Rat in the year of the rooster from Globa. Financial horoscope for the Rat

People tend to plan for their future. And therefore, many of us, on the eve of the beginning of an important period in our lives, read the horoscope.

Some, interested in the forecasts of astrologers, are guided by the signs of the zodiac. Others take into account their connection with the symbols of the eastern calendar. And therefore, today we will talk about what 2018 will be like for the Rat, a very charming and friendly creature.

It is worth noting that, despite appearance, The Rat is a sensible animal, prone to accurate calculations. Therefore, most of the qualities of representatives of this symbol are positive. They are ambitious, charming and quite dreamy.

In addition, Rat people are honest, sincere, not eager for power, but at the same time quite hardworking. By the way, it is precisely these personality traits that will appeal to his patron, the yellow earthen Dog, next year. Therefore, Rats can well count on her favor and assistance throughout the entire twelve months.

For all Rats without exception, the coming year promises to be favorable. And although it will be especially successful for those born in the year of the Dog, other signs will receive a considerable share of prosperity. And for this, Rats will have to roll up their sleeves and work hard. A good-natured Dog will more than once provide even just active, and not creative, Rats with a chance for self-realization and development.

Another 2018 Year of the Dog will give the Rats the opportunity to change their environment. By changing it, the representatives of this symbol themselves will change in better side and will receive pleasure and reward from it. The wealth of knowledge accumulated by Rats will not be superfluous. Using your skills and experience, born in the year of this animal, eastern calendar will emerge victorious from any situation.

IN financial sector Partly cloudy weather is expected. Problems associated with financial situation, which are possible in 2018 for Rats, will fall during the period from January to July. In part, these will be echoes of last year’s events, and in part, the consequences of the rash actions of people born under the sign of the Rat.

In order to avoid financial problems, from the very beginning of the year you will have to adhere to thrifty tactics, and also avoid dubious transactions and loans. The stars strongly recommend that Rats not lend money to anyone under any circumstances.

What do the stars promise for men?

The motto of men born in the year of the rodent according to the eastern calendar is: “Learn from the mistakes of others.” For the male half of humanity, whose date of birth falls in the year of the Rat, the Dog promises a favorable outcome in many situations. But in order to take advantage of the generosity of a good-natured animal, the Rat man will have to analyze and take into account the experience of others. After all, if he continues to stuff himself and step on the rake, he risks being left behind the ship of fortune.

The Yellow Dog, during its “reign”, will allow the Rat men to relax for a while. Astrologers advise the male half of humanity, born in the year of the Rat, to spend this time profitably by setting life priorities. If you believe the stars, then such a period will come in the lives of male Rats closer to the middle of 2018. At this time, it is better for them to slow down and listen to where their intuition leads them.

All courageous representatives of the Rat symbol according to the eastern calendar will be distinguished by their hard work in the coming year. The Dog will undoubtedly support their desire to solve all issues and problems on their own. But still, it would be better if sometimes Rat men accepted the initiative of others, handing over to them the “reins of power” for a short time.

For men, representatives of the self-confident eastern symbol of the Rat, it is unacceptable to give in to obstacles. On the contrary, they will boldly step forward, no matter what. And in this they will be accompanied not only by the good-natured Dog, but also by the goddess of luck herself.

The brave Rats are expected to experience very few periods of crisis next year. They won’t have to prove anything or radically change their life in order to improve its flow. Therefore, we can safely say that a “rodent” man will live calmly, as if he were floating along a calm river.

In other situations, Rats will be helped by such character traits as:

  • Determination.
  • Determination.
  • Willingness to help others.
  • Ability to use logic and listen to intuition.

What do the stars promise women?

Women born in the year of the Rat will have a great desire to make changes in their lives, and drastic ones at that. Most ladies will have an irrepressible desire to change their image, which they can easily achieve in the first half of the year.

Many Rat women will begin home renovations in the coming Year of Dog. Some will benefit from a change of residence. Perhaps someone was thinking about moving, so in 2018 it is best for Rats to do this.

