What can symbolize the image of a person in your dream. An important person according to the dream book

If you dream about the same person every night, then he has something important for you, you need to see him. In any case, if you dream of a person, it means he wants to see you.

If you often dream about the same person, but in reality he is not familiar to you, then you should pay attention to the type of this person, some of his characteristic features, signs. The dream probably warns you that the appearance of such a person (for example, with such a noticeable mole or hairstyle) on your life path can bring great misfortune, so it is better for you to avoid any relationship with him.

If you dreamed of a person you like, there is nothing surprising about it. If nothing remarkable happened in this plot, the dream is not interpreted.

You dream about the person you want to see - the same meaning.

If you dream of a person whom you have not seen for a long time, have not met for a long time, news about him will come.

Very tall man dreams of exorbitant ambitions.

I dreamed that a person I knew was on fire - some misfortune would happen to him related to debts. Also, a burning man dreams of his illness.

I dreamed that a man who had already died in real life- you will learn about true reasons his death.

I dreamed that I died close person- he will live a long time.

If you saw in a dream how a person who is no longer alive is sleeping - you need to look at some supposedly obvious thing or situation with different eyes. Perhaps the evidence is only imaginary.

I dreamed of a familiar person in the mud - you yourself will say negative things about him, and then you will wonder where the gossip came from.

To dream of Iron Man is a sign that someone is tolerating your behavior, and perhaps even your presence, with all their might.

If you dreamed of a person according to Tsvetkov’s dream book

If you dream about a person, it means that he is thinking about you or you will hear something important and interesting about him.

But, if you constantly dream about the same person, it means that this is an incentive to analyze everything that is connected with him in your life or to draw an analogy between his fate and yours. Perhaps such a dream contains an important clue.

If you dream that a living person has long since died from some disease, then he may really get sick, or this disease threatens you.

Stroking a person on the head in a dream means indulging his weakness in reality.

If in a dream you hit a person, then in reality you will have to provide him with some kind of help.

I dreamed of a headless man - do something stupid.

If you dream of a person with whom you have not communicated for a long time due to a conflict, it means that you are to blame for the quarrel.

Running away from a person who is chasing you means refusing to help someone.

Running after a person in a dream means that you will have to ask someone for help.

A very dirty person is dreamed of as a reproach that you have inflicted an undeserved insult on someone.

If you are looking for a person in a dream, you will hide from him in reality.

Why do people dream - Hasse's dream book

If you dream of a faceless person, strange and at the same time giving you the feeling that you know him very well, then this is you, your conscience and your essence. Pay attention to what he does or says and how the interaction makes you feel. This dream can help you realize your own essence and how other people perceive you.

If you dream of a person whom you have not seen for a long time, it means that he often thinks about you.

But, if a person dreams often, every day, try to find out about his fate. Perhaps this is a warning for you, for your life. For example, if you find out that in reality this person was killed, sick, or widowed, then something similar could happen to you.

If you dreamed that a loved one was silent, no matter what you told him, this means that in reality he is either angry with you for something, but hides it, or he himself stubbornly hides something from you.

Why does a person dream - esoteric dream book

To see a familiar person laughing in a dream - he will soon cry bitterly.

I dreamed about a stranger bad person, you were afraid of him - in reality you will change your opinion about someone to the opposite.

Unfamiliar old man on the bed dreams of illness.

If you dreamed that the person you need in a dream was running away from you - in reality you will go to the authorities, knock on the thresholds of bureaucratic offices.

Why do people dream - modern dream book

There is no clear answer to the question why you dream about a person you don’t think about. But some event will surely happen that will be associated with his name. Perhaps information about what is happening to this person in the world will help to understand this dream. at the moment his life or what connected you in the past.

If you dream of a stranger in the house, you may quarrel with your household.

Seeing through a person in a dream is an indication of your indifferent and callous attitude towards him in your real life. If it was a stranger, then you are behaving arrogantly and derogatorily with all the people around you.

A situation where sympathy and attraction to a certain person appears, but the object does not reciprocate, is not uncommon. Most girls in such cases try to interpret all the events happening with the object they are interested in and look for meaning in all the signs. A popular question is what to do if you dream about the person you like?

Why do you dream about a guy you like?

Any signs of attention in a dream - to positive development relationships in real life. However, do not delude yourself. If in your night dreams your chosen one gave you a gift, it may well be that you will develop friendships or business relationships. Of course similar dream may also mean the beginning of a dizzying romance. If you dream of a person you like, and he invites you somewhere, you can be sure that he is also very attracted to you. Called him by name in a dream? Most likely he likes you very much, and he is seriously considering the option of starting serious relationship with you. In fact, all dreams involving people we like or are really close to us can be interpreted intuitively. For example, if a guy you like is in a dream good mood and smiles, this may indicate his desire to communicate in real life and have a positive time together.

What does it mean if you dream about the person you like in a negative context?

Some dreams involving our loved ones can be very puzzling or even seriously frightening. Why, for example, dream that the guy you like has died? Such a dream may be a sign that you will be separated for a certain time, and what will happen later is unknown. There is another interpretation. Perhaps your paths will diverge forever, and you will no longer communicate. If you dreamed that your beloved was seriously ill or looked bad, then this is a sign of sorrows and minor troubles. However, sometimes to the question of why a person dreams of death, the answer may be unexpected - to receive some news from him. Night visions about the person you once liked, but now you have a different relationship, do not promise anything good. Most likely, everything is not entirely smooth in them, and they do not bring you proper satisfaction. Or there may not be the most pleasant changes ahead on the personal front.

