How to find something to do. How to make your life's work successful

How to find your own business: factors that prevent you from finding your own business + 4 signs that you don’t need your own business + how to attract your first clients to your business.

Almost everyone dreams of being the owner of a large enterprise...

Open yours profitable business and getting money just by managing the process sounds really tempting.

But in reality everything is not so simple...

Few people know how to find your business.

The rest just draw beautiful picture working for themselves, and don’t even think whether the role of a successful businessman is suitable for them.

To determine a person’s readiness to find his own business, you need to find out his attitude to the following nuances:

  • Any project, and especially the first one, can become unprofitable, fail to pay off, and generally go into the red.
  • It makes no sense to open a business with your last money, without the ability to survive at least a month without income.
  • Having organized a business together with a partner, you need to try not to let each other down, and understand that the contribution to development should be the same on both sides.

    Unfortunately, business often separates even the best friends.

    This is also worth understanding.

    Income from your own business, as opposed to working for someone else, can be unstable.

    When, in addition to the desire to earn a living, there is a sincere interest, the matter “goes well.”

    Clients also feel when a business owner cares about his brainchild and puts his soul into it, and not just thinks about profit.

    Factors that prevent you from finding your own business

    3 main factors that prevent people from finding a business:

    1. Many people are not ready to quit their regular jobs in order to find their own business.

      If there are no excesses, employment is a stable income.

      Even from school, we are taught that we need to act according to the scheme: study well - go to university - .

      Few people tell children that there is an opportunity to do what they like and even make a profit.

      Phrases like “In life you always have to do what you don’t want!” are thrown around more often.

      This is how parents, they think, nip pranks and a frivolous attitude towards the future in the bud.

      But at the same time, they do not realize that they are creating a setup for the baby for the rest of his life.

      A significant factor is also absence basic knowledge , which could be useful to find and implement a business at the initial stage.

      For example, to open a small stall, you first need to find a place, then enter into a lease agreement, obtain all permits, register and register with the tax office.

      This all sounds much more complicated than it actually is.

      But the thought of such difficulties scares away many even at the starting stage.

      Another factor that kills the desire to start your own business is high level competition.

      It is worth considering that any area, even a common one, can be “refreshed” with new interesting ideas.

    How to make your favorite hobby profitable?

    Finding something you love is only the first step.

    But how to find an opportunity to make a profit on it?

    The secret is that it is easiest to make financial gains when you think as realistically as possible.

    For example, if you have the talent and ability to compose music and lyrics, you shouldn’t immediately rush to the stage.

    You need to consider, for example, the idea of ​​selling lyrics for songs or writing music to order.

    Another profitable business option is writing tunes for advertising.

    Ambition is good.

    But as practice shows, they are justified in isolated cases (the history of the Radiohead group, the Apple brand).

    Many unknown musicians have made a fortune composing music for climaxes in TV series and films.

    P.S. If you just like your business, and not dreams of fame and a great future, think about this advice.

    Basic concepts you need to know to open a business

    The basic concepts for starting any business will be revenue and profit.

    You need to understand that these are two completely different concepts:

    • revenue is the total amount of all proceeds for a certain period, for example one month;
    • profit is already net income, from which monthly expenses are subtracted (for rent, raw materials, employee salaries, payment of possible utilities and taxes).

    Also, when producing products, you will need to calculate its cost...

    This includes not only the price of the raw materials that were used.

    But also other monthly expenses for organizing the business.

    Pricing has a significant impact on profitability!

    When figuring out how to find your own business, you need to take into account the issue of finances.

    Each has its own possibilities for initial investments in recurring costs.

    Of course, you can always turn to a bank for a loan or attract investors.

    But experienced people advise not to get involved in debt obligations when you are doing your first business.

    How to attract clients to develop your business?

    If you have already chosen a business, think about how to find clients who will bring in the first profit.

    We offer several basic promotion options:

      Via the Internet.

      Most effective way- create a website.

      There you will post photos of products or information about services.

      You can be inspired by foreign “colleagues”.

      It's no secret that marketing abroad is now at a higher level.

      Internet on at the moment is considered the main field for advertising.

      Creating a website is necessary not only at the initial stage of the business, but also for further advancement.

