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Human success largely depends on the behavior of stars and planets. Thanks to their support and favorable energy, everyone will be able to achieve their efforts in short terms. Use the recommendations of the horoscope so that every day is another step towards prosperity for you.

Each Zodiac Sign has its own heavenly patrons. They can convey positive energy, provide opportunity strengthen your own biofield. Or they can take away vitality, making people feel apathy and lethargy. Dailyhoro website team. ru recommends using meditations - appeals to the elements to prevent the outflow of vital energy during the most critical periods of life.


For Aries this month, the dominant planet will be Uranus. Its retrograde movement in your Zodiac Sign will increase nervousness and the tendency to act rashly. Thanks to the strong energy of the planet, Aries will also have a chance to become leaders in the business environment and show off their extraordinary skills. This impact implies use of meditation aimed at pacifying raging feelings. Experts dailyhoro. ru site recommend taking help from the elements.

The most favorable days will be those on which Uranus enters into contact with other celestial bodies: 13, 16, 18, 23 and 27 with the Moon, 14 and 20 with the Sun. At this time, Aries' intuition will become more acute. It will help them determine the right direction and follow their goal without much effort, avoiding the influence of ill-wishers.


In the first month of autumn, Taurus will be strongly influenced by the patron moon. Her changeable energy will quite often force Taurus to commit reckless acts, so their behavior and emotional state will require careful monitoring. In September, astrologers recommend monitoring physical health to avoid frequent headaches and ailments due to insufficient vital energy.

Favorable days September will be the dates in which the Moon will take a strong position: 5, 6, 7, 10, 11, 14, 15. At this time, Taurus should tense up and have time to complete all the planned things. The time of the “rule” of the Moon will allow you to correct financial situation and achieve success in your personal life.


Gemini will receive positive energy from their patron Saturn. It ceases to be retrograde, which means many pleasant changes await the representatives of your constellation. This planet will increase vitality, promote active and hard work in achieving goals and objectives. Thanks to such support, Geminis should start making changes in their lives regarding their environment.

Support will also be provided by the patron Mercury, who from September 9 will take a strong position and provide Gemini with streams of positive energy. This is the time according to the dailyhoro website team. ru will be successful for establishing business contacts and connections, realizing your own potential in the business environment.


This month Cancers should beware of the negative energy of Mercury, the enemy of your Sign. From the 9th, it will take a strong position and will affect performance. In order to stay in the ranks, Cancers will need to use effective motivation and get rid of laziness. Negative influence planets will spread to business communication. Avoid quarrels and conflicts so as not to fall into disgrace with your colleagues.

The positive influence of the Moon, although not for a long time, will allow Cancers to show their best in the period from September 5 to September 11. best qualities and begin an active struggle for your own well-being. The end of the first month of autumn will be successful for restoring trusting relationships in the family and with relatives.


Leos will be heavily influenced by Venus this month, which will be in your constellation. Her energy will awaken sensuality in Leo, but strong emotions can result in suspicion, jealousy and possessiveness. Astrologers recommend Leos to restrain their emotions so as not to offend their soulmate. Meditations aimed at revealing will help you get rid of doubts. love chakras.

Favorable days for activity in all areas of activity will be the 16th and 17th, when the weak Moon takes a position in Leo. However, on the days when its influence will reach its peak, representatives of your Sign should exercise caution. September 5, 6, 7, 10, 11, 14, 15, be patient and don’t rush things.


For Virgos, the forecast for September is more than optimistic. Three planets at once will provide the representatives of your Sign with streams of positive energy. Until September 21, active recharge from the Sun will restore Virgo’s self-confidence, allowing them to embody their most daring ideas. Mercury from the 9th to the 28th will provide an opportunity improve your financial situation.

Venus, the planet of love, will reveal your attractiveness and charm. From September 19 to 30, don't miss the opportunity to change your personal life in better side. The favorable influence of planets is a chance to realize your potential and achieve success in all areas of life.


Libra will be prevented from leading an active lifestyle by the antagonist Jupiter. Its influence will negatively affect constructive communication, which may lead to quarrels and disagreements. Avoid such situations with the experts of the dailyhoro website. ru advise with the help of meditations aimed at managing emotions. Venus, whose presence in the constellation Virgo can aggravate relationships, will not bring joy either.