What does it mean if you dream of a person you like and he is dissatisfied?

If in your dreams the object of your affection does not behave very friendly, this is most likely the case in reality. You should give up your hopes and stop waiting for reciprocity. Did you dream that you were arguing with the guy you were interested in? It's also not the most auspicious sign, because in real life, close relationships are unlikely to develop between you. If you dream of a person you like and say goodbye forever, expect the cessation of contacts in reality. If in a dream you or the object of your affection are happy with another person, you should also think about switching your attention to someone else. However, dreams with the participation of a person you like do not always carry a deep mystical meaning. Think, maybe you just think about him too much in reality, and that’s why you dream about him?

How to dream about the person you love. How to dream about another person

How to dream about another person? This question has been worrying many people for a long time. And those who are in love and do not know whether the feelings are mutual, and those who pursue insidious goals, and those who are afraid to meet the object of their adoration in real life. In general, many people have thought about what to do to dream about a person they care about. Some people want to convey some important message in a dream, while others just want to see their betrothed. But still, most often lovers are occupied with such thoughts.

How can you dream about a person so that he thinks that you are his betrothed? After all, the appearance of your image in a dream will not leave him indifferent. Let's figure it out.

How to dream about the person you love

To achieve any result, you need to make an effort. This is a truism, and there is no escape from it. So it’s not enough to just say or wish “I want a person to dream”; everything needs to be carefully prepared and executed.

First, you need to come up with a plot for the dream that you will send to another person. And you need to do this yourself. Then you have to fall into a special state of half-sleep, which is also quite difficult. In this state, you must see the dream yourself, which you then direct to the right person. At first glance, it's quite easy. But this is not entirely true. For everything to work out, you must comply with some conditions for sending dreams.

To make everything work out

The most important condition is that the recipient of the dream must sleep. This is the only way he can see your message. Otherwise, you'll just be wasting your time.

The second, no less important condition is that no one should know what you are going to do. Especially the one to whom you are sending the dream. Otherwise, you can easily be interfered with.

Third, the plot of the dream that you send must be meaningful and subject to positive interpretation with the help of a dream book.

Fourth, you need to go to sleep in a state of half-sleep, which can only be achieved in a lying position.

Fifth, it is necessary to send a dream in complete darkness.

Now that you know briefly how to dream about another person, what needs to be done for this and what conditions to meet, it’s time to start practicing.

Selecting the recipient

There are millions of people around us. But how can you dream about the person you really need? How to make sure that your dream reaches the correct recipient and does not get lost along the way?

For this, mere imagination is not enough. You need a photograph and a specific item that belongs to that person. His hair would be best. An important detail is that in the photograph the person should look the same as in life. Children's photos or photos taken a long time ago are not suitable.

Before you lie down on the bed, intertwine your lover's hair with yours and place them together under the pillow. Take the photograph in your hands and look at it closely. Then close your eyes and imagine the person in front of you. Remember his image and everything, even the most small details his appearance. Then place the photo under your pillow next to your hair. If you want your lover to have an erotic dream, sprinkle the photo with rose petals. So, it's time to move on to the next stage.

Half-asleep state

Having come up with a plot in which you play the main role, be sure to check it in the dream book. This is necessary so that the dream carries a positive meaning. Now you need to fall into that same half-asleep state. How to achieve it?

Prepare the room so that nothing distracts you, but on the contrary, you can relax. To do this, take a white candle and rub it with any floral oil that you like best. It can be rose oil, vanilla oil, orchid oil or lavender oil. The latter, by the way, has a relaxing and calming effect. Then light the candle. Before starting, you can do a short meditation session. This will help you relax completely. Then let your hair down and feel your inner strength. Lie down on the bed and close your eyes.

In order to fall into a half-asleep state and not fall asleep, you need to collect your thoughts and not lose concentration. Start slowly replaying in your head the plot of the dream you are going to send. Do this several times. And most importantly, visualize your dream. All actions in it must be clear and precise. You must not only imagine it, but also see it before your eyes, as if you were watching a movie. This state is half-sleep. The main thing is to stay in it and not fall asleep. Now it’s time to move on to “sending” the dream.

Sending a dream

How can a person have a dream, send him a dream? Now that you have fallen into a half-asleep state, conjure up an image of your lover as he appears in the photograph under the pillow. Then imagine that a large fluffy and light cloud forms around it, and you step into it. Feel yourself in it: cool and everything around is like a fog. And in front of you is your goal. But he doesn't see you, and you have to give him some kind of signal. It is at this moment that “launch” in your imagination the scenario of the dream that he should see. Act clearly and confidently.

This method is not at all simple. It works well for those who have a developed imagination and who can concentrate well. If you are distracted for even a second, you will simply lose touch with the other person and fall asleep yourself.

How to dream about a person using spells

For those who find it difficult to visualize and concentrate, you can try the spell method. It is, of course, less effective. But it can still help. It all depends on how strong your faith is.

So, the first method is a lunar ritual. The plot is read by looking at the moon and at the same time crossing your mouth. The words are as follows: “This dream is about me, this dream is for you, for God’s servant (the name of the person to whom you are sending the dream). Amen". This plot must be read nine times. Perform the ritual no more than three times a month.