In general, all twelve months will be eventful and filled with bright, warm memories. This is not surprising, because the rhythm of life of those born in the year of the eastern rodent will be very fast. However, although the Dog sympathizes with hardworking people, in this case it recommends that Rat women restrain their ardor and often set aside time to relax alone or with pleasant people.

In business, the horoscope for the Rat for 2018 for women does not promise dramatic changes and enchanting events. For those who have found their “soul mate,” the Yellow Dog advises working on strengthening relationships and spending more time together. For unmarried girls, the patroness of the coming year promises several outstanding meetings with representatives of the opposite sex. The Rats ladies will be able to decide which of them is worthy to be with them only by trusting the promptings of their hearts.

Being people prone to melancholy and impressionable, representatives of the eastern symbol of the Rat should pay especially much attention to their inner world. Harmony and peace of mind– the key to good health for Rat women in the year of the Dog.

You should also warn ladies born in the year of the Rat that the mistress of 2018 - the earthen Dog - does not approve of actions for selfish purposes. Those who have an attractive appearance should give up the idea of ​​using it to achieve what they want. Also, don’t look at what’s “bad.”

In the 18th, the Rat woman must balance her capabilities and strengths in order to achieve everything on her own, in order to avoid numerous problems. To prevent the Dog from biting the Rats during their reign, they need to try to act according to their conscience in the professional sphere and in love affairs. Decency, sincerity, hard work, and willingness to help those in need are the main qualities that will help Rats have a happy and very successful 2018.

Upcoming events on the love front

In the year of the Dog, charming “rodents” do not expect any great changes in love. Generally love horoscope Rats for 2018 believe that the personal life of representatives of the symbol will be surprisingly calm. Astrologers promise neither dramatic breakups nor stormy experiences.

But the feeling of love will undoubtedly come to every person who was born in the year of the Rat sooner or later. At the same time, all unions will be full-fledged and “adult”, without serenades under the window and other naive “exploits”. And this will satisfy the partners; they will both be satisfied with the course of their relationship.

In the intimate sphere, Rat men will be able to prove themselves as “experts”, appearing before their partner in better light. Ladies born under the sign of the Rat, as usual, will be temperamental, capricious and inimitable. All this will only help strengthen the connection between partners.

Throughout 2018, representatives of this eastern symbol may have disagreements. For some, the Dog even foreshadows separation. But this only applies to those Rats whose relationships have already outlived their usefulness. Moreover, the good-natured patroness of the coming year will help ensure that even the breakup of the Rats is mild and satisfactory for both partners.

The friendly four-legged mistress of 2018 also promises many pleasant meetings with new, interesting people. Qualities of Rats that will be especially attractive in the eyes of members of the opposite sex:

  • Attractiveness and seductiveness.
  • Communication skills.
  • Energy.
  • Positive attitude.

As the love horoscope for 2018 promises, family Rats will enjoy stability. The feelings that once connected your hearts with your partner will only become stronger, more reliable and more trusting. That the only person, next to whom the Rat decided to spend her whole life, will look even more attractive and ideal in her eyes.

However, some couples where one of the spouses is a Rat according to the eastern calendar will still have to endure minor difficulties. The reason may be mistakes made by representatives of this symbol in the distant past. Therefore, if Rats are afraid of losing what they value, they will have to try to fix everything in advance.

As many have already understood, the yellow earth Dog prefers people who are sincere, open and hardworking. This also applies to your personal life. The patroness of 2018 is not too fond of contemplators, and therefore Rats will need to constantly make efforts to establish a love connection. And whatever the obstacle to happiness, you will need to eliminate it yourself, while proving that you value your loved one.

What awaits the Rats in finance?

The coming twelve months promise to be ambiguous for Rats in terms of finances and professional activities. They cannot be called either unprofitable or mega-successful. The astrologers' forecast does not promise billions for Rats. But significant losses, due to which they will have to go into debt, are also not predicted.