Astrologers recommend Libra to stick to the chosen tactics and not pay attention to annoying troubles. Moving towards your goal will help you avoid conflicts and troubles, and speaking negative people will become your motivation for new achievements.


In September, it is important for Scorpios to set their priorities correctly and move towards success systematically. Your opponent Mercury will slow down your activity, so astrologers recommend sticking to your chosen line of behavior and not being distracted by secondary tasks. Scorpios will be able to draw energy from their own reserves.

In order to successfully complete their work, Scorpios will need the friendly support of their family and work colleagues. Their sincere help and advice will help you navigate and continue energetically achieve success in the chosen case.


In September, Sagittarius will be helped by two planets at once - the Sun and Saturn. The energy of the Sun will have a beneficial effect on emotions until September 21, and during this period Sagittarius should remember friends and good rest in the company of like-minded people. Most good days for active activities will be September 1-2, 9, 15-17.

Saturn, a planet with strong energy, will guide Sagittarius to new discoveries and the implementation of ideas. Representatives of your Sign need to be prepared to meet obstacles, overcoming which will make you invulnerable to trouble. Use clues from the universe, and you will be able to avoid ambiguous situations.


Astrologers recommend that Capricorns not rely on intuition and luck, which can lead you into a dead end at the most unexpected moment. Retrograde Pluto, which will actively influence your Sign, will give you the opportunity to realize your bold ideas and undertakings. You will need attentiveness and prudence, which will become a guiding star in the world success and prosperity.

Negative energy Mars, which will actively influence Capricorns, can lead to troubles. Astrologers recommend avoiding momentary impulses and rash decisions. Risks can result in quick disappointment and loss of a significant amount cash. However, there are also positive aspects: on September 1-2, 11-12, 18-19, 22, Capricorns will have the opportunity to achieve success thanks to the positive influence of the planets.


Aquarians should beware of the active influence of the Sun in September. His negative attitude towards your Sign will be especially strong on September 5, 8-9, 14, 18, 20. These days, astrologers recommend exercising prudence and avoiding haste in carrying out serious matters or projects. In order to avoid unforeseen situations, think through in advance all possible steps that will lead you to success.

Thanks to positive influence Neptune, Aquarius will be able to deal with their inner world and stop doubting your own competence. Exercises aimed at training will also help with this. willpower. Honesty and benevolence will become your optimal actions in the desire to achieve good relations with colleagues.


Pisces this month needs to take into account the energy of the patron moon. Her weak position on September 1-2, 16-17, 28-29 will be influence emotions, so astrologers recommend using exercises to control them. This time will not be intended for active actions and responsible decisions due to a decline in vitality.

In September, astrologers saw many events that will affect the lives of everyone. Anyone who wants to get even one moment closer to their future must understand that the movement of the planets helps knowledgeable people determine the fate of many people.

Astrologers record their knowledge in horoscopes, which are incredibly popular among our compatriots. Horoscope for September 2017 for all signs will show what awaits us ahead and help us deal with incomprehensible situations.


With the onset of September, you will have a real opportunity to change your life for the better. Identify everything that has been bothering you for a long time and sift out the minor points so that in the end you are left with a truly intractable problem. And after that, contact your family - they will help.

Keep an eye on your business relationships, because in the middle of the month there may be discord at work, including a serious quarrel with your boss. Take some time in September to improve yourself - start studying new language or the basics of needlework.


If you act confidently in all your endeavors, then no obstacle can lead you astray from your chosen path. Taurus must understand that only through their own perseverance and knowledge can they reach the top. Take a closer look at the colleagues around you, perhaps there is an ill-wisher hiding among them who is ready to launch his claws at you at any moment.

As for romantic relationships, then this area does not cause any serious concerns among astrologers. Everything will be quiet and calm.


The month will be tense and unpleasant. Strings of negativity will be drawn to Gemini from everywhere, which are quite difficult to cut. Show balance and calmness, this is the only way you will be able to overcome impending troubles.

Not everything will be sweet on the personal front either. It will seem to your soulmate that you have lost interest in her, scandals will begin one after another. Gemini must prove that the suspicions are unfounded and it is better to let them go.


