Elmira Zemstvo. Actor Valery Nikolaev: photo, biography, personal life, films, interesting facts

During the marriage, the actor changed amazingly and left a lot of debts

Elmira Zemskova: “Valery left me a lot of bills and everything else, and I have to sort it out now”

Circus performer, said Russian media that during her married life her husband changed a lot. In addition, she also received a bunch of debts from him, which she will have to deal with.

The star of the film “Bourgeois's Birthday” and his wife were together for two years, but the woman was tired of being responsible for his inappropriate actions.

From a popular actor who showed great promise, Valery Nikolaev turned into an ordinary drunkard and hooligan

Only for lately, the famous rowdy and drunkard was a participant in a number of crime news, got into traffic accidents, and also served several days in a detention center. After Valery got into several accidents in a row, some of those close to the couple began to say that Zemskova was going to break up with the actor. But only recently the couple officially announced their divorce.

Elmira, in her interview with LifeNews, told the truth about why she was leaving the actor. The circus performer said that it was unbearable to live with Nikolaev as a person, so decision made the divorce will remain unchanged.

Elmira Zemskova for a long time tolerated antics famous husband and, nevertheless, decided to divorce

Of course, what do you think, is it possible to live with such a person? I have already made my final decision on divorce, now it is only a matter of time.

Zemskova also answered the journalist’s question: “What debts did he leave you?”

Valery left me a lot of bills and everything else that I now have to sort out, fines for the Infiniti, but I didn’t drive my own car, but he and not only him did. He lost my license, I need to restore it now. We need to restore the car, which is currently being repaired. In short, they left me a lot of gifts, I have something to do now .

Nikolaev’s wife noticed that such a lifestyle was not typical for her husband at the beginning of their life together, after the wedding.

At the beginning of their married life the couple was happy

The artist even shared that Valery himself planned their wedding, while she just found a dress for herself and was in charge of the menu. On their fingers were rings made in the form of an infinity sign.

I don't know, really. I don’t know this Valera Nikolaev. I married a noble man good man when he was completely different, so, of course, it hurts, it’s insulting, it’s sad that we are getting a divorce. But when you extend your helping hands to a person, and they hit you with sticks, you know, it’s not very pleasant.

It is interesting that Nikolaev himself, apparently, was not made sad by the news of his divorce from his third wife. According to him, he is pleased with this development of events.


Let us recall that Valery, before his relationship with Zemskova, was officially married two more times - with Irina Aleksimova and Lyubov Tikhomirova. Also famous actor was civil marriage with Daria Povarennova and Tatyana Ovsienko. But these love stories were short-lived.

Last spring, during the period between Valera’s accident and the trial, there were well-wishers who said to me: “Why do you need such a husband?” As if you can simply throw a person out if he becomes inconvenient!

I grew up in a family of circus performers and since childhood I literally lived in the arena. It is not surprising that it was at the circus that she met her future husband. In 2008, the second season of the TV show “Circus with the Stars” was filmed at the Circus on Tsvetnoy Boulevard. One fine day, my mother and I ran into a Vladimir Turchinsky And Valery Nikolaev, who participated in the project. I had never seen Valera before: I spent many years traveling around the world, I watched TV very rarely and I had never heard of the series “Bourgeois’s Birthday”. But unaware of his media presence, she suddenly stopped dead in her tracks.

Who is this? - I asked my mother.

Famous actor.

Without expecting it, she blurted out:

Mom, yes this is mine future husband!

She looked back ironically: well, of course, they say, fasten your lip! But Saint-Exupery was right: only the heart is vigilant. For the first time I saw a person, I immediately felt - mine! However, it only came to fruition a few years later...

Since then, I often met Valera at the circus. Sometimes we trained at the same time, I came to the arena to watch how the program was filmed. Nikolaev was involved in artistic gymnastics as a child, which was useful when staging circus acts under the guidance of experienced mentors. I noted what a hard worker he is and how much he loves sports. I thought that in this sense we are similar. And also in the tenacity with which Valera pursued his victory in the show: he continued to perform even after he injured his heel while performing a backflip from the back of a horse. Having seen him one day in the buffet, she approached him and said:

We're rooting for you.

