Functions of the class teacher in a modern school. Main functions and responsibilities of the class teacher Functions and specifics of the activities of the class teacher

The class teacher has always played a very important role in the history of the Russian school, because it is he who has a huge influence on the formation of the personality of schoolchildren, the disclosure of their creative and intellectual potential. And a good class teacher will always protect the rights and interests of children, building the educational process on the principles of humanistic pedagogy. The class teacher will help the student become a Human if his activities are developmental in nature. Read our article about the content of the work of a class teacher.

Functions and responsibilities of the class teacher

What is the importance of a class teacher? He is the main organizer of educational pedagogical process at school; official, which is appointed by the school director in order to organize educational work with students.

Today there is several types of classroom management:

  • subject teacher who simultaneously provides classroom management
  • a class teacher who is freed from other activities and performs only educational work with the students of the class
  • a classroom supervisor who oversees a specific set of activities in the classroom
  • a tutor who patronizes a class or guides students in performing a particular activity.

Functions of the class teacher:

  • upbringing
  • organizing all kinds of activities in the classroom that contribute to the comprehensive development of students, the formation of their personality, and the harmonious existence of the children's team
  • coordination aimed at positive interaction of all participants in the educational and pedagogical process (teachers, students, parents)
  • management that helps control the dynamics of personal development of students and the student body.

A class teacher is a person who has certain rights and responsibilities:

  • be informed about the health status of each student
  • monitor student progress and class attendance
  • interact with the school administration, teachers, teachers of clubs and sections, librarians, school psychologists, health workers, special services children's affairs, parents of students
  • conduct educational work with class students in different directions and with the help various methods
  • facilitate the consideration by the school administration of proposals agreed upon in class
  • receive help from the school staff
  • conduct individual work with students and their parents
  • not to accept orders that do not relate to his direct duties
  • carry out experimental research work on topical issues pedagogy
  • organize educational activities that will be optimal for the development of students’ personalities
  • help each individual student in solving problems
  • provide assistance to parents of students on educational issues.

"Advice. A good class teacher must have a sufficiently deep knowledge of the basics of child psychology and pedagogy, as well as regularly update his knowledge about the latest trends in the field of education."

Work system

IN lately One of the main requirements for the organization and implementation of competent professional activities of a class teacher is conducting systematic work both with the class and with each student individually. Such work should be aimed at developing the individuality of each student and, thanks to this, the uniqueness and success of the entire class. The most important task of the class teacher is to take care of mutual understanding between him and the students, a favorable socio-psychological climate in the student body.

The class teacher conducts systematic work based on:

  • educational program (concept) adopted in educational institution
  • analysis of performance results, as well as positive and negative manifestations of life
  • pedagogy
  • current tasks of education
  • the principle of tolerance.

“Did you know that a good class teacher will build the educational process, taking into account the level of education of students, their social and financial situation, family circumstances?

System of work of the class teacher consists of:

Introducing both well-known and innovative methods and forms of working with students, the class teacher must understand that the more there are and the more interesting they are for students, the better. These can be conversations and discussions, discussions and debates, games and trainings, excursions and interesting meetings, competitions and tournaments, various forms of socially useful and creative work, and so on.

The successful work of a class teacher also presupposes a close relationship with the parents of students. You can work with parents using the following forms:

  • parent meeting
  • joint events for students and parents (holidays, competitions, games, tournaments)
  • parent lectures on current problems pedagogy.

Watch the video in which the class teacher shares his experience of conducting educational work

What should a class teacher be like?

The class teacher is, first of all, a professional teaching staff member who is for students:

  • spiritual example of human culture
  • protector from immorality
  • initiator of student team unity
  • factor in the development of individuality and self-expression of each student
  • child's assistant
  • consultant on everyday situations of schoolchildren
  • a person who helps the student understand the socio-economic and political life society
  • career guidance consultant
  • coordinator of joint efforts of teachers, parents, and society to educate students
  • a person who positively influences the moral and psychological climate in the student body.
  1. Communicate effectively with students, teachers and parents.
  2. Respect children by supporting their initiative and developing their sense of responsibility.
  3. Correctly understand and implement the goals of education.
  4. Plan your activities.
  5. Organize educational events.
  6. Use methods of psychological diagnostics of students, skillfully use their results in work.
  7. Introduce moral and aesthetic technologies into the pedagogical process aimed at developing the spirituality of students.


“Did you know that the essence of self-education lies in the ability to organize independent work to improve oneself, including professionally?”

The class teacher can improve the level of education using such forms:

  1. Advanced training courses, conferences, seminars.
  2. Independent educational work.

When choosing a topic for self-education, the class teacher should develop work algorithm which should include:

  1. Selecting a topic.
  2. Determining the goals and objectives of the work, highlighting the object and subject.
  3. Detailed study of literary sources on selected topics.
  4. Development of a consistent activity plan.
  5. Practical use of the results of your experiments and experimental activities.
  6. Analysis of the work carried out, formulation of conclusions, recommendations, directions for further activities.
  7. Preparation of work and presentation of the report to the teaching staff.

Class teacher documents

The ability of the class teacher to work with information, systematize it and store it is also important.

General list of class teacher documents:

  1. Annual plan for educational work.
  2. Entering information into the class journal.
  3. Parent information table.
  4. List of members of the parent committee.
  5. Brief description of the content of parent meetings (minutes).
  6. Schedule and content of lessons for teachers of various subjects (in order to study educational aspects).
  7. Scenarios educational activities, cool hours.
  8. Diagnostic techniques.
  9. Information about individual work with problem students.
  10. Class passport.
  11. Journal of briefings on safety precautions and traffic rules.
  12. Reports on educational work.
  13. Information about students’ attendance, their academic performance, diligence, and health status.
  14. Information about students' extracurricular activities.
  15. Personal files of schoolchildren.

The class teacher today is a thinking teacher, constantly developing, looking for answers to questions that concern students and their parents. Such a person is open to new things, able to positively influence, shape their souls, and lead them to the light.

1.2. Main functions and responsibilities of the class teacher

The functions of the class teacher are determined by the need to create conditions for the child’s existence in a general education institution for his successful life, promoting the versatile creative development of the individual, spiritual formation, and comprehension of the meaning of life. The class teacher, receiving and processing information about his students, their psychophysical development, social environment, family circumstances, controls the progress of the whole educational process, the process of formation of the personality of each child, his moral qualities; analyzes the nature of the influences exerted on him; coordinates the educational activities of each student and the entire class team, self-determination, self-education and self-development of the student, the formation of the class team, the development of the creative abilities of students, relationships with other participants in the educational process. The class teacher performs several functions. Let's consider the most important functions of the class teacher.

organizational (carrying out work on all pedagogical aspects) - consists of actively promoting class self-government and the development of children's amateur performances.

educational (formation of the individual and the team)

communicative (organization of communication);

coordination (coordination of all influences, establishment of interaction between all participants in the educational process);

correctional (transformation, personality change);

environmental (protecting the child from adverse influences);

administrative (maintaining students’ personal files and other official documents).