The main rule that the Rat must follow is: do not give in to the temptation to get something “for free”. Having disobeyed the instructions of the mistress of 2018, those born in the year of the Rat risk being left with headaches and numerous money problems. Astrologers remind that the yellow Dog, which takes over the reins of power from the fiery Rooster in the 18th year, sympathizes with hardworking people. Therefore immediately after New Year's Eve will have to tune in pretty fast pace life.

For active and positive representatives of the Rat symbol, the earthen Dog prophesies moderate prosperity and decent rewards for the efforts made and time spent. Having done their work conscientiously, they can fully count on encouragement. This can be not only a material increase, but also a certificate of honor or advancement up the career ladder.

However, striving for possible rewards, you should not seize the initiative from others and run, as they say, “ahead of the locomotive.” Astrologers, making their forecast for 2018 for the Rat, advise her to rationally measure her capabilities and strengths and not strive to embrace the immensity.

Those Rats who own their own business should pay more attention to detail. Especially when drawing up and signing contracts. Men and women who are employed as employees will likely have to change jobs. Rats are creatures that cannot be trained. Therefore, their leaders should not expect them to be meek about ignoring their requests.

Most likely, the new job will be less highly paid. But this is only at the beginning. Rats who feel comfortable in their new place of work will have a chance to self-actualize and become successful and financially independent.

As for reputation, as stated eastern horoscope for 2018, the Rat need not fear for her. Competitors and envious people will not be able to harm her, because next year she will be completely under the protection of a benevolent Dog.

Well-being and health status of the Rats

In terms of health, a very favorable situation will develop for Rats. Astrologers foretell predominantly stable and good health for the representatives of this eastern symbol.

The horoscope considers the key to excellent health for 2018 physical activity. Therefore, the more active and proactive the Rats are throughout the entire twelve months, the better they will feel.

Considering that the Dog does not accept alcohol and harmful products, representatives of the Rat symbol will have to try to reduce their use. Believe me, the Dog wishes you only the best, and if you decide on such serious restrictions, rest assured, he will definitely reward you.

For those suffering from chronic diseases, 2018 will be the most favorable year to eliminate pathologies, their causes and consequences. And self-hypnosis will not help here - only the tactics of decisive action and turning to specialists will be effective.

All people, without exception, who were born in the year of the Rat, need to recuperate in the next twelve months. To do this, it would not hurt them to visit a sanatorium, sign up for fitness classes or other sports, and go to the pool or yoga more often.

The generous Dog also advises you to adjust your diet by saturating it with fortified foods. Only with an integrated approach can the Rat feel the joy of life. The horoscope for 2018, summing up the results, reports a favorable end to the year for all Rats. Author: Elena Suvorova

Year of birth: 1924,1936,1948,1960,1972,1984,1996, 2008, 2020

What awaits the Rat in 2017?

You see everything around you as if through a veil, but it will soon subside, and the world will regain clarity for you. However, do not make hasty decisions. If you want to succeed, do not neglect the advice of your superiors, think about them; everything will change soon. Don't be discouraged. New plans, new prospects are already emerging.

At the same time, your abilities will allow you not only to work fruitfully, but also to have fun. In the spring you can meet your potential partners or those who will support you in further work. In addition, this is a period of generosity that is unusual for you - grandiose gifts await children and parents.

In the summer you will have to take important decision, on which your further fate. Perhaps this will be a job offer abroad or a marriage proposal. Also this summer it is likely that the family will be replenished. In the fall, it is worth showing self-control and complete control in relations with competitors. However, your natural caution will not allow you to commit reckless offenses. Conclude a deal only if you are completely confident in its outcome. The year of the red Fire Monkey promises you success in any endeavor.

Rat Love in 2017 Rooster

The Rat's personal life will be full of conflicts and misunderstandings. If you don’t finally quarrel with your partner this year and can save good relationship, then next year fate will give you a more harmonious period. Relieve tension at gatherings with friends, ask them for advice or simply talk about your problems.

Career of the Rat in the Year of the Rooster 2017

This year it is worth eliminating all financial risks, even when they come, at first glance, very great deals from strangers. You should be especially wary if you are asked to make an urgent decision. People in creative professions will be able to make good money this year.