He smiled:

Thank you, it's a pleasure.

Valera achieved his goal - he took first place, sharing it with gymnast Irina Chashchina. When the project was completed, he found me at the circus and handed me an invitation to the final banquet that was held for the participants. I congratulated him on his victory, but was embarrassed about dinner:

Is it possible? I didn't participate in the project...

“You will be my companion,” he offered.

We were on friendly terms for a long time: Elmira Nikolaevna and Valery Valerievich... Although at that holiday we communicated easily and naturally, as if we had known each other all our lives. Which, of course, did not exclude mutual respect. Valera took me home, I left him my phone number and gave him a CD with my performance - he already knew that I was an aerialist and was interested in the program. Two days later at eleven in the morning the phone rang. I pick up the phone - Valera: “Are you home? Come out, I'm waiting at the entrance. I really liked your video. We urgently need to discuss it.”

The actor married circus artist Elmira Zemskova a couple of months ago. For many, this news came as a surprise. “Antenna” was the first to talk with the newlyweds.

How long have you known each other? It seems like you are having such a hasty wedding...

In 2008, I participated in the “Circus with the Stars” project. After one of the rehearsals, Volodya Turchinsky (TV presenter, record holder in strength sports, died of a heart attack in 2009 - Note from Antennas) and Sasha Mokhov walked to the locker room. I saw Elmira in the corridor. Red hair, long suede coat. Some kind of alien! It would have stood there if Vova Turchinsky hadn’t shoved me into the dressing room.

I had just returned from a tour of Germany and just dropped in for a couple of minutes at the Circus on Tsvetnoy Boulevard to resolve some urgent issues. I immediately singled out Valera from this trio. I asked my mother who he was. The fact is that I rarely visit Russia and have never seen films with his participation. Mom answered: actor Nikolaev.

Elmira Nikolaevna then told her mother: “This is my future husband.” By the middle of the project, I had gotten into good shape, and I had something to make an impression.

Before one of the numbers, I approached Valera in the buffet, made a compliment and added that I was rooting for him. He invited me to the cinema...

I'm guessing it's a love story?

I don't even remember. I was so worried then that my veins were shaking.

Did we care about the movie? Fortunately, the cinema hall is dark. After some time, Elmira invited me for tea. And a month later, we no longer planned in the evenings what we would do tomorrow, but decided it together in the morning.

Did Valery look after you beautifully?

He's a romantic! Not from the series large bouquet for a holiday,” although this also happened. And every day there are some surprises and actions. I remember my cat got sick. Valera took her to the veterinarian, then bought her medicine. Having learned that I have poor orientation in Moscow, he showed me the city. I constantly felt that he not only listened to me, but also heard me. This went on for over a year.

And then, despite the fact that everything was wonderful, for some reason you broke up...

I started touring...

And I have insanity. We hardly communicated for several years. From time to time we crossed paths and called each other. During this time, a lot happened in my life. And at a certain moment I realized that I had reached the limit of such existence. On April 18 of this year I was driving in a car with very bad thoughts in my head. Suddenly I caught myself calling someone. I heard “Hello!” on the phone. and realized: I dialed Elmira on the machine.

Moreover, if he had called the day before, I would not have answered: I was in India. And then, having returned home, I turned on my cell phone, and Valera’s number immediately appeared. The call surprised me, because we hadn’t called each other for three years. But there was no resentment. He didn’t do anything bad to me, he didn’t do anything terrible. So I invited him home.

I arrived and stayed forever.

Photo from the personal archive of Valery Nikolaev

Did Elmira's parents accept you right away?

Elmira's dad Nikolai Zemskov died when his daughter was 12 years old. And we met Elmira’s mother Nina at the Airport metro station. She was walking with Klepa, a Stafford, who has no problem biting car tires. First, Cleopatra had to please her. It worked. When Eli’s mother returned home after vacation, Klepa and I slept on the sofa together. Then the hostess began to trust me. True, the question arose: what should I call Elmira’s mother? Being a mom is difficult. She is only three years older than me. And one morning it dawned on me: to say “Mother Nina” in one word. She, a beautiful young cheerful woman, appreciated the joke. And now I'm eating delicious solyanka And fish soup which she prepares.

