Find your true path. If you find that you are not satisfied with your current activities

Valery Sinelnikov

Find your true Path


At all the seminars that I conduct in different cities and countries, participants ask me the same question: “What is the purpose of man? What to do in life? How to find your true Path?

Judging by the number of questions and the sincere interest that people show, I understand that the topic of human destiny is very important for everyone. That is why I decided to write this book. In it I summarized the results of my many years of research. Partial information on this topic is already in my previous books, so I will repeat myself somewhere, but, as they say: “Repetition is the mother of learning!”

So! What is the Life Path? Where is the beginning of the Path and its final goal? And why do we say the True Path? Does this mean there is also a false Path? How are they different from each other? Why do some people experience disappointment or fear at the end of their lives, while others experience calm, joy and peace? The purpose of man - what is it?

We will try to answer these and other questions that arise in the course of the story on the pages of this book.

The Path is Life

Each person is looking for his own Path. Some people do this consciously, while others do it unconsciously. We try to read the lines on the hand, turn to an astrologer, look at the horoscope. We are interested and scared at the same time. Will I be happy, and what does fate have in store for me?

We look at the lives of others. This person seems happy to us. He lives in a big beautiful house and drives an expensive car. This means that in order to be happy, I also need to strive for this. We are accustomed to paying more attention to the external attributes of happiness, as a rule, without attaching importance to our internal state. But you and I know that it is precisely what is in our soul, in our subconscious, that determines what our life will be like. Our lives are determined largely by how we perceive life itself and ourselves.

I discovered that many people attach very little importance to their life, frankly do not value it, and treat it carelessly. And some don’t want to live in this world at all. There are people who don't know what to do. There is even an expression: “Kill time.” But what does this mean? This means destroying your life.

At the beginning of my medical career, I conducted one study, the results of which turned out to be very interesting. I asked people to imagine an image of their life path. People of different ages imagined their Path differently. Almost all teenagers, with rare exceptions, imagined not one path, but several. They said that they had a choice of paths, that all roads were open - choose any one. “I can become such and such,” they said, “get such and such a profession.”

After graduating from an educational institution, after receiving one or another specialty, the path of life looked different. This was already one road. Some saw it as wide as a highway, others saw it as a country road.

With retirement, the picture changed. The road turned into a narrow path that leads... guess where? - that's right, in the cemetery.

Maybe that’s why many people develop farsightedness in old age. Thus, the subconscious wants to say: “Look further. Your journey doesn’t end here.” And it’s not at all difficult to guess why atherosclerosis appears (the mechanism of atherosclerosis and other diseases is described in detail in my first book, “Love Your Disease”). How can such a person, with such images of his life’s path, experience joy?

So it turns out that a person is born and immediately begins to die. From birth he begins his journey to the cemetery.

Yes, this is not a very happy picture. Maybe that’s why people wave their hands and spit on their lives, saying, what’s up, we only live once. And then, for such people, life turns out to be, as people say, down the drain.

But you and I cannot treat our lives this way, because we understand that life in general and our life in particular is a great, priceless gift, and, as the hero of Nikolai Ostrovsky’s work said, we must live it in such a way that it does not cause excruciating pain for the years spent aimlessly.

My teacher once told me: “Valery, if people knew what a queue stands there, in the world of Navi, for incarnation in this world, and how every soul languishes from waiting for its hour of conception, they would treat their lives completely differently. -to another."

Why is this happening? Why do some people value their life, try to leave a bright mark in life, living every moment consciously, while for others their life is not worth a penny?

I think there is only one reason – ignorance. Misunderstanding of who we really are and why we came to Mother Earth.

Therefore, I propose now to consider the nature of man, and based on his nature, it will be easier to understand his mission in this world. And that means ours too.

Human nature

Modern science views humans as nothing more than a collection of proteins, fats, and carbohydrates, arranged in strange and random ways during the process of evolution into a complex biological open system. Consciousness in this case is just a by-product of matter. And the world around us is simply a favorable habitat. This concept of human structure is very limited and does not allow us to answer many questions.

In order to understand how a person works, I studied many sources: scientific, religious and esoteric. But of all these sources that exist today, the most holistic picture of man and Life in general is given by the Vedas, especially such a section of the Vedas as Ayurveda, which translated means “the science of life.” It is believed that the Vedas are a body of divine knowledge about the structure of the surrounding world. This is very ancient knowledge.

Rice. 1. Subtle bodies

According to ancient Vedic science, in addition to the physical body, a person also has subtle bodies: the subtle body of feelings, mind, intelligence, self-awareness, consciousness and the oversoul.

Each of these bodies has its own function, and together they determine the nature of man. Let us briefly consider the structure of each body.

Physical body

The human physical body consists of five primary elements: ether, air, fire, water and earth. All material objects, not just humans, are made up of these primary elements. Their different combinations give physical objects specific properties.

Science has studied the human body, as they say, inside and out. We know how many bones there are in the skeleton, how a cell is structured, even the structure of DNA is no secret to us. But, unfortunately, this did not reduce the problems.

The physical body is very important for us, since it is through it that certain activities are carried out in this world. Therefore, you need to keep it in order. But there is also something that is hidden from a person’s eyes, something that controls this body.

Feeling body

We perceive the world around us through our senses. There are five of them:

1. Ears – for perception of sound.

2. Skin – for perception of sensations.

3. Eyes – for perceiving shape and color.

4. Tongue – for the perception of taste.

5. Nose – for smell perception.

There is also a so-called sixth sense. It manifests itself when a person perceives the world around him directly with his mind, bypassing the known organs of perception. Every person has this ability, and it is not something extraordinary. Some call this phenomenon intuition, that is, internal knowledge. And I am sure that each of you is familiar to one degree or another with this feeling, especially those who have mastered the method of immersion and subconscious reprogramming. But this is a separate topic for discussion. Perhaps in one of my books we will talk about this in more detail.

There are five more active sense organs:

1. These are hands - for grasping, holding, giving and doing.

2. Legs - for movement in this world.

3. Mouth and tongue - for eating and speaking.

4. Anus - for eruption.

5. Oud (genital organs) – also for eruption.

Through these organs we carry out certain activities in the physical world.

Information from the outside world comes to the subtle body of the mind through the senses. The mind controls the senses and is the main thing for them. It is the mind that causes the physical body to perform actions. Moreover, actions do not arise just like that, but as a result of our desires, to which a volitional effort is applied. This desire is called Intention. This is written in great detail in my second book, “The Power of Intention.”

The files of the subtle body of the mind record all the events that happened to us during our lives. This information is stored in the form of mental images, and we can access them through the memory function. But these events are stored in our memory for a reason. Almost each of them has its own emotional coloring. Some are written with a plus sign, while others are written with a minus sign. In other words, there is a positive attitude towards situations, towards people, and there is a negative one. Desires, emotions and beliefs shape our character.

Valery Sinelnikov

Find your true Path


At all the seminars that I conduct in different cities and countries, participants ask me the same question: “What is the purpose of man? What to do in life? How to find your true Path?

Judging by the number of questions and the sincere interest that people show, I understand that the topic of human destiny is very important for everyone. That is why I decided to write this book. In it I summarized the results of my many years of research. Partial information on this topic is already in my previous books, so I will repeat myself somewhere, but, as they say: “Repetition is the mother of learning!”

So! What is the Life Path? Where is the beginning of the Path and its final goal? And why do we say the True Path? Does this mean there is also a false Path? How are they different from each other? Why do some people experience disappointment or fear at the end of their lives, while others experience calm, joy and peace? The purpose of man - what is it?

We will try to answer these and other questions that arise in the course of the story on the pages of this book.

The Path is Life

Each person is looking for his own Path. Some people do this consciously, while others do it unconsciously. We try to read the lines on the hand, turn to an astrologer, look at the horoscope. We are interested and scared at the same time. Will I be happy, and what does fate have in store for me?

We look at the lives of others. This person seems happy to us. He lives in a big beautiful house and drives an expensive car. This means that in order to be happy, I also need to strive for this. We are accustomed to paying more attention to the external attributes of happiness, as a rule, without attaching importance to our internal state. But you and I know that it is precisely what is in our soul, in our subconscious, that determines what our life will be like. Our lives are determined largely by how we perceive life itself and ourselves.

I discovered that many people attach very little importance to their life, frankly do not value it, and treat it carelessly. And some don’t want to live in this world at all. There are people who don't know what to do. There is even an expression: “Kill time.” But what does this mean? This means destroying your life.

At the beginning of my medical career, I conducted one study, the results of which turned out to be very interesting. I asked people to imagine an image of their life path. People of different ages imagined their Path differently. Almost all teenagers, with rare exceptions, imagined not one path, but several. They said that they had a choice of paths, that all roads were open - choose any one. “I can become such and such,” they said, “get such and such a profession.”

After graduating from an educational institution, after receiving one or another specialty, the path of life looked different. This was already one road. Some saw it as wide as a highway, others saw it as a country road.

With retirement, the picture changed. The road turned into a narrow path that leads... guess where? - that's right, in the cemetery.

Maybe that’s why many people develop farsightedness in old age. Thus, the subconscious wants to say: “Look further. Your journey doesn’t end here.” And it’s not at all difficult to guess why atherosclerosis appears (the mechanism of atherosclerosis and other diseases is described in detail in my first book, “Love Your Disease”). How can such a person, with such images of his life’s path, experience joy?

So it turns out that a person is born and immediately begins to die. From birth he begins his journey to the cemetery.

Yes, this is not a very happy picture. Maybe that’s why people wave their hands and spit on their lives, saying, what’s up, we only live once. And then, for such people, life turns out to be, as people say, down the drain.

But you and I cannot treat our lives this way, because we understand that life in general and our life in particular is a great, priceless gift, and, as the hero of Nikolai Ostrovsky’s work said, we must live it in such a way that it does not cause excruciating pain for the years spent aimlessly.

My teacher once told me: “Valery, if people knew what kind of queue stands there, in the world of Navi, for incarnation in this world, and how every soul languishes from waiting for its hour of conception, they would treat their lives completely differently. -to another."

Why is this happening? Why do some people value their life, try to leave a bright mark in life, living every moment consciously, while for others their life is not worth a penny?

I think there is only one reason – ignorance. Misunderstanding of who we really are and why we came to Mother Earth.

Therefore, I propose now to consider the nature of man, and based on his nature, it will be easier to understand his mission in this world. And that means ours too.

Human nature

Modern science views humans as nothing more than a collection of proteins, fats, and carbohydrates, arranged in strange and random ways during the process of evolution into a complex biological open system. Consciousness in this case is just a by-product of matter. And the world around us is simply a favorable habitat. This concept of human structure is very limited and does not allow us to answer many questions.

