Financial assistance for business. State, banks, investors – what to choose? Government assistance to small businesses

The number of starting businessmen is steadily increasing every year. An increase in their number has a positive effect on the economic performance of the country as a whole and satisfies the ever-growing needs of the population.

Financial support from the state contributes to the emergence of new small and medium-sized businesses. The authorities of a particular region are trying to introduce ways of assistance: various benefits, subsidies, as well as material payments. How to get such support? Let's figure it out.

Which entrepreneurs can count on help from the state?

The state mainly provides financial support to small and medium-sized business owners. To find out if your company falls into this category, you should pay attention to the number of employees and annual turnover. The following types of enterprises can count on money from the state:

  • starting business(up to 15 people on staff with an annual turnover of up to 120 million rubles);
  • small business(up to 100 people on staff with an annual turnover of up to 800 million rubles);
  • medium business(up to 250 people on staff with an annual turnover of up to 2 billion rubles).

To receive assistance, companies must meet the following requirements:

  • duration of existence from the moment of opening - no more than 2 years;
  • the company is registered with the tax service;
  • SME is not a tax debtor.

Important: the chances of funding are much higher for businessmen who have social benefits and also own a social or export-oriented business.

Remember that the state provides support to entrepreneurs whose areas of activity are among their priorities. To apply for gratuitous assistance, a businessman must work in one of the following areas:

  • Manufacturing of consumer goods.
  • Popular trends in folk art.
  • Offers of rural and ecological tourism.
  • Housing and communal services.
  • Agro-industrial department.
  • The field of science and technology, as well as innovation activities.

How to get help from the state for the development of small businesses in 2019?

The main advantage of receiving such a subsidy is that it is free of charge and does not need to be repaid after a certain time. The state benefits from this, since economic map a new small enterprise appears, providing jobs to citizens, and competition with existing companies increases, which helps improve quality and stabilize prices.

But along with concluding a subsidy agreement, the entrepreneur agrees to fulfill some obligations. The main one is to provide detailed reporting.

Within 3 months from the date of receipt financial resources The businessman is required by the state to submit a report with documents on the use of the subsidy to the Employment Center. As confirmation, sales or fiscal receipts, receipts, paid payment orders and other documents can be provided. The financial report must be consistent with the paragraph of the business plan that indicates the purpose of obtaining capital.

Important: if a business operator cannot provide confirmation, he is obliged to return the subsidy funds to the state in full.

Also, the terms of the drawn up agreement stipulate that the activities of the financed small enterprise must last at least one year from the time of opening. This eliminates the possibility of cooperation with fly-by-night companies.

Help can be obtained from many authorities and organizations that have the necessary powers. Here are some of them:

  • City administration. Department economic development provides information on types of financial support for small businesses.
  • Chamber of Commerce and Industry. This institution provides assistance in consultations on business, marketing, legal law, it helps to take part in exhibitions.
  • Entrepreneurship Support Fund. Based on the results of the mandatory assessment of the submitted project, the organization allocates funds for the activities of the small enterprise.
  • Business incubator. This organization deals with infrastructural support for the ideas of entrepreneurs at all stages of development, starting from the moment of opening.
  • Venture fund. Focuses mainly on innovative projects and subsequently invests money in their activities.
  • Employment Center.

Interesting: if your business project is socially or economically beneficial for the state, you can receive not only money for its implementation, but also free training, the right to take part in exhibitions, etc.

After contacting the above authorities, you will receive a list necessary documents. Here are the papers included in this list:

  1. Passport and TIN of the entrepreneur.
  2. Insurance certificate (SNILS).
  3. Certificate from accounting department last place official employment, which contains information about salary three months before completion of work.
  4. Document confirming the availability of education.
  5. Application from a program participant to receive financial support from the state (using a specially approved form).
  6. Ready business plan.

Money from the Employment Center

The most common way to get help among entrepreneurs is to contact the Employment Center. How is this procedure done?

The first step is to register with the Employment Center and obtain unemployed status. This is a prerequisite, since the state allocation of funds is only available to those entrepreneurs who are registered as unemployed citizens. To do this, you need to have the following documents with you:

  • passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation;
  • work book;
  • document on marital status;
  • document on education.