The ideological and educational function manifests itself as an analytical and generalizing function. The need to establish interaction between four groups (students, teachers, parents, the public) emphasizes the importance of the coordination and information function. The importance of direct confidential contact with children in order to timely relieve mental stress makes the psychological function relevant.

The stimulating-inhibiting function makes it possible to intensify socially valuable activities of children and suspend negative ones.

The improvisational and creative function provides the class teacher with increased contact, effective communication, and targeted interaction with children.

The most important functions (from the Latin functio - performance, duty) of the class teacher are the following: cognitive-diagnostic, organizational-stimulating, unifying-unifying, coordinating and personal development. Let us briefly consider the essence of each of them.

a) Cognitive-diagnostic function (from Latin cognitio - knowledge, cognition; diagnos - determination). It is associated with the need for a comprehensive study of the characteristics of the development and behavior of students and determining the level of their upbringing in order to take these characteristics into account in the process extracurricular activities and implementation of an individual approach to their training and education. The class teacher needs to know the health status of students and physical development, conditions of home education, the nature of their learning and educational ability, interpersonal contacts and participation in organized activities, demonstrated inclinations, abilities and interests, attitude towards academic work and the dynamics of academic performance. The specified data must be brought to the attention of teachers working in the classroom so that they appropriately take them into account in the process of teaching and educational activities.

b) Organizing and stimulating function. It is due to the fact that the participation of schoolchildren in extracurricular activities is to a certain extent voluntary. It is incompatible with either coercion or strict regulation of students’ activities. The main thing here is the ability of the class teacher to organize extracurricular work in such a way that it captivates students with high content, variety and freshness of forms, and a constant search for new approaches to its implementation. Even the most traditional types of work (for example, New Year's Eve, birthday celebrations, class hours, etc.) each time need to be carried out in a new way, giving them bright, colorful forms.

c) Uniting and rallying function. This function follows from the fact that an effective factor in education is the unity of students, a healthy psychological microclimate in the classroom, friendly communication, caring for each other, and the influence of the student body. At that time, it is necessary to prevent the emergence of groups with a negative orientation in the classroom, creating conditions for exciting joint activities among students

d) Coordinating function of the class teacher. It is due to the fact that, as noted above, the need to coordinate their pedagogical efforts in teaching and educating students, coordinating their activities and implementing a unified approach to children. Similar work must also be carried out with the parents of students and involve them in joint educational work with the school. Problems for such work may include shortcomings in students’ home education, various deviations in behavior, increased activity in extracurricular reading, etc.

d) Personal development function. Its implementation requires giving the ongoing educational work an effective pedagogical influence on the development of students’ personal qualities: stimulating their need-motivational sphere, educational and cognitive activity, moral and aesthetic formation, development of creative abilities and inclinations, affirmation of dignity in interpersonal communication, etc.

The implementation of these functions is associated with the fulfillment by the class teacher of a number of duties assigned to him.

These include:

a) comprehensive study of students;

b) explanation and implementation of rules of conduct for students;

c) daily monitoring of students’ progress, monitoring their homework, as well as regulating the amount of homework;

d) periodically holding student meetings in the classroom;

e) involving students in circle work;

f) organization of socially useful work;

g) providing assistance in the work of voluntary children's and youth organizations and associations.

The main responsibilities of the class teacher are determined by the Charter of the secondary school secondary school. These responsibilities include close cooperation with other teachers, the student committee, the pioneer detachment and the Komsomol organization, and with the group teachers extended day, as well as advice on promoting family and school in enterprises and institutions; providing timely educational assistance to students; carrying out activities to promote the health of students; organization of socially useful work for pupils; maintaining established documentation (drawing up a work plan for the quarter, preparing a class journal, monitoring the diaries of class students); providing school management with information about academic performance; student attendance and behavior.

The class teacher works under the direct supervision of the school principal and his deputies. They also provide him with the necessary organizational and pedagogical assistance.

1.3.The purpose of training and education of the class teacher

The goal of training and education should not be the acquisition of knowledge as a set of knowledge, facts, theories, etc., but a change in the student’s personality as a result of independent learning. The task of school and education is to provide an opportunity for personal development and self-development, to promote the search for one’s individuality, and to help a person move toward self-actualization.

Managing the student body of a class and coordinating the activities of teachers working with a given class, the class teacher takes a dual position. On the one hand, he is a representative of the school administration, and on the other, he represents the interests of the students of his class in the course of management activities.

A teaching in which the student is interested, where there is not just an accumulation of facts, but a change in the student, his behavior, his “I - concepts”. Rogers called teaching “meaningful for a person” and believed that this is the only way it can be. He defined the following conditions under which it could take place:

1. During the learning process, students solve problems that are interesting and significant to them.

2. The class teacher feels congruent with the students, i.e. shows himself to be the person he is, expressing himself freely.

3. The class teacher shows unconditional positive attitude to the student, accepts him as he is.

4. The class teacher shows empathy for the student, the ability to penetrate his inner world, understand him, look through his eyes, while remaining himself.

5. The class teacher plays the role of an assistant and stimulator of meaningful learning, must create psychological comfort and freedom for the student, i.e. teaching should be student-centered, not subject-centered. Within the framework of humanistic pedagogy, the educator must encourage students to make a moral choice by providing material for analysis. Methods of education are discussions, role playing games, discussion of situations, analysis and resolution of conflicts.

For parents and teachers, scientists from the humanistic school offer the following techniques for communicating with a child: “I statements” active listening, unconditional love for the child, positive attention to him, eye contact, physical contact.

The following patterns of upbringing can be identified.

1. The upbringing of a child as the formation of socio-psychological new formations in the structure of his personality is accomplished only through the activity of the child himself. The measure of his efforts must correspond to the extent of his capabilities.

2. Any educational task is solved through active actions: physical development - through physical exercises,

Moral - through constant focus on the well-being of another person, intellectual - through mental activity, decision intellectual tasks.

4. It is difficult and disrupted to maintain the proportional relationship between the child’s efforts and the efforts of the class teacher in joint activities: at the initial stage, the share of the class teacher’s activity exceeds the child’s activity, then the child’s activity increases, and at the final stage the child does everything himself under the control of the class teacher.

Good teacher feels the limits of the extent of his own participation in the activities of children, knows how to step into the shadows and recognize the full right of children to creativity and free choice.

Only in conditions of love and security does a child freely and freely express his or her relationships and develop favorably. Therefore, upbringing includes in its content a demonstration of love towards the child, the ability to understand, help the child, forgive his mistakes, and protect him;

The organized activity must be accompanied or crowned with a situation of success that every child must experience.

As L.S. pointed out. Vygotsky, “from a scientific point of view, a teacher is only an organizer of a social educational environment, a regulator and controller of its interaction with each student.”

A situation of success is a subjective experience of achievement, the child’s internal satisfaction with his participation in the activity, his own actions and the result obtained. Positive reinforcement is the most general condition creating a situation of success.

Education must be hidden character, children should not feel like an object of application of pedagogical moral teachings, they should not constantly be aware of their susceptibility to thoughtful pedagogical influence. The hidden position of the class teacher is ensured by joint activities, the class teacher’s interest in inner world child, providing him with personal freedom, respectful and democratic style communication.

