Adjectives characterizing a business person. Adjectives characterizing a person as a person

Write a list of those qualities of a person that you think are very suitable for him as a person.

We offer you an example of such a list (with a breakdown of each quality). We hope it helps you at least a little:

  1. Workaholism. Man is capable for a long time work and don’t complain about being terribly tired.
  2. Altruism. A person always thinks about other people, forgets about his own problems, troubles and worries.
  3. Accuracy. A person tries to look after his appearance, for clothes, for things.
  4. Creativity. A person thinks outside the box and is able to find a way out of any current situation.
  5. Pedantry. A person acts strictly according to the points of any instruction, without deviating even one step from the information presented.

Adjectives characterizing a person

Sincere, responsible, reliable, inventive, eccentric, talented, selfless, fair, sociable, sympathetic, stress-resistant, strong, attentive, smart, strong.

Accentuation of a person’s character with a description of each type

A person can be characterized taking into account character accentuations. Let's tell you a little about them.

Stuck type

Characterized by obvious “stuckness” on thoughts and experiences. People are unable to forget previous insults, betrayals, and quarrels. In conflict, they take a leading and active position. Arguing with such people is almost always useless and pointless. They will stand their ground and are unlikely to admit they are wrong. “Stuck” people are relentless fighters for real justice.

Negative qualities and aspects of this type: touchiness (seriously and over trifles), vindictiveness, rudeness, straightforwardness, jealousy, arrogance, harshness, non-acceptance of any other person's opinion.

Conformal type

People of this type are distinguished by hyper sociability, turning into talkativeness. Often they do not have their own opinion, they do not strive to somehow stand out from the crowd. “Conforming” people are very fond of various entertainments and do not deny their interest in gambling.

Negative qualities and aspects of this type: a long process of adaptation to anything, insincerity, pretense, duplicity, incorrect perception of objective reality.

Anxious type

People develop feelings of inferiority. They constantly feel like they are acting incorrectly and making mistakes. They don't know how to be themselves because they try to be the best in everything. They cannot be trusted with the position of leader, as nothing good will come of it.

Negative qualities and aspects of this type: fearfulness, shyness, isolation, shyness, “overdoing” with a sense of duty and responsibility, a high degree of sociability only with close people.

Dysthymic type

“Dysthymic” people attract others with their serious approach to any problems and matters, conscientiousness and good-heartedness. They have an extremely negative attitude towards all changes. It is easier for them to live as usual.

Negative qualities and aspects of this type: pessimism, decadent mood, profound slow thinking, love of loneliness, desire to work alone (not in a team).

Cycloid type

The main difference between “cycloid” people is a high degree of efficiency. They dress rather strangely (as they would for picnics or outdoor recreation). They try to be as interesting as possible for their interlocutors. Charming.

Negative qualities and aspects of this type: instability, inconstancy, excessive gullibility, intrusiveness, laziness, straightforwardness (sometimes), affectation, excessive gesticulation, inattention.

Exalted type

Emotions are reflected in constant (frequent) falling in love. People of this type change their mood so quickly that they do not have time to follow it. “Exaltyrs” are strongly attached to their friends and therefore try not to make trouble with them. They believe in eternal friendship, but often get burned.

Negative qualities and aspects of this type: alarmism, susceptibility to despair, tendency to depression of the neurotic type.

You can characterize a person using knowledge of temperamental characteristics

Characteristics of temperament types


Always on the move. There is no despondency and pessimism in him. Choleric is a leader with an explosive character. He always argues to the last, defending his own point of view. His distinctive features and hobbies are hypercommunication, mobility, perseverance, sexuality, a desire for extreme sports and experimentation, courage, and a willingness to take risks.


Quick to learn, resourceful, fair, reasonable and talented. He was used to discipline, cleanliness and order. Doesn't like deception. It is difficult to make a sanguine person lose his temper, but it is possible. Routine work, for example, can do this, since sanguine people cannot stand continuous monotony. As soon as they get tired of performing one or another work task, they immediately begin sending out resumes in order to change their usual activity.


