What created the conditions for the emergence of the country. Conditions for the emergence and sustainable development of democracy - abstract

In relation to a market economy, the state performs the following functions:

  • issue of banknotes and control of their circulation;
  • collection of taxes and other obligatory payments;
  • protection of the interests of private owners.
The state regulates market economy, through:
  • creating a legal framework for all subjects economic relations;
  • maintaining competition by counteracting monopolies;
  • redistribution of income between participants in economic relations;
  • control of the labor market, pricing, economic growth rates;
  • financing scientific activities;
  • taking measures to protect the environment;
  • optimization of the production process for more efficient allocation of resources;
  • subsidizing low-profit sectors of the economy or organizing the production of public goods and services.
The state not only regulates the private sector of the economy through various instruments, but is also a participant in economic relations, acting as a producer and buyer of goods and services.

Public sector in a market economy

The public sector includes socially significant areas of production, as well as sectors of the economy that are not of interest to private investors due to low profitability.

The public sector includes the following areas of the economy:

  • mining;
  • energy;
  • construction of roads and railways;
  • water supply;
  • healthcare;
  • education and science;
  • aerospace industry.

The influence of the state on the market economy

Regulation of the economy by the state in the conditions of a commodity economy is carried out using a system of standard measures of a legislative, supervisory and executive nature implemented by authorized government agencies.

According to the objects of influence, regulation is distinguished:

  • resources;
  • production;
  • finance.
Based on the territorial structure, public administration is divided into federal and regional.

The influence of the state on the market economy is carried out using direct and indirect methods.

Direct methods are implemented through administrative and legal methods of influence: measures of restriction, prohibition, permission. Indirect regulation involves the use of state monetary policy.

Administrative-legal and monetary methods of influence are the main instruments of state regulation of the economy. Changing one element in economic structure states influence other elements.

Currently, the probability of emergency situations at explosion- and fire-hazardous facilities remains quite high. This is primarily due to the wear and tear of fixed production assets 1 and the inability to renew them. In addition, in lately The severity of the problem in ensuring the safety of the operation of pipelines (oil pipelines, gas pipelines and product pipelines) is increasing due to the expansion of work on the production and transportation of oil and gas in Russia.

The threat of transportation accidents is not reduced large quantity flammable and explosive goods various types transport (rail, road and water). And this poses a serious threat to the life and health of people living in areas of transport highways.

Let us remember that objects where dangerous situations associated with explosions and fires may arise belong to the class of fire and explosion hazardous objects. Obviously, the damage from the consequences of accidents at such facilities depends on the amount of explosive and fire hazardous substances located on them. In this regard, in Federal law“On industrial safety of hazardous production facilities” (adopted State Duma June 20, 1997) all hazardous production facilities were divided into 2 categories and maximum standards for hazardous substances at the facility were determined.

  • flammable substances (gases that, when normal pressure and when mixed with air they become self-igniting);
  • oxidizing substances (substances that support combustion);
  • flammable substances (substances capable of spontaneous combustion, as well as ignite from an ignition source and burn after its removal); explosives.

Co. second category of hazardous production facilities include facilities that use equipment for high pressure(more than 0.07 MPa) or with a water temperature of more than 115 °C. Such explosion and fire hazardous objects can be not only industrial ones, but also vehicles with explosive cargo.

In addition, the law defines maximum standards for hazardous substances, the presence of which at an explosive and fire-hazardous facility is the basis for the mandatory development of an industrial safety declaration (see table). Declaration is carried out in order to ensure control over compliance with safety measures, assess the sufficiency and effectiveness of measures to prevent and eliminate emergency situations at hazardous production facilities. Currently, in order to increase the sustainability of the functioning of economic facilities in emergency situations in almost all subjects Russian Federation special commissions have been created (republican, regional, facility) to ensure the safety of the operation of economic facilities, and plans for major activities have been developed.

    The Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia includes the State Fire Service, mobile and effective, aimed at combating emergencies and fires, as well as eliminating their consequences.
    To receive messages about emergency situations, including those caused by fires, in telephone networks settlements Single numbers 01 and 112 have been installed, by which you can call both firefighters and rescuers of the Russian Ministry of Emergency Situations.

Currently, a number of effective measures are planned to improve the safety of hazardous production facilities.

