Dream Interpretation - interpretation of dreams. What does it mean to dream about losing a child?

Compiled by Svetlana Kuzina, who put a lot of effort into penetrating the mystery of dreams. When interpreting images, she used psychoanalysis (Sigmund Freud), analytical psychology (Carl Gustav Jung and Robert Johnson), ontopsychology (Antonio Meneghetti) and Gestalt psychology. According to the compiler, “only those interpretations are collected here that have already been repeatedly tested, and in fact the fact that they work has been confirmed.” And one more thing: “A dream is the work of your subconscious on your current problems. In essence, you order yourself a dream so that it tells you correct solution. But since our brain can only talk to us in images, we have to solve them."

Gustavus Hindman Miller(1857 - 1929) compiled this dream book at the end of the 19th century. Many comments write that “most of the interpretations of this dream book still remain relevant for a wide range of ordinary people.” It seems that in more than 100 years we have, in fact, not gone that far: “vodka,” “drugs,” “envy,” “slander,” mentioned in the dream book, accompany us even now.

Vanga(Vangelia Pandeva Gushterova, née Dimitrova, 1911-1996) - blind Bulgarian prophetess and clairvoyant. Many people turned to her for predictions. famous people: poet Sergei Mikhalkov, writers Leonid Leonov and Yuri Semenov, artist Sergei Roerich, poet Evgeniy Yevtushenko, actor Vyacheslav Tikhonov...
Vanga believed that dreams are associated with real life. But I didn’t compile dream books. This selection of dream interpretations was compiled based on her individual phrases and sayings.

Sigmund Freud(1856-1939) - famous Austrian psychologist, was one of the most diligent researchers in the world of sleep. His work “The Interpretation of Dreams” reveals many interesting mechanisms of dream activity and contains many examples and analyzes of his dreams and the dreams of his patients. This dream book has nothing to do with this psychologist. Perhaps it was compiled to discredit this scientist and create the stereotype “he was obsessed with genitals.” Judge for yourself, a third of the interpretations in this dream book, without further ado, begin with the phrase “is a symbol of the genital organs.”

Evgeniy Tsvetkov has been researching dreams and visions professionally for 25 years. His dream book is based on Slavic associativity, and therefore it seems to be most suitable for a Russian person.

Michelle Nostradamus(16th century) - French physician, astrologer and fortune teller. The interpreter argued that every image seen in a dream reflects not only a person’s experiences, but also the future of the world as a whole. There are very few interpretations in it, but... someone might be really interested in them.

Yuri Longo(Golovko Yuri Andreevich, 1950-2006) - known as an astrologer, traditional healer, Master of Practical White Magic, member of the Australian Association of Magicians and Sorcerers, founder of the School of Magicians and Sorcerers.

Schiller-Shkolnik H.M.- Polish scientist, palmist, physiognomist and phrenologist. Despite the fact that he compiled his dream book at the beginning of the twentieth century, the interpretations set out in it are still relevant. Every person, thinking about the meaning of his dreams, can find all the answers in his book. Simplicity and conciseness are what is valued by readers of this dream book today.

Compiled by Elena Iosifovna Anopova, the author of the Teaching of the Third Ray, an adept of Ophiuchus Magic and a famous soothsayer. Designed to help you understand your internal, subconscious experiences, find inner harmony and understanding of what is happening around us, lift the veil over the secrets of the future.

IN pre-revolutionary Russia popular dream book was the publication "Scientifically Based Interpretation of Dreams, Compiled by the Famous Medium Miss Hasse." Miss Hasse lived and predicted in the 19th century. She worked not only on compiling a dream book, but also performed a lot on stage throughout Europe, earning big money. This allowed her to create her own publishing house and publish books on esoteric topics.

The main feature of the dream book David Loff is that it is based not on symbolic, but on individual interpretation of dreams. According to David Loff's theory, each person has his own dream scenario, determined by life experience, the personality traits of the sleeper, his lifestyle, current events and how he relates to others. That is why the same dream seen by two different people, can be interpreted in different ways. And it is completely incomprehensible how, in this case, he offers thousands of people the same interpretations of the images.

Every dream book interpretation of dreams offers a common database of images - completely free. That is, on one page you can watch excerpts from different dream books dedicated to one image. It is this feature that distinguishes our resource from others. dream books online. Don’t forget to read the opinions of our guests who share their dreams and impressions of their interpretations.

Without any exaggeration, we can say that our exclusive service Dream Book of Juno online - from more than 75 dream books - is on this moment most big dream book in Runet. From October 2008 to the present day it includes greatest number interpretation of dreams of all symbols and images from different dream books - both folk and written by various authors, including well-known dream interpreters and still little-known, but nevertheless talented and noteworthy authors.