The second plot is read over an incense stick. Or rather, the smoke that comes from it. The words are as follows: “Float the smoke to the slave (name of the person). So that the haze would spin and spin in the wind, and I dreamed about my dear one in a dream that night. Amen".

The third plot is read by looking at the reflection in the mirror. To do this, spread a black cloth in front of the mirror. Then place two lit candles on it and a photo of your lover in the middle. Both the photograph and the candles should be reflected in the mirror. Sit in front of him, look at your mirror image and read the plot. The words are as follows: “I will come to you in a dream, but don’t drive me away, it’s better to come to me yourself.” The plot is read three times. Then you need to put the photo under your pillow and go to bed.

Dream Interpretation People, why people dream, to see people in a dream

Dream Interpretation of Meridian

Why do People dream in a dream:

Strangers - if there are a lot of them, they surround you - means disagreements with relatives and friends. If they are friendly, this is most likely a reflection of your working relationship in the team.

Why do you dream of strangers - if you go in their flow in the opposite direction - this means that on the way to your goal you will have to fight with many obstacles. Strangers who run fast and fuss - you will have to spend a significant part of your time on some kind of trouble.

Dream Interpretation of the Medium Hasse

To see people in a dream - Bearded people - you have a tendency to anger, to impetuosity; going against - slander; in black clothes - bad news; generous - get help; happy - wealth; sitting - pleasant trifles; seeing strangers sitting and drinking means good income; cheerful - health; boring people - taking other people's misfortune to heart.

Maly Velesov dream book

Why do People dream according to the dream book:

There are a lot of people (crowd) - Fear, troubles; cheerful - sadness; fellow countrymen - happiness; old - long life; sad - war, skirmish; thin - hungry year; naked - gossip; in chains - friends are in danger; in funeral clothes (in mourning) dashing news.

Intelligent dream book

If you dream about People according to the dream book:

Seeing a lot of people – Fear and fear.

Dream book of esotericist E. Tsvetkova

Dream Interpretation: people in a dream

People - Naked - slander, gossip, this is how the dream book interprets this dream.

Ukrainian dream book

If you dream about people according to the dream book:

Seeing cheerful people in a dream means sadness. People from the village are happiness and benefit. The old ones are a long century old. Sad - an unexpected war, skirmish. People in mourning (mourning) are bad news; thin - a hungry year; in shackles - your family and friends are in danger.

Grandmother's dream book 1918

Dream Interpretation: people in a dream

Naked people are gossip; a lot - fear and fear.

Muslim dream book

Why do People dream according to the dream book:

If someone sees in a dream that people are visiting him, then his superiors and superiors will seek rapprochement with him, this is how the dream book interprets your dream.

Persian dream book Taflisi

If you dream about people:

If someone sees in a dream that certain people are visiting him, then his superiors will show affection for him and will persistently seek rapprochement with him.

Dream Interpretation of Prince Zhou-Gong

If you dream about people:

You see how a noble man comes. - Misfortune will pass you by. You bow and show respect to the elder. - Portends happiness. I dream of various noble, noble people. -Fortunately. You are going somewhere with your spouse (wife). - There will be a disaster soon.

Dream Interpretation of Apostle Simon the Canaanite

Dream Interpretation: people in a dream

Bearded people - you have a tendency to anger, impetuosity - people coming towards you - slander - people in black clothes - bad news - generous people - get help - happy people - wealth - people sitting - pleasant trifles - seeing strangers sitting and drinking - good income - cheerful people - health - boring people - taking other people's misfortune to heart - many people - loss of independence, humility

Symbolic dream book

Dream Interpretation: people in a dream

A man or woman in general in a dream represents one or another feeling, sensation, matter, event, type of relationship or character trait (of the dreamer himself). The attitude towards them is often determined by the stereotype of habitual emotional reactions that may mean relationships with strangers or friends, girlfriends (in reality). A crowd of people is a sign of spontaneity, community ( public opinion), the force of the event, loss of individuality. A long queue, for example, in a store will refer to delay, waiting, trouble and in reality. An unfamiliar woman, depending on how she looks and what age she is, for a man means the course of his affairs, some undertaking, success or failure. A man for a sleeping person indicates the type of influence. The man in women's dreams, depending on appearance and age, respectively, shows expectation, hope, help, luck or trouble. A woman in a sleeping dream relates more to the problems of jealousy, rivalry, and maternal impulses. Occasionally in a dream we can act out real relationships (behavior models) with real acquaintances and new acquaintances (this is later confirmed in reality). Or (even less often) generally communicate and exchange specific information between other people (who are simultaneously in the same dream space). Exotic, original men's or female types report illusions, erotic aspirations, surprise or unusualness of the situation, as well as affairs and relationships associated with these exotic figures. Mythological and fairy-tale male and female characters in a dream emphasize the meaning or traits that they traditionally represent (see Separately, mythologist. Sl.).

Esoteric dream book

If you dream about people:

People (strangers) – Comrades, employees. There will be team communication. The general troubles are bustling and scurrying around. Having fun social events, you have to attend a “party”. They are simply surrounded by processes that captivate many, including you. If in a dream you saw a lot of strangers, this means that you are frightened by the publicity of your love relationship. However, all fears and concerns will be in vain. You can completely trust your partner. Familiar people - you are annoyed by the attention of friends and relatives that they pay to your relationship with your loved one. Don't let them interfere in your personal life.