For these purposes it is planned:

  • transfer of potentially dangerous economic facilities to modern, safer technologies and their removal from populated areas;
  • implementation modern systems control and management of hazardous technological processes;
  • improving the training system for production personnel and the population in emergency situations and a number of other measures.

To ensure the safety of facility personnel and the population living near explosion- and fire-hazardous facilities, specialists from the Russian Ministry of Emergency Situations have developed practical recommendations on behavior in emergency situations caused by an accident.

If you live near an explosive or fire hazardous facility, be careful. Sirens and intermittent beeps of the enterprise ( vehicles) means the signal “Attention everyone!” When you hear it, immediately turn on the speaker, radio, or TV. Listen to the information message about emergency and act in accordance with the instructions of the territorial Department of Civil Defense and Emergency Situations.

What to do in the event of a sudden building collapse

If you hear an explosion or find that a building is losing its stability, try to leave it as quickly as possible, taking documents, money and essential items. When leaving the premises, go down the stairs and not in the elevator, as it may break down at any time. Once outside, do not stand near buildings, but move to an open space.

If you are in a building, immediately turn off the water, electricity and gas. If it is not possible to leave the building, take the safest place: the openings of the main internal walls, the corners formed by these walls, under the frame beams. If possible, hide under a table - it will protect you from falling objects and debris.

Open the door to your apartment to provide yourself with an exit if necessary. Don't panic and stay calm. Stay away from windows and electrical appliances.

If a fire occurs, try to put it out immediately. Don't go out onto the balcony. Do not use matches because there is a risk of gas leakage and an explosion.

How to act in a collapse

Breathe deeply, do not panic and do not lose heart. Focus on what's most important. At the moment of collapse, it is important to choose a place and position that does not crush any part of the body, especially the limbs, as this will lead to loss of blood circulation. Try to survive at any cost, believe that help will definitely come. If necessary, provide yourself with first aid.

Try to adapt to the situation and look around, look for a possible way out. Try to determine where you are, whether there are other people nearby: listen, raise your voice.

    A person can withstand thirst for up to three days, and hunger for much longer, if he does not waste energy.

Look in your pockets or nearby for items that could help provide light or sound signals(for example, a flashlight, a mirror, as well as metal objects that can be used to knock on a pipe or wall and thereby attract attention, for example mobile phone, if you have one). If the only way out is a narrow hole, try to squeeze through it. To do this, you need to relax your body muscles and move with your elbows close to your body.

You, of course, understand that it is impossible to give advice for all occasions, and these 2 recommendations are compiled for adults. However, you should study them in order to choose something useful that may be useful to you at a critical moment in your life.


  1. What factors determine the persistence of a high degree of probability of an emergency at explosion- and fire-hazardous facilities?
  2. What categories and on what grounds are explosive and fire hazardous objects divided?
  3. Under what conditions is it necessary to develop an industrial safety declaration at an explosion- and fire-hazardous facility?
  4. What created the conditions for the emergence of the State Fire and Rescue Service in the country?


Carefully study the recommendations of the Russian Ministry of Emergency Situations specialists according to the rules safe behavior in an emergency situation arising from an accident at an explosion- and fire-hazardous facility. Think about how you would behave if you were in one of these situations. Record your findings in a safety diary.

1 Production assets are a set of means and objects of labor necessary for material production. Main production assets are machinery and equipment, tools and devices, industrial buildings and structures, means of moving goods, means of communication and information.

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Are you tired of crazy politicians, government interference or social permissiveness? Have taxes gotten so high that you can't bear it? Have you ever thought that everything would change for the better if people trusted you? Then we have good news: You can start your own microstate! It's not easy, but it's possible, and we'll tell you how. We will also give you successful and unsuccessful examples and show you the very real future of nation-building. Read on!


    Learn about your country. Before you start creating new country, it makes sense to learn more about yours.

    Develop a plan. Come up with the name of the country, districts, capital, language. Think about it.

