After what time does the damage return to him? Ritual with seven needles

There are times when you feel like you have been spoiled. There is a way out of this situation and you can find it yourself. Damage is a kind of negative energy, not a life sentence. There are more than one answers to the question of how to return damage. There are many methods that have been known since ancient times and passed down from generation to generation. Magicians who are specially trained know how to dissolve an energy regiment and ward off damage. But if there is no one to turn to, you can independently try to return it back to the one who sent the evil eye or simply leave it to chance.

Damage is a kind of negative energy, and not a life sentence.

There is a statement, but no one knows how true it is. The evil eye cannot be applied to someone who is completely energetically pure. This means that if they were able to do it for you, you need to reconsider your life path. When envy passes on or is passed on, this is also a kind of sin, because in this way you also hit the person back. You will have to answer for everything. But if this doesn’t scare you, and you are determined to strike back or simply teach a lesson for what you did, then the first thing you need to do is get in the right mindset. When returning the evil eye, you must not show your anger or harbor hatred and malice. Only with the right attitude and with a pure soul you can return the evil eye. Be sure to find out who referred you so you can pass it back to that person.

How to find out who spoiled you

Magic is not to be trifled with, so before you make the damage return, you need to identify the person who initiated it. You can get as much information about a person using three methods. In the first option, you need to lament the conspiracy, and as a result, this person himself will appear before you. The second method will bring to you the person who cast the evil eye, a magician or sorcerer:

  1. Ritual with nails. You need to take an ordinary nail and hammer it in next to the house (near the threshold) and read the plot:

    “Whoever spoiled me and harmed me, I call him a nail. If you don’t come in three days, then you’ll go to your grave in six months.”

    These words activate the magic, and within three days you wait for your ill-wisher to visit.

  2. This option is more complicated and will require additional preparation. You will need a bowl of filtered water and beeswax, not paraffin. The wax must be melted in a steam bath and slowly immersed in water while reading the plot:

    “I pour wax, I pour out the enemy.”

    Remember, you should not wish the person harm, but just concentrate on the process itself. Once the wax is in the water, it takes on a specific shape that you will need to determine. If as a result you saw the figure of a woman, flowers or the moon, this means that the one who cast the evil eye was female. If on the contrary, then in the water there should be wax figures in the form of a rhombus, square, raven or tiger. You can repeat the ritual if you were unable to see a clear figure the first time.

  3. The third rite is associated with black magic, so it is better not to turn to it for help or only as a last resort. Find the old keys, there should be exactly seven of them. Next, bring some water to a boil, immerse the keys in it and at the same time read the plot:

    “Whoever harms the slave (your name), the devil will bring him tomorrow morning.”

    The next morning this person will definitely come to visit you.

After performing the ritual with nails, you wait for your ill-wisher to visit for three days

Returning the damage (option No. 1)

Envy is transferred or transferred back to the one who induces it using a magical ritual, which must be performed from the twenty-sixth to the twenty-seventh lunar day. Before carrying out it, you need to eat a minimum of food and fast for at least three days. After preparation, you will need fresh meat and read the plot on it three times with the following text:

“Just as in a dead city they don’t know melancholy - they don’t know, and its inhabitants don’t have dinner, don’t suffer from melancholy, don’t shed tears, so I, a servant of God (my full name), I will be freed from the black spell through this meat and blood!”

The meat must be buried in a cemetery and there must be a grave with your name on it. You must do this and mentally ask for forgiveness from the owner of the grave for disturbing his sleep. Be sure to bring some apples and candy as a memorial gift. When you leave a ritual after which the evil eye returns, you cannot turn back under any pretext. Just look ahead and walk straight. On the way home, at the first intersection, throw a coin and say the words:

“Paid in full!”

On the second day, you need to go to church and be sure to light a candle for the repose of the person whose grave you had to disturb, to carry out a ritual, after which the evil eye passes or is transferred. When leaving church, make a donation. You cannot tell the person who gave it to you that you are returning the evil eye. For three days from home, do not give your things to anyone and do not take anything from others.

