of fashionable childish things. Like any normal boy, Timati took part in yard fights with boys.

The beginning of a passion for music

When Timur was 13 years old, his parents sent him to Los Angeles, so to speak, to see the world and warm up his interest in studying, because graduation from school and choice was just around the corner future profession. Instead, Timati took up clubbing and studying hip-hop in America. This trip turned the young man’s life in a creative direction. He firmly decided what he was going to do in life. After returning home, Timur went into show business.

True, for starters I tried to study at a higher education institution. educational institution. After graduating from secondary school, Timur became a student at the Higher School of Economics, as his parents wanted. However, he studied there only until his third year. It took him two and a half years to finally become convinced that the world of numbers was not for him at all, he only needed music. Already at that time, Timur organized parties in nightclubs, and combining study with nightlife turned out to be problematic, and Timati left the educational institution.

His musical career began in the popular advanced clubs “Marika” and “Most”. In mid-1998, Timur and his friends organized the group “VIP 77”. By this name the creators themselves meant “Very Important People 77 district of Moscow." The team consisted of seven people, but, except for Timur, no one else became famous in modern show business. They performed in clubs, took part in several non-professional festivals, released one album, but the group was not particularly successful. As a result, the team broke up.

Timati first appeared on television screens in 2000, it was Decl’s video “Party”.

"Star Factory 4"

In 2004, Timur took part in the First Channel project “Star Factory 4”. This program, in addition to the fact that the contestants were shown on TV every week, actually gave them a lot. The best choreographers and teachers worked with them, the repertoire was personally selected for the children, and new compositions were recorded.

During filming, Timur began an affair with a charming young contestant from the Ukrainian city of Donetsk, Alexa. Since all the participants in the project constantly lived under the gun of cameras, romantic relationship Timur and Alexa quickly became public knowledge. However, later the young people separated, since the girl’s father, a Donetsk oligarch, was against such an eccentric party for his princess.

Many, after the “Star Factory” project, gained fame throughout the country and continued their path in show business. This happened with the participants of the fourth “Factory” - Timati, Anastasia Kochetkova, Dominic Joker and Ratmir Shishkov. None of these guys won a prize, but they created the group “Banda”, recorded an album, and shot a video.

After finishing the project special attention Igor Krutoy devoted his time to the established “Banda” team. He took up their promotion, and very soon the musical compositions “Heaven is Crying” and “New People” were released one after the other, quickly gaining popularity and becoming hits. In mid-2005, an entire album by the band “Banda” entitled “New People” was released.

At the same time, the singer’s passion for tattoos began. On the domestic stage, Timati is perhaps the only musician whose body is almost completely covered with tattoos.

Almost a whole year after the end of the “Star Factory 4” project, its participants toured Russia with concerts. After the end of this tour, Timur began his active work in the world of show business.

Formation of a musical career

In 2005, his first nightclub “Black club” was opened. The “Banda” team continued touring and also took part in the recording of the soundtrack to the film “Dope”.

In 2006, Timati's first solo album was presented. It was called "Black Star". Almost at the same time, Timur became the organizer of his own production center with the same name “Black Star inc.” He also began producing collectible clothing “Black Star by TIMATI”. The entire line was aimed at hip-hop youth.

IN creative life young man There was more than just music. At the very beginning of 2007, the premiere of Fyodor Bondarchuk’s film “Heat” took place, where Timur played the role of the main character. In parallel with this, he participated in the dubbing of the animated film “Catch the Wave,” where he speaks in his voice main character.

In March 2007, a terrible shock occurred in Timur's life. Two of his friends Ratmir Shishkov and Deema died in car accident, after which the group “Banda” ceased to exist. Timati got busy solo career.

Together with Dzhigan and Bogdan Titomir, he released the track “Dirty Sluts” and shot several videos for the following songs:

  • "In the club";
  • "Heat";
  • “Don’t go crazy” (Victoria Bonya starred in the video);
  • “Dance” (Ksenia Sobchak took part in the filming of this video).

At the end of 2007, Timati’s first solo concert performance took place at the Zhara club.

