Is it difficult to learn to be a florist? Profession florist: pros and cons

One of the popular hobbies today is DIY floristry. This is the name of the decorative and applied art of making flower arrangements. The goal is to create a special atmosphere for certain events or holidays. If you want to try yourself in this kind of creativity, then find out more about it from the information below.

What is floristry

Floristry refers to the art of arranging bouquets. This is one type of design that results in floral bouquets, panels or collages. This type of work has both a technical and a creative side. The goal of floristry is to decorate any holiday or event, to express its theme or idea through natural compositions of flowers and leaves. Beginning designers in this field should pay attention to simple collages or bouquets. As a result, such a hobby can become a real profession. Where to start - learn the basics of floristry for beginners.

Arranging bouquets

This creative and fun activity for beginners includes a number of simple but important rules. The first thing you need to decide is for whom the bouquet is for a man or a woman. The reason for which such a gift is given is also important. Based on these criteria, the type of plants, their number, color and size are selected. Before making a bouquet, beginners are advised to mentally imagine it in its finished form.

Floral compositions

When composing floral arrangements of roses, lilies, carnations or any other flowers, the main thing for beginners is compliance with proportions. This concerns the proportionality of the vessel and plants, buds, vase and leaves. In general, the composition should be harmonious. Golden ratio It also works in floristry. It is as follows:

  1. If the bouquet is positioned vertically, then 5 of the 8 parts should be on it, and the remaining 3 should be on the vase.
  2. When the composition is more elongated in the horizontal direction, i.e. the plants are in a low vase, the shortest branches make up 3 parts, and the longest ones make up 5. Or in other words, a long flower is equal to 1.5 times the diameter of the pot.

Making bouquets of fresh flowers

There are different types bouquets. The main classification is female and male. In addition, there is a division according to the purpose of the bouquet:

  • wedding;
  • children's;
  • mourning;
  • daily;
  • festive.

Arranging bouquets of fresh flowers can be challenging for beginners, so it is recommended to use only one type of plant. This makes it easier to understand the shades, shape and type of bouquets. The main type is massive - there is no space between the elements, and the plants are presented in no more than 2-3 varieties. In addition to them, there are the following bouquets:

  • round;
  • boutonnieres;
  • free;
  • one-sided;
  • flower jewelry.

Bouquets can vary in size. Large ones are suitable for birthdays, and small ones for weddings. In general, the compilation technology for beginners looks like this:

  • determining the shape of the bouquet - the number of plants, their compatibility;
  • plant cutting;
  • assembling elements into a bouquet, decoration;
  • placement in a vase with water.

Combination of flowers in a bouquet

One of the integral elements of success for novice florists is the combination of flowers in a bouquet. It is very important to feel which shades complement each other and which simply cannot be used together. In addition to the harmonious combination color range, it needs to be chosen correctly. Warm shades will enliven the bouquet, while cold shades will make it more restrained. The former include orange, red and yellow, and the latter – blue, green, and violet. Using warm colors you can visually bring elements closer. Cool shades, on the contrary, push away the details.

Arranging bouquets of fresh flowers

In addition to the composition itself, its final design is important. The decor should not draw attention to itself, so unobtrusive decorations are considered the best option. Packing bouquets of fresh flowers for beginners has a number of features. The main condition is to arrange bouquets depending on the purpose:

  • New Year's - bird figurines, greens, candies;
  • for the birth of a child - hearts, bears, small toys;
  • romantic bouquet - butterflies, beads, stars;
  • for a wedding - white, openwork, airy elements;
  • autumn bouquet- twigs with berries, birds.

Making bouquets of artificial flowers

If you need a bright and durable composition or there is no way to care for it, then the best option would be to make bouquets of artificial flowers. To create them, beginners and experienced florists use different materials– fabric, wax, metal, beads, paper or leather. The first step is to create a pattern for the element, and only then it is assembled from blanks. The whole composition may look different. A bouquet, a plant in a pot, a basket or flowerpot, garden elements are standard options for floristry with artificial flowers.