We have carefully selected the best sources for you and combined them all on one website, so using our service is both convenient and most informative. You can find here answers to all questions about the interpretation of dreams, find out the meaning of a dream on any topic by reading dozens of interpretations of the symbols that you dreamed of and choosing from them the one that suits you in the greatest possible way“will hook” - as a rule, this is the answer to the question - what does the dream mean that you personally had and specifically at that time.

For even more clarity in the interpretation of your sleep, if the need arises, in addition to the dream book, you can use additional information in the Juno section - Articles on the interpretation of dreams, where you will find a lot of interesting and useful articles on how to find out the meaning of a dream, on what days you have prophetic dreams, how to work with a dream, etc. for example, you will be interested to know that the most vivid and memorable dreams occur during the full moon; at this time many dreams occur. Dreams on the waning moon reflect your psychological states and help in self-analysis. What you dreamed about on the waxing Moon requires implementation in reality - pay attention to this Special attention. You will find out what days of the week and lunar day Some dreams are empty, some are prophetic. For example, it is believed that what was dreamed at 3, 4, 7, 8, 12, etc. lunar days, come true, but in 29, 1, 2, etc. - about practically nothing). Important dreams dream on dates of the month such as 1,3, 4, etc. Remember also that daytime dreams are almost always empty. Only night ones matter, especially those that were dreamed in the morning.

Our Dream Book of Juno is free and presented in a convenient and beautiful shape, is divided into paragraphs and subheadings devoted to the interpretation of dreams of certain authors or nationalities, so that it can be used most easily and comfortably. Using the service is simple, namely:


Searching for words in the online Dream Book of Juno service can be done either alphabetically or by specifying a search word. If searching alphabetically, select the desired letter and from the list that appears, the word that interests you.

When searching for the entered word, follow these rules:

  • The word must contain only Russian letters. All other characters will be ignored.
  • The search word must contain at least 2 letters.
  • You can only enter one search word.
  • In the case of an advanced search, all words containing the entered combinations of letters will be displayed. For example, with an advanced search for the word “tea”, the program will return an interpretation of the words “TEA” and “CASE”.
  • The case of the letters entered does not matter. For example, the entered words "hand", "ARM", "Hand" and "hand" will return the same search result.

The collection of our service includes more than 75 dream books, many of which are available only to us, including such well-known and popular sources as Miller’s dream book (the most complete and, in fact, the first dream interpretation in the world), Vanga’s dream book (its name speaks for itself ), dream book of Nostradamus (world-famous astrologer and predictor), dream book of Freud (perhaps the most famous psychologist in the world), as well as interpretation of dreams different nations(Russian, ancient French, ancient Russian, Slavic, Mayan, Indian, Gypsy, Egyptian, Oriental, Chinese Yellow Emperor, Assyrian dream books), as well as author’s dream books of different nationalities: Islamic Ibn Sirin, Chinese Zhou Gong, ancient Persian Taflisi, Italian dream books Meneghetti and Roberti, Sivananda's Vedic, Zadkiel's English. The service includes such excellent sources of dream interpretation as the absolutely amazing American dream book of the famous writer Denise Lynn (according to the recommendation of junona.pro - the best), Russian noble dream book Grishina, Tsvetkova, Loffa, Ivanova, Aesop, Veles, Hasse, Pythagoras (numerological), medieval Daniel, Cleopatra, Solomon, Zadeka, Azar, as well as modern universal, feminine, masculine, lunar, spiritual, culinary, love, children's fairy tales mythological, esoteric, catch phrases, characters, folk signs, a mirror of psychological states, a dream book, a self-instruction book, a dream book of health, past and future, psychological, psychoanalytic and many others. As you can see, the range of interpretations is very wide and everyone will find for themselves exactly the meaning of the dream that they were looking for.

The dream book widely presents the topic of love and personal relationships, but other topics are also covered in detail. Have pleasant dreams!

2008-2019 Dream Interpretations on Juno are presented for informational purposes only. All rights reserved. Copying is prohibited.

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Last night you dreamed of a new mysterious dream, and you want to understand its meaning? Online Dream Book is a convenient dream interpretation service that contains 100 of the best author's dream books and more than 250,000 interpretations. Using our dream books every day, you will be able to analyze your present and future, realize your inner psychological condition, find the answer to the question.

Our collection of dream books is intended for those who believe that every symbol in a dream means something, and for those who want to know their future. Don't brush off your dreams! They are your inner psychoanalyst; follow the plots and moods of your dreams. Read between the lines and everything will become clear. In this section of the site dedicated to dreams, a convenient system for searching for the meaning of a dreamed action, object or symbol has been implemented, making it easy to interpret dreams using a dream book. You can solve your dream in three ways: 1) in the alphabetical dictionary, 2) through the search form, 3) by topic of the dream.