Show in professional affairs increased caution. Unfortunately, the stars show that they may suffer serious losses. In order not to run into trouble and not to lose your former grip, try not to lose the enthusiasm and perseverance for which your nature is so famous.

In the middle of the month, all conditions will be created for the formation of new business relationships, which can not only be long-lasting, but also bring wonderful dividends. Cancers who are subordinates must show maximum interest in professional affairs, and then such zeal will definitely be noticed by their superiors.


In September, Leos may experience health problems. This is due to excessive carelessness and confidence in one’s own body. To avoid getting sick at the most inopportune moment, be careful and eat right. In business matters, Leos will have to be humble and even give in at some points. There is no need to go ahead, because otherwise you risk being left out of work.

Leos will find some kind of outlet from accumulated troubles in the family. Peace and love will reign here. Your significant other will definitely support and even help with advice.


Even though September will be stressful and difficult, Virgos will find moments of joy in it. Astrologers advise doing small “ fasting days”, stay away from problems and spend time with family or friends.

At the beginning of the month, Virgos may feel a lack of funds, but within a week the situation may radically change: a bonus or a birthday gift will solve all financial difficulties. Unfortunately, the arrival of September will bring health problems for representatives of this sign.


It cannot be said that this month will be favorable and successful for Libra. A lot of obstacles and difficulties await you both at work and at home. Quarrels with colleagues, misunderstandings on the part of superiors, dissatisfaction on the part of a loved one - all this can drive Libra into a state of depression.

In order not to get stuck at the stage of apathy, try to detach yourself from reality and temporarily forget about what is gnawing at you. Perhaps you will be able to find some pleasant activity and plunge into it headlong. Misunderstandings with your significant other can add office romances that will arise in the period under review. When you stumble, have the courage to admit your mistakes and accept punishment.


The time has come when Scorpios can completely change, eradicate almost all their vices and start life over with a new leaf. Even if you haven’t noticed any sins in yourself, still set aside time in September for self-development. Read more, attend cultural events.

The knowledge you gain will definitely be useful to you, both at work and in your personal life. The stars warn that broken relationships cannot be mended and you should not return to them, no matter how much you would like to.


With the arrival of September, it may seem to Sagittarius that they have the strength to implement their plans. But these feelings may turn out to be false and lead to serious problems. There is no need to stress too much and try to solve everything at once. Leave one or two things to do and give them your full attention. This approach is sure to be successful.

IN family life Show more patience and understanding, even if your other half turns out to be wrong. Sagittarius students should know that in September everything is theirs free time you need to spend on studying, make a confident start to get good grades.


Nature has endowed Capricorns with unusually strong intuition, so you must use your skills in all your endeavors. This is the only way to achieve success in all matters. September is an excellent month for business and private travel.

If you didn’t have time to visit the sea this year, you can still catch the “velvet” season. Take a vacation, pack your bags and go on vacation with a clear conscience. A lot of positive emotions will set you up for a productive year and remove moral stress.


Despite the fact that the month will be difficult for Aquarius, they will be able to find pleasant moments in it. For example, the period under review will bring a long-awaited promotion at work. You have been waiting for this position for many years, so it will bring you not only an increase wages, but also incredible moral satisfaction.

Relationships with your loved one may not develop the way Aquarius would like, but minor problems will go away immediately after you learn to manage your emotions and not get upset over trifles. In general, a month, according to astrologers, is the ideal period for starting a “new life.”


Already at the very beginning of this month, Pisces may feel an irresistible desire to go to the bottom and remain unnoticed for a long time. This is your worst decision. Remember, you can cope with any task, even the most intractable one. The main thing is to know who to contact.

If you have trouble at work, ask your colleagues for help. They probably know how to help you. Well, difficulties in your personal life need to be resolved immediately, and not hidden under the covers. Have a heart-to-heart talk with your loved ones, because he probably has something to say.

