Sample 12 hour work schedule. Shift work schedule according to the Labor Code of the Russian Federation - standard hours and registration procedure

In this article we will tell you in detail how to create a schedule for working with a sample.

Basic criteria for scheduling work


There are three types of work schedules: shift, rotating, weekly. All schedules have both advantages and disadvantages, but their type is necessary to meet the specifics of the work of a particular institution.

The shift schedule is used mainly by organizations with a 24-hour work system. In addition, in those organizations (the majority of them), the schedule assumes that employees work in succession. Sometimes charts calculate the period of joint work of two or more specialties at one workplace; this is mainly found in education, culture and healthcare. Shift work allows for non-stop production. The definition of the shift work schedule is given in the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, Article 103.

The law identifies 2 cases of using a shift schedule:

  1. Non-stop (continuity) of the production process. The working hours exceed the daily production norm - 7.2 hours (women), 8 hours - men.
  2. Efficiency of the equipment used(stopping the operation of units, or constant switching on/off leads to production losses).

Shift work schedules are compiled according to the forms offered by the electronic version of the program. Shifts, their number, time period are determined, and then the data is entered into the program. Most often, the shift schedule is made for a month in order to change employees in shifts within a month (1,2, night). If shifts are arranged correctly, there will be no overtime for one employee and shortcomings for another.

Shift work schedules can be changed or left unchanged. It all depends on the capabilities and characteristics of production.

Moving chart work is used in institutions where the traveling nature of work (business trips) is used: employees of railway institutions. In their schedules, the start time of the working day (train crews) and the end of the work shift (freight transportation) are unknown. road transport(long-distance flights) and other similar services. The personnel officer records upon receipt of information that the employee has begun his duties and their completion. From the fact of finishing work, the calculation of time for rest begins, then the start time of work (trip, departure on a flight) is determined again, i.e. Truly, the schedule slides according to the calendar and is individual for each individual employee. The electronic version of the sliding schedule allows you to track the hours worked by each member of the work unit. The weekends here are also sliding, only approximate dates are set, and the fact is revealed during the labor process.

Weekly chart used when employees work out standard hours without being directly at their workplace every day, but only in total numerical values hours worked per week. The departure to work is selected by a specialist and agreed with the head of the department, workshop, etc. individually. This mode is also called flexible working mode. It is considered the most common abroad. There are many advantages to the weekly regime: work efficiency increases, there is a decrease in the level of disciplinary violations, improvement psychological health employees.

Article 102 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation also defines the weekly operating hours. The weekly schedule is used in the following cases:

  1. Working outside the office (workplace at home, comes to the organization for a task or to coordinate assignments, hand over completed work), the so-called homeworkers.
  2. Real estate companies where employees are forced to work according to a schedule that is set not by the employer, but by the client. These are, for example, real estate specialists: agents, managers, couriers.
  3. Accountant. Nowadays it is becoming fashionable to hire one accountant. Small companies, private entrepreneurs, individual entrepreneurs They prefer not to maintain an accounting staff, but to carry out accounting through a separately hired specialist. In this case, the accountant processes documents at home, or in some room, but outside of production. It makes no sense to set him any kind of work schedule other than a weekly one, since he can complete the entire amount of work at a time convenient for him.

The wages of these employees do not depend on the time worked, so the employees themselves control its implementation. The norm for them corresponds to the norm of ordinary workers, but the regime is different. It is difficult to record the work time of a given employee in a specific schedule, so the form is filled out, indicating the approximate standard of hours, rather than tracking the actual value.

The schedule must include time to restore physical strength. Rest time usually divides the working day into two parts of approximately equal time. Most often, this is one lunch break. The actual length of time used for rest and nutrition is not included. According to Art. 108 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, breaks provided to an employee during a working day (shift) can be no more than 2 hours and less than 30 minutes. There are organizations where they choose short technological breaks, they last no more than 15 minutes.
If you have been tasked with drawing up a work schedule, then you must first decide on the type of schedule that is most appropriate for your organization (enterprise).