Returning the damage (option No. 2)

You can return the damage to the person who brought it on you if you use another option. Take a frying pan and add salt until the bottom is completely covered. Draw a cross across the sprinkled salt across the entire surface with a kitchen fork. As a result, it will turn out that you will have the surface of the frying pan divided into four more parts. Draw four crosses along its parts. Start drawing crosses from the lower right corner counterclockwise. Afterwards, put it on low heat and heat for about fifteen minutes. The evil eye is transferred or transmitted when they continue to stir with a fork in a circular motion and read the text of the plot:

“As this salt is fried, so let my enemy (name) be fried. Go away, my illness, my sorrows, go away, envy, hatred, evil witchcraft, to where you came from, to the slave (name). I do not burn salt, but my enemy. You did (did) to me, and I give it to you. Amen".

The salt that you cast in order to return the evil eye must be poured along the route that the one who cast it on you takes every day.

To return the evil eye, salt must be poured along the route of the ill-wisher

Returning the damage (option No. 3)

The evil eye passes or returns to the one who brought it if the next magic ritual occult attack. Before this, you need to buy or collect and dry thistle grass yourself. It is better to tear it and prepare it yourself, but if this is not possible, then buy it at the pharmacy. But there is a claim that its effect is not so strong. The next step is to pour a little of the prepared material into a wooden container on Friday, close to night, and then add a little salt. Mix everything and while doing this, think about your enemy and his future. You must send him misfortunes and hardships that bring him harm. The evil eye is transferred or transmitted when they come to the enemy’s doorstep and pour the mixture so that he is sure to step on it. While doing this, repeat the words:

“The devil will pour salt into your (name) eyes, burn your thoughts like thistles! Everything you wished for others, you yourself will find. As soon as you step over the charmed salt!”

Often people who have suffered from a negative program come up with the question: can the damage return? It is quite reasonable.

The point is this: people are faced with a situation where the damage does not go away. That is, during professional work, it retreats, but only for a while.

It seems: here it is – the air of happiness! And after a while the problems come with renewed vigor.

What the sorcerers say

A man goes to another witch. And what does he hear? At your place, they tell him.

He, of course, begins to prove: he just recently filmed it! And the sorceress only shrugs if she sees damage.

Here you will inevitably wonder whether the damage can return. Or have the enemies brought a new one again? In reality, everything is not so simple. The damage does not return: oh, horror, it never left!

The ritual resulted in her being inactive for some time. And then she started her dirty work again. This happens often. And you can't do anything about it. Not everyone is allowed to live without corruption.

You know, experienced and honest (very important!) clairvoyants can even name the date for its complete disappearance. Some people have a year to work on problems, others – ten years.

And there are such unfortunate people who have to fight damage all their lives. They are not supposed to become completely purified.

It’s clear: provided they work on their energy, they have to decide whether the damage returns.

But that's not all. For some people, the negativity really comes back. Let's look at just such cases.

Namely, let’s take a person who “accidentally” contracted the disease. He was told off. Everything seems to be fine. And then everything begins with renewed vigor.

What did he do wrong? Considering that the damage was actually removed, and not “pushed” into the far corner for a while.

Can damage come back again?

The negative that has been removed can actually begin to act again.

Firstly, if the ritual is performed poorly. Imagine: damage is, say, a physical object. It is not enough to remove him from the victim field.

A prerequisite for his absence is his “presence” in another place. That is, the damage must be sent, as experts say, somewhere. The latter also has serious, almost decisive, significance.

Sometimes a person, performing a ceremony on his own, simply removes the negativity from the aura without sending it anywhere. He “hangs” nearby.

As soon as suitable conditions ripen, he will again enter the field, even without outside help. Or with her. Let's say that such a poor fellow, who tried and got rid of the damage, is jinxed.

Here is a loophole for introducing damage back!

Why again?

There are other situations. Sometimes a lot is produced per person strong impact. It is, in a sense, multi-layered.

Not every specialist has the gift of seeing what is aimed at the victim. In such cases, only one, in fact, the most visible one, is diagnosed and removed.

The rest of the programs are “sleeping” and do not work. As soon as the top one is removed, the next one turns on. This way you can fight against complex damage caused once, ad infinitum.