    Understand the rules. As Bob Dylan said, “To live outside the law, you have to be honest.” The same idea is true when forming a microstate: in order to create your own rules, you must follow the already established rules and norms. The main foundation on which they are built modern states, is the 1933 Convention on the Rights and Duties of States, also known as the Montevideo Convention. Here are the basic rules set out in the first article of the Convention:

    The state as a subject of international law must have the following characteristics:

    • Permanent population.
    • Specific territory.
    • Government.
    • The ability to enter into relations with other states.
    • The summary of the first ten articles is the explanation that the existence of a state does not depend on whether other countries recognize it, that it is free to act in its own name, and that no state has the right to interfere in the affairs of another.
    • Please note that these are not laws in the generally accepted sense. Of course, you can declare your country anytime and anywhere. However, no one will take you seriously. It all comes down to a simple truth: you will have no legitimacy as a state.
  1. Find a territory for your microstate. This is the most the hard part. All existing lands have already been appropriated by existing states. With one exception. What's the exception? Antarctica. But even if you can cope with the weather and the lack of “attractiveness to the population”, Antarctica has the most claims strong countries world and they are unlikely to just let you put up a flag and say: “Mine!” Nevertheless, there are still options on how to find a suitable place on our Planet:

    Build an island. The ocean, as they say, the last frontier. International waters do not belong to any nation, this spurs interest and activity in them.

    Invite your friends. One of the key requirements for a state, in addition to territory, is population. If the land you conquer or create does not have an indigenous population, you will have to assemble a company yourself. Recruit your friends and family to join you in this venture and you will have a small but loyal population.

    • These days, if you're serious about something (and creating a micronation can actually be serious), then you'll need a website. Use it to find like-minded people and give them compelling reasons to populate your new Republic. This could be: work and money, freedom to marry, or simply the chance to be part of the birth of a nation.
    • You must decide what demands will be made on your citizens. Will I be required to take a citizenship test or comply with certain laws? What form will be used to identify them: passport, driver's license, subcutaneous RFID tag?
  2. Establish a government and constitution. The success or failure of your enterprise largely depends on the leadership in management. For example, the success of the United States lies in the Constitution, which is clear about everything, but at the same time open to interpretation and development. Without it, perhaps the country would cease to be a single whole and would fall apart due to unrest into dozens of small nation-states. Your government and your constitution must be guided by principles that should be established at the very beginning. Here are some examples of different microstates and their fundamental principles:

    Develop a legal system. Every good country has a system according to which laws are made. A couple of examples:

    • Referendum. Citizens vote to make decisions on issues of national importance or local government. Referendums are held in Switzerland.
    • True democracy. People vote for literally everything. IN big country Such a system is difficult to implement, but within a micronation it is quite possible.
  3. Declare your independence. Now that you have a territory, a population and a government with a constitution, it is time to make your presence known. Depending on what you have prepared for the world, one of three things will happen:

  4. Create an economy. If you do not trade in rubles, dollars, euros or other currencies, you will have to create your own financial system. Will the wealth of your people be built on gold, on securities or just on your word of honor? While your word may be enough among friends, in order to receive a government loan, you will need significant guarantees. Even if you stick to a set currency, you still need to decide how to finance your government. The best way to do this is taxes. The same taxes that made you decide to create your own state. Through taxation, your government will be able to provide basic services such as electricity, running water, necessary officials (as little as you want) and an army.

    • The primary responsibility of every state (big or small) is the ability to protect its citizens from enemies. Whether it be regular troops, the National Guard, conscription, or some other defensive solution, it important point, which will need to be considered when creating a constitution.
  5. Gain recognition from the global community. To eliminate the unfavorable factors that led to the creation of your country (read above), you will need to become a global player. To do this, recognition from other countries is necessary. You will need solid experience in international law, politics and diplomacy. If you do not have such experience, it would be advisable to organize a cabinet of qualified politicians who can shoulder this burden.

    • This is perhaps the most difficult step of all. Some countries, such as Palestine, Taiwan and Northern Cyprus, seem to have done everything necessary, but are still not recognized by many countries. There are no rules here - each country has its own standards by which they decide on recognition. The result can be influenced by such things as: affiliation with al-Qaeda, communism or capitalism. Your attitude towards human rights or control over natural resources. For example, in the United States, the decision to recognize a nation is made by the President. The decision on your request will depend on who occupies White House Currently, their policies and preferences change every four years.
    • Additionally, to join the UN, none of the five powers - the US, UK, China, Russia and France - must veto your membership. To put it differently, you will have to have neutral positions on issues such as territorial disputes, including with Palestine, Taiwan and Crimea.
    • If you live close to or in Europe itself, try applying to join European Union. This way you will ensure your country’s sovereignty in world politics.
  6. Create your own symbols. Every country needs a flag and yours, of course, will be no exception. This is the most famous national symbol, but there are other symbols that will help create your national identity:

