What does the son of Sergei Zverev do? The son of Sergei Zverev has a real blood father

The son of Sergei Zverev said that if his father does not give him money, he will sue his apartment.

Sergei Zverev's son Sergei found out that he was adopted several years ago. After this, a series of endless arguments and showdowns began in the family of the famous stylist.

Now Zverev Jr. is trying to find biological parents. Relations with his father, who once adopted him, are deteriorating more and more every day. Journalists found out what demands the guy puts forward to the stylist.

« Seryozha adopted him when he was 3 years old. Came to a charity event in Irkutsk Orphanage, I saw him little, in a gnawed bed. He thought they were rats, but the children gnawed them from hunger in the 90s. He grabbed him and ran from there. The boy's mother was the mother of Sergei Sr., the younger one had asthma and was out of breath at night, but they treated him and his health improved.“said a source surrounded by Zverev Sr.

Sergei Zverev with his wife

The stylist decided to make a celebrity out of his adopted son. Little Seryozha took part in his father’s show “Star in Shock.” However, during adolescence, Zverev Jr. got out of hand; according to the source, he began to steal money and things from home, and constantly lied. After school, Sergei Sr. got the guy into university.

« My son pretended to go there for a whole year, but never showed up at the institute! Then Zverev Sr. got him a job as a music presenter on various channels, his son denied it and said that he had a personal life. Refused to work. Moreover, Sergei agreed on good salaries with employment only 2 times a week, for 2 hours!"quotes a friend of StarHit.

Sergei Zverev with his wife

A source close to Zverev Sr. noted that he was upset by the behavior of his adopted son. The stylist refused to help him after a series of scandals.

« It’s hard, unpleasant, terrible for Zverev Sr. now. Nothing is known about the parents of Sergei Jr., perhaps they are marginalized. In the maternity hospital they write refusals. In a recent message, he wrote: “If dad doesn’t help, we will sue his apartment.” Sergei Sr. helped until recently. Every season he gave branded clothes and money to his son. But after everything, I stopped. He doesn't work, neither he nor his wife“,” shared an acquaintance of Zverev Sr.

Sergei Zverev is known to every person in our country, and he is known far beyond its borders. But it would have been impossible to unambiguously determine his status and occupation if he had not given himself an extremely brief and accurate description - a star. And so as not to be confused with the rest of the heavenly bodies, he added “in shock.” This definition, instantly remembered and forever stuck to him, perfectly suits the description of his life and biography, which he created absolutely himself, as does this vivid statement.

Stylist, hairdresser, showman, actor, singer, businessman - and these are not all the professions of Sergei Zverev. He is admired by thousands of fans, but the number of those who are annoyed by him is no less. And indeed, he is unlike anyone else, bright, knowing his worth and not afraid to embarrass anyone. He skillfully plays with the feelings and emotions of the public, manipulates rumors, and creates legends about himself. Therefore, it is often impossible to determine where in the stories about his biography is truth and where is fiction. But one conclusion can be drawn for sure - he has earned the right to be called as he wishes - “a star in shock.”

It is impossible to say absolutely precisely about the place of birth of the future stylist. The Buryat village of Guzhiry, located in the Tunkinsky district, as well as the village of Kultuk, located in the Slyudyansky district of the Irkutsk region, appear in this capacity. Sergei Zverev was born on July 19, 1963, which means he will soon turn 55 years old.

None of those living in the village of Kultuk at that time would have suspected that a show business star was growing up in the family of Anatoly Andreevich Zverev, who worked as a mechanic at an automobile company, and his wife Valentina Timofeevna, a technologist at a meat processing plant.

Soon the boy experienced his first loss - in 1969, when he was only 5 years old, his father died when a car crashed into his motorcycle. His mother soon married another man, and at the age of six, Sergey Zverev and his family moved to live in the Kazakh city of Ust-Kamenogorsk.

The loss of his father is not the only tragedy in the designer’s life. His brother Alexander, who was two years older than him, died at the age of 29. He worked in hazardous work and fell ill with a severe form of asthma. Sergei Anatolyevich also claims that the mother of his child also died in a car accident.

His mother had a great influence on the formation of our hero’s character. Brought up in an orphanage during the war years, she demanded absolute obedience and strict adherence to the regime from her sons. Zverev himself believes that such a harsh upbringing gave him the opportunity to cope with any difficulties and overcome all obstacles on the way to his goal.