Well, the last case of the return of negativity is the fault of the victim himself. Should you remember what you yourself did for the first time after the damage was removed?

A common mistake is to “check” this matter. Alcohol strengthens the position of dark egregors in the field. Consequently, the damage will return before it has even left.

The second important mistake is to give yours into the hands of the enemy. This happens when you transfer something into the hands of another person in the first three days after performing a cleansing ritual.

Letters from our readers

Subject: I have become more money and opportunities, thanks to the advice from your site!

From whom: Svetlana(sv****** [email protected])

To whom: Responsible for the site

Hello! My name is Svetlana and I want to tell the readers of the site my story of how I was lucky enough to get rid of constant lack of money!

I lived like many of us: home, work, children, worries....and constant shortage money. You can’t buy your children extra toys or new clothes, nor can you please yourself with a beautiful dress. My husband also has a job that does not pay money.

In general, every month you just think and plan how to stretch the budget so that there is enough money for current needs.

Of course, in our family we have learned to live with our finances. But in my soul there was always a constant feeling of resentment and self-pity. Why is this so, I asked myself. Look, others have money, they bought a new car, built a dacha, it’s clear that they have wealth.

I had already begun to lose hope for a good life. But one day I came across it on the Internet.

You will simply be amazed at how many positive changes have happened to me! I had no idea that this article would change my life so much!

I got money! And not just change, pocket coins, but truly normal income!

Behind Last year we made excellent renovations in our apartment, bought a new car, and sent the children to the sea!

But all this would not have happened if I had not come to this site.

Don't scroll past. Take a couple of minutes to this information.

And the last thing you can do to harm yourself is negative thoughts. After the damage is removed, you will be provoked. Don't give in and lose your balance.

It’s better to stay in prostration for several days. And it’s not recommended to communicate with just anyone. Then the damage will go away forever. Now about methods of overcoming such an unpleasant problem.

What to do to prevent damage from returning

You know, if a person falls into a vicious cycle of corruption, then it’s a disaster. You can only break free through willpower. To do this, you will have to concentrate and make the ritual of removing damage regular.

This is what everyone who is faced with the return of damage should do. The issue here is the habit of a negative perception of the world. It needs to be broken.

And doing this with a black program that dominates the aura is extremely difficult. If you start pushing it out regularly, there is a chance to begin to change during these bright periods.

By the way, regular sincereness produces the same effect. It was not in vain that it was customary to go to Temple not only on Christmas and Easter. People went there every Sunday, and even listened to the entire service.

But the ritual of removing pori should not be rejected either. For example, in ancient Rus', they have been jumping over the fire for more than one year. This custom of “burning” negativity was widespread.

We started this game when we were looking for married couple. But they don’t often write about when they stopped taking part in it. In fact, they never stopped.

Since they couldn’t jump, then they didn’t go to the holiday. But then other rituals were performed. This was done with great faith and often.

They fed the brownie, and the like. To prevent damage from returning, you need, as they say now, to pump yourself up with light. She will have nowhere to stay.

In what cases is damage returned?

In conclusion, let's summarize. We will name those cases when damage will definitely return. And you shouldn’t worry too much about this. We need to work, then the situation will change diametrically.

  • Firstly, man is given a “task” from Above, to overcome and process part of the negativity that exists in the Universe. He won't be able to escape this lesson.
  • Secondly, if the damage was removed poorly, not dissolved or not returned to the customer. Then she again returns to the aura of the victim. She, like an orphan, feels uncomfortable in the world.

She needs an owner who will feed her delicious energy. Therefore, it is necessary to get rid of damage correctly.

Namely: dissolve, annihilate, etc. Some find it more convenient to imagine that she is returning to hell. So be it.

And the last thing: do not attract damage to yourself by sinning against your happiness.

Enjoy every minute, smile, look for and emphasize any positive little thing.

And you will forget that you had damage!

You often ask us the same question: How to return damage to the one who did it and is it even possible? Yes, this is possible, although not always. Today we will talk about how to return a negative message, as well as why sometimes this becomes impossible.