The interpretation of dreams is not unambiguous: the same circumstance can be interpreted in different ways. Therefore, for the meaning of the dream to be plausible, remember not only general meaning sleep, but the smallest nuances you see. This will help you understand the secret of your night dreams. In addition, focusing on the consideration of various dream books - interpreters, you can add touches to the resulting picture. The online dream book from different authors on AstroMeridian.ru includes a very large collection of interpretations - more than 75 dream books, many of which are published only by us. Our interpreter is offered to all inquisitive readers free of charge.

Large online dream book and its contents

  • Author's dream books(Miller, Vanga, Freud, Yuri Longo, Phoebe, Azar, Kopalinsky, Loff, Catherine the Great, Simon Canaanite, Jung, Miss Hasse, Tsvetkov, Smirnov).
  • Dream Interpretations of the Peoples of the World(Russian, French, Jewish, English, Islamic, Italian, Muslim).
  • Ancient dream books(Assyrian, numerical Pythagoras, Egyptian, Chinese Zhou Gong, Persian Taflisi, Greek fabulist Aesop, the sorceress Medea, Vedic Sivananda).
  • Folk dream books - interpreters(Velesov, Russian folk, healer Akulina, healer Maria Fedorovskaya, grandmother 1918, Ukrainian folk).
  • Thematic dream books(stellar, astrological, home, magical, children's, feminine, idiomatic, psychoanalytic, culinary, lunar, love, mythological, psychological, symbolic, modern, 21st century, for the whole family, birthday people from January to December, yogis, health, subconscious, Tarot, Black magic, esoteric, erotic, etc.).

The existing dream books are very numerous, the classic one among them is the American interpreter according to Gustav Miller. The interpretation of dreams according to Miller has drawbacks - many objects and phenomena that arose in the twenty-first century do not have his interpretations at all. Therefore, we recommend using this interpreter for those who are looking for a classic interpretation.

The Bulgarian clairvoyant Vangelia saw dreams that spoke of unpleasant and good events, which later came true. She provided free interpretation of the dreams of both her own and those of people turning to her, using her ability to see the future. Dream interpreter Vanga allows an ordinary person to learn to understand prophetic symbols in a dream.

The clairvoyant astrologer Michel de Notredame was so brilliant that his interpretation of dreams has not lost its relevance to this day. The main work of Nostradamus is considered to be his famous book of prophecies - Lespropheties - which describes the destinies of peoples and states. According to Nostradamus, it will be of interest to those who have intuition and often see prophetic dreams.

Scientist Sigmund Freud believed that objects and phenomena in dreams are sexual symbols. Freud based his interpretation of dreams on the theory of research intimate life person. In order to learn to interpret dreams using an online dream book according to Freud, you need to have not only broad views, but also some courage, since his interpretations often reveal dark side nature, and sometimes they just make you laugh.

The outstanding Swiss psychotherapist Carl Jung compiled his own dream interpreter with psychological explanation. According to Jung's theory, we all express ourselves through our dreams, which our unconscious mind fills with symbols, sending us information about everyday affairs in reality.

Some Jews made spectacular careers in the courts of the pharaohs. For example, the famous Joseph, about whom the king said: “There is no one as intelligent and wise as you.” Joseph achieved the privileges and favor of Pharaoh by creating a dream book to record all of his lord's nightly dreams and their meanings. The epic of Joseph is a legend in which it is now difficult to separate truth from fiction.

According to historians, people first began to interpret dreams approximately 5,500 years ago. In ancient Sumer, people first began to allocate a separate room for falling asleep. It is worth noting that only the king was supposed to do it - everyone else slept wherever they could. Among other things, to Ancient Egypt also includes the art of dream interpretation. During one period, special temples were even built in Egyptian settlements, in which selected priests interpreted the dreams of the aristocracy.

In ancient times, demolitions were considered a natural window into the other world. However, unlike ordinary person, the shaman mastered the art of navigating the world of the sleepy kingdom, he knew “where everything is.” The shaman studied this area and knew how to interpret dreams. Modern dream interpreters, with all their volume and quality, cannot outstrip the magical capabilities of the shaman in this skill.

The ancient Egyptians, like all people, saw dreams and sought to decipher them through interpretation, but unlike their contemporaries, they attached great importance to their dreams, and they drew practical conclusions from their dreams. Dreams predetermined the actions of the ancient Egyptians, including the pharaohs. It was in dreams, as they already believed, that the destined future could be revealed to both the commoner and the pharaoh.

In the East, from time immemorial, the interpretation of night visions was trusted only to astrologers. Why? As it turned out, wisest people They believed that the interpretation of dreams directly depends on what zodiac sign a person was born under. After all, the same dream dreamed by Aries or Sagittarius is interpreted completely differently. For some, seeing a river means a quick addition to the family, while others must be prepared for a long business trip. Only with the help online dream book you can unravel the dream.

