The most interesting Buddhist countries. Moscow State Open University

It is impossible in a short article to describe everything that I want to say about Buddhism and describe all types of schools and philosophical movements. But let's try, based on the most important of them, to understand what Buddhism is and how this orthodox spiritual teaching influences the spiritualization of society, how its awareness and responsibility develops.

To do this, we must talk a little not only about religion itself, but also about how humanity has gone through several thousand years of its existence with it. We will try to be objective when assessing this doctrine.

Buddhism− is a religious and philosophical doctrine, world religion, which refers to the personality of the Buddha as an enlightened person, mentions his revolutionary approach to the relationship between man and God, in comparison with the then existing religious orders. The founder of this ancient religious denomination, which arose in the 6th century. BC (in Northern India) is Shakyamuni Buddha.

It is very difficult to determine the exact number of Buddhists; there are approximately 500 million of them around the world, most of whom live in China.

Buddhism focuses on the human aspects - the main tenets of this religion. It, especially in its most modern directions, says that we ourselves are responsible for our own destiny, not only in this life, but, no less important, in the next incarnations of the immortal soul.

Four classical principles

The assumptions of original Buddhism are extremely simple and are based on four classical principles:

1. Life is suffering;

2. This truth explains why suffering exists - we suffer because we want it;

3. This principle of Buddhism talks about observing ourselves in order to get out of the power of suffering, while we must completely renounce our desires;

4. This rule is a series of instructions on how to achieve this state (in many points coinciding with the Christian Ten Commandments).

These are the foundations of Buddhism, which over the centuries have been fully transformed into the state religion, and have also become an integral attribute of the secular and cultural life of the entire Eastern community.

Basic Concepts of Buddhism

Three main concepts:

1. Dharma - there is truth and wisdom, the very core of the science of the transcendental Buddha.

It gives an understanding of what is happening to us and what should happen. As a result of our understanding of this truth, we must do something about ourselves. Our inner duty is to free ourselves from suffering. Everyone must come to themselves in the true way complete liberation his spiritual origin from all kinds of layers created by our ego.

2. Karma − is a cause-and-effect relationship of events that determine our current and future living conditions. It is who we are and arises from who we were and what we did in previous incarnations. Each new incarnation is a chance to improve your destiny.

3. Nirvana - the last great concept of Buddhism and is the best “reward” for our good deeds towards ourselves and other people, the world around us, and existence as a whole. It is a consequence of the interruption of rotation, alternating birth and death until final liberation from the sufferings and desires of this world.

Types of Buddhism

I do not pretend to be an exhaustive completeness of the story; I show only the main types of Buddhism and the enormous cultural life that hides behind one of the most numerous religions in the world.

Theravada Hinayana. This type of Buddhism has survived in South Asia and includes South India, Ceylon, Indochina. This is the most old uniform Buddhist teachings. Very old texts of the Buddhist canon have been preserved, which contains a rich collection of commandments and parables. This is the most primitive form of the Buddhist religion and is not widespread.

Chinese Buddhism.Grown in India, he rushed to China, which became an ideal “relay station” for the entire East, and then to the West. As a result of such complex metamorphoses and transformations, the Chan school was created in China, which is the basis of Zen Buddhism, which spread to Japan and Korea. The school was founded by Bodhidharma Buddha, who arrived in China in the fifth century BC. Over time, it became the most important original form of Chinese Buddhism, which received a prominent place among other schools of thought and belief in China - Confucianism and Taoism.

Tibetan Buddhism. It is the most colorful, most picturesque Buddhist destination in the world. It consists of two elements. First, the structure of the religion itself is Lamaism, another name for Buddhism currently practiced in Tibet. It became a major local belief - a religion full of ghosts, magic and gods. The second characteristic of Lamaism that differs greatly from other schools of Buddhism is the unusually strong position of the priests (lamas). Before the Chinese invasion, Tibet was the most theocratic state in the world - a third of the population were monks.

Japanese. This type of Buddhism is divided into several sects, of which I will consider the most important in chronological order. They originate from two main traditions - Rinzai and Soto.

Shin Buddhism comes from the name Amida Buddha, who reigns in the "pure land" paradise. In order to go to heaven, a Buddhist must recite the name of Amida Buddha. This concept has been widely known throughout the history of Buddhism in India and China, but it was only in Japan that the monk Honen (1133-1212) declared that the inspired recitation of the Buddha's name was sufficient. You do not need good thoughts, deeds or meditation, you simply repeat the formula of Namu Amida Butsu (hence the other name for this sect - nembutsu) and this can achieve salvation.

