State support for families message. Families

State educational institution of secondary vocational education of the Republic of Mari El

"Yoshkar-Ola College of Service Technologies"


On the topic: “State support for families in the Russian Federation”


student of group SR-31

Arkhipova A.A.


teacher special Disciplines

Petukhova N.S.

Yoshkar-Ola 2010


Chapter 1. Family problems in Russian society. Legal aspect

1 The concept of family, types and structure (young, large, low-income, elderly...)

2 State policy regarding family in the Russian Federation

3 Legal basis of social work in the family

Conclusion for chapter 1

Chapter 2. Social support measures in Russia

1 The concept of the social program and measures of social support for the family

2 Social support measures for large families

3 Social support measures for a young family

4 Social support measures for low-income families

Conclusion on chapter 2




The family as a social institution has always been the basis on which all the most complex structures of social organization are built. It arose in the late Neolithic era and remains the most stable to this day. social education: 85% of people in the world live in families (mostly nuclear ones - spouses and their children). Adapting to new social conditions, the family changes its form, certain functions, and methods of communication, but the institution of the family itself is invariably preserved.

Today at Russian Federation, according to Article 38 of the Constitution of the Russian Federation, the family is under the protection of the state. Article 16(3) of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights provides that the family, the natural and fundamental unit of society, has the right to protection by society and the state.

A family is created by the parent-child relationship, and marriage turns out to be a legitimate recognition of the relationship between a man and a woman, those forms of cohabitation or sexual partnership that are accompanied by the birth of children.

For a more complete understanding of the essence of the family, one should keep in mind the spatial localization of the family - housing, home, property - and the economic basis of the family - the general family activity of parents and children, going beyond the narrow horizons of everyday life and consumerism.

These are two irreplaceable components, without which the normal existence of a family is impossible in the modern world and which are created not without the help of state support. What problems do families face in Russian society and how they are solved at the state and regional levels we will consider in this work.

IN modern conditions the family is allocated to an independent sphere, independent of the state, which is characterized by the priority of individual private interests and values ​​of family members. It loses the signs of a social and public institution, representing a union of persons not burdened with mutual responsibilities. The state should be interested in the existence of a family that is capable of ensuring national interests and playing a significant role in the development of the state and the formation of civil society.

In this regard, the study in this work of possible forms of interaction between the state and the family in the conditions of modern social reform through the prism of a combination of private and public interests in the mechanism of family legal regulation is of particular relevance.

Chapter 1. Family problems in Russian society. Legal aspect

1.1 The concept of family, types and structure (young, large, low-income, elderly...)

There are many definitions of family, highlighting various aspects of family life as family-forming relationships, ranging from the simplest to the most extensive (for example, a family is a group of people loving friend friend, or a group of people who have common ancestors or live together) and ending with extensive lists of family characteristics. Among the definitions of family, taking into account the criteria of population reproduction and socio-psychological integrity, the definition of family “as a historically specific system of relationships between spouses, between parents and children, as a small group whose members are connected by marriage or kinship relations, a commonality of life and mutual moral responsibility and the social need for which is determined by the need of society for the physical and spiritual reproduction of the population,” given by A.G. Kharchev.

From the perspective of law, family is a constitutional and legal category based on marriage - a legally formalized, voluntary union of a man and a woman, giving rise to mutual personal and property rights and obligations aimed at creating a family, giving birth and raising children (Articles 7, 38 and 72 of the Constitution of the Russian Federation).

That is, it is a small group based on marriage or consanguinity, whose members are connected by a common life, mutual moral responsibility and mutual assistance.

The essence of the constitutional and legal status of the family is a set of legal norms enshrined in the Constitution of the Russian Federation, constitutions (charters), laws of the constituent entities of Russia, international legal acts regulating and protecting public relations regarding the family.

Fundamental provisions regarding the recognition of the family as the natural, primary and fundamental unit of society are contained in the following documents adopted by the UN: Universal Declaration of Human Rights of December 10, 1948; Declaration of the Rights of the Child, November 20, 1959; United Nations Standard Minimum Rules for the Administration of Juvenile Justice, November 29, 1985; Convention on the Rights of the Child of November 20, 1989; International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights of December 16, 1966; International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights of December 16, 1966; World Declaration on the Survival, Protection and Development of Children of September 30, 1990; Declaration of Rights and Freedoms of Man and Citizen of November 22, 1991; United Nations Guidelines for the Prevention of Juvenile Delinquency (Riyadh Guidelines) of 14 December 1990.

The main normative legal act of any branch of legislation, including family legislation, at the level of our state, is the Constitution of the Russian Federation (Article 7 of which states: “in the Russian Federation it is ensured governmental support family, motherhood, fatherhood and childhood").

The key act regulating family relations at present, of course, is the RF IC, which defines the main principles of family law and establishes the basic principles of the legal regulation of family relations. Family Code of the Russian Federation in Art. 2 defines the relations regulated by family law as follows: “Family legislation establishes the conditions and procedure for marriage, termination of marriage and invalidation, regulates personal non-property and property relations between family members: spouses, parents and children (adoptive parents and adopted children), and in cases and within the limits provided for by family law, between other relatives and other persons, and also determines the forms and procedure for placing children left without parental care into the family.”

Very much aimed at strengthening the family a large number of norms of family law. Even the regulation of relations preceding marriage, among other things, has the goal of helping to strengthen the future family (Articles 11 - 15 of the RF IC). When considering a divorce case in the absence of the consent of one of the spouses to dissolve the marriage, the court has the right to take measures to reconcile the spouses and has the right to postpone the proceedings by assigning the spouses a period for reconciliation (clause 2 of Article 22 of the RF IC). Divorce in judicial procedure is carried out if the court determines that further life together of the spouses and the preservation of the family is impossible (Clause 1 of Article 22 of the RF IC). The court cannot recognize a marriage as fictitious if the persons who registered such a marriage actually created a family before the court considered the case (Clause 3 of Article 29 of the RF IC). Parents may be deprived parental rights only in the presence of emergency circumstances specified in the law, and in the manner established by law (Articles 69, 70 of the RF IC), etc. and so on.

The Civil Code of the Russian Federation regulates a number of issues related to family relationships; accordingly, the RF IC has civil law norms. A number of other federal laws that will be presented in this work are also devoted to family issues.

On federal level family relations are regulated not only by legislative acts, but also by decrees of the President of the Russian Federation (for example, Decree of the President of the Russian Federation of June 8, 1996 N 851 “On strengthening social support for single mothers and large families”) and decrees of the Government of the Russian Federation (for example, Government Decree RF dated July 17, 1996 N 829 “On foster family”). It is important that normative acts of the President of the Russian Federation and the Government of the Russian Federation are adopted in cases directly provided for by the commented Code or other federal laws.

Family relations can be regulated by regulations of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation (republics within the Federation, territories, regions, the cities of Moscow and St. Petersburg, autonomous regions, as well as autonomous okrugs). Acts of the subjects of the Federation are also divided into legislative acts of representative bodies state power and other regulatory legal acts adopted within their competence by executive bodies of state power.

Local government bodies have the right to make decisions that affect family relationships, but their competence is significantly limited (for example, Article 13 of the Family Code).

Based on Art. 126 of the Constitution of the Russian Federation, the Supreme Court of the Russian Federation, being the highest judicial body in civil, criminal, administrative cases, jurisdictional courts of general jurisdiction, along with judicial supervision, provides clarifications on issues judicial practice. Such clarifications contribute to the correct and uniform application of the RF IC and other acts of family legislation.

It should be noted that the explanations of the Supreme Courts of the USSR, the RSFSR and the Russian Federation, given before the adoption of the Constitution of the Russian Federation (December 12, 1993) and legislative acts adopted on its basis, are applied to the extent that they do not contradict them.

The norms of other branches of legislation (for example, housing legislation) are also intended to contribute to strengthening the family.

In recent years, many laws have been adopted aimed at protecting the rights of children. However, the main problem is that these laws do not work. Russian legislation on the rights of family, motherhood and childhood does not have the main thing - mechanisms for implementing specific norms (this is what causes their non-implementation). First of all, this concerns ensuring a living wage, free services, healthcare, education, sports, rehabilitation of disabled children, etc.

In order to create conditions for improving the quality of life and health of children, the Government of the Russian Federation approves specific programs, for example, the federal target program "Children of Russia" for 2007 - 2010, which includes the subprograms "Healthy Generation", "Gifted Children", "Children and Family", novelty which, in particular, is focused both on the support and development of children, and on the prevention of family troubles and support for families who find themselves in difficult life situations, primarily families with disabled children; the use of modern technologies and innovations in solving the problems of families with children in general and the problems of children in particular. The system of institutions provided for by the program and providing social services will make it possible to preventively solve many emerging problems and avoid families with children falling into a situation of social risk.

In order to apply certain regulations, it is necessary to determine what type of family this or that family belongs to. In modern statistics, families are divided into types on various grounds - by demographics, by family size, by the number of employed family members, by social and national origin, etc. Typically, the “nucleus” of a family is considered to be a married couple, and all statistical classifications of family composition are based on from adding to the “core” children, relatives, and spouses’ parents. Based on the provisions of the legislation, the following types of families can be distinguished: young, elderly, large, single-parent, foster, foster, low-income, etc.

Let's look at each type in more detail.

A low-income family is a family with an average per capita income below the minimum subsistence level established in a constituent entity of the Russian Federation.

A large family is a family that supports and raises three or more children under the age of 18.

An elderly family is a family whose spouses have reached retirement age.

A foster family is one of the forms of arrangement for raising children left without parental care. Citizens (spouses or individual citizens) who wish to foster a child (children) left without parental care are called adoptive parents; a child (children) transferred to a foster family for upbringing is called a foster child, and such a family is called a foster family.

Adoptive parents in relation to the adopted child (children) have the rights and responsibilities of a guardian (trustee). The total number of children in a foster family, including natural and adopted children, should not exceed, as a rule, 8 people.

A foster family is formed on the basis of an agreement on the transfer of a child (children) to be raised in a family. The guardianship and trusteeship authority issues a certificate of the established form to the adoptive parents.