The integrity of the individual prescribes to the class teacher the integrity of educational influences.

Methods of educational influence are specific ways of influencing the consciousness, feelings and behavior of pupils in order to solve pedagogical problems in joint activities, communication between pupils and the teacher.

His mistakes. 2. Forms of work of the class teacher with the student’s parents According to his status, the class teacher at school is the main subject of educational work with the parents of students. He develops the basic strategy and tactics of interaction between school and family in developing the student’s personality; Being a specialist in the field of pedagogy and psychology, he helps parents in resolving...

His recommendations, parent survey sheets. Equip and decorate the meeting room. The preparatory work was built on this structure. The class teacher determined the purpose of the meeting in accordance with its topic. The topic of the meeting was “Difficulties in a child’s adaptation to learning in the 5th grade.” Purpose of the meeting: To draw the attention of parents to the seriousness of the problem of adaptation; ...

Pedagogical education and consulting - organizing parent universities, lectures, conferences, seminars, parent associations at schools. 1.3 Content, forms and methods collaboration class teacher with parents Forms of interaction between the class teacher and parents are ways of organizing their joint activities and communication. A suitable combination...

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on the topic: “The work of a class teacher”



Chapter I. Class teacher in modern school

1.1 Class teacher at school, the specifics of his work

1.2 The main functions and responsibilities of the class teacher at school

1.3 The purpose of training and education of the class teacher

1.4 Educational methods for practical work class teacher

1.5 Mastery

1.6 Forms of work of the class teacher

1.7 The system of work of the class teacher and his main directions

1.8 Pedagogical tasks of the class teacher

1.9 Professional suitability of the class teacher

1.10 Pedagogical skill

Chapter II. Organizational and pedagogical work of the class teacher

2.1 Unity of the class team

2.2 Innovation

Chapter III. The work of the class teacher in creating and educating the student body

3.1 Creation of a student team

3.2 The work of the class teacher to improve academic performance, labor and moral education of students

Chapter IV. Work of the class teacher with teachers and parents

4.1 Work of the class teacher with teachers

4.2 Work of the class teacher with parents

4.3 Planning of educational work by the class teacher. Maintaining class documentation




The main structural element in a school is the classroom. This is where it is organized cognitive activity, social relationships between students are formed. Representative functions in school self-government bodies are also most often exercised on behalf of the class. In the classrooms, care is taken for the social well-being of students, problems of students' leisure time, primary team building are solved, and an appropriate emotional atmosphere is formed. To each class, starting from the 1st grade, one of the teachers successfully working in this class is assigned by order of the school. This is the class teacher.

The purpose of my work is to clearly show the work of the class teacher in the classroom. What duties and functions does he perform? The class teacher plays an important role in the school community.

Using accessible and correct means, the class teacher coordinates the educational work of teachers teaching in the classroom; forms a team of students and directs its work; coordinates the joint activities of teachers and students; on our own, involving all teachers and outside specialists, carries out extracurricular educational work; organizes and regulates multilateral connections of the class with the outside world.

The content of the class teacher’s work is determined by the general tasks of communist education. Relying on a pioneer detachment or a Komsomol organization, the class teacher forms in students a Marxist-Leninist worldview and communist morality, their active life position, instills in schoolchildren a love of knowledge, work and prepares them for conscious self-determination. An important role of the class teacher is to instill in schoolchildren a responsible attitude towards learning and the ability to learn independently. He has considerable opportunities for the development of aesthetic interests and artistic taste in students. His pedagogical duty is also to take care of preserving and strengthening the health of students. The special role of the class teacher is to, by improving the pedagogical culture of students’ parents, achieve unity in the educational activities of the school and family.

Thus, the class teacher acts both as an organizer of educational activities and as a mentor to students.

The class teacher is a professional teacher, a spiritual mediator between society and the child in mastering the culture accumulated by humanity, organizing a system of relationships through various types of educational activities of the class team; creating conditions for the individual self-expression of each child and the development of each personality, preserving uniqueness and revealing his potential abilities, protecting the interests of childhood.

A good teacher is, first of all, a highly moral person. He is honest and fair, decent in all his thoughts and actions. Such a mentor knows and understands the spiritual world of his students, lives with their joys and sorrows, values ​​their trust, is always delicate and tactful in dealing with them, is not vindictive, patient and easy-going. He loves and deeply respects each of his students, is attentive, caring, and friendly.

Chapter I. Class teacher in a modern school

1.1 Class teacher at school, the specifics of his work

The class teacher is the immediate and immediate educator and mentor of the students. He organizes and directs the educational process in the classroom, unites the educational efforts of the teacher, parents and society, and is responsible for organizing educational work in his class. The activities of the class teacher organically combine ideological, educational, organizational and administrative functions. The class teacher cares about the all-round development of children, about collectivism, hard work, education, improving the quality of knowledge, strengthening discipline and order in the classroom.

The main activity of the class teacher is to educate students and unite them into a friendly team. Of course, his focus is on issues of educational work and increasing the level of knowledge. But he approaches their decisions, first of all, as an educator. It helps teachers improve the quality of teaching.

The class teacher only partly directly organizes children's life and activities. A significantly large role in this sense is played by parents, subject teachers, mentors, masters, heads of clubs, sections, studios who organize everyday life, educational and socially useful work, social activities, tourism, local history, technical and artistic creativity schoolchildren. The class teacher is responsible for the content of the educational process, its compliance with the goals of humanistic democratic education and the active participation of children in it. This requires diagnostics, a fairly complete awareness of the teacher about the child’s participation in various activities, his relationships in groups, the nature and content of communication, emerging needs and interests, incentives and motives for behavior. Based on information received from the children themselves, from the immediate organizers of their lives, the class teacher monitors the state of educational relationships, gives advice, and makes pedagogical adjustments throughout life.

The work of the class teacher is a purposeful, systematic, planned activity, built on the basis of the educational program of the entire educational institution, analysis of previous activities, positive and negative trends in social life, based on a person-oriented approach, taking into account the current tasks facing the teaching staff of the school and the situation in the classroom, interethnic, interfaith relations. The teacher also takes into account the level of education of students, the social and material conditions of their lives, and the specifics of family circumstances.

The activities of the class teacher are primarily aimed at working with students in their class. It forms the motivation for learning of each individual child by studying his age and individual characteristics for development and stimulation cognitive interests; through various forms and methods of individual work creates favorable conditions for the development of citizenship, ideological culture, creative work skills, creative individuality, the successful entry of a child into society, the formation of a democratic culture in the system of classroom self-government.

The most important functions of the class teacher include: developing the cognitive interests and abilities of schoolchildren, their professional guidance, and caring for the health of students. The class teacher organizes timely assistance to lagging students, organizes the work of the class team in socially useful work, in the most important school-wide events. He also interacts with children on the basis of respect and mutual understanding. The class teacher is a member of the teaching staff. He carries out organizational and educational work not alone, but under the guidance of the school principal and his deputies, in close contact with other teachers. But compared to other teachers, he communicates more often and more with students. His communication with them does not stop after the call. He also acts as a teacher after school. The educational work of the class teacher is not limited to the school. He maintains close contact with his family. In the process of education, the class teacher reaches every student. In any class, including the most organized and disciplined, daily educational work is needed, aimed at developing positive qualities and to overcome negative ones. As already mentioned, the class teacher, compared to other teachers, communicates more with the family. He informs parents about the educational work and behavior of schoolchildren, and together with them outlines ways of working together to educate them.