The monk Sinran, who lived 1173-1262 and was a disciple of Honen, after some time came with his own original thesis that the very existence of every person's life is not given by the Buddha and it is no longer necessary to call his name in order to be saved and come to eternal bliss and harmony.

Nichiren is perhaps the most controversial version of the Buddha's teachings. The sect was founded by Nichiren, who lived from 1222 to 1282 and was a great religious reformer. The origin of this tradition was facilitated by historical events At that time, Japan was plagued by military conflicts and natural disasters.

He used this fact to argue that in order to achieve peace and tranquility, one religion needed to be created in Japan - Buddhism in a form that would help achieve enlightenment. Thus, a fanatical, ultra-nationalist religious movement is created, a kind of “Japanese national Buddhism”.

What is Zen Buddhism? It is the most developed form. Rejects any external religious attributes - hierarchies and rituals, as well as any intellectual aids, promoting enlightenment (sermons and sacred books of Wisdom). Enlightenment comes here and now, and only through contemplation does liberation from egoism occur. This state is achieved through zazen or sitting in the lotus flower position, enjoying the breath - these are the conditions necessary to accept the compassionate nature of the Buddha.

Rinzai Zen Rinzai is the most important Japanese Zen movement, also founded by a monk who was not very satisfied with Japanese Buddhism and decided to go to China (where Buddhism came to Japan) to learn the true understanding of this religion. Thanks to him, the fundamental principles of Buddhism (Chinese Chan) were spread to Japanese islands, called in the new dialect Zen. This is the beginning of one of the two main Zen traditions;

Soto Zen.Soto is a Japanese school that was founded by a monk named Dogen, who was a student of Reverend Rinzai and took many elements of thinking from him. However, like the master, he went alone to China to the local sources to gain knowledge about the true dimension of Buddhism. This is how another type of Japanese Zen appeared, which is still popular and is practiced by many fans.

Korean Buddhism. In Korea this type teachings have centuries-old traditions. However, one hundred or two hundred years ago, this teaching seemed to have lost its meaning. This was before the mid-twentieth century. But in the wake of growing interest in Zen Buddhism in the West, Korean Buddhism is also experiencing a renaissance. The best example is the school of Zen-Kwame Um.

Perhaps the species presented here and their brief descriptions were useful for those interested in this ancient religious denomination. I am deeply convinced that the idea of ​​​​being a Buddhist is one of the most valuable human desires, which in some strange way is close to every person.

Hello, dear readers!

Today in our article we will talk about what Buddhism is and give brief description this religion.

Buddhism is one of the main world religions along with Christianity and Islam. There are about 500 million “pure” Buddhists in the world who profess only Buddhism. However, this religion does not prohibit adherence to any other faith. IN lately Buddhism is very popular in Western world, many people come to the desire to join it. Perhaps the peacefulness and tranquility of this religion plays no small role in this.


First, let's find out where and how this religious and philosophical movement appeared.

Buddhism originated in the 6th century BC. in India. From India, Buddhism spread to other Asian countries. The more popular it became, the more branches it formed.

The founder of Buddhism was Prince Gautama Siddhartha. He was born in rich family, and his life was full of luxury and fun.

According to legend, at the age of 29, the prince had an epiphany: he realized that he was wasting his life. Deciding to leave his previous existence, he becomes an ascetic. For the next six years, Gautama was a hermit: he wandered and practiced yoga.

Legend has it that at the age of over 30, having achieved spiritual enlightenment, the prince began to be called , which means “enlightened one.” He sat under a tree and meditated for 49 days, after which his mind became detached and bright. He realized a state of joy and peace.

Later, the Buddha's disciples called this tree "", or the tree of enlightenment. Buddha had many followers. His disciples came to him, listened to his speeches about the teachings, or dharma, listened to his sermons, and meditated in order to also become enlightened.

Buddhism says that anyone can become enlightened by achieving high awareness of their soul.

Basic concepts in Buddhism

Since in Buddhism there are many philosophical concepts that reflect the essence of this Eastern ideology, let's dwell on the main ideas and analyze their meanings.

One of the main views is the concept. Samsara- this is the wheel of earthly reincarnations of all living beings. In the process of this life cycle, the soul must “grow”. Samsara depends entirely on your past actions, your karma.

