Name Egor: hidden name code that determines character. Yegor's fate, destined by the name


The name Egor is of Greek origin. According to the main version, it came from the name George, which is also ancient Greek in origin. The literal interpretation sounds like “farmer.” This name has very strong energy and, according to the main version, is one of the simplest male names (colloquial).

The male name Egor was incredibly popular ten years ago, especially in Russia and Ukraine, however, today it is used much less often by new parents. Although it has a very multifaceted positive value and excellent compatibility...

Popularity: The name Egor is usually in 10-13 positions and occurs in Russian-speaking countries for 29-31 boys out of 1000 births.

Conversational options: Egorka, Gora, Grief, Zhora

Modern English analogues: Not available

Meaning and interpretation of the name

The meaning of the name Egor promises a very difficult and at the same time unusual character. It is believed that a boy, given the name Yegor by his parents at birth, must, when he grows up, acquire such traits as responsibility, diligence, prudence, and hard work.

At his core, Egor is always an emotional person, but he knows how to control emotions in a way that no one else can. In his actions he is based solely on common sense and logic. Egor will never give freedom to emotions, and if he is ready to do this, then only in the most extreme cases.

At the same time, one cannot help but say that the bearer of the name Yegor is very receptive, sensitive and suggestible, and their character usually strongly depends on surrounding atmosphere and the upbringing given by parents.

Advantages and positive features: Egor is very diligent, and not a single bearer of this name will ever become a slacker or a lazy person. The bearers of this name always achieve their goals and try to bring everything to the end. They are also responsible, reasonable and honest.

Yegor has a bad attitude towards people with high self-esteem, those individuals who try to criticize him, and those who try to manipulate him. And Yegor will never get involved with a person in whom he even slightly doubts - he is principled in this regard.

The name Egor is indirectly a synonymous name with the male name Yuri, which also comes from George. The latter was famous among the nobles of the 17th–19th centuries.

Character of the name Egor

The character of the name Egor is one of the most complex factors; enough people have devoted themselves to its study. large number researchers, but everyone eventually settled on one. Everyone claims that the character of His guy named by name will be quite tolerable, if you don’t argue with his owner. In disputes, his real character always manifests itself, one might say, the second one, aggressive and uncompromising.

In addition, the character of this little name can endow it with a bunch of characteristics that oppose each other. For example, this is attentiveness and justice, counteracting inattention to people you don’t like, or integrity and kindness, interrupted by sudden aggression. But all this is inaccurate, because much of the above, like character, depends on additional influencing factors, for example, on upbringing, on the influence of the zodiac sign, and even on the influence of the sign on it. Chinese horoscope.

Early childhood

WITH early childhood Egor shows enough self-sufficiency, self-confidence, and pride. In addition, the meaning of the name Egor can bestow integrity and even uncompromisingness, which in turn often act as factors that promote quarrels and conflicts.

Since childhood, this boy has had many quarrels and scandals with everyone around him. So, he especially often argues with his parents - he tries to challenge their every opinion, tries to avoid every punishment, and for any parental word he always finds two opposing ones. The situation for such a boy is no better with regard to communication with peers - already in early age he tries to show leadership qualities, tries to subjugate everyone around him, become a role model and de facto boss for everyone. All this leads to the division of the entire environment into three groups, in one of which there will be weak-willed suckers, in the other, ill-wishers, and in the third - real friends (their minority).

But if you look from the other side, a different picture emerges. If you do not pay attention to his adherence to principles and perseverance, a different nature is revealed - on this side he is kind, generous, fair, talented and interesting. But the most important thing in him is not even this - the main quality that the meaning of the name bestows is determination, which allows a boy named Yegor to achieve the goal set by himself or someone else in one hundred percent of cases.


Yegor is a teenager, but he is no less a complex person. By nature he is a leader, boss, commander, organizer and good conversationalist, but has a lot of shortcomings. The main drawback will remain his inability to compromise - any conversation and any topic can become grounds for an argument with the interlocutor, and at the same time, even if Yegor is wrong, he will not admit it. Another meaning endows the boy Yegor, who has reached the teenage stage, with persistence, assertiveness, hard work, arrogance, superficiality in assessing people, uncompromisingness and diligence. Over time, it will also become permanent and mandatory, which will accordingly bear fruit.