      You can also order leaflets with the brand name, brief information and range of products.

      It's worth finding promoters who will distribute them in busy areas of the city.

      You can do it yourself and save money.

      But the workers will do it much better and faster.

      Study - this is important for a businessman.

      And don't forget about business cards!

      This is not only an element of the entrepreneur’s image, but also an effective advertising tool.

    To find your business in at a young age, watch the following video:

    Conclusion on how to find your business

    To reduce losses, an entrepreneur must draw up a business plan for the business.

    It analyzes all the important points, identifies risks, and develops a business strategy.

    And finally. If you find one of these thoughts in yourself, individual entrepreneurship is really not for you yet:

    • I am confident that if the calculations are perfectly planned and the market is studied, the profit from the business will be immediate and huge.
    • I think that only by taking risks and putting everything on the line can you achieve success.
    • I believe that best partner will be a friend or relative. Family business is so great!
    • I organize a case just to prove something to someone.

    In order for the question to how to find your business, it didn’t take a lot of time, you need to immediately decide what you like to do and what you can do.

    To make your dream come true, you just need to plan everything wisely and work hard.

    Remember: the likelihood that there will be problems in the early stages is very high.

    This is not a sign that you are not destined to become an entrepreneur.

    Don't give up and don't give up on your goals.

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Not that difficult. You will just feel it. But how to find this thing? Here is a question of questions. Of course, even such a complex question can be answered. All you need is time to think and complete honesty with yourself. Without the last condition nothing will work. Are you ready for a completely honest dialogue with yourself? If you're ready, go ahead, here are 7 (not) simple steps.

Create a list of everything you enjoy doing.

Start with a clean slate. In the truest sense of the word. Open new document on the computer or take a blank sheet of paper and a pen. Start writing whatever you like to do. Don't try to direct your thoughts. Write whatever comes to mind, if it relates to something you really like. Watch TV, play on the computer, read, listen to music... let everything settle on paper. As soon as you feel that the list is ending, look at it from the point of view of the areas of your life. What do I like about work? What do I like to do at home? And in that spirit. Think about all the activities you enjoyed.

Determine what is the essence of what you like

The first point was the easiest. Now the difficulties begin. All activities hide a certain essence behind them. Or in other words, many activities are united by a certain component, which is the essence of the activity. For example, I have a friend who, when compiling a list, listed a lot of such activities: giving presentations, training new employees, understanding other people’s problems, preparing reports, etc. Behind this entire list lies a single essence. We identified it in the process of analyzing the list, trying to figure out what unites certain items. The point is simple - he likes to teach people. That's exactly how we formulated it. In this case, the word “teach” conveys the meaning of the process - sharing knowledge, teaching.

How can the essence be realized differently?

So you have found out what is behind everything on your list of “favorite things to do”. The list of entities will be much shorter, but also much more informative for you. Think about how you can implement all the essences in such a way that it can bring not only pleasure but also material benefit. Another example. Until I was 16 I liked to play computer games. My father often told me that this was a “waste exercise,” a waste of time that would not help me in any way in the future. Even then I understood that it is necessary to connect what you do with what you like. I started searching and discovered that there was such a job - testing games. So the next time I had something to answer to my father’s statement - I’m not wasting time, I’m preparing to become a tester. And this is possible. Conclusion - think about how you can implement the essence differently. It's possible.

Note: I never became a tester, but I found my niche favorite activity.

Write what really excites you

Now put aside everything you wrote. Stop thinking about the “magic list”.

Ask yourself this question – if I could choose what to do for the rest of my life, what would it be? What captivates you? Answering this question will require all of your honesty with yourself.

This is a very complex and at the same time simple question. Its difficulty lies in clearing thoughts of all unnecessary things and coming to an agreement with oneself. Simplicity lies in the answer. When you find the answer, you will be surprised how simple and obvious it was.

Let me note right away - if nothing has ever captivated you, do not read further. You are either not honest with yourself, or you are closing yourself off from the world around you, or you are unique and your case needs to be carefully examined by specialists.

Remember the times when this happened

So, have you agreed? Have you found something that excites you? Now remember when this happened. Specifically and in detail. Try to return to that moment as much as possible. This is important for two reasons. Firstly, you will check for yourself whether this is really what we are talking about. Secondly, it is necessary to determine the conditions in order to understand how your business can be implemented in practice.