Health of the Rat in the Year of the Rooster 2017

The influence of the Fire Rooster can bring many experiences to the Rat. Therefore, you should seriously engage in improving your health and special attention on chronic diseases, which may worsen this year. Treatment with herbs and meditative practices that calm the nervous system will be especially effective.


It is better for you not to change anything in your lifestyle. New implementations can completely unexpectedly undo all your work and achievements. But applying a repeatedly proven strategy to develop your business will bring tangible progress. Perhaps very influential people will become your clients or partners. Pay special attention to planning your affairs, carefully control the smallest tasks, and then it will be easier for you to endure all the unforeseen turns of fate that the gambling Rooster is preparing.

CELEBRITIES BORN IN THE YEAR OF THE RAT: Louis Armstrong, Shirley Bassey, Marlon Brando, Clark Gable, Hugh Grant, Sean Penn, Burt Reynolds, Donna Summer

Zodiac Stone: Pomegranate

Totem plant: Orchid

Best time: from 23 to 1 am

Season: Winter

Favorable colors: black, white, purple

Lucky numbers: 1,4,5,10,11,14,41,45,51,54

The equivalent in Western astrology is:

The Bully Rooster is not too fond of the cautious and cunning Rat. 2017 will be a busy period for this sign, when maximum patience and dedication will be required from Rats. You can’t even count on the smile of fortune - only perseverance and hard work will help you achieve the planned results. The Rooster will demand increased loyalty to others - he insists on leniency towards the weaknesses of other people, while at the same time expecting increased severity from the Rat towards himself.

  • Years of the Rat: 1912, 1924, 1936, 1948, 1960, 1972, 1984, 1996, 2008, 2020.
  • Personal qualities: ability to adapt, sharp mind, complacency, loyalty, thriftiness, prudence, sociability.
  • Best professions: leader, researcher, notary, novelist, musician, archivist, lawyer, judge.

Forecast for the Rat for 2017 Rooster

If you are not ready for internal transformations, there is a risk of problems in relationships with your significant other and relatives. Throughout 2017, the Rat must keep himself within limits, without screaming - only complete self-control will help you. If panic and aggression bypass you, you will be able to preserve past achievements and lay a solid foundation for victories in the future. The Rooster is a well-known lover of everything new, so 2017 will not be without changes for the Rats.

In 2017, Rats should not be cunning and deceive - retribution will overtake them!

Be prepared for any changes at work and in your personal life, and also remember to take preventive measures to preserve everything you gained last year. Constant internal tension will not allow you to rest, so by the end of 2017, a sharp decrease in the energy potential of representatives of this sign is possible. Remember the need to keep your body in good shape and your immune system in working order.

Do not disdain any methods - go in for sports, use auto-training, use folk remedies, and if any alarm bells ring, immediately run to the doctor. The Year of the Fire Rooster will be good for thinking about plans for the future - take a look at your life, evaluate what you are missing, and begin to develop a strategy for further achievements. The symbol of 2017 will fill your head with bright thoughts.

Love and relationships

The Rooster, apparently, decided to fill the Rat up to his neck with business, leaving not a minute for his personal life. The main danger There will be a growing feeling of alienation in your partner - topics for conversation will begin to dry up, and in the evenings the Rat will want to relax at home, and not go to the movies and restaurants. Try to hear your partner's wishes and express yourself love front, otherwise the second half of 2017 threatens with serious conflicts.

There is a possibility of separation due to lingering grievances. No matter how you like it have a relaxing holiday, try to bring fresh notes into your relationship. The conflict must be resolved immediately, without putting it off for a long time - the strategy of an ostrich that hides its head in the sand is not the best way out for 2017. It’s better to immediately talk about your worries and concerns.

Be more attentive to your loved one, otherwise he will move away

Remember - your partner will hear your requests and help you calmly immerse yourself in the work rhythm, providing support. Rats who have not yet found their soul mate can count on promising acquaintances. The main thing is to find time and energy for them further development. On weekends, feel free to turn off your work phone and go on dates and parties so as not to miss your chance for a long-term and happy relationship.