Then you need to draw up a business plan With detailed description project, targeted distribution of funds and indication of its payback period. The third step is registering the business as an individual entrepreneur.

The regional commission reviews the package of documents within 60 days. If a positive decision is made, an agreement will be concluded between the applicant and the Employment Center, and the funds will be transferred to the recipient’s account. The commission may decide to reimburse only certain expenses, such as registering and opening a small business. If the applicant receives a denial notice, he can try again.

Grants for new businessmen

This type of allocation of funds from the state involves assistance to beginning businessmen to open a business and to those who have been engaged in entrepreneurial activity for no more than two years. The following organizations have the authority to distribute grants:

  • Department of Economic Development.
  • Funds to support small and medium-sized businesses.
  • Unions created by entrepreneurs.

A prerequisite for receiving a grant is the activity of a small enterprise in one of the priority sectors indicated above.

According to state legislation companies that produce wine and vodka products do not receive payments, tobacco products, luxury goods, work in real estate or are involved in gaming activities.

Remember that the allocated money is used to cover 30 to 50% of the total cost of the project. A businessman should look for the remaining finances for business development on his own. Don't be afraid of investment, it can be.

The entrepreneur must provide the following documents:

  • Documents confirming the absence of other sources of financial support.
  • Certificate of registration of individual entrepreneur or LLC and business plan.
  • Bank statement about the amount of your own finances.
  • Certificate of positive credit history.

The Industry Commission then decides on the provision of funds. The maximum amount of a cash grant is 500 thousand rubles (in Moscow and the region - up to 5 million rubles).

The state's priority is the unemployed, young entrepreneurs, former military personnel, families with young children, etc.

Subsidy program

State plans to subsidize small businesses are implemented at different administrative levels. Therefore, they can be systematized according to the scale and amount of funds allocated:

  1. Federal programs. They are sold nationwide and are also characterized a large number allocated money for financial support for the opening and development of SMEs. Distinctive feature is also the fact that such programs work mainly with large-scale business projects whose owners are already conducting commercial activities.
  2. Regional programs. They work in the territories of administrative regions and manage the regional or district budget. The purpose of such programs is to develop the infrastructure of an entire region.
  3. Local programs. The scale of implementation is working with city or regional entrepreneurs. Subsidies are limited to small amounts of funding.

The size of the assistance received, the form of its provision, as well as the list of necessary documents for completing the application depend on the features of the state program. The larger the scale of the program, the higher the competition and the more stringent the selection rules. A small business owner should take this into account.

Preferential lending

Categories of small and medium-sized commercial entrepreneurs who are not able to receive financial support from the state can apply for preferential loans. Many banks provide such loans on simplified terms. As indicated, the likelihood of opening a loan with a favorable interest rate is higher for those who are engaged in activities that are a priority for the state.

Advice: If you have any questions regarding assistance, you can contact banking institutions or credit communities directly, as they also have lending programs for beginning businessmen.

The applicant receives a loan as a one-time loan cash payment for an amount from 50 million to 1 billion rubles. After signing the contract, the preferential program is valid for 3 years. Investments and investment in the project are also a prerequisite own funds businessman. Their number is determined as follows:

  • 20% if the loan amount is more than 500 million rubles or if repayment of the loan is planned from future income expected after the start of the business project.
  • There are no restrictions if funds are allocated for other investment plans.

Interest rate for use varies depending on the format of the enterprise. This is 10% per annum for medium-sized enterprises and 11-11.8% for small ones.

What can you use money from the state for?

As mentioned above, the subsidizing process is the free issuance of funds that facilitate the opening and favorable development of a business. Concessional lending and other assistance programs also have simplified terms and reduced interest rates. At the same time, the use of financial support from the state is accompanied by documentary reports to confirm the intended purpose. The allocated money can be spent on the following:

  • Payment for rent of a place or plot of land (no more than 20% of the principal amount is allocated to cover these expenses).
  • Replenishment of working capital.
  • Workplace equipment.
  • Purchase of equipment for production (purchased machines cannot be sold or exchanged for three years).
  • Purchase of consumables (the same rules apply - no more than 20% of funds received).
  • Work related to repairs and opening.
  • Intangible assets.