Among the main personality traits of a class teacher, first of all, we should mention such qualities as communicative ideology, social activity, and moral maturity. These qualities, of course, are necessary for every teacher. But it is especially important for the class teacher to have them. After all, he educates his students not only with words, but also with personal examples and his behavior. Of no small importance for the class teacher are such personality traits as passion for the profession, humane attitude towards children, and high demands on himself and his students. The class teacher also needs such qualities as communication, friendly disposition, and politeness in communication. The success of a class teacher’s work also depends on his or her information knowledge and skills. It is especially important to have the ability to clearly, expressively, and logically express your thoughts, to be able to convince, and to attract people to yourself. The main qualities required by a class teacher include tact, restraint and self-control, responsiveness, observation, sincerity, resourcefulness, neatness and external neatness. The success of a class teacher’s work largely depends on his ability to have a number of applied, creative skills: the ability to sing, play musical instruments, dance, draw, and read expressively. The class teacher is the closest mentor to the students in his class. It is designed to organize the lives of schoolchildren and manage their development. His honorable work is the direct education of children and youth, the formation of a cheerful, hardworking, physically and morally healthy generation.

The class teacher sets and implements uniform educational tasks. Thus, he strives to teach children to be hardworking, organized, and truthful. But the ways, means and methods of achieving these tasks may be different depending on the individual characteristics of the students. Some need to be rewarded in a timely manner, others need to be skillfully punished for violating the rules of behavior. And for this you need to study them deeply and comprehensively. The class teacher needs to know well about his students, understand them, and be able to organize useful educational and social activities taking into account their individual characteristics and interests. Knowing your students well will help address behavioral deficiencies.

The effectiveness and quality of the educational activities of the class teacher largely depends on systematic work to improve their qualifications. In order to educate students well, they themselves need to be well-mannered and highly educated, constantly replenish and improve their knowledge and pedagogical skills. The most important form of advanced training for a class teacher is self-education. The systematic work of the class teacher to improve their qualifications ensures their constant movement to the heights of pedagogical excellence.

However, today the functions of class teachers, the content of their work, the range of their powers and responsibilities are still not clearly defined. variable forms their solution of pedagogical problems. In this regard, the problem of ensuring optimal performance of the class teacher is relevant.

To organize extracurricular educational work in middle and high schools from among the most experienced teachers class teachers are appointed. Their necessity is due to the fact that in these classes the teaching and educational work is carried out by several teachers, whose activities require some coordination.

The class mentor, teacher and educator in one person is the main character in the system of Waldorf pedagogy. The core idea of ​​his activity is an individual approach, as a result of which he must, by identifying inclinations, abilities, types of perception and thinking, formulate a curriculum for each student. The class teacher has been teaching general education subjects for eight years and ensuring that students interact with other teachers and parents. The task of Waldorf pedagogy is the “art of awakening” the creative natural abilities of a person, the education of a free, spiritually developed personality.

In addition, many types of extracurricular work, such as the creation and education of a student group, the organization of socially useful work, numerous types of moral and artistic-aesthetic activities of students, are not directly the responsibility of substitute teachers and are assigned to the class teacher.

The Institute of Class Teachers at our school has its own history. BEFORE 1917 in gymnasiums and other secondary educational institutions Russian Empire There was a position of class teacher, to which full-time teachers were appointed, responsible for the education of students and supervising their behavior. The position of assistant class teacher, or class supervisor, was also established, who monitored the behavior of students in the classroom and outside the school (on the streets, in theaters, in private apartments, etc.).

In a unique form, this institute also exists in modern schools in some foreign countries. In Belgium, for example, teachers are not involved in the education and discipline of students. Their responsibility is to ensure that students have a complete knowledge of the subject they teach. Everything else is the responsibility of the teachers. They keep order in the classroom and conduct extracurricular activities. Young people are most often hired for this position, since in Belgian schools the majority of teachers are women.

The class teacher is a teacher who organizes, coordinates and conducts extracurricular educational work in the class assigned to him.

The main task of the class teacher is to coordinate all educational influences on schoolchildren in order to develop their personality by including them in a variety of activities and relationships.

He solves problems in accordance with the specifics of the students’ age and the relationships that have developed in the class. Relationships with each student are built by the class teacher, taking into account his individual characteristics. The activities of the class teacher are based on the needs of each specific class group, each specific child, and the main thing in it is to promote the self-development of the individual, the realization of his creative potential, ensuring active social protection child, creating necessary and sufficient conditions for intensifying children’s efforts to solve their own problems.

1.2 The main functions and responsibilities of the class teacher at school

The functions of the class teacher are determined by the need to create conditions for the child’s existence in a general education institution for his successful life, promoting the versatile creative development of the individual, spiritual formation, and comprehension of the meaning of life. The class teacher, receiving and processing information about his students, their psychophysical development, social environment, family circumstances, controls the progress of the holistic educational process, the process of developing the personality of each child, his moral qualities; analyzes the nature of the influences exerted on him; coordinates the educational activities of each student and the entire class team, self-determination, self-education and self-development of the student, the formation of the class team, the development of the creative abilities of students, relationships with other participants in the educational process. The class teacher performs several functions. Let's consider the most important functions of the class teacher.

Organizational (carrying out work on all pedagogical aspects) - consists of actively promoting class self-government and the development of children's amateur performances.

Educational (formation of personality and team)

Communicative (organization of communication);

Coordination (coordination of all influences, establishment of interaction between all participants in the educational process);

Corrective (transformation, personality change);

Environmental (protecting the child from adverse influences);

Administrative (maintaining students’ personal files and other official documents).

The ideological and educational function manifests itself as an analytical and generalizing function. The need to establish interaction between four groups (students, teachers, parents, the public) emphasizes the importance of the coordination and information function. The importance of direct confidential contact with children in order to timely relieve mental stress makes the psychological function relevant.

Stimulating-inhibiting function - makes it possible to intensify socially valuable activities of children and suspend negative ones.

The improvisational and creative function provides the class teacher with increased contact, effective communication, and targeted interaction with children.