There were many rumors about Nikolaev’s relationships with women. Didn’t this bother your mother, Elya?

Mom doesn't believe the rumors. But what bothers me more is that circus performers are called circus performers in newspapers.

Are you jealous of your husband?

I'm not jealous. I think that if my husband wants to leave and change, he will do it. You won't have any impact. There are always a lot of women around Valera. But I know how much he loves me, so I am one hundred percent confident in him.

Photo by PersonaStars

Valery, being a romantic person, probably proposed effectively?

We went to the Novodevichy Convent for a walk. They sat down near the pond, and he took out a ring...

I then said that this is not wedding ring, but engagement. Elya responded by deigning to put her head on my shoulder. She also endured a long pause in the registry office after the registrar’s words. Stanislavsky himself would have said: “Elmira Nikolaevna, the hall is waiting.” Her friend even had to pinch her for Elya to finally say: “Yes!”

I know that you had a wedding in Suzdal.

I don't like big parties with traditional white dresses. We bought my outfit spontaneously.

Of course, we were driving from the Circus on Tsvetnoy Boulevard to an apartment on Maslovka and “accidentally” ended up at Crocus. This dress would make a Cirque du Soleil costume designer jealous. Narrow, like the neck of a glass, corset, knee-length breeches under the skirt. Very cool. When I showed it to Ela, the first answer was “No!” Then I took a closer look, and in addition to the dress, we bought two more outfits. After all, the bride must change clothes three times during the wedding.

We did not draw up a guest list or menu in advance. At first, the two of us actually wanted to celebrate it together. But in the end, Valera suggested going to Suzdal. I agreed. I’ve never been to this city, and I’m tired of the Moscow bustle. Only 12 people were invited to the celebration.

The wedding took place on September 8, Monday. We flew to Suzdal by helicopter. It is not appropriate for an aerialist to move on the ground. Guests and local artists were already waiting for us there. Very talented people. Then we went to Vladimir. At the Bogolyubov Monastery, a kitten with huge blue eyes. The priest blessed us to take him. The kitten was named Eva. However, a week later the veterinarian advised me to change my name to Adam. And it became clear why the cat immediately crushed the house, scared away the dogs and was hunting me. In general, now its name is Vladimir Central. ...September 13th was 40 days without my dad. Many people said that this was not the time for celebrations, but I think he was happy for us. In the summer, my father was diagnosed with blood cancer. God bless Ira Apeksimova, she got him into the Botkin Hospital. Without her help and her friends, Dad would not have received better care than in Germany and Switzerland combined.

A good relationship with your ex-wife is rare. Do Irina and Elmira already know each other?

Yes, I introduced them. True, after this the second meeting took place at his father’s funeral.

Elmira, do you communicate with Dasha, Valery’s daughter from his marriage to Apeksimova?

We met a couple of times. There has been no dinner with heart-to-heart talks yet. But I would like it.

Valery Valerievich Nikolaev. Born on August 23, 1965 in Moscow. Russian theater and film actor, director.

His father is a former forest engineer and teacher. Now a businessman, he has his own company, which is engaged in certification of various products - instrument-making, household, food, providing an international certificate of conformity. Valery talked about him: “There are no more companies like his in Russia. He works with the state standard system, but continues to develop his company, and it is very promising.”.

Valeria's mother worked as an artist and is now retired.

Since childhood, he was fond of artistic gymnastics and was preparing to take the exam to become a candidate for master of sports, but he was injured and had to give up his career as an athlete.

At school, the Russian language and literature teacher constantly organized theatrical lessons. The guys staged performances based on various works. Valery liked it, and he decided to try himself in the acting field.

Valery with his parents

After school, I applied to several universities at once, including theater universities. But he entered the Forestry Institute, where his father taught. I studied there for a year and quit.

He was admitted to the Moscow Art Theater School for a course in 1983. His classmates were Vladimir Mashkov and Irina Apeksimova.

After the first year he left to serve in the army. Served for 2 years near Tula in missile forces. Then he continued his studies.