- these are your past accomplishments, noble and not so noble. For example, you can be reincarnated as higher forms: into a warrior, human or deity, or into lower forms: an animal, a hungry ghost or a resident of hell, i.e. karma directly depends on your actions. Worthy deeds lead to reincarnation higher species. The end result of samsara is nirvana.

Nirvana- this is a state of enlightenment, awareness, the highest spiritual being. Nirvana frees us from karma.

- This is the teaching of Buddha. Dharma is the maintenance of world order by all living beings. Everyone has their own path and must follow it in accordance with ethical standards. Since Buddhism is a very peaceful religion, this aspect is incredibly important: do not harm another.

Sangha is a community of Buddhists who adhere to the rules and laws of the Buddha's teachings.

Buddhism is based on four noble truths:

  1. Life is suffering. We all suffer, experience anger, anger, fear.
  2. Suffering has its causes: envy, greed, lust.
  3. Suffering can be stopped.
  4. The path to nirvana will help you escape from suffering.

The goal of Buddhism is to escape from this suffering. Stop experiencing negative feelings and emotions, get rid of various addictions. According to the Buddha, true path, he is also the path to the state of nirvana - the middle one, it is located between excesses and asceticism. This path is called in Buddhism. You need to go through it in order to become a noble, conscious person.

Stages of the Eightfold Path

  1. Correct understanding, worldview. Our actions are the result of our thoughts and conclusions. Wrong actions that bring us pain rather than joy are the result of wrong thoughts, so we need to develop awareness and monitor our thoughts and actions.
  2. Correct aspirations and desires. You need to limit your selfishness and everything that causes pain. Live in peace with all living beings.
  3. Correct speech. Do not use foul language, avoid gossip and evil expressions!
  4. Correct actions and deeds. Do not harm the world and all living things, do not commit violence.
  5. The right way of life. Right actions will lead to a righteous lifestyle: without lies, intrigue, deception.
  6. The right effort. Focus on the good, monitor your thoughts, get away from the negative image of consciousness.
  7. Correct thinking. It comes from right effort.
  8. Correct concentration. To achieve calmness and abandon disturbing emotions, you need to be conscious and focused.

The concept of God in Buddhism

As we have already seen, Buddhism is a very unusual ideology for our mentality. Since in any religion one of the main concepts is the concept of God, let's figure out what this means in Buddhism.

In Buddhism, God is all living things that surround us, a divine essence that manifests itself in humans, animals, and nature. Unlike other religions, there is no humanization of God. God is everything around us.

Is it a religion or even a spiritual teaching that focuses on psychological state man, his spiritual growth, rather than on ritual or symbolic actions, during which we honor the main deity. Here you yourself can achieve a divine state by working on yourself.

Directions of Buddhism

Buddhism is divided into three main branches, which we will talk about now:

  1. Hinayana (Theravada), or Small Vehicle, is southern Buddhism, widespread in southeast Asia: Sri Lanka, Cambodia, Thailand, Laos, Vietnam. It is considered the earliest school of this religious teaching. The essence of Theravada is individual spiritual enlightenment, i.e. one must complete the eightfold path, become liberated from suffering, and therefore achieve nirvana.
  2. , or Great Vehicle - Northern Buddhism. It became widespread in northern India, China, and Japan. Arose as a opposition to orthodox Theravada. From the Mahayana point of view, Theravada is a rather selfish teaching, because... provides a path to enlightenment for an individual. Mahayana preaches helping others achieve a state of awareness, divinity. Anyone who chooses this path can achieve Buddhahood and can count on help.
  3. , or Tantric Buddhism formed within the Mahayana. It is practiced in the Himalayan countries, Mongolia, Kalmykia, and Tibet. The ways to achieve enlightened consciousness in Vajrayana are: yoga, meditation, recitation of mantras and worship of the teacher. Without the help of a guru, it is impossible to begin your path of awareness and practice.


So, dear readers, today we talked about what is included in the concept of Buddhism, about its principles and essence, and got acquainted with this teaching. I hope that getting to know him was interesting and useful for you.

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Hello, dear readers and seekers of truth!

Buddhism for its long history existence told the whole planet about himself and climbed even into its most unexpected corners. So where does it come from, in what century did it originate, why did it appear, how far did it go and who from famous people does he confess?

You will learn about all this from the article below, and as a pleasant addition, you will get acquainted with beautiful story about Siddhartha - prince charming from the Shakya family.

The Birth of Buddhism

Buddhism is the oldest world religion. There are legends about how Buddhism came to be, and they may seem like funny fiction, but there are also proven facts on this topic.