The most important functions (from the Latin functio - performance, duty) of the class teacher are the following: cognitive-diagnostic, organizational-stimulating, unifying-unifying, coordinating and personal development. Let us briefly consider the essence of each of them.

a) Cognitive-diagnostic function (from Latin cognitio - knowledge, cognition; diagnos - definition). It is associated with the need for a comprehensive study of the characteristics of the development and behavior of students and determining the level of their upbringing in order to take these characteristics into account in the process of extracurricular work and implement an individual approach to their training and education. The class teacher needs to know the state of health of students and physical development, the conditions of home education, the nature of their learning and educational ability, interpersonal contacts and participation in organized activities, demonstrated inclinations, abilities and interests, attitude to academic work and the dynamics of academic performance. The specified data must be brought to the attention of teachers working in the classroom so that they appropriately take them into account in the process of teaching and educational activities.

b) Organizing and stimulating function. It is due to the fact that the participation of schoolchildren in extracurricular activities is to a certain extent voluntary. It is incompatible with either coercion or strict regulation of students’ activities. The main thing here is the ability of the class teacher to organize extracurricular work in such a way that it captivates students with high content, variety and freshness of forms, and a constant search for new approaches to its implementation. Even the most traditional types of work (for example, New Year's Eve, birthday celebrations, class hours, etc.) each time need to be carried out in a new way, giving them bright, colorful forms.

c) Uniting and rallying function. This function follows from the fact that an effective factor in education is the unity of students, a healthy psychological microclimate in the classroom, friendly communication, caring for each other, and the influence of the student body. At that time, it is necessary to prevent the emergence of groups with a negative orientation in the classroom, creating conditions for exciting joint activities among students

d) Coordinating function of the class teacher. It is due to the fact that, as noted above, the need to coordinate their pedagogical efforts in teaching and educating students, coordinating their activities and implementing a unified approach to children. Similar work must also be carried out with the parents of students and involve them in joint educational work with the school. Problems for such work may include shortcomings in students’ home education, various deviations in behavior, increased activity in extracurricular reading, etc.

d) Personal development function. Its implementation requires giving the ongoing educational work an effective pedagogical influence on the development of students’ personal qualities: stimulating their need-motivational sphere, educational and cognitive activity, moral and aesthetic formation, development of creative abilities and inclinations, affirmation of dignity in interpersonal communication, etc.

The implementation of these functions is associated with the fulfillment by the class teacher of a number of duties assigned to him.

These include:

a) comprehensive study of students;

b) explanation and implementation of rules of conduct for students;

c) daily monitoring of students’ progress, monitoring their homework, as well as regulating the amount of homework;

d) periodically holding student meetings in the classroom;

e) involving students in circle work;

f) organization of socially useful work;

g) providing assistance in the work of voluntary children's and youth organizations and associations.

The main responsibilities of the class teacher are determined by the Charter of the secondary school. These responsibilities include close cooperation with other teachers, the student committee, the pioneer detachment and the Komsomol organization, with teachers of the extended day group, as well as family and school assistance councils in enterprises and institutions; providing timely educational assistance to students; carrying out activities to promote the health of students; organization of socially useful work for pupils; maintaining established documentation (drawing up a work plan for the quarter, preparing a class journal, monitoring the diaries of class students); providing school management with information about academic performance; student attendance and behavior.

The class teacher works under the direct supervision of the school principal and his deputies. They also provide him with the necessary organizational and pedagogical assistance.

1.3 TargettrainingAndeducationcoolhead

The goal of training and education should not be the acquisition of knowledge as a set of knowledge, facts, theories, etc., but a change in the student’s personality as a result of independent learning. The task of school and education is to provide an opportunity for personal development and self-development, to promote the search for one’s individuality, and to help a person move towards self-actualization.

Managing the student body of a class and coordinating the activities of teachers working with a given class, the class teacher takes a dual position. On the one hand, he is a representative of the school administration, and on the other, he represents the interests of the students of his class in the course of management activities.

A teaching in which the student is interested, where there is not just an accumulation of facts, but a change in the student, his behavior, his “I-concept”. Rogers called teaching “meaningful for a person” and believed that this is the only way it can be. He defined the following conditions under which it could take place:

1. During the learning process, students solve problems that are interesting and significant to them.

2. The class teacher feels congruent with the students, i.e. shows himself to be the person he is, expressing himself freely.

3. The class teacher shows an unconditional positive attitude towards the student, accepts him as he is.

4. The class teacher shows empathy for the student, the ability to penetrate his inner world, understand him, look through his eyes, while remaining himself.

5. The class teacher plays the role of an assistant and stimulator of meaningful learning, must create psychological comfort and freedom for the student, i.e. teaching should be student-centered, not subject-centered. Within the framework of humanistic pedagogy, the educator must encourage students to make a moral choice by providing material for analysis. Educational methods include discussions, role-playing games, discussion of situations, analysis and resolution of conflicts.

For parents and teachers, scientists of the humanistic school offer the following techniques in communicating with a child: “I statements”, active listening, unconditional love for the child, positive attention to him, eye contact, physical contact.

The following patterns of upbringing can be identified.

1. The upbringing of a child as the formation of socio-psychological new formations in the structure of his personality is accomplished only through the activity of the child himself. The measure of his efforts must correspond to the extent of his capabilities.

2. Any educational task is solved through active actions: physical development - through physical exercises,

Moral - through a constant focus on the well-being of another person, intellectual - through mental activity, solving intellectual problems.

4. the observance of the proportional relationship between the child’s efforts and the efforts of the class teacher in joint activities becomes more difficult and disrupted: at the initial stage, the share of the class teacher’s activity exceeds the child’s activity, then the child’s activity increases, and at the final stage the child does everything himself under the control of the class teacher.

A good teacher feels the limits of his own participation in children’s activities, knows how to step into the shadows and recognize children’s full right to creativity and free choice.

Only in conditions of love and security does a child freely and freely express his or her relationships and develop favorably. Therefore, upbringing includes in its content a demonstration of love towards the child, the ability to understand, help the child, forgive his mistakes, and protect him;

The organized activity must be accompanied or crowned with a situation of success that every child must experience.

As L.S. pointed out. Vygotsky, “from a scientific point of view, a teacher is only an organizer of a social educational environment, a regulator and controller of its interaction with each student.”

A situation of success is a subjective experience of achievement, the child’s internal satisfaction with his participation in the activity, his own actions and the result obtained. Positive reinforcement is the most common condition for creating a situation of success.

Education should be of a hidden nature, children should not feel like an object of pedagogical moral teachings, and should not be constantly aware of their susceptibility to thoughtful pedagogical influence. The hidden position of the class teacher is ensured by joint activities, the class teacher's interest in the child's inner world, providing him with personal freedom, and a respectful and democratic style of communication.

The integrity of the individual prescribes to the class teacher the integrity of educational influences.

Methods of educational influence are specific ways of influencing the consciousness, feelings, behavior of students in order to solve pedagogical problems in joint activities, communication between students and the teacher.

1.4 MethodseducationForpracticalworkcoolhead

The class teacher studies schoolchildren using various methods. The most important of them are the following: daily observation of the activities and behavior of students in the process training sessions and extracurricular work, individual and group diagnostic conversations, studying the results of students’ activities, visiting them at home, a natural experiment, rating and the method of competent assessments. How to use them in the process of educating schoolchildren? Daily observation of student behavior and activities.