While still at school, the boy became interested in cutting and sewing, so after graduation there was no question of where to go to study. He entered vocational school No. 13 in the city of Ust-Kamenogorsk, and there he studied three professions at once - a makeup specialist, a clothing designer and a hairdresser. According to Sergei Zverev, he was not allowed to study right away; he allegedly entered vocational schools three times because they did not want to take him into women’s majors. And it seems that at the age of 16 he went to Paris, where he studied to become a stylist and worked as a model - how plausible this is, everyone decides for himself.

In the eighties, he served in the army in the air defense forces stationed in Poland. There, the enterprising soldier became deputy platoon commander, secretary of the Komsomol cell, and he finished his service with the rank of sergeant. The stylist also claimed that at this time he became a member of the CPSU.

Already while studying at a vocational school, Sergei Zverev began to participate in numerous hairdressing competitions, at which his talent began to clearly manifest itself. After the army, he moved to Moscow and began his journey to the top of stylistic excellence, working in small hairdressing salons and continuing to participate in competitions.

It was at such an event that he was noticed by the famous Dolores Kondrashova, who coached the national team Soviet Union in hairdressing. She helped him get a job in one of the famous beauty salons. This was at the turn of the 80s and 90s.

At the same time, the still novice master began to have star clients. Tatyana Vedeneeva was the first to decide to trust an unknown boy - and did not regret it. She was so delighted with the result that she began to recommend Sergei Zverev to everyone she knew.

Thus, Lyudmila Gurchenko, Valery Leontiev, Laima Vaikule, Bogdan Titomir and many others appeared among his clients. famous characters. The young hairdresser and makeup artist is becoming fashionable; celebrities have been signing up to work with him for a month.

This was facilitated by the fact that Sergei Zverev won many national and international competitions in hairdressing. A real triumph was his performance at the European Championships in 1997, where he became the undisputed winner. The year before, he took second place in the same competition. And in 1998 he was officially recognized as the best hairdresser on the planet, winning the World Championship.

And today it is interesting to watch recordings of those performances by the maestro. The virtuoso art of Sergei Zverev, which he demonstrates there in all its splendor, cannot but arouse admiration. Even many of those who have an extremely negative attitude towards his personality, after watching his best demonstration numbers, where in a matter of minutes he transforms a person beyond recognition, begin to feel involuntary respect for him.

Now the master's hands are insured for a million dollars, he is personal stylist Ksenia Sobchak and Alla Pugacheva.

Singer and actor - why not?

And the acquaintance of Sergei and Diva began back in the days when she had an affair with Sergei Vasilyevich Chelobanov. She convinced her hairdresser that it was time for him to get into show business himself.

In 2006, the first album of the “young” artist “For Your Sake” was released; one of the most famous songs on it was the composition “Alla”. Probably no one had any questions about who it was dedicated to.

A wave of criticism and ridicule poured into the aspiring singer, many of which were completely justified. But abundance negative assessments and dubious vocal abilities did not become an obstacle for the artist. The very next year he released a new album, “The Star is Shocked...!!!”, consisting of 22 songs.

The most recognizable among them was Dolce Gabbana. Sergei’s most recent singing experiments occurred in 2015, when he, together with Diana Sharapova, sang the song “You Didn’t Come to the New Year’s Ball” and together with Dj Nil created the composition “You Won’t Know.”

Also, the star hairdresser often appears on screens in various films. He first starred in 2006 in the film “Paparatsa”. Then he made his mark in the films “Alice’s Dreams” and “The Club”. And today there are many projects in his filmography. The most famous were “Like the Cossacks...”, “Love is not show business”, “The most best movie 3-DE" and "Oh Lucky Man."

Now the artist’s creative collection includes more than a dozen paintings, of which the most famous are “Waiting for a Miracle,” “Love is not Show Business,” “Like the Cossacks...”, “Oh, Lucky!” and “The best 3-DE movie.” As a theater actor, he made his debut in the play “The Bureau of Happiness,” staged by Lyudmila Gurchenko, who played the main role in it.

The appearance of the famous stylist is no less important factor its popularity and controversial reputation. If you look at the photo of Sergei Zverev in his youth, it is striking how much his face has undergone changes at the hands of plastic surgeons. They started back in 1995.

Again, from the words of Sergei himself, it is known that she pushed him to take this step car accident, which allegedly severely mutilated his face. Initially, he decided to change his nose, then make his lips fuller. The first time he was not satisfied with the result, new operations followed. Then it was time for the cheekbones and chin.