But first, it’s still worth talking about why it’s not always possible to return the “good” sent to the author or customer of the “work.” On the one hand, everything here is banal, on the other hand, it’s not simple. The reasons are usually the following:

  1. Anyone who wants to return the damage back (and does it on their own) does not have enough of their own energy or basic knowledge.
  2. the “author” (in this case the word “author” is rather a collective word, since it also means the person who ordered the damage) has a powerful defense that cannot always be broken through.

Here are two main reasons why “nothing works out.” What's the solution? Find a master who will help you in your business, or learn all the magical wisdom yourself, and most importantly - increase own strength(we are talking about energy now). Well, and most importantly: those who do nothing have nothing.

So, when it comes to returning damage (or other negative messages) back, they turn to auxiliary elements, thanks to which this becomes possible. These “elements,” for example, may include: Water, Fire, Salt (or Earth itself), wax, mirror.

There are rituals of cleansing and returning damage that you can perform on your own, at the same time, there are rituals that cannot be performed on your own under any circumstances, for example, the ritual of pouring wax. The person himself, without any outside help, can hardly carry it out.

Today we will tell you about those methods of returning damage back that you can do yourself, and those that are done by involving someone close to you.

Restore spoilage with salt

This ritual can be called a “classic of the genre.” It is the simplest, safest and accessible to everyone. To carry it out you will need:

  1. Thursday salt (ideally!)(you can learn how to prepare it from ours), but if it’s not there, it’s okay. Regular coarse salt will also work. It is important that it is without any additives and does not contain iodine. The salt itself will need to be spoken. Here are the words to say to her:

  2. Next, you will need new white sheet(or another piece of fabric that has never been used before). A piece of cloth or a sheet is spread on the floor, naked (the person should not be wearing any clothes) they stand on the cloth and, picking up the vessel in which the charmed salt is located, begin to “wash themselves” with it. After scooping salt into your hands, you need to do exactly the same movements that you do every morning when washing your face. But in this case, you have to “wash” your entire body with salt. Moving from the top of the head down to the very heels. At the same time, you need to read the plot, here are its words:

    "Salt Mother,
    Collect, wash away all the trouble lessons from me,
    All the dirt, all the evil spirits, all the damage, all the curses.”

  3. After you have completed everything, you need to very carefully remove the salt from your body. Everything should fall onto the sheet. Next, we also carefully collect the “used” salt in some container, for example, a jar and we take it to the crossroads. It is best to burn the sheet. Once at the crossroads (probably, there is no need to explain that this manipulation is carried out at night, when the crossroads is deserted), you need to pronounce another conspiracy, here are his words:

  4. Actually, after this you will need to silently go home. Everything else will happen without your help.
  5. Of course, this is not the only way to get rid of damage and at the same time return all his “gifts” back to the offender. Here is another way to cleanse yourself with salt.

    How to return damage to the one who did it

    Let's look at one of the special cases when something was thrown at you, for example, needles or earth. The lining You have discovered and clearly understand what it is and how it all can end. In such cases, the following is done. You need to carefully, without touching the lining, sprinkle Thursday salt on it (this is ideal, but if it’s not there, then regular coarse salt will do) crosswise, and then cross over this “gift” in exactly the same way. cross, walk with Fire.

    When you do all this, you need to say a spell, here are his words:

    When you have done all this, silently carefully remove everything, without touching this “good” with your hands, and dispose of it (it is best to burn it). This broom and dustpan can no longer be used. Do not forget that the Primary Elements: Fire, Water, Earth (and its analogue - salt) must be asked for help at the beginning of the work, and thanked at the end.

    We return damage using wool thread

    Ordinary wool thread, more precisely a ball wool threads, definitely scarlet. To carry out this ritual, some skill is required. It is best to do it yourself, without resorting to outside help. Although some sources indicate that to carry out this ritual, assistants are definitely needed.

    If you nevertheless decide to resort to the “help of a friend,” then know that his role should only be played by a person whom you trust as much as yourself, a person about whom you have no, never had, and never will have any doubts. It is important.

    If you decide to perform the ritual yourself, then this is only better. For everything secret does not tolerate vanity or unnecessary witnesses.