The first month of autumn will be a surprising and unexpected time for some zodiac signs, and successful and promising for absolutely everyone. Of course, in September 2017 we will have to try hard to achieve what we want, that is, hard work does not cancel out successful planetary combinations. On the other hand, a guarantee of the absence of large-scale problems and obstacles that could be insurmountable at this stage is already a lot! It is important to note that our main patrons will be the Moon and Neptune, that is, we are talking about a combination that is radically opposite to the planetary union that helped us at the previous stage. It is difficult to overestimate the importance of this moment, and here's why. Dynamics, progress orientation and strong development will still be present, but their essence will change in a significant way. It is difficult to make more specific forecasts here, because precisely because of the position of the Moon, everything will develop as individually as possible, and too large number third party factors will occur. However, these are already nuances, because the key vector is unchanged - the result is directly proportional to the efforts invested, and fairness is the key pattern. This is more than enough to act confidently and successfully.

As for additional patrons, in this regard September 2017 will provide a “heavenly leader” for each zodiac element. In particular, the signs representing the element of Fire (Aries, Leo and Sagittarius) will be under the protection of Mars, a strong and strong-willed planet. This means that fire signs we will have to focus on daring, one-time projects, and get benefits “here and now.” Of course, this trend may have significant deviations, but it makes sense to take it into account in any case. Signs of the element of Water (Cancer, Scorpio and Pisces) will find themselves in an equally advantageous situation, because they will be helped by Pluto, the “dark planet”, quite secretive and often with ambiguous influence. However, at this stage water signs will receive all conceivable and inconceivable benefits from Pluto, so here you can fully count on success. Earthly and air signs in September 2017 they will receive the same patron - the Sun. At this stage, the solar influence will not have outstanding dynamics and power, but it will be quite enough to protect the wards of the king of heaven from third-party negativity. In other words, in critical situations (if such already occur), circumstances may unexpectedly develop in your favor. However, we must remember that the “heavenly patron”, while providing additional opportunities, always imposes additional responsibility. There is no difficulty in this, just don’t forget about discipline and likely consequences your actions.

In general, September 2017 will indeed be successful for all zodiac signs without exception. But it is important to understand the specifics of this stage. Now planning, especially aimed at the most distant horizons (from two years) will be far from the best option attachments. The fact is that at the dawn of autumn, the position of the Red (Fire) Rooster, the patron saint of the entire year 2017, will manifest itself to the greatest extent. It's about about the creative impulse realized in a specific place and at a specific time. In other words, the more thoughtful your plans are, the less third-party influences and factors they contain, the more successful they will be. That is why it makes sense to think through a strategy for several weeks, or at most months, in advance. This will allow you to adjust the nuances if necessary and get out of a difficult situation without any damage. You also need to understand that even the most “cloudless” period is not complete without negative planets and even entire planetary combinations. In September 2017, Venus and Mercury will act as such. This is a strong astral union, which, however, will be in a “dormant” (passive) state. It can be activated by excessive obstinacy, rudeness and an attempt to resolve the issue by force. That is, it’s definitely not worth “flexing your muscles” now, but you need to act thoughtfully and harmoniously, as a team. Otherwise, success will evaporate like a haze, and its place will be taken by a significant probability of total collapse.

The horoscope for September 2017, being a general and speculative document, is nevertheless capable of providing significant influence to our daily life. Simply put, he is an intermediary between our ideal desires and objective trends in the development of the world around us. Everything that has happened and will happen is subject to powerful influence celestial bodies. What will happen in a given period of time, what problems and emergencies are destined for us will depend on the configuration in which the planets are located. Having reliable information on this matter, we can most accurately plan our actions. If you are seriously interested in your future, detailed and accurate horoscope for September 2017 you will find in the personal horoscopes section.

The beginning of autumn will bring long-awaited peace and tranquility, which will be especially welcome after the heavy August eclipses. In September we will finally feel relief, improvement in physical and emotional state, we will be able to manage our own lives, personally influence various situations and we will not be subject to the karmic influence of eclipses.

But I want to warn you that at the very beginning of September - from 1 to 6 September we will still feel the influence of Mercury retrograde and the negative aspects of Mars, which will be expressed in deception, illusions and uncertainty. There is a danger of making wrong decisions and falling for someone’s bait. It is very important to distinguish between false and true information.

This period also coincides with the full moon in Pisces. At this time, unspent energy may bubble within us, which makes it easy to lose self-control. Your health may suddenly deteriorate. You should be wary of road accidents nervous disorders. Avoid quarrels and strong feelings.