In order to understand how a person works, I studied many sources: scientific, religious and esoteric. But of all these sources that exist today, the most holistic picture of man and Life in general is given by the Vedas, especially such a section of the Vedas as Ayurveda, which translated means “the science of life.” It is believed that the Vedas are a body of divine knowledge about the structure of the surrounding world. This is very ancient knowledge.

Rice. 1. Subtle bodies

According to ancient Vedic science, in addition to the physical body, a person also has subtle bodies: the subtle body of feelings, mind, intelligence, self-awareness, consciousness and the oversoul.

Each of these bodies has its own function, and together they determine the nature of man. Let us briefly consider the structure of each body.

Physical body

The human physical body consists of five primary elements: ether, air, fire, water and earth. All material objects, not just humans, are made up of these primary elements. Their different combinations give physical objects specific properties.

Science has studied the human body, as they say, inside and out. We know how many bones there are in the skeleton, how a cell is structured, even the structure of DNA is no secret to us. But, unfortunately, this did not reduce the problems.

The physical body is very important for us, since it is through it that certain activities are carried out in this world. Therefore, you need to keep it in order. But there is also something that is hidden from a person’s eyes, something that controls this body.

Feeling body

We perceive the world around us through our senses. There are five of them:

1. Ears – for perception of sound.

2. Skin – for perception of sensations.

3. Eyes – for perceiving shape and color.

4. Tongue – for the perception of taste.

5. Nose – for smell perception.

There is also a so-called sixth sense. It manifests itself when a person perceives the world around him directly with his mind, bypassing the known organs of perception. Every person has this ability, and it is not something extraordinary. Some call this phenomenon intuition, that is, internal knowledge. And I am sure that each of you is familiar to one degree or another with this feeling, especially those who have mastered the method of immersion and subconscious reprogramming. But this is a separate topic for discussion. Perhaps in one of my books we will talk about this in more detail.

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Valery Sinelnikov
Find your true Path


At all the seminars that I conduct in different cities and countries, participants ask me the same question: “What is the purpose of man? What to do in life? How to find your true Path?

Judging by the number of questions and the sincere interest that people show, I understand that the topic of human destiny is very important for everyone. That is why I decided to write this book. In it I summarized the results of my many years of research. Partial information on this topic is already in my previous books, so I will repeat myself somewhere, but, as they say: “Repetition is the mother of learning!”

So! What is the Life Path? Where is the beginning of the Path and its final goal? And why do we say the True Path? Does this mean there is also a false Path? How are they different from each other? Why do some people experience disappointment or fear at the end of their lives, while others experience calm, joy and peace? The purpose of man - what is it?

We will try to answer these and other questions that arise in the course of the story on the pages of this book.

The Path is Life

Each person is looking for his own Path. Some people do this consciously, while others do it unconsciously. We try to read the lines on the hand, turn to an astrologer, look at the horoscope. We are interested and scared at the same time. Will I be happy, and what does fate have in store for me?

We look at the lives of others. This person seems happy to us. He lives in a big beautiful house and drives an expensive car. This means that in order to be happy, I also need to strive for this. We are accustomed to paying more attention to the external attributes of happiness, as a rule, without attaching importance to our internal state. But you and I know that it is precisely what is in our soul, in our subconscious, that determines what our life will be like. Our lives are determined largely by how we perceive life itself and ourselves.

I discovered that many people attach very little importance to their life, frankly do not value it, and treat it carelessly. And some don’t want to live in this world at all. There are people who don't know what to do. There is even an expression: “Kill time.” But what does this mean? This means destroying your life.

At the beginning of my medical career, I conducted one study, the results of which turned out to be very interesting. I asked people to imagine an image of their life path. People of different ages imagined their Path differently. Almost all teenagers, with rare exceptions, imagined not one path, but several. They said that they had a choice of paths, that all roads were open - choose any one. “I can become such and such,” they said, “get such and such a profession.”

After graduating from an educational institution, after receiving one or another specialty, the path of life looked different. This was already one road. Some saw it as wide as a highway, others saw it as a country road.

With retirement, the picture changed. The road turned into a narrow path that leads... guess where? - that's right, in the cemetery.

Maybe that’s why many people develop farsightedness in old age. Thus, the subconscious wants to say: “Look further. Your journey doesn’t end here.” And it’s not at all difficult to guess why atherosclerosis appears (the mechanism of atherosclerosis and other diseases is described in detail in my first book, “Love Your Disease”). How can such a person, with such images of his life’s path, experience joy?

So it turns out that a person is born and immediately begins to die. From birth he begins his journey to the cemetery.

Yes, this is not a very happy picture. Maybe that’s why people wave their hands and spit on their lives, saying, what’s up, we only live once. And then, for such people, life turns out to be, as people say, down the drain.

But you and I cannot treat our lives this way, because we understand that life in general and our life in particular is a great, priceless gift, and, as the hero of Nikolai Ostrovsky’s work said, we must live it in such a way that it does not cause excruciating pain for the years spent aimlessly.

My teacher once told me: “Valery, if people knew what kind of line there is there in the world of Navi 1
The Slavic Vedas describe three levels of existence: Nav, Reality and Rule. Nav is the lower world of brute force, where dark deities rule. Reality is the middle world, the abode of people and deities of the earthly level. Rule is the highest spiritual world; the ROD itself and its highest divine manifestations live here. (Editor's note)

To be incarnated in this world, and as every soul languishes in anticipation of its hour of conception, they would have approached their lives completely differently.”

Why is this happening? Why do some people value their life, try to leave a bright mark in life, living every moment consciously, while for others their life is not worth a penny?

I think there is only one reason – ignorance. Misunderstanding of who we really are and why we came to Mother Earth.

Therefore, I propose now to consider the nature of man, and based on his nature, it will be easier to understand his mission in this world. And that means ours too.

Human nature

Modern science views humans as nothing more than a collection of proteins, fats, and carbohydrates, arranged in strange and random ways during the process of evolution into a complex biological open system. Consciousness in this case is just a by-product of matter. And the world around us is simply a favorable habitat. This concept of human structure is very limited and does not allow us to answer many questions.

In order to understand how a person works, I studied many sources: scientific, religious and esoteric. But of all these sources that exist today, the most holistic picture of man and Life in general is given by the Vedas, especially such a section of the Vedas as Ayurveda, which translated means “the science of life.” It is believed that the Vedas are a body of divine knowledge about the structure of the surrounding world. This is very ancient knowledge.

Rice. 1. Subtle bodies

According to ancient Vedic science, in addition to the physical body, a person also has subtle bodies: the subtle body of feelings, mind, intelligence, self-awareness, consciousness and the oversoul.

Each of these bodies has its own function, and together they determine the nature of man. Let us briefly consider the structure of each body.

Physical body

The human physical body consists of five primary elements: ether, air, fire, water and earth. All material objects, not just humans, are made up of these primary elements. Their different combinations give physical objects specific properties.

Science has studied the human body, as they say, inside and out. We know how many bones there are in the skeleton, how a cell is structured, even the structure of DNA is no secret to us. But, unfortunately, this did not reduce the problems.

The physical body is very important for us, since it is through it that certain activities are carried out in this world. Therefore, you need to keep it in order. But there is also something that is hidden from a person’s eyes, something that controls this body.

Feeling body

We perceive the world around us through our senses. There are five of them:

1. Ears – for perception of sound.

2. Skin – for perception of sensations.

3. Eyes – for perceiving shape and color.

4. Tongue – for the perception of taste.

5. Nose – for smell perception.

There is also a so-called sixth sense. It manifests itself when a person perceives the world around him directly with his mind, bypassing the known organs of perception. Every person has this ability, and it is not something extraordinary. Some call this phenomenon intuition, that is, internal knowledge. And I am sure that each of you is familiar to one degree or another with this feeling, especially those who have mastered the method of immersion and subconscious reprogramming. But this is a separate topic for discussion. Perhaps in one of my books we will talk about this in more detail.

There are five more active sense organs:

1. These are hands - for grasping, holding, giving and doing.

2. Legs - for movement in this world.

3. Mouth and tongue - for eating and speaking.

4. Anus - for eruption.

5. Oud (genital organs) – also for eruption.

Through these organs we carry out certain activities in the physical world.

Body of mind

Information from the outside world comes to the subtle body of the mind through the senses. The mind controls the senses and is the main thing for them. It is the mind that causes the physical body to perform actions. Moreover, actions do not arise just like that, but as a result of our desires, to which a volitional effort is applied. This desire is called Intention. This is written in great detail in my second book, “The Power of Intention.”

The files of the subtle body of the mind record all the events that happened to us during our lives. This information is stored in the form of mental images, and we can access them through the memory function. But these events are stored in our memory for a reason. Almost each of them has its own emotional coloring. Some are written with a plus sign, while others are written with a minus sign. In other words, there is a positive attitude towards situations, towards people, and there is a negative one. Desires, emotions and beliefs shape our character.

Our emotional state can greatly influence the state of our physical body. Some emotions destroy it, while others maintain it in a state of balance.

This or that attitude to events is also formed for a reason, but depends on the model of our perception of ourselves and the world around us. That is, from our worldview.

We already know that the mind does not exist on its own, but is a part of us. We can actively influence our mind, for example, we can change our thoughts, beliefs and even control our emotions. And thanks to this, we can change not only our physical condition, but also our situation in different areas of our lives.

Mind body

The mind body is a more subtle structure than the mind body. In fact, the mind controls the mind, since it is the mind that determines our goals in life and what we should strive for. And aspiration generates desires in the subtle body of the mind.

If you break this word down into its components, it is not difficult to understand its meaning. Intelligence. The Ra particle carries several images: Light, Sun, Radiance of the Truth of the Almighty. It turns out that the mind is an enlightened mind. A mind directed towards happiness, light, Truth.

By how a person sees happiness for himself, what he strives for, one can judge the degree of development of his mind. How to understand this? Very simple. For some, happiness is hidden in a bottle, for others - in money, and for others, happiness is serving people.

Therefore, we can say with confidence that our Life Path depends on the degree of development of the mind, on what goals we choose.

Body of self-awareness

This is an even more subtle structure of a person and, perhaps, the most important in terms of its influence on our lives, since it is at this level that our worldview is formed. This subtle body is often called the ego. The Vedas distinguish the false ego, which is also called pride, or a sense of self-importance, and the true ego. How are they different from each other?

False ego means that a person perceives himself and the world around him in a distorted, incomplete way. This ultimately leads to wrong thoughts and actions in life. And after them comes suffering.

True ego is a correct understanding of things, a holistic perception of both oneself and the surrounding reality. This worldview allows you to act flawlessly in this world, making the Path of life easy and joyful.