The guardianship and trusteeship body promotes the creation of foster families, provides foster parents with the necessary assistance and monitors the living conditions and upbringing of the child (children).

The placement of children in a foster family does not entail the emergence of alimony and inheritance legal relations between the adoptive parents and adopted children arising from the legislation of the Russian Federation.

Other types of families can be distinguished for various reasons.

1.2 State policy regarding family in the Russian Federation

The family is a unique social and legal institution. It is in the family that the foundations for the socialization of the individual are laid; Having a family legal status, a person has the right to count on protection from the state.

The strategic, long-term goal of the activity of the social state, the entire system of social protection of the population, is to actually reduce the percentage of poverty and improve the quality of life in those groups of the population that, by virtue of their physical condition and for other objective reasons cannot independently solve problems of personal or family life support.

Achieving this goal is based on two main directions.

The first is to increase the real incomes of the population by organizing the provision of social support measures - payment of subsidies, benefits, compensation, provision of benefits established by law, etc.

One of the conditions for the successful functioning of a family and raising a child, reducing social tension in society is the development of the sphere of social support and social services family and children.

In the Russian Federation, family, motherhood, fatherhood and childhood are protected by society and the state. State family policy is an integral part of the social policy of the Russian Federation and represents an integral system of principles, assessments and measures of an organizational, economic, legal, scientific, informational, propaganda and personnel nature, aimed at improving conditions and improving the quality of life of the family.

The object of state family policy is the family. Today, the predominant type of Russian family is the simple family, consisting of spouses with or without children.

The subjects of state family policy are legislative and executive authorities at all levels, employers, public associations, political parties, trade unions, religious denominations, charitable foundations, foreign organizations, legal entities and individuals.

The goal of state family policy is to ensure that the state necessary conditions for the family to realize its functions and improve the family’s quality of life.

The priority of state family policy measures is determined on the basis of an assessment of the severity and significance of family problems, the degree of their influence on the implementation of the basic functions of the family, taking into account the limited financial and resource capabilities of the state.

Currently, the main directions of state family policy are: providing conditions for overcoming negative trends in stabilizing the financial situation of Russian families, reducing poverty and increasing assistance to disabled family members; provision for employees with children favorable conditions for combination labor activity with family responsibilities; radical improvement in family health; strengthening assistance to families in raising children.

State family policy is based on the provisions that: the family is an enduring value for human life and development; the family plays an important role in the life of society, raising new generations, ensuring social stability and progress; it is necessary to take into account the interests of the family and children, as well as take special measures for their social support during the period of socio-economic transformation of society; the need to determine the ideology, main goal and priority measures of state family policy in modern conditions should be taken into account.

State family policy is an integral part of the social policy of the Russian Federation and represents an integral system of principles, assessments and measures of an organizational, economic, legal, scientific, informational, propaganda and personnel nature, aimed at improving conditions and improving the quality of life of the family.

1.3 Legal basis of social work in the family

Of course, in their work, authorized bodies are guided primarily by the provisions of the Family Code of the Russian Federation.

In the implementation of family policy, an important role is played by local government bodies, which in their activities are guided by the Family Code of the Russian Federation, the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, the Federal Law “On the General Principles of the Organization of Local Self-Government” and other federal laws (in terms of provisions on material security, social protection measures and other legal and social guarantees0, Government Decrees and the Regulations approved by them.

It is impossible not to note social work in the family related to the prevention of neglect and delinquency of minor children and consisting of a set of explanatory, social, repressive, and other measures taken in relation to the minor and the persons obliged to raise and support him, carried out with the aim of preventing the commission of offenses and antisocial actions. Bodies and institutions of the system for the prevention of neglect and delinquency of minors (prosecutors and their subordinates, commissions for the affairs of minors and the protection of their rights, social protection authorities and social workers, etc.) in this case are guided primarily by the Federal Law of June 24, 1999. “On the basics of the system for preventing neglect and juvenile delinquency.”

In general, it must be said that the legal basis for social work in the family is legislation and various acts, decisions, and regulations of bodies authorized in this area are adopted in accordance with it.

Conclusion for chapter 1

Increasing material well-being and improving the quality of life of families with children is one of the priority human rights tasks of the state. Meanwhile, today the state actually limits its participation in creating decent living conditions for such families by paying a purely symbolic monthly allowance for a child, amounting to 5% to 10% of the child’s subsistence level. At least one fourth of Russian families with children are classified as low-income. These include, first of all, those with many children,” the human rights ombudsman notes in his report.

Continuing the consideration of this problem, it should be noted the following: among the poor families, according to generally accepted socio-economic and statistical criteria, there were not only those whose well-being in the past was below the poverty line, but also a huge mass of working people, relatively prosperous until recently, with an average income (according to Russian parameters) layer of the population. 69 percent of young families are below the official subsistence level, and 76.3 percent of large families are among poor families. Unemployment, arrears in wages, child benefits, and low wages that do not correspond to the cost of living have a negative impact on the family. Moreover, if a family has a subsistence minimum, then the possibility of receiving additional social benefits from the state is practically excluded. Reduction social package in enterprises also leads to an increase in the social vulnerability of the working population. The family currently, with the existing type of social protection, is constantly in a state of social risk, since it does not have the conditions for sustainable, reliable development.

Today, the situation of children has become significantly more complicated, and the issue of the rights of families and children is becoming increasingly relevant.

V.V. Putin in his Address to the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation dated May 25, 2005. noted that there is “another national problem: low birth rate. In the country, everything more families having only one child. We need to raise the prestige of motherhood and fatherhood. Create conditions conducive to the birth and upbringing of children." This problem still exists today.

social family support

Chapter 2. Social support measures in Russia

2.1 The concept of the social program and measures of social support for the family

The Federal Law on additional measures of state support for families with children provides for measures to ensure the possibility of improving living conditions, obtaining education, as well as increasing the level of pensions, taking into account the specifics established by this Federal Law (hereinafter referred to as additional measures of state support).

The right to additional measures of state support arises upon the birth (adoption) of a child (children) having citizenship of the Russian Federation for the following citizens of the Russian Federation, regardless of their place of residence:

) women who gave birth (adopted) a third child or subsequent children starting from January 1, 2007, if they had not previously exercised the right to additional measures of state support;

) men who are the sole adoptive parents of a second, third child or subsequent children who have not previously exercised the right to additional measures of state support, if the court decision on adoption entered into legal force starting from January 1, 2007. A document confirming the right to additional measures of state support is a certificate.

Persons specified in the law, personally or their legal representatives, have the right to apply to the territorial body of the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation at their place of residence to receive a certificate at any time after the right to additional measures of state support arises by submitting an application for the issuance of a certificate (hereinafter referred to as the application) in the form according to the application with all necessary documents. Next, the issue of issuing a certificate is decided by the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation. State certificate for maternal (family) capital is a personal document confirming the right to additional measures of state support.

2.2 Social support measures for large families

In order to carry out a targeted and targeted policy to strengthen social support for large families in the conditions of price liberalization, the President of the Russian Federation B. Yeltsin in his decree No. 431 of 1992. decided:

To the governments of the republics within the Russian Federation, executive authorities of territories, regions, autonomous entities, the cities of Moscow and St. Petersburg:

a) identify categories of families that are classified as large and in need of additional social support, taking into account national and cultural characteristics in the socio-economic and demographic development of the region;

b) establish for large families:

a discount of no less than 30 percent of the established fee for the use of heating, water, sewerage, gas and electricity, and for families living in houses that do not have central heating - from the cost of fuel purchased within the limits established for sale to the population in a given territories;

free issuance of medications purchased according to doctor’s prescriptions for children under 6 years of age;

free travel on intracity transport (tram, trolleybus, metro and city buses (except taxis), as well as on suburban and intradistrict buses for students of secondary schools;

admission of children to preschool institutions in the first place;

free meals (breakfasts and lunches) for students of general education and vocational educational institutions at the expense of general education funds and deductions from their production activities and other off-budget contributions;

free provision, in accordance with established standards, of a school uniform or a replacement set of children's clothing for attending school classes, as well as sports uniforms for the entire period of children's education in a comprehensive school at the expense of universal education funds or other extra-budgetary funds (these payments are subject to clause 1 of Art. .217 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation and are not subject to taxation);

one day a month for free admission to museums, cultural and recreational parks, as well as exhibitions;

c) provide the necessary assistance to parents with many children who want to organize peasant (farm) enterprises, small enterprises and other commercial structures, ensure the allocation of land plots for these purposes, and also provide benefits for collecting land tax and rent in the form of full or partial tax exemption for a certain period or reduction of tax rates; provide gratuitous financial assistance or interest-free loans to reimburse expenses for the development of a peasant (farm) economy; provide for complete or partial exemption from payment of registration fees from individuals engaged in entrepreneurial activities;

d) ensure priority allocation of garden plots for large families;

e) promote the provision of preferential loans, subsidies, interest-free loans to large families for the purchase building materials and housing construction;

f) when developing regional employment programs, take into account the need to employ parents with many children, the possibility of their working under flexible forms of work (part-time, part-time work week, work from home, temporary work etc.); ensure the organization of their training and retraining taking into account the needs of the regional economy.

At the same time, the Ministry of Finance and the Ministry of Social Protection of the Russian Federation in their letter dated June 29, 1992. No. 1-2359-18 explain: additional costs arising from the implementation of the activities specified in subparagraph “b” of paragraph 1, the financing of which is currently not taken into account when forming the budgets of national-state and administrative-territorial entities, are made:

at the expense of territorial funds for social support of the population - for the free issuance of medicines purchased according to doctor’s prescriptions for children under 6 years of age; free entry to museums, cultural and recreational parks and exhibitions;

at the expense of local budgets - discounts on fees for the use of heating, water, sewerage, gas and electricity, and for families living in houses that do not have central heating - on the cost of fuel purchased within the limits established for sale to the population in a given territories; free travel on intracity transport (trams, trolleybuses, metro and city buses, except taxis), as well as buses on suburban and intradistrict lines for students of secondary schools.

2.3 Social support measures for young families

What prevents a young family, a woman, from making a decision to have a child? These are low incomes, lack of normal living conditions, doubt about one’s own ability to provide the future child with a decent level of medical services, quality education, and sometimes doubt, to be honest, simply about whether she will be able to feed him.