Types of charts

There are enough types of charts large number, but most enterprises have now switched to the same unified forms of electronic versions of personnel programs. They allow you not to waste time on creating your own forms, entering formulas and other tasks that programmers perform. The document specialist selects the type of schedule.

Types of charts:

  • tabular;
  • program;
  • diagrammatic.

The schedule is being drawn up in stages.

1. Select an accounting period

It is necessary to set the working time recording period - month, quarter, year. The selected time period directly depends on the nature of production, its specifics, and the characteristics of labor.

Example. College employees must complete an hourly workload from September to May. We distribute the hours of workload for the teacher according to the accounting period. In this case, summer is excluded and included in the vacation period. If the earned vacation time is not enough (for example, vacation is 44 days, the teacher is not involved - 90 days), the teacher is offered rest at his own expense, additional workload or other options. The accounting period in this case is academic year(not financial).

2. The time fund for servicing a specific workplace is calculated

For each workplace, the fund of serviced time is calculated. Loading the workplace. The load for any type of schedule is calculated in hours and minutes.

For example. The workplace of a turner-milling operator functions according to the action of the machine. The machine works for 3 hours non-stop. After three hours, the unit takes 1.5 hours to cool down. Therefore, the operating time of the machine is 15 hours per day. The last rest for the machine is given for 3 hours. During this time, shift changes can be arranged in the work schedule. These machines are operated by men - their working hours– 8 hours, so with the right schedule, you can easily assign two staff units to one machine.

If the employee’s place is used for 24 hours (electrical network manager). This norm is calculated for the accounting period (year) and is evenly distributed over the working time of individual employees.

3. The hourly rate is determined

The duration of work of individual specialties has a different meaning from that of the entire staff. The schedule assigns a value to each employee if his standard working time differs from the standard of work of others.

Example. IN educational institution different specialists work. The length of their working week is different, for example, a teacher is required to work 36 hours a week, a music director - 24 hours, a teacher - speech therapist - 20 hours. Maximum time work per month (production rate) is different for them, it should be reflected in the schedule. The load should not be allowed to exceed the norm, as it will require additional financial investments.

4. Counting the number of workers

The number of employees per workplace is calculated and total quantity state. This number of employees must serve the workplace and fulfill the plan. This results in a quantitative staffing structure – staff. Standard indicator of staffing units of an enterprise.

Example. The duty dispatcher of the power grid organizes round-the-clock duty at the control panel. The accounting period of his work is calculated for fiscal year. The total service time for the dispatcher's workplace is 8760 hours (365 calendar days× 24 h). We calculate the number required to service this workplace; it is approximately 4.8 people. In practice, an employer can hire five people, or maybe four, distributing part-time wages among employees.

5. A schedule is formed

Job positions are entered into the selected form, then data is filled in for the specialists serving the jobs, and the hourly rate is distributed between them. The output is set, including all individual characteristics each workplace. Weekends and holidays. The principle of filling is the principle of uniformity, distribution in approximately equal volumes between specialists.

The number of shifts is calculated and the shifts between employees are recorded.

The main task of creating a schedule is accessibility when perceived by the employee, and simplicity and legibility for calculation by the accounting department. All full-time employees of the enterprise are included in the schedule.
The schedule requires daily adjustments (business trips, time off). If the basic data is entered in advance, this process is easier than entering data every day.

  • Remuneration. The work schedule is the basis for remuneration; it is transferred to the working time sheet and the employee’s wages are calculated. Therefore, it is important to make a schedule in such a way that there is no possibility of erroneous calculations.
  • Payment for overtime is based on payment for hours worked by the employee in excess of the norm. Only correct data entered into the chart will give accurate recycling figures.
  • Pay for night work. Night work time is considered to be the period from 22:00 to 6:00. In the schedule, night hours are recorded and counted in a separate column. Their pay is higher than regular hours, 35% of the basic salary, in addition to wages for hours worked. The employer, taking into account the complexity of night work, can establish other increased payment indicators.