He graduated in 1990 and was accepted into the troupe of the Moscow Art Theater named after A.P. Chekhov.

“Thank God, I was lucky to work at the Moscow Art Theater, thank God, since childhood I was lucky to see real stars - Evstigneev, Papanov, Mironov, Leonov, Borisov”, says Valery.

During his studies, he completed an internship at the University of Florida, where he received a diploma in dance (step). A year later I went to the USA again, where in Sarasota state university I learned to dance again. He studied at the acting schools “Julliard School” (New York), “Barbican Center”, “McCarter Theater” (Princeton, New Jersey).

The acquaintances he received in the USA helped Valery subsequently star in several Hollywood blockbusters. His work includes roles in the English television series Stop a Thief and the Hollywood blockbusters Philip Noyce's The Saint and The Turning.

In Russian cinema, the actor had his first episodic role (a bar visitor) in 1987. In the 90s he began to play more serious roles, although not the main ones.

Widespread fame came in 1999 after playing the main role in the series "Birthday of Bourgeois". He played former orphanage Vladimir Kovalenko, who became a major businessman. This role became his business card.

He then played Viktor Bystroletov in the adventure television series "The Motherland is Waiting", Anton Polskikh in the series "Dear Masha Berezina". Starred in two serious European projects released in Germany: a fantasy action film « Ice planet» and melodrama "Road to the Clouds".

As a choreographer, he staged five performances at the Chekhov Moscow Art Theater, as well as the ballet part of the musical “My Fair Lady” (Moscow, 2000).

He was the host of the program “Extraordinary Stories”.

In 2008, he received the award for best directorial debut at the First All-Russian Film Festival “Golden Phoenix” in Smolensk for the film "Bear Hunt".

In 2014, he took part in the project “ Ice age"paired with Maria Petrova.

Valery Nikolaev often becomes involved in scandals. So, while drunk, he can disrupt a circus performance, believing that someone was unfair to his wife.

Valery Nikolaev caused a scandal at the circus

In February 2016, Nikolaev became the hero of a crime chronicle. The actor caused an accident in the center of Moscow, hitting a pensioner on pedestrian crossing. He fled the crime scene without providing assistance to the injured woman. When the police caught up with the actor a day later, he tried to detain Nikolaev.

Valery Nikolaev's height is 178 cm.

Personal life of Valery Nikolaev:

He first married while studying at the Moscow Art Theater School to classmate Natalya Pirogova, whom he began dating from the beginning of his studies. But the marriage lasted only about a year.

Natalya Pirogova - first wife

“Nikolaev and I lived a good life together, we have a beautiful daughter. And, fortunately, we didn’t have any reasons to be enemies.”, - Irina Apeksimova later recalled about this marriage.

They broke up after filming the TV series “Bourgeois’s Birthday,” during which Nikolaev began an affair with (because of this, Daria even divorced her husband).

with Daria Poverennova

Let us note that Valery Nikolaev, despite his divorce from his second wife, always took part in raising his daughter. Dasha studied ballet, but eventually followed in her parents’ footsteps and entered the Moscow Art Theater School.

Valery also had a relationship with singer Tatyana Ovsienko (she also divorced her husband because of an affair with the actor).

with Tatyana Ovsienko

Nikolaev also had an affair with actress Lyubov Tikhomirova.

with Lyubov Tikhomirova

There were persistent rumors about the actor's close relationship with his partner in the Ice Age project, Maria Petrova, and at that time he had already been dating his future third wife, Elmira Zemskova, for several years.

with Maria Petrova

In September 2014, Nikolaev married for the third time - to aerial gymnast of the Yuri Nikulin Circus, Elmira Zemskova. By the way, she is the only artist in the world who works on a unique device - a spiral.

We dated for five years. “We got married only after five years of relationship because Elmira was constantly on tour,” Nikolaev said.

with Elmira Zemskova

In an interview, the couple said that they were thinking about children. Valery said that he dreams of a son, because he already has a daughter, Dasha, and Elmira wants two.