For a more complete understanding, I always give an image of a living organism. It consists of a great many different cells. Different both in structure and function. They combine into different tissues and organs. What brings them together? - a single organism. What is the main function, task of each cell? Serving a single organism. His life and prosperity are the main goal.

If each cell perfectly performs its function, being in its place, then it will receive from the body everything it needs for itself. And she will be happy. And the body will be healthy. If any cell forgets its functions or does not want to perform them, changes its goals, its place, then it turns into cancer. And it begins to destroy the body with the products of its improper vital activity. But it seems to her that she is doing everything right. After all, it receives juices and energy from the body. But what does she give in return? Destruction of the entire organism. And this cell has no idea that with the death of the entire organism, it itself will die.

That's all the difference!

In one case - service to the Truth, the understanding that “I” is part of a single whole. In the other - consumption and unwillingness to reckon with others.

As you now see, our self-awareness determines what goals we choose in life. Goals give rise to desires, thoughts and corresponding movement. And this all adds up to the picture of our life’s Path.

Consciousness and Oversoul

Now we come to the true essence of man. To its origins. This knowledge will give us a correct understanding of our true Path.

Every living being has something that gives it life and life energy. This is the Oversoul, or, as our ancestors said, the Spark of God. It has different names in different traditions: Atma, Paramatma, the personal aspect of the Almighty. This is a piece of the one God, the one organism in which we all live, and it is located in our heart. Even its dimensions are known - 1:10,000 of a human hair cut.

Doctors know that in the right atrium there is a so-called sinus node, which gives the impulse to the heart muscle to contract. But physiologists still don’t understand how it works. Even if the heart is isolated from the body and placed in a nutrient medium, it can contract indefinitely. But at what expense? It turns out that we now know the answer to this question. It is God who gives us the power of Life. Through your presence in our heart.

This power comes from the Spark of God in the form of the light of Truth, the light of Consciousness, the Holy Spirit. In different traditions there are other names: Light of the Most High Family, Ra, Atman, Brahman, Tao. This Light, this Power fills all space. We all feel it. We see him in the radiance of the Sun and the radiance emanating from all living beings.

This Supreme Spirit gives life to everything, permeating everything with itself. Everything in this world is the Consciousness of God. And you and I are different manifestations of the same Consciousness. Therefore, on the subtle plane we are all one. We are all relatives.

Where does our unique Path in this world begin? Law of Karma

It turns out that we did not come into this world by chance. Our individual Soul (Jivatma), which carries the Supersoul (Spark of God) and Consciousness, as well as the imprint of certain desires, actions and beliefs from a past life, enters the sperm of a particular male father before conception. She is already endowed with certain qualities and, in accordance with them, chooses her parents, country, level of material and spiritual state and the state of her physical body. This is very important to realize! It turns out that everything we have at the moment (our body, parents, country, etc.) is the result of our choices in the past. We get what we deserve. And there is great justice in this.

The spark of God, emitting Light, is dressed in a subtle body. This subtle body has three functions: the ego (awareness of oneself and one’s place in this world), the mind (which determines what will bring happiness and what will not) and the mind (it has desires and feelings). In accordance with the subtle body, the physical body is created. It turns out that the physical body is a reflection of the subtle body. And the physical world around us is a reflection of our thoughts, our desires.

How does our Path end in this world, in this body?

When a person dies, his Supersoul and Supreme Spirit, together with his subtle body, are drawn into a new womb through the law of karma, uniting with the father’s seed and the mother’s blood. And life continues further, but in a different body. And this new body will correspond to our actions, desires and beliefs that we currently have. Therefore, it is never too late to start working on yourself.

Why do we need this knowledge about the subtle nature of man?

It turns out that we do not come into this world and start our lives from scratch. Our individual Soul, endowed with the Consciousness of the Supreme, has already passed a certain Path before birth in this world, and life in this world is a continuation of this Path. And what is also very important is that we are responsible for our lives, and therefore for our Path. It is up to us which road we choose.

We and our Path are inseparable. We cannot stop, we cannot refuse it, we cannot turn away from it. We have to go. Such is our destiny, and such is our nature. You just need to accept it with humility in your heart. And go forward. And to know that we can make ourselves and others on our life’s Path either unhappy or happy.

Let's add a little more theory.

Why does it happen that we come into this world already with certain achievements and problems, or better yet, achievements?

We can answer this question only if we understand how one of the main laws of this world works - the law of retribution, or Karma.

Some people do not fully understand the meaning of this law, some are afraid of the word “Karma”, associating it with something difficult and inevitable. But the law is the law, and you need to know it and clearly understand how it works.

The word “Karma” translated from Sanskrit literally means activity, creation, creation. And it came from another Sanskrit word “Kriya”, which translates as “to create” (by the way, it is not difficult to guess where such English words came from: create and creative. Hence the now fashionable word “creative”, that is, creative).

Karma is the law of retribution. That is, a response, return action on our thoughts, words and actions. He is well known to us by such sayings as: “What goes around comes around”, “What goes around comes around”, “An eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth.” This is the law of cause and effect. He says that one event in this world is inevitably connected with another. We live in a single information-energy field, therefore...

Any of our actions anywhere in the Universe is reflected throughout the Universe and returns to us in certain events.

It is sometimes difficult for us to connect one event with another, but this is only because we do not see the whole picture or do not want to see.

Then it turns out that everything is predetermined in this world. Where is the freedom of choice?

The Law of Karma does not violate free will. On the contrary, the principle of retribution reflects the law of free will, freedom of choice. These two laws go hand in hand.

It is the law of Karma and reincarnation that allows any of our desires to be realized in our lives. Of course, not all our desires can come true in this life. But there is a next life for this.

I never cease to admire the justice and harmony of the structure of the universe. We can take any action, but we must also understand that by performing a certain action, we are already choosing the consequences. If we lift a stick by one end, then the other end of the stick also moves.

The law of retribution explains many things very simply. For example, why one child is born healthy and in a rich family, and another is born sick and in a poor one. If there is no understanding of this law, then there is no sense of the justice of the world. And without a sense of justice it is impossible to be happy.

It seems to us that when people come into this world, they must start their lives from scratch, by analogy with sports competitions, where the initial score is 0:0 - after all, everyone is equal at the start. But we think this way only because we perceive life in a very limited way. One must accept the idea of ​​pre-existence. The start was a very long time ago - several million years ago, and maybe more. And our life today is just a small part of the Path. And there is still a lot to go through. Yesterday predetermined our today, and today influences what tomorrow will be like. In the same way, our present life is a consequence of our past life and a precursor to the future.

At seminars I am often asked the question: “Valery Vladimirovich, why are people born in different economic conditions, with different health conditions?”

In this case, I tell the story of one of our seminar participants.

Several years ago, a healer from St. Petersburg came to Crimea for our annual big seminar. She told an incident from her practice.

Two years ago, a woman wheeled a 14-year-old boy into her office in a wheelchair.

“Zinaida Ivanovna,” she asked, “cure my son.” He suffers from cerebral palsy and cannot move independently.

I immediately saw that I could help him, and my mother and I began his treatment. The treatment was long and difficult, but we were able to defeat the disease. After two and a half years, the boy began to move independently, and after a few months he began to walk quite well. His mother and I were very happy about our son’s success. But six months later this woman came to me again and asked:

- Zina! Could you put my son back in the wheelchair?

I was shocked! I didn't know what to say. I just realized that something very bad had happened.

“Ira,” I said, “you and I gave so much time and effort so that he could start walking!” What's happened?

– You see, Zina, he started walking, but he started going to the store for vodka. And for me, seeing him become an alcoholic is much worse and more painful than caring for a disabled person.

“And then,” Zinaida Ivanovna finished her story, “I realized that you need to be careful and attentive when helping people solve their health problems.” And after reading your book “Love Your Illness,” I realized that human illnesses do not arise for nothing. They have a certain meaning. After all, this boy was confined to a wheelchair since childhood so that he could not commit vicious acts. His body suffered, but his soul was cleansed.

It is important to understand that each person is given such a body and such a place of birth, as well as initial mental and economic conditions that are ideally suited to the tasks that need to be solved in this world.

It turns out that there is some kind of predetermination in our lives, which is called fate. It is connected with our past actions and desires, which, together with the soul and subtle body, are transferred to the next form of life. And at the same time there is freedom. Today we have the right to choose how to live in tomorrow.

For example, we are traveling on a train along a certain route and cannot turn off, but while in the train carriage, we can draw, read, eat, sleep, and visit the next compartment. Rails are a rigid connection to the form of life in which we find ourselves. In our case, this is the human body. But it is important to realize that we ourselves chose it with our past deeds and desires.

There are 8,400,000 life forms in the Universe. Choose any one, for every taste. Just as in a store we can choose different clothes: pants, shirt, suit, etc., in the same way the soul has a wide choice of bodies to fulfill its desires. Each form of life provides a certain type of pleasure and is given to the living being to satisfy his desires. You and I have come to a human, intelligent form of life, which is intended for self-improvement, and this is our great luck. It turns out that further progress is possible only through the human form of life, and nothing else. Planet Earth is a kind of launching pad for further development.

Plants and animals cannot accumulate new karma and change anything in their destiny. Otherwise, they would never have been freed and would not have passed on to another form of life. Karma is being worked out in the body of a plant or animal. And in the human body - working out past actions, developing new ones, or liberation. A person has a developed mind, has free will and freedom of choice. But the animal does not. A person can change his destiny, but to do this he needs to change his mind, his worldview.

I am often asked about what laws govern mass deaths of people during catastrophes and natural disasters? Are there really no coincidences in this case?

It turns out that the same law of karma applies here. Therefore, there are no accidents - everything is natural. People who have violated certain laws gather in one place and each get theirs.

I would like to draw your attention to the fact that this is not a punishment. God and the Universe do not punish anyone. I repeat, the law of retribution means the return effect of the surrounding world on our certain thoughts and actions.

Let me give you an example. The Vedas say that one of the reasons for wars on Earth is the mass killing of animals. And this is obvious. Every year, several billion animals are killed around the world. The energies of violence, fear and cruelty that are released in this case do not disappear without a trace. According to the law of conservation, they must be embodied in reality. And many such examples can be given.

It turns out that people with identical, similar programs gather in one place when the cup is overflowing. But even in those situations where it would seem that death is inevitable, fate turns out to be favorable.

A few years ago, a tsunami in Southeast Asia killed about 200 thousand people. At our seminar in Crimea, a family took part who was on the islands at that moment and miraculously survived. This is what they told us about their unusual rescue.

“On that day,” says the woman, “when this tragedy occurred, my husband and I, instead of going to the sea, decided to go to the mountains. After a long walk along the mountain paths, we stopped for a snack at a small cozy restaurant located on the mountain right in the rock. From there there was a stunning view of the sea.