The year 2008 in the singer’s life was marked by the fact that, together with Dj Smash, he sang the song “My Moscow,” which was recognized as the best summer composition. Almost at the same time, at Russian Fashion Week, the first line of sportswear “TS Timati for Sprandi” was presented, which was released by Timur together with the Sprandi company.

In 2009, three Timati singles were released, each of which had videos filmed. And at the end of autumn of this year, the singer presented his second solo album, “The Boss,” at the capital’s “Milk” club. His album began to be sold in all music stores in Russia, as well as in the CIS countries. This summer, Timur experienced another tragedy, again he died in a car accident good friend and colleague at the production center “Black Star Inc” DJ Dlee.

In 2010, the singer released new songs and shot videos for them - “Time” and “How much does love cost”. This spring, at a DJ conference in Miami, a presentation of a joint track by Timati and Laurent Wolf took place. On Children's Day, June 1, Timati opened his first clothing store in Moscow. On this day, a charity concert took place with the participation of the singer himself, as well as the group “Fidgets”, Sergei Lazarev and Dj Smash.

Cinema and politics, personal life and business

In 2012, Timur participated in the Presidential election campaign Russian Federation V.V. Putin, and was also an ambassador of the Kazan Universiade. In November of the same year, Moscow's Crocus City Hall hosted solo concert, which became a kind of summing up of Timati’s ten years of musical activity.

At the end of 2012, on the set of a video, Timur met a model, finalist of the Miss Russia contest. Alena Shishkova. The singer had to court the girl for a long time, persistently and beautifully before they started dating.

In 2014, the couple had a daughter, Alice. The girl was born in maternity hospital Dominican Republic. Timati was present at the birth and supported his beloved woman in every possible way. Taking into his arms the tiny creature that was born before his eyes and was also his complete copy, Timur could not restrain himself and burst into tears.

In 2013, Timur starred in the film “ CLICK Your Luck,” and also recorded the soundtrack for this film.

Today Timati is a fairly successful musician and singer, who has well-deserved awards for his work:

  • “Golden Gramophones” (2008, 2009, 2013);
  • Muz-TV awards (2010, 2011);
  • RU TV awards (2011, 2013, 2014);
  • World Music Awards (2014).

His clothing line and the mobile game Black Star Runner, released at the end of 2015, are also being successfully promoted.

  • Name: Timur
  • Surname: Yunusov
  • Surname: Ildarovich
  • Date of birth: 15.09.1983
  • Place of birth: Moscow
  • Zodiac sign: Lion
  • Eastern horoscope: Boar (Pig)
  • Occupation: rapper, showman, businessman
  • Height: 175 cm
  • Weight: 70 kg
  • Nicknames: Timati, Mr. Black Star

Timati is known as a rapper, showman and businessman. For the first time general public I found out about him when he passed the selection for “Star Factory-4”.

Photo by Timati

Timati's childhood

Timur was born into a family of wealthy parents, his father is a businessman, Ildar Yunusov. However, despite their wealth, the parents were in no hurry to pamper their son and indulge all his desires. The father, on the contrary, was of the opinion that the child should achieve everything himself, and not receive it ready-made. Timur is not the only child in the family. He has a younger brother, Artem, who was born 3.5 years after Timati.

Since childhood, Timati was very interested in music. And he showed good abilities. His mother and grandfather are musicians. My grandfather worked in the choir, and my mother played the guitar. The boy studied violin at a music school for several years. However, this instrument did not interest him, and the lessons were abandoned. Until the age of 13, before his voice broke, he sang very well. However, then he switched to recitative.

Mom notes that in addition to Tim’s musical abilities, as a child he showed interest in the humanities and sports. So, he has been skateboarding since he was 9 years old, and later became interested in snowboarding. Despite the fact that he was seriously injured several times while descending from the mountain, he did not give up his hobby.

After high school the young man entered the Higher School of Economics in Moscow. However, it didn’t last long: after six months he dropped out of classes and stopped showing up at school. The parents sent their son to Los Angeles, to America, in the hope that the foreign education system would be closer to him. However, he did not study here for long and preferred active parties and nightlife training. Here he became acquainted with the culture of hip-hop and rap.