He is always betrayed by “frozen” facial expressions, timid speech, excessive vulnerability and touchiness, shyness, gloominess, puzzlement and depression. A melancholic person is very sensitive to criticism and praise. Melancholic people are never afraid of loneliness, because they can find harmony within themselves. Their need for friendship is extremely poorly developed.

Phlegmatic person

A silent, balanced, calm, secretive person. He always manages to get everything done (despite his slowness), since everything in his life is planned in advance. They are distinguished by constancy in tastes, habits, and views.

There are people related to mixed type temperament. What is temperamental “mixedness”? A type of temperament that includes a “cocktail” of various qualities of sanguine, melancholic, choleric and phlegmatic.

Let's talk about the part of speech that makes the language richer and more expressive. It is responsible for our emotions, characterizing the subject and expressing our attitude towards it. But we will be interested only in adjectives that characterize a person in English (adjective). Often during a conversation or in a letter you need to describe someone. What epithets should I use?

A little theory

Language learners should know: this part of speech in English does not change either in numbers or in gender and case. Moreover, the same word can be used simultaneously as an adjective, a noun, and a verb (for example, love is love, to love, beloved). The translation will depend solely on the place in the sentence in which it is located. Let us give examples of how English adjectives are used to characterize a person.

Before a noun:

  • clever boy - smart young man.

After verbs expressing perception (smell - “to smell”, look - “to seem”, etc.):

  • She seemed worried an hour ago. - An hour ago she seemed upset.

Following the verb to be:

  • I"m beautiful. - I am beautiful.

Adjectives are subject to the only change - they have degrees of comparison:

  • poor (poor) - poore (poorer) - poorest (poorest).

English adjectives that characterize a person's appearance

Describing someone begins with appearance. Everyone has a general impression of a person. What epithets will help convey it?

Any person has signs that we pay attention to first of all: hair, eyes, height, age, face, gait. Let's describe them using epithets:

  1. Hair - bald (bald); long(long); short (short); shoulder-length ( medium length); straight (straight); wavy (wavy); curly (curly); dark (dark); fair (light); brown (brown); blonde (blond); red (red).
  2. Eyes - big; blue (blue); brown (brown); brilliant (brilliant); expressive (expressive); full (bloodshot); glassy (glass); gray (gray); green (green); slanted (slanted); sightless (blind); small (small); wild (crazy).
  3. Height (height) - short (small); average (average); tall (high); gigantic (giant).
  4. Age (age) - middle (mature); old (elderly); young (young).
  5. Face (face) - round (round); square (square); oval (oval); angular (angular); long (extended); freckled (freckled); ruddy (ruddy); sallow (earthy); wrinkled (wrinkled).
  6. Gait (gait) - brisk (cheerful); steady (confident); heavy (heavy); light (light); shuffling (shuffling).

Description of emotional state

Very often in a conversation you need to describe your emotions and experiences. Let's consider the adjectives necessary for this that characterize a person. The list in English will look like this:

Please note that there are many synonyms in the English language, but not all of them can be used equally in relation to both a man and a woman. Thus, the adjective beautiful is used only in relation to a woman or child and is not used to address a man.

Some epithets have multiple meanings. For example, we used blue to mean “blue,” and the same word is translated as “sad.”

Continuing the description, let's look at adjectives in English that characterize a person's character.

Personality traits

Several thousand words and expressions make it possible to characterize a person’s personality, revealing his worldview, values ​​and behavioral characteristics. We offer only the basic ones, which help to evaluate an individual both positively and negatively. negative side. This minimum will allow you to successfully master spoken language, because it covers the most commonly used epithets.

So, we offer the most common adjectives that characterize a person in English:

We have reviewed general characteristics personality, collecting the remaining epithets into separate thematic groups.