A work schedule is a concept that is familiar to all enterprises, institutions and firms, regardless of the form of ownership and direction of activity, since with its help it is possible to organize the normal work of all personnel.

What is a work schedule?

The schedule should be understood as the schedule of staff working hours, in days and hours. The work schedule allows you to systematize and streamline the working time of all employees of the institution in order to increase productivity.

According to the definition, under the established work schedule understand a special schedule that takes into account the duration of the period during the calendar time intended for the employee to work. The standard working time is set at the management level and is reflected in a special production calendar.

Working time is the time period that is intended to fulfill established obligations in accordance with concluded employment contracts between the employee and the employer. As a rule, this period does not include a refreshment break.

The working hours schedule also takes into account the duration working day and the length of the working week, which necessarily takes into account weekends. Typically, the operating mode can be:

  1. Five-day – with 2 days off.
  2. Six days - with 1 day off.
  3. Unstandardized.
  4. Part-time or part-time work weeks.

As a rule, each institution, due to the specifics of its activities, establishes its own labor regime. At the same time, the manager is responsible for stipulating the established framework for his subordinates - the start time of the working day and its end, as well as the time allotted for rest.

Legislation protects workers, so no labor regime should infringe on the rights of employees.

Thanks to a properly organized work schedule, you can solve many problems at the same time, in particular:

  • Organize staff working hours.
  • Organize timely completion of production tasks.
  • Distribute paid working hours.
  • It is intended for calculating average earnings, calculating wages, calculating benefits, determining the length of insurance, compensation, incentives, vacation pay and other things.

It is mandatory that all employees must be familiarized with the work schedule of a particular enterprise, against signature. If for some reason the employee refuses to do this, then in the presence of two witnesses, this fact reflected in the act.

A schedule is a document that reflects information about the beginning of an employee’s working day, as well as its end. Without fail, the schedule must be brought to the attention of all personnel, or it must be posted for review, so that it is freely accessible. When drawing up a schedule, take into account its form so that it is as clear as possible to all employees and has legible information for accounting. All members of the staff must be present.

The form requires entering the following information:

  1. List of positions.
  2. Information for each specialist.
  3. Distributed hours.
  4. Development, taking into account the individual nature of the work performed.

When drawing up a schedule, the evenly distributed load of work volumes is taken into account. It also determines the number of shifts - during shift work, as well as the proportional workload of the staff.

Separately, they can provide a list of weekends and holidays to the schedule. It is very important to draw up and fill out the work schedule correctly, without errors, as this may negatively lead to a decrease in the employee’s earnings.

Who is compiling it?

The work schedule is most often independent, a separate document, in some cases it is an addition to the collective agreement. Responsibility for maintaining and drawing up a schedule is assigned to personnel employees by assigning them through an order.

Management must familiarize itself with the schedule and endorse it. When drawing up a schedule, the opinion of workers, as well as their representation - the trade union committee, must be taken into account.

Why is it worth using programs to create a work schedule?

Software that is designed to create a calendar schedule has one base for operation.

Thanks to specialized software you can:

  1. Reduce the likelihood of defects and errors.
  2. Establish an automated document preparation procedure.
  3. Reduce time spent on scheduling.

Usage software– a huge advantage, but before using it you must:

  1. Understand general principle functioning of the program.
  2. Familiarize yourself with the possibility of drawing up a network schedule.

When creating a schedule in the program, it is necessary to take into account:

  1. Shifts in total, as well as the period of shifts (for shift work).
  2. Duration of working hours.
  3. Total number of working days.
  4. Total number of days off.

Other indicators may also be used due to the specifics of the activities of a particular enterprise, however, such programs are not unified, but specialized and developed specifically for the enterprise, taking into account its characteristics.

Top 5 programs

Among the software that allows you to create work schedules, there are a lot of options that differ in both “stuffing” and interface. Each of the programs has its own advantages, as it allows you to perform one or another function.