The essence of this method is to observe students in various conditions of educational and extracurricular work, to identify the peculiarities of their attitude to the performance of school duties, character traits, culture of behavior, etc. To make general conclusions on these issues, you need to have facts and examples that characterize stable, rather than random, phenomena. For example, when observing one or another of the students, the class teacher notices that during lessons he cannot restrain himself and behaves restlessly, during breaks he runs screaming along the corridor, pushes his friends, etc. It is logical to conclude that he is insufficiently disciplined. If teachers complain about a student that he cheats on his homework or does not complete it at all, it must be assumed that he requires constant attention and help in improving his homework. The class teacher should accumulate such observations and factual material not only on the students’ academic performance, but also on their moral manifestations, attitude towards socially useful activities, state of health and physical development, behavior in their free time, etc.

Individual group diagnostic conversations with students, teachers and parents. With their help, the class teacher has the opportunity to find out how a particular student feels about his studies, what he is interested in and occupied with outside school hours, and what difficulties he experiences in mastering knowledge. In intimate individual conversations, students talk about their successes and failures in their studies, the nature of their relationships with classmates, etc.

Study of student performance results. The school holds various competitions, exhibitions, and gives homework. The schoolchildren themselves show creativity and make various crafts. The class teacher often gives them various assignments. As a result, it turns out that some schoolchildren love to draw, others study mathematics with enthusiasm, others are engaged in collecting, and others devote their leisure time to making various models etc. Based on the results of these various activities, the class teacher can judge not only the hobbies, but also the inclinations and abilities of the students, make predictions about their development, establish contacts with teachers and parents on these issues, so that they take all this into account in their work.

Visiting students at home. This method allows you to accumulate ideas about how a particular student lives and works at home, how he follows a routine, what the atmosphere is in the family, how he fills his free time, who he is friends with, etc. Contacts with parents, their opinions, requests, complaints, etc. are very important here. All this provides material for further improvement of extracurricular activities.

Natural experiment. Its essence lies in the fact that children are involved in some activity, and the teacher observes their behavior not in artificially created conditions, but in the process of normal work and thus studies their characteristics. For example, the class is assigned to finish cleaning an area of ​​the school yard that they started earlier. But since there is not much work there, the class teacher invites those who wish to take part in it. And suddenly it turns out that some of the students, who are usually praised for their good studies and social activity, do not express a desire to take part in the work. Noticing this, the class teacher concludes that with these students it is necessary to intensify the work to instill in them hard work. Such “natural situations” when studying students can include a discussion at a meeting about the bad actions of individual students, when it is necessary to show integrity and exactingness towards a friend, etc. This is where the class teacher sees who has these qualities and who does not .

To study schoolchildren, class teachers also use the methods of rating and competent assessments. Their essence was discussed in the chapter in which methods were revealed pedagogical research. Here, it must be said that they allow one to accumulate material about the characteristics of students’ behavior, their characters, interests, creative abilities and inclinations.

Studying schoolchildren is a continuous process. The class teacher not only pays attention to the behavior, character and various activities of his pupils, but also to the changes that occur in their development. That is why, using the methods discussed above, the class teacher also determines the dynamics that characterize the level of education of schoolchildren and predicts further collective and individual work in the class. All this requires that it constantly records and accumulates data on student learning results and analyzes them in depth. A.S. Makarenko considered it necessary for the teacher to keep a diary of studying students, regularly recording the most important facts of their behavior, seeing the trends in their development and, on this basis, predicting and designing educational work.

Most suitable for the practical work of a class teacher next classification education methods:

Methods of persuasion, with the help of which the views, ideas, and concepts of those being educated are formed, and information is quickly exchanged

(suggestion, narration, dialogue, evidence, appeals, persuasion);

Methods of exercises (taming), with the help of which the activities of the pupils are organized and their positive motives are stimulated (various types of tasks for individual and group activities in the form of assignments, demands, competitions, showing samples and examples, creating situations of success);

Methods of assessment and self-assessment, with the help of which actions are assessed, activities are stimulated, and help is provided to students in the self-regulation of their behavior; criticism, encouragement, remarks, punishment, situations of trust, control, self-control, self-criticism.

1.5 Mastery

The next step in the professional growth of a class teacher is mastery. Pedagogical skill as a qualitative characteristic of the teaching and educational activities of the class teacher is nothing more than the educational and educational skill brought to a high degree of perfection, which is manifested in the special polishing of methods and techniques for applying psychological and pedagogical theory in practice, which ensures high educational effectiveness - educational process. As we can see, mastery differs from ordinary pedagogical skill in that it is a more advanced level, a high degree of refinement of the teaching and educational techniques used, and often their unique combination. There may also be certain creative elements in it, but they are by no means obligatory. The main thing in it is the perfect implementation and implementation in practice of psychological and pedagogical theory and best practices in educational work, which contribute to the achievement of high performance in teaching and education.

Of course, in order to develop pedagogical skills, the class teacher, as already noted, must have the necessary natural abilities, a good voice, hearing, external charm, etc. However, despite the importance of these natural data, which contribute to successful teaching activities, acquired qualities almost play a decisive role. A.S. Makarenko emphasized that pedagogical skills can and should be developed.

“I am convinced,” he wrote, “that teaching education is as easy, perhaps, as teaching mathematics, as teaching reading, as teaching to be a good miller or turner, and I taught.

What does this kind of study consist of? First of all, in organizing the character of the teacher, nurturing his behavior, and then in organizing his special knowledge and skills, without which no teacher can be a good teacher, cannot work, because he does not have a voice, he does not know how to talk to a child and does not know in what cases how to speak. A teacher who does not have facial expressions, who cannot give his face the necessary expression or control his mood cannot be a good teacher... A teacher must behave in such a way that every movement educates him, and must always know what he wants in at the moment and what he doesn’t want.”

Mastery also includes those pedagogical improvements that are carried out by the class teacher (teacher), drawing the necessary conclusions from the shortcomings, mistakes and achieved successes, enriching his methodological arsenal.

1.6 Forms of work of the class teacher

The forms of work of the class teacher are determined based on the pedagogical situation that has developed at school and in a given class, traditional educational experience; the degree of pedagogical influence is the level of development of students’ personalities, the formation of the class team as a group in which the development and self-determination of adolescents occurs. The number of forms is endless: conversations, discussions, games, competitions, hikes and excursions, competitions, socially useful and creative work, artistic and aesthetic activities, role-playing training, etc. At the same time, the most important task remains updating the content of educational activities that contribute to emotional development the student, his speech, intelligence; developing skills of a critical attitude towards information, including audiovisual.

A special place in the activities of the class teacher is occupied by class hour- a form of organizing the process of direct communication between the teacher and students, during which important moral, moral and ethical problems can be raised and resolved.

The class teacher approaches the choice of forms of work creatively, taking into account the living conditions of the school, the capabilities and characteristics of children, the content of children's life, which must be comprehended, analyzed, generalized and adjusted together with the children. The forms he plans, “classroom hours” of various contents, are designed to cover the entire holistic educational process with analysis, to crystallize its leading ideas in the minds of children, to help evaluate emerging ideals, value orientations, tastes, and to express a fundamental attitude towards the superficial, alien, and harmful.

1.7 The system of work of the class teacher and his main directions

The main directions of the class teacher are:

1. Study of students and class staff: obtaining demographic, medical, psychological and pedagogical data (family, social and financial status, health status, level of development, education and training, individual characteristics, etc.)