It is very important during this period not to lose the ability to look at things realistically. We begin to idealize reality, perceive grievances more acutely, react to every random word and even harmless jokes. If possible, do meditation, relax by the water, and relieve nervous tension.

After September 6, thanks to the Sun in the earth sign of Virgo, we will begin to succeed in all things that are related to the disclosure of creative abilities. Period from 6 to 22 September- this is the time when we will be able to take and give more, and become stronger physically. Venus and Mars in Leo call us to take action, help us start new things, help us make changes in our personal lives and at work.

This period of increasing enthusiasm, ambition and self-confidence is favorable for the implementation of projects, trips, flights and successful career advancement. Even if at the beginning of September something does not work out the way you planned, do not give up under any circumstances, do not rest on the result obtained.

In September we will be able to correct and redo a lot - if only we have the desire! During this period, much will depend on us, our perseverance, our diligence and faith in victory and success. You must show persistence and courage, defending your ideas and interests, actively act and believe in yourself.

It will be easier for us than in previous months to find common language with superiors and influential people. Work that requires mental and creative effort will work well. Thoughts will be clearer and clearer, new ones will visit us original ideas. Before September 5, you should not conclude contracts or transactions, but you need to actively prepare for this by carrying out preliminary work.

In September, one of the most favorable aspects will take place - Jupiter’s sextile to Saturn, which makes this period one of the most favorable for any changes and undertakings. We need to be practical and firm in our decisions, and not be afraid of decisive action.

In business, try to show punctuality, hard work and determination. September will give us many good prospects and opportunities. Any of our active actions will lead to significant results, so this month the main thing is to adhere to an active life position, show perseverance and enterprise.

The planets have prepared main prize those who turn out to be truly strong and determined. Be ready to learn and adopt experience, willingly communicate and improve, especially professionally. Mid-September is the best time to start a new project, expand and reorganize your business.

For those who love bright adventures, September may seem a little boring and too calm, since no extraordinary events are expected. But those who enjoy predictable situations will be able to successfully plan and enjoy in complete order in business. The Sun in Virgo enhances qualities such as composure, consistency and determination.

September will be beneficial not only for your career, but also for your personal life. It will be favorable for relaxation, romantic trips, picnics and walks, interesting travels. But beware of making rash promises under the influence of feelings. September is a great time for “sighs under the moon” and declarations of love. Promising aspects of Mars, Jupiter, Sun and Venus will help single people find their soulmate, and those who have already tied themselves family ties, get true pleasure from the love, mutual understanding and heartfelt participation of loved ones.

The culmination of the favorable influences of the planets will be the day of the Autumn Equinox, which falls this year on September 22. From an energy point of view, this day is very significant and important. We are given a chance to change our destiny and make our lives happier.

They go especially well at this time. various kinds negotiations, as the stars favor openness and communication. It is ideal for reconciling with loved ones, finding a common language with everyone, engaging in commercial activities, undergoing interviews, and changing jobs.

Try to celebrate this day in a special way by preparing something delicious. A pie with cabbage or meat is best. Place bunches of rowan berries along with leaves in vases - they protect against negativity and help against insomnia. Invite guests, cover beautiful table, enjoy your summer and welcome autumn with joy.

Immediately after the day autumn equinox A relatively difficult period will begin, which will last until September 26. Already September 23 the planets will bring a certain tension to our actions. Possible mistakes at work, bad news, difficulties in trade, enmity, disputes, quarrels, debts, loss of official papers, documents, deterioration of financial affairs. Avoid long journeys.

This may be a time of internal conflict and self-disappointment. In order to soften the effect of the aspects and live calmly through this unfavorable period, you should learn to completely “control” yourself. Your emotions shouldn't come out. We need to deal with things in depth and not waste time on trifles and unnecessary worries. Exercise caution and discretion.

Fortunately, the unfavorable period will not last long. Already September 27 peace and tranquility, which are so characteristic of auspicious September, will be restored. At this time, the Sun will already move into Libra, which will help personal matters and communication with loved ones. This period will be the most successful for those who are prudent and diligent, and do not have the habit of putting things off “until tomorrow.”

The final days of September will be great time to acquire new knowledge and skills. Take the time to develop yourself, read and spiritual growth. End of September - best time in order to sign up for courses, trainings, and learn something new. September is one of the most favorable months in 2017, so try to make the most of its potential.