Family relationships will please Rats with stability - relatives will always come to the rescue and will not leave you without care. Your father’s house will become a kind of fortress, behind whose walls the Rat will not be disturbed by anxiety and sadness. Find time to visit relatives living away from you - their wise advice will be invaluable in a difficult situation.


The health sector will be secondary for the Rat in 2017. But not because diseases will leave representatives of this sign alone. The fast pace of life will lead to the Rat choosing a strategy of ignoring the body’s signals. Remember that such a frivolous attitude towards yourself can play a cruel joke closer to the middle of the year. Get tested on time and contact the appropriate specialists - then you can avoid the development of chronic ailments in the autumn.

In the New Year, you should be thoroughly examined by a doctor.

Of particular concern is the condition nervous system– overwork at work can seriously undermine your body’s reserves. Take preventive measures regularly, do not forget about the benefits of herbal remedies and relaxing baths with lavender, mint or pine oils. Set aside an hour every day for walking. If you walk a couple of stops on the way home, your head will be cleared of work worries, and your sleep will become stronger and healthier.

In the summer, try to take at least a short vacation to give yourself a break and gain new strength before the finishing dash at the end of the year. The Fire Rooster recommends that Rats find the strength to refuse bad habits and go in for sports - by the end of this busy year your body will be grateful to you. The Rat will not be able to handle too dynamic loads in 2017, so astrologers recommend signing up for a swimming pool or yoga class.

Work and career

The Rooster, who does not really like the Rat, advises representatives of this sign not to get into trouble. If you see that the situation is becoming critical, just sit in your hole until the storm subsides. Napoleonic plans you will not be able to achieve this in 2017, so carry out your work duties systematically and responsibly. You just need to support good opinion management and employees.

Avoid conflict situations- for you they can turn into serious troubles. If intrigues are brewing in a team around your person, it is better not to react to them - over time, the problem will solve itself. Instead, spend time building connections with colleagues. The Rooster recommends resolving all long-standing disputes and not being cunning under any circumstances - the simple-minded symbol of 2017 will seriously punish cunning people and hypocrites.

Refrain from conflicts at work - they are not worth it

By the way, new season will be a good time to exercise your analytical skills - take time to study your strengths and weaknesses professional qualities, improve your knowledge level foreign language, complete several relevant trainings. Your efforts will not be in vain - next year you will ride on horseback.

Careerists must remember: you shouldn’t go over other people’s heads to achieve your intended heights. Remember that every person you offend can be useful in the future. Feel free to take on the most responsible and difficult work - your bosses will appreciate your efforts. But stars do not recommend changing their place of work in 2017; the risk of finding themselves in unfavorable conditions for a career start is too high.


The financial sector will be characterized by ambiguity. On the one hand, the Rooster promises the Rat bonuses and opportunities for good earnings, but on the other, your expenses will unexpectedly increase. The thrifty Rat must give up his favorite hoarding strategy - yours financial assistance Your family will most likely need it.

In 2017, you may need all the money you have saved up!

The Fire Rooster has a negative attitude towards adventurous investments and financial risks - do not give in to persuasion to invest in a new business. You will simply lose everything you have worked so hard to earn. Try to refuse those who want to borrow money, and if they have already given it, then forget about the loan for a couple of years - you won’t have to count on a return in the near future.

As soon as the Red Fire Rooster comes into its own in 2017 and takes its throne, all those born under the eastern Chinese sign The Rat will experience some kind of excitement that will come out of nowhere. And all because a real carousel of events awaits them ahead, which will fill their lives to the last millimeter with bright, unforgettable and fateful events. This excitement is an anticipation of something large-scale, a sharp turn, global change. It does not carry any negativity.

The life of the Rat will change significantly, and the degree of change will depend on the results achieved in past periods. That is, the more the Rat worked and gave all his best before the onset of 2017, the easier it will be for her to overcome difficult path to success now. If she did nothing of the sort, did not prepare the ground for future achievements, and was simply content with little, then no significant and dramatic changes in her life would occur during this period.