There is no dispute about the country in which Buddhism originated. Its historical homeland is northeast India, where today the state of Bihar is located. Then - in the middle of the 1st millennium BC. e. – on these lands were the countries of Magadha, Vaishali and Koshala. It was here that he began to preach, it was here that the “hearth” of the future world religion was located.

The history of Buddhism is inextricably linked with the name of its founder, or rather, with several of his names, and their roots go back to Sanskrit:

  • Gautama;
  • Siddhartha - translated as “Who has fulfilled his purpose”;
  • Shakyamuni - means “Sage from the Shakya tribe”;
  • Buddha means “Enlightened by supreme knowledge.”

The root “buddh” in Sanskrit is also found in Russian and means the same thing as the word “wake up”. Our language is generally very similar to Sanskrit. This may seem incredible if you do not delve into linguistics - Russian belongs to the group of Indo-European languages.

The founding date of the Buddhist tradition is the death (parinirvana) of the Buddha. But there are still disagreements among Buddhist scholars about exactly what year this happened. UNESCO accepted the date - 544 BC, and in 1956 the whole world joyfully celebrated the holiday - 2500 years of Buddhism.

Other scientists give different dates. One thing is certain - Buddha lived and preached before Indian campaigns Alexander the Great, which took place in the 20s of the 4th century BC.

Reasons for the emergence of the Buddhist tradition

Firstly, at that time a crisis of the ancient Vedic culture was approaching in India. She dominated for a long time and was distinguished by ritualism, sacrifices and the formal piety of the Brahmin priests. The old tribal foundations ceased to correspond to the consciousness of people, and society needed new, alternative teachings and religions.

Secondly, at the same time it strengthened state power. The Varnov (class) system underwent changes. The kshatriya varna, which embodied the noble power of the Indian kings in ancient times, became stronger and began to oppose the brahmana varna.

In north-eastern India, the privileges of the Brahmins were already less compared to the rest of the country, and during the crisis this area became open to new trends and traditions. Based on this, in the Indian northeast, in the “weak link” of Brahmanism, a source of the Buddhist religion appeared, which gradually spread throughout the country and further - throughout Southeast Asia, and its course brought renunciation and deliverance to everyone.

As Buddhism grew, it divided into different types: Hinayana, Mahayana and other smaller types, and later he came to Tibet, firmly rooted there and transformed into new uniform– Lamaism.

By the XI-XII centuries. Buddhism was almost completely “expelled” by Hinduism from its historical homeland. Today, only 0.7 percent of Indians are Buddhists.

The Legend of the Charming Prince Siddhartha

For almost 26 centuries, Buddhist teaching, or dharma, has brought millions of people inner peace and spiritual harmony. But who was this Buddha?

By our time, the biography of the Buddha has become intertwined with scientific biography, and with beautiful, fairy-tale-like plots. It is impossible to separate them, and maybe it makes no sense at all. The story of the heir to the crown, and later the great Awakened One, is told in various hagiographic texts, for example, “The Life of Buddha” by the Indian poet Ashvaghosa (1st century AD) or “Lalitavistara” in the Mahayana traditions.

A boy was born to the family of King Shuddhodana and Queen Mahamaya. When, after conception, the queen saw in a dream an unusual elephant that had six tusks, she realized that she was destined to give birth to a great man.

The astrologer Ashita, invited by the king after the birth of his son, saw signs on the baby that are characteristic only of a great man. For example, his palms, feet and eyebrows were crowned with wheel signs, and his fingers were connected by webs.

The boy was named Siddhartha Gautama. He was prophesied to be the title of world ruler or Awakened One. The father wanted the baby to inherit the throne, and in every possible way protected him from the vicissitudes of life, protected him from the sight of illness, old age and death.

The prince lived for 29 years in a flourishing palace, far from mortality, and took the beautiful Yashodhara as his wife, with whom they had a son, Rahula. But one day Siddhartha went outside the palace and saw a man, beaten by illnesses, a very old man and funeral procession. With a sharp knife it slashed through his heart, and he realized the futility of existence.

And then he saw a samana - a detached, poor, thin monk - and realized the serenity that can be achieved by renouncing worldly worries and desires.

The heir to the throne, Siddhartha, abandoned everything, leaving his father, wife and son, renouncing his former comfortable lifestyle and setting off in search of truth. He wandered for a long time, listening to the teachings of various sages, subjected himself to severe asceticism for several years, but in the end, alone with himself, he discovered the Middle Way, which implied, on the one hand, the rejection of complete asceticism, and on the other, the avoidance of excesses.