When the food was brought to us and we were ready to start eating, there was some noise. One of the visitors began to shout something in English. We only made out two words: “Big water.” We soon found ourselves standing knee-deep in water. It turned out that the island was covered by a huge wave - a tsunami.

When the passions subsided, we went back to the hotel, thinking with horror about how we would now return home to Russia. After all, the passports and money were left at the hotel. And there’s probably nothing left of that little house.

But imagine our surprise when we discovered upon arrival at the place that it was our house that remained intact. And when we went inside, we saw that the house was full of water, and in the middle of the room on the table there was our suitcase, and all the things, money and documents in it were completely dry. I remembered that we were in a hurry and I forgot to remove the suitcase from the table.

Then my husband told me: “Apparently, Masha, you and I are not such big sinners yet.”

According to fate, they had to suffer, but several years ago this family embarked on a spiritual path of development, began to engage in self-improvement, and strive for pious activities. In other words, they sowed the seeds of good karma, and these seeds sprouted and bore fruit.

It often happens that pious activities burn out and neutralize the consequences of negative karma. And if by fate, as they say, something was supposed to fall on a person’s head, then at the right time something will fly by. This is precisely the case that one seminar participant told us.

– I was walking through the city one day. It was winter. My shoelace came undone.

I stopped to tie it, and at that moment a huge icicle fell right in front of me with a strong roar. I didn't even have time to get scared. I looked up and saw the place on the edge of the roof where a block of ice had just hung. I hastened to step aside. For a long time I was impressed by what happened. Apparently, the time has not yet come for me to die. Fate protects me.

Valery Sinelnikov

Find your true Path


At all the seminars that I conduct in different cities and countries, participants ask me the same question: “What is the purpose of man? What to do in life? How to find your true Path?

Judging by the number of questions and the sincere interest that people show, I understand that the topic of human destiny is very important for everyone. That is why I decided to write this book. In it I summarized the results of my many years of research. Partial information on this topic is already in my previous books, so I will repeat myself somewhere, but, as they say: “Repetition is the mother of learning!”

So! What is the Life Path? Where is the beginning of the Path and its final goal? And why do we say the True Path? Does this mean there is also a false Path? How are they different from each other? Why do some people experience disappointment or fear at the end of their lives, while others experience calm, joy and peace? The purpose of man - what is it?

We will try to answer these and other questions that arise in the course of the story on the pages of this book.

The Path is Life

Each person is looking for his own Path. Some people do this consciously, while others do it unconsciously. We try to read the lines on the hand, turn to an astrologer, look at the horoscope. We are interested and scared at the same time. Will I be happy, and what does fate have in store for me?

We look at the lives of others. This person seems happy to us. He lives in a big beautiful house and drives an expensive car. This means that in order to be happy, I also need to strive for this. We are accustomed to paying more attention to the external attributes of happiness, as a rule, without attaching importance to our internal state. But you and I know that it is precisely what is in our soul, in our subconscious, that determines what our life will be like. Our lives are determined largely by how we perceive life itself and ourselves.

I discovered that many people attach very little importance to their life, frankly do not value it, and treat it carelessly. And some don’t want to live in this world at all. There are people who don't know what to do. There is even an expression: “Kill time.” But what does this mean? This means destroying your life.

At the beginning of my medical career, I conducted one study, the results of which turned out to be very interesting. I asked people to imagine an image of their life path. People of different ages imagined their Path differently. Almost all teenagers, with rare exceptions, imagined not one path, but several. They said that they had a choice of paths, that all roads were open - choose any one. “I can become such and such,” they said, “get such and such a profession.”

After graduating from an educational institution, after receiving one or another specialty, the path of life looked different. This was already one road. Some saw it as wide as a highway, others saw it as a country road.

With retirement, the picture changed. The road turned into a narrow path that leads... guess where? - that's right, in the cemetery.

Maybe that’s why many people develop farsightedness in old age. Thus, the subconscious wants to say: “Look further. Your journey doesn’t end here.” And it’s not at all difficult to guess why atherosclerosis appears (the mechanism of atherosclerosis and other diseases is described in detail in my first book, “Love Your Disease”). How can such a person, with such images of his life’s path, experience joy?

So it turns out that a person is born and immediately begins to die. From birth he begins his journey to the cemetery.

Yes, this is not a very happy picture. Maybe that’s why people wave their hands and spit on their lives, saying, what’s up, we only live once. And then, for such people, life turns out to be, as people say, down the drain.

But you and I cannot treat our lives this way, because we understand that life in general and our life in particular is a great, priceless gift, and, as the hero of Nikolai Ostrovsky’s work said, we must live it in such a way that it does not cause excruciating pain for the years spent aimlessly.

My teacher once told me: “Valery, if people knew what kind of queue stands there, in the world of Navi, for incarnation in this world, and how every soul languishes from waiting for its hour of conception, they would treat their lives completely differently. -to another."

Why is this happening? Why do some people value their life, try to leave a bright mark in life, living every moment consciously, while for others their life is not worth a penny?

I think there is only one reason – ignorance. Misunderstanding of who we really are and why we came to Mother Earth.

Therefore, I propose now to consider the nature of man, and based on his nature, it will be easier to understand his mission in this world. And that means ours too.

Human nature

Modern science views humans as nothing more than a collection of proteins, fats, and carbohydrates, arranged in strange and random ways during the process of evolution into a complex biological open system. Consciousness in this case is just a by-product of matter. And the world around us is simply a favorable habitat. This concept of human structure is very limited and does not allow us to answer many questions.

In order to understand how a person works, I studied many sources: scientific, religious and esoteric. But of all these sources that exist today, the most holistic picture of man and Life in general is given by the Vedas, especially such a section of the Vedas as Ayurveda, which translated means “the science of life.” It is believed that the Vedas are a body of divine knowledge about the structure of the surrounding world. This is very ancient knowledge.

Rice. 1. Subtle bodies

According to ancient Vedic science, in addition to the physical body, a person also has subtle bodies: the subtle body of feelings, mind, intelligence, self-awareness, consciousness and the oversoul.

Each of these bodies has its own function, and together they determine the nature of man. Let us briefly consider the structure of each body.

Physical body

The human physical body consists of five primary elements: ether, air, fire, water and earth. All material objects, not just humans, are made up of these primary elements. Their different combinations give physical objects specific properties.

Science has studied the human body, as they say, inside and out. We know how many bones there are in the skeleton, how a cell is structured, even the structure of DNA is no secret to us. But, unfortunately, this did not reduce the problems.

The physical body is very important for us, since it is through it that certain activities are carried out in this world. Therefore, you need to keep it in order. But there is also something that is hidden from a person’s eyes, something that controls this body.

Feeling body

We perceive the world around us through our senses. There are five of them:

1. Ears – for perception of sound.

2. Skin – for perception of sensations.

3. Eyes – for perceiving shape and color.

4. Tongue – for the perception of taste.

5. Nose – for smell perception.

There is also a so-called sixth sense. It manifests itself when a person perceives the world around him directly with his mind, bypassing the known organs of perception. Every person has this ability, and it is not something extraordinary. Some call this phenomenon intuition, that is, internal knowledge. And I am sure that each of you is familiar to one degree or another with this feeling, especially those who have mastered the method of immersion and subconscious reprogramming. But this is a separate topic for discussion. Perhaps in one of my books we will talk about this in more detail.

There are five more active sense organs:

1. These are hands - for grasping, holding, giving and doing.

2. Legs - for movement in this world.

3. Mouth and tongue - for eating and speaking.

4. Anus - for eruption.

5. Oud (genital organs) – also for eruption.

Through these organs we carry out certain activities in the physical world.

Information from the outside world comes to the subtle body of the mind through the senses. The mind controls the senses and is the main thing for them. It is the mind that causes the physical body to perform actions. Moreover, actions do not arise just like that, but as a result of our desires, to which a volitional effort is applied. This desire is called Intention. This is written in great detail in my second book, “The Power of Intention.”

The files of the subtle body of the mind record all the events that happened to us during our lives. This information is stored in the form of mental images, and we can access them through the memory function. But these events are stored in our memory for a reason. Almost each of them has its own emotional coloring. Some are written with a plus sign, while others are written with a minus sign. In other words, there is a positive attitude towards situations, towards people, and there is a negative one. Desires, emotions and beliefs shape our character.

Our emotional state can greatly influence the state of our physical body. Some emotions destroy it, while others maintain it in a state of balance.

This or that attitude to events is also formed for a reason, but depends on the model of our perception of ourselves and the world around us. That is, from our worldview.

We already know that the mind does not exist on its own, but is a part of us. We can actively influence our mind, for example, we can change our thoughts, beliefs and even control our emotions. And thanks to this, we can change not only our physical condition, but also our situation in different areas of our lives.

Mind body

The mind body is a more subtle structure than the mind body. In fact, the mind controls the mind, since it is the mind that determines our goals in life and what we should strive for. And aspiration generates desires in the subtle body of the mind.

If you break this word down into its components, it is not difficult to understand its meaning. Intelligence. The Ra particle carries several images: Light, Sun, Radiance of the Truth of the Almighty. It turns out that the mind is an enlightened mind. A mind directed towards happiness, light, Truth.

By how a person sees happiness for himself, what he strives for, one can judge the degree of development of his mind. How to understand this? Very simple. For some, happiness is hidden in a bottle, for others - in money, and for others, happiness is serving people.

Therefore, we can say with confidence that our Life Path depends on the degree of development of the mind, on what goals we choose.

Body of self-awareness

This is an even more subtle structure of a person and, perhaps, the most important in terms of its influence on our lives, since it is at this level that our worldview is formed. This subtle body is often called the ego. The Vedas distinguish the false ego, which is also called pride, or a sense of self-importance, and the true ego. How are they different from each other?

False ego means that a person perceives himself and the world around him in a distorted, incomplete way. This ultimately leads to wrong thoughts and actions in life. And after them comes suffering.

True ego is a correct understanding of things, a holistic perception of both oneself and the surrounding reality. This worldview allows you to act flawlessly in this world, making the Path of life easy and joyful.

For a more complete understanding, I always give an image of a living organism. It consists of a great many different cells. Different both in structure and function. They combine into different tissues and organs. What brings them together? - a single organism. What is the main function, task of each cell? Serving a single organism. His life and prosperity are the main goal.

If each cell perfectly performs its function, being in its place, then it will receive from the body everything it needs for itself. And she will be happy. And the body will be healthy. If any cell forgets its functions or does not want to perform them, changes its goals, its place, then it turns into cancer. And it begins to destroy the body with the products of its improper vital activity. But it seems to her that she is doing everything right. After all, it receives juices and energy from the body. But what does she give in return? Destruction of the entire organism. And this cell has no idea that with the death of the entire organism, it itself will die.