The stars do not advise the Rat to rush things and rush towards his dream. She should show caution, confidence, common sense, pragmatism and strengthen her previously achieved positions. And the owner of 2017, the Fire Rooster, will take care of new opportunities and prospects. Therefore, try to do only what depends on you, without in any way encroaching on what is not in your power.

The Rat should be tolerant towards the people around it, as well as towards itself, since it is often in its own unsuccessful attempts blames himself, and accordingly loses all desire and desire to try to do it again. Thus, there is a risk that the self-esteem and self-respect of representatives of this sign of the eastern zodiac system will begin to rapidly fall. It is also worth remembering that work is work, and rest is on a schedule. You cannot allow your business to take away your rightful time for rest. In the end, you need to somehow restore strength and spent energy! If the Rat pushes itself like a draft horse, then its desire and perseverance will not be enough for long. Learn to organize your leisure time correctly and profitably.

In a team, the Rat should be more restrained and try not to talk about his ideas, thoughts, and opinions. You need to understand that not everyone will understand you, and some will even judge you, so you need to carefully and meticulously choose your interlocutors for intimate and heart-warming conversations. It is important for representatives of this sign to be reasonable, thoughtful and control their feelings and emotional impulses. If Rats do not eventually learn to monitor their thoughts and especially their speech, this can have a very negative impact on relationships with colleagues, friends and even family members. Only prudence, condescension and the ability to control oneself will lead to the fact that Rats will have many loyal friends, friendly and always ready to help colleagues, and mutual understanding and harmony will reign in the family.

The Rooster promises the Rat a very fruitful period, which will change its worldview and radically change its attitude towards life. And the main secret of her success is that the Rat knows how to find balance in life. Every aspect of her life is given due attention and plays a paramount role. Representatives of this sign understand that if you lose sight of at least something, then even the most successful side of life will not bring the proper pleasure and feeling of happiness. Therefore, they try to rationally distribute their strength and resources in order to manage to control their entire life.

Under the retrograde influence of Mars, Rats will plunge into a whirlwind of passions and emotions that will fill their heart and soul throughout the entire period. In some situations, Rats may lose control of themselves, so they will have to learn to curb their ego in right moment and in the right place. Animal instinct should not control a person. It is he who must control all the processes occurring in his body. Rats should realize that spiritual values ​​are much more important and much more expensive than carnal pleasures. Be chaste.

In 2017, the Rat will have a lot of work to do on himself. If she wants to improve the quality of her life, fill it with meaning, grow as a person, she should start changing her life from herself. This best time to eradicate harmful and acquire good habits, as well as for sports. It is only important to choose a sport that invigorates, relieves stress, relaxes and truly enjoys. If you choose simply by popularity, there are big risk that no benefit will come from this, and soon you will abandon this whole matter. At the slightest symptoms and signs of disease, you should consult a specialist to avoid the occurrence of chronic diseases.

In the profession, representatives of this sign will make a big leap and achieve amazing results. The Rooster is very generous with those who like to work, and the Rat will work tirelessly, for which he will be generously rewarded with good luck and excellent prospects. The decisive moment in career growth will be unsurpassed results of any project or business task you have completed. The only obstacle to success and professional growth can be conflicts in the team, so try your best to avoid them.

This 2017, Rats will be more careful with money, for which they will be duly rewarded. Their savings will begin to grow sharply, increasing the family budget and expanding financial opportunities. The stars warn and strongly recommend not to get into large debts during this period, especially to banks.

The coming year will be very fruitful for representatives of this sign, and fruitfulness is not a guarantee of stability.

Unfortunately, the lack of level ground underfoot will accompany the Rat throughout the year.

But this does not mean that 2017 will be a year of complete disappointment.

Brief characteristics of the Rat sign

Everyone loves representatives of the Rat sign, because they are very interesting and good people. In addition, they have the following qualities:

  • Intelligence.
  • Mercy.
  • Philanthropy.
  • Resourcefulness.
  • Friendliness.

Yes, rats are great intellectuals. Among them are many people who devoted their lives to science.