Siddhartha reached when he was 35 years old. That's how he became Buddha. For 45 years he preached to everyone, sharing his discovery and his truth. Buddha did not leave his family either. One day he returned to the land of the Shakyas, and everyone warmly rejoiced at him. After talking with the Buddha, his son and wife also accepted monasticism.

At the beginning of his ninth decade, the Buddha achieved the unshakable peace of nirvana. He received the Great Liberation, leaving a huge legacy for many generations on different continents, which during his centuries-old history has become a whole religion.

King Shuddhodana was ultimately left without heirs. Seeing his father's suffering, Buddha promised to take him as a monk only son in the family only with the consent of the parents. And this condition is still very much revered in Buddhism.

How did Buddhism appear among us?

Over time, the Buddha's teaching spread further, underwent changes, and took on new forms and content. Today, Buddhist teachings extend not only to southeast Asia: Thailand, Sri Lanka, Vietnam, Nepal, Japan, Myanmar, Laos, Bhutan. Since the end of the century before last, it has attracted Europeans and Americans, and the total number of Buddhists on the planet now reaches 500 million people.

The ideas and principles of Buddhism are becoming more and more firmly rooted in Western culture: modern fiction is replete with book covers about Buddhism, Hollywood is making films about Buddha, and many famous figures consider themselves his followers.

For example, back in 1922, the German Hermann Hesse told the world his interpretation of the story “Siddhartha,” and Jack Kerouac reveals the path of Americans who follow their Zen philosophy. Keanu Reeves gets used to the role of Gautama and seeks liberation in the film "Little Buddha" - full version legend briefly described above.

And there are countless Buddhists among famous people: Albert Einstein, Sergei Shoigu, Jackie Chan, Bruce Lee, Jennifer Lopez, Leonardi DiCaprio, Steve Jobs, Sting, Kate Moss - the list goes on and on.

Buddhism has rightfully attracted millions of adherents. Having appeared 2.5 thousand years ago in distant India, it became not just a religion, but an entire philosophy, tradition, teaching, revered throughout the world.


See you in the next post!

Buddhism is considered the oldest of the world's religions. Christianity and Islam arose much later - six and thirteen centuries after the appearance of the Buddha's doctrine.

Over the years of its formation and development, Buddhism has created and improved not only a religious worldview, but also philosophy, culture, and art. By professing this religion, a person can experience the whole spectrum scientific knowledge, not limited to one point of view. What is the Buddhist faith? What are its foundations and practices?

What does the word "Buddhism" mean?

Representatives of Buddhism themselves call their religion Buddhadharma, and its founder Buddha Shakyamuni - Dharma. The concept comes from the Sanskrit phrase buddha dharma, which translated means "Teachings of the Enlightened One" . Term "Buddhism" was invented by Europeans in the 19th century to designate a religious and philosophical movement that came to Europe from Ancient India.

Buddhism originated around the 6th century BC thanks to the spiritual teacher Siddhattha Gotama, who later became known as the Buddha. It is believed that his path to enlightenment began in previous lives, however understanding harsh reality appeared only when last birth under the name Gotama.

At the age of 16, he married Princess Yashodhara, and at the age of 29, he got out of the palace and saw 4 so-called “spectacles” that completely turned his life upside down. That day, Buddha met a hermit, a poor man, a sick person and a decomposed corpse, after which he realized that neither wealth nor fame can protect people from deprivation, illness and death.

What he saw prompted Buddha to leave the palace and go in search of enlightenment. During his journey, he practiced meditation, and at the age of 35, he finally achieved awakening (bodhi) and gained knowledge of the Four Noble Truths.

From that time on, Buddha began to pass on his acquired knowledge to other people, and after his death, all his dialogues, sayings and covenants were collected by his students into a single Buddhist canon, the Tripitaka.

What is Buddhism?

Today, Buddhism is a world religion and philosophical doctrine, although some researchers and historians call it the “science of consciousness.” There are two main branches of Buddhism in the world, differing in methods of practice and philosophical views.

The Mahayana (Great Vehicle) teaching is based on beliefs about a certain path along which people can achieve bodhi. Hinayana (Little Vehicle) is based on the ideas of the state of being and negation human soul as an independent entity.

In addition to the two main movements of Buddhism, there is an additional worldview, Vajrayana (Diamond Chariot), which separated from Mahayana in the 5th century.