Materials for floristry

The main materials for floristry are different elements vegetation. These can be fresh, dried or artificial flowers. All of them are divided into 3 groups:

  1. Linear plant material. These are long stems, tall ornamental plants, large leaves.
  2. The main plant material, or dominant. This includes large inflorescences and buds, bright leaves.
  3. Additional material, or filler. This group includes small elements - buds or leaves, whose function is to cover the fasteners.

Along with plant material, there are also floral accessories. Their function is to complement the composition and the designer’s intent. A variety of parts are used as accessories:

  • bows;
  • ribbons;
  • candles;
  • shells;
  • animal figurines;
  • pebbles;
  • bells;
  • stands.
  • materials for floristry

Florist tools

Any beginner or someone who is already seriously interested in floral design will definitely need florist tools. In any composition it is important to secure all the elements with something. Floral foam is used for this. Flower pins are used for the same purpose. Only with their help are ribbons attached, which are necessary to decorate the stem or disguise the wire. In addition to these tools, beginners and experienced florists use the following:

  1. Pliers and wire cutters. Necessary for cutting and working with wire in general.
  2. Flower pruning shears, garden shears. They must be sharp so that the cut of wooden branches or thick stems is even.
  3. Glue gun with chopsticks. They are used for fixing foam in a vessel and creating bouquets of artificial flowers or dried flowers.
  4. Stapler. You can use brackets to secure various small parts.

Secrets of floristry

  1. To prolong the freshness of bouquets, it is worth choosing plants that live longer than others. You can also keep them cold and change the water more often - every 1 or 2 days.
  2. A mandatory rule is that there must be an odd number of plants in the bouquet. Even is suitable only for mourning occasions.
  3. The size depends on the occasion. For a serious celebration you need a larger bouquet. Compositions with a diameter of 25-20 cm are considered a universal option.
  4. It is recommended to form a bouquet from the largest element, which will be the center. The following parts are added according to the spiral principle. Interesting option- a combination of flowers of different textures, for example, roses and hypericum or red gerbera.

Floristry training

Nowadays, schools or simply floristry courses are very popular. They provide a whole range of services for those who want to learn this art. A beginner florist or a professional can visit them. Introductory classes, lectures, master classes and seminars, during which you can not only learn about bouquet design, but also try to make them yourself. In addition to special courses, there are other ways to study to become a florist. Beginners can watch video lessons or master classes online and even read interesting books.

Master classes on floristry

Many floristry schools offer master classes for beginners. Some of them are freely accessible, while others are available for a fee. This applies to video courses. There are also other master classes in floristry, where a person can attend in person and even hone their skills together with a teacher. This option is better, because you immediately gain theoretical and practical knowledge.

Floristry lessons for beginners

You can view a variety of floristry lessons for beginners for free on the Internet. Some of them are presented in video format, which greatly facilitates the learning process. Ceramic clay floristry, history and styles of this art, the basics of European arrangement, original packaging, wedding, anniversary and other techniques. You can consider all these options in detail in these lessons.

Floristry and design courses

The best option is to take a whole floristry course. Many professionals in this field are also involved in training. Floristry for beginners is easier with courses. They can be completed in person or online on the Internet. It all depends on the specific school and its teaching methods. After successfully completing the program, you will be able to receive a certificate that will allow you to work as a florist. This profession is not only exciting, but also very creative and even enjoyable. Having learned this business, you will no longer be a novice florist and will be able to give beautiful things to others.

Video: how to make a bouquet of roses with your own hands

Before applying to a floristry school or looking for courses in this art, try to get an apprenticeship with a well-known florist or just in a specialty store. Work in this position for at least six months, after this period you will understand whether floristry is interesting to you at all, since it requires an investment of labor and time. In addition, after working as an apprentice, you will learn the names of plants and flowers, types and styles of compositions, and gain much more useful information, which will greatly help you in your lessons at floristry school.