But at the same time, like everyone else, Rats have their drawbacks. These are very greedy and vindictive people. The Rat never forgets insults and does not give up attempts to take revenge. The feeling of retribution is extremely important to them.

Sometimes, representatives of this sign show cowardice. Also, these are very cunning and selfish people, looking for profit in almost everything.

Many people dislike Rats because of their tendency to spread rumors and gossip. These are the real intriguers. In addition, these are very gambling people, so they often get into trouble.

A rat may act this way due to boredom and lack of emotion. This does not characterize them as bad people, it’s just that gossip is their peculiar way of not falling into depression.

If the Rat is not offended, it will be very loyal and gentle. The Rat Man will never offend someone who loves him.

What awaits the Rat in the Year of the Rooster 2017

2017 for representatives of the Rat sign is a great time to reduce their activity and just go with the flow.

This year, as mentioned above, will not bring stability, and your actions and attempts to influence the situation will only get worse. Therefore, you just need to hide for a while, waiting for stable times.

Another important advice The advice that astrologers give to Rats is silence. Remember the old saying: “Silence is golden”? So this is for you.

Moderate your communication talents and devote time to relaxation and solitude. The Fire Rooster will certainly condemn you if you decide to gossip and spread rumors about anything. This is especially true for people you don't know. If you find out that you have new neighbors, do not rush to run to them and complain about your common neighbor who sings songs in the morning. This will bring you a lot of trouble next year.

Therefore, 2017 is a great time for the Rat to get rid of this habit.

This year, all conditions have been created for you to be alone with your loved ones. Try to spend more time with your family and meet with friends more often. Remember that you are surrounded by faithful and loving people. Therefore, if the day before you had a quarrel with someone, then be sure to take the first step towards reconciliation. Don't forget that your loved ones often need your help and seek your support. Try to get as close as possible to them this year, and then the Fire Rooster will bring you a lot of luck and spiritual harmony.

There is one more important recommendation for Rats - in 2017 you must complete all the things you start. In an unstable year, it is very important to create stability at least at the micro level. Always strive to win, even when preparing dinner for your family. The Rooster will appreciate your efforts and reward you to the fullest!

Rats, due to their craving for easy money, face the risk of complete failure and collapse. If you come across new, previously unknown to you, financial schemes, do not rush to confuse yourself in these networks. Next year, the likelihood of deception for Rats is very high, therefore, be vigilant and do not let yourself be deceived. Don't forget that you have close people who you can always ask for advice.

What can Rat men expect in 2017?

Rat men are much more calculating than Rat women. In the year of the Rooster, prudence can play a cruel joke on them.

However, you can quite realistically hit the money jackpot by first weighing everything and making the right decision.

Astrologers recommend that male Rats approach money issues as rationally as possible. Yes, the probability that you will be lucky is high, but do not forget that there is always a risk of failure. Therefore, before agreeing to change jobs, think a hundred times whether you need it.

Rats will not have to wait for stability, which means that throughout the year their mood will often deteriorate due to excessive nervousness. Therefore, learn to relax. Start meditating or reading fiction before bed.

The year will be very favorable for those Rats who want to invest their financial resources in own business. In this case, the instability of the year is explained by monetary growth, accompanied by joy and jubilation.

The Year of the Fire Rooster for male rats can be both a huge long-awaited victory and a complete failure. It all depends on you.

What to expect for Rat women in 2017?

The year of the fiery Rooster will not bring any hardships to female Rats, and, moreover, they do not need to be afraid of grief. Rats are characterized by fear over all sorts of trifles, and even more so in female Rats. In fact, 2017 will be very eventful with pleasant and interesting events. There is no need to expect trickery and betrayal from people.

There is good news for working representatives of this sign - you can count on a promotion or a large increase in salary.

The Year of the Fire Rooster gives to the Rat ladies financial well-being. But don't forget about the risks that can bring you a lot of trouble. Astrologers strongly discourage you from investing money in any projects that you are encountering for the first time. It is better to entrust financial investments to men in 2017.

Another important piece of advice from astrologers: no gossip! Especially at work. Otherwise, you may be in danger of being fired or you will make enemies for yourself.