Nevertheless, there will be a lot of troubles in his studies, and not because of his stupidity or unwillingness to study. On the contrary, he wants and can learn - the reason is his reluctance to obey, which not all teachers like. Typically, teachers constantly find fault with such students, which naturally affects everything, both grades and the studies themselves. But in most cases he has excellent relationships with his peers - a boy whose parents decided to choose the name Egor at birth, endows the meaning of this name with a whole bunch of qualities important for communication, thanks to which, in fact, adolescence he can make a lot of friends and like-minded people.

Grown man

The adult Yegor, who is protected by the meaning of this name, is an eloquent, good-natured, benevolent, peace-loving, freedom-loving, self-sufficient and self-confident man. He has many friends, but he is not ready to do good for all of them, and he does not trust everyone. Tries to stay in the company of people he knows well, preferably those who have come from childhood, hates selfish and evil people. His downside, as before, lies only in endless arguments - well, he doesn’t know how to concede, he always defends his opinion to the last, even if he understands that he is actually wrong.

He himself is honest and sincere, will never deceive anyone, will not take advantage of anyone’s weakness, and leads an exemplary lifestyle. At the sight of injustice, he can become furious and show maximum aggression - he does not like it when someone is offended without any good reason. And yet, Yegor, this is a person who does not know how to forgive, any offense, and especially betrayal, remembers until the very end, until he takes revenge. But with women everything is much more complicated...

Interaction of Egor’s character with the seasons

Summer - the summer bearer of the name Egor will be active and purposeful, energetic, efficient, unable to stand still. Such a person gladly meets troubles and obstacles, overcomes them and moves forward with pride. He is also a born optimist - this is what attracts representatives of the weaker half of humanity.

Winter - the meaning of Winter, together with the origin of the name, promises other qualities. This boy will become serious, not an optimist, but rather a realist. Decisive, persistent, practical, reasonable, again, purposeful and assertive - this guy will definitely achieve his goal, and in a short time. He is courteous with women, but not romantic.

Spring - here a vain and selfish child with this name is born. Emotionality and excessive pride play against him, but the thirst for fun and optimism, on the contrary, attract people, and especially women. This is a womanizer, who in the future will definitely become a collector of broken hearts.

Autumn - this time usually brings the rational and pragmatic Egor, who has a clear position, is not influenced by the world around him, is purposeful and carefully plans everything in his life. This is a future reliable and faithful gentleman, but boring and even boring, and his character is quite complex.

The fate of the name Egor

As for such a parameter as the fate of the name Egor in relationships with female representatives, in love, and in marriage, everything is much more complicated here, because it is quite difficult to predict what fate will suggest, in particular in this particular case. Although there is still a theory on this matter, and it indicates that fate will ultimately bring him together with a serious and responsible lady, just the kind he will be looking for.

It just so happened that fate suggests an eternal search for a man named Yegor serious relationship. At the same time, he will, in theory, look among the gray mass, that is, not some painted girl, but a lady with capital letters. Frivolity, defiant behavior, bright colors and clothes - all this irritates men named by the name variation Egor.

In the end, fate also presupposes that the so-called man will become a real family man, an exemplary husband and an exemplary father, responsible, obligatory, reliable, dutiful, faithful and devoted. This will work out real father, dad, which ones to look for.

Love and marriage

Egor is attractive and successful man who knows what he wants from life. This attracts many beauties to him, but external beauty is not the main factor for him when choosing a life partner. His wife should be a modest, feminine, decent, good-natured, gentle and homely woman. He doesn't like it when his lover is the center of everyone's attention. And he is also very jealous.

Yegor gets married late because he is in no hurry to enter into an official marriage with his chosen one, first he gives probation their family life. It is important for him that he can unlimitedly trust his soul mate, feel her support and know that next to him is an intelligent, respectable, fair and thrifty woman, ready to spend the rest of her life with him. In turn, he will be a faithful, caring and gentle husband in return.

IN family relationships Yegor tries not to impose his unprecedented leadership on his family. He allows his wife to decide many issues on her own, but he makes some serious decisions himself, having personally thought through and calculated everything. Egor is not a conflicted person; he is honest and open in his relationships with his wife. Love, respect, trust and friendship are the main principles of Yegor’s family life.

Egor as Father

When deciding to become parents, many people doubt how they will be able to fulfill such an important and necessary purpose as motherhood or fatherhood. Yes, that’s right, it’s impossible to predict such an important step in life in advance. But as for Yegor, his care, honesty, tenderness suggest that he will definitely become good father. He is incredibly happy to have children, he is grateful to his wife for this gift of fate and for a new goal in life - to raise healthy, happy and educated people.