That's all the difference!

In one case - service to the Truth, the understanding that “I” is part of a single whole. In the other - consumption and unwillingness to reckon with others.

As you now see, our self-awareness determines what goals we choose in life. Goals give rise to desires, thoughts and corresponding movement. And this all adds up to the picture of our life’s Path.

Consciousness and Oversoul

Now we come to the true essence of man. To its origins. This knowledge will give us a correct understanding of our true Path.

Every living being has something that gives it life and life energy. This is the Oversoul, or, as our ancestors said, the Spark of God. It has different names in different traditions: Atma, Paramatma, the personal aspect of the Almighty. This is a piece of the one God, the one organism in which we all live, and it is located in our heart. Even its dimensions are known - 1:10,000 of a human hair cut.

Doctors know that in the right atrium there is a so-called sinus node, which gives the impulse to the heart muscle to contract. But physiologists still don’t understand how it works. Even if the heart is isolated from the body and placed in a nutrient medium, it can contract indefinitely. But at what expense? It turns out that we now know the answer to this question. It is God who gives us the power of Life. Through your presence in our heart.

This power comes from the Spark of God in the form of the light of Truth, the light of Consciousness, the Holy Spirit. In different traditions there are other names: Light of the Most High Family, Ra, Atman, Brahman, Tao. This Light, this Power fills all space. We all feel it. We see him in the radiance of the Sun and the radiance emanating from all living beings.

This Supreme Spirit gives life to everything, permeating everything with itself. Everything in this world is the Consciousness of God. And you and I are different manifestations of the same Consciousness. Therefore, on the subtle plane we are all one. We are all relatives.

Where does our unique Path in this world begin? Law of Karma

It turns out that we did not come into this world by chance. Our individual Soul (Jivatma), which carries the Supersoul (Spark of God) and Consciousness, as well as the imprint of certain desires, actions and beliefs from a past life, enters the sperm of a particular male father before conception. She is already endowed with certain qualities and, in accordance with them, chooses her parents, country, level of material and spiritual state and the state of her physical body. This is very important to realize! It turns out that everything we have at the moment (our body, parents, country, etc.) is the result of our choices in the past. We get what we deserve. And there is great justice in this.

The spark of God, emitting Light, is dressed in a subtle body. This subtle body has three functions: the ego (awareness of oneself and one’s place in this world), the mind (which determines what will bring happiness and what will not) and the mind (it has desires and feelings). In accordance with the subtle body, the physical body is created. It turns out that the physical body is a reflection of the subtle body. And the physical world around us is a reflection of our thoughts, our desires.

How does our Path end in this world, in this body?

When a person dies, his Supersoul and Supreme Spirit, together with his subtle body, are drawn into a new womb through the law of karma, uniting with the father’s seed and the mother’s blood. And life continues further, but in a different body. And this new body will correspond to our actions, desires and beliefs that we currently have. Therefore, it is never too late to start working on yourself.

Why do we need this knowledge about the subtle nature of man?

It turns out that we do not come into this world and start our lives from scratch. Our individual Soul, endowed with the Consciousness of the Supreme, has already passed a certain Path before birth in this world, and life in this world is a continuation of this Path. And what is also very important is that we are responsible for our lives, and therefore for our Path. It is up to us which road we choose.

We and our Path are inseparable. We cannot stop, we cannot refuse it, we cannot turn away from it. We have to go. Such is our destiny, and such is our nature. You just need to accept it with humility in your heart. And go forward. And to know that we can make ourselves and others on our life’s Path either unhappy or happy.

Let's add a little more theory.

Why does it happen that we come into this world already with certain achievements and problems, or better yet, achievements?

We can answer this question only if we understand how one of the main laws of this world works - the law of retribution, or Karma.

Some people do not fully understand the meaning of this law, some are afraid of the word “Karma”, associating it with something difficult and inevitable. But the law is the law, and you need to know it and clearly understand how it works.

The word “Karma” translated from Sanskrit literally means activity, creation, creation. And it came from another Sanskrit word “Kriya”, which translates as “to create” (by the way, it is not difficult to guess where such English words came from: create and creative. Hence the now fashionable word “creative”, that is, creative).

Karma is the law of retribution. That is, a response, return action on our thoughts, words and actions. He is well known to us by such sayings as: “What goes around comes around”, “What goes around comes around”, “An eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth.” This is the law of cause and effect. He says that one event in this world is inevitably connected with another. We live in a single information-energy field, therefore...

Any of our actions anywhere in the Universe is reflected throughout the Universe and returns to us in certain events.

It is sometimes difficult for us to connect one event with another, but this is only because we do not see the whole picture or do not want to see.

Then it turns out that everything is predetermined in this world. Where is the freedom of choice?

The Law of Karma does not violate free will. On the contrary, the principle of retribution reflects the law of free will, freedom of choice. These two laws go hand in hand.

It is the law of Karma and reincarnation that allows any of our desires to be realized in our lives. Of course, not all our desires can come true in this life. But there is a next life for this.

I never cease to admire the justice and harmony of the structure of the universe. We can take any action, but we must also understand that by performing a certain action, we are already choosing the consequences. If we lift a stick by one end, then the other end of the stick also moves.

The law of retribution explains many things very simply. For example, why one child is born healthy and in a rich family, and another is born sick and in a poor one. If there is no understanding of this law, then there is no sense of the justice of the world. And without a sense of justice it is impossible to be happy.

It seems to us that when people come into this world, they must start their lives from scratch, by analogy with sports competitions, where the initial score is 0:0 - after all, everyone is equal at the start. But we think this way only because we perceive life in a very limited way. One must accept the idea of ​​pre-existence. The start was a very long time ago - several million years ago, and maybe more. And our life today is just a small part of the Path. And there is still a lot to go through. Yesterday predetermined our today, and today influences what tomorrow will be like. In the same way, our present life is a consequence of our past life and a precursor to the future.

At seminars I am often asked the question: “Valery Vladimirovich, why are people born in different economic conditions, with different health conditions?”

In this case, I tell the story of one of our seminar participants.

Several years ago, a healer from St. Petersburg came to Crimea for our annual big seminar. She told an incident from her practice.

Two years ago, a woman wheeled a 14-year-old boy into her office in a wheelchair.

“Zinaida Ivanovna,” she asked, “cure my son.” He suffers from cerebral palsy and cannot move independently.

I immediately saw that I could help him, and my mother and I began his treatment. The treatment was long and difficult, but we were able to defeat the disease. After two and a half years, the boy began to move independently, and after a few months he began to walk quite well. His mother and I were very happy about our son’s success. But six months later this woman came to me again and asked:

- Zina! Could you put my son back in the wheelchair?

I was shocked! I didn't know what to say. I just realized that something very bad had happened.

“Ira,” I said, “you and I gave so much time and effort so that he could start walking!” What's happened?

– You see, Zina, he started walking, but he started going to the store for vodka. And for me, seeing him become an alcoholic is much worse and more painful than caring for a disabled person.

“And then,” Zinaida Ivanovna finished her story, “I realized that you need to be careful and attentive when helping people solve their health problems.” And after reading your book “Love Your Illness,” I realized that human illnesses do not arise for nothing. They have a certain meaning. After all, this boy was confined to a wheelchair since childhood so that he could not commit vicious acts. His body suffered, but his soul was cleansed.

It is important to understand that each person is given such a body and such a place of birth, as well as initial mental and economic conditions that are ideally suited to the tasks that need to be solved in this world.

It turns out that there is some kind of predetermination in our lives, which is called fate. It is connected with our past actions and desires, which, together with the soul and subtle body, are transferred to the next form of life. And at the same time there is freedom. Today we have the right to choose how to live in tomorrow.

For example, we are traveling on a train along a certain route and cannot turn off, but while in the train carriage, we can draw, read, eat, sleep, and visit the next compartment. Rails are a rigid connection to the form of life in which we find ourselves. In our case, this is the human body. But it is important to realize that we ourselves chose it with our past deeds and desires.

There are 8,400,000 life forms in the Universe. Choose any one, for every taste. Just as in a store we can choose different clothes: pants, shirt, suit, etc., in the same way the soul has a wide choice of bodies to fulfill its desires. Each form of life provides a certain type of pleasure and is given to the living being to satisfy his desires. You and I have come to a human, intelligent form of life, which is intended for self-improvement, and this is our great luck. It turns out that further progress is possible only through the human form of life, and nothing else. Planet Earth is a kind of launching pad for further development.

Plants and animals cannot accumulate new karma and change anything in their destiny. Otherwise, they would never have been freed and would not have passed on to another form of life. Karma is being worked out in the body of a plant or animal. And in the human body - working out past actions, developing new ones, or liberation. A person has a developed mind, has free will and freedom of choice. But the animal does not. A person can change his destiny, but to do this he needs to change his mind, his worldview.

I am often asked about what laws govern mass deaths of people during catastrophes and natural disasters? Are there really no coincidences in this case?

It turns out that the same law of karma applies here. Therefore, there are no accidents - everything is natural. People who have violated certain laws gather in one place and each get theirs.

I would like to draw your attention to the fact that this is not a punishment. God and the Universe do not punish anyone. I repeat, the law of retribution means the return effect of the surrounding world on our certain thoughts and actions.

Let me give you an example. The Vedas say that one of the reasons for wars on Earth is the mass killing of animals. And this is obvious. Every year, several billion animals are killed around the world. The energies of violence, fear and cruelty that are released in this case do not disappear without a trace. According to the law of conservation, they must be embodied in reality. And many such examples can be given.

It turns out that people with identical, similar programs gather in one place when the cup is overflowing. But even in those situations where it would seem that death is inevitable, fate turns out to be favorable.

A few years ago, a tsunami in Southeast Asia killed about 200 thousand people. At our seminar in Crimea, a family took part who was on the islands at that moment and miraculously survived. This is what they told us about their unusual rescue.

“On that day,” says the woman, “when this tragedy occurred, my husband and I, instead of going to the sea, decided to go to the mountains. After a long walk along the mountain paths, we stopped for a snack at a small cozy restaurant located on the mountain right in the rock. From there there was a stunning view of the sea.

When the food was brought to us and we were ready to start eating, there was some noise. One of the visitors began to shout something in English. We only made out two words: “Big water.” We soon found ourselves standing knee-deep in water. It turned out that the island was covered by a huge wave - a tsunami.

When the passions subsided, we went back to the hotel, thinking with horror about how we would now return home to Russia. After all, the passports and money were left at the hotel. And there’s probably nothing left of that little house.

But imagine our surprise when we discovered upon arrival at the place that it was our house that remained intact. And when we went inside, we saw that the house was full of water, and in the middle of the room on the table there was our suitcase, and all the things, money and documents in it were completely dry. I remembered that we were in a hurry and I forgot to remove the suitcase from the table.