The entrepreneur draws up an annual report, which indicates what exactly the subsidy income received was spent on. It is also necessary to submit certificates and receipts to the control authorities.

Intangible options for supporting small businesses

Nowadays, the state is ready to help beginning businessmen of small and medium-sized enterprises not only by increasing their capital. There are several other forms of support:

  1. Opportunity free training . Why do many entrepreneurs, when faced with problems, leave business in the first years of activity? They simply do not have the necessary knowledge about running their business. Such educational skills (for example, how to lead) help in development, but are expensive, so not everyone can get them. The state provides starting businessmen with the opportunity to study courses for free, as well as attend various seminars and lectures. The applicant is obliged to submit the relevant documents to the necessary authorities: paid bills, certificates of completion of training or concluded contracts. The payment will cover half of the expenses, but in an amount not exceeding 40 thousand rubles per year.
  2. Reduced rent. Another support option is discounts on the cost of renting premises where offices or production are located. Remember that you can only get such a discount if the building is municipal property and the lease agreement is concluded for a period of more than 5 years. Every year the preferential rate increases (from 40 to 80% of the rent), and for the subsequent period the entrepreneur pays the full rate. A prerequisite is competitive selection to identify a worthy candidate. The winner receives additional assistance to pay for communications.
  3. Compensation for participation in exhibitions. To popularize and further development Small business owners can take advantage of subsidies to participate in national or international exhibitions. Based on the selection results, the state can help pay the costs of registration, renting a place, transporting exhibits, accommodation, organization and translation services. If the state aid amount does not exceed 150 thousand per year, you can pay up to half of the costs. Mandatory conditions for receiving compensation for a small business: an application, an agreement with the organizers and a report on the work performed.

Let's sum it up

The advantage of financial support programs is the ability to increase the capital of small companies. Since the state is interested in the development of small enterprises, the likelihood of receiving financial assistance is constantly growing. This is a good chance to start.

On the other hand, concluding an agreement with the relevant government agencies obliges entrepreneurs to submit detailed reports and monitor the intended use of funds. Therefore, every businessman should study the features of existing support programs and the requirements for them. Then he will be able to make the most of the assistance and fulfill his obligations.

So, an idea has come to your mind that you are sure is useful for society and will appeal to consumers. You think it can bring you income. After careful planning, you need to have the financial base to help bring your idea to life. Let's figure out what this financial base could be.

1. Personal funds

This method can undoubtedly be called the most reliable, since it does not require any loans from banks, which in times of crisis can only harm your company. Negative side this method is that the company's development will likely take longer. But, as they say, if you rush, you will make people laugh, so perhaps in your case you should not rush.

“We started with small own savings and very small borrowed funds, also personal, so we developed slowly due to limited financial capabilities,” Natalya Storozheva shares her experience, general manager Center for Business and Career Development "Perspective", teacher at the Russian School of Management. - In the first year of the company’s existence, we had only three employees, in the fourth year - four. And only in the fourth or fifth year we began to recruit a team, because we were able to use the money we earned for development. Fortunately, they did not take out any loans, which may have saved the company during the crisis years of 2008 and 2015. Currently, Perspektiva has a small team of 12 people, and it cannot be said that the company is developing quickly, but it is stable and progressive.”

Ilya Balakhnin, CEO and managing partner of Paper Planes Consulting, agrees with Natalya Storozheva: “If a business doesn’t have enough own funds at the start, don’t start at all. This means that it is not realistic or calculated incorrectly. Rely on your own and only your own strengths and do not try to catch an investor by the tail.”

Alexander Trifonov, co-owner of the legal service, made his first money with his team from recommendations from lawyers. “At first we tried it, it brought benefits, and then, when we found out that clients were willing to pay, we began to take money and reinvested it in the business - we spent it on channels for attracting new clients, on IT infrastructure and on promotion to the target audience.”