When planning a child, a woman is forced to choose: either give birth and lose her job, or refuse to have a child. This is a very difficult choice. Stimulating the birth rate should include a whole range of measures of administrative, financial, and social support for a young family. All of the measures listed are important, but without material support, nothing will work. What can and should we do today? The President of the Russian Federation, we cannot but agree with him, considers it necessary to radically increase the amount of child care benefits.

Another problem is the timely return of women to normal work activities. To achieve this, the President proposes to introduce compensation for the costs of preschool education.

Regarding the issue of housing for a young family, the following positive point should be noted. The federal target program "Housing" for 2002 - 2010 (approved by the Government of the Russian Federation) provides for the provision of state support for improving housing conditions at the expense of the federal budget. As part of the implementation of the subprogram “Providing housing for young families” of the federal target program, the Government of the Russian Federation approved the rules for providing subsidies to young families for the purchase of housing.

Moreover, in accordance with paragraph 3 of Article 217 Tax Code The Russian Federation (hereinafter referred to as the Code) exempts from taxation all types of compensation payments established by the current legislation of the Russian Federation, legislative acts of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, decisions of representative bodies of local self-government (within the limits established in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation).

In accordance with the Law of the Russian Federation dated December 24, 1992 N 4218-1 “On the Fundamentals of Federal Housing Policy,” the state is called upon to provide assistance to citizens who are not provided with housing by developing the construction of state and municipal housing, as well as using a system of compensations (subsidies) and benefits for payment for the construction or purchase of housing.

Thus, the provision of funds to young families in the form of subsidies in the amounts established by the above-mentioned Order of the Ministry of Education of Russia and the Resolution of the State Construction Committee of Russia should be considered as compensation payments not subject to personal income tax.

On the issue of housing provision, it is interesting to note the statistics provided at the regional level in our region. According to the Law of the Perm Territory dated December 7, 2006. No. 33-KZ “On the regional target program “Providing housing for young families in Perm region for 2007-2010". Annually conducted sociological studies show that for young residents of the Kama region the housing problem is of paramount importance. According to information from the territorial body of the Federal State Statistics Service in the Perm Territory, there are about 73 thousand young families in which both spouses are under 30 years of age. When studying the problem, it was found that the provision of own housing for young families in the Kama region is less than 30%; more than 70% of families, which is about 51 thousand young families, strive to improve their living conditions.

Young families are mostly buyers of their first home in their lives, which means they do not own residential premises that could be used as security for the payment of a down payment when obtaining a mortgage loan or home loan. In addition, as a rule, they do not yet have the opportunity to accumulate the necessary funds for these purposes. However, this category of the population has good prospects for wage growth as they improve their skills, and the state assistance provided for by our regional program in providing funds for the payment of a down payment when obtaining mortgage housing loans or loans will be a good incentive for them to further professional growth.

The above subprogram is designed to strengthen the system of state support for young families in the acquisition (construction) of housing created within the framework of the implementation of the regional target program “Providing housing for young families in the Perm region for 2005-2010”.

The subprogram identifies priority (in order of importance) categories for participation:

these are young families registered as needing improved housing conditions before March 1, 2005;

large young families recognized in accordance with this Law as needing improved housing conditions;

young families registered as needing improved housing conditions before September 19, 2005;

young families belonging to the priority category established by the representative body of the municipal district (urban district) in accordance with the socio-economic development program adopted by the local government;

young families with one and/or more children recognized in accordance with this Law as needing improved housing conditions.

Young families are provided with an additional subsidy from the regional and (or) local budget in the amount of 5% of the average cost of housing at the birth (adoption) of 1 child to repay part of the credit or loan or to compensate for their own funds spent on the purchase of housing or construction of individual housing in the manner determined respectively by the executive body of the constituent entity of the Russian Federation and (or) local government body. This payment is made in the event of the birth (adoption) of a child during the period of validity of the certificate.

As a mechanism for delivering the subsidy to a young family, a certificate for the purchase of housing (hereinafter referred to as the certificate) is used. The certificate is a personal document certifying the right of a young family to receive a subsidy.

The validity period of the certificate from the date of issue specified in the certificate is 6 months. Local self-government bodies of municipal districts and urban districts inform young families who decide to participate in the Subprogram about the conditions for its implementation, and these young families give written consent to participate in it on these conditions.

The received certificate is submitted by its owner to the bank, where a bank account is opened in his name for crediting the subsidy. A young family - the owner of the certificate - enters into a bank account agreement with the bank at the place of purchase of housing.

The young family - the owner of the certificate, during its validity period, submits for payment to the bank an agreement, which is the basis for state registration of the right to the acquired residential premises, and title documents for the residential premises acquired through the implementation of such an agreement.

The bank checks the submitted documents and, subject to the established conditions, accepts the agreement for payment.

Russian President Vladimir Putin, in his decree on measures of social support for large families, ordered the Government of the Russian Federation to conduct regular surveys of the living standards and incomes of low-income groups of the population, including low-income families, in order to implement measures to provide them with the necessary social support. To this end, the Government in 2001 approved the Concept for the modernization of Russian education for the period until 2010, prepared by the Ministry of Education of Russia with the participation of interested federal executive authorities, aimed at providing targeted social support for students from low-income families.

For students of secondary schools, social support measures can be provided in terms of free travel on intracity transport (trams, trolleybuses and city buses, except taxis), provision of uniforms according to the standards established by the administration of the municipality of the subject. One of the support measures is subsidies for meals for schoolchildren from low-income families. An efficient economy and tax revenues to the budget make it possible to increase such subsidies and, therefore, provide large quantity children with free school lunches. A social scholarship is provided for students.

In accordance with the law of the Perm region dated November 14, 2005 No. 2621-580, the list of powers of local government bodies transferred by the state included social support for unemployed pregnant women from low-income families through the payment of a one-time social benefit.

At the regional level, the size and types of social assistance are determined, additional conditions are established for citizens in need to receive social assistance based on: taking into account labor potential, taking into account the property potential of the citizen (household).

Within the framework of the target program, charitable city events are also held in support of low-income families, collections of things from the population and distribution to needy families, charity dinners, distribution of food packages, charity concerts and performances, and sporting events are organized.

The mechanism and measures for providing targeted assistance can be considered using the example of the Orda municipal district program:

The procedure for providing targeted social assistance is approved by a resolution of the head of the municipal district.

To solve the assigned tasks, an interdepartmental commission is being created in the region to provide targeted social assistance to the population, which is the manager of budget funds.

The first deputy head of the municipal district coordinates and controls the implementation of the Program activities.

Body authorized to implement the Program:

a) accepts documents and applications for the provision of social services. help from the population;

b) interacts with other Program implementers;

c) bears responsibility for the rational and targeted use of allocated budget funds;

d) informs about the progress of the Program implementation in terms of item-by-item use of funds;

e) submits a report on the implementation of the Program to the Zemstvo Assembly of the Orda Municipal District, the Finance Department of the Administration of the Orda Municipal District within the deadlines established for submitting a report on the implementation of the district budget for the corresponding year.

Activities to provide targeted assistance include amounts of money for: purchasing clothes, food for children, repairing dilapidated housing, 50% compensation for the costs of higher education, expensive treatment (operations, consultations, examinations) 100% for children and 50% for adults .

Conclusion on chapter 2

Summing up the work carried out, it is necessary to point out the need to develop and adopt a special law “On State Support for the Family”, a version of the concept of which was prepared by the team of the Moscow State Social University. It defines the goals and principles of state support for families, develops a mechanism for providing such support, and outlines its main directions, including:

) establishing state minimum social standards for the main indicators of the quality of life of families, including the minimum amount of social services provided to the family;

) providing conditions for the economic independence of families, stabilizing the financial situation of families, overcoming poverty;

) providing employees with children with favorable conditions for combining work activities with family responsibilities;

) creating conditions for the development of individual labor activity and family entrepreneurship;

) providing conditions for health protection, formation of a healthy lifestyle;

) providing assistance to families in the area of ​​raising and educating children;

) formation of social infrastructure for families, a system of social services for families.

The preparation of such a normative act is justified by the specifics of state family policy, which requires the closest attention not so much to the regulation of marriage relations, but to the fulfillment by families of their basic social functions, primarily educational. This legal act, if adopted and consistently implemented, will become the main regulatory source regulating social issues prevention of family problems.

It is important to note that in some subjects of the Federation, in addition to the measures of social support provided for by federal legislation, measures of social assistance have been established (at the subject level) for such categories of citizens as the disabled, families with children, etc. We must not forget that the adoption normative acts are only the beginning, the prerequisites for social work in the family, but the main work requires daily action, a comprehensive and complete approach to the problems of each family, for which both material and human resources are allocated.


A set of interrelated and interdependent political, economic and social changes occurring in modern Russia, indicates the need to revise existing views on the interaction between the family and the state: how significant the institution of the family is for ensuring state interests and to what extent the state can influence the sphere of purely private family relations. The recognition of man, his rights and freedoms as the highest value has determined a new direction in characterizing the system of interaction between private and public interests in society.

The modern science of family law faces a number of problems, the approach to resolving which is determined by establishing the optimal balance between private and public interests. An analysis of modern family relations through the prism of current legislation and law enforcement practice gives grounds to talk about the need to change the subject and method of family law regulation: the range of relations associated with the exercise by citizens of their family rights is expanding, which in turn cannot always be regulated by the existing “set” family legal remedies.

Taking into account the important role of the family in the development of the state and society, the President of the Russian Federation Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin, in his Decree of June 14, 2007, decided to hold the Year of the Family in 2008 in the Russian Federation. He recommended that the executive authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation implement appropriate measures within the framework of the Year of the Family held in the Russian Federation, paying special attention to the issues of social support for families with children, including large families, strengthening the authority of the family, and basic family values.


1.Report of the Commissioner for Human Rights in the Russian Federation “Report of the Commissioner for Human Rights in the Russian Federation for 2006.” System ConsultantPlus, 2007.

2.Law of the Perm region dated December 7, 2006. No. 33-KZ “On the regional target program “Providing housing for young families in the Perm region for 2007-2010.”