September is quite a busy time for most Aries. They will have to devote a lot of attention and effort to work, show responsibility in relationships with colleagues and superiors, and also fulfill past obligations. By showing wisdom and restraint, many Aries will pass the test of maturity. This will allow them not only to significantly improve their financial situation, but also to raise their new level your authority. They will achieve this thanks to their activity, talents, creative attitude to work, and charm.


At the beginning of autumn, Taurus lays the foundation of their material well-being. The first days of the month are favorable for travel and business contacts. You will succeed in many things; purchases made during this period will delight you for a long time: they will turn out to be successful and useful. In general, the whole of September will be favorable for you, your vitality, creative activity, you will be able to work on long-term plans with tripled energy.


The first week of September is good for travel and business contacts. You will be able to complete the tasks started in August and unfinished due to various unfavorable factors. At the same time, they may worsen family problems. In the second half of the month the situation will become more harmonious. Like-minded people and friends will help you out with money, help you get away from troubles, understand the causes of ongoing conflicts, and avoid them in the future. Gemini will have to reconsider their past obligations, perhaps change the environment, improve relationships with employees at work, friends and close relatives.

The public recognition that some Cancers have been striving for for so long will finally come to them in September. Their intellectual potential will increase, their efficiency will increase, they will be able to plan the future, and reach a new level of communication. Therefore, Cancers need to use the beginning and middle of the month as efficiently as possible for all types of communication, short trips, and expansion of connections. By the end of the month, many Cancers will be able to significantly advance in their careers, in business, and improve their social status.

A favorable month is coming for Leos who want to improve their financial situation, purchase real estate, a car, and use their talents for their own benefit. You just need to devote more time and skill to your professional duties, be more attentive in your work, and kinder to your colleagues. The wave of success may slightly overwhelm you, and, feeling a huge surge of strength, you will try to act more independently, independently. Small and large investments of money will be successful. The end of the month is calm and harmonious.


The first week of the month is mostly harmonious. In September, Virgo's intellectual activity will be quite high. high level, and life potential, natural optimism and sex appeal will provide an opportunity to identify their ill-wishers and secret supporters. In the second half of September, Virgos, using their personal charm, will be able to rely on allies and put an end to past troubles. At the end of the month, most Virgos will feel very confident. This is a very favorable time for them.


A stormy, active life is simply contraindicated for Libra in early and mid-September. This period is extremely unfavorable for you, so it is better not to make new plans or try to predict the future. The peak of tension and serious obstacles occur in mid-September. In the last week of September, most Libras will be able to very effectively engage in new projects and plans and achieve success. Their personal charm will increase.


The increased intensity of communication with friends, colleagues, and associates will be very productive, which will allow Scorpios to perceive the beginning of the first month of autumn as very favorable. To achieve positive results, you will have to work with the highest efficiency. In the middle of the month there will be a decline in business activity, and if you work under constant overload, your chronic diseases. Therefore, take a closer look at your own health, but do not self-medicate - go to the doctor.


September will be successful in terms of financial success and professional growth for Sagittarius. You will be able to implement your plans with minimal labor costs. The end of the month will be especially favorable for you. Many will significantly expand their life prospects, meet with success in a variety of areas, and find reliable partners.


In the first half of the month, you may have conflicts with others due to differences in views. But in the future, the whole of September promises good prospects for Capricorns. Your circle of communication will expand. Your creativity. For Capricorn men, Aries women can become reliable partners. Any of your undertakings, meetings, trips and travels will have positive long-term consequences at this time.


At the beginning of September, the business activity of Aquarius will not be high enough. They will experience a decline in activity, a lack of vital energy, and some depression. Therefore, slow down your grandiose projects a little - they will not bring you the quick desired success. On the other hand, this period prepares Aquarius for a sharp spiritual and creative upsurge that will occur by the end of the month... Everything will become easy for you.


In September, Pisces will have to devote more time to their family and friends, which may entail additional financial expenses, but everything will pay off handsomely. Life will become more interesting, the level of material well-being will increase. Pisces will be able to develop and implement successful plans, sign profitable contracts, which will give them a certain independence and allow them to work more efficiently in the future.