2. Setting educational goals (“prospects”) common to the class or separate groups, class students.

3. Planning of educational work - drawing up a plan for working with students, teachers, parents, containing a list of tasks and tasks for solving them.

4. Organizing, conducting and adjusting various types of activities in accordance with the assigned tasks and the planned plan: conducting classroom hours, collective creative activities, excursions, hikes, evenings, parent meetings, etc.

5. Organization of work with parents of students: systematic information about the progress and behavior of students, visiting students at home, carrying out pedagogical education of parents, involving parents in educational work with students.

6. Analysis and assessment of the results of education: observation, questionnaires and other methods that allow you to judge the results and set new tasks.

1.8 Pedagogicaltaskscoolhead

educational work school class teacher

One of the most important tasks of the class teacher is systematic work with the class staff. The teacher humanizes the relationships between children in the team, promotes the formation of moral meanings and spiritual guidelines, organizes socially valuable relationships and experiences of students in the classroom community, creative, personally and socially significant activities, and a system of self-government; creates a situation of security, emotional comfort, favorable psychological and pedagogical conditions for the development of the child’s personality, and contributes to the formation of students’ self-education skills. His work is aimed at the formation and manifestation of a unique individuality, the “face” of the class community. At the same time, the class teacher takes care of the position and place of the class in the school community, promoting inter-age communication.

According to V.A. Slastenina, a teacher involved in the educational system by the very logic of reality, is faced with the need to solve binary groups of pedagogical problems. This:

Analytical-reflective tasks, i.e. tasks of analysis and reflection of the holistic pedagogical process, its elements, emerging difficulties, etc.;

Constructive and prognostic tasks, i.e. the task of building an integral pedagogical process in accordance with the general goal of professional pedagogical activity, developing and making pedagogical decisions, predicting the results and consequences of decisions made;

Organizational and operational tasks - implementation tasks various options educational process, combination of diverse types of pedagogical activities;

Evaluation and information tasks, i.e. the tasks of collecting, processing and storing information about the state and prospects for the development of the pedagogical system, its objective assessment;

Corrective and regulatory tasks, i.e. tasks of correcting the course of the pedagogical process, establishing the necessary communication connections, their regulation and support.

The complete presence of these tasks in the consciousness and activity of the teacher determines the level of his subjectivity in the educational system.

Another important task of the class teacher in ensuring the integrity of the educational process is coordinating the activities and establishing relationships between the four leading teams: children's educational, teachers working with the class, parents and labor (base enterprise). In the children's team, the class teacher promotes the organization of student self-government, the establishment of business relationships of responsible dependence, and the development of relationships based on interests. He interacts with children on the basis of respect, mutual exactingness, attentiveness, empathy, mutual assistance and fairness. The class teacher exchanges information with the team of teachers working in the classroom, agrees on common actions, requirements and joint forms of work. Interactions with the parent team are based on the exchange of information, unity of requirements, the implementation of parent pedagogical universal education, and the participation of parents in certain forms pedagogical work with children. Relations with the workforce are organized as patronage, business and free communication.

Direct communication with children, ideological, spiritual and value influence on them requires the class teacher to pay increased attention to the mental experiences and states of children, the formation of their ideals, views, beliefs, personal qualities and individual abilities. A child is formed as a personality and individuality when teachers strive to translate external socially valuable stimuli into internal motives of his behavior, when he himself achieves socially valuable results, while showing determination, will and courage. The educational effect is great when education, at each stage of age development, develops into self-education, and the child turns from an object of education into its subject. The mechanism of such transformation is children’s understanding of the process of their own life activity: awareness of its goals, requirements, prospects; knowledge in its process of one’s strengths and capabilities; overcoming (self-determination) one’s weaknesses and implementing self-education. The class teacher, who together with the students analyzes social life, the process of their formation as individuals, the formation of their worldview, creative abilities, appears before them as a thinker who helps them actively participate in the formation of their own personality, development and organization of behavior.

1.9 Professional suitability of the class teacher

Any professional activity requires from a person a certain inclination, necessary physical and mental data, as well as appropriate personal development. For example, when selecting for a summer job, they check vision, hearing, reactivity of the nervous system, ability to withstand heavy physical activity, etc. A person will not be enlisted in the navy if he is not able to withstand sea motions. When assigned to many leadership positions take into account the person’s organizational skills and abilities, and his communication skills. In the absence of mercy and high morality, a doctor is not able to properly perform his duties. No less important is a person’s professional suitability for teaching and educating people. No wonder the outstanding Russian chemist D.I. Mendeleev wrote:

“It is necessary to call for pedagogical work, as for maritime, medical or the like, not those who only strive to ensure their own lives, but those who feel a conscious calling to this work and to science and anticipate their satisfaction in it, understanding the general national need "

A person’s professional suitability is nothing more than a necessary set of abilities, physical, neuropsychic and moral qualities that are required to master certain job functions and successfully operate in a particular area of ​​production or spiritual life. Therefore, it cannot be reduced only to the sum of knowledge, skills and practical dexterity that are acquired in the course of vocational training. You also need, as noted above, an inclination to work, the presence of certain natural abilities and moral qualities.

Professional suitability for teaching is related to a person’s physical and mental health, ability to withstand exposure to strong stimuli, show restraint, etc. Personal qualities that characterize suitability for teaching also include: a penchant for working with children, sociability (the desire and ability to communicate with other people), tactfulness, observation, developed imagination, organizational skills, and high demands on oneself. All this is quite amenable to medical and psychological-pedagogical diagnostics and certain testing. Unfortunately, when recruiting students to pedagogical institutes and pedagogical departments of universities, there is no provision yet for determining their professional suitability; everyone who passes the required tests is admitted. entrance exams. This is why many teachers who are known to be professionally unsuitable end up in schools, which has a sharply negative impact on the education and upbringing of students.

1.10 Pedagogical skill

There is simply a skilled class teacher (teacher) who conducts training and education at the usual professional level, and there is a class teacher who demonstrates pedagogical skill and achieves high results in his work. Many class teachers, in addition to skill, enrich their teaching and education methods. And there are class teachers - innovators who make real pedagogical discoveries, pave new paths in teaching and upbringing, enriching pedagogical theory.

What is the essence of these characteristics of the activities of class teachers and what are the indicators of their professional growth?

The pedagogical skill of a class teacher should be understood as a level of professionalism that includes a thorough knowledge of his academic subject, good knowledge of psychological and pedagogical theory and the system of teaching and educational skills, as well as fairly developed professional and personal qualities, which in their totality allows for sufficiently qualified training and education of students.

The French physicist Pascal correctly noted: “The student is not a vessel that needs to be filled, but a torch that needs to be lit.”