Egor approaches the process of raising children with all responsibility and tries to embrace as much as possible in it. active participation. He controls their health and development, every step they take. He loves his kids very much, but does not always allow himself to clearly express fatherly love. In the process of upbringing, Yegor is quite strict.

He loves to spend time with children and enjoys playing with them. logic games, helps with lessons and sections. He devotes a little more time to his son, because in him he sees his chance to correct many mistakes. And what is no less important, it is very important for him that he and his wife can raise honest, persistent, open, independent people.

Compatible with female names

The question of compatibility of the name Egor with female names is fraught with many secrets, and one of them is to state the fact that in terms of feelings and sincerity best compatibility at Egor's with Zhanna, Alla, Sofia, Edita, Flora, Isabella and Gloria.

To build a strong and lasting marriage, it is best to establish relationships with Daria, Nellie, Nina, Susanna, and Capitolina.

Agnia, Bronislava, Flora, Mirra, Ninel - it’s better not to build relationships with such people.

In general, that hard worker and careerist needs a gentle and attentive woman next to him, because he needs attention and care...

Version 1. What does the name Egor (George) mean?

Egor (George) - “farmer” (Greek)

Little Egorka has an analytical mind. If the neighbors' dog brings three puppies, then Yegorushka cannot explain why last time there were only two of them. In addition, he is very stubborn and distrustful.

A person who deceives him at least once risks losing Yegor’s favor forever.

He studies well, is diligent and hardworking. If you come across a “bad” teacher, it is better to immediately transfer to another school, since the child will not study.

Adult Egor has good business qualities, finds a way out of any situation. His character is somewhat spoiled by his temper and grumpiness. If he occupies a leadership position (and this often happens), then his subordinates will grumble due to his manner of reprimanding for a long time even for minor violations. He achieves success in his professional career, his colleagues respect him for his integrity, pedantry, and determination, but... they are somewhat afraid.

What he values ​​most in a woman is modesty. He does not tolerate it when she is boastful and flirtatious, and gets irritated if she tries to attract attention to herself with her behavior, dresses loudly, and behaves provocatively. Yegor is a straightforward and somewhat simple-minded person; in relationships with women he is devoid of deceit; his declaration of love and proposal are, as a rule, true and have serious intentions.

In marriage - a respectable family man, a strong owner, somewhat strict with children. He sees his wife’s claims to leadership as a manifestation of female weakness, does not contradict small things, and shows firmness in big matters.

He faces sinusitis and nervous system disorders.

“Winter” Yegor is decisive, persistent, and has an analytical mindset.

“Autumn” - practical, not influenced. He can work as a designer, a lawyer, or become a military man. The name matches patronymics: Vladimirovich, Petrovich, Anisimovich, Grigorievich, Mironovich.

“Summer” - purposeful, energetic.

“Spring” is jealous, narcissistic. Can become a teacher, announcer, actor. Patronymic names: Yuryevich, Tarasovich, Stepanovich, Glebovich, Georgievich - for him.

Version 2. What does the name Egor (George) mean?

Cunning, internally sneaky, opportunistic, always looking where it is deeper, contradictory in life situations, not loved by everyone. Their actions are incomprehensible to others. Capable of being excellent friends, but only to some.

Sex is of great value to them, in which they experience not only physical pleasure, but also maximum emotional experiences. They are usually faithful to their partners. If they are unlucky in sex, they look for a field of science or art that can take away all their strength.

3 version of the meaning of the name Egor (George)

Egor is a broad-minded person. Business-like, hardworking; knows how to find a way out of any situation; has an analytical mind. Quite stubborn.

With such character qualities, you can be an excellent leader, which most often happens to Yegor.

At the same time, he is grumpy, hot-tempered, and drunk even a cocky person. There is a predisposition to alcoholism.

Egor is a respectable family man, a hospitable host, but a little despotic, in any case, he does not let his wife and children forget who is the boss of the house. An excellent, although very strict teacher, he is endowed by nature with a pedagogical gift. He loves and appreciates beauty, Egor has a weakness for flowers and grows them himself.