Jewish dream book of Azar

Why do people dream:

People (crowd) – Loss of independence, humiliating submission

Dream Interpretation Tarot

Dream Interpretation: people dreamed

People in Fear - Dangerous Target

Lunar dream book

If you dream about people:

Insolent people - Backbiting and shame.

Dream Interpretation of Black Magic

Why do people dream:

People (characters who periodically appear in the dreamer’s dreams, practice black magic) – Dark-skinned and short. Negroes, black-skinned Ethiopians. Dwarfs, disabled people and freaks.

Dream book of healer Akulina

Dream Interpretation: people dream

People, a crowd of people (see also people) - A long-awaited meeting with friends. Imagine that the people in the crowd are cheerful and friendly. They dance and sing songs.

Ancient Russian dream book

Dream Interpretation: people dream

Seeing a lot of people is a sign of fear; Young people are much more favorable than old people.

To see people of different professions: a postman - to disappointment; news. Hairdresser - you are destined to become famous. Seamstress - to fear. Tailor - to trouble. Bochara - to abundance. Seller, merchant - you are too opposed to your environment. A baker, a man in flour - good time, joy. Nanny - profit through someone else's work. Servant - lies, irritation, trouble. A lot of servants is the death of prosperity. Courier - bad news, slander. Wine merchant - harm, illness. Jeweler - change of position or loss of a valuable item. Night watchman - quarrel; danger; difficulties in your family. Blacksmith - health or recovery.

Idiomatic dream book

Why do people dream:

Types of people - “Burdock” is a stupid, trusting person. The old man is “God’s dandelion”; woman-saw, “felt boots”….

Assyrian dream book

Why do People dream according to the dream book:

Why do you dream about Crowds of people - The nature of a particular cluster of people determines the meaning of this symbol (for example, a happy and friendly group or a gloomy, angry crowd). Groups also mean the collective opinions of other people.

What does the phrase mean in dreams?

A phrase is always a symbol of spoken words from a specific person. If the dreamer hears a certain phrase in a dream, then we can say that it is embedded somewhere in his subconscious. Most likely, he had previously heard it from someone and then thought about what he heard for a long time. A phrase in a dream can be associated with a certain person, even though anyone can say it in a dream.

Hear an angry phrase in a dream. Phrase in a dream that will be said by a stranger very angry, then this dream may symbolize upcoming problems. Therefore, when performing any actions you need to be extremely careful and attentive. For creative people, such a dream can mean that a person does not fulfill his obligations to other people. If the situation does not change in the near future, then those around him may turn away from this person.

Why do you dream of a phrase if an unfamiliar woman pronounces it in a dream? For a man, this dream will symbolize his sexual dissatisfaction. He may not be satisfied with his constant intimate relationships with a regular partner, he internally strongly desires variety, but at the same time he is afraid of what this may lead to. For a woman, such a dream can symbolize a rival. So that she could not destroy the relationship between married couple, you need to show maximum attention to your husband. If this is not done, then, most likely, the man will prefer the insidious seductress.

A barely heard phrase. If you dreamed of a phrase that a person barely hears, then this dream may mean that those secrets that the dreamer carefully hides may soon come to light. This news can bring a lot of grief, both to the dreamer himself and to his loved ones.

For business people this dream may mean that his partners will weave intrigues behind his back. If you don’t notice this in time, you can seriously pay for all your achievements.

A memorable phrase. Those words that a person heard in a dream and remembered well may mean some kind of warning. They should really be connected with the events that are now happening in the dreamer’s real life. By correctly interpreting this phrase, you can avoid many losses and failures.

Is it true that if you dream about a certain person, it means he is thinking about you? Yes?



there is a psycho-physical connection between you and that’s why it happens like this


No. rather you are talking about him. the truth may be that this person is not indifferent to you and made a sunburn on you, on a dream.

Elena Crystal

If you think about him often, then you may dream about him. But if your thoughts are filled with others and you dream about him, then by the way, I myself am interested in the answer to this question. Because this is what happened to me last night.

Olga Valerievna

rather, you think about the person, or feel what is happening to him.

Amelchenkova Elena

No, you're thinking about him. If you don’t want to dream, do more physical and mental work - you’ll get tired and won’t dream of anything at all! :)


Angelina Balizza

znachit mejdu vami scyaz nerazrivnaia, i on tebya vspominaet toje

Larisa Alferova

It's the other way around: you're thinking about him.

How to make a certain dream happen?



How to control dreams

Learning to remember and reconstruct your dreams is not very difficult. However, understanding that this is just a dream is the hardest thing. Some people have the ability to control their dreams. They can control the situation in a dream, and even the events that occur in a dream. In a dream, people are able to create things that are impossible in the everyday world.

Learning the ability to control your dreams is a rather complex and long process. But it is still possible.

Where to start

Before falling asleep, you need to tune in to the fact that in a dream you will have to remember and realize that this is a Dream. You must wish this with every cell of your body. To understand the almost vital necessity of this, to believe. To do this, it is necessary to identify the benefits that will open up in a lucid dream. Suffice it to remember that people spend about 1/3 of their entire lives sleeping. Consciousness in a dream is access to a huge amount of information, to your subconscious.

The time spent in a lucid dream does not correspond to real time. With some experience, you can spend 2-3 full days in a dream in a real couple of hours. “Multi-part” dreams are common. And what twisting plots! You can write books. In addition, it should be remembered that everything received in a dream positive emotions, upon awakening, they are transported to reality!