Employee work schedule - example

Shift work is used when the production process time is longer than the allowable working time of individual employees, and when the need to work without interruption is caused by the specific nature of the equipment, product or service (for example, an iron foundry, gas station, etc.).

The most commonly used schedule is 2/2 or 3/3. Principles to consider when assigning shifts:

  • If the working day is twelve hours, then the employee cannot be assigned more than forty working hours per week. In this case, the time of continuous rest cannot be less than forty-two hours per week.
  • The night shift lasts an hour less than the day shift.
  • There is an extra charge for night hours.
  • Before a non-working shift, the shift becomes an hour shorter or this hour is paid at double the rate.
  • It is prohibited to put two shifts in a row. The shift can only be extended in an emergency.
  • If the shift lasts twenty-four hours, then it is necessary to provide the employee with rest of the same duration or more.
  • The law does not establish a maximum shift duration for all employees, only for certain categories (for example, railway workers, crew on ships, etc.).
  • In a three-shift system, shifts alternate every week.
  • Each employee must work the same number of hours in the same amount of time.
  • If more than half of the shift is at night, it should be reduced by one hour.

How to create a shift schedule and what to consider when paying

Scheduling procedure:

  1. select an accounting period - month/quarter/several months/year (cannot be more than a year);
  2. calculate how much time is needed to maintain the workplace;
  3. write the standard working hours for all employees (for each separately, if it differs depending on the specialty);
  4. calculate the number of employees per workplace and the number of the entire staff.

For example, you need to organize a 24-hour service to receive emergency phone calls. medical care. The accounting period is indicated, equal to a year. Workplace maintenance time: 365 days x 24 hours = 8760 hours.

To calculate the number of people who must work in this position, the number of working hours per week (40) is multiplied by the number of weeks per year (52); then 8760 hours are divided by the result obtained. 8760 hours: (40 hours x 52 weeks) = 4.8. This means that the employer must hire five people on a part-time basis or four people who are allocated a few additional hours to the full-time rate. It is important to consider the following:

  • All hours worked in excess of the norm during the accounting period are considered overtime and are paid accordingly.
  • No employee shall have more than 120 overtime hours per year. If the shift falls on a non-working holiday, it is paid at an increased rate.
  • If a shift falls on a holiday, then the pay for it is double or (at the request of the employee and with the permission of the manager) the usual pay and one day of rest, not included.
  • Days spent on sick leave are deducted from the employee’s normal working hours without any work off.
  • Lunch and rest breaks are not paid.

Moving and weekly modes

Employee work schedules may vary

In the case of using a sliding schedule, the beginning of the working day is noted upon entering the workplace (for example, a bus leaves for a trip) and the end of the working day when the task was completed (the bus has reached its destination).

From the second moment, the time allotted for rest is counted, then the start and end times of the workers are recorded again. Weekend dates are approximate, subject to confirmation upon receipt.

Each employee has his own individual sliding schedule, reflecting unforeseen delays, breakdowns and other circumstances. The weekly schedule is attractive because it does not require you to be at your workplace all the time.

Its advantages include the ability to work at a time convenient for you, improved performance and general condition employees, both physical and emotional. In this case, the emphasis is on the fact of doing the work, and not on the number of hours spent on it. Hours are set based on the approximate amount of time that can be spent on a specific task. The time needed for rest and recuperation is also taken into account.

The weekly schedule is well suited for those who work with customer orders: real estate agents, couriers, managers, accountants hired to serve small companies, translators, etc.

So, the work schedule is selected in such a way as to meet the needs of the production process and contribute to effective use labor. It ensures uniformity of workload, shift of work and rest for workers and protects their health.

Features of drawing up a vacation schedule - we find the answer in the video:

The article will be useful to managers of large organizations and departments that employ many people. Sample work schedule (download in Excel ready An example can be found below) will help plan the uninterrupted work of employees and avoid situations when everyone is absent for some reason and there is no one to work.