2. Investor money

The next method is more risky than the previous one, and there are a number of reasons for this: searching for an investor takes a lot of time, agreeing on all the conditions takes even more time. You may find the perfect investor who wants too much control over your company. The most difficult thing in this situation is to reach a compromise.

According to Ilya Groshikov, managing partner of the Biplan marketing agency, reaching an investor is the most obvious and effective way raising money for business development. "Of course it is difficult path, which requires a lot of effort and luck. True, if your project is capable of bringing real profit, then you should not worry about the result, he is sure. - We were in a similar situation 7 years ago and put a lot of work into demonstrating our productivity to investors. Successful cases of past projects helped and positive reviews clients. You can find a patron partner who will take your business under his wing, or get a loan from a bank. But it’s worth remembering that in both cases you are putting yourself at great risk.”

Alexey Menn from the Sun Capital fund believes that for an early stage of business, attracting a business angel helps solve some of the problems, especially if this is a person who has not only the opportunity to invest in the project, but also the knowledge necessary to take this project to a new level .

3. Funds

The golden mean is to find a fund and try to win a grant. Be confident in yourself and your idea, choose a suitable fund, prepare a presentation. According to Alexey Menn, if a company has just started its work and uses technology at least a little in its business, then it can seek funding from the IIDF (Internet Initiatives Development Fund). “IIDF provides companies with a little more than 1 million rubles. for a 7% share and allows you to take part in an acceleration program, within which business founders are actively taught (marketing, IT, finance, attracting investments, etc.). IIDF also provides space in coworking spaces, says Menn. - In IIDF, for example, I became acquainted with the ParkApp project, in which I then invested. The founders of ParkApp received funding from IIDF, created a prototype of their product that showed free parking spaces in any city in the world, and only then were able to receive significant funding ($800 thousand) from investors at a later stage.

The Moscow Seed Fund provides small businesses with a loan of 0.5-8 million rubles. for 3 years at 12% per annum. If after three years the company is unable to repay the loan, the debt will be converted into equity.

If we're talking about about an innovative enterprise, it is quite possible to receive a Skolkovo grant from 1 million to 50 million rubles. (There is different types grants), which does not need to be repaid. The venture fund of Promsvyazbank very actively finances projects from real business (although it is not entirely clear why they are called a venture fund, because they do not invest in IT projects). But if you want to open a bakery, a clothing store, a coffee shop or a hair salon, you are welcome there.”

Alexander Trifonov does not advise taking bank loans for a business that does not exist, or for an idea. Funds and angel investors are suitable for this, he is sure. “For example, for projects one way or another related to IT, it is very interesting conditions is offered by the Internet Initiatives Development Fund, but even here, we would recommend first going through the correspondence accelerator and only then going to the full-time accelerator.”

4. Crowdfunding and crowdinvesting

Crowd funding is another option for raising money. It is especially suitable for creative projects in the field of music, literature, as well as projects in the media field. At least they occupy the main share of the Russian crowdfunding sector.

According to Alexey Menna, crowdfunding platforms in some cases help to quickly raise the necessary funds to launch a product on the market. And there are not so few such examples. “Recently, the Russian team of the Nimb project raised $150,000 in just a week to implement their project on Kickstarter,” Menn gives an example. “There are many analogues in Russia, in particular, Boomstarter.”

“The StartTrack crowdinvesting platform will help small businesses attract collective investments from a number of business angels or novice investors, both as debt and as equity financing,” says Alexey Menn. - More than 1,000 investors are registered on the site, who collectively invested over 400 million rubles. to various projects."

5. Regional support for small businesses

Beginning entrepreneurs can count on government grants and property support at the regional level. To find out about all possible support measures and the conditions for its provision, you can use the interactive navigator. For example, beginning farmers Volgograd region can receive financial support in the form of a grant, the maximum amount of which is 1.5 million rubles.

Starting any business requires finance. No matter what area you want to prove yourself in, you will need funds. Even if you come up with a brilliant idea to start a business without investment, you will have to provide for the costs of communication, Internet, travel and self-sufficiency for the period of starting the business. We invite you to consider the most popular options for how to get money for business development.