4th version of the interpretation of the name Egor (George)

Russian folk form of the name Georgiy is a farmer. Little Egorka has an analytical mind. If a neighbor’s dog brings three puppies, then there is no way to explain to him why last time there were only two of them!

In addition, Yegor is very stubborn and distrustful. A person who deceives him at least once risks losing the boy’s favor forever.

He studies well, is diligent and hardworking. If you come across a “bad” teacher, it is better to immediately transfer him to another school: he will no longer study here. He has good business qualities and knows how to find a way out of any situation. His character is somewhat spoiled by his temper and grumpiness. If he occupies a leadership position (and this often happens), then his subordinates will have to get used to his manner of reprimanding him for a long time even for minor violations. He achieves success in his professional career, his colleagues value him for his integrity, pedantry, purposefulness and... they are somewhat afraid of him.

In women, Egor values ​​modesty most of all. He does not tolerate it when a woman is boastful and flirtatious, and gets irritated if she tries to attract attention to herself with flashy clothes or defiant behavior. Egor is a straightforward and somewhat simple-minded person; in relationships with women he is devoid of deceit; his declarations of love and proposals are, as a rule, sincere and serious. A respectable family man, a strong owner, somewhat strict with children. He sees his wife’s claims to leadership as a manifestation of female weakness, does not contradict little things, and shows firmness in serious matters.

There are many chances to be happy in a marriage with Aurora, Ada, Vera, Evgenia, Nadezhda, Nina, Rimma, Serafima, Tatyana, Yana. Luck in marriage with Agnia, Valeria, Varvara, Galina, Louise, Lyudmila, Maya is problematic.

5th version of the meaning of the name Egor (George)

Egor - from Greek. farmer, folk Georgy.

Derivatives: Egorka, Gora, Zhora, Egonya, Egosha, Gosha, Goshunya, Egunya, Gunya, Goga.

Name days: January 21, February 4, 17, 24, March 6, April 17, 20, May 2, 6, 26, 29, June 8, August 31, November 16, 23, December 9.

Proverbs, sayings, folk signs.

Uncle Yegor came out from behind many mountains.

The arrogant Egorka has boasts and excuses.

There is a saying for every Yegorka.

Fedora doesn’t marry Yegor, but Fedora goes, but Egor doesn’t take him.

It's frosty in Yegorya - buckwheat is good.

These seedlings will reach Yegorye and the cabbage will grow.


In his youth, Yegor, like many others, was not without daring and daring; he knew no limits either in his brave adventures or in drunken revels. But having overcome “childhood illnesses”, Yegor can achieve a lot. He has all the data for this: hard work and diligence, love of order, accuracy, neatness. In a word, a competent fellow, worthy of all praise, if only... if only, in his desire to “put everything in order,” Yegor was not so boring, and sometimes quick-tempered (not everyone is as committed to order as he is!).

It happens that the impulses of youth “fly” at Yegor just when it is necessary to have cool head to choose a life partner. He may make an irreparable mistake. Or he might pull out his lucky ticket, especially since Yegor has his own ideal of a woman: she should be open, honest, serious and respectable.

Numerology of the name Egor (George)

Name number: 5

The number 5 in numerology is a kind of field of action and the personification of human experience. It is always ready to take on a leadership role and assume responsibility. Number 5 is introverted. Her motto: “Progress in everything.”

The meaning of the letters in the name Egor (George)

E- sociability, insight, commercialism and selfishness. Owners of this letter are able to win people over. They are simple and charming at the same time. They constantly strive for a good life, which they value more than friendship.

They realize themselves well in creative professions. They are interesting conversationalists.

G- scrupulousness, unpredictability, thirst for new knowledge. To solve problems, they use the most non-standard solutions and take into account everything the smallest details. Those with the letter “G” in their names are distinguished by their fine mental organization and disgust.

ABOUT- open, cheerful and cheerful natures. Those with the letter 'O' in their name are hardworking and creative. Professions related to strategic thinking and economics are ideal for them. They are friends only with reliable people whom they trust.

R- people with the letter “R” in their name have extraordinary thinking. They are very responsible and you can rely on them in any situation. They have well-developed intuition and have an extremely negative attitude towards lies. They constantly strive for leadership, but in family relationships they rely on their partner.

AND- subtle mental organization, romance, kindness, honesty and peacefulness. Representatives of the fair sex pay a lot of attention to their appearance, and men focus on internal qualities. Much success they manage to achieve in science and working with people. Very economical and prudent.