Be prepared for some grunt work. No one will allow an apprentice or even a certified florist to create garlands, bouquets and wedding decorations. From the very beginning you will have to trim flowers, wash vases, sweep the floor. Most likely, you will gradually be attracted to working with flowers. Most famous florists have gone through this stage, which allowed them to gain invaluable experience. By the way, be prepared that they will pay you very little at first.

Learn from the best

Don't be afraid to copy someone else's bouquets. Books on floristry mainly consist of illustrative material; they do not contain much useful information. While studying photographs and drawings, try to repeat the bouquets that interest you. There is nothing wrong with such student repetition; it will allow you to bring your composition skills to true automatism. Keep in mind that practically no books on floristry are published in Russian, so you will have to look for them on the Internet and order them from abroad.

Don't give of great importance symbolism of flowers. Of course, having this information is a significant plus, but modern world floral language is considered obsolete. Therefore, when completing an order, you should not focus on symbolic meanings flowers, but according to the client's wishes. Compose compositions that will evoke in your clients positive emotions, even if you used flowers to create a bouquet that symbolize sadness or sadness.

Attend flower shows as often as possible. Do not spare money on international floristic exhibitions. There you can see new techniques, concepts and colors. They can be creatively rethought and used in your work. A good florist always needs new ideas to surprise his clients.

Floristry is the art of creating pictures from dry leaves and flowers. An experienced master florist can determine for himself what tools and materials he needs in his work. But it’s difficult for a beginner to navigate a business unknown to him. For this reason, I have compiled a list of what a novice florist will need.

For collecting and drying plants

  1. Newsprint or books. This has been a constant device for storing dry leaves and flowers for many years. In books, magazines or newspapers, dry leaves do not change color for many years. In addition, the book will serve as a good press and give the leaves and petals a convenient shape for appliques.
  2. Knife for cutting plants. Soda scissors can also work. The most important thing is that the tool is sharp. If you are not cutting wild flowers, do not forget to wipe the knife with a towel so as not to spoil the type of flower.

    The herbarium album is very easy to use. It's good if you have several albums. You can classify them by plant colors or plant species.

    Herbarium mesh is a convenient device that is not difficult to make yourself. But if you don’t have many specimens in your herbarium, you can safely do without it.

  3. A thermostat, like a herbarium net, is necessary if you are seriously involved in floristry. It's not difficult to make either. It is a cabinet heated by electric light bulbs.

To make applications

    Cutter - oblique knife. Using this knife it is very convenient to cut plant stems, make blanks, etc.

    Scissors different sizes. For high-quality appliqués, you will need more than just scissors. You can use large scissors to cut background paper, etc. But they are not suitable for small parts. To do this, you should purchase nail scissors with straight and rounded ends.

    Pencils are an indispensable tool for any creator. The florist is no exception. After all, any of his work begins with a sketch.

    Thick cardboard or fiberboard will serve as a reliable basis for the picture.

    The background material can be varied: black or colored paper, cardboard, velvet and corrugated paper, various fabrics, foil and much more.

    Tweezers will help you deal with small details that are impossible to pick up.

    Passepartout makes the work complete. It can be made from whatman paper or cotton fabric.

    A ready-made frame or separate glass for decorating a painting.

    Tracing paper and carbon paper for transferring the sketch to the work surface. And also for creating templates for some parts.

    The best glue is PVA; it is better to buy it at a hardware store. It leaves no marks on the work and firmly secures the parts in the right place.

    Glue brushes will help you do the job more accurately.

Happy creativity!

Surely all of you know that a florist is a person who is well versed in flowers, skillfully creates bouquets, and competently decorates halls for special events with flowers. Just 20 years ago, no one had heard of such a profession, but today not a single holiday is complete without the services of a florist. This means that this profession is in demand. So why not master it and improve your own well-being?

Where do they study to become florists?