What is a work schedule

Labor legislation stipulates that an employee may have standardized or irregular working hours. It is installed rules internal labor regulations, collective agreements, agreements, and employees whose regime is different from general rules, - an employment contract.

The normal working hours include the following modes: a 5-day week with 2 days off, a 6-day week with 1 day off, a week with days off on a rotating schedule or a part-time work week; in case of irregular hours, a shift schedule is established for some categories of employees. This is a document that is established in accordance with Art. 103 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation and is introduced in cases where the duration of the production process exceeds the employee’s working time. In production, groups of employees replace each other to ensure continuity of the process, and there is a need to work or provide services around the clock. In order to keep their working hours within the norm, shift schedules are introduced. As a rule, they are annexed to the collective agreement, and when approved, the opinion of the representative body of workers is taken into account.

So, an employee is given a certain work schedule, for example, he works for two days, then rests for two days. During the two days that he rests, another worker takes his place. In such circumstances, the regime qualifies as shift work and requires the preparation of a specific work schedule. This is why you need a sample employee work schedule for a month.

Download a monthly work schedule sample blank form

What are the differences from a time sheet?

It is necessary to distinguish the document recording the working regime from that maintained by the employer in accordance with the requirements of Art. 91 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation and is a kind of document recording how much employees worked, as a rule, per month. The norm is 40 working hours per week. The employer is obligated to keep records of actual time worked for each employee.

There are no special requirements for familiarization with the report card within a certain period and there is no need to coordinate it with the representative body of employees. The employer can only not exceed the established duration of the working day and provide workers with rest in accordance with the requirements of Art. 110 Labor Code of the Russian Federation.

Keeping timesheets is mandatory for any organization. But with a continuous flow, when people work in shifts, a working time schedule is required. Download Excel template The work schedule can be found below.

In both cases, it is necessary to specify these features in the employment contract in the section that concerns the working hours.

Free download in Excel working time schedule for 2019

Why do you need a work schedule?

Its functions are quite diverse. It is required for:

  • streamlining employee work time;
  • to calculate wages when fulfilling specific obligations;
  • to calculate average earnings;
  • to calculate benefits;
  • when determining the employee’s insurance length;
  • in order to avoid errors when determining earnings and compensation for vacation (in addition to time sheets, it can also be a document on the basis of which it is calculated wages and other payments);
  • to identify overtime overtime and determine additional payments.

After approval, the team is introduced to it under signature one month before its implementation. If a signature is refused, a special act is drawn up signed by two witnesses. Failure to comply with the established regime is a serious disciplinary offense.

Who fills it out

A sample schedule for employees to go to work for the next month is drawn up by the manager or the person responsible for drawing up such a document, authorized in accordance with the order. In practice, this is usually done by a personnel employee, but this is wrong. The schedule must be drawn up by the manager structural unit.

After drawing up, the document is finally approved and signed by the head of the organization or a separate structural unit. For simplicity, you can download a sample work schedule in Excel and use it as a template.

Is there a required form?

Due to the lack of an established unified form, each employer can independently develop its own document form. You can use our example for this.

It must indicate full list employees indicating their positions. After the names, the days on which a particular person will have to go to work are noted. It is advisable to develop the document in such a way as to prevent any shortcomings or overwork in excess of working hours, as well as to ensure optimal workload for the team and for production processes. The schedule is most often developed for a month.

Filling procedure

A sample monthly work schedule table, a blank form, is filled out taking into account the working hours in accordance with the internal labor regulations in force in the organization. It indicates the beginning and end, duration of the working day, breaks, number of shifts, alternation of work and rest.

The length of the day is regulated by internal regulations taking into account the working time regime established by the employment contract. A reduced working day may also be provided, as, for example, in industries with hazardous and dangerous conditions(Part 4 of Article 94 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation) or when the work of disabled people and minors takes place (Part 1, 3 of Article 94 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation).

Download a free monthly employee work schedule form

Where and how long is it stored?