15 ways to get money for business development

The modern world allows you not to rely solely on yourself in matters of financing interesting project. If you have developed a promising idea and are confident in its future demand in the market, then, with enough effort, you will be able to receive funds for its implementation. There are many ways to finance:

  1. Using your own savings;
  2. Business loan for the start of a project;
  3. Business loan for a developing project;
  4. Loan for personal purposes individual;
  5. Contacting relatives and friends;
  6. Search for an investor;
  7. Cooperation with business angels;
  8. Contacting business incubators;
  9. Contacting business accelerators;
  10. Search for a partner;
  11. Launching a related business;
  12. Start with minimal production volumes;
  13. Receiving government subsidies;
  14. Receiving a competitive grant;
  15. Crowdfunding.

We invite you to consider some of these points in more detail. The review will help you make an informed choice of source of funding for your business.

How to get money for small business development

Entrepreneurs often prefer to use their own funds. When a person risks only his own money, he has no obligations to anyone but himself. This option does not involve any interest, or indeed repayment of the debt. Here the entrepreneur acts at his own peril and risk. However, saving the required amount can be difficult. Someone unexpectedly receives an inheritance and decides to put it to work. And some save every ruble for years to get a chance to prove themselves in business and increase their savings. Often people decide to start one business in order to start another. For example, opening something simple and profitable, and then investing the proceeds in a more complex and interesting business.

Most often, when using only his own funds, a businessman has to methodically save a certain amount month after month. A stable income is required here, that is, salary, pension or other payments. This method of getting money for business development cannot be called quick and simple, but from the point of view of obligations it is the most convenient.

A common way to get money for business development is a bank loan. The easiest way to get it is by providing valuable collateral. Typically, liquid real estate acts in this capacity. Of course, mortgaging your own home is very risky, because if the business fails, you risk ending up on the street. Therefore, experts recommend abandoning such a drastic option. It is advisable to provide a less important object as collateral. The collateral must be chosen so as not to be left on the street if your business turns out to be unprofitable.

It is not recommended to consider an unsecured loan as an option for getting money for business development. The chances of receiving money without collateral are practically zero. This is due to high risks bank when lending to a new business. A very large percentage of projects never become successful, so the bank always runs the risk of being left without money. Therefore, lending to start-up projects is highlighted as a separate banking product.

Loan to an individual or loan for a developing business

As an alternative to a loan for new business You can consider another way to take money to develop a business from scratch. This is a loan to an individual and a loan for a developing business. When working with completed projects brought to the market, banks take much less risk, so the chance of approving a loan application for development is higher than the chance of obtaining a loan for a business start-up. When considering an individual’s application, their income, credit history, ability to attract a guarantor, provide collateral, etc. are taken into account. It is these parameters that will determine the possibility of issuing money and the amount of credit available to a particular client. When deciding on a loan, carefully consider the likelihood of successful repayment. Will the loan and interest on it pay for your business? How will you repay the debt to the bank if the business turns out to be unprofitable?

An equally convenient option is to contact relatives. It is used by many entrepreneurs who are aimed at achieving maximum economic efficiency affairs. This method of receiving money does not involve paying interest, or if interest is provided, it is several times lower than bank rates. If you are looking for how to get money for business development for the long term, then this method is suitable for you. Usually relatives are very loyal to refunds. They can be returned in parts, to convenient time, for many years. True, if certain difficulties arise, relationships with loved ones can seriously deteriorate, but such a debt is still safer than a debt to a bank.

In some situations, it is easier to deal with strangers rather than with loved ones. This often applies to business as well. If you are counting on a purely business approach, then you should seek financial support from investors or business angels. Funding for a business project can be provided by an individual who invests their own funds in it, or by an investment company. Both categories of investors are interested in promising proposals that can bring them income in the future. Investors can work with both new and developing projects. But business angels specialize mainly in start-up projects. They invest money in them, help them reach a profitable level of development, and then stop their support. At the same time, both investors and business angels can have a direct influence on the development of the project. Often investments are made as payment for a share in a new company. Of course, only those projects whose benefits are obvious can count on investment assistance. To demonstrate benefits, a high-quality business plan with objective calculations is required.