.Law of the Perm Region of November 14, 2005 No. 2621-580 “On vesting local government bodies with certain state powers of the Perm Region for social support, social assistance and social services for certain categories of citizens.”

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Russian Chemical-Technological University named after. DI. Mendeleev

Subject: Sociology of family

State family support in the Russian Federation

Completed by: Group student

PR-33 Zapolsky A.E.

Checked: Kozyrev G.I.

Moscow 2003

1. Theory

1.1 The position of the family in Russian society

2. Main part

3. Author's summary



1. Theory

family federal state marriage

1.1 The situation of the family in modern Russian society

The state of the family institution in modern Russian society is determined by two components: the legacy of the past and today’s family policy of the state.

Speaking about the legacy of the past of the “communist” era, first of all, it is necessary to talk about what happened to the institution of the family during the period of early communism, because the goals and attitudes towards the family of this particular period determined the development of the family for the entire remaining period of the dominance of communist ideology. “... the natural process of transformation of the family, the process of taking over its social functions by other institutions... was forcibly accelerated and stimulated by the full power of the totalitarian state (industrialization of the national economy and collectivization). The hypertrophied role of the state was also connected with this, expressed not only in accelerating and “pushing” the processes of family change, but also in the fact that family functions were “intercepted” by the state or its bodies, and not by some social institutions.” [Antonov, Medkov “Sociology of the Family” 242-43].

If in pre-revolutionary Russia the institution of the family was sacred, family education almost completely performed a socializing function and prepared a person for life in society, stimulated the reproduction of the population, fostered patriotic feelings and devotion to power and the homeland, carefully preserved family values ​​and the sacredness of family relationships, then in Soviet Russia the state and its artificially created institutions tried to take over most of these functions. Pioneer, Komsomol, trade union and party organizations took the child from the family from the age of 10. Only the child was in the family only up to this age, but this did not ensure full family socialization, since the function of “parenting” was reduced to a minimum by the social responsibilities of the parents: hard work, social work, labor and social feats, participation in endless meetings separated children from parents, provided their children again to the preschool system public education. Thus, the child was socialized only in the family and received maximum attention until about 3 years old, and this is not at all enough for primary (family) socialization.

As a result of such policies and attitudes towards the family, the sanctity of kinship relationships in the family was destroyed, the authority of parents was reduced, the function of parenthood among fathers and mothers was emasculated, contradictions between representatives of different generations were aggravated, and a slow but sure “mankurtization” of society took place. Such a phenomenon as “Pavlik Morozov” and the general betrayal of parents by children became possible precisely thanks to such state family policy.

This is the legacy that “democratic” Russia inherited from “Soviet” Russia. What has changed since the fall of the communist regime? First of all, the system of public and state education of youth completely collapsed: pioneer, Komsomol and other children's organizations disappeared, socialization in schools came to naught. But has anything appeared to replace state education, to whom has the socializing role been transferred? This question is the main one today. Has the children returned to the family, has the family regained its educational and socializing functions? No, and why on earth, if parents became the generation of people who had long ago lost the idea of ​​how to raise a child, and the state did nothing but “kind” words to help people carry out their parental responsibilities correctly; on the contrary, the state only aggravated the deplorable situation families after the destruction of the system of public-state education: “... the point is, first of all, that reformers practically do not take into account the interests of the family in the process of these (economic - author) transformations. These interests are rather ignored... Almost any decisions made during the transformation proceed from an implicitly accepted premise - the object of these decisions is seen in a separate (“isolated”) individual, devoid of gender characteristics and belonging to any primary social community, the family first of all. Consequently, the spontaneous process of family changes, the process of devaluation of family values ​​continues, and at an accelerated pace.” [Antonov, Medkov “Sociology of the Family”, 243].

Next, I would like to cite, as a professional assessment of the current situation of the family in our country, an article from the website of the Russian Family Planning Organization:

The situation of the family in modern Russian society.

Unemployment, poverty and misery. There is evidence that poverty and destitution affected 60% of the population, registered unemployment - 13%, although in reality this figure is much higher. The fact is that the unemployment rate in Russia is very “variegated”. If in major cities Since this problem is still more or less solvable, in small towns people practically cannot find work at all, especially young people. I learned with fear that the very legal offices and consultations that have been in use since Soviet power existed in children's clinics and maternity hospitals. This is directly related to activities in the field of maternal and child health and reproductive health. I'm not even talking about the legal knowledge of the population on issues of receiving benefits, apartments, getting a job, and relationships with employers. Legal advice services are very expensive and inaccessible to many.

Destruction of the public education system. One can now argue about whether it was good or bad. In my opinion, the issue can be viewed from two sides. On the one hand, this gave the woman and family the opportunity to work and earn money; on the other hand, the public education system actually removed the family’s responsibility for raising children. We did not accept joint vacations, our parents never vacationed with their children in sanatoriums and rest homes, and husband and wife, working at different enterprises, and especially at the same one, could very rarely get vacation at the same time.

What is the difficulty of the situation now? The fact is that in our society the values ​​of family education have not been formed, we are not accustomed to the fact that, first of all, the family is responsible for the birth and upbringing of a child. We still continue to hope for someone. The understanding that children need individual love has not been established in society. And only a family can give it to a child. Many parents now simply do not understand or are not aware of their personal responsibility for raising children.

Drunkenness and drug addiction. According to various sources, up to 30% of families suffer from drunkenness and alcoholism, and 12-15% from drug addiction. There are entire villages and small towns in Russia where the population drinks and uses drugs without being able to get a job.

Finally, what we have begun to forget about are social diseases: tuberculosis, infectious diseases and sexually transmitted infections. Today this has become a difficult problem. Low level of health, including reproductive health, and the inability to receive adequate medical care are also the realities of our lives.

Having analyzed this situation, we asked ourselves the question: “How can the reproductive behavior of families be formed and aimed at under these conditions?” And now no one can say when this most difficult period for the country and each of us will end.

The influence of pornography in all information spheres and the promotion of sex and violence. I see this as a very serious problem, because television has practically stopped showing films that tell about the life of an ordinary family, ordinary people in modern Russia. But children are still born, and parents love their children, and love exists. Our youth see scenes of violence, then sexual scenes follow, and on a subconscious level an attitude is formed towards sexual life as violence and, in general, something simply disgusting. Children think that they don’t live differently. And if at this time there are problems in the family - alcoholism, drunkenness, loss of work - the child actually has nowhere to go, he finds himself alone in his family. And, despite this, our teenagers simply respect family values. We were surprised by how they answered the question: “What are values?” family life?. In the first place are love, stability of sexual relationships, prolongation of oneself in children. So all the talk about the promiscuity of young people is not true. Of course, 35-year-olds have slightly different family values. In the first place are better opportunities for maintaining health, caring for each other, and stabilizing the economic situation. Both are true family values. That is why mutual understanding and mutual respect between generations is so important. In the current conditions, we are obliged to think that Russian society must survive, that children must be born in the country and that they must be capable of normal social, work and family life. All these problems are closely related to problems of family planning and reproductive health. In Russia, the incidence of syphilis has increased catastrophically (this is a marker of all other sexually transmitted infections). And most often people from 20 to 29 years old, that is, the most reproductive age, get sick. In Russia now 15-20% of couples are infertile. This is primarily the result of sexually transmitted infections. And further large number abortions performed by women of the most active reproductive age - 20-29 years. But the roots of this disadvantage go back to adolescence and young adulthood.

I think, first of all, health workers must raise their voices in defense of the reproductive health of young people. High school students need clear and correct information about how to behave in a given situation. I don't understand the sanctimonious voices of protest against sex education. At the age of 18 you can join the army, you can kill and be killed, but you can’t say “condom” and “abortion” to young people... The harm that the opposition causes in this regard is genocide of the Russian people. I would like to say that right now a new generation of youth is being formed and our task is to raise them not just to be obedient and disciplined, but to raise an informed, self-confident, moral generation that consciously makes its choice, and in particular in the field of reproductive health and reproductive behavior.

Numerous studies by the World Health Organization have shown that those countries in which a sex education system has been introduced have a very low level of sexually transmitted infections, and everyone is developing a responsible attitude towards their health.

The “Changes” program, which is carried out by the Russian Family Planning Association, is unprecedented. We work in more than 200 cities, primarily in the field of hygienic education and the psychology of human development during adolescence. And what fierce attacks this program was subjected to from so many organizations, in particular from the newly born organization “Word and Deed”, which is headed by the former director of the well-known commercial company “Alice”.

And in conclusion, I cannot help but remind you that in terms of indicators such as maternal mortality, the number of abortions and sexually transmitted infections, countries where the standard of living is high and family planning and sex education programs have been implemented for decades . These are primarily the countries of Northern Europe.

I would like to give one more figure. In Russia, out of every 3 pregnancies, 2 end in abortion, and 60% of abortions occur in women over 25 years of age. These are quite mature people. They consciously, based on their personal reasons, make the decision to have an abortion. At the same time, recent scientific research suggests that the majority of women in Russia, while not recognizing abortion as a method of birth control, believe that there are situations when a woman should have the right to have an abortion and only she can be her own judge. And the legislation in force in Russia since 1955 gives women such a right. Recently, at a conference, I heard that a woman has an abortion not only because she has an economically difficult situation, but because she is not confident in the man who is next to her at that time. And there is a very large grain of truth in this too. I think it’s time today to recognize the problem of reproductive health as a national and priority one. Now the state does not give families the opportunity to realize their reproductive potential. People want to have children, but cannot yet afford it; they put it off until later, primarily because a family with one child experiences economic difficulties, and with two or three children often lives below the poverty line. Our task in these difficult conditions is to preserve reproductive health population, then every family will be able to have healthy, desired children when its situation improves and it considers this possible. [Family Planning magazine No. 4/1999] In addition to this article, at the end of the abstract there are graphs taken from the same magazine.

1.2 State policy regarding family and marriage

State support for families is provided through federal and local family legislation, state targeted programs, and a system of state institutions. Indirect support for the family is provided through the implementation of other regulations that regulate other or general areas of public life, but also affect the interests of the family (Civil Code of the Russian Federation, Labor Code, etc.). This will be discussed in the main part of my report, the structure of which almost completely coincides with the components I have listed.