Then my husband told me: “Apparently, Masha, you and I are not such big sinners yet.”

According to fate, they had to suffer, but several years ago this family embarked on a spiritual path of development, began to engage in self-improvement, and strive for pious activities. In other words, they sowed the seeds of good karma, and these seeds sprouted and bore fruit.

It often happens that pious activities burn out and neutralize the consequences of negative karma. And if by fate, as they say, something was supposed to fall on a person’s head, then at the right time something will fly by. This is precisely the case that one seminar participant told us.

– I was walking through the city one day. It was winter. My shoelace came undone.

I stopped to tie it, and at that moment a huge icicle fell right in front of me with a strong roar. I didn't even have time to get scared. I looked up and saw the place on the edge of the roof where a block of ice had just hung. I hastened to step aside. For a long time I was impressed by what happened. Apparently, the time has not yet come for me to die. Fate protects me.

Why does it happen that one action leads to another?

This is explained simply. For our life, for our activities in this world, we need energy. Where do we get it from? Science claims that we take energy from the world around us: from food, water, the Sun, the Earth and other sources. But the question arises: how did she get there? Doesn't she have an owner? It turns out there is. All the energies of this world are the energies of God. That same single organism in which we all live and which gives us life. God is the source of all energies!

Many people don't want to admit this fact. Because if you recognize that everything in this world has an owner, then you will need to give something in return or, as they say, pay. But it’s much easier to come to the land, lay claim to it, declare it your property, extract its wealth from the depths, and then sell it to others for money.

We want to control everything in this world and not bear any responsibility.

I understood why many people cling so much to the idea of ​​materialism and do not want to recognize the intelligent beginning of the Universe - they are afraid of responsibility. For them, materialism for some period of life is their salvation. This ideology allows them to firmly stand in positions of egoism, considering themselves the kings of Nature and the whole world in general. They want to use the benefits of the world around them, its energies, but they absolutely do not want to reckon with the one who gives it all to them.

We begin to create Karma then and only then when we take energy and spend it as we please, regardless of the owner, regardless of the world around us.

We are not bringing it back in the way it should be, as it would be beneficial for everyone. Thus, we become like a cancer cell.

On this occasion, in the Gospel there is a good parable of Jesus Christ about a master who, when leaving, gave his servants talents (silver). Two of them multiplied them and returned them to the owner when he returned, with interest, and the third buried the talent in the ground and did not use it for its intended purpose.

Or another example. The father gave his son money and sent him to the market to buy what the whole family needed: bread, milk, fruits, vegetables, etc. The son came to the market, saw ice cream and candy and forgot about his father’s instructions. I spent all my money on sweets. But you need to return home, and there you will have to answer for your actions. Where to go? You need to come home and repent and not do such actions again. You need to give up your selfish desires.

We all take energy from the Supreme source, but, being in ignorance, we do not understand this and do not return it back. The fact is that any energy, any matter has a spiritual, subtle nature. Therefore, and...

Activities in our world should be not only material, but also spiritual.

Without realizing it, we become entangled in debt, like silk.

What activities do most people in this world primarily engage in and what do they devote most of their lives to? Basically, this is work for the sake of getting money, for which they think to buy happiness.

It turns out that we do not enrich the energy we receive spiritually, but launch it in a horizontal cycle in the form of increasing the production of goods and providing all kinds of services. We drive ourselves into a vicious circle, increasing both personal and social problems. And being under the constant influence of the illusion of materialism, we see no way out. But there is a way out!

And it is obvious. You need to accept the idea of ​​God in your heart and the idea of ​​serving the single organism of the Universe. Then everything will immediately fall into place. When we return what we owe, balance and harmony are immediately restored.

The world around me lives for me, and I live for the world around me.

Then the question arises: “What should we return? And does God need anything from us, if God is a self-sufficient person?”

To answer this question most fully, we need to remember our nature. We, by our nature, are particles of Divine Light in this world, which means that our main purpose is to Shine, to bring Light and Joy to the whole world.

Each of us must ask ourselves the question: “Through what activity can I bring the greatest good to this world?” All our desires and intentions must be subordinated to this main goal.

Our purpose

The scriptures say that the first task of man is to realize his true nature and follow his destiny. How to understand this? Very simple. Every object in this world is created for something. A pen is for writing. A cup is for drinking from. A chair is for sitting on. Any thing in this world has its creator, who endowed it with a certain function.

It turns out that a person also has a creator who endows him with energy, and has his own function, purpose or mission. It is very important to realize who you are and why you came into this world.

What kind of function is this? And the function of a person in this world follows from his structure. We are all essentially Sparks of Light, so our main mission in this world is to shine! When I write these lines, I immediately remember the wonderful poems of the Soviet poet Vladimir Mayakovsky:

Always shine

Shine everywhere

Until the last days of the Donetsk!

And no nails!

This is my slogan and that of the Sun!

There is a wonderful word in the Russian language that reflects the essence and purpose of a person - the word “Joy”. This is a verbal noun and means the process of giving light.

In fact, giving Ra (Giving Please) is the natural state of our Soul, its need. And if we do not do this, then our Soul begins to become callous and suffer (by the way, the word St-Ra-dat means “to stop the movement of Light”).

If we are created in the image and likeness of God, then we must act in life like him. And if a person, without understanding this, spends all his life energy on satisfying the needs of his body, which inevitably ages and dies, then such a person inevitably degrades spiritually.

Let's try to understand God's plan for us. In almost all traditions, God is seen as one father. Therefore, we are his children, his creatures. The Almighty is the progenitor of the human race. What do parents expect from their children? Every parent wants their child to be happy. All parents are pleased when their children treat them with respect and honor, when they take care of them. If children behave incorrectly, parents become upset. All parents want to see their children successful in life, fulfilled, and respected in society.

Therefore, we need to strive to become happy and make at least those who live next to us happy. You need to take responsibility for your life, become the master of your life. Create a space of love.

How does it feel for God the Father to see our suffering, to see us as unhappy victims, sick, poor? This is despite the fact that he endowed us with everything we need for a happy life, gave us a beautiful planet, and gave us unimaginable opportunities.

We need to stop treating God consumeristly: “Give me this, do that for me, bring me that.” It's like he's an errand boy.

When was the last time we turned to him with the words: “God, what can I do for you?” After all, every day, every moment, he shows us what he needs.

- How? – you ask.

Yes, it’s very simple: through the problems and suffering of other people, through Mother Nature, which is suffocating from our activities, through the torment of animals that we throw into the street or kill for food. But we, as a rule, turn a blind eye to this. Our false ego, our pride does not want to see all this.

Spirituality comes into our lives when we begin to devote our activities to God. When we begin to consciously relate to ourselves and the world around us, when we create good for others, for society, and therefore for the entire organism of the Universe. That’s when we begin to first repay our debts, and then follow our destiny, achieving liberation.

Our life can and should become a complete gift, a dedication. This is the only way not to be bound by the law of karma. It is through activity in this world that we can be completely free. The silkworm caterpillar, releasing a thread, spins itself into a cocoon, but time passes... it transforms and flies out like a butterfly to freedom.

Our karma may limit us in some ways, but at the same time it gives us liberation. Remember, I wrote in my first book that diseases and problems arise in a person when he stops in his development. And it is through this disease that a person can reach a new level of development. Often illness is given for progress.

What does knowledge of the law of retribution give us? And the fact is that we come into this world with an already predetermined mental make-up, from which follows a predisposition to this or that type of activity. And this is necessarily connected with our past life and our goals in the future.

I remember an incident that happened at a children's seminar. The children, who were from 13 to 15 years old, together with the teacher tried to figure out what they should do in life after leaving school. And then one boy exclaimed:

– I realized what my purpose is!

- And what is it, Igor? – the teacher asked him.

– Yesterday in a clearing in the mountains we did a meditation, and I saw myself in several past lives. In all these lives I was a knight, a warrior, and I brought suffering to many people, inflicted injuries, and even sent some to the next world, and my actions were not always fair - often out of a sense of pride and revenge. And now the image of my father came to me. I thought, what would this be for? And I understood. My dad is a traumatologist. It turns out that I need to follow in his footsteps, help people, bring them back to life, improve their bodies. Apparently, my father and I seriously caused trouble in the past, since he can’t cope alone.

Everyone laughed together.

“Igor,” the teacher asked, “how do you know that this is the person who came from a past life, to whom you have a karmic debt?”

- And I already received an answer. I felt heat in my right palm.

Agree, it is very good when a person knows from his youth what to do in life. However, this does not always work out that way. What to do when a person has not decided on his main occupation? We'll find out about this a little later. And now I would like to remind you that all people differ from each other not only on the physical plane, but also on the subtle one.

In a person’s subtle body, there are three centers of the mind: upper (located in the head), middle (located in the chest) and lower (located in the pelvis). Depending on which center is more active, four types of constitution of the mind are distinguished. Therefore, a person shows a tendency towards one or another type of activity.

Path of the Sage

The first type of intelligent activity is associated with the activity of the upper center and is manifested by great power of the mind. Such people are inclined to study science and transfer knowledge to others. They themselves study how to live correctly and teach it to others. Such people are constantly striving towards the Truth. Their happiness lies in seeing other people progress and grow spiritually.

In different traditions, such people are called differently: magi, brahmans, sages, teachers, priests.

The path of the sage is not an easy path. This is the path of serving all humanity and God. The teacher directly influences the minds of people through the transmission of knowledge and how people will live in this world depends on him. And this is a very big responsibility. Therefore, a teacher must constantly work on himself, leading a modest, simple and, most importantly, truthful life, because he serves the Truth.

Path of the Warrior

The second type manifests itself through the activity of the heart center. They are warriors and leaders by nature. They strive for power in order to lead and manage, to take care of people. Their happiness is to see how people live well, harmoniously and feel completely safe, because justice reigns in society.

The path of the warrior is the path of the heart, love and care, justice and control. A true leader must be able to manage not only other people, but first of all himself. First of all, he improves himself as a person and gives others the opportunity to develop, showing constant concern for people. He himself observes the laws and teaches others to comply with them. This is also a very high level of responsibility, because a true leader constantly cares for the happiness and well-being of his charges. This is the way of serving people and society, the way of caring.

The Entrepreneur's Path

In this type of people, both the heart center and the lower center are well developed, but the heart center works a little stronger. These people are by nature traders and businessmen, as they strive for abundance and wealth. But it is very important for them to remember that you will not be able to develop harmoniously in business if you do not honestly care about those who help you. Therefore, the main character quality that an entrepreneur should develop is generosity and honesty. Happiness for an entrepreneur is to see how society prospers, because he creates wealth for them.