Pedagogical skill is the basis of the professionalism of the class teacher, without which it is impossible to work at school. It is based on sufficient theoretical and practical training of the class teacher, which is provided in pedagogical educational institutions and continues to be polished and improved at school. Thus, the class teacher needs to know how to prepare for training sessions, correctly determine the structure, content and methodology for conducting individual stages of the lesson, use the most important techniques creation problem situations, maintain students’ attention and discipline in class, combine various shapes and methods for testing and assessing knowledge, conducting frontal and individual work with students, etc. Simplifying matters somewhat, we can say that the system of this knowledge, skills and abilities is, to one degree or another, determined by normative courses in psychology, pedagogy and private methods, which are studied in pedagogical educational institutions and in pedagogical departments of universities. Unfortunately, it cannot be said that all class teachers have a good command of these standard courses, which, naturally, negatively affects their teaching activities.

Chapter II. Organizational and pedagogical work of the class teacher

The modern class teacher is a subtle psychologist and a skillful teacher. Possessing theoretical knowledge and pedagogical intuition, he easily comes into contact with teachers and students, skillfully organizes joint activities at school and outside it, and has the art of directly and indirectly controlling the thoughts, feelings and will of schoolchildren. He is a researcher and organizer, a social activist, a person passionate about science, sports, technology or art. He readily gives all the wealth of his soul to his students.

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Homeroom teacher is the direct and main organizer of educational work in the school, an official appointed by its director to carry out educational work in the classroom.

The institution of classroom management emerged a long time ago, almost along with the emergence of educational institutions. In Russia, until 1917, these teachers were called class mentors and class ladies. They were obliged to delve into all the life events of the student groups entrusted to them, monitor the relationships in them, and form friendly relationships between children. The teacher had to serve as an example in everything, even his appearance was a role model.

In the Soviet school, the position of a class teacher was introduced in 1934. One of the teachers was appointed as a class teacher, who was given special responsibility for educational work in a given class. The responsibilities of the class teacher were considered additional to the main teaching work.

Currently, the institution of classroom management has changed significantly, since there are several types of classroom management: a) subject teacher, who simultaneously performs the functions of a class teacher; b) a released class teacher who performs only educational functions; c) a class supervisor (trustee), who is entrusted with overseeing any work; d) tutor (protector, patron, guardian), exercising control in conditions where students take on a number of organizational functions of the teacher.

Main functions class teacher are:

Educational (social protection of the child);

Organizational (work on all pedagogical aspects of the life of the class and school, formation of the individual and the team, study of students);

Coordinating (establishing positive interaction between all participants in the educational process - teachers, students, parents, the public);

Managerial (monitoring the dynamics of individual and team development based on maintaining students’ personal files and other types of documentation).

The priority among them is the function social protection child, which is understood as a purposeful, consciously regulated system of practical social, political, legal, psychological, pedagogical, economic and medical-ecological measures that provide normal conditions and resources for the physical, mental, spiritual and moral development of children, preventing infringement of their rights and human dignity. The implementation of this function involves providing conditions for the adequate development of the child. The work of the class teacher in this area is not only the activity of a direct executor, but also a coordinator who helps children and their parents receive social support and social services. Performing this function, he must, while solving acute immediate problems, be prepared to anticipate events and, based on an accurate forecast, protect the child from possible problems and difficulties.

The object of social protection and social guarantees are all children, regardless of their origin, the well-being of their parents and their living conditions. However, it is especially important to perform this function in relation to children who find themselves in a particularly difficult situation: children from large families, disabled children, orphans, refugees, etc., who are in greater need of emergency social protection than others.

Main purpose organizational functions - supporting positive children's initiatives related to improving the life of the region, microenvironment, school and schoolchildren themselves. In other words, the class teacher does not so much organize students as help them in self-organization of various activities: cognitive, labor, aesthetic, as well as free communication, which is part of leisure time. What is important at this level is the function of team unity, which acts not as an end in itself, but as a way to achieve the goals set for the class. One of the tasks of the class teacher is the development of student self-government.

The success of the educational activities of the class teacher largely depends on deep penetration into the inner world of children, understanding their experiences and motives of behavior. For these purposes, he studies schoolchildren not only in class, but also outside of school hours, when visiting students’ families, during excursions and hikes.

Coordinating The function of the class teacher is manifested primarily in the fact that he carries out educational activities in close cooperation with other members of the teaching staff and, first of all, with those teachers who work with students in a given class (the micro-teaching team of the class). On the one hand, he uses the information he receives about children from teachers, and on the other hand, he enriches teachers’ ideas about the child, offering them his information that will help regulate the actions of the teacher and his methods of working with the student.

The class teacher is the link between teachers and the child’s parents. He informs teachers about the student’s condition, the characteristics of the parents, and organizes their meetings with subject teachers. The class teacher should pay special attention to new teachers, who are important to acquaint with the characteristics of the class team and individual students, as well as the requirements imposed by the previous teacher and teachers of the class.

One of the forms of interaction between the class teacher and subject teachers, which ensures unity of action and contributes to the development of common approaches to education, is a pedagogical council, at which a comprehensive view of the child is formed.

Within managerial functions the class teacher carries out diagnostics, goal setting, planning, control and correction of educational activities. The implementation of the diagnostic function involves identifying the initial level of students’ education and constantly monitoring changes. It is aimed at researching and analyzing the child’s individuality, searching for reasons for ineffective results and characterizing the holistic pedagogical process.

The goal-setting function can be considered as the joint development of educational goals with students. The share of participation of the class teacher in this process depends on the age of the students and the level of formation of the class team. The logic of goal setting is reflected in the process of planning the activities of the class teacher.

Main purpose of the function control and correction– ensuring the constant development of the educational system of the class. The implementation of the control function involves identifying both positive results and the causes of shortcomings and problems arising in the process of education. Based on the analysis of the control results, the class teacher’s work is corrected either with the class as a whole, or with a specific group of students or an individual student. Monitoring the work of the class teacher is not so much control on the part of the school administration as self-control for the purpose of correction. Correction is always a joint activity of the class teacher and the class team as a whole, a group or individual students.

The considered levels of functions determine the content of the class teacher’s activities. In the educational system of the school, the class teacher acts as an administrative person, endowed with the appropriate rights and obligations, namely:

– receive information about the mental and physical health of each child;

– monitor the progress of each student;

– monitor children’s attendance at school;

– coordinate and direct the work of teachers of a given class (as well as a psychologist, social teacher);

– organize educational work with class students: conduct “small teacher councils”, pedagogical councils, thematic events, etc.;

– submit proposals agreed upon with the class staff for consideration by the administration and school council;

– invite parents (or persons replacing them) to school to resolve issues related to the upbringing and education of students, in agreement with the administration, contact the commission on minors, the psychological, medical and pedagogical commission, the commission and councils for family and school assistance at enterprises;

– receive help from the school’s teaching staff;

– determine an individual mode of work with children based on a specific situation;

– refuse assignments that lie outside the scope of his work;

– conduct experimental work on problems of didactic and educational activities;

– organize the educational process that is optimal for the development of the positive potential of students’ personalities within the framework of the activities of the school team;

– provide assistance to the student in solving acute problems (preferably in person, a psychologist can be involved);

– establish contact with parents and provide them with assistance in raising children (personally, through a psychologist, social teacher).

For pedagogically competent, successful and effective performance of their duties, the class teacher must have a good knowledge of the psychological and pedagogical foundations of working with children, be informed about the latest trends, methods and forms of educational activities, and master modern educational technologies.