Filmography of Valery Nikolaev:

1987 - Armchair - bar visitor
1991 - Niagara - Pyotr Krasnovitsky
1992 - Very faithful wife- Zhenya, Tanya’s husband
1992 - Little things in life - Gosha, Katya’s husband
1993 - Love by order - Alex
1993 - Nastya - Sasha Pichugin
1994 - Life and extraordinary adventures soldier Ivan Chonkin - Balashov
1995 - Male mascot
1995 - The Lonely Player - Mitya Sukhozhilov
1995 - Shirley-myrli - tap dancer
1996 - Russian Worker
1996 - Scar. Assassination attempt on Pinochet
1996 - Thief Hunters
1997 - Turn (“U Turn”, France, USA) - Arkady
1997 - The Saint (“The Saint”, USA) - Ilya Tretyak, Russian mafioso
1998 - Insidious enemy (“Aberration”, New Zealand) - Yuri Romanov
1998 - Dream Team
1998 - Strip
1999 - Bourgeois Birthday - Vladimir Kovalenko, nicknamed “Bourgeois”, businessman
2001 - Ice Planet
2001 - Birthday of Bourgeois 2 - businessman Vladimir Kovalenko, nicknamed “Bourgeois”
2002 - Russians in the City of Angels - Yuryev
2002 - Cinema about cinema - Vitaly, director
2003 - The Motherland is Waiting - Viktor Bystroletov, agent “Putnik”
2003 - Don’t even think - Feldman
2003 - Next 3 - Nikolai Shakhov (“Shah”)
2003 - Road to the clouds
2004 - The Terminal (USA) - Milodragovich
2004 - Balzac's age, or All men are... - Ilya
2004 - Dear Masha Berezina - Anton Polskikh
2005 - Mirror Wars: First Reflection - Boris Korin, test pilot
2005 - In the rhythm of tango - Valery Sosnovsky
2006 - Streets of Broken Lights. Cops-7 - Vasily Igorevich Babichev, groom
2006 - Witch - Ivan, journalist
2007 - Bear Hunt - Oleg Fedorovich Grinev, nicknamed “Bear”, broker - ( director)
2008 - Artifact - Eric Shore
2008 - On the roof of the world - Oleg
2008 - Answer me - Alexander Vladimirovich Groshev
2008 - Photographer - Kirill Bazhenov, famous photographer
2008 - Egoist - Egor Dmitrievich Mikhailov, businessman
2009 - Eyes as blue as the sea - Nikita
2009 - Clever, beautiful - Alexey Knyazev, plastic surgeon
2009 - Fifth execution - Sanya “Cat”, sniper
2010 - White Sand - Alexander Vetrov
2010 - Hindu - Nikolay, deputy, business partner of Lazarev
2010 - Thirty-seventh novel
2010 - Fights. True story. Tehran-43 - Popov, head of the NKVD special brigade in Tehran
2011 - On the Hook! - diving instructor
2011 - Salamander Key - Sanya “Cat”
2011 - Recruiter ( director)
2012 - I teach you how to play the guitar - Oleg Markov, surgeon
2012 - Lone Wolf - Konstantin Sergeevich Stanislavsky, investigator of the prosecutor's office
2012 - 1812: Uhlan Ballad - Jacques de Witt, Count
2013 - Double life- Roman, Mark's brother
2013 - The Perfect Murder - Sergei Arzamasov, famous lawyer
2015 - Cult - Oscar
2015 - Call husband - Andrey

Valery Valerievich Nikolaev is a Russian actor, whose calling card was the main role in the series “Bourgeois's Birthday.” But he has many other roles, including in Hollywood projects, and his favorite roles are honest, brave and determined men.

Childhood and adolescence

Valery Nikolaev was born and raised in the capital, near the River Station. The future actor’s mother worked as an artist before her retirement; his father used to teach at the Forestry Institute, and later at a company involved in the certification of goods.

Valera grew up as an active, active boy, spent whole days with his friends in the yard, loved to play football and hockey, and did not stand aside during street fights. WITH early years He practiced gymnastics professionally and even dreamed of an Olympic podium. The resulting hand injury thwarted the young man’s ambitious plans, but he nevertheless became a candidate for master of sports.