Dream management techniques

The first technique is to be sure to write down all your dreams (briefly, in the form of notes). This must be done immediately upon waking up. To do this, you need to get a thick notebook (Dream Journal) and keep it and a pen next to your bed. It’s good to think about lighting in advance (a dim nightlight or flashlight). When you wake up (and this can be several times a night), you don’t need to write it down right away. Sleep may slip away. Having woken up, you need to lie in the same position without opening your eyes for a while, remembering the dream you just saw in detail. After that, turn on the light and write down everything that you managed to remember in brief theses. For example: "Grandmother's house, mother, cousin. Attic. Flower bed. Flock of dogs. Voice from the sky (like a television announcer). Tsunami. 16th floor. Woman with a stroller...", etc.

Having written it down, you need to go back to bed. If something like this happens again, you can remember that this is a dream.

During the day, you need to remember your dreams and re-read the Dream Journal. Compare your feelings now and in the dream. What are the fundamental differences? This will help you tune in to the awareness of your dream next time. This Journal can serve quite well in the near future. But more on that later.

The second technique is a win-win. It depends only on your determination. It is necessary throughout the day to ask yourself the question as often as possible: “Is this a Dream? Am I dreaming now?”
It is necessary to ask this question in all unusual circumstances, in every meeting with every person, in every action and decision, as often as possible. At the same time, you can evaluate the surrounding situation, you can look at your hands, remember how you ended up in this place and what you are doing. You need to try to see your hands in a dream. This technique is quite difficult to master. It usually takes several years. Then life begins to divide into two parts: one in reality, the other in a dream. It's quite risky, but at the same time very interesting.

Gabriela Katelieva

Maybe. I advise you to look at the relevant literature in the webreading.ru library


I heard that before going to bed you can lie down and say to yourself: I want you to dream... until you fall asleep. I haven’t tried it, I don’t know if it works or not

Miss Misunderstood

This only works during daytime dreams.


To have a certain dream, you need the whole system movement. For example, doing strange things in real life. Ask yourself a question that worries you, be surprised by something, in general, get a whole bunch of emotions on the day. Managing dreams is difficult. Because in a dream you need to realize that this is a dream. And dreams happen at a certain time, from 12 to 2 am and 4.5 am to 6 am - these dreams are vivid and definite. Because no one does this on purpose. all people fend off dreams without preventing the dream from moving freely in your brain.


info for interest

I offer a little entertainment: they sent me this psychological game.
Try it, I hope you like it too. (Necessary
> admit
> that everything coincided for me). The main rule is don't read everything
> right away! Read line by line and no further, ok? Interesting thing.
> It's strange, but it works. Follow all steps STRICTLY.
> Try it, you might find it interesting. In short, this
> will take 3 minutes. Whoever sent this said that he
> the wish came true 10 minutes after he did it
> read it. But don't cheat! First, find a pen and paper.
> When you write names, choose them so that they
> names of those people you know, and also obey your
> first instinct. Scroll down the line - don't read
> everything in a row without stopping, otherwise you'll break everything for yourself
> it's fun, okay? Scroll the text down the line and step by
> complete the task step by step. It only takes a couple of minutes!
> 1. First, write the numbers from 1 to 11 in the column.
> 2. Then, opposite 1 and 2, write any two numbers
> 3. Opposite 3 and 7, write the names of the opposite sex. (Not
> look further if you haven’t completed it, otherwise everything will be wrong.)
> 4. Write any names (such as friends or family members) in
> 4.5 and 6th number. (Don’t cheat, otherwise you’ll tear up later
> own hair.)
> 5. Write four names of songs in 8,9,10 and 11. (don’t cheat, but
> do everything step by step!)
> 6. And finally, make a wish!
> And now the key for the game...
> 1. You should tell as many people about this game as
> wrote the number next to number 2
> 2. Person number 3 is the one you love
> 3. The person number 7 is the one you like, but with
>whom you still can’t be near.
> 4. You care most about person number 4
> 5. Person number 5 knows you very well
> 6. The person number 6 is your “lucky star”
> 7. Song number 8 is associated with person number 3
> 8. Song number 9 is a song that relates to a person under
> number 7
> 9. The tenth point is a song that speaks about your
> thoughts about yourself
> 10. And 11 song shows your attitude towards life
> 11. Nobody knows what the number one means, but
> it means something to you, since you wrote it.
> 12. Send this to 30 people no later than an hour after
> reading. If you do this, your wish will come true, but no
> -
> will not be executed. Surprisingly, it works. Today at
>at midnight your better half will understand how much you care
> loves. Something good will happen to you tomorrow
> 13:00-16:00 h.
> This can happen anywhere and anyhow: via email. mail, outside
> work, etc. Be prepared for the biggest shock of your life.
>If this chain of letters breaks, you will face 10
> problems in the next 10 years
> now, don’t swear: In 3 days, someone will confess their love to you, someone who truly loves you!! ! This person is 1-2 years older than you. If you break the chain, you will always be unlucky. That person will love another. So, send this message to at least 20 people!!! NO RETURN!! !

Morpheus sometimes sends ambiguous dreams. What if you dream about the person you like? When you see a person you like in a dream, you should expect a quick meeting with him, but it may not end very well, so it is better to try to avoid it so as not to have problems.