Combine what you like with what excites you

If you take a closer look at the list of what you like and what really excites you, you will find obvious connections. Returning to the example with my friend, he indicated that he likes to teach people and, accordingly, activities related to this. When we found out what really fascinates him, we found out that such a thing is the search for something new. More precisely, he really likes to thoroughly understand some issue, analyze the knowledge gained and derive new knowledge from it. IN in this example The relationship is very clearly visible. This person takes great pleasure in processing information and enjoys teaching people. These are the connections that need to be found. There cannot be many such connections.

The area of ​​your “passion” is usually quite narrow.

Now find something like this

Think about what your passion-like connection is like. The link itself already suggests options for your Case. My friend, judging by his passion and what he likes, would be an excellent scientist. We left this idea as a starting point. What other activities are related to his hobbies and similar to the work of a scientist? Trainer, consultant, business analyst... project manager. We stopped at the last activity. This work requires constantly learning new things and communicating this to people, i.e. training. Next, we slightly concretized the idea of ​​who a project manager is and outlined the ways to become a new way. Today, this person is successfully engaged in project management in various fields. He found his Business.

Finding your Business is not an easy task. You can do this all your life and end up not finding it. This is the path of intuition. Or you can think and consciously work on the search. This is the rational way.

Do what you love. Otherwise, you will have to love what you do.

Most of us take jobs we don't like for granted. For eight hours every day we do something we don’t like, and we think it’s right because everyone else does it.

But what if we go the other way? We invited Alexey Korovin () to answer this question. He will talk about how to find your calling, give up your unloved job and properly organize your life.

Alexey built a large company (150 people on staff), then abruptly changed his priorities and began traveling, creating films and preaching a lifestyle free from society’s stereotypes and stupid prohibitions. We will talk about his views on work, hobbies and self-discovery below.

- Tell us about what work means to you.

Most people divide their life into two parts: work and everything else. When we work, we exchange our time for money, and devote the remaining time to ourselves. Is this correct? Not at all.

Every moment of time needs to be appreciated, so I think we need to learn to live in such a way that life is enjoyable. You cannot divide your life into two parts, one of which you like, and the second of which you take for granted.

- Where did you study?

I graduated from the Kharkov Aviation Institute.

- What then?

At the institute I studied taekwondo intensively and after graduation I decided to go into professional sports. It turned out to become a two-time champion of Ukraine. Then he went to Europe and took a prize there. But it was a kind of self-indulgence. It was possible to go further, but special meaning there wasn't. I quickly got tired of earning medals and competing, and I realized that I wanted to open my own business.

- Why didn’t you want to continue? Why own business?

This was due to childhood trauma. I wanted to prove to my father that I could do something. These complexes gave a strong start, like a motor in the ass: you can’t stop, you constantly wanted to prove something.

- Perhaps it's not so bad?

Badly. Let's imagine that you like to paint pictures. But at the same time, you want to become a respectable and respected person. If you choose the first option and follow what you love, you will be much happier, even if you cannot achieve respectability and respect.

This happened to me with business. For 20 years I ran to the person I imagined myself to be in the future. And then he looked back and realized that he had been running all this time, not knowing where. People around you will consider you a successful, accomplished person. The problem is that you won’t consider yourself that way.

I had one picture in my head future life, there was another in my heart, but I decided not to listen to him. And about six years ago I remembered that since childhood I wanted to connect my life with travel. Only at the age of 35 did I realize that I didn’t want to devote my life to business. Despite the fact that I can do this, I don’t need any special intelligence for this, the main thing is to be able to take risks. Every percentage of risk is paid for in money. It has always been this way.

In general, you need to free yourself from your complexes as early as possible and start living what you really want.

- It's hard not to want to be rich until you're rich.

Yes, you are right. The only question is how far you want to go. When I started doing business, I already had a picture of my future goal - to bring my business to international level. But I stopped when I reached Russia.

- Why?

I began to realize that something was wrong. The desire weakened, I felt that business no longer brought pleasure, and the pleasure that it brought before was not real. And I started to turn around.