    So, you need to stand facing west and place the tip of the thread under yourself. left leg, and the ball itself begins to unwind around itself. We unwind it strictly clockwise, while saying the following words:

    This spell must be repeated until the ball is completely unwound. As soon as this happens, you need to turn counterclockwise and face east and, taking the tip of the thread, begin to wind it into a ball, saying:

    In the same way as in the case of unwinding a ball, you need to repeat this spell until the thread is wound back into a ball. As soon as you wind the thread, the ball must be burned immediately.

    There are many different rituals on the Internet that describe this ritual, which people perform with the help of assistants. In our opinion, they (assistants) are not needed. If you decide to carry it out with the help of strangers, this is purely your personal business, but we recommended that you trust yourself more and carry out this kind of practice yourself, without devoting everyone and everything to your own secrets, if you want the result to come.

    Restore damage with wax

    Unfortunately, you won’t be able to carry out this cleansing ritual yourself. For this you will need helpers. Although, of course, it would be better if you turned to a specialist for help. After all, the process of pouring wax requires a certain skill. At the same time, you always have to do something for the first time. If you don’t learn anything, then in the end you won’t know anything. Therefore, even if you have never tried pouring, do not be afraid, follow the algorithm below and you will succeed.

    This reading algorithm will be especially useful for those mothers who want to clean their children, but have no one to turn to with this question.

    So, to clean and return the negative you will need the following:

    1. a deep cup into which you will pour water (you need to pour it almost to the brim, but the cup must be liftable, because it will have to be held above the head of the person from whom the damage is removed).
    2. a small saucepan with a lid, in which you will melt the wax (with a lid for the reason that as soon as the wax heats up, it will begin to “shoot”, hot splashes will fly everywhere).
    3. and finally, the wax itself. Yes, yes, real beeswax, without any impurities. (It can be purchased from any beekeeper or in a store that sells honey and beekeeping products).

    The first thing to do is melt the wax. At the same time, when he is drowning, you need to read the plot, here are his words:

    As soon as the wax has melted (it should boil, or at least be as close to boiling as possible), you need to slowly, while reciting the Lord’s Prayer, pour this wax into a cup of water that one of your loved ones has this moment will hold over your head the person you are treating.

    It is important to know that most often the wax is heated over an open fire (this one is very fast), but you can bring it to the desired state and using a water bath (this takes much longer). Here everyone has their own habits, preferences and capabilities. There is no single rule.

    If you are cleaning your baby, then, of course, he will not be able to hold a bowl of water over his head. If you are cleaning an adult, then he can even hold this basin above his head. It's not that long. And the result that wax gives is worth suffering some inconvenience.

    It is important to know that this kind of cleansing is carried out only before sunset and only on the waning Moon. If the Sun has set, it is better to wait until the next day. Literally with the first roosters (and they start crowing when it’s still completely dark outside) you can perform the ritual.

    Once the wax has been poured out three times (yes, you will have to melt the wax three times and pour it back into a cup of water held over the head of the person being treated), it can be disposed of. We used the word “can” instead of the word “need”. In this case, there is no single requirement. Someone argues that wax after casting must be disposed of, for example, by consigning it to Earth or Fire. Someone, on the contrary, says that this is not at all necessary and you can continue to work with this wax. It is obvious that when the wax is poured for the third time into a cup of water located above the head, it will once again need to be brought to a boil in order to cleanse it of the harmful information that it has absorbed. Then you can use this wax without any fear.

    Usually wax is poured out one to three, and sometimes nine (in especially severe cases) times in a row or with some interruption. The water that is in the cup is poured away immediately after the cleansing procedure into a place where no one goes.

    The very pouring of water is also accompanied by a conspiracy, here are his words:

    “Water Mother!
    Through you I return everything that I took from (name),
    To the one who did this evil to him.
    He who gave birth to evil must reap it.
    So be it"

    You should be more careful in future. If you suspect that someone wishes you a lot of “good”, you should stay away from such people. After all, they, like a plague, poison everyone’s entire life. And even more so, you definitely shouldn’t accept gifts or talk about something personal, share plans for the future, boast, etc. with such representatives of the human race.