Order of the Ministry of Culture of the Russian Federation dated August 25, 2010 No. 558 (as amended on February 16, 2016) “On approval of the “List of standard management archival documents generated in the process of activity” government agencies, local government bodies and organizations, indicating storage periods" (registered with the Ministry of Justice of Russia on September 08, 2010 No. 18380) established a list for storing documents indicating periods.

According to paragraph 586 of the order, time sheets (schedules), workday logs are stored for 5 years; when working with difficult, harmful and dangerous working conditions, the storage period is set at 75 years.

However, some sources believe that this paragraph concerns time sheets, not work schedules, and that this paragraph does not apply to the latter document.

Still, some employers prefer to store such documents for a year in the human resources or accounting department in case of a labor dispute with an employee regarding the issue of standardization of working hours or payroll.

Modern life has a special rhythm. In the current conditions, there is a need to ensure the continuous operation of a number of enterprises and industries where devices require round-the-clock supervision. This is far from full list areas where work is carried out without interruption. To ensure this regime, a special work schedule of 2 in 2 shifts is introduced. It not only increases the efficiency of the main units, but also ensures large production volumes.

The concept of a shift schedule

To understand how this is a 2 2 work schedule, it is enough to understand what a shift work schedule is. It presupposes a special schedule through which uninterrupted operation of the enterprise is achieved. Typically, this requires the organization of three teams, although a four-team schedule exists.

The periods of work in such cases are selected individually based on the principles established in the current labor legislation, as well as internal regulations enterprises or within collective agreement. But the working days throughout the week in this case will not be the same in traditional ideas.

It is imperative that in the event of a transfer of an enterprise to work in shifts, several teams are formed. They will perform their duties alternately, in shifts, which guarantees the work process without interruption. In small teams, it is possible for workers to take turns replacing each other, working alone. But this is only permissible for simple areas of activity where the use of large number automatic equipment.

The basic rule when organizing shift work is that an employee is strictly forbidden to work more than one shift in a row. This is enshrined at the legislative level.

Work 2 through 2

Today, there are several options for shift work. But the most popular work schedule in practice is work schedule 2, in which case a person works for two days, and then he has two days off.

The peculiarity of this mode of operation is that the working day in this case lasts longer than expected with a five-day working week eight o'clock. In addition, you have to go to work both on and off weekends. Even if a person on a shift schedule goes to work on holidays, such work is paid in a standard one-time amount without allowances. Despite the fact that the duration of a shift can reach 10 or even 12 hours, this is not considered overtime, so the employee is not entitled to additional payments in this case.

There is no overtime work within the shift schedule. All of these features and nuances are reflected within employment contract. In some cases, companies prefer to draw up additional agreements in this regard.

Legislative framework

Features of the work schedule 2 2 and how to organize it - all this is indicated in the current labor legislation. At the same time, the right to regulate employee schedules and their formation remains with the organization’s management. It is important not to exceed current labor standards - an employee must work no more than 167 hours per week, as with the standard 40 hours.

The duration of each shift is set by the management of the enterprise. But some categories of employees are entitled to shortened work shifts.

Despite the fact that management independently sets the duration of each shift, it cannot be 24 hours.

Which organizations work on a shift schedule?

A shift schedule in any of its variations, including two working days and two days off, is typical for any organizations and enterprises that require work around the clock. First of all, this is:

  1. Services providing emergency assistance and reacting when emergency situations- these are firefighters and police officers, doctors, rescuers. Help from representatives of these professions may be needed at any time of the day or night, and there is no time to hesitate. Therefore, they cannot do without shift work.
  2. Enterprises and production facilities where work is not expected to stop. Often the equipment does not turn off for several years or even decades.
  3. Enterprises representing the service sector - restaurants and hotels, information and security services, as well as many catering establishments.
  4. Transport service. First of all, this applies to airports and train stations, where even minute delays are unacceptable.
  5. Many trade organizations- if some offer their services to customers around the clock, others may have longer working hours.

This is not a complete list of organizations where such a schedule can be introduced. labor activity. Moreover, you can switch to shift work at any time if the need arises.