Or he could have gone the other way and continued doing business. Perhaps in the future it would still reach the international level. And I would enjoy it, but working for several years for a moment of happiness is very ineffective. You need to listen to the soul, not the brain.

- How do you still find your life’s work? Listening to the soul, not the brain, is a very abstract answer.

Agree. In fact, there are very few tools. But they exist.

The first is meditation. It really helps you to be aware of everything you are doing at the moment.

The second is to get out of your comfort zone as often as possible. Moreover, for different people, “stepping out of your comfort zone” can mean completely different things. For some it’s meeting a new person every day, for others it’s quitting their job and starting making money doing what they love.

The third tool is constant attempts to find yourself. How do you know that you have found your life's work? It’s very simple: you start to get high every moment when you are busy with it. As soon as you feel this state, it means you have come to where you need to go.

- What place does university education occupy in your concept?

What does the university do? He is preparing a profession for us. And, for example, out of 10–15 subjects we are interested in only one, but we have to study all the others. It seems to me that a person should study throughout his life, but not for the sake of future experience or knowledge, but simply study for the sake of learning. Enjoy the process.

The university is an army for the working class. He makes you another small cog in a huge machine. There are many ways to study more effectively. Trying everything in practice, making mistakes and learning from your mistakes.

I understand how it all sounds from the outside. This sounds crazy even to the me I was a few years ago. But it's true.

- Let's look at another situation. I have several favorite things to do. How to choose one of them?

Why choose just one?

- Well, if you devote more time to one thing, you will become better at it.

Better for whom?

Why choose? If you like several things, you get high from each of them, then what’s the point in making a choice? You will not become happier, but rather you will end up with nothing.

- Probably, I just want to be more significant and higher in society.

Once at the market I met a nut seller. When I met him, I had the feeling that he was not a saint, but he was already very close to it. He does what he loves. He doesn’t care that his favorite activity is not highly valued in society. He sells nuts, communicates with customers, and he is happy.

Imagine if, as a child, the idea was imposed on him that you need to be a respected member of society, have a lot of money and a prestigious profession. Would he be happy now?

I used to have similar thoughts too. When I spent hours developing some kind of hook for MixBag. I thought: “Damn, why am I wasting my time and my managerial brain on some kind of hook?” And then I realized that I just liked doing it.

I don't care how much money I make. The main thing is that I like what I'm doing at this moment. When you do what you like, success and money will still catch up with you sooner or later.

It's just not worth making money main goal of your life. You don't need to become their slave. This is very dangerous. If a person is constantly haunted by the desire to get rich or the fear of going broke, he becomes a slave. No matter how much money he has, he will never be happy.

I'm making money now more money than I can spend. Although you can always spend them. I just don't need it new apartment, car, clothes and other things. They constantly need to be monitored and taken care of. They just become trash.

And I still feel like I'm becoming a slave to money. I’m thinking about how to save extra money, where to invest it, how to invest it. I understand that I am wasting time on useless thoughts, but I can’t do anything about it.

Having a lot of money isn't that bad. The main thing is that they do not turn into a yoke with which you have to go through life. And this is what happens most often.

- How can a person who provides for his family quit his job and do what he loves?

Just like anyone else. In my understanding, family = love and support. For example, a husband decided to leave his unloved job and start producing mops. He has always dreamed about this and wants to devote his life to it. This means that as long as he is doing what he loves and it does not bring in money, the wife must support the family.

Doesn't work? This means that at night, after a day in the workshop, you need to go and unload the cars. So, yes. When two people love each other, they should be supportive, or what is love then? There should be no roles: I earn money, and you clean the house. This is stupid.

The family model that sits in our heads is very strange. The husband works hard, earns money to support the family, and subconsciously thinks: “I earn money all day long, sacrifice myself, and she didn’t even wash the dishes/clean up/cook dinner.” He may not say this, but such thoughts will still appear in his head.

And when you both do what you love and support each other, family will be what it should be - happiness.

- Finally, say a few words about how to make your favorite business successful.

You need to do it for yourself and for people. Not for some ephemeral future purpose and certainly not for money.