Now we see an almost doll-like face of a man without age, reminiscent of the appearance of Michael Jackson. No one knows yet whether the makeup artist will continue to improve his appearance.

Family and personal life

In the personal life of such a bright character, it could not have happened without many romances, breakups, dramas and scandals. Sergei Zverev had only four official marriages, however, each of them lasted less than three years. The stylist is credited with affairs with his patron Dolores Kondrashova, with singers Natalya Vetlitskaya and Irina Ponarovskaya.

He was openly in a relationship with Oksana Kabunina, whom viewers knew as Sasha Project. Another friend of the star was former member of the group “Brilliant” Yulianna Lukasheva. He replaced her with another singer, Paola, and then an affair followed with the Ukrainian artist Irina Bilyk.

In the second half of the nineties, Sergei Zverev began to appear at social events and on television with a blond boy, his son, who was also named Sergei. No one knew where the showman’s child came from. The father himself said that the boy’s mother died several years ago in a car accident. But this version seemed unconvincing to many - even about a person who has passed away, there should still be some information left.

There was also an opinion that Sergei Zverev Jr. was the stylist’s own nephew, the son of his deceased brother. But this option also does not stand up to criticism - the star hairdresser has nephews, and he communicates with them, but they grew up with their mother.

A more plausible assumption, which was confirmed by many of the artist’s acquaintances, is that he took the child from an orphanage in the early nineties. Now the designer himself does not deny this fact. Many media outlets report that the boy was in terrible condition and suffered from many chronic diseases, from which I have not yet recovered.

My father dreamed that Sergei Sergeevich would repeat his path, become a media person and be involved in the fashion world. The son did not agree with this interpretation of his fate and, having matured, told him about it. On this basis, they had a conflict; the young man left home, preferring to build his life without the support and financial assistance of his famous parent.

Over the past few years, Zverev’s son has married two girls who are not related to show business or social life. The father did not attend the weddings; he did not like his son’s choice.

Sergei Sergeevich is far from any fame or stardom, lives and works in the Moscow region, photographs in in social networks demonstrate his complete indifference to fashion trends or famous brands. IN Lately he appeared on several television shows in connection with finding out his ancestry and searching for blood relatives.

Sergey Zverev today – latest news

From the very beginning of his fame, Sergei became one of the most frequent visitors to various TV projects. He also had his own TV shows, which he hosted - “Star in a Cube” and “Stars in Fashion.” Now he is still a regular guest various shows, a regular at exhibitions and competitions, a member of the jury at fashion shows. A socialite and a celebrity - that’s how he positions himself, and that’s how he’s perceived.

At the stylist's own business– in 2008 he became the owner of the Celebrity beauty salon, which is located in mall"Sheremetyevsky". And a little later, the famous hairdresser presented a salon, which is called “Sergey Zverev” and is located on First Tverskaya-Yamskaya Street.

Zverev does not forget the craft that made him famous. He is still in great demand, and his services are incredibly expensive. But it’s almost impossible to get to him, that’s all less people who can boast of a fashionable look from Sergei Zverev.


The life and career of Sergei Zverev is clear proof that the impossible is possible, that anything can be achieved if you really want it and do as you see fit. You can have different attitudes towards this person, but one cannot but agree with the statement that he himself made his own destiny, focusing only on his talent and his desires.

Sergei Zverev in his youth and Sergei Zverev today are two different people, completely different from each other even in appearance. And he will certainly surprise us more than once with his new images, shock us with his outfits, and shock us with his statements. But this is the main purpose of the man-star that he wanted to become and became.

He began to doubt that the “king of glamor” was really his father. During a major quarrel, the grandmother Sergei Zverev Jr. told him that he was adopted. In addition, the young man found an extract from an orphanage in Irkutsk. And he really wanted to find out who his real mother was.

Together with his wife Yulia and the film crew of the “Live Broadcast” program, Seryozha went to his father’s homeland in Irkutsk region to find out the truth about your parents. Relatives young man put forward their versions of what happened to his own mother. “At first they said that she died, then it was all forgotten. Then they brought it and said: here’s yours,” she said cousin Zverev Sr. A friend of Seryozha’s grandmother believes that he cannot be related to the famous stylist. But the star’s classmate is firmly convinced that he native son Sergei Zverev.