Y- owners of this letter in their name have an impulsive and explosive character. They often don't know how to communicate with people. For more exact value you should look at the other letters of the name.

Name as a phrase

  • E- Esi (Is, Be, Exist)
  • G- Verb (Speak)
  • ABOUT- He (Oh, About)
  • R- Rtsy (Rivers, Speak, Sayings)
  • AND- And (Union, Connect, Union, UNITY, One, Together, “Together with”)
  • Y- Izhe (If, If, as well as the meaning of i - Unity, One, Together, Unite, Perfection, Union, Unification)

Name Egor (George) in English (Latin)

Egor Georgii

When filling out a document in English, you should write your name first, then your patronymic in Latin letters and only then the last name. You may need to write the name Egor (George) in English when applying for a foreign passport, ordering a foreign hotel, when placing an order in an English online store, and so on.

Useful video

What does "farmer" mean? In Christianity, he is associated with St. George the Victorious, elevated to the rank of church saints, since Egor is short form this name. At first the name was pronounced as Yegor, and only over time it came into use as Yegor.

The energetic meaning of the name Egor hides several opposing character traits. The gentleness of the main character, his vulnerability, sometimes acquiescence in despotism and tyranny, if the situation demands it.

  • The bearer of the name Egor does not tend to fuss or dodge; he is sincere under any circumstances.
  • The energy emanating from our hero captures people entirely, energizes them and inspires them to new exploits.
  • This is a person with deep emotions; those around him subconsciously understand this and are ready to follow him to success.
  • The bearer of the name Egor emphasizes the desire for freedom of choice, truthfulness and honesty at every step. He himself possesses these qualities and strives to ensure that those around him are so.
  • In appearance, Yegor is not handsome, but his self-esteem makes him revered and respected by everyone.

As a result, our hero always takes leading positions in the team and enjoys honor and respect. Efficiency, practicality and obsession with what he loves completely captures him.

Egor's childhood and adolescence

If you have a boy whose name is Egor, get ready for his restlessness and restlessness.

  • He often comes into conflict with his peers, and already with early years, he can be described as a bully.
  • Since childhood, the boy has been honest in everything and with everyone.
  • Also, the baby shows efficiency and practicality early on.
  • Sometimes our hero becomes thoughtful, this is how his depth of perception of certain situations is revealed. The boy seems to feel what is happening with every fiber of his little soul.

A boy named Egor approaches all matters diligently and responsibly. Our hero also has a lot of hard work.

  • He loves outdoor games and often initiates them himself.
  • It is quite easy for both peers and elders to communicate with the boy.
  • The characteristics of the name Egor also reveal negative qualities, one of them is increased attention to one’s own person.
  • Knowing his superiority in something, he tries to demonstrate it to those around him, as if boasting of his skill.

Our hero takes his studies responsibly, he is diligent, efficient, and excels in all subjects. But his desire to be the first, at the slightest deviation or criticism from teachers, becomes a failure for him, as he believes.

  • Even minor bad luck takes the boy out of his rut ​​for a while. Therefore, parents who have a boy named Yegor need to work on this problem. It should be clarified that in life there are not always victories; failures can also occur, which should also be endured with dignity.
  • If Yegor has chosen a business, he will completely devote himself to it. There is a certain obsession in him, which those around him notice and try to help our hero in every possible way.

The name Yegor attracts people, since its bearer is frank, truthful and honest with them. With small steps, the boy moves towards his success, which subsequently strengthens and increases.

But not all people with the name Yegor manage to achieve the desired result. And all because of the manifested boringness, temper and grumpiness. At the slightest such manifestations, one should get rid of these traits, then a victorious outcome will be ensured.

  • The presence of self-esteem and stubbornness in the person called Yegor sometimes leads to conflict situations with teachers. It is at such moments that a teenager’s distrust and irritability manifests itself.
  • The honesty of the named does not tolerate being deceived. If the lie is revealed, our hero ends any relationship with this person.
  • The bearer of the name Yegor has well-developed intuitive abilities, but he sometimes ignores them.

Professionalism and career

Availability positive traits character, as well as assertiveness and efficiency, bring a person with the name Egor into the category of leaders.