Updated: 10/09/2017 Oleg Lazhechnikov


I recently talked with a friend on the phone about what I love, finding myself, and other things. It’s funny, we’ve talked about this more than once, but circumstances change constantly, in fact, just like opinions based on life experience. So, this conversation prompted the idea that I should write down my thoughts, which may also be useful to someone, and in 10 years it will be interesting to read for myself.

By the way, doesn’t anyone write letters to themselves in the future? So that later, after a while, you can find out how you lived, what you thought about, what questions were raised and how they were resolved in the end. I don’t write it myself, but I often catch myself thinking when I find myself in some place where I haven’t been for a long time (for example, near the office where I once worked) - did that boy know that he would become this and that? then life will be like this. Surprisingly, you can’t predict it in advance!

How to find your business

I'll start right away with the recipe. He helped me personally, but he did not immediately realize that I did exactly that. It sometimes happens that the specifics in words or in the head take shape only afterward.

We all have “statistics” about our lives. Unfortunately, it is mainly accessible only to those who are prone to introspection or have a certain logical mindset. But that's not what I'm talking about. So, statistics clearly speak about who you are, what you like, what you would like to do, and what you actually do, and not just want to. It is statistics that make it clear where desires are real and where they are hypothetical, or, in other words, it determines our inclination towards one activity or another. Surely, you have noticed more than once that you want something, but in fact you do it differently. For example, you don’t go to the gym, although you want to look good, you go to bed and get up late, although you dream of being a morning person, you are eager to emigrate, but in fact there is no progress in this direction. In general, if you look back and analyze recent years, then you can draw various useful conclusions and come up with new motivations for achieving those goals that have stalled with old motivations. Statistics can be used for many things.

Well, and the recipe itself - statistics often give an understanding of what you do all your life or part of your life in one way or another, no matter what. The main thing is not to be afraid to admit it to yourself and not to run away from it. For me it turned out to be travel, for my friend it was photography. Of course, there are no guarantees at all that you won’t make a mistake, in fact, just like universal recipes. This is just one of the ways it could be.

How to recognize “your” business in statistics

Once upon a time I just looked around and realized that I had always been drawn to travel and the process called the road. It got to the point where I quit my job because I couldn’t wait to go on vacation. Naturally, this understanding alone did not bring me any closer to my favorite business and income. It was also easy not to pay attention to travel at all, since it has nothing to do with receiving money. Still, we usually connect these concepts. So, my main mistake was that when searching for a favorite activity, I evaluated everything on the subject of whether this or that activity would bring money or not. This is not quite the right path. That is why I knew about travel for quite a long time, but never regarded it as a source cash. Therefore, you need to analyze what specifically brings you pleasure for a long time (throughout your life), even if it seems to you that there will never be any money from it. In any case, you will want to do this, even as a hobby, but it is better to know than to run away from it. In fact, it’s your favorite activity and doesn’t have to bring you money :)

It is important to understand that they can give pleasure different people different things and not everyone needs this favorite thing in principle. Someone wants to build a career and this is the main goal, someone is excited about how they put together a puzzle of purchases/sales and make a profit, well, some generally measure everything by the number of purchases and neither the process nor the business itself is important to them, If only they paid more money. And there are those who try to find a specific favorite thing, when it is important what exactly you do every day, and everything else fades into the background. Actually, there are a lot of intermediate options.

But all the people listed above have a unifying factor - they want something, that is, everything depends on desire, without which there is nowhere. And you can try to isolate this very desire from your statistics. For some it will be just a hobby (a process that brings joy), and for others it will be a kind of work format ( career growth, entrepreneurship, maximum money for purchases, etc.). There is no need to rack your brains and think about what you might like, what else to try, because, as a rule, everything is already in the statistics. Also, based on this desire, you can come up with a motivation for something. Thus, statistics provide insight, at a minimum, into what you love to do, your work format, and your motivation.

I can’t tell you exactly how to choose something from statistics, it’s too individual. In this regard, it was relatively simple for me; various hobbies changed many times throughout my life, but trips always remained, even to a neighboring region. Right now it’s really hard for us to travel, but I still travel a little and the desire to be on the road never goes away. Sometimes I catch the “road” on the way to the doctor :) But another interesting thing is that when travel is carried out close in time to the desire to travel (if I wanted to, I went), that is, when I don’t have to wait for a vacation for six months, I end up wanting to travel less.