According to psychoanalytic dream book If you dream about a person you like, then the dreamer just thinks a lot about him. As a result, the subconscious mind generates dreams with it in leading role. As soon as the emotions subside, such dreams will no longer occur. You also need to pay attention to what this person did. Swearing with him in a dream means a good conversation, laughing together at a joke means a quarrel, running away with him from a monster or maniac means a joint solution to a problem that arises out of nowhere.

If a person who evokes sympathy spoke to the dreamer in a dream offensive words, then you shouldn’t be offended by her in reality and take everything at face value. Most likely, nothing bad will happen. Sometimes such a dream indicates that a person is simply angry with his friend. Perhaps he did something inappropriate or simply does not notice his sympathy. A dream in which a person praises the dreamer and smiles at him has a bad omen. In this case, you should not have anything to do with this person. After all, he has bad intentions towards the sleeping person. There is a possibility that he wants to set him up or is plotting against him. However, the dreamer still has time to avoid a negative situation. You just need to distance yourself from the person under any pretext. You should not buy into his speeches, they are saturated with lies.

If a girl constantly dreams of a man whom she really likes, then she should not show him signs of attention. You need to wait for him to take the first step, otherwise she will never achieve his reciprocity and a relationship with him will remain only a dream.

If in a dream the dreamer quarreled with a person whom he likes in reality, quarreled with him, then in real life the relationship will be harmonious. A fight with this person foreshadows noisy fun, where you will be able to get to know each other better and learn many interesting details.

According to women's dream book If you dream about a person you like, you should keep your eyes open for him. After all, he may turn out to be a demon in angelic guise. You shouldn’t buy into his sweet smile; it’s better to question his actions and words. Only thanks to this method will it be possible to bring this person to clean water.

Sometimes the dreamer dreams of the person he likes because he is slowly falling in love with him. You should not resist this feeling, since there is a possibility that he also feels sympathy for the sleeping person.

If a girl constantly dreams of her new handsome acquaintance, then most likely he constantly thinks about the dreamer. Perhaps he will ask her out on a date in the near future. You should not refuse the meeting, it will bring only positive emotions.

When a married woman dreams of such a dream, a whirlwind romance awaits her. However, she needs to carefully hide her adventures, otherwise her secrets will become known to her husband, who will not approve of going to the left.

If a man constantly dreams of a lady whom he really likes, then he needs to take decisive steps and try to get closer to her. Modesty and shyness should be discarded, because there is a possibility that the feelings are mutual, so there is no need to waste time.

When married man he has a dream in which a person he sympathizes with appears in the plot, he should be on his guard. There is a possibility that one of your friends will betray you. He won't be able to recover from such a blow for a long time.

According to modern dream book When you dream of a person you like, you need to be careful in communicating with strangers. You should not say bad things about people you know, as they may be passed on to them. It is better to talk about neutral topics, then you will be able to maintain neutrality and your reputation.

If a girl dreams of a guy she likes, then she shouldn’t dream of a relationship with him. His heart is busy, so he will never pay attention to the dreamer. It is better to look for another gentleman who has no love obligations. If the sleeping woman had a fight with a guy she likes, then in reality they will do something together. This will bring them very close. That's just on romantic relationship It's not worth counting on.

If a married woman often dreams of a man she likes, then there is a chance that she is gradually falling in love with him. This should not be allowed, as the marriage may crack. The best thing to do is not meet this person or think about him.

If a man from time to time dreams with a woman whom he really likes, then on a subconscious level he wants to make her his mistress. He may not realize this now, but later the dreamer will come to this thought. However, you should not rush into all seriousness, as the novel will not bring positive impressions. There is a possibility of a scandal, which is not the most in the best possible way will affect his reputation. For this reason, you should think a hundred times before starting a relationship with this special one.

Most often, the person you like is dreamed of because the dreamer constantly thinks about him. As a result, the subconscious has no choice but to include this character in the plot of the dream. In this case, the dream does not carry any information, but is a reflection of the feelings and experiences of the sleeper.

Dream interpretation of a person you like in a dream

Why do you dream about a person you like? Dream interpretation

If a girl dreams of a guy for whom she has warm feelings in reality, such a plot can be interpreted from different positions. So, if in real life a guy does not reciprocate, but in a dream you have a fairly close relationship with him, then the dream may be a warning - you should not try to win his heart, since the relationship may turn into trouble.

However, a dream in which a guy is indifferent to you (just like in reality), is, on the contrary, a signal that the time has come for active action. If you manage to start a relationship with him now, it will be long and strong.

In our dream book you can find out not only about why you have dreams about a person you like, but also about the interpretation of the meaning of many other dreams. In addition, you will learn more about what it means to see a person you like in a dream in Miller’s online dream book.

Why do you dream about a guy you like?

Why do you dream about a guy you like in a dream?

Did you dream about a guy you like? What could such a dream mean? Sometimes we see people and things in our dreams that we think about in reality. Therefore, you can often see in a dream the person you think about most. At the same time, a dream in which a guy you like does not always mean just a reflection of thoughts and experiences. There are times when such a dream can tell about the future. The compilers of various traditional and modern dream books are confident of this.

What does Miller's dream book say about a dream about a guy you like?

Why do you dream about the guy you like according to Miller’s dream book? According to the dream book, which was compiled by psychologist Miller, most often this dream reflects your thoughts, experiences and desires regarding the man you dreamed about. Much more informative than the dream itself are your feelings and emotions experienced in the dream. It is also worth paying attention special attention on such aspects as what the young man was wearing and how he behaved. The atmosphere surrounding it is also of great importance.