Egor Vadimovich Beroev ( Russian actor theater and cinema)

  • Our hero takes full responsibility for the work being done.
  • His hard work and ability to communicate with subordinates make him an excellent boss, according to his colleagues.
  • The named will not tolerate only laziness and lies, if he notices this in his employees, his favorable attitude towards them will be lost forever.
  • By nature, those called Yegors can be called careerists. They will not be content with secondary positions, but will move with confident steps towards their intended goal.
  • Career and financial component are his priority areas in his professional activities.

No matter who our character becomes, he will achieve success everywhere. The name is conducive to such specializations as:

  • social activities,
  • political bridgehead,
  • head of an enterprise or private business.

Love and family relationships

What does the name Egor mean in family relationships and love? Here a completely different picture emerges. A strong-willed boss turns into a sensual, emotional person.

  • When choosing a soul mate, the first thing that interests him is her behavior. He is looking for a modest woman for himself, and vulgar and decorated beauties are of little interest to him.
  • Egor is simple and sincere, does not try to extol his merits when talking with a girl.

In the family the one called Yegor occupies a leadership position, but is not a tyrant.

  • He respects his wife, listens to her opinion, does not tolerate litter and scandals.
  • He tries in every possible way to smooth out the corners and roughness in the relationship.
  • Egor can be called a monogamous man. Marries once, is an excellent husband and father.
  • His family is provided with everything, and he loves spending time with them.
  • In some cases, if the wife has leadership qualities, Egor accepts a minor role, which he really likes.

The meaning of the name Yegor must be sought in its history. History tells us that the name Egor is a colloquial form of the name George, which has become an independent name. This happened at the beginning of the 20th century, that is, not so long ago. The name was first shortened to Georg, and then the sounds were reversed. In a similar way the names Makar (short for Macarius) or Anton (short for Anthony) were formed.

The meaning of the name Egor for a child

Egor is an active boy. Sometimes this activity tires Yegor's parents. He has a keen sense of justice and therefore he can be pugnacious. Doesn't like it when they lie or offend weaker people. He knows how to stand up for himself and defends his opinion. Knows what decent behavior is with absolutely small age. Little Yegor does not need to explain what is good and what is bad. Rather, he will tell you about it himself.

Egor as a child has good health. There are problems with fullness or, conversely, with lack of mass. Parents shouldn't worry too much. Proper nutrition and regular classes physical activity everything will be fixed. The main thing is to find time to take care of your child.

Short name Egor

Goga, Zhora, Gosha, Gunya, Mountain, Grief.

Diminutive pet names for Yegor

Egorka, Egorchik, Egorushka, Egonya, Egosha, Goshunya, Egunya.

Children's middle names

Egorovich and Egorovna, which is often shortened among people to Egorych and Egorychna.

Name Egor in English

IN English The name Egor corresponds to the name George. We read this name as George. For example, George Michael or George Harrison.

Name Egor for international passport according to the rules of machine transliteration adopted in Russia - EGOR. As you can see, the name on the passport and its English version are not at all similar.

Translation of the name Egor into other languages

in Belarusian - Yagor
in Ukrainian - Egor
in Armenian - Gevorg
in Polish - Jerzy
in Hungarian - György
in Bulgarian - Georgi
in Romanian - Gheorghe, George
in Czech - Jiří
in Greek - Γεώργιος
Latin spelling: Georgius
in Spanish - Jorge
in Italian - Giorgio
in German - Georg
in French - Georges

Church name Egor- Georgy. So if Yegor goes to church for communion, then let him remember that in the Christian tradition it is correct to say George.

Characteristics of the name Egor

Egor is characterized by persistence in achieving goals and choosing a goal for the future. He is not afraid of long and difficult roads to achieve success. Egor is a good manager, but very demanding of his employees. He will not allow anyone to offend his subordinate, but if the subordinate is guilty before him, then he will be in trouble.

In the family, Yegor’s character manifests itself just as it does at work. He is faithful to the only one and is ready to achieve it for a long time. He is ready to look for his chosen one for a long time, since his requirements are high. As with his subordinates, he is strict, but realizing this, he approaches the choice of his other half very responsibly. You can't fire your wife. He likes modest and reserved girls.

The secret of the name Egor

Yegor’s secret can be called that he still likes temperamental women. Looking for a modest and quiet beloved, he hopes that only next to him will he show his passion. It often happens that Yegor’s partners are quiet in public, completely crazy lovers.

Another secret may be his position in the family. Yegor is so confident in his masculinity that at home he can become completely tame. Taking all the difficult problems upon himself, he can unquestioningly obey his wife. But this is not how things are at home for all Yegorovs. Often, he still makes most of the decisions in the family.