Timati's road to show business

After returning to Moscow from Los Angeles, Timati receives firm decision make a career in show business. At the age of 15, he was a promoter of the hip-hop clubs Most and Marika. The young man begins to actively engage in breakdancing and tries to create his own group. He manages to do this in 1998 together with his friend Pasha. The group was called VIP777. In addition to Timati and his friend Pasha, it included Spensor, Dominic Joker, Leo, MC Dynamite, Baby Lee. The participants record their first compositions, in general the group is received favorably, but it does not gain much popularity. Not only songs were recorded with this lineup, but also several videos. In 2004, the group breaks up.

In 1999, Timur worked as a backing MC with Decl, at that time already a famous and successful Russian rapper. In 2000, he even took part in the filming of a video clip for the popular song “Party at Decl’s House.” It can be seen on the words “My friend Tima was playing all the new records.” Here Timur appears to the viewer with short pigtails and dreadlocks.

In 2005, the VIP777 group gathered again, but with a slightly changed composition. Pasha and Timati also play and sing here, but all the other participants are different: Deema, Walter. A girl also appears in the lineup - Yulia Vashchekina. However, a year later the group breaks up completely. As a replacement, Timati creates a personal label, Black Stars. Many members of the group later moved to a new label.

Timati's participation in "Star Factory 4"

In 2004, Timati passed the casting to participate in the “Star Factory”. Together with him, two of his friends took part in the project: Dominic Joker and Ratmir Shishkov. While participating in the television program, the guys learned vocals, dances, took master classes from famous performers and, of course, became popular. Their first songs were recorded at the show.

At the Star Factory, Timati, Dominic and Ratmir created new group"Gang". Also participating in this project was another “manufacturer” – Anastasia Kochetkova. However, none of them took a prize at the end of the competition. Despite this, the organizers helped the guys record their first album and gave them the opportunity to shoot a video for the song “Heaven is Crying.”

After the completion of the “Star Factory”, its participants went on a tour of Russia. This was Timati's first tour as part of the "Gang".

Timati's musical career

In 2006, the group recorded their next hit - “New People”. Then he releases an album of the same name. “The Gang” constantly travels around the country on tour. However, Timati manages to build in parallel solo career. He releases his album "Black Star". A little later, he organizes the production center “Black Star Inc.”

Timati is gradually refocusing on a solo career and doing less and less work in the group. The “Gang” finally disbanded in 2007, after the death of one of its members: Ratmir Shishkov died in an accident.

Since about 2008, Timati has completely switched to solo work. In addition, he often takes part in projects of other celebrities and records large number duet songs. Others often appear in his videos famous people. For example, in 2007 Victoria Bonya took part in the filming, and a little later in the same year - Ksenia Sobchak.

Popularity forces the singer to develop and actively work in various directions. He writes songs, records compositions, shoots videos, releases albums, produces others, etc. Timati sings in both Russian and English. He releases entirely English-language albums.

Timati's activities outside of music

Timati is not only a successful singer and producer. He manages to do business; since 2006, he has been producing his own line of clothing. It is aimed at young people, in particular those interested in hip-hop culture and RnB. In 2007, he signed a contract with Sprandi and became the official face of the sportswear brand. In 2010, he opened his first clothing store. In addition, he is the owner of several nightclubs in Moscow.

Timati has given charity concerts more than once or taken part in similar events organized by other people.

The singer is also interested in politics. So, in 2012, he appeared in a campaign video for V.V. Putin. In the same year he became the ambassador of the Universiade in Kazan.

Timati pays a lot of attention to cinema. In 2007, he starred in the film “Heat”, where he plays one of the main roles. And in 2014 he released his own short film “Capsule”.

He also takes part in dubbing foreign films and cartoons. He also records audiobooks.