  1. If he tries to please you and make a good impression, this means that in real life you should not trust him, since he is capable of deceiving your expectations and disappointing you.
  2. At the same time, if his behavior is challenging, you have a chance to improve your relationship with him.
  3. In addition, such a dream, where a man you like appears, portends good luck in matters that have nothing to do with the sphere of feelings and are much more material.

How does Vanga interpret such a dream?

Why do you dream about a person you like according to Vanga’s dream book? The fortuneteller also advises paying special attention to appearance young man. If he is sloppily dressed, behaves inappropriately, is rude, or is drunk, this means that you are not confident in your capabilities. On low self-esteem also indicates a dream in which your chosen one is unusually beautiful. This dream suggests that you tend to undeservedly idealize the object of your admiration, while underestimating yourself.

A dream with a guy you like does not bode well if he is too obsequious towards you and shows his cordiality and disposition in every possible way: be careful, because you will soon be bitterly disappointed in this person. If you have a dream in which you read a young man, be prepared for a quick breakup. If in a dream a guy shows his indifference to you, in real life he has warm feelings for you. Most likely, in the near future your relationship will reach a new level.

Tsvetkov's dream book about sleeping with a guy you like

Dream interpretation of the guy Tsvetkova likes. First of all, the dream book advises paying attention to the accompanying details. If a guy kissed you in a dream, be prepared for the fact that you will soon encounter minor and not so much troubles that will cause you a lot of trouble. However, they will end soon enough without leaving any serious consequences. Perhaps you will be disappointed in someone from your environment or have minor health problems, which, however, will be resolved successfully.

However, if, while falling asleep, you thought a lot about the object of your passion, you should not attach too much great value such a dream.

Why do I dream of a kiss with a person I really like, but I am not in a relationship with him?



Kisses dream of illness, although we of course would like to think that it’s for someone else!!))) Although perhaps this person was thinking about you, so he dreamed about it, and a kiss because you yourself want it in your dreams!))

Navi Rawat

Deep communication with yourself.
Warm feelings. Love. Passion.
Connection of masculine and feminine inside you.
This could be the Judas kiss, sending to death. A kiss can be a sign of warm feelings, love and passion.
It can also symbolize the unity established in your soul and the reunification of your masculine and feminine principles.
This could be the Judas kiss of death. Is there a person among your acquaintances who, flattering your eyes, wishes you harm? Seeing people kissing means sadness, illness.
Kissing a woman means anger, irritation.
For a man to kiss a young girl - dishonest gain.
A temperamental girl - a new relationship, a wedding.
An old woman is bad news.
When meeting, greeting, kissing is a nuisance.
Kissing a friend means getting in trouble from him.
Friend - quarrel with him.
Kissing your family means change.
Kissing a dead person is a disease for the kisser.
Portraits of relatives - experiencing envy or annoyance.
Executioner - you will be gifted with your man.
The trait of kissing is great gifts, a bribe.
Kissing a watchman means getting into trouble.
The stone is a shame.
Rusty iron is a misfortune.
Kissing an enemy means reconciliation.
Kissing a younger person of the opposite sex in indecent places is malicious.
Kissing hands is harmful due to pride.
Kissing the ground means separation / making a vow of something. A kiss in a dream is a changeable image. For those who are separated, it foretells a meeting, and for those who are nearby, separation. For lovers, a dream in which they kiss each other promises a short date, after which they will have to separate for some time.
Kiss stranger- a sign of a fleeting connection or a short-term surge of emotions. Kissing a girl you just know in a dream is a joyful surprise.
Kissing a stranger means real money.
Kissing your beloved means separation. Beating a wife or woman in a dream can mean love and harmony in reality. Kissing children dream of peace and happiness in the family and satisfaction in work.
If you kissed your mother in a dream, success in business, love and respect from friends await you.
Kissed a brother or sister - you will get a lot of pleasure from life.
You kissed your beloved in the dark - don’t fall into debauchery!
Kissed her in the light - your nobility towards women has no limits.
Kissed in a dream unknown woman- try to avoid immoral acts.
Give your enemy a kiss - you will succeed in reconciliation with your friend.
For spouses, a dream in which they kiss each other means spiritual harmony. Another example of the “opposite meaning” in reality: if you dream that you are kissing your lover, you will quarrel. Kissing a stranger means you will get into a fight. Kissing a child means they will laugh at you. If you kiss someone in a dream, this is a prediction of good luck in everything that you have to experience. Kissing someone's feet in a dream means offense and humiliation. Feeling that someone is kissing you promises you an unexpected joyful event. If in a dream you kiss someone you shouldn’t, this is a bad sign. This dream foreshadows the hypocrisy of an imaginary friend and lover. Seeing someone else kissing your betrothed means the appearance of a rival. If in a dream your lover kisses another woman, this dream speaks of his insincerity and callous heart. If you see that your lover kisses you tenderly and passionately several times, it means that he will always be faithful to you and his intentions are pure. For family people, kissing each other in a dream means a treacherous life partner. Kissing someone means parting with this person and a complete break in relations. Seeing children kissing in a dream means happy reconciliation in the family and satisfaction in work.
To see you kissing your mother foretells that success in business, love and respect from friends awaits you.
Kissing a brother or sister is a sign of future pleasures and good friendship.
Kissing your beloved in the dark portends danger and debauchery, and kissing her in the light means that you will not change your noble attitude towards women.
You can't kiss in a dream

A person's sleep is not only a time of rest and an opportunity to recuperate, it is also a way to look a little into the future. Some dreams can predict a person’s future for the near future, or warn of future events, if only they are interpreted correctly. But you should always remember that not all dreams are true; if a dream is inspired by thoughts or memories, then most likely it does not need interpretation, because such dreams are simply inspired by the state of the human brain.