    • Money. What will your currency look like? Will gold coins and 3D holograms on paper bills feature your profile, or will you use symbolic icons such as the Statue of Liberty or Charlton Heston? Will you go the modern route, or will you cut out every detail by hand the old fashioned way?
    • State emblem. You can come up with a national motto and translate it into Latin. There are many free online translators. Add some florid graphics to your shield to make everyone think you're a descendant royal family. Or you can state your mission in clear, native language by asking a designer to create a logo. Nice logo could be worth more than the Crown Jewels of England!
    • Official correspondence. All letters you write to the President, the UN, the Prime Minister and other heads of state will need high quality letterhead paper embossed with your seal.
    • National anthem. Don't forget the national anthem, which will be played at important events.

The development of a network of business structures, primarily small and medium-sized enterprises, helps solve a number of acute problems for the Ukrainian economy. However, development entrepreneurial activity associated with serious difficulties in creating a favorable macroeconomic environment. It is important to realize that for the normal functioning of entrepreneurship the following mandatory conditions must be ensured:

A preferential tax system that would facilitate rapid influx financial resources in the field of business;

An active system of infrastructural support for business activities ( commercial banks, commodity exchanges, insurance companies, scientific advisory and training centers general development of entrepreneurship, management, marketing, etc.)

State support for entrepreneurship in the field of finance and logistics (especially during the creation and formation of business structures);

Effective protection of industrial and intellectual property;

An effective system for regulating business activities by government authorities;

Legal protection of entrepreneurship

The general features that determine the state of the business environment in Ukraine include the following:

1. The formation of entrepreneurship took place back in the days. USSR, when alternative forms of management became, in fact, channels for “pumping” the resources of state-owned enterprises in favor of private individuals. The accumulated income formed pseudo-market entrepreneurial motivation and played a significant role in the criminalization of society in general and government structures in particular. As a result, distortions not economic and legal environment when a business seeks to monopolize markets and resources, relies not on honest economic work, but on conspiracy, on methods, on criminal connections with government agencies, that is, in essence, predominantly mafia-like.

2. The nature of the Ukrainian economy still depends on large enterprises that have a large margin of safety to changes in the market environment and are not competitors to small or medium-sized enterprises

3. The shock therapy model used in Ukraine turned out to be unconstructive. Price liberalization led to hyperinflation, which devalued the population's savings and caused a surge in bank loan rates. These processes had a negative impact on the productive sector of entrepreneurship that was just being born. This led to the outflow of business structures in the trade and intermediary and financial activities to the detriment of production.

4. Liberalization of foreign trade was transformed in entrepreneurship into the so-called “shuttle business” “Boats” imported mainly cheap, low quality goods and evaded taxes in every possible way. This is what destroyed the sales markets for domestic light industry and led to the uncompetitiveness of goods. As a result, Ukraine has formed a constant dependence on the import of consumer goods and the import of consumer goods.

5. The practical exhaustion of the possibilities of super-profitable trade and intermediary activities leads to an intensification of competition, which is not always carried out using legal methods

6 due to the uncertainty of business organizers in the future, the spread of predominantly non-productive accumulation, they lack the motivation to use income to revive national production. Money is spent mainly on personal “prestigious” expenses (purchase of real estate, gold, luxury goods, etc.).

7. The formation of socially irresponsible “businessmen”, whose behavior is characterized by a lack of business ethics and social responsibility to society

It is worth paying attention to the problems that hinder business development, the most important of which are:

Political instability in the state;

Lack of effective mechanism state support entrepreneurship;

Significant level of hidden inflation;

Administrative barriers to registration, licensing and other types of work related to the organization of business activities;

Limited domestic demand due to low incomes of the population;

Ineffective tax system;

Poorly developed market infrastructure;

Active functioning of the shadow sector;

Low level of advisory services and specialized educational programs for entrepreneurs

In order to create favorable organizational and economic conditions for the development of entrepreneurship, authorities must:

Provide to entrepreneurs land plots, transfer state property necessary for carrying out business activities;

Assistance to entrepreneurs in organizing material and technical support and information services for their activities, training;

Carry out the initial development of undeveloped territories with objects of production and social infrastructure with the sale or transfer of them to entrepreneurs in the manner prescribed by law;

Stimulate technology modernization, innovative activity, development by entrepreneurs of new types of products and services

The basis of the state's competition policy is antimonopoly legislation, presented in Ukraine. Laws “On limiting monopolism and preventing unfair competition in business activities”, “On the Antimonopoly Committee of Ukraine”, “On protection from unfair competition” The defining feature of a monopolist entrepreneur is his monopoly, i.e. dominant, a position that provides it with the ability, individually or jointly with other monopolists, to limit competition in a certain market segment by the price in a specific market segment.