A variation of investing can be inviting a partner. The partner invests in the business, receives a share in it, but is not guaranteed any 100% income. That is, in this case, the business owner takes another person’s share and makes him a co-owner of the company, which gives him the right to take part in management. Property and profits are divided between the partners in proportion to the funds they invested. As the business progresses, one partner may buy out the other's share or leave the business.

You can consider not only friends and acquaintances as a partner. You can find like-minded people on specialized sites on the Internet. You can publish your proposals, voicing the terms of the partnership. Having found a person who wants to do the same thing with you and invest his money in it, immediately formalize your relationship.

Some types of business do not require large investments at the start. Roughly speaking, they can be launched without any expenses at all. This option will allow you to quickly “make money” to open the business that you would like to do. It is desirable that the two chosen business areas be adjacent, so that the first business serves not only as a source of funds for the second, but also as a kind of school that will allow one to understand the nuances of the chosen direction.

For example, you dream of becoming the owner of a car manufacturing company. But you don't have the funds to launch such a large t serious business. As a work project, open a company dismantling cars and selling spare parts. By working in this niche, you will not only quickly earn start-up capital for own factory, but you will also develop certain business connections, study the legal, economic intricacies of working with cars, consumer demand and much more.

In general, when planning to start a new business, you need to think through every step, moving from smaller to larger. Almost all large companies are created on the basis of small business. Start by producing single items or working with a couple of clients. Successful experience with a minimum amount of work will give you self-confidence, help you gain a foothold in your chosen niche, and allow you to expand your client circle through word of mouth. By slowly but surely expanding your circle of clients or increasing production volumes, you will have time to cover new expenses with income from previous clients and sales. After some time, your production will reach the required volumes. Even the most attractive idea should not be immediately implemented in large volumes. It’s better to try making a few test copies to make sure it works.

The state strives to support business, as it is the basis of economic stability. In our country, support is provided at three levels:

  • Start-up allowances;
  • Grants to support small and medium-sized businesses;
  • Subsidizing by district authorities.

Most simple technique how to get money for business from the state, - contacting the employment center and trying to get an allowance for opening a business. If work under the program is ongoing in your region, then the entrepreneur needs to register as unemployed. The responsibilities of the employment center include searching and offering you vacancies that are suitable for your specialty or profession. If you accept a job but the employer refuses to hire you, you are eligible to claim subsidies. After this, you need to defend the project’s business plan before the employment center commission. If it is approved, a small amount will be transferred to you, about 50-60 thousand rubles.

Another way to receive money from the state for free is a grant. It can be obtained for an existing business, but the project must be no more than a year old. Projects are selected on a competitive basis.

Third possibility how to get money for business from the state free of charge - this is a subsidy for the development of territories from district administrations. If you are considering this option, you must be prepared to provide your own funds. If there are no funds, then you can provide your services instead. If you are looking for where to get money from the state for a large-scale business, pay attention to this option. Such subsidies can amount to several million rubles. At the same time, the project must involve improvement certain territories belonging to this area. Usually to get cash for business development from the state, they choose to improve park areas through the construction of an entertainment center.

You will need


There are some general frameworks given on federal level. The maximum subsidy ranges from 200 to 400 thousand rubles. You can claim less. And from the moment of registration of an entrepreneur or company, a little time should pass: on average in the country no more than one or two years. In some places, the founder of an enterprise or entrepreneur must have unemployed status before registration (in this case, it makes sense to first register with the employment center, where, by the way, you can get an additional subsidy for your business), somewhere at your own expense to undergo training in the basics of entrepreneurship, somewhere the subsidy is given only for specific goals(for example, the purchase of means of production), somewhere there are restrictions on the areas of activity of applicants, etc.

In general, all the features of regional subsidies should be found out in the business development agency of a particular region. Information about this and other business programs can often be found on the website of the agency itself or the economic development department and (depending on the region there may be variations in this structure, but general meaning is the same everywhere), which the entrepreneurship development agency is. In any case, you need to apply for a subsidy through the agency, they will also tell you all the requirements for participants, documents confirming this or that fact, they will advise you on a plan, and they will help you correct it.