Sergei Zverev with his son in 2008

One of the residents of the village of Kultuk said that Sergei Zverev at one time adopted the child of his deceased brother Alexander. “He suffered from serious bronchial asthma and jumped out of the window so as not to torment himself or his loved ones,” the man said. According to him, Alexander had a child on the side. After the death of the man, Zverev Sr. took the boy to himself and gave him his last name. This version is supported by the fact that Sergei Zverev Jr. also has health problems and sometimes his bronchial asthma worsens. To finally understand everything, the young man decided to do a DNA test. Mine biological material it was provided to him by his great-uncle Alexander Andreevich. By the way, he remembered interesting fact: he was once told that Seryozha’s mother works at the embassy.

The host of the program, Andrei Malakhov, invited Zverev Jr. to familiarize himself with the results of the examination. Seeing them, the stylist's son was shocked: the young man ran out of the studio in tears. The guests of the program never found out whether he is a relative of Alexander Andreevich.

Still from the program “Live”

His wife came to support Seryozha Julia. The girl admitted that she still doesn’t know her father-in-law, but she doesn’t care whether he is her husband’s natural father or not. Sergei Zverev did not approve of his son’s choice and did not even come to his wedding. However, . Now the star stylist does not maintain a relationship with his son: he has blocked his phone number and doesn't want to communicate with him.

Sergey and Yulia in the studio of the “Live Broadcast” program

Photos of Sergei Zverev’s grown-up son, whom a stylist once rescued from an Irkutsk orphanage, became a real sensation on the Internet. Many remember the glamorous boy, whom the outrageous barber carefully taught from infancy to social life, but, judging by the photo, the artist failed to cope with this task.

Journalists began looking for information about the stylist’s son. During the data collection process, it was revealed to the public unexpected facts. So, for example, a boy who was passed off as his own turned out to be adopted. According to media reports, Sergei Zverev took his unborn son from orphanage when he was three years old.

Further more. Zverev Jr. grew up and decided: he does not want to follow in the footsteps of his famous father and be part of the party. He stopped taking financial assistance from Sergei Zverev, refused to go out with him to events, put on shocking makeup and follow his father’s style.

In the photographs of Sergei Zverev Jr. discovered by reporters on social networks - this is how the stylist presented his blond offspring to the public - it is clear that he is in locality, similar to a village, far from the chic and glitz of the metropolis.

In personal photographs, the stylist’s heir is dressed very simply, without pathos or loud brands. Close to the people, Zverev Jr. masterfully wields a shovel and is well versed in the insides of a car.

In several photographs, Sergei’s girlfriend was also found - not a glamorous blonde with pumped lips and facial expressions killed by Botox injections, but a natural Russian beauty.

And, apparently, without the participation of his star father, Zverev Jr. learned to light a cigarette and pumped up significant muscles.

Only his “duck” selfies from the toilet remind of the blonde’s past glamorous life.

At one time, when the stylist took the boy with him to all parties, filming and photo shoots, feather sharks and fans of the star wondered in shock where the boy came from.

Sergei himself told everyone the legend that the child’s mother tragically died many years ago, and he remained a single father. While the stylist stubbornly adhered to this version, his secret was leaked to the Internet by the famous artist and scandalous showman Stanislav Sadalsky.

Stanislav wrote that Zverev adopted a child in the 90s and since then has often appeared in the company of a blond boy. The celebrity stylist brought the baby from an Irkutsk orphanage when he was three years old. Moreover, this was not a very ordinary adoption: Sergei had to save a literally dying child.

Sadalsky quoted the stylist’s story: “When I entered the room of children who could not walk at all, I almost died of fear,” recalled Sergei Zverev. – The wooden cribs were chewed up! I thought: “Rats!” And these are children... I was shocked! They were hardly fed there. They stole food and took it to their home. I grabbed this boy and ran out!”

Recently it turned out that the guy has not lived with his father for a long time, works in a hotel in Kolomna near Moscow, and does not communicate with journalists.

A year and a half ago, Sergei married 18-year-old waitress Maria Bikmaeva, to whose wedding the groom’s father actually did not show up. And the newlyweds did not receive a gift from Zverev.

- No daughter-in-law. “No at all,” said Zverev Sr. “And I’m so upset, I think, screw it, I won’t go to any wedding.” I think that he should have a beautiful, talented girl who will not become a passenger on the subway, but will be a worthy supporter.

Six months later, Zverev Jr.’s marriage broke up.

Sergei Zverev will soon turn 54 years old. But you can’t tell from him! He admits that he has long been ready to become a grandfather: “Why not? My cousin gave birth to a son four years ago. When I play with him, I already feel like a grandfather.” The appearance of their own grandchildren is also, apparently, not far off.