The path of an entrepreneur is the path to realizing your dreams, your plans. The path of creativity and process organization. A way to help people realize their creative potential. And God forbid he should think about personal gain. A business is not created for the sake of making a profit, although it is laid down for the development of both the business and the people. True business is a way of serving society, creating benefits for people.

The Worker's Path

In this type of people, the mind is structured in such a way that the lower center behaves actively. This manifests itself in the desire to do something with one’s hands, mind, and feelings for others. Through the fruits of their labor they strive to transfer their energy to people. And therefore, happiness for workers and employees is to see people rejoicing in the fruits of their labor. Workers willingly carry out another person’s plan if they like the work and they receive gratitude and decent material rewards for their work.

They definitely need to develop such character qualities as hard work and respect for people, especially those who give work. After all, the employer does not just give work, but helps to reveal your creative potential, to show your nature in this world. Therefore, a worker should not work for the sake of getting money. The labor process itself should be important to him. By doing this, he gradually becomes a good craftsman and a respected member of society.

The path of a worker is the conscientious fulfillment of one’s duties. This is the path of mastery. This is a way of serving people and society as a whole through creativity and creation.

So, we have found out that depending on the nature of the mind, one type of activity is easy for one person, and another for another. This is connected not only with the nature of the mind, but also with the tasks with which the soul came into this world. There are souls that are young and inexperienced, and there are wiser souls. And each soul must go through its own unique path and there is no need to remake its nature, go against it, or turn away from its path in search of pleasure. This will only bring problems.

It is important to realize your true essence and follow your duty and purpose. And the life purpose of every person is a duty to his Higher Essence. The highest purpose is to bring Light and Joy to the whole world.

The ancient scriptures say that not doing what is right when required is even worse than committing a bad deed.

What else should we know about activities in this world?

Any of our activities, be it the activity of the mind, language or body, expressed in actions, is connected with the energies of this world. There are three basic energy-forces in this material world: the power of goodness or virtue, which brings development in harmony, the power of passion, responsible for activities to achieve earthly goods, and the power of ignorance, associated with destruction and cessation of development.

We cannot live in this world without interacting with these forces. Even the internal activity of our body, which goes unnoticed by us, includes three processes: assimilation (creation), dissimilation (destruction) and homeostasis (equilibrium).

How these forces influence our activities can be illustrated with a simple example.

Three people are engaged in the same activity: building a house.

The first one does this without any desire or enthusiasm. He just needs money, which he will spend on some pleasures, including booze and cigarettes. That's why he doesn't put his soul into his business. He doesn’t care deeply about the business itself and its fruits. Therefore, the results of his labor are clumsy, ugly and will not last long.

The second one works with enthusiasm because he knows that for this work he will receive money, which he will spend on certain purposes. He tries to work well, because he understands that he will pay more for quality work. The main motive of his activities is money.

The third one works with joy and love, putting his soul into his work. He builds a house for people. He is driven primarily by the desire to help people. He wants them to live happily in this house. This man knows that he will receive money, but he does not think about it. The work itself brings him much greater joy and inspiration, not money.

As you can see, it’s the same thing, but people get different reactions to it.

It turns out that our desires call on this or that force into our lives. And since God is in our heart, He leads us there and to those who will satisfy our desires. Therefore, we must strive to devote all our desires, all our strength to the principle of service, that is, to the well-being of the single organism of the Universe in which you and I live.

When a person acts selflessly, gives, gives, his consciousness rises. And in consumption mode it goes down. This can be demonstrated by the example of flying a kite. If we let go of the rope and unwind it, the kite rushes upward, and when we begin to pull the rope toward ourselves and reel it in, it descends and can completely fall.

The work that a person does on a daily basis is very important for his development as a human being, and therefore it is necessary that certain conditions be met:

1) human activity in this world must correspond to his nature; by revealing it, he will bring maximum benefit to people and society as a whole;

2) what we do should contribute to our professional, spiritual and moral development; in other words, through our activities we must grow ourselves;

3) our activities should also contribute to the prosperity of the family and bring means for life.

Ask yourself the question: “Why am I working?” The answer to this question actually determines what you live for, since we spend most of our time (not counting sleep) at work. And what I dedicate my life to is what I consider important and what gives me vitality.

If you work for money, then do not count on an influx of vital energy, since money only provides the ability to purchase goods and services, but it does not provide vital energy.

Moreover, when we work for money, on a subtle level we enter into competition with similar people, and this gives rise to excessive stress, which will inevitably lead to a weakening of the body and loss of vitality.

What to do in this case? – you ask.

The answer has long been known. It is written in the scriptures: “Fulfilling one’s duty, if it is not defiled by passions, gives inner peace. This is the secret art of following the perfect path.” Never work in passion, that is, for money. Dedicate the fruits of your labor to God, the good of all people, and the prosperity of life on Earth. Perform your duties in this world without being attached to the result and without lusting after the fruits of your efforts. It should become as natural a state as breathing. At the initial stage, just repeat to yourself: “I dedicate the fruits of my labor to God, the Universe, all people on Earth, the triumph of Light and Truth! May my deeds bring benefit to the whole world!”

You need to work in this world, turning your heart and mind to God. For the glory and name of God. For the benefit of a single organism. For the benefit of everyone. Remember? – to whom I dedicate my affairs, and therefore my life, he gives me strength.

When we do what we love, everything in our life turns out well, easily and simply. When we put love into our work for others, the activity or product brings pure creative energy to those who use it and helps them bring out the best creativity in themselves.

This attitude towards work is called “hard work”. In this case, I love the work itself, and not its fruits, since I have already dedicated the fruits to this world, which means they do not belong to me. And since I am part of this world, I will still receive the results of my work, including in monetary terms, but this will already be a gift from the Universe, a gift from God, which I will accept with gratitude. Therefore, you need to tune in to selfless service, and the rest will come on its own at the right time, in the right place and in the right (sufficient) quantity. After all, the Universe takes care of me always, everywhere and in everything.

How to find your purpose?

How to find the Path that will give you Strength and will be favorable for you personally and for the entire world around you? After all, how do you determine through what activities your livelihood will come?

Let's consider several options.

If you don't yet know what to do in life

In the old days, sages and parents helped the child realize his true path and choose the right thing in life. When a child was small, four objects were placed in front of him: scriptures, weapons, money and tools. And they watched what he would choose. Most likely, this will be his life’s work.

They also carefully observed his behavior in different situations, his character, and preferences. They tried to develop a love of work, honesty, respect for elders and other virtues. And by the age of 12, parents knew who to send their teenager to study: a sorcerer, a warrior, a merchant or a master. The issue of self-realization was never left to chance.

Nowadays, parents also take care of their children, but many of them decide that it is better for the child to enter such a university and receive a specialty that will bring more money in the future. It's good if your parents guessed right. What if not?

If so, ask yourself these questions:

Through what activities can I bring the greatest benefit to people and society?

What am I interested in doing?

In what activities will I grow professionally and spiritually?

Rarely does anyone ask themselves these questions. But they are the ones who will help reveal the purpose. The answers to these questions do not always come immediately. The point is that knowing who I should be in this world is a kind of reward. It is given to a person for doing the right thing.

What can one do to deserve such a disposition of heaven? Turns out…

The taste for a favorite job appears spontaneously when a person begins to fulfill his duty.

Duty to the Family, to elders, to juniors, to people. You just need to do with love, joy and humility what is required, where required. In this case, the heart gradually begins to open, and talents appear. You need to develop a taste for service.

The world famous American psychotherapist Milton Erickson described one interesting case. A young man, a Mexican, came to see him and asked:

- Doctor, could you help me?

-What brought you to me?

– The fact is that I recently came to America, but I just can’t find a job.

“Then, young man, you have come to the wrong address,” Erickson told him. – I’m a psychotherapist, I help people solve their mental problems, and I don’t have a job for you.

“But I know,” said the young Mexican, “that you are a very wise man and you can tell me, give me advice on how to find a job to my liking.”

“Okay,” said Erickson, “then answer me this question: “What do you like to do?” What are you very good at?”

“I like to cook,” the young man answered. “I love this business and I love feeding people.” I love watching them happily eat what I cook. I try to put my whole soul into cooking.

“That’s good,” said Milton Erickson. – Choose the restaurant in the city where you would like to work. Come to the manager and ask to wash tables and dishes just for food and lodging. And do your job very conscientiously. And additionally, in your free time, help the waiters and the chef. And in general, try to help everyone in the restaurant. Become the soul of the team. In three months, come to me, I will tell you what needs to be done next.

Exactly three months later, the young man came to Milton Erickson.

“Tell me how you are doing,” he asked.

– I got a job at one of the largest restaurants in the city. I really liked him. And I did everything as you advised. I asked to help in the hall for food and lodging. The manager readily agreed.

“We’ll always find you a bowl of soup,” he said, “and you can sleep in the utility room.”

From morning to evening I managed tables and dishes. No one could find fault with my work. Everything was perfectly clean. And in my free time, I helped the waiters and the chef in the kitchen. They are also happy with my work. And the chef once said that if he had such an assistant, he would be happy. I was so good at my job that the manager started paying me some money.

“That’s good,” Erickson said. – Tomorrow go to the manager and say that you want to quit, thank him for everything and say that you were offered a job as a waiter with such and such a salary. And then tell me what happened.

Three days later, the young man came back to the doctor, somewhat excited and very joyful.

– You know, when I left you, for a long time I could not understand why you gave me such a task. But I did everything as you told me. When I told the manager about my decision, he immediately, without hesitation, offered me a job as a waiter with a slightly higher salary. So now I have a job and I'm very grateful. What should I do next?

“Now,” said Erickson, “work just as conscientiously for another three months, and then go to the manager and tell him about your decision to leave for another restaurant, where you have been offered a job as an assistant cook.”

Three months later the young man saw the doctor again.

- Well, how are you? – Erickson asked him as soon as he crossed the threshold of his office.

“When I told the manager about my decision,” the young man began his story, “he was very upset, and then he went and talked to the chef. After the conversation, he came up to me and said:

“Jose, we all love you very much and would not want you to leave us. I spoke with the chef, and he said that he would be happy to take you on as an assistant. Therefore, I suggest you stay with us and am ready to pay even more than you were offered elsewhere.”

I happily agreed.

Two years later, when the owner opened another restaurant at the other end of the city, the young man became the chef there. Three years later he took the place of manager, and ten years later he already had his own restaurant.

Conclusion - look for worthy people in life whom you can serve, and offer your help!

Now do this simple exercise. Imagine that you have enough funds. What would you really like to do in life? What would you do with passion? In what direction would you like to grow and develop yourself?