    Every time you need to look at what is under your threshold. Did “kind” people bring you “gifts”. Naturally, you cannot grab all this with your hands, bring it into the house, etc. The broom and dustpan with which all this “lucky girl” was used to clean up are thrown into the trash. No matter how much you feel sorry for them (the broom is brand new, and the dustpan is expensive and beautiful), health is more valuable than a broom and dustpan.

    Forewarned is forearmed. Accordingly, such a person will not have to undergo treatment for a long time and seek help from those who can remove the damage.

The article gives time-tested advice on how to return the damage back to the one who did it.

Returning damage to the customer after removing it, symptoms, real or not, Siberian school of craftsmanship

If a person who lived calmly and happily suddenly everything collapses, problems, illnesses appear out of nowhere, he fades before his eyes, falls into depression or something similar, then this may be a sure symptom of damage sent. Such a negative program can either be removed from your energy, or returned back to the one who initiated it. Regardless of which option is chosen, a person first needs to prepare himself for such a ritual. To do this, experienced magicians advise cleansing your soul of accumulated dirt through fasting, prayer, going to church...

After a person is ready both morally and spiritually, one can begin the ritual of returning the damage to the one who caused it. To do this, you need to take the liver of any animal and go with it to the crossroads. There you will need to stand in its center and read the following words over the liver: “I ask for help from higher powers. I ask you to cleanse me from suffering, ailments, and diseases. Please remove my problems caused by the actions of sinners. I ask you to return all this to the person who wished it for me. Let him bear his retribution!” Next, the charmed liver needs to be buried in the ground on the side of the intersection, and a few coins should be thrown across the road itself. left shoulder with the words: “Paid!”

If you listen to the advice of the Siberian school of craftsmanship, then you need to leave the place of the ceremony without looking back. Also, you can never return to this place again, since the damage can come back with triple force.

Returning damage to death to the customer and is it always returned, why is it dangerous, consequences, what happens

At home, it is practically impossible to return damage to death to the one who did it, or to the one who ordered it, since only experienced and powerful magicians undertake such work, who, without a doubt, have enough strong defense. In addition, the imposition or return of damage can always have quite strong and serious consequences.

An independent “amateur” ritual of such power may also not give the desired result: you may not be able to remove the damage from yourself, but you can easily increase its impact on your own energy. Based on the above circumstances, you yourself should not begin experiments with magic of this kind. In such cases, it is better to turn to people who know how to do it correctly and who know how to protect themselves and you from negative impact magical processes.

Returning damage to those who did it through church and prayer

In order to remove damage with the help of the church, you must first prepare yourself morally and spiritually for this process. To do this, it is recommended to fast for a week. The main goal This fast should not be abstinence in food, but spiritual cleansing.

Next you need to go to church. There you should light a candle for your health near the icon of your guardian angel or near the icon Mother of God. In this case, you only need to light it from another candle. You need to go to church for three weeks. It would be better if these were three different churches. When removing damage, you must pray. First of all, it is worth reading the prayer “Our Father”, “Living Help” Psalm 90, as well as the “Prayer to the Honorable Cross”.

Return of corruption in Islam, magic, on the full moon

The ritual of removing damage among Muslims is radically different from any other similar rituals. In Islam, any sudden energy disorder in a person’s aura can be relieved exclusively with the help of the book – the Koran. You can do such an important task only in the evening or at night after thoroughly washing your body. You can read prayers from the holy book only before sunrise. The strongest damage should only be removed during the full moon, since it is at this time that the Moon has maximum impact for all life on Earth.

Returning damage to the enemy using runes and witchcraft

Currently, only a select few have access to ancient runic mania. Literature teaching this type of magic is in closed access, and only a few have professional knowledge of such skills. But this mania is very powerful, so to the common man It may not be possible to use it. If you want to shoot very severe damage, especially if it was done for death, then you can do it with the help of runes, but in this case, you better turn to a practicing magician who knows how to do it correctly.

Removing damage using runic magic is a labor-intensive process. First of all, the magician must test the person for the presence of damage and the method of inducing it. In the process of such diagnostics, it is possible to determine what exactly the damage was done to. Only after diagnosis can you decide which runes can be used to cleanse a person of the negativity sent. Most often, Soula and Hagalaz are used for such purposes, but there may be other runes.