Listen carefully to everything that is told to you during the initial consultation. Write down the most important points, ask the agency specialist for a list of required documents, ask for advice on where and how best to eliminate the gaps that prevent you from applying for a subsidy right now, if any (for example, where is the best place to get training in the basics of entrepreneurship if there is a requirement for candidates). Pay special attention to the recommendations on drawing up a business plan. The prospect of you receiving a subsidy directly depends, first of all, on it. If you have the opportunity to buy a manual for its preparation, do not neglect it.

Having learned everything you need, start collecting the missing documents and drawing up a business plan. When ready, show it to the agency specialist. Such consultations are usually paid, but are inexpensive, and if you successfully receive a subsidy, they pay off with interest. Use this service until the agency specialist has not the slightest comment. Then submit the completed business plan and the entire package of documents to the agency or the department of economic development and trade. The procedure and deadlines for submitting applications for subsidies in a specific region will be explained to you at the agency. After submitting the documents, wait for the decision. And if it is positive - money.

In every region of our country there are programs that provide various subsidies, compensation, benefits and other types of assistance. What forms state support for entrepreneurs exist and how to use them? We will talk about this in our article.

Today, the most popular small business assistance programs are:

  • subsidy for starting a business for the unemployed;
  • business development subsidy for start-up entrepreneurs;
  • guarantee under credit and leasing agreements;
  • compensation for part of the interest on loans;
  • reimbursement of part of the costs under the leasing agreement;
  • issuing loans at reduced rates;
  • reimbursement of expenses for participation in exhibitions and fairs;
  • tax benefits for new and existing entrepreneurs.

Let's consider all these types of government support in more detail.

Subsidy for starting a business for the unemployed

If you are unemployed and want to try your hand at business, a subsidy from the employment center in the amount of 58,800 rubles can help you at first. This type of government assistance is provided to unemployed citizens free of charge. In order to receive a subsidy, you need to contact the employment service at your place of registration, register for unemployment, write and defend a business plan. Some employment centers will additionally require you to undergo a short training in the basics of entrepreneurship and psychological testing.

It is best if your future business has a social orientation and you create one or more jobs. For example, you will start making folk art products. Business ideas related to the production or sale of alcohol, opening a pawnshop, network marketing. After defending your business plan before the commission and if it is approved, you enter into an agreement with the employment center to receive a subsidy. Please note that you should register an individual entrepreneur or LLC only after concluding an agreement. It is necessary to follow this procedure, since the contract is concluded with you as an unemployed person, and not as an entrepreneur or legal entity.

The costs of registration are also reimbursed by the state. Reimbursement is transferred upon receipt, that is, you must pay for registration at your own expense, and then provide payment documents to the employment center.

The subsidy amount may increase if you hire one or more unemployed people who are also registered with this employment center (+58,800 for each hired employee). This program is valid for individual entrepreneurs only.

Within three months of receiving the grant, you must certify that the funds have been spent in accordance with the approved business plan. If your business lasts less than a year, the money will have to be returned to the state.

Subsidy for start-up entrepreneurs

You can get a more significant amount for business development - 300,000 rubles (500,000 rubles for Moscow entrepreneurs). In order for you to be provided with such a subsidy, at least a year must pass from the moment of registration of your individual entrepreneur or LLC. Money is issued after defending a business project, but on co-financing terms, that is, you invest 50-70% of your own funds, and the state compensates for the rest of your costs for business development. The subsidy can be spent on purchasing equipment, equipping workplaces, purchasing raw materials, and paying rent. Another condition for providing a subsidy is that your company does not have debts on taxes and insurance premiums. Non-repayable loans are most often issued to entrepreneurs who carry out socially important activities - engaged in consumer services, work in the field of education, healthcare, etc. You will need to account in detail for the public funds spent. You can find out all the details from local governments or business support funds in your region.