Timati's personal life

Timur has always enjoyed success with women. He began to show interest in the opposite sex from the age of 10, after his first trip to children's camp. He is constantly the center of attention of the paparazzi. Journalists often attribute to him non-existent novels, intrigues, etc.

He developed a more or less long-term relationship on the “Star Factory-4” project, where he met with the same contestant, singer Alexa. He starred in the video for her song. Many thought that this was a PR move conceived by the producers of the program, because soon after the end of the program the couple broke up: Timati remained in Moscow, Alexa left for Donetsk. However, after some time, he went to Ukraine and took his beloved. But, despite the storms of feelings and emotions, and perhaps precisely because of them, in 2007 the couple finally broke up.

Later, he began dating Elena Shishkova, who is known as the runner-up of Miss Russia 2012. In 2014, the couple had a daughter, Alice.

One of the most successful artists and music producers Russian show business Timati claims that he achieved everything himself. The son of the famous businessman Ildar Yunusov, following the instructions of his father, walked alone to the pinnacle of fame.

Timati's biography and personal life is full of bright events and incredible luck. No matter what Timati undertakes, success in every business is guaranteed. Thanks to incredible perseverance and hard work, Timati managed to make a name for himself and become popular both at home and abroad.

Timati now

Biography facts

Timur Yunusov was born in Moscow in 1984. Noticing their son’s abilities, his parents sent him to a music school to study violin. And if he liked to study music, studying at school was difficult. Studying at the Higher School of Economics also did not work out, and Timur went to America. His father believed that it was there that his son would come to his senses. But in the States, the guy had completely different interests: hip-hop, nightclubs... The young man returned to Moscow with the firm intention of going into show business.

Timati on the show "Star Factory"

The “Star Factory” project became the launching pad for Timati’s creativity. Here a twenty-year-old guy tried to express himself to the maximum, and he succeeded. His music group“Banda” quickly gained popularity, and all the compositions became fashionable hits at that time. Timati became recognizable and attracted enormous interest in his biography and personal life.

Spectators watched with interest as he built a relationship directly on the project with the factory owner Alexa. However, soon after the finale of the show, the couple broke up, and the ex-lovers were accused of insincerity, calling their relationship a PR.

Alexa and Timati

Just 2 years after participating in music show Timati releases his first album Black Star by Timati. He also becomes the founder of the music label and production center Black Star Inc, which is still very successful and profitable.

While doing musical career and building own business, Timati made his film debut. The film “Heat,” where the popular young performer starred with Alexei Chadov, Agnia Ditkovskite and Konstantin Kryukov, immediately gained the love of the audience.

On film set movie "Heat"

The artist’s second solo album, which featured collaborations with famous foreign hip-hop artists, was recognized as the best album of 2010. A year later, the composition Welcome to Saint-Tropez took the top positions in iTunes in Germany.

Ladies of the heart

Timati's biography, personal life and his wife have always been under the radar of fans and journalists. But he was never married, although he lived in an unofficial marriage with model Alena Shishkova, who gave him a daughter, Alisa. Before Alena, Timur Yunusov had relationships with Mila Volchek and Ksenia Sobchak. True, there were only rumors about an affair with the latter, and Timur and Ksyusha themselves only fueled interest in their persons, but did not comment on their relationship in any way.

Timati with his common-law wife Alena and daughter Alisa

The birth of Alice did not inspire Timati to get married. WITH common-law wife Alena, they lived together for just over a year, and then announced their separation. It was rumored that Alena had found herself another boyfriend. According to another version, she did not forgive Timati for his betrayal and left. Anyway, ex-lover managed to maintain excellent relationships.

They not only meet often and spend time together with Alice, appear arm in arm at social events, but also go on vacation together. And this despite the fact that for three years now Timati’s constant girlfriend has been model and businesswoman Anastasia Reshetova!

Online, Internet users often slander about this and say that Timati has started a personal harem for himself. Everyone is wondering how Anastasia feels about the fact that her former lover and mother of Timati’s daughter Alena often spends time in their company. Both Timur and the girls themselves prefer to remain silent about the current situation.