Returning damage to a black candle, black magic, through an egg

One of the quite powerful attributes of black magic is a black candle. With its help, you can not only cause negativity, harm or damage to a certain person, but you can also remove any harmful energetic or magical influence, protect yourself from it, or return it to the person who ordered it. The black color itself can attract negativity, which is burned by the flame of a candle. Black candle - good tool to restore justice and punish the perpetrators.

To carry out the ritual, you need to have the actual black candle, a needle, a mixture of thistle, St. John's wort and nettle herbs, juniper oil, black thread and a metal candlestick. Inscriptions are placed on the candle about what you want to get rid of and return it to the one who did it (damage, the evil eye, illness or other negativity). It is also necessary to indicate that the effect of the ritual will extend to enemies, foes, young and old.

Next, you need to read the spell three times: “I read the black candle. I conjure a black candle. Repel bad words, damage, the evil eye and illness from the slave (name). Yes, return him to the dark enemy, the evil enemy.” Next, you need to wrap the candle with black thread, starting from the bottom up counterclockwise, while saying the following words: “I’m not winding a black thread, but removing all bad deeds, evil eyes, curses, illnesses and damage from the slave (name). I’m returning him to his enemies and enemies.” Next, the candle needs to be lubricated with oil and rolled in a mixture of dry herbs. Then you need to put the candle in a candlestick and burn everything to the last drop.

In black magic, damage can also be removed using chicken egg. To do this, you need to sit the “damaged” person on a chair and start rolling the egg counterclockwise around him, while reading the words that help transfer the damage from the person to the selected item. At the end of the ritual, the attribute must be taken to a crowded place and left there. Leave without looking back.

Return of damage if you don’t know who caused it

If you don’t have the slightest idea about who wished you harm, but at the same time you know for sure that damage has been done to you, you can use the ritual. Which will help you remove the damage from yourself and return it to the one who did it. We are talking about a ritual performed on the 27th lunar day. For it you need to be well prepared both physically and spiritually. A week before the specified day you need to start fasting ( we're talking about not only about retention in food, but also about the spiritual state, prayer and cleansing from negativity with its help). You need to try to reduce any communication to a minimum, try to prevent the appearance of negative emotions.

When the 27th day of the moon comes, early in the morning you need to take a piece raw meat and speak to him: “In a dead city, no one cries, no one knows melancholy and no one suffers. City of dead! Take damage from God’s servant (name) and pass it on to the enemy who wishes harm. Punish him according to his deserts. Let it be so!". After this, the meat must be taken to the intersection and buried at the side of the road in the ground. At the end you need to throw three coins over your left shoulder with the words “Paid”. You need to leave without looking back. You must not tell anyone about what you have done.

Returning damage with a mirror, a needle

There is a fairly simple, but very effective amulet that can not only protect you from the evil eye and damage, but also return it to the person who does it. To make such a protector, you need to order a mirror measuring 3*3.5 cm. This mirror needs to be covered with a black piece of leather on the back side. It should be worn under clothing near the left chest (in the area of ​​the heart).

If suddenly someone wants to send a negative program to you, it will be reflected from you by a mirror and will hit the person who did it with triple force. If the damage was done before you had the mirror amulet, and you know exactly who did it, then there is a way to return it back. To do this, you need to peer closely at your reflection in the mirror, while concentrating all your attention on thoughts about your enemy. Then direct all the negativity accumulated in your biofield to this person with the wish for him to get everything back. Retribution will catch up with him, no matter how much he is protected.

Quite often, damage can be sent using a charmed needle. In the same way, they can be returned to the attackers. If you find a needle stuck in a wall or doorway in your house, you need to pull it out, but do not touch it with your bare hands. It is better to do this with a piece of cloth or a scarf. After the needle is in your hands, you need to break it, saying: “Just as my hands do not touch the needle, so all its troubles will not touch my family and my destiny. Like I break a needle, I return all the troubles to the sinner. The spoken words will remain in effect until the needle is put back together.” After this, the two parts of the needle need to be buried in different parts of the ground somewhere in the forest.