In general, such a dream says that soon the sleeper will find himself in a whirlpool of events or will receive news of something. Moreover, situations can be both positive and negative character. When interpreting such dreams, you should pay attention to all the little things that you can remember in the morning. Any detail can turn the interpretation of sleep in the opposite direction.

Also quite a lot important factor when interpreting such dreams, it is important to determine what kind of relationship the dreamer has with the dreamed person. If there is a conflict or misunderstanding, then after such a dream you should think about forgiving grievances, or restoring previous relationships.

Positive interpretations of a dream about a person whom you have not seen for a long time

Positive interpretations of such dreams include small and minor details of the dream such as:
A person's clothing. If you dream that a person whom you have not seen for a long time is dressed beautifully and looks respectable, then for the dreamer such a dream foreshadows good news. And what prettier man in a dream, the better the news will be. Moreover, the news may concern not only the dreamer, but also his immediate circle or work colleagues.

Environment. If in a dream a long-absent person is in a nice environment, this may mean that the person who is sleeping will have to travel with favorable circumstances. Perhaps this will be a vacation during the holiday period, which will give you a lot of pleasure. If you dream about an absent person in nature on a warm day summer day, then for a sleeping person such a dream predicts a warming of relations with an old enemy, or new successful acquaintances. Also good are dreams where a person you have not met for a long time is in a beautiful interior or in a richly furnished setting. Such dreams for a sleeping person can bring unplanned income in the form of a gift or bonus.

State of health. If you dream that a person is healthy and cheerful, and general characteristics dream evokes positive emotions, then the dreamer will soon be in a pleasant environment, or life circumstances will develop favorably. Perhaps life circumstances will no longer be stressful and many problems can be solved independently.

Negative interpretations of a dream about a person whom you have not seen for a long time

Negative interpretations of such dreams include the following details:
Appearance. A dream in which a person looks sloppy or is dressed in dirty or torn clothes foreshadows losses or major quarrels. It is worth noting that such dreams in life can relate not only to your immediate environment. Here you need to look carefully at all sides. Conflicts and quarrels can arise both at work and at home.

General surroundings. To dream of a person with whom you have lost contact in a squalid environment or in a dirty room indicates that a road with bad consequences lies ahead in the near future. Or the overall impressions of the trip will be spoiled for unknown reasons.

A dream about a person whom you have not seen for a long time as a warning

Warning signs of such dreams include the following details:

1. The missing person is dressed in white clothes or has a bright glow. After watching such a dream, it is better to find the contacts of this person and tell about it. Perhaps he is in danger or illness. Moreover, as a rule, if a person is warned, then many misfortunes pass by.

2. If in a dream a person whom you have not seen for a long time is attacked or there is some kind of threat to his condition. For the dreamer, such a dream indicates the time for resolving all conflicts with this person. In all likelihood, the dream warns against excessive aggression or shows that the sleeping person is wrong. Therefore, it is better to think about your behavior and try to start the relationship from scratch.

According to various dream books dreams about people with whom contacts have been lost are, first of all, dreamed by those whom they think about or remember. This fact means that the time has come to end the quarrels and fate favors the continuation of the relationship. Often such dreams indicate a search for new solutions in existing circumstances or the ability of the sleeping person to act decisively.

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There is an opinion that dreams carry a certain sacred meaning. If you solve a dream, you can predict the fate of a person and what awaits him in the future.

In this article we will give an interpretation of why you dream of a person who is somehow dear to you, and what steps in this regard you should take in the near future.

Person you like

It is very simple to explain why you dream about the person you like: you dream about him or her because you often think about him or her. But there are other, sometimes very unexpected interpretations of such a dream. Oddly enough, in dreams you need to go from the opposite: if you dreamed of a quarrel with the object of your affection, this means that in the near future you have every chance of getting closer.

If you saw a rival or rival in a dream, know that he or she does not pretend to have a relationship with the person you like, or this person you like is not interested in making close acquaintance with your rival/rival.

Ex-boyfriend or ex-girlfriend

Seeing in a dream past love, many are interested - why do you dream about your ex-loved one? First of all, this means that you cannot forget about your past and move forward. Past relationships, even if they ended long ago, weigh on you.

If in a dream you had a quarrel with a former loved one, this means that positive changes await you on the personal front. If you kissed in a dream, it means that you will soon experience some great surprise. If in a dream you are involved in some kind of relationship of an intimate nature, it means that you will experience an exacerbation of some old conflict.

More detailed interpretation sleep you can find in the article.

Deceased people

Very often people tend to attach special meaning dreams in which the dead appear. To understand why a dead person dreams, you need to remember everything important events recent and future times. As a rule, a dream involving a deceased person is a kind of warning.

Since ancient times, people have become accustomed to believing that our deceased ancestors come in a dream to warn of danger. Therefore, if you dreamed of someone close to you who died, this is a reason to think about what you are doing wrong in life. If you are starting a new business, it is best to re-weigh the pros and cons and think about what pitfalls may await you. In addition, you should pay close attention to your health.