Since this profession is relatively young, most applicants have a logical question: where do they study to become florists? I’ll say right away that there are many places where you can learn to become a florist. Firstly, you can get the appropriate education at a college or lyceum. True, this method is only suitable for graduates. After all, an adult aunt will not sit at the same desk with yesterday’s schoolchildren. And her responsibility to her own family does not allow her to study during the day for several years: she needs to take care of her husband and children.

Secondly, there are courses for florists. Here the training lasts only a few months. At the same time, in some course centers, training is carried out immediately in practice. But no one knows how quality education will be. Another disadvantage: the cost of training for florist courses is quite high (from 8 to 15 thousand rubles). In addition, you will still have to spend time to attend courses, and it is not a fact that the specialty is taught well in your city: you can pay money, spend time, and as a result still not be able to do anything.

What to do? There are only TWO ways out of the situation:

  1. Study independently using books.
  2. Buy a course of video lessons on floristry and master the basics of the profession in just a few weeks.

Novice florists often ask me the question “I want to get into floristry, tell me where I should start?” I will answer, as always, start with the basics, with theory. Yes, there is a theory in floristry, as in everything. Although, if you have a good sense of taste and style, then intuitively, you will bypass the theoretical part, because floristry is 75% a matter of taste and sense of style and beauty, and the remaining 25% is technique and experience.

  1. Basics of composition. This concept also includes the composition plan, its proportions, balance, and harmony. The basic principles of composition are the golden ratio, the rule of thirds, and the Fibonacci number. The law of proportion or the law of the golden ratio - expresses the ratio of quantities 3: 5: 8, which means that the height of the flowers in the composition accounts for 3 parts, the height of the vase accounts for 5 parts, and the total height of the composition is 8 parts. The golden ratio creates the natural and harmonious visual experience that everyone is looking for. In addition to the golden ratio, it is important to use the rule of thirds. Those. if we divide a rectangular shape horizontally and vertically into three parts, we get the intersection of the axes, and it is at these intersections that the accents are placed. Photographers especially like to use this rule. Next, the Fibonacci number, or the rule of sequence. This means that the next number is equal to the sum of the two previous numbers. In other words, flowers need to be grouped in compositions 1:2:3:5, etc. I believe that these basic knowledge the composition is enough to start practicing floristry.
  2. Basics of color. Coloristics is the science of color, its harmony, the science of mixing and combining colors. The most ordinary carnation or chrysanthemum can be drawn out in color in a composition. At first, when the budgets for floristry were not large, I drew out the visual perception of the composition precisely by color, the play of color and texture. Color can either enhance a composition or ruin it. I use the rule of combining cool shades with cold ones, and warm shades with warm ones. This is how harmony is maintained. This applies to flowers, because I combine greens by mixing cold and warm shades.
  3. Names of flowers. Learn the names little by little to get your bearings. Each type of activity has its own names and categories, and so does floristry. You will not be able to work adequately with the color supplier, or with colleagues, and in the end you will not be able to competently communicate with the client. I have already compiled a catalog of names of popular wedding flowers. Read here and
  4. Environment. Last on my list, but not least. Surround yourself with as much information as possible that inspires you, develops your taste, style and your perception. Subscribe to people whose work delights you and you would look up to them, strive to do like them, and in the future even better. Create a board on Pinterest and collect ideas and inspiration. I'm a visual person and this works best for me. Find the best florists in the city you live in and try to connect with them. Don't be shy. Believe in yourself. Go to master classes. Meet and team up with like-minded people. Be creative, create projects. Be bold and don't let anything faze you.

I hope my short tips were useful to you. Let me know if so! And share this information with those who need it now! All the best! I went to create.

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Floristry is the art of making bouquets, panels and collages from flowers and natural materials. The profession of a florist means that in front of you is a person who knows how to professionally compose compositions from flowers, things, toys, and knows how to competently decorate any item with living or inanimate flowers.