Valery became interested in theater adolescence thanks to the Russian language teacher. She often turned lessons into real performances, inviting students to transform into literary characters. It was then that Nikolaev became interested in the acting profession, to which he decided to devote his future life.

But immediately after school, he failed to enter a theater university, and Valery, following the path of least resistance, took the documents to the Forestry Institute, where his father worked. Very soon he regretted his decision, and a year later he became a student at the Moscow Art Theater School, enrolling in the legendary course of Oleg Tabakov. Together with him, Evgeny Mironov, Philip Yankovsky, Vladimir Mashkov and Irina Apeksimova, who later became his wife, learned the basics of acting.

During his studies, Nikolaev went to America for internships twice: he studied language, professionally studied dance and choreography at the universities of New York and Gainesville, and studied acting at the famous Juilliard School of the Arts. These skills were very useful to him in the future, and the connections and acquaintances he received in the USA opened up Russian actor road to Hollywood.

Acting career

In 1990, Nikolaev defended his diploma and was invited to join the Chekhov Moscow Art Theater troupe. Valery served in the theater for eight years, staged five performances as a choreographer, but still made his main focus on cinema.

Nikolaev began acting in his senior year, and after trying his hand at domestic cinema, in the late 90s he set off to conquer Hollywood. He was lucky enough to work with such eminent directors as Oliver Stone and Philip Noyce, and to meet on the same set with a whole constellation of famous overseas actors. Thus, he played a fairly important role in the action film “The Saint” with Val Kilmer (the film was nominated for the Golden Raspberry anti-award), the thriller “The Turning” with Sean Penn, and the drama “The Terminal” with Tom Hanks.

But Valery’s real calling card was the role of Vladimir Kovalenko in the series “Birthday of the Bourgeois” (2000), which made him famous throughout post-Soviet space. In this multi-part thriller, he tried on the image of an orphan who independently (and most importantly, honestly) earned his fortune. While trying to find his parents, a man finds himself drawn into a chain of intrigue. The series fell in love with the audience, and a year later a sequel was released.

Valery Nikolaev in the “Night Session” program with Renata Litvinova

For the next ten years, Nikolaev was literally in great demand, he was willingly invited to both Russian and foreign projects, and in 2007 Valery made his debut as a director, directing the film “Bear Hunt”, where he himself played main role. He also invited Dana Borisova, Vasily Livanov and Emmanuel Vitorgan to the project.

Valery Nikolaev in the show “Ice Age”

Thanks to the wonderful physical fitness The actor more than once became a participant in various television projects, in which he demonstrated his strength, agility and endurance.

Personal life of Valery Nikolaev

Nikolaev’s personal life is no less fascinating than his professional career, and could well become the plot of an exciting melodrama with action elements. His first wife was classmate Natalya Pirogova, whom he married in 1984, after returning from the army.

But the student marriage did not last long, and soon the flighty Valery began an affair with another classmate, Irina Apeksimova, whom he left in 1988. Six years later, the couple had a baby, Dasha, but family idyll collapsed overnight on the set of “Bourgeois,” where Valery became interested in Daria Poverennova.

Having learned about her husband’s infidelity, proud Apeksimova immediately filed for divorce and even refused to star in the continuation of the series. However, Valery broke up with Daria two years later, leaving the actress in the deepest depression.

Then Nikolaev had affairs with singer Tatyana Ovsienko, actress Lyubov Tikhomirova and figure skater Maria Petrova, and the third official wife of the actor in 2014 was circus performer Elmira Zemskova.

Besides love affairs the actor became famous loud scandals, which he periodically enjoyed while fairly drunk. Nikolaev repeatedly became involved in road accidents and violated traffic rules, which is why he was brought to administrative responsibility and lost driver's license. Once he hit a woman, fortunately she survived. At the beginning of 2017, the actor was arrested for 15 days for driving without a driver's license.

In March 2016, the show “Let Them Talk” reported that the fourth wife left Valery. This is how journalists substantiated his recent inappropriate behavior - a couple of weeks before, he caused a brawl at a car dealership. Dana Borisova stood up for the actor - according to her, the actor is deeply depressed due to failures in his personal life and lack of demand in his profession. Dmitry Maryanov and Maria Shukshina.