Users are also surprised why Timur Yunusov, who celebrated his 35th birthday in August, has not yet gotten married. On Instagram, followers are constantly trying to see wedding ring on Nastya Reshetova’s finger. But, apart from the fact that he and Timati live together in his house, nothing can be found out.

Timati with Alena Shishkova and Anastasia Reshetova

True, this summer rumors appeared online that the couple had broken up. Allegedly, Anastasia Reshetova was seen in the company of another rich suitor, and deleted all the photos with Timati, of which there were few anyway.

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By the way, the artist is one of the most exemplary and caring fathers among Russian celebrities. According to Timati, children will always play a special role in his biography and personal life. From the videos and pictures of his microblog, you can understand how kindly he treats his daughter Alice.

Timati with his daughter Alisa

Latest news 2018

Timati is real bad guy, who always gets into some kind of trouble. So, at the beginning of the year, he stood up for his friend, DJ Smash, who was beaten in a nightclub by Perm deputy Alexander Telepnev. Without choosing words, Timati publicly addressed Telepnev on the microblog and threatened to put him in his place and defend his friend. As a result, the court sentenced the ex-deputy to 2 years in a penal colony. However, the convicted Telepnev, in turn, sued Timati and demanded that all insults addressed to him be removed from Instagram.

Timati today, as before, is well known. Interest is fueled by his scandalous statements about colleagues and selfies with political leaders. Many are interested in the name of Timati’s wife, as well as news of his personal life. The singer was in serious relationship with model Alena Shishkova and became the father of her daughter Alisa, but the couple is in no hurry to be frank about their feelings.

The Russian hip-hop star is one of those celebrities who do not leave the public indifferent. Someone admires his ability to “catch the hype”, that is fashion trends in music, others consider the singer’s work to be secondary and accuse him of plagiarism. One way or another, he occupies one of the first places in modern domestic show business.

Career facts

According to Timati's passport, Timur Ildarovich Yunusov. He was born in 1983. The boy inherited his father's business abilities and his mother's penchant for musical creativity. Three years after Timur, a son, Artem, was born into the family.

As a child, the future singer attended numerous clubs and sections, but he was kicked out from everywhere for complex character and outstanding organizational talents. The exception was the music school.

As a teenager, Timur lived in the USA. Then he went to the Snupp Dogg concert for the first time. The creativity of the hip-hop star made a great impression. Timur realized that he wanted to develop in this direction.

At school, Timati formed his first “gang”. The VIP77 group did not go beyond the limits of youthful creativity, but allowed Tim to express musical abilities and direct organizational talent in the right direction.

Studying at the Higher School of Economics did not bring Timati satisfaction. Higher education he never received: club life and organizing parties for the capital’s “golden youth” were more exciting and promising.

Timati became famous in 2004, when he became a member of Star Factory-4. The hip-hop group “Banda” was created with the participation of Timur and other “semi-finished products”.

Two years later, Timur felt cramped within the team. In 2006, the singer released his first solo album, “Black Star,” and established a production label of the same name.

As part of the activities of “Black Star”, 5 Timati albums were created. Grigory Leps, Garik Sukachev, Anton Belyaev and the group took part in the recording Therr Maitz and artists produced by Timur Yunusov. Among them are Yegor Creed, Mot and Nathan.

In 2012, Timati's popularity went beyond Russia. The singer and producer involved hip-hop stars in the creation of the English-language album SWAGG: P. Diddy, Craig David, Laurent Wolf, Snupp Dogg. The collection was created during three years. The recorded compositions led the charts in Europe and occupied the top positions in downloads on iTunes.

Today Timur Yunusov combines musical creativity and producing. In 2017, the singer went on the “Generation” tour.

Areas of activity of the company "Black Star Inc." in addition to music, they include a sportswear line, a tattoo parlor and a hair salon, as well as 2 burger joints. The opening of restaurants in 2016 was accompanied by kilometer-long queues. The dishes are prepared from halal meat; the restaurant's signature hit is the completely black burger.

The star’s plans include organizing his own football club: Yunusov dreams of the return of “interesting football.”