In this article we will tell you:

1. Working as a florist: features, pros and cons

Florists don’t have to worry about their professional fate. On HeadHunter alone, 35 vacancies are currently posted for the request “Work as a florist” in St. Petersburg and 92 in Moscow. But don’t forget also about vacancies that are not posted on career sites - there are quite a few of them too.

What character traits are useful in working as a florist?

1. Sense of style. The studios are looking for guys with good taste, who know the laws of composition and understand color. If you have received an art education, it will work to your advantage.

2. Developed fine motor skills hands The job description contains the requirement “ quick learner" - meaning golden hands.

3. “Falling in love with the forest.” If you love nature, then working as a florist you are unlikely to feel that you are tired of this profession or that you have run out of inspiration.

4. Courage. Not always required material found on the flower base. A real florist is not afraid to go out in the summer for poisonous hogweed or go into thirty-degree frost to buy pine branches for New Year's compositions.

There are many benefits to being a florist.

  • Thanks to shift schedule you can get a job extra work(“Another position as a florist!” think true fans of the business) or live for your own pleasure, devoting most of your time to yourself and your family.
  • Required little work experience- only 1-3 years.
  • During the holidays, florists and flower salons are in the spotlight! For a day off, a florist receives from 2,000 to 4,000 rubles.
  • Customers' love. A day that began with a client’s grateful smile and words of admiration - isn’t that happiness? 🙂

But there are also disadvantages to being a florist.

  • Full employment- the work of florists is not suitable for hardened freelancers. If you want to become a florist, then you will have to reconcile yourself with the 2/2 schedule.
  • It is unlikely that you will be able to set up a florist business at home.

  • Large physical activity and special working conditions- florists have to carry heavy buckets of flowers, work in a cool room and constantly be in contact with cold water. Are you ready for this?
  • Portfolio and work experience play a decisive role. Neat appearance, inexhaustible love for people and endless optimism are not the key requirements. You will also meet them in McDonalds cashier vacancies. Floristry skills and techniques, practiced in practice, will be of paramount importance.

2. How can novice florists gain work experience?

1. On career sites there is a vacancy for “florist assistant” that looks like this

Often, florist assistants are not sought for permanent job, and on holidays. It's okay - even work experience on February 14 and March 8 will complement your resume well.

2. Don’t limit your job search only to enhanced HeadHunter monitoring

Perhaps you are very welcome in the beautiful flower shop that you pass by every day and dream of working in!

We figured out work experience and how to get it.

What about a florist's portfolio?

You can make it up from photographs of bouquets you made during the course!

The completed florist courses will be a plus for both you and your future employer.

After the courses

  • You will understand whether you want to become a florist or limit yourself to watering three indoor plants every day.
  • The employer will notice your resume with a copy of the certificate faster.
  • On new job It will be easier for you to get used to it and you will move up the career ladder faster.
  • It is more convenient and profitable for any employer to hire an employee who already knows something, because he does not need to be taught basic things.

3. How to choose floristry courses for beginners?

16,000 rubles- average price of floristry courses for beginners.

4-5 students per course- ideal option. You can ask the master a question at any time, and he will be able to correct you or give advice as soon as he sees a mistake.

40-50 hours- this is how long courses for beginners last.

During this time, the floristry courses will teach you:

  • understand the basics of composition and color
  • care for cut flowers and be able to ensure their proper preservation
  • perform in various techniques bouquets on natural stems
  • master the skills of modern bouquet packaging
  • make compositions on the oasis and floral baskets

Is it possible to learn floristry from YouTube videos?

4. What tools and materials will a florist need?

Of the accompanying materials, the florist will need

5. Have you already completed basic florist courses, but are looking for inspiration and want to gain new knowledge?

In this case they will help you

  • YouTube- here you will learn how to choose floral foam, make a Christmas wreath or assemble a budget bouquet. Florist bloggers have made sure that on their channels you can find, for example, a wedding florist Masha Kravchenko constantly uploads new videos that will be useful to both beginners and professionals.
  • Social media- There are many groups on VKontakte where florists share their work and ask for advice.