Separately, the State Concept for the Protection of Reproductive Health in Russia for the period 2000-2004 was recently adopted by the Russian government. As the name of the concept suggests, it only indirectly relates to the topic of family support. After reading the main provisions that will be placed as a table of contents in this abstract, it becomes clear that the state has finally realized that the reproductive function of society is one of the most important factors in the country’s national security. However, the concept does not say a word about the role of the family in this process; the emphasis is on banal medical and psychological assistance and a superficial consideration of the problem. The state does not want to radically change the situation, but wants to eliminate the consequences without going into the underlying reasons that led to such results.

The main emphasis is on material assistance to the population, medical and psychological prevention of abortions, infant/maternal deaths, and the fight against diseases leading to infertility or serious (fatal) complications during childbirth. However, the role of the family in solving these problems is reduced to almost zero. Since the scope of the concept is quite large, I will place it as Appendix 1 to this abstract.

Concept sections

1. Introduction.

2. Main directions of protecting the reproductive health of the population.

3. State policy in the field of reproductive health of the population.

4. System of preventive measures to protect reproductive health.

5. Improving the organization of medical care for reproductive health.

6. Scientific research in the field of reproductive health.

7. System of training and improvement of personnel in the field of reproductive health.

8. Information and educational work with the public and population.

9. Mechanisms and stages of implementation of the Concept.

2. Main part

2.1 Federal legislation on family

Federal legislation regulating family relations and aimed at state support of the family consists of the “Family Code of the Russian Federation”, “Code on Civil Registration of the Russian Federation”, Federal Laws, Decrees of the Government of the Russian Federation, Decrees of the President of the Russian Federation, chapters and parts of other regulations governing common to all citizens of the sphere of life, but affecting the interests of the family. Let's start with the "Family Code"

Family code. The Family Code establishes the exceptional importance of the family institution for the state and society, therefore family relations are regulated by a special code of the Russian Federation. The following are established as agents of family policy: family - spouse (and) and their children, motherhood, paternity and childhood. Fundamental principles of the state’s family policy, extracted from the family code: “Chapter 1, stat- 1

1.) Basic principles of family law

Family, motherhood, paternity and childhood in the Russian Federation are under the protection of the state. Family legislation is based on the need to strengthen the family, build family relationships on feelings of mutual love and respect, mutual assistance and responsibility to the family of all its members, the inadmissibility of arbitrary interference by anyone in family affairs, ensuring the unhindered exercise by family members of their rights, the possibility of judicial protection of their rights ...

4.) Any form of restriction of the rights of citizens upon marriage and in family relationships on the basis of social, racial, national, linguistic or religious affiliation is prohibited.”

As we see, on paper the state carefully looks after the interests of the family, protects the institution of the family and protects the interests of all its members. But still, in the context of the topic of my essay, the RF IC is more of a regulatory normative act than a document whose purpose is to support the family. In this context, some federal laws of the Russian Federation issued in the context of family policy are more interesting for us. The general direction and target orientation of these laws is Federal insurance and social benefits for families with children

Federal Law of November 24, 1996 No. 130 “On Amendments and Additions to the Labor Code of the Russian Federation” - Extract

Statement wording

Payment amount

Pickup location

Maternity benefit

Calculated on the basis of average earnings for 70 or 84 calendar days in case of complications of childbirth before childbirth, respectively. and 70/86/110 days after birth in normal/complicated/multiple birth cases

Mother's place of work/study

One-time benefit for women registered with antenatal clinic on early stages pregnancy (up to 12 weeks)

100% of ILO on the day maternity leave is granted

Mother's place of work/study

Federal Law of May 19, 1995 No. 81. “On state benefits for citizens with children” with subsequent amendments and additions. Extraction

Statement wording

Payment amount

Pickup location

Monthly allowance for a child under 16 years of age

Org. Social protection

Benefit for the adoption of a child (children) under 3 months of age

Paid within 70 calendar. days or 110 in case of adoption of 2 or more children - size - ?

Org. Social protection

Monthly child care allowance

200 rubles are paid. in current 1.5 years

Mother's place of work/study

Monthly allowance for children whose parents evade paying child support or fail military service on call

50% more than in ordinary families

Org. Social protection

Federal Law of December 30, 1996 No. 162 Removed from control

Decree of the President of the Russian Federation No. 1110 “On changing the amount of compensation payments and benefits for certain categories of citizens of the Russian Federation”

The next normative act protecting the interests of the family and its members is the Labor Code of the Russian Federation as amended on September 25, 1992. Extract:

“Code of Labor Laws of the Russian Federation

Occupational safety for pregnant women

As amended on September 25, 1992.

Art. 160 Labor of pregnant women with minor children or caring for sick members of their families.

It is prohibited to use women's labor in heavy work, hazardous work..., underground work (List of heavy work is attached). Women are prohibited from carrying or moving heavy loads that exceed the norm.

Article 161 It is prohibited to hire pregnant women to work at night

Article 163 It is prohibited to involve men/women with children under 14 years of age, disabled children, and workers caring for sick members of their families in overtime work.

Article 163.1. One of the working parents (guardian/trustee) is given 4 additional working days to care for disabled children and disabled children under 18 years of age.

Article 164 Pregnant women acc. With honey By imprisonment, production standards and service standards are reduced, or they are transferred to another job that is easier and eliminates the impact of adverse production factors.

Article 165 Women are granted maternity leave of 70 (in the case of a multiple pregnancy - 80) calendar days and 70 (in the case of complications of childbirth - 86, in the case of the birth of two or more children - 110)

Article 170 It is prohibited to refuse employment and reduce wages to employees for reasons related to the presence of children, and for women also for reasons related to pregnancy. Refusal to hire may be appealed in court.

Dismissal of pregnant women, women with children under 3 years of age, employees with disabled children or disabled children before they reach the age of 18, single mother or single father with a child under 14 years of age, at the initiative of the employer is not allowed, except in cases of liquidation organizations when dismissal with mandatory employment is allowed

Article 171 Administration of enterprises and organizations in agreement with the corresponding The elected trade union body of an enterprise or organization, if necessary, can issue vouchers to pregnant women to sanatoriums and rest homes, as well as provide them with financial assistance.”

2.2 Federal target programs in support of family, motherhood, paternity and childhood

Federal programs aimed at maintaining and strengthening the institution of family in the Russian Federation, which I will give below, were adopted in accordance with the “Concept for the protection of reproductive health in Russia for the period 2000-2004”, adopted by a joint board of the ministries of education, health and labor and social protection (V.M. Filippov, Yu.L. Shevchenko and S.V. Kalashnikov, respectively).

The state customer and main developer of the program is the Ministry of Labor and Social Development of the Russian Federation.

The goal and objectives are the development in the Russian Federation of a network of institutions providing a variety of social services to families and children who find themselves in difficult life situations, the formation of a modern regulatory, scientific, methodological, personnel and material and technical base of social service institutions for families and children. Improving the management of the system of social service institutions for families and children.

Implementation period: 1998-2000

The implementers of the main activities of the program are the Ministry of Labor and Social Development of the Russian Federation, the Ministry of General and Professional Education of the Russian Federation, State Committee Russian Federation for Youth Affairs

Volumes and sources of sales - 42.595 million rubles from federal budget financing for 1998-2000, including for 1998 - 11.545 million rubles, taking into account denomination from January 1, 1998.

The expected final results of the implementation of the program are the creation in the constituent entities of the Russian Federation of an optimal network of social service institutions for families and children, strengthening their human resources and material and technical base. Formation of prerequisites for increasing the efficiency of social services, strengthening their role in solving current problems family and childhood, strengthening stability and social health of the family.

Monitoring the implementation of the program is the Ministry of Labor and Social Development of the Russian Federation together with the Ministry of Economy of the Russian Federation and the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation.

Characteristics of the problem

The implementation of radical economic reforms and the implementation of adequate social policy required the use of new social technologies, including the creation of a system of social services for the population, providing wide range socio-economic, welfare and other social services to families and children who find themselves in difficult life situations. Large, single-parent and young families, the vast majority of which are low-income, find themselves in especially difficult conditions. The number of families with a negative psychological climate, difficult interpersonal relationships. Domestic violence against women and children is on the rise. All this aggravates the social ill-being of millions of children, hinders their normal development, and negatively affects their physical, mental and moral health. The adoption of the Federal Law “On the Fundamentals of Social Services for the Population in the Russian Federation” stimulated the development of the infrastructure of social services in the regions of the country, the creation of a new type of institutions providing social services to families, women and children: territorial centers of social assistance to families and children, centers of psychological and pedagogical assistance to the population , young family support centers, women's crisis centers and others. However, the real need for such institutions is much higher than their number; the created institutions satisfy the needs for social services of no more than 10 percent of needy categories of families and children. Further development social services to help families and children are hampered by insufficient legal, scientific, methodological and personnel support, weak management of social services, and a shortage of funds in the constituent entities of the Russian Federation for their equipment, purchase of vehicles and equipment.

Purpose and main objectives of the program

The goal of the federal target program "Social services for families and children" for 1998-2000 (hereinafter referred to as the Program) is to create an optimal system of social service institutions for families and children, the necessary conditions for its effective functioning. The program provides for the solution of the following main tasks: development of the regulatory framework for social services for families and children; implementation of state standards of social services; implementation of state support measures for social service institutions for families and children; scientific, methodological and information support for the activities of social service institutions for families and children; improving the system of professional training, retraining and advanced training of specialists from social service institutions for families and children; improving the management of the system of social service institutions for families and children.

Main directions of program implementation

Improving the legal framework for the functioning and development of social service institutions for families and children

It is planned to prepare proposals to supplement and develop the legislation of the Russian Federation, aimed at creating legal conditions for providing families and children with high-quality social services.

Development of a network of social service institutions for families and children and strengthening of their material and technical base

It is planned to implement measures of state support for social service institutions for families and children to equip and provide them with special equipment, computers, communications, and motor transport.