Touches to the portrait:

Personal life

Timati was never officially married. Most of his companions are famous girls with whom the singer was connected by work in show business. It is difficult to judge which feelings were sincere and which love stories were invented by the producers. Timur maintained good relations with all his lovers. Among his passions:

The appearance of the Black Star family is due to Alena Shishkova.

Biography of Alena Shishkova

Model, Instagram star, socialite and beauty salon owner - this girl is said to have completely captivated Timati. Moreover, their romance did not remain without a trace:

Timati's common-law wife was born in 1992 in Siberia. I studied music as a child, and adolescence started her career in the modeling business. The appearance of the Russian beauty helped the 16-year-old girl win several beauty contests.

Great success and international career began for Alena in 2012 with participation in the Miss Russia competition. Shishkova took 2nd place and signed a contract with a major modeling agency.

It is known that the girl did several plastic surgery : changed the shape of her cheekbones, nose and lips, and also enlarged her breasts before filming in a men's magazine. Not all fans are delighted with the results of the operations, which brought Alena’s appearance to doll-like perfection. However, Shishkova is still a popular model today.

To civil marriage Alena’s boyfriend with Timati was footballer Maxim Kovalev. The Dynamo goalkeeper and the model found each other on the Internet and were a favorite object of attention for the paparazzi. The relationship was bright, but did not last long.

Chronicle of relationships

Timur and his wife hid the details of their story from the public . Only the basic facts of the love story are known:

The end of the love affair did not interrupt the relationship between the model and the singer: the former lovers maintained good relations and together participate in raising their daughter. Timati, Alena and Alisa, together with other Yunusov relatives, celebrate birthdays and spend holidays.

Alisa lives in the Dominican Republic with her mother Timati. Grandmother Simona has broad views on education and cares about the diversified development of her granddaughter: the girl studies English, choreography, attends courses for children in Moscow museums. The grandmother actively shares photos of her granddaughter on Instagram.

Timati tries to devote a lot of time to raising Alice. He pays attention to his daughter’s wardrobe, replenishing it with hip-hop items and giving luxurious gifts. The present for the girl's 4th birthday was a chest from a famous brand and several huge bouquets of roses. The photo with the gift caused outrage among many Internet users. They accused Black Star of boasting about its financial capabilities.

Thanks to her relationship with Timati, Shishkova gained fame and the status of one of the most popular Russian girls on Instagram. Since 2016 ex-wife Timati is the owner of a beauty salon in Moscow. Information about the opening was posted only on Alena’s Instagram, but this was enough to create an unhealthy buzz around the event.

Who are the stars with now?

Good relations between Timur and Alena gave hope for fans: a reunion is just around the corner. The stars themselves do not confirm this information.

Alena was spotted in the company of athletes Anton Shunin and Nikita Mazepin. According to the latest information, the model is dating Yuri Osipov, the son of the former head of the Russian Academy of Sciences.

Anastasia Reshetova is the same woman with whom Timati is now. In 2014, she became vice-Miss Russia. Engaged in modeling business. Being Yunusov’s lover, Anastasia, like her predecessor, acquired a beauty salon. The establishment was advertised with a nude photo of the owner.

The relationship between Reshetova and Timati gives rise to a variety of gossip. Some are talking about Anastasia’s imminent wedding and pregnancy, others are talking about the couple’s imminent separation. The celebrities themselves do not comment on the rumors.

Attention, TODAY only!

Celebrities always attract public attention with their creativity. Very often, the personal life of stars remains a mystery, as they try to hide details from prying eyes. Brutal rapper Timati - interesting object Russian show business. Most of all fans are interested in Timati's children.

Who is Timati?

Timur Ildarovich Yunusov is the real name of the famous performer. He was born on August 15, 1983 in Moscow. His parents (Ildar and Simone) are very wealthy people, since his father has been involved in business all his life. As children, Timur and his younger brother Artem, who is 3.5 years younger, did not need anything. They had a very beautiful house and the best toys, but their father raised them to be real, unspoiled men. At the age of 13, young Tim moved to Los Angeles. The parents made this decision in order to develop a desire for learning in their son. But besides hip-hop, the purposeful guy was not interested in anything, except perhaps older girls. Therefore, studies quickly faded into the background, and all the time was devoted to fashionable parties and nightclubs.