What are dreams? Where do they come from? What do amazing fantasy images mean? Until now, neither scientists nor masters of esotericism have given an indisputable and unambiguous answer to these questions. And although attitudes to the issue change over time, dreams remain the most mysterious part of a person’s life.

In ancient times, people were sure: night visions are news from the spirits of the family, gods or ancestors, in this way mysterious forces communicate with those living today. Local sages, sorcerers and shamans had to decipher these messages. When, over time, primitive beliefs gave way to religious systems, the interpretation of dreams became the task of priests of various cults. At that time, night visions were taken more than seriously. As is known, in Ancient Greece special temples were even built where visitors came to sleep if they wanted to see prophetic dream, and the clergy helped with the interpretation. The first dream book that has come down to us also appeared there - a five-volume book written by Artemidorus of Daldian.

If you have a nightmare, you need to look out the window and say three times:
“Wherever there is night, there comes sleep”

In the era of Christianity, dreams continued to be treated with great reverence. They were looking for secret meaning trying to figure out what clues they give higher power. And this is not surprising: even the Bible describes prophetic dreams.

At a later time, with the development of science, attitudes towards dreams began to change. Sigmund Freud created his own concept of their interpretation, discarding everything strange and mystical. From the point of view of the famous psychologist and his followers, dreams are a storehouse of information about personality, valuable material for psychoanalysis.

But interest in the mystical side of night visions, despite the popularity of the scientific approach, has not faded away. The services of magicians and fortune tellers, seers and dream interpreters have always been in demand, although they were not cheap.

So, in what worlds does the soul wander while you are quietly snoring in your bed, what experience does it gain from these wanderings and what can what it sees mean? If all these questions concern you, if you are worried about a strange dream, if you want to find out what it is for, our online dream book will become an excellent interpretive consultant. Moreover, here you can get all the answers completely free of charge.

Famous dream book Miller, interpretations from the legendary soothsayer Vanga, apt author's interpretations from Nostradamus, Loff, Yuri Long, Tsvetkov, as well as amazing ethnic collections: Old Russian, Muslim, Persian, Ukrainian, Chinese - you will find all this with us. To make the interpretation of dreams as accurate as possible, use our recommendations.

The combined dream book of various authors presented on the site will help you find the most Full description every event or object seen in a dream.

Sleep is a phenomenon that remains unsolved to this day. The ancient sages believed that in dreams a person has access to communication with spirits, God and the forces of nature. From a scientific point of view, sleep is the analysis of information received by the brain during the day, hidden emotions and desires of a person. Why do we have dreams? The answer to the question is hidden in dream books written by esotericists, psychologists, magicians, sorcerers and ordinary people. Dream books contain interpretations of symbols from dreams: things, animals, actions, people, situations. No matter how absurd the dream may be, it can carry warning information. Interpretation of dreams according to the dream book helps to understand why this or that object is seen in a dream, what a meeting with a certain person. Dreams play an important role in people's lives. Through dreams, our subconscious tells us what to do. difficult situation, how a colleague (relative, spouse, lover) treats us. The human unconscious, through dreams, heals mental trauma and helps to survive moments of crisis in life.

It is not only the dream book that allows you to correctly interpret a dream, but also concentration on the sensations experienced during sleep. To get an accurate interpretation, it is enough to remember important elements: your own emotions, feelings, intonations of the voices of people speaking in a dream. Surrounding a person in a dream, the situation can also be a key to the interpretation of the vision. You can record every dream on paper by keeping a personal “dream diary”. This will simplify the analysis of subsequent dreams and help more accurately interpret dreamed images. The brightness and saturation of the colors of a dream is a direct indicator of whether it is prophetic or not. Black and white pictures with a calm emotional background they say that the dream does not carry any warning information. Dreams do not just appear at the moment when the human consciousness turns off and becomes unreceptive. It is during this period of time that logical thinking ceases to interfere with the assimilation of information received from the outside. Fateful signs, incomprehensible logical thinking and received by the subconscious during the day, result in sleep. Thanks to the interpretation of dreams, a person understands what his own unconscious “I” is warning him about. The free dream book of Miller or Sigmund Freud will interpret the dream from a psychological point of view. Dream books of esotericists and clairvoyants will predict the future due to interpretation, and folk and modern dream books will correctly interpret visions involving objects, animals, and seasons. Online interpretation of dreams from dream books allows you to understand what you dreamed the day before. By searching, you can quickly find the information you are interested in. Here are the interpretations of dreams according to the most popular modern and ancient dream books. On our website you can get accurate and complete free interpretation dreams Interest in the interpretation of dreams will disappear only when the secrets of the human subconscious are fully revealed. But just until then, people will use the interpretation of dreams from dream books in order to lift the veil of the unknown.