Also, the work format had a very strong impact on me - instead of an office with a boss, I now have a home and myself (). As practice has shown, it was very important for me to work for myself and not drive through traffic jams. And even though I’m now thinking about coworking and my own small office, it’s still psychologically many times more comfortable for me than before ().

Life hack 2 - how to find a hotel 20% cheaper

Thanks for reading

4,76 out of 5 (ratings: 63)

Comments (44)

    Mikhail Solovyov


    • Oleg Lazhechnikov







    A person cannot be healthy and successful if he does not love what he does, be it work, business or something else. Here you will learn how to find your life’s work or, in other words, the activity that you need to do according to your psychophysical nature.

    Each of us, from birth, has certain talents and abilities that are formed on the basis of past thoughts, desires and actions. If we realize ourselves in what we have a predisposition to, then we will automatically experience satisfaction from the activity.

    Why look for your purpose in activity?

    If finding your purpose in activity were not so important, then we could all calmly work where we work. But the problem is that a person can experience happiness only when he realizes his potential and talents given to him from birth.

    Having soberly and adequately analyzed the state of affairs in modern society, you can notice that most people today do not like, and sometimes even hate, their jobs. As a result, by definition they cannot be happy, healthy and successful.

    The reason for this plight lies in the false ideals that are imposed on society today with the help of television, the Internet, and newspapers.

    What we are usually called upon to do: earn more money, get maximum pleasure, live on full blast and do not deny yourself anything. This is a characteristic of Western “consumption culture”, which is actively penetrating into the countries of the post-Soviet space.

    A consumerist attitude towards life is a direct path to degradation and destruction of one’s life. Therefore, it is worth asking the question: how to find your life’s work in order to bring benefit not only to yourself, but also to everyone around you.

    Also Ayurveda, which is a very ancient and very authoritative science about healthy and in the right way life, says that when a person does not follow his own path, does not do what is intended for him by nature, then his fate gradually deteriorates, his health and relationships with other people deteriorate.

    What if you are already busy with activities by nature: a simple 4-question test

    It happens that a person is already engaged in activities in accordance with his talents, but it brings in little money. Because of this, seditious thoughts may arise to give up everything and find a well-paid job. It's a trap.

    Your life's work does not have to immediately bring in a lot of money.

    In order for this business to fully provide for you, you need to constantly improve your qualifications, study and become a real professional.

    This takes time and patience. It is possible that at first you may need additional part-time work. We live in a material world full of surprises, so be prepared for anything.

    To dispel all your doubts about the current situation in life, we will conduct a small test.

    Answer the questions below honestly, and you will understand whether you are currently engaged in your activities or not.

    Here are the questions themselves:

    1. If you had money with which you could buy everything you need, would you do what you do now?
    2. Do you like what you do? Do you feel satisfaction from your activities?
    3. How did you choose the activity you are currently engaged in: on your own or under the influence of relatives, friends, thirst for money and other external factors?
    4. Do your activities bring at least some benefit to the world around you?

    Take a piece of paper and a pen. Write down your answers.

    For example, if you answered: 1 – no, 2 – no, 3 – parents advised, 4 – not really or not sure, then you are clearly doing something wrong.

    Now we’ll talk specifically about how to find your life’s work.

    Where to start searching for your own business that suits your nature?

    It is said that a person must be ready for his destiny. Therefore, Eastern psychology advises starting the search for your business by cleansing your consciousness and working on your character qualities. First of all, you need to get rid of such qualities as greed, self-interest, fear, envy and ignorance.

    It is extremely important to have a sincere desire to bring benefit through your activities to the entire world around you, and not just to yourself and your family.

    To do this, you need to learn to be selfless, to do something for others without expecting anything in return.

    The question may arise in your mind: “Why should I do something for someone?”

    We are all souls by our true nature and service is an integral part of our nature. If we do not serve God and all living beings as His children, then we will serve our senses and a sick mind.

    Living for yourself is living under the influence of a false ego, which does not bring happiness to us or those around us.

    But when a person strives to act for the happiness of others, then by his very presence he will improve the lives of people and the world as a whole.

    In general, it all comes down to the fact that in any case you need to work on yourself, improve your character and raise your level of consciousness.