Start of a career

Life in America prompted Timur to take serious action. He decided to do what he loved no matter what. For this purpose, the group VIP77 was created in 1998, which did not receive worldwide fame, but helped the young talent to prove himself as a performer.

"Star Factory" and love on display

In 2004, the 4th season of “Star Factory” started on Channel One, where Timati and other guys won the love of the audience by performing songs and demonstrating their creative talents. On the project (under the leadership of the best vocal and dance teachers), Timati, Ratmir and Dominic Joker decided to create their own group called “Gang”. The audience simply adored the heroes of the project, so they automatically became very popular. At that time, for Timati, family and children were something very distant. But it was at the “Star Factory” that a bright relationship happened between Timati and Alexa. Millions of people followed the development of the couple’s relationship, since even after the end of the project they appeared together everywhere. But in 2007, the couple finally broke up.

Serious relationship

Timur had a relationship with Mila Volchek, a student at the VGIK directing department. The affair lasted 5 years, but did not end with a wedding. The couple's serious intentions were clear from their publications on social networks, where they shared cute photos with clear implications of being ready for a family. Timati has always been interested in children. He usually said that Mila was his woman, from whom he wanted to have heirs. He treats all children with special care. But the family didn’t work out, and the mother of the child, Timati, is a completely different woman. Little is known about the detailed details of the separation, but this does not matter, since everyone’s life continues in a better way.

The role of Alena Shishkova in the life of Timati

Alena Shishkova - young 24 year old successful model from Tyumen. Long time lives in Moscow. She won prizes at regional beauty contests in her hometown. Before conquering the capital, she corrected her appearance by having rhinoplasty and increasing the volume of her lips. Natural beauty, personal charm and professional work of plastic surgeons led her to second place in the Miss Russia 2012 competition. After this, the girl’s life changed dramatically. She was noticed eligible bachelors, and modeling agencies offered expensive contracts. Timati had to give Alena many bouquets of flowers and worthy gifts so that she would pay her attention to him. They met at the end of 2012 during the filming of a video. In the spring of 2013, Shishkova gave up and admitted that she was in love.

Child of Alena and Timati

Despite the touching relationship, there was no wedding. But on March 9, 2014, a daughter was born, and Alena Shishkova became her mother. Timati, whose child was born weighing 4 kg and 53 centimeters tall, was immensely happy. Hiding from prying eyes, pregnant Alena spent the entire period before giving birth in the Dominican Republic. Timati's mother Simona Yakovlevna was always with her. It seemed that Timati's children would be dark-haired, like dad. However, the newborn daughter Alice turned out to be a natural blonde. She adopted amazing facial expressions from her father. Finally, the intrigue is revealed. Timati's children are his one and only daughter, Alice.

Who does Alice live with?

During the birth in the Dominican Republic, Timur and Simone were next to Alena. The baby spent almost the entire first year of her life with her mother and grandmother on the seashore. Alena very quickly got into shape after the birth of her daughter and went to her favorite job. The girl spent most of her time with her grandmother Simona, since her parents’ tour schedule does not allow them to spend a lot of time with the baby. Timur and Alena no longer live as a family, each has their own life. But for the sake of their daughter they support friendly relations and celebrate the little ones’ birthdays together. In a Moscow apartment, Alice is looked after by her grandmother, but the parents spend all their free time from work with their daughter.

Raising Alice

Child Timati, whose photo is presented above, is precocious for his years. And all because grandmother Simona pays great attention to raising the baby, raising her to be a real housewife. She maintains her account on Instagram, which has almost 2 million subscribers. Many people ask the modern granny to write a book about raising children, since game methods of learning and development are really interesting to many mothers. She shares different stories from life that do not leave anyone indifferent. He believes that despite the amount of money, a girl should be able to cope with household chores and have a good education.