Guarantee for loan and leasing agreements

In almost every region there are guarantee funds that can become guarantors when an entrepreneur applies for a loan or enters into an agreement with a leasing company. Such a guarantee is an additional advantage when obtaining a loan. For the service, the fund will have to pay 1.5-2% of the guarantee amount, which, as a rule, is 30-70% of the loan amount.

How to use the guarantee fund:

  1. Find out the requirements for borrowers on the fund’s website or by phone.
  2. If you meet them, then check which banks are the fund’s partners. Select the bank where you would like to take out a loan.
  3. When contacting the bank, indicate that you would like the guarantee fund to act as your guarantor.
  4. If your loan application is approved by the bank, then together with the bank you need to prepare documents and an application to the guarantee fund.
  5. If the fund's decision is positive, a tripartite guarantee agreement is drawn up.
  6. You receive a loan and pay for the services of the guarantee fund.

The guarantee fund must be located in the same region in which your business is registered.

Compensation for part of interest on loans

If you took out a loan for business development from one of the Russian banks, you can compensate part of the interest on the loan at the expense of the state. The amount of the subsidy depends on the current refinancing rate and the size of the loan. This type of support is valid in almost all regions and applies to most types of activities.

Reimbursement of part of the costs under the leasing agreement

Another popular type of assistance from the state to small businesses is compensation for part of payments under leasing agreements. If you lease production equipment or vehicles, then you have the opportunity to return part of the funds. The maximum amount differs depending on the region: for example, in Moscow it is up to 5 million rubles. You can find out all the details from the small business development department or entrepreneurship support funds in your region.

Issuing loans at reduced rates

In many constituent entities of the Russian Federation, there are microfinance programs for small businesses that enable entrepreneurs to receive loans and short-term loans for preferential terms. As a rule, the loan amount ranges from 10 thousand to 1 million rubles for a period of 1-3 years. The interest rate varies from 8 to 10%. Certain regions provide loans at a lower rate of 5% to entrepreneurs who work in the manufacturing or agricultural sector, provide household services, that is, engage in socially significant activities. In some cases you can get more a large sum- up to 5 million for a longer period - up to 5 years.

To obtain a loan, contact the entrepreneurship support fund in your region. There you will be told what requirements the borrower must meet, what documents and possibly collateral are required to obtain a loan. Based on the documents provided and the collateral, the fund’s specialists will make a decision on issuing or refusing to issue a loan.

Reimbursement of expenses for participation in exhibitions and fairs

This type of state support for small businesses will allow you to reduce the costs of participating in exhibitions and fairs, that is, take advantage of the opportunity to present your product to a wide audience, find clients and partners, and exchange experiences. The state can pay two-thirds of your participation in such events - rental and delivery of equipment, registration fee. Travel, accommodation and food costs are not reimbursed. The subsidy is provided once during the current financial year. The subsidy amount is from 25,000 to 300,000 rubles, depending on the region.

Tax benefits for new and existing entrepreneurs

From January 1, 2015 to December 31, 2020, regions have the right to set a zero tax rate for first-time registered individual entrepreneurs for 2 years. This applies to imputation and patent entrepreneurs who work in the production, social, household or scientific spheres. For example, in 2016, “tax holidays” are in effect in Bryansk, Voronezh, Kostroma, Kursk, Lipetsk, Moscow, Omsk, Tula and many other regions.

Also, since 2016, as anti-crisis measures to support small businesses, in some regions there have been reduced tax rates for entrepreneurs on the simplified tax system - from 1% and UTII - from 7.5%.

Other forms of government support for small businesses

In all regions of our country, training and advanced training is provided for small businesses, which includes a variety of trainings, seminars, and conferences. For any questions that inevitably arise for both beginners and those who are already leading entrepreneurial activity more than one year, you will be advised by professional accountants, lawyers and other specialists. These services are provided free of charge.

How can I find out about support measures in my city?

You will find a detailed description of support measures in the SME Business Navigator - a free resource for entrepreneurs. Here you can find a database of all state and municipal organizations that provide support to small and medium-sized businesses in your region.

If after reading the article you still have any questions, ask them in the comments.