    How to find your life's work and start earning money with pleasure?

    Unfortunately or fortunately, a person cannot function successfully on the physical, intellectual and spiritual levels if he does not follow his nature in activity. This is a fact.

    Ignoring one’s purpose in activity is one of main reasons diseases and failures of modern man.

    To be successful and achieve various goals, we need to love what we do. But how can we love something that we don’t like and is not our purpose?

    When we love our work, success and material rewards come automatically.

    So, now, point by point, how to find your life’s work.

    • Ask God to help you find what is meant for you

    This is the most important point, which many people choose to skip. The Lord is the most powerful Person on whom absolutely everything in our lives depends. It's stupid to ignore this.

    Turn to God in prayers and simply in your thoughts. These could be the following words: “Lord, please help me find my place in this world, where I can fit most harmoniously into the overall picture of the world, and can also bring benefit to You and all living beings.”

    • If you have a favorite business or hobby, but you don’t do it, then analyze the reasons for this

    A hobby or some activity that we enjoy is often our purpose. We often make a mistake when we stop devoting our time to this and stop developing in this direction.

    Think about what prevents you from devoting at least half an hour to an hour every day to your favorite activity. If possible, remove all these obstacles, but of course not to the detriment of others or other areas of your life.

    • Constantly ask yourself the question “How and where can I be useful to this world?”

    It is much more useful to stop constantly thinking about money and chasing success and think about the meaning of life. Why did you come into this world? What problems does a person need to solve first?

    By finding answers to these questions and developing in this direction, you will gradually begin to understand how you can realize yourself.

    What are your talents or, perhaps, are you already an expert in some activity? Are you developing your strengths? If yes, how often do you do this?

    It is important to develop your strengths every day. Read, study, listen, etc. Today there are many mediocre specialists in all fields of activity, but there is clearly a shortage of professionals.

    • Make time for your dreams

    Usually each of us has or had a dream. Remember what you dreamed of as a child, what you loved to do?

    Let's say you've always dreamed of singing in front of other people. It is quite possible that your life’s mission is related to this, so start developing in this direction and devote at least 1 hour to it every day.

    • Learn to forget the good that you have done for others and do not talk about it to others.

    This article has already discussed selflessness. It is the selfless person, who strives to bring good to other people, who forgets the good that he has done for others and remembers the good that was done to him.

    Always thank God for the opportunity to help other people, because it also brings benefit to us personally, cleansing our hearts of sins and negative character traits.

    An article that talks about the common purpose for all people, as well as four types purpose in activity in accordance with human nature:

    A few facts to think about that will increase your desire to find your own business.

    Now you know how to find your life's work. This process will take everyone different quantities time. To help you search better and more actively, think about what you read below.

    Life is too short to do what we don't like and don't suit our nature.

    Human life, like a match, burns out very quickly. By by and large, we don’t have time for everything unnecessary, even if it brings temporary satisfaction. Strive for a meaningful life, value time - this is the most valuable thing we have.

    A person is only as happy in life as he is useful to the world.

    People who live for themselves are always unhappy. They may even own multi-million dollar fortunes, but this does not bring them happiness. Among this category of people, suicide and other bad acts are very common.

    Until you understand the mission of your life and find your purpose, then life will be just a gray, miserable and meaningless existence.

    Understand this, do not let your mind, false ego ruin your life.

    We are parts of the Whole and each of us has our own purpose, with the help of which we should serve the Whole. The whole is God and all living and inanimate beings as children of God.

    When we understand that there is a God and that we are His servants, and that serving Him makes a person an absolutely happy and satisfied person, then this is a serious step towards success in life in general.

    Through the mission of our life we ​​can serve God, everyone around us, our family and ourselves. No one has ever been dissatisfied following this path.

    I wish you to find your purpose in activity and be a happy person.

    P.S. I also talk about finding your life’s work in the video:

    http://site/wp-content/uploads/2017/07/kak-najti-delo-svoej-zhizni.jpg 321 641 Sergey Yuryev http://site/wp-content/uploads/2018/02/logotip-bloga-sergeya-yurev-2.jpgSergey Yuryev 2017-07-24 05:00:46 2018-10-28 10:27:00 Purpose in activity: how to find your life’s work?