Planet- Jupiter.

Zodiac sign- Sagittarius.

Totem animal- White bull.

Name color- Blue and its various shades.

Tree- Poplar.

Plant- Lily of the valley.

Stone- Sapphire.

Guardian Angel named Yegor and his patron you can find in the article "patrons named after George". As we have already written, the name Egor is a shortened name of George, which means the patrons of the name are the same.

How can one ray of light be refracted and produce several more rays shining along different directions, so in the world of names, once a single word gives rise to three at once. And these three names are perceived so differently that it seems strange that they have something in common.

This is what happened with the Greek name Georgios, which in Russian turned into the same root Georgiy, and also into Yuri and Egor. Today it seems that the name Egor has pure Russian origin: It’s just that our ears have long been accustomed to it. Be that as it may, the character traits of this man are really similar to the classic domestic type of the stronger sex. This is a hard worker responsible person with a broad soul, unbreakable character and simple, warm attitude to everyone who is dear to his heart. How does Yegor manage to combine these best features? Much will become clear if we learn about the meaning of his name.

Origin and variations of the name

Initially Greek name“Georgios” personified Zeus and literally meant “farmer.” The Greeks were and remain a creative people, which means that everything they say should not be taken literally. So in the case of the meaning of the name Egor, everything will fall into place if you try to answer the question: who is a farmer? Undoubtedly, this is a man who absorbs classic masculine qualities, otherwise would he be able to engage in such a responsible and difficult task?

It is no coincidence that even colloquial varieties reflect such aspects of the meaning of the name Egor as firmness, determination, and hard work. We call him Yegorka, in simple terms - Yegorushka. Also acceptable forms are Egosha, Egunya, Goga, Gosha, Gorya, Gora and even Gunya, Goshunya.

Egor Prokudin, main character movie "Kalina Krasnaya" (in leading role and director Vasily Shukshin)

Foreign analogues of the name

In our closest neighbors you can find a direct analogue of the name: for example, in Belarus you can easily get acquainted with Yagor, and in Ukraine - with the same Yegor (only spelled a little differently). As for representatives of non-CIS countries, there we will meet analogues of the name Georgy:

  • German Georg;
  • Bulgarian Georgi;
  • Spanish Jorge;
  • French Georges;
  • English George.

That's how interesting it turns out. Take, for example, the famous George Washington. In our understanding, he is almost Yegor. But the energy of these names is so different that it becomes obvious: names, specific sound combinations can diverge from each other, like ships at sea. And once related words begin to take on a life of their own - just as newlyweds separate from their parental families.

Signs, talismans, patrons

When choosing the name Egor for a boy, it is useful for parents to learn not only the secrets of its origin and meaning, but also its connection with certain signs. A name for a child is not just a set of sounds, but a specific energy combination that constantly interacts with certain symbols. And these symbols become real patrons of the name - namely its bearer. In the case of Egor special attention You should pay attention to the following signs:

  1. In the starry sky, our hero is especially strongly patronized by such a zodiac sign as. Even this word speaks for itself: you immediately feel that we're talking about about an aspiring person who prefers concrete actions, clear plans with concrete results to naive thoughts. However, Egor is not at all boring and is able to change any plan if he sees that it simply does not work as it should. After all, Sagittarius are also characterized by a love of improvisation. They are literally drawn to risk - it’s like when spring comes, everyone wants to quickly go outside and enjoy the first sun rays. Therefore, in the fate of a man named Yegor one can find many examples of how a love of order is combined with an unbridled thirst for adventure.
  2. The planet that patronizes our hero is the majestic Jupiter. After the Sun, it is the largest body in solar system. Jupiter symbolizes orderliness, global plans, the ability to truly accept important decisions. Moreover, Yegor accepts them fearlessly, since he seems to have calculated everything in advance. And he did it so skillfully that even those around him conveyed his confidence: everything would be fine, because he checked.
  3. The colors of luck for this man are shades of classic blue. They are associated with creative freedom, sublime thoughts, and spiritual purity of a person. Yegor does not tend to be deceitful; he does not like it when people lie to him. And he himself willingly admits to any wrongdoing instead of squirming like he’s already in a frying pan. We usually call such people with the half-forgotten word “truth-seeker.”
  4. IN flora our hero is patronized by a beautiful spring flower lily of the valley. It is associated with spring and rebirth. And in the language of symbols it means moral purity, fidelity and modesty. Indeed, in Yegor’s character we will not find arrogance, any kind of disdainful attitude towards people and hypocrisy. He says little, but directly and to the point.
  5. Among the trees the name Egor is most appropriate poplar. It is associated with freedom and human aspiration for the future. Egor tries to preserve traditions; he does not destroy ties with the past. At the same time, his thoughts are entirely occupied with the future - an excellent formula for success.
  6. Brings good luck among animals white bull. It is associated with perseverance, hard work, and the desire for order in all matters. Egor likes to put everything in order; he will not deviate from his chosen path simply because today Bad mood, and the weather turned bad. Indeed, he is a man of strong and at the same time modest character.
  7. Finally, the talisman stone that protects our hero is. This is a precious gem that has a lot of meanings. It symbolizes prosperity, maturity, and wealth of a person. Moreover, the basis of such harmony is the sanity and moral purity of a person. Therefore, if you try to describe the symbolism of sapphire in one word, perhaps you can say that it is a stone of divine wisdom.