Features of shift schedules

To understand how this is a 2 2 work schedule, you need to know all its features that relate to work processes. They may vary depending on the characteristics of production and its subtleties. But in any case, the work is carried out in accordance with the requirements of the labor code.

It is permissible to introduce shift work for a certain period or on a permanent basis. The main thing is that there is sufficient rest during a 12-hour shift, and that the permissible number of working hours during the week and calendar month is not exceeded.

In addition, the charts must cover a certain period of time - a quarter or a month. During their preparation, the trade union is consulted.

The length of each shift may vary depending on production requirements. But the day off should always be strictly on schedule.

Everyone who works on a shift schedule also has standard vacation and paid sick leave within the framework of current legislation.

Opening hours

When an organization sets a shift work schedule for its employees, there is a need to draw up a document that reflects it. It must include information such as:

  • duration of each shift;
  • days off, duration of rest between shifts;
  • number of work shifts;
  • the order of work of employees in production;
  • breaks during each shift for rest and eating.

The procedure for actions required to be performed in emergency cases is separately indicated: if a shift worker, for one reason or another, does not go to work, as well as the specifics of changing work schedules at the request of the employee.

Within the framework of a two-shift work schedule (i.e., day, night, night, weekend), the following types of shifts may be expected:

  • daytime;
  • night (or evening depending on production needs).

Night shift

A night shift is a shift, most of which occurs at night. The time preceding it is called the evening shift. Their duration is a total of 16 hours. But in most cases a 12 hour duration is assumed work shift when the organization operates 24 hours a day.

Usually the working day begins and ends at 8 o'clock in the morning or evening, respectively. At the same time, the employee does not have the right to independently change the existing schedule without agreement with the administration. You can only work on your own shift.

It is important to ensure an even rotation of existing teams: each of them should alternately work day and night shifts.

There are several options for organizing work. Typically, workers go first during the day, then into the evening or immediately into the night shift. But it is possible to work in a couple of shifts - two days a day, then two days a night.

Features of working at night

For general idea As this is a 2 2 work schedule, it is important to understand the features of both day and night shifts.

In accordance with current legislation, a night shift is considered to be that shift, the main part of which occurs in the evening and at night (for example, from 20:00 to 8:00 am).

According to current regulations, night shifts must be one hour shorter than day shifts. Moreover, this time is not subject to working off. But in cases where a person is entitled to a reduced shift duration, he is not entitled to a reduction for this hour.

Some employees are not allowed to stay on night shifts. First of all this:

  • minors;
  • pregnant women and some others.

Not everyone can be hired to work the night shift. Thus, women with children under 3 years of age, people caring for the sick, single parents, and disabled people can work outside of daytime working hours only if they express such a desire in writing.

Hours rationing

In the case of a shift schedule, extended shifts do not in any way violate the rights of employees if the length of the work week does not exceed 40 hours. Typically, time worked is recorded not weekly, but monthly. This is a more convenient option in practice.

All maximum duration standards are reflected in production calendars.


Due to the fact that working hours during a shift schedule are recorded over long periods, usually a month, payment is calculated based on the number of shifts worked during this period.

The accounting period is the period of time for which shift work. It is based on existing standards within the framework of labor protection.

A schedule is drawn up in such a way that each of the organization’s employees has the opportunity to work the required number of hours. In addition, it also takes into account planned annual holidays employees.

The average working month is 167 hours. If there is overtime, it is paid additionally. In cases where an employee does not have time to work the required hours, payment for them is deducted.

When working on weekends and holidays, an increase in wages is not provided due to the nature of such a schedule.

In conclusion

Each organization has the right to choose a shift work schedule for employees, including option 2 through 2 or others. The main thing is to adhere to working time standards and clearly maintain the required documentation.

Also, do not forget that with a shift schedule, the physical activity on people, which over time can affect their health. For this reason, it is important to alternate night shifts with day shifts so that a person works as little time as possible during the night hours.