Mental abilities

We will divide these adjectives that characterize a person in English into two groups:

  1. Qualities expressing high level abilities to learn, think and create.
  2. Personality characteristics characterizing lack of intelligence.

The first group includes the following adjectives:

  • able (talented);
  • bright (smart);
  • clever (smart);
  • witty (witty);
  • wise (wise);
  • intelligent (knowledgeable);
  • well-read (well-read);
  • gifted (gifted);
  • genius (brilliant);
  • understanding;
  • quick witted (resourceful);
  • educated (educated);
  • imaginative (having imagination).

Let us list the adjectives belonging to the second group:

  • slow-minded (not quick-witted);
  • ordinary (ordinary);
  • dim-witted (close-minded)
  • forgetful (forgetful);
  • uneducated (uneducated)
  • small-minded (limited);
  • foolish (stupid);
  • blunt (stupid);
  • dull (dull);
  • stupid (ignorant);
  • illiterate (illiterate);
  • unreasonable (unreasonable).

Please note: all adjectives are divided into three types. The first includes simple ones, the second includes derivatives formed using a suffix or prefix. One of them is -un, which leads to the negation of the described quality:

  • educated - uneducated.

The third type includes compound adjectives containing two or more words:

  • dim-witted, small-minded, slow-minded.

Strong-willed qualities

These are personality traits that characterize the volitional sphere and allow a person to cope with difficulties and obstacles in life. life path. These include qualities that help to carry out an act of will: organization, discipline, dedication, determination, etc.

We offer adjectives that characterize a person in English with translation. They can be similarly divided into two groups:

Business and communication skills

What is a person like in professional community and with other people? We offer adjectives that characterize a person in English:

  1. Business qualities- hard-working (hardworking); lazy (lazy); accomplished (qualified); concentrated (focused); unskilled (unskilled); distracted (distracted); sloppy (loose); committed (mandatory).
  2. Communication traits - sociable (sociable), aloof (aloof); communicable (communicable); withdrawn(closed); fair (fair); frank (sincere); unfair (unfair); hypocritical (hypocritical); merciful (compassionate); merciless (merciless); sympathetic (full of sympathy); eliable (reliable); indifferent (indifferent); untrusting (unreliable); awesome (respectful); severe (severe); gentle (soft); harsh (rough); humane (humane); strict (strict); exacting (demanding); undemanding (undemanding); polite (polite); tactful (tactful); impolite (impolite); tactless (tactless); selfless (selfless); considerate; scornful (contemptuous).

We looked at adjectives that will allow you to describe yourself, as well as other people, in English. It is permissible to use several epithets in one sentence. It might look like this:

  • I"m beautiful tall girl with long hair. - I am beautiful, tall girl with long hair.

To form an opinion about a person, it is enough to simply characterize him, that is, choose words that characterize the person. What words, arguments or beliefs are suitable for this? For example, the formulation of qualities: he is serious, attentive, responsive, skillful, dexterous. And the attitude towards a person is completely different from these words. Words define a lot. The content of words is important for a person, his true face and his perception of reality. How to characterize a person? So let's take a look:

What characterizes a person?

Needs to be written out individual qualities person, which undoubtedly characterize him as a person. What is he like?

  • Creativity: a person is able to think creatively and find a way out of hopeless situations.
  • Pedantry: a person is able to follow clear rules and instructions. He strictly adheres to their implementation.
  • Neatness: a person is able to always be neat and clean.
  • Workaholism: capable of working long hours.
  • Diligence: a person is able to fulfill all requirements from above and all instructions.
  • Organizer: able to organize the work process and any holiday.
  • Skills to develop oral or written communication.
  • What grades did you get?
  • Selfishness: a person thinks only about himself and his desires.
  • Altruism: a person thinks about others.
  • His temperament. A person's temperament is characterized by his physiology.