Development of scientific and methodological foundations for the activities of social service institutions for families and children

It is planned to carry out research work to develop the theoretical and methodological foundations of the activities of social service institutions for families and children. It is planned to develop scientific and methodological recommendations in the field of improving the management of the system of institutions providing social services to families and children, to test forms and methods of management activities in the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, to create a scientific basis for monitoring social services to families and children, to organize scientific and practical conferences and seminars .

Information and methodological support

A series of manuals and special collections on the problems of social services for families and children will be developed, information materials on the experience of social services will be produced, and a system of statistical indicators characterizing the level of development of social services for families and children will be improved.

Organization of professional training and advanced training of personnel working in the system of social service institutions for families and children

It is planned to organize professional training and retraining of social work specialists on the basis of educational institutions higher professional education, improving their qualifications, developing appropriate training programs; organize internships for managers and specialists of social services, conduct seminars, workshops, and trainings with the participation of domestic and foreign experts.

Assessing the effectiveness of program implementation

The implementation of the activities provided for by the Program will make it possible to: increase the network of social service institutions for families and children in the constituent entities of the Russian Federation; strengthen their human resources and material and technical base; develop and strengthen a modern legal, scientific and methodological basis for the activities of institutions providing social services to families and children; create the prerequisites for strengthening the role of social service institutions in solving pressing problems of family and childhood, including strengthening family stability. The implementation of program activities with stable state support for social service institutions for families and children will lead to the development of territorial social services, which will increase the coverage of families and children in need of social services from 10 to 30 percent.

2.3 Moscow family legislation

Below are subsidies and types of financial assistance provided for by Decree of the Moscow Government (hereinafter in the table PPM) No. 31 and No. 38. All of them were approved to support the family and protect the interests of all its members. As can be seen from the table, the Moscow Government allocates much more funds to support families than the funds provided for by the federal laws of the Russian Federation.

Particular attention is paid to single-parent families and large families, while young families are at the rear of regulations. In these regulations only one line is written allocating any benefits to young and student families - a measly 50 rubles for food, while for the “golden” or diamond anniversary of a married couple 60 (!!!) times more is allocated.

Statement wording

Payment amount

Pickup location

MRP number

One-time benefit for the birth of a child

Social authorities protection

Providing newborns with sets of linen

Additional payments to child benefits for single mothers, for children of wanted parents, parents of conscripted employees in the Armed Forces

Social authorities protection

Additional payments to child benefits if both parents are disabled

Social authorities protection

Free meals for students in grades 1-4, children from large families and social services. vulnerable families

Compensation for meals for students in grades 5-11

Compensation for school uniform students from large families

Monthly food subsidy for children under three years of age (single mothers, large families, student families, families with disabled children)

Social authorities protection

Monthly additional payment for benefits for children from large families with 3 or more children under 16 years of age and over 16 years of age if they are students of secondary schools

Social authorities protection

Monthly personalized scholarships of the City Hall

Subsidies for university students in dire need

University (trade union committee)

One-time assistance to married couples who have reached their “golden” and “diamond” jubilees

Social authorities protection

One-time benefit in case of stillbirth after 196 months of pregnancy

Social authorities protection

Financial assistance to the persons who performed the burial of the persons mentioned above

Social authorities protection

Scroll current benefits for Moscow large families

One-time additional payment to state benefits (1500 rubles) at the birth of a child - 615 rubles.

Subsidy for child food - 100 rubles.

Additional payment for each child is 100 rubles.

Free meals for children under 3 years old in dairy kitchens

Free issuance of medications purchased according to doctor’s prescriptions for children under 6 years of age

Admission of children to preschool institutions in the first place

50% discount on child care fees in a preschool institution

Free food

Free school uniform

Free travel for schoolchildren on public transport

Free provision of school textbooks for children

30% discount for heating, water, sewerage and electricity payments

Preferential travel packages for children

One day a month for free admission to museums, exhibitions, cultural and recreational parks, and exhibitions

Free use of sauna services

2.4 PM authorities dealing with family issues

Along with the auxiliary departments of PM (health care, social protection, etc.), there is a specialized department: “Committee for Family and Youth Affairs,” which is designed to guard and protect the interests of the family in the first place. Here is information taken from the committee's website briefly describing the activities and tasks of the committee.

Committee for Family and Youth Affairs of the Moscow Government. Goals and objectives.

Assisting young citizens in the exercise of their rights and freedoms, life self-determination, self-expression and self-organization

Such assistance is carried out by Moscow government authorities through the implementation of the main directions of youth policy in the Russian Federation on the territory of Moscow, as well as the creation, in addition to all-Russian ones, of economic, organizational and legal guarantees and mechanisms.

Areas of activity of the Moscow Committee for Family and Youth Affairs

Development of directions and methods of activity of city executive authorities in the field of implementation of youth policy, protection of the rights and interests of families, children and adolescents.

Ensuring interaction in the work of departments and committees, public institutions on issues of family and youth policy, providing methodological assistance to territorial authorities in organizing the development of socio-cultural space.

Implementation of measures to improve the living standards of families and improve the social status of women.

Creating conditions for spiritual, intellectual development and meaningful leisure for young people.

Providing comprehensive assistance to youth, student and children's organizations.

Supporting innovative, intellectual and creative activities of young people, promoting the development of their talented representatives.

Development of proposals for financing youth and family programs and initiatives.

Promoting the development of small family and youth entrepreneurship, family forms of employment, employment of minors, graduates of educational institutions, young people with limited ability to work.

Holding city holidays, festivals, exhibitions, concerts for families, children and youth

Organization of international children's and youth exchanges, internships for social workers, participation in international intergovernmental agreements.

Propaganda in the media of the ideas of supporting and strengthening the family, the need for social protection of youth.

About 110 universities and more than 280 thousand people a year take part in the events held by the Committee. [official website of the Committee on Family and Youth Affairs of the Moscow Government]

3.1 Assessing the effectiveness and prospects of state family policy

Having examined above the most significant provisions of state support for the family, I came to the conclusion that, as such, family policy is initially focused not on the family - as the most important social institution, but as something impersonal, focused on satisfying purely physiological needs. It seems that for the state the family is a hateful inevitability that cannot be ignored. Those so-called “compensation” payments that the government practices at the local and federal levels cause bewilderment among normal people, to put it mildly. With that kind of money it is impossible to even minimally satisfy the needs or solve the problems that the allocation of these, so to speak, “funds” is aimed at.

“... its (Concept of State Family Policy of the Russian Federation - author) content focuses the activities of the state and its bodies on solving short-term, opportunistic tasks related, as stated in the document, to improving the material living conditions of families, preventing poverty and supporting low-income families...

In fact, what is now called family policy, being in terms of content material assistance to the poor, conceptually and axiologically reflects the political preference of an isolated nuclear family with one or two children.” [Antonov, Medkov “Sociology of the Family”, 244-245].

Standing apart are two federal programs of the Russian Government aimed at supporting families: “Family Planning” and “Safe Motherhood”. Throughout the entire period of these programs, there has been and continues to be a real reduction in the number of abortions and infant/maternal mortality.

The direction of family policy in Moscow stands a little apart. Along with supporting single-parent, socially vulnerable and low-income families, Moscow pays special attention to supporting large families. Material and other assistance to large families in Moscow is allocated as a separate provision, and the content of the local program for supporting large families is much higher quality than in other federal programs and regulations.

But it is still worth noting that both low-income families and large families cannot be the support of the reproductive function of society. A certain small part of the population always agrees to have many children, regardless of material wealth. Therefore, priority attention of state and local family policy should be given, first of all, to young and average families; creating a large family (3-4 children) should become prestigious and, most importantly, honorable for young families; parents should feel support from the state when deciding have children. Until this principled position prevails in the minds of those in power, the prospects for the family in Russia are very, very vague.

I would like to conclude my essay with the definition given by A.I. Antonov and V.M. Medkov in his book “Sociology of the Family” in relation to family policy: “Family policy is the activity of the state, political parties, public organizations, interest groups, etc., aimed at reviving the family, family way of life, lost along the long historical path of the familistic culture of society, returning to the family its organically inherent social functions, aimed, sociologically speaking, at strengthening the family as a social institution.”


1.) Family Code of the Russian Federation, M., Infra-M, 2001

2.) Code of Federal Laws of the Russian Federation, M., Publishing House under the Government of the Russian Federation, 2002

3.) Antonov A.I., Medkov V.M. “Sociology of the Family”, M., Moscow State University Publishing House, 1996.

4.) Official website of the organization “Family Planning”

5.) Official website of the Committee for Family and Youth Affairs of the Moscow Government

6.) Code of Labor Laws of the Russian Federation, M., Publishing House under the Government of the Russian Federation, 1992.

Annex 1

Concept of reproductive health protection in Russia for the period 2000-2004. and an action plan for its implementation

On April 11, 2000, a joint meeting of the Board of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation, the Ministry of Labor and Social Development of the Russian Federation and the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation took place. The Board reviewed the draft “Concept for the protection of reproductive health of the population of Russia for 2000-2004 and the action plan for its implementation.” The document was approved by the Board and signed by the Minister of Health of the Russian Federation Yu. L. Shevchenko, the Minister of Labor and Social Development of the Russian Federation S. V. Kalashnikov and the Minister of Education of the Russian Federation V. M. Filippov. Considering the importance of the document defining policy in the field of reproductive health for the coming years, the editorial board decided to publish it in this number magazine.

Rationale for the Concept of Reproductive Health Protection of the Population

In conditions of the economic crisis, falling birth rates and high levels of overall mortality, the problems of protecting the reproductive health of the population acquire special social significance.

The population of the Russian Federation in 1999* was 146.3 million people, of which 77.7 million were women, or 53.1%. At the beginning of 1999, the number of women exceeded the number of men by 9.1 million people; There are 1,133 women per 1,000 men in the country.

Life expectancy of the population increased during the period from 1995 to 1998 by 3 years and amounted to 67 years in 1998, including 61.3 years for men and 72.9 years for women.

The demographic situation in 1999 is characterized by the lowest birth rate, which amounted to 8.4 per 1000 population (1994 - 9.6). The total fertility rate (the number of births per woman during a lifetime) in Russia in 1998 was 1.24 versus 2.14 - 2.15 required for simple population reproduction. The current level of fertility under the influence of socio-economic and political factors reflects a significant change in trends in the reproductive behavior of the population: a reduction in the number of women and families wishing to have children.