Egor Druzhinin, actor and director (still from the film “The Adventures of Petrov and Vasechkin”, and the current photo)

Name day

Yegor celebrates name days very often - several times every month. And all because there are a large number of Saint Georges, because it is by this name that our hero is honored. Here are a few dates when Yegor can remember his heavenly patrons:

  • January 11;
  • February 4;
  • March 17;
  • April 5;
  • May 2;
  • June 8;
  • July 10;
  • August 3;
  • September 6;
  • October 2;
  • November 3;
  • December 31st.

The character and fate of Yegor

In order to most correctly describe the meaning of the name Egor and the character of this person, let’s think for a moment what associations this word evokes. Courageous, strong and at the same time modest man. Where does this combination come from? At first it may seem that it cannot exist, because strong and modest are not close concepts.

But Yegor’s modesty does not at all mean that he is a shy, indecisive man. Actually in teenage years, among a group of boys he often becomes a kind of center of attraction and even a troublemaker. Egor loves to show who's boss. True, at the same time he sincerely wants not to offend anyone.

That is why modesty in this case has a special property. This guy just doesn't like to prove anything. He is self-absorbed and confident own strength. And when a person is confident in himself, he does not seek to justify himself, much less impose his own point of view. In this sense, true strength lies not in eloquence, but in calm silence.


True, the energy that for a long time accumulates in the character of our hero, and may come out. Indeed, this man endures a lot for a very long time. But at some point he may not be able to stand it: that’s why others shouldn’t take advantage of his kindness. Yes, in the meaning of the name Egor one can trace both complacency and condescension. But you definitely shouldn’t abuse it.

Egor in love and marriage: compatibility with female names

If it is true that behind every great man there is great woman, then it is also true that best qualities the stronger sex can only be realized in relation to the weaker sex. In other words, both a man and a woman express themselves to the fullest when they are close to each other. Egor in this sense is also no exception. After all, it is in relation to the ladies that he demonstrates his best features. Our hero is capable of a chivalrous attitude towards a girl, but this is not even what wins his heart. Julia;

  • Zinaida;
  • Karina;
  • Marina;
  • Love;
  • Margarita;
  • Lada;
  • Ulyana;
  • Raisa.
  • But relationships with these girls can go through more complex stages of development:

    • Varvara;
    • Elsa;
    • Louise;
    • Antonina.

    Egor's professions

    Egor is a man of his word, and he approaches his work with great responsibility. He manages to prove himself especially well in those professions that do not tolerate fuss and require clear, systematic implementation of specific steps. Our hero has excellent chances to become a talented engineer, programmer, or technician.

    But creative activities that involve constant improvisation are best not considered first when choosing a profession. Although, of course, last word remains only for the person himself.

    Celebrities named Egor

    The name Egor is still not as common as the more familiar ones male names, and others. Therefore famous men We won’t find many named Yegor. But nevertheless, at one time the mathematician Yegor Zolotarev achieved outstanding results. And he was also famous statesman Egor Kankrin and merchant Egor Naydenov. In our time, well-known servants of art are Yegor Beroev, Yegor Konchalovsky, Yegor Druzhinin.

    A man of action, a reliable man with a kind heart and a tireless hardworking nature - this is how you can describe Yegor.