Characterize the context and external environment

  • Complete, single-parent or intelligent family
  • Relationships with people are friendly or conflictual
  • Personality temperament: choleric, phlegmatic, melancholic, sanguine
  • Extrovert or introvert
  • Compliance with personal goals and public interests in society
  • Whether the employee is in the public interest.
  • How he compares his goals socially.
  • how his goals are achieved.
  • Is the person expected to move up the career ladder, career growth?

Adjectives that characterize a person

What adjectives characterize a person? Let's give examples of adjectives. So:

  • Adjectives of masculinity: dexterous, strong, strong, courageous.
  • Adjectives of ability: resourceful, attentive, intelligent, quick-witted
  • Adjectives of labor discipline: lazy, hardworking, active, proactive
  • Personality adjectives: friendly, decent, attentive, caring, hyperactive, mercantile and so on.
  • Adjectives that characterize the accentuation of character: hysteroid type, hyperthymic, asthenoneurotic, psychasthenic, schizoid, and so on.

Qualities that characterize a person

What characterizes a person as a person? Such qualities include, for example: business acumen, determination, perseverance in achieving goals, in finding a way out of any conflict situations, natural intelligence and delicacy, intuition, adequate assessment of the situation.

Qualities that characterize a person must be used not only in a resume, interview, or for a special reference, for promotion career ladder– words that define personality traits are necessary for all of us. Because we are people and because we have a need for them. What kind of words are these? Words are compliments, words that help to understand the essence of a person, his character, ambitions and temperament. Let's look at them. Traits that characterize a person:

Here, accentuations of a person’s character may be suitable, by which one can understand the dominant character of a person:

  1. Hysterical or demonstrative type. Its features: egocentrism, selfishness, the need for recognition of actions and personal characteristics, thirst for attention.
  2. Hyperthymic type. Its main features: sociability, mobility, independence.
  3. Asthenoneurotic type – anxiety, fatigue when communicating, irritability
  4. Psychosthenic type - indecision, love of introspection, and endless reasoning
  5. Schizoid type - isolation, detachment from what is happening around, unsociability.
  6. Sensitive - timidity, shyness, touchiness, sensitivity, impressionability.
  7. Epileptoid or excitable – sad and angry mood. Low speed of thinking, emotional inertia, scrupulousness, conservatism.
  8. Emotionally labile - constantly changing mood.
  9. An infantile dependent is an eternal child who does not take responsibility for his actions and prefers to delegate them to others.
  10. Unstable type - craving for entertainment, pleasure, idleness, lack of will, weakness, cowardice

The thing is that all words, traits, qualities, adjectives that characterize a person are conditional. Why? What does this mean? The following: firstly, everything is subjective. Who assesses that Vasya is weak and Petya is strong? Who are the judges? All opinions, all definitions and views on life are conditional. It is impossible to simply think according to a certain type. Because for one beloved or one boss, Vasya is the best husband or employee, the one who fits his psychotype, and for another boss with a different temperament, the same Vasya is an unsuitable employee, an inept organizer. Because there is no person on earth so objective as to label one person and not label another. Because, no matter how objective and philosophically thinking a person, a wise and understanding psychologist, he is not able to assess the situation with the degree of objectivity that this person possibly needs! And our task is to attract people who shine with us on the same wavelength.

Hello my beloved readers.

How often do you describe people or characters in books? When I was at school it was mine favorite activity. I described myself, my family, book characters, and even my fictional characters. As I grew older, when the English language became firmly established in my life, I began to do this in English. So if you need English adjectives characterizing a person, then you have come to the right place.

Today I will share with you my favorite adjectives with translation and transcription for you and your children.

Let's start right away with the simplest thing that is suitable for children younger age. I’ll tell you a secret that schoolchildren can use these words in their own stories.