A market within certain territorial and product limits, in which at least one monopoly entity operates or where there is a barrier to the entry of other business entities into it, is called a monopolized market. Based on the above, the Ukrainian market should be considered highly monopolized. This situation requires an active competition or antitrust policy based on States on a program to demonopolize the economy and develop competition. The purpose of this program is the formation and development of a competitive environment that would ensure efficient use public resources, free access to the market for entrepreneurs, freedom of consumers in choosing goods top quality at low prices.

The subjects of antimonopoly policy in Ukraine are government bodies, which ensure the process of demonopolization of the economy and the development of competition. These include:. Supreme. Glad. President of Ukraine. Cabinet. Mi inistriv of Ukraine. Antimonopoly Committee of Ukraine. State Property Fund of Ukraine; central and local executive authorities, management and labor collectives of enterprises (associations) and merchants. It was established to implement competition (antimonopoly) policy and control the use of antimonopoly legislation. Antimonopoly Committee of Ukraine and its territorial departments c. Auton. Omni. Republic. Crimea, regions, cities. Kyiv and. Sevastopol.

The objects of antimonopoly policy are: the market as a whole and its individual elements are monopolized; business entities occupying a monopoly position; state organizational structures monopoly type; central bodies of state executive power.

The purpose of antimonopoly regulation by the state is to protect the interests of consumers and society as a whole from negative consequences monopoly activities of specific business entities. Antimonopoly regulation means include:

Restrictions on high level prices and tariffs, introduction of maximum profitability standards;

Declaration of price changes;

Establishing standards and quality indicators for goods and services;

Regulation of market capacity;

Use of government orders and contracts;

Market distribution;

Tariff regulation of import and export of goods. Taking into account the realities of the Ukrainian economy, the main tasks of competition policy now should be:

Completion of formation legislative framework competition policy adoption. Laws of Ukraine “On Natural Monopolies”, “On the Protection of Economic Competition” and the introduction of mechanisms for their implementation in their current implementation;

Improving state regulation of prices and tariffs, which provides for the gradual abolition of regulation in those markets where the threat of monopolization no longer exists, the introduction of temporary regulation of prices in the event of abuse of a monopoly position or unjustified price increases, the immediate termination of price regulation unforeseen by law

Carrying out restructuring and strengthening of state control in the field of natural monopolies;

Enforcement competitive principles in the supply of energy resources;

Development of a competitive environment through the further introduction of competitive principles in construction (in particular road construction), insurance, banking, etc., abolition of administrative and distribution schemes, termination of unlawful support for individual business entities

Ordering economic activity executive authorities and local self-government by gradually narrowing the range of functions of these bodies for carrying out business activities, delimiting the functions public administration, regulation and control of economic functions, termination of the practice of delegating state management powers to business entities, unforeseen by legislation.

One of the factors in the formation of the business environment in Ukraine is the institution of bankruptcy, which reveals the ineffective activity of business structures, their inability to pay off with the state and creditors, guaranteeing the protection of the interests of the latter and developing measures to prevent bankruptcy. In world practice, bankruptcy legislation has developed in two fundamental ways: different directions- the so-called British and American models. According to the British, bankruptcy was considered as a way of returning debts to creditors at the expense of funds (fixed, working, etc.) available to the debtor, and its liquidation as a business entity. The essence of the American model is the implementation of the reorganization of an enterprise in order to rehabilitate it and restore solvency; while government regulation in developed market countries integrates these two models. The institution of bankruptcy, recently revived in Ukraine, is also based on a combination of elements of British and American models, which creates conditions for reorganization, reorganization of enterprises and renewal of financial and economic activities.