The overall mortality rate in the country in 1994 was 15.7; in 1998 - 13.6; in 1999 - 14.7, which is mainly due to changes in the age composition of the population.

The state of reproductive health is significantly influenced by the somatic and mental health of the population.

The dynamics of morbidity among various population groups during the period of reforms taking place in the country has unfavorable trends. Despite the fact that the overall morbidity rate in recent years (1991-1999) has generally increased by only 10.5%, the proportion of diseases with a chronic and recurrent course has increased significantly, and the structure of morbidity in the adult population has changed. The proportion of diseases of the circulatory system has increased, nervous system, genitourinary organs, infectious diseases.

The decline in the role of the state in the field of social guarantees has led to an increase in mental and socially significant diseases.

In 1998, 3.9 million patients were registered in the Russian Federation mental disorders, of which 1.7 million (44.1%) are women.

The widespread prevalence of mental illness, alcoholism and drug addiction, which have severe medical and social consequences, makes the prevention and treatment of these types of pathology one of the most pressing health problems.

Over the past 5 years, there has been an increase in the incidence of tuberculosis - the number of newly diagnosed patients during this period has doubled. Measures to combat tuberculosis are carried out within the framework of the federal target program "Urgent measures to combat tuberculosis in Russia."

Of great concern is the rise in sexually transmitted infections (STIs) and AIDS. The increase in the number of patients with STIs and AIDS occurs against the backdrop of an increase in substance abuse, drug addiction, and alcoholism.

The incidence rate of syphilis in 1998 compared to 1989 increased by more than 55 times and amounted to 235.1 per 100,000 population. At the same time, the rate of increase in the incidence of syphilis among children and adolescents exceeds the increase in incidence among the adult population. In 1998, the number of sick children and adolescents exceeded 22.6 thousand, of which 14.6% were children under 14 years of age, while 66% were infected through sexual contact. Every 4th sick child in this age group is diagnosed with congenital syphilis. The incidence of syphilis in the age group 15-17 years in 1998 increased by more than 63 times compared to 1989, and by 5.3 times since 1993.

Currently, 10,952 HIV-infected people have been identified in Russia, of which 2,686 are women, 450 are children; There are 357 AIDS patients, of which 102 are women, 115 are children. 248 AIDS patients died, 122 were HIV-infected from various diseases, of total number More than 40% of the dead are women and children.

In recent years, the number of HIV-infected pregnant women and women in labor has sharply increased: 1995 - 20; 1997 - 43; 1998 - 182 women. According to the forecast, this situation is expected to increase as drug addiction spreads among young women who, as a rule, do not use contraception. Currently, 78 children born from HIV-infected pregnant drug addicts are registered in Russia.

An unfavorable background is malignant diseases. At the same time, the leading place among women is occupied by malignant tumors of the reproductive system.

Particular attention should be paid to diseases of women of transitional age that occur in the pre- and postmenopausal period. According to special studies, specific menopausal disorders occur in 60-70% of women. They are accompanied by a sharp increase arterial hypertension(7 times more often than in reproductive age), urogenital disorders (50-80%), osteoporosis (the frequency of bone fractures in women over 40-49 years of age increases 4-7 times).

The quality of health of pregnant women continues to deteriorate. Over the past 10 years, the incidence of anemia in pregnant women has increased more than 6 times, and the incidence of kidney disease and cardiovascular diseases in pregnant women has increased significantly. During this period, the number of women suffering from late toxicosis of pregnancy increased by 40: s. The number of normal births has sharply decreased, the proportion of which in 1998 in Russia as a whole was less than 30%, in 1999 - 30.8%, and in a number of constituent entities of the Russian Federation this figure does not reach 20%.

Unfavorable trends are also observed in the health of newborns. Every third child born has health problems; there is a high percentage of births of premature and immature children, the care of which costs the state 250-300 times more than full-term newborns.

Despite the decline, the country's infant mortality rate remains high (16.5 per 1,000 births in 1999).

Maternal mortality, as one of the most important indicators characterizing the health status of women and the level of medical care, in the Russian Federation is more than 2-2.5 times higher than the European average and in 1998 amounted to 44.0 per 100,000 live births.

The most important factor influencing the health of women and newborns is working conditions. About 1.5 million women work in unfavorable conditions. Among the total number of cases of occupational diseases, every fifth occurs in women. Harmful production factors have a negative impact on the reproductive health of men, often causing infertility and the birth of defective children.

In this regard, it is extremely important to accelerate the revision and consideration of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation in the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation.

The problems of abortion for Russia are of a national nature, especially against the backdrop of low birth rates: out of 10 pregnancies, 7 end in abortions and only 3 in childbirth, every 10th abortion in the country occurs in persons under the age of 19, more than 2 thousand abortions annually in adolescents up to 14 years old. A high level of complications after abortion remains: more than 70% of women suffer from inflammatory diseases of the female genital area, the level of endocrine disorders, miscarriage, and infertility is high.

Despite the trends that have emerged in recent years as a result of the implementation of the federal targeted program “Family Planning” towards a decrease in the absolute number of abortions in the country, their level remains quite high. Thus, the prevalence of abortions per 1000 women of childbearing age in 1998 was 57.3, in 1999 - 53.0 (1993 - 81.9).

The high level of maternal mortality is largely due to abortion, the share of which is general structure maternal mortality accounts for 1/3 of all cases. It should be noted that the main cause of death of women after abortions are criminal or out-of-hospital abortions, and among them, 2/3 of the total number of deaths are late abortions. Women who resort to criminal intervention usually have social reasons.

One of the main reasons for the high level of abortions and post-abortion mortality is the insufficient use of modern (hormonal) contraception (only 7.4% of women of childbearing age). There is still no hormonal contraception industry in Russia. Since 1997, funding for the centralized purchase of contraceptive drugs has been stopped. Due to rising prices for contraceptives (up to 100-120 rubles per package), they have become practically inaccessible to most women.

The increase in sexually transmitted infections and the high rate of abortions are the cause of infertility in marriage.


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  • where each family member is registered, regardless of the place of actual residence;
  • what is the total area of ​​all premises, taking into account: a) premises (including shares) owned by a citizen, b) premises occupied by a citizen under a social contract. rental, c) premises owned or occupied under a social contract. hiring by relatives with whom the citizen is permanently registered;
  • and how many people are registered in the premises taken into account. Thus, if the spouses do not have residential premises in their property, they still will not be able to get into the program if their parents (with whom they are registered) have housing of sufficient size, since the square footage of the parents’ property is also taken into account. The family must have their own funds, which together with the subsidy will be enough to purchase housing, or have an income that will allow them to take out a loan for the missing amount. At the same time, there must be enough funds to purchase housing, based on the estimated cost, and with such an area that each family member has at least the established norm of sq. m. meters.

State social programs - who they are intended for and what they are about

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Assistance to large families from the state in 2019, benefits, changes: large families can count on preferential short-term

According to the research results High school Economics (HSE) and the Russian State Social University (RGSU), only 13% of young people are ready to raise three or more children. 39% said they wanted to have two children, 48% - one child, writes

Law on large families

Important! The Law on Assistance to Large Families provides parents with other benefits that apply even after all children reach adulthood. Mothers have the right to retire 5 years earlier if their total insurance period is more than 15 years.

What programs to support young families exist in Russia?

Through this program, implemented until 2020, it is planned to develop housing construction. For these purposes, solvent young families in need of improved living conditions will be provided with a subsidy in the amount of 30% and 35% of the cost of the housing loan. Citizens with children are given priority, but spouses without offspring are also entitled to assistance.

One of these programs. As noted above, this is the “Federal Target Program Young Family”. The whole process consists of providing citizens, namely young families, with subsidies according to the established procedure. There is a law for this, which clearly states who can count on such support from the state.

State support for maternity in Russia

In the Russian Federation there are 78.7 million females (54% of the total population - 146.8 million; Rosstat data as of January 1, 2019). As of 2019, 35.2 million women work (48.7% of the total employed population - 72.3 million). Among economically active women, 22.3 million (63.5%) are married, 4.9 million (13.9%) are single, 2 million (5.8%) are widows, 5.9 million (16.8%) %) - divorced.

State support for families in Russia

If in pre-revolutionary Russia the institution of the family was sacred, family education almost completely performed a socializing function and prepared a person for life in society, stimulated the reproduction of the population, fostered patriotic feelings and devotion to power and the homeland, carefully preserved family values ​​and the sacredness of family relationships, then in Soviet Russia the state and its artificially created institutions tried to take over most of these functions. Pioneer, Komsomol, trade union and party organizations took the child from the family from the age of 10. Only the child was in the family only up to this age, but this did not ensure full family socialization, since the function of “parenting” was reduced to a minimum by the social responsibilities of the parents: hard work, social work, labor and social feats, participation in endless meetings separated children from parents, provided their children again to the preschool public education system. Thus, the child was socialized only in the family and received maximum attention until about 3 years old, and this is not at all enough for primary (family) socialization.

Social support measures and benefits for families with children in 2019

In order to enhance the effectiveness of social support measures for families with children, student families, large families, low-income families, and single mothers are allocated to separate social categories. Social support measures and benefits for large families and low-income families are described in more detail in the relevant sections of the portal.

State support program for large families in the Russian Federation

In most regions, this is considered a family with more than two children. In some administrative-territorial zones, where the usual number of children exceeds the all-Russian one, it is more than three or four. These are the republics of the North Caucasus - Chechen, Ingush and Dagestan, whose demographics are in first place in the country.

Nuances of the state support program for large families in the Russian Federation

  1. Improving the financial situation of large families.
  2. Improving the standard of living and ensuring the health of all family members.
  3. Providing assistance in raising children, including creating access to education for children from large families.
  4. Providing parents with many children with favorable working conditions that allow them to fulfill all their family responsibilities.

Benefits for young families in the Russian Federation from the state

  • a one-time financial payment at the birth of the first child in the amount of about 15 thousand rubles; when calculating benefits, the fact of employment of the father or mother is not taken into account;
  • payments due to children under the age of 15.5 and 3 years; one of the parents can receive accruals;
  • maternity capital is provided for families with three or more children; children can be natural or adopted; the amount of assistance is 450 thousand rubles from 2019.