For primary and secondary schoolchildren

Young\Old - Young\Old

Tall\Short - Tall\Short, low

Curly\Wavy\Straight Hair - Curled\Wavy\Straight hair

Beautiful - Beautiful

Lazy - Lazy

Hard-working - Hardworking

Honest\Dishonest - Honest\Dishonest

Shy - Modest

Open - Sincere, open

Confident\Self-confident - Confident \ Self-confident

Patient\Impatient - Patient\Impatient

Stupid\Silly - Silly

Kind - Kind

Smart\Clever\Intelligent - Smart

Talented - Talented

Generous - Generous

Polite - Polite

Rude - Rude

She was a very beautiful girl. She was young, tall with the most beautiful curly hair I have ever seen. - She was a very beautiful girl. She was young, tall and had the most beautiful hair I had ever seen.

She is a very hard-working person. I have never seen her unprepared. - She is a very hardworking person. I've never seen her unprepared.

If she wasn'tt so shy , she would be a great teacher . - If he weren't so modest, she would be a great teacher.

They were very kind to me and extremely generous. I stayed at their house for a few days until my apartment was repaired. - They were very kind to me and incredibly generous. I stayed in their house for several days until my apartment was ready.

Tomy is a very clever boy. He is the best student in his class. - Tom is very smart boy. He best student in class.

He is very talented but very lazy. This combination of traits will lead to nowhere. - He is very talented, but very lazy. This combination will lead to nothing.

I wouldn't say that this behavior was polite. He was rather rude to her . - I wouldn't say this behavior was polite. He was very rude to her.
Type Adjectives Example
Personality traits Arrogant - arrogant (one who constantly turns up his nose)

Selfish - selfish

Violent - hot-tempered

Decisive\Indecisive - decisive/indecisive

Ambitious - ambitious

Thoughtful - caring, attentive

Trustworthy - reliable

Vain - narcissistic

Cheerful - cheerful

Touchy - touchy
She seemed to be a very indecisive person. But when the problem occurred we found out that we had been wrong. “She seemed like a very indecisive person.” But when problems arose, we realized that we were mistaken.

My boss is very ambitious. We have so many plans for our future development. - My boss is very ambitious. We have so many plans for our future development.

Even though he seems vain and arrogant, he is the most trustworthy person I know. - Although he seems narcissistic and arrogant, he is the most reliable person I know.
Emotions Melancholic - melancholic

Sentimental - sentimental

Bored - bored

(bored - person, but boring - situation)

Frustrated - irritated

Restless - restless

Unsure - unsure

Edgy - irritable

Calm\Relaxed - calm

Excited - lively

Enthusiastic - enthusiastic

Exhausted - exhausted
Mother was rather restless this evening. Did John call? - Mom was very restless that evening. John called? Every morning he enters the office in extremely enthusiastic way. Every day he leaves it absolutely exhausted. “Every morning he comes into the office incredibly enthusiastic. Every evening he leaves there completely exhausted.
Relationships with people Easy-going = sociable - sociable

Straight-Forward - Direct

Outgoing - communicative

Considerate - considerate of others

Friendly - friendly

Supportive - supportive

Amiable - friendly

Obedient\ Disobedient - obedient

Ill-mannered - a person with bad manners

Withdrawn\Detached - alienated
He was a great man. He was easy-going and considerate. I will miss his amiable smile. - He was a great person. He was sociable and attentive. I will miss his friendly smile.

An Obedient person can’t be ill-mannered. - An obedient person cannot have bad manners.

He was very detached recently. - He's been very distant lately.

Being straight-forward is not a pleasant trait of character. - Being straightforward is not a very pleasant character trait.
Other Lonely - lonely

Unreliable - unreliable

Sluggish - slow

Witty - witty

Courageous - courageous
He seems to be very lonely after his wife died. - He seems very lonely after his wife died.

That was a very courageous and witty man. The evening was great. - He was a very courageous and witty man. The evening was wonderful.

What a sluggish person you are! Can you do it a bit faster, please? - You are a very slow person. Can you do this a little faster please?

Well, my dears, we have found new and interesting words? I am sure that now it will be much easier for you to describe a person and his character, because you have such a set of vocabulary in your arsenal.

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