The legal regulation of the bankruptcy process in Ukraine is based on. Laws of Ukraine “On Bankruptcy”, “On Banks and Banking Activities”, “On Auditing Activities”, as well as on. Arbitration Procedural Code of Ukraine. Let us note that the subject of bankruptcy can be business structures or state enterprises, cannot fulfill their obligations to the loan in a timely manner. Oram or before the budget. However, the company at this stage is not yet bankrupt. It is recognized only by decision. Arbitration Court. Before such a decision is made, he is given the opportunity to exit the state of insolvency through the reorganization procedure. Rehabilitation is a system of measures aimed at preventing the bankruptcy of enterprises or large industrial associations, banks, and other government and business structures. The conditions for rehabilitation may be: issuing new shares or bonds to attract cash capital, increasing bank loans and providing government subsidies, reducing the percentage of payments on bonds issued by the enterprise, and deferring their repayment; restructuring of short-term debt into long-term debt, liquidation of unprofitable enterprises and the creation of a new one on its basis, changing the form of ownership of the enterprise; structural restructuring of production, including the possibility of switching to the production of more profitable products, division, merger or creation of subsidiaries in enterprises, changes in sales markets, changes in the raw material base, and other measures aimed at improving the financially insolvent enterprises of financially unprofitable enterprises.

State bodies and structures involved in bankruptcy proceedings under the current legislation of Ukraine are:

Arbitration court - continues the bankruptcy case;

State Property Fund - temporarily disposes of the debtor’s property if a state-owned enterprise is bankrupt;

A bank that provides settlement and cash services to the debtor and becomes a temporary manager of the debtor’s property when a non-state entity is bankrupt; audit firm confirming the insolvency of the debtor

Senators are individuals or legal entities who, by at will take part in the reorganization (rehabilitation) of the enterprise;

Liquidation commission appointed. Arbitration court after declaring the debtor bankrupt, which must necessarily include the administrator of the debtor’s property

So, the main goal of the institution of bankruptcy is not the liquidation of the enterprise, but the satisfaction of the demands of creditors and the state. Consequently, bankruptcy is an effective means of state regulation, with the help of which problems of economic relations between various market entities are solved, a system is formed by the state to protect the interests of everyone and a business environment is created on a civilized basis.

Using social science knowledge and facts public life, give three evidence of the need to create the most favorable conditions for business development.

Read the text and complete tasks 21-24.

The subject is called a company economic activity(or, in other words, an economic entity), whose main function is to produce goods or provide services. Like households, firms come in very different forms and sizes. At one extreme are small workshops, shops and restaurants owned by one person or a family business; on the other - giant corporations with a staff of hundreds and even thousands of people, and a huge number of co-owners and shareholders. The area of ​​finance that deals with financial decision-making at the firm level is called enterprise finance, or corporate finance.

In order to produce goods and provide services, any firm, regardless of its size, must have capital. Buildings, structures, machinery and other necessary resources used in production process, are called the physical capital of the firm. Stocks, bonds and loans that allow firms to finance the purchase of physical capital are called financial capital.

The first step is for any company to determine what kind of business it would like to be in, and this process is called strategic planning. Since strategic planning is associated with the assessment of costs and income taking into account the time factor, it is largely classified as financial decisions. It is not uncommon for a company to have a core focus, defined by its product line, and at the same time engage in some other activity that is related to the first. So, for example, a company producing computer equipment, at a certain stage may decide to also produce computer programs and provide computer maintenance services.

Over time, a company's strategic goals can change, sometimes significantly. Some corporations quite often operate in areas of business that are in no way related to each other. Moreover, there are often situations when a company generally ceases to engage in its original activities, as a result of which the company name completely ceases to correspond to its modern functions and goals... Having finally determined the scope of the company's activities, managers need to develop a plan for the construction and acquisition of factories, machinery, research laboratories, showrooms, distribution warehouses and other long-term assets, as well as prepare a project for training the personnel who will manage them all. This process is called investment planning.

The unit of such analysis is the investment project. Investment planning consists of identifying the main ideas for each new investment project, evaluating them, selecting the most profitable ideas and developing ways to implement them...

(3. Body, R. Merton)


The correct answer may include the following evidence, for example:

1) business development contributes to job creation;

2) business development contributes to the production of a mass of consumer goods and services;

3) business development contributes to the receipt of taxes into the budget;

4) business development contributes political stability in society.

Other evidence may be provided.