Who are Buddhists?

Buddhists include adherents of the Buddhist religion, that is, people who have dedicated their lives to the path to spiritual awakening. Total quantity There are more than 460 million followers of this religion in the world, of which about 1 million are Buddhist monks.

The teaching became most widespread in Asia - mainly in the southern and eastern parts of the continent. Maximum quantity Buddhists are concentrated in India, Vietnam, China, and Cambodia. In Russia, Buddhist communities can be found in Tuva, Kalmykia and Buryatia.

What are the Four Noble Truths?

The basis of Buddhist teachings are the “Four Noble Truths,” the knowledge of which allows people to come to awakening.

First, Buddhists believe that there is suffering (dukkha) in the world.

Secondly, dukkha has causes.

Thirdly, every person has the opportunity to get rid of suffering by eliminating the cause of dukkha.

And fourthly, adherents of Buddhism believe that there is a path in the world through which one can get rid of dukkha.

How is Buddhism different from other world religions?

If we compare Buddhism with monotheistic religions that recognize the unity of God, its main difference is the fact that Buddhists do not believe in the existence of a creator God.

They do not recognize the creation of the world by the Almighty and believe that it was not created by anyone and is not controlled by anyone. The teaching denies the possibility, there is no heresy and unconditional faith in it. In addition, in Buddhism there are no unified textual canons and no general religious organization, similar to Christian churches.

Relig. Philosopher doctrine that arose in ancient india in the 6th 5th centuries. BC e. and transformed in the course of its development into one of the three, along with Christianity and Islam, world religions. Founder of B. ind. Prince Siddhartha Gautama, who received... ... Philosophical Encyclopedia

Religion founded by Gautama Buddha (6th century BC). All Buddhists revere Buddha as the founder of the spiritual tradition that bears his name. In almost all areas of Buddhism there are monastic orders, whose members act as teachers and... ... Collier's Encyclopedia

In the second half of the 6th first quarter of the 5th century. BC e. Another religious and philosophical teaching arose, which entered into open confrontation with the Vedic religious and mythological thinking and was so clearly manifested in the Vedas and epics. It is connected... Encyclopedia of Mythology

- (from Buddha). Religious doctrine founded by Buddha; confession of this teaching and worship of Buddha as a deity. Dictionary foreign words, included in the Russian language. Chudinov A.N., 1910. BUDDHISM [Dictionary of foreign words of the Russian language

Buddhism- – if necessary VI Vғ.ғ. Let's go back and forth between philosophy and philosophy. Negіzіn qalaushy Siddhartha Gautama (Gotama), key ol Buddha dep atalgan (magynasy – kozi ashylgan, oyangan, nurlangan). Ol oz uagyzdarynda brahmanismdі baylyk pen san… … Philosophy terminerdin sozdigi

Buddhism- a, m. bouddhisme m. One of the world religions that arose in the 6th century. BC e. in India and named after its legendary founder Gautami, who later received the name Buddha (enlightened); Buddhism received widespread in China...... Historical Dictionary of Gallicisms of the Russian Language

Buddhism is now split into two different Churches: Southern and Northern. The former is said to be a purer form as it more strictly preserves the original teachings of the Lord Buddha. This is the religion of Ceylon, Siam, Burma and other countries, at that time... Religious terms

Cm … Dictionary of synonyms

One of the three world religions. Originated in Ancient India in the 6th-5th centuries. BC in India and named after its legendary founder Gautama, who later received the name Buddha (enlightened). The founder is considered to be Siddhartha Gautama. Buddhism... ... Encyclopedia of Cultural Studies

BUDDHISM- is now split into two different Churches: Southern and Northern. The former is said to be a purer form as it more strictly preserves the original teachings of the Lord Buddha. It is the religion of Ceylon, Siam, Burma and other countries, while... ... Theosophical Dictionary

BUDDHISM, one of three world religions along with Christianity and Islam. B. originated in ancient India in the 6th–5th centuries. BC e. and in the course of its development was divided into a number of religious philosophical schools. The founder of B. is considered to be the Indian prince Siddhartha... ... Big Encyclopedic Dictionary


  • Buddhism, Nile. This book will be produced in accordance with your order using Print-on-Demand technology. Reproduced in the original author's spelling...
  • Buddhism, A. N. Kochetov. The book you are holding in your hands is not a novel or an adventure story. This is not travel notes, although the author often shares his impressions of the birthplace of Buddhism, which he recently...