State programs to support young families are expected to change in 2019

  • citizenship of the Russian Federation;
  • the age of the spouses (or single parent) is not older than 35 years;
  • a young family should be taken into account as in need of improved housing conditions;
  • the family budget must be of sufficient size to receive a loan;
  • For each member of the group there should be an insufficient number of square meters of living space (no more than 15) or there should be no housing in the property at all.

Support for families with children in 2019

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State support for families in the Russian Federation 2019

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A series: Tomorrow is the exam!

* * *

The given introductory fragment of the book Family law (L. V. Kruzhalova, 2009) provided by our book partner - the company liters.

State support for families in the Russian Federation

State support for family, motherhood, paternity and childhood is enshrined in Art. 7 and 38 of the Constitution of the Russian Federation.

The family in the Russian Federation is an object of state family policy, which in turn is an integral part of the social policy of the Russian Federation and represents an integral system of principles, assessments and measures of an organizational, economic, legal, scientific, informational, propaganda and personnel nature, aimed at improving conditions and improving the standard of living of the family. The goal of state family policy is to provide the state with the necessary conditions for the family to realize its functions and improve the family’s quality of life.

The main directions of state family policy include: a) providing conditions for overcoming negative trends and stabilizing the financial situation of families, reducing poverty and increasing assistance to low-income families; b) providing employees with children with favorable conditions for combining work activities with family responsibilities; c) radical improvement in family health care; d) strengthening assistance to families in raising children.

In the Russian Federation, the basic principles of state family policy are proclaimed: a) independence and autonomy of the family in making decisions regarding its development; b) equality of families and all their members in the right to support, regardless of social status, nationality, place of residence and religious beliefs; c) the priority of the interests of each child, regardless of the order of birth and the family in which he is being raised; d) equality between men and women in achieving a more equitable distribution of family responsibilities, as well as in opportunities for self-realization in the labor sphere and in public activities; e) unity of family policy at the federal and regional levels; f) partnership between family and state, sharing responsibility for the family, cooperation with public associations, charitable organizations and entrepreneurs; g) the state assumes obligations to unconditionally protect the family from poverty and deprivation associated with forced migration, natural and man-made emergencies, wars and armed conflicts; h) implementation of a differentiated approach in providing guarantees for maintaining a socially acceptable standard of living for disabled family members and creating conditions for economically active family members to ensure well-being on a labor basis; i) continuity and stability of state family policy measures.

The protection of family, motherhood and childhood is complex and is carried out through the adoption of a variety of government measures to strengthen and support the family.

One of the main strategic objectives of the state’s social policy is to create the necessary conditions for the family to realize its economic, reproductive, educational and cultural-psychological functions, and to improve the quality of life of families. In this regard, the Concept of demographic development of the Russian Federation for the period up to 2015, approved by order of the Government of the Russian Federation of September 24, 2001 No. 1270-r, provides for the comprehensive strengthening of the institution of family as a form of harmonious life of the individual, ensuring targeted social protection of the family and creating preconditions for increasing the birth rate based on such priorities as: a) increasing the material well-being, level and quality of life of the family; b) increasing the educational potential of the family; c) creation of socio-economic conditions favorable for the birth, maintenance and upbringing of several children, including conditions for self-realization of young people, including obtaining general and vocational education, working with decent wages, as well as the opportunity to provide the family with appropriate housing conditions; d) providing employees with children with conditions conducive to the combination of work activity and family responsibilities.

In the system of government measures to protect the family, motherhood and childhood, a special place belongs to measures to protect the legal rights and interests of children. The Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation “On federal target programs to improve the situation of children in the Russian Federation for 2001–2002” dated August 25, 2000 No. 625 approved the federal target programs “Disabled Children”, “Development of Social Services for Families and Children”, “ Prevention of neglect and juvenile delinquency", "Orphans", "Gifted children", "Development of the All-Russian children's centers "Orlyonok" and "Ocean"", "Children of the North", "Children of refugee and internally displaced families", "Children of Chernobyl" , "Safe Motherhood". The main goal of these federal target programs was to create favorable conditions for the life of children and ensure their social protection during the period of socio-economic transformations and reforms. In 2008, new changes were made to the Family Code, in particular, the Federal Law of the Russian Federation dated June 30, 2008 No. 106-FZ amended paragraph. 1 item 2 art. 115 of the Family Code of the Russian Federation. According to them, the amount of the penalty that the guilty person must pay to the recipient of alimony in the event of arrears arising through the fault of the person obligated to pay alimony by court decision has been increased to 0.5% of the amount of unpaid alimony for each day of delay.

State family policy is a comprehensive system of state activities aimed at the family as a social institution with the aim of strengthening, development, sovereignty, protecting the rights and interests of the family on the basis of legal regulation of relations with the state.

This is a holistic system of principles, assessments and measures of an organizational, economic, legal, scientific, informational, propaganda and personnel nature, aimed at improving the conditions and quality of life of the family.

State family policy is an independent direction of social policy that solves only specific family problems; brings the family and the state to new level relationships. For the first time, the object of state family policy was the family as a whole, as a social institution, with the presentation of a new social status, real rights, and state guarantees for its functioning. The family becomes the object of state care and support.

Modern state family policy began to take shape in the 90s of the twentieth century, when society and regions realized the need for new state targeted programs regarding the family.

Basic principles of family policy:

  • - autonomy and sovereignty of the family in making independent decisions regarding its development, providing the opportunity to choose forms of support only on a voluntary basis;
  • - priority of the interests of the child, regardless of his gender, age, type of family, ensuring his survival, protecting his full physical, mental, intellectual development;
  • - equal rights of all types of families to state support, regardless of social status, nationality, place of residence and religious beliefs. Equality between men and women in the fair distribution of family responsibilities and employment opportunities;
  • - partnership of state, public institutions, all citizens in family policy with the determining role of state bodies;
  • - accessibility, targeting, differentiation of social assistance to families. Providing all those in need with social guarantees for an acceptable standard of living for disabled family members, creating conditions for economically active family members for socially useful activities and improving well-being on a labor basis. Social protection of needy families from poverty, deprivation, forced migration, emergency situations natural and man-made, wars and armed conflicts;
  • - complexity. Social assistance covers all aspects of family life, all its functions;
  • - preventive orientation and scientific validity. Social assistance is carried out on the basis of analysis, forecast of the development of the situation, and the participation of science in determining the content of family policy.

The presented principles of state family policy require further scientific and methodological development and funding for its implementation.

The state in modern society is interested in strengthening the family as a social institution. To this end, the governments of a number of countries are taking special measures. State support for families is also provided in Russia: additional leaves have been established (in connection with the birth of a child, to care for small or sick children, etc.); cash benefits have been established (for example, for child care, pregnancy and childbirth); special benefits have been introduced (for example, transfer of pregnant women, as well as women with children under three years of age, in accordance with medical requirements for easier work without a reduction in wages), etc.

In recent years, in Russia, in order to strengthen the family as the basis of the state and create conditions under which the family could feel protected and confident in the future, a number of regulations have been adopted aimed at supporting the family, motherhood and childhood.

These measures made it possible to ensure an increase in wages for employees of budgetary institutions, improve the situation in the field of protecting the health of women and children, family placement of orphans, and increase the availability of preschool education.

Maternity capital has become an important and effective measure of support provided at both the federal and regional levels.

In development of federal measures, most constituent entities of the Russian Federation have introduced additional support measures in the form of increased benefits for a child from a large family, benefits for paying for housing and communal services, and other support measures.

Of course, the state policy being implemented today in the field of family, motherhood and childhood is aimed at creating a favorable basis for sustainable development countries.

Despite the positive trends, a number of serious problems remain in this area, which means that the state support system needs further improvement. It must be adequate to the challenges of the time.

The most acute problem, typical for most regions, is the lack of income for families with children.

The birth of a child increases the family's risk of falling into the poor category. According to Rosstat, from 2010 to 2012, the share of low-income families with children increased by 4.7%, despite the fact that the overall share of the poor population in Russia decreased.

According to experts, the deterioration in the standard of living of families that occurs after the birth of children increases as the number of children in the family increases:

by 16% - among two-parent families with 1 child;

by 30% - among two-parent families with 2 children;

by 50% for two-parent families with 3 children or more.

Not long ago, a new measure of social support appeared - a monthly cash benefit to families at the birth of a third or subsequent children.

One of the ways to maintain the economic stability of a family and increase its income level is to create employment conditions. The problem of parents combining family and professional responsibilities is closely related to the shortage of places in preschool educational institutions, since the percentage of insufficient places remains high.

According to the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation, at the end of 2013, the waiting list for preschool institutions for children from three to seven years old was eliminated only in eleven constituent entities of the Russian Federation.

The need of families for places in preschool educational institutions for children under the age of 3 is assessed by experts as no less significant than for children over the age of three. The share of children under three years of age is 77.3% of the total number of children in need of placement in kindergartens.

For example, according to Rospotrebnadzor, nursery groups are currently maintained in less than 50% of preschool educational institutions in the country. At the same time, the number of children aged from one and a half to three years in need of this service in 2013 is 1 million 600 thousand children.

In addition, another major problem remains the lack of housing and the high need for improved housing conditions.

Housing is one of the main prerequisites for young families to have children, the most significant social benefit, as evidenced by the demand for all measures taken by the state aimed at improving the living conditions of families with children.

In a number of constituent entities of the Russian Federation, regional support is provided for young and large families in need of improved housing conditions, for example, in 23 regions social benefits are provided for the purchase of residential premises.

But it is obvious that the measures taken by the state have not yet led to the desired result. The need for families to improve their living conditions throughout the country remains high.

Another acute problem typical for most regions of the country is the insufficient level of support for socially vulnerable families with children.

It is obvious that effective technologies are needed to preserve the social, educational, and economic functions of a family that finds itself in a difficult life situation, such that support for the family is provided comprehensively, as they say, “by the whole world.”

The family support system should be built on the basis of an integrated, targeted approach. In order to overcome the challenges of the coming decades, the family, the state, civil society, business structures, and the media must become partners in solving this most important national task.