It turns out that if everyone in the world were millionaires, it would make virtually no difference. Because people would still have to sow grain, bake bread, trade, organize, teach, etc. Otherwise, people would die of hunger. Dividing people into classes is a far-fetched problem. There are simply those who want to work for the benefit of society, and there are those who want to enjoy the benefits of life at the expense of others.

One more exercise. Close your eyes and imagine yourself as a child in a place where you felt very good and calm. Everyone had a cherished dream in childhood. Try to remember what you dreamed about. Now we are not talking about some things, toys, sweets. No. You need to remember your very deep feelings and experiences, your wildest dreams and vivid images of childhood. Maybe you really wanted to be like someone, you wanted to follow an example from someone. Maybe one of the adults or some literary or film character made a very strong impression on you. Or maybe you just once lay under the starry sky and dreamed about something, thought about it, and these dreams were very bright. And they called you forward, and awakened bright and kind feelings in you.

Everyone in childhood or youth dreamed about who they would be in life. But most of us gave up our dreams due to various stereotypes imposed by parents and society. Someone never understood what he really wanted. Maybe this exercise and this book will help you remember your noble mission for humanity, your purpose for the entire Universe.

And one more exercise. As you already know, any business begins with a mental image. Therefore, imagine yourself in the future, having already found your favorite thing that makes you and those around you happy. Make an intention according to all the rules (more about this is written in my book “The Power of Intention”) and act based on this image. Your life will really begin to change only after you change your thoughts, or rather, your worldview. And when you start to act, because only actions count.

There are two very important points in finding your Path.

First. What you love should contribute to your own development. It should inspire you to continually improve. You want to do it with passion, and there is always inspiration and interest. You want to learn and develop in this direction.

Second. This business should bring benefit to the surrounding world: society, family, planet. Your purpose is necessarily creative activity for others. And this activity should contribute to the prosperity and harmony of Life. If a person is determined only to work for himself, or to do only what brings him pleasure, then he will inevitably degrade as a person.

Goals of creative activity

The question we must ask ourselves is: “What can I do for my family, for my people, for my Motherland, for Nature, for the Earth and the Universe, for the Family of the Most High?” After all, our main purpose is to create, together with God, a world of love, harmony and happiness. Each person should be a healthy cell in a single organism of the Universe.

If you have already determined your purpose

So, you have already understood what your purpose is, and you even have the education and knowledge that corresponds to it, but you cannot find a job, you cannot realize your talents.

In this case, you need to correctly formulate an intention for a new job that will fully correspond to your nature, and step by step implement this intention in your life.

But beyond that, you definitely need to refer to the principle of service and giving described above.

Valentina Ivanovna wanted to get a job, but could not find a suitable one with a decent salary. Employers were in no hurry to hire her, despite the fact that she had a good specialty. On the one hand, age, and on the other, she had no work experience, since immediately after graduating from university she went on maternity leave. Then there was a move to another city, then a second child was born, and another move. In general, by the age of thirty-seven she had a strong desire to work - she was tired of sitting at home. In addition, the children have already grown up and become independent, and the husband, due to his length of service as a military man, retired early.

At one of our seminars on the laws of prosperity, she heard that in this case, when it is difficult to find a job, you just need to start taking care of someone (not only about your family members, about someone else in the world). And then my neighbor, a pensioner, became seriously ill. The woman began to care for her sick neighbor: buying groceries, cooking, washing clothes, cleaning the apartment. Just show good feelings.

After some time, her daughter came to the neighbor. She was a major entrepreneur, but she lived very far from her mother, so it was not possible to immediately visit her sick mother. Having learned that Valentina Ivanovna had been taking care of her mother all this time, she offered her money for her help. But Valentina Ivanovna refused the money, saying that she helped completely disinterestedly, from the bottom of her heart.

A month later, the neighbor’s daughter again came to her hometown on business and offered Valentina Ivanovna a job in her specialty in a new branch of the company, which she was going to open in her city. In the same branch, Valentina Ivanovna’s husband found a decent job.

If you find that you are not satisfied with your current activities

You suddenly realized that the activity you are currently engaged in does not correspond to your nature and the aspirations of your soul.

What to do in this case? Leave your job and look for a new one? My advice is don't rush. Think things through first. When you leave your workplace, you take with you all the thoughts and problems that you had at this job. How can this be?

As you already know, the first thing you need to do is accept the situation. We need to accept with gratitude the work that we have. It brings funds and helps you live in this world. In addition, this activity reflects your level of consciousness at a given time. Remember the law? - “The external reflects the internal.” You didn't just end up in this job. You are working off some kind of karmic debt. Try to become aware of it. Maybe it is a duty to the manager, to employees or subordinates.

The next step is to change your attitude towards this work. Start doing it with love and joy. Thank everyone involved every day: both your boss and your employees for the opportunity to work with them. At the same time, develop good character traits in yourself and try to do something every day, even if it’s just a small thing, selflessly. Gradually you will understand what you need to do in life. This will happen because a different frame of mind will appear and with it a new favorite activity will come.

Start doing the same work with love and awareness and at the same time work on yourself, on changing your character. Develop in yourself such traits that will help you express your nature and reveal your talents.

You have several options for your future activities

Sometimes I get asked the question:

- Valery Vladimirovich! I'm good at multitasking and enjoy a lot of what I do. So which business should I choose, which one is my life’s work?

If you have several options for your future development, then the question really arises: which one to choose? In what area of ​​life should you direct your energy to get the greatest results?

To answer questions like these, do the following exercise.

Exercise “Look into the future”

Write down options for your future activities on different sheets of paper. It could be work, an upcoming trip, or something else. Place these sheets on the floor in front of you in different places.

Now select any leaf and stand next to it. Imagine yourself in the future doing this activity. What will you be doing? What are the motives behind this case? Development prospects? What will I be like in 5, 10, 15 years? Also clearly describe for yourself the possible difficulties associated with this matter. Are you ready to overcome them? And maybe now you see ways to overcome them?

If you have good artistic abilities, you can depict yourself on a piece of paper in a possible scenario.

Once you're done, move to another piece of paper and do it exactly the same way. Then to the next one, etc.

Be sure to pay attention not only to your images, but also to your feelings. Based on your internal state, you will understand what this or that version of your future brings to you.


Questions can only be asked from the position of the Owner! Options like: should I do this or not? will I get what I want? will it be good for me? Will I get rich? Which option should I choose? – incorrect, they do not reflect the position of the Owner.

It is good to ask yourself the following questions:

If I choose this scenario for my life, what can it bring me? Will it contribute to my development, spiritual growth, the well-being of my family, my family, the prosperity of my people and Motherland? Is this activity environmentally friendly for Nature and people? Are my thoughts pure?

Do I expect any obstacles along the way? What is their essence? What positive things can I learn from them?

What are my fears and doubts? What thoughts are they associated with? Who or what am I protecting myself from? To whom do you have complaints and dissatisfaction? What specifically should I change about myself in order to feel calm?

Sincerely answering these questions and “dwelling” in the possible futures will give you a clear feeling and knowledge of which path to choose.

Life Path Map

So! What have I achieved so far? Write down the answers to all the questions below.

Physical condition

What is my health status? Does it satisfy me?

What physical shape am I in? What is my assessment based on? Is it objective enough?

How do I take care of keeping my body in great physical shape? Do I regularly engage in recreational sports?

What is my weight?

How do I eat? Is my way of eating correct? And what is my assessment based on?

My daily routine. What time do I go to bed and what time do I wake up? Am I getting enough sleep? Does sleep bring me rest?

What measures can I take to improve my physical condition?

Mental (mental) state

Am I satisfied with the state of my psyche at the moment? Do I experience peace of mind, peace and joy?

What areas of my life cause worry and anxiety (family relationships, children, work, economic situation)?

Am I engaged in my improvement and self-education? Do I attend any trainings, courses, seminars?

Do I participate in joint development activities (clubs, clubs, associations)?

How can I develop my motivation and state of mind?

Do I have my deepest dream? What am I doing to implement it?

What is the meaning of my life?

Family life

What is my family situation today?

Does the atmosphere in the family satisfy me? What is my relationship with family members?

Is there something that doesn't suit me about the relationships in my family? And what can I do to change the situation?

Why do I need a family? What is its significance for me and for society?

Am I spending enough time with my family?

Do I know the needs of my family members well enough?

Do my family have common hobbies?

What do I want to change in my family? How do I plan to develop my family life?

Do I have a job?

If so, why am I working?

What is the function of my work: for me, for my family, for people, for my Motherland and the whole world?

Which force is my activity more connected with: the force of ignorance, passion or goodness?

Do I like my job? Does it bring me moral and material satisfaction?

Is my job helping me achieve my dreams? In fulfilling other life intentions?

What would I like to do in five, ten, fifteen years?

What can I change in my activities?

Economic situation

What is my economic situation? Does it satisfy me?

Do I have a financial plan: for a year, for five, for ten years?

Do I have concerns about my financial situation? Am I confident about my future and the future of my children?

What are my main ways of getting money: work, entrepreneurship, business, investing?

Am I spending my money wisely?

Do I have debts? Do they owe me?

What can I do to improve my economic situation?

Do I have my own home? What is the current housing situation?

Do I like the place I live in? If not, is there such a place in my city, in the country, in the world in which I feel calm and comfortable?

What can I do to solve my housing problem?

Social status

What is my environment like?

What are my relationships with people? Am I satisfied with this relationship?

Am I interested in other people's worries and problems? Do I strive to help people solve their problems?

Do people around me help me?

Do I impose my opinions on others? Am I a good listener?

Do I know how to value the people I interact with? How do I do this?

Am I valued?

Do I have friends? How can I develop my relationships with friends?

Do my relationships with people contribute to my development? Am I developing the people I interact with?

How do I assess my position in society? What am I doing that is useful for society, for my Motherland, for the country in which I live?

Read the answers to the questions carefully again. Pay attention to your condition. I think that now you have a clear understanding of what areas of your life you need to tackle first. Harmonization of life is also your Path.

When people ask me, “What should I do next?” – I always ask them the question: “Have you already done everything in your life?”

Selecting a goal and route

Now the question arises: “Where to go and which route to choose?”

The first thing we must understand is that we and our Path are one whole, and we cannot stand still, we cannot help but move forward, we cannot leave our destiny, even if we try very hard. Life will still return us to our Path again and again. Not in this life, so in the next. You can't run away from yourself.

Therefore, we must choose the right goals in life, since our destiny depends on it.

There are two attitudes to life, to your Path.

1. Mindset for well-being

When a person expects only pleasant things from life, something that satisfies his feelings. And when problems come, such a person is indignant, suffers and does not want to accept the situation. Typical victim position. In this case, a person consciously or subconsciously wants to avoid these problems, get away from all this, including life.

For example, we quit our jobs if we don’t like our boss or if there is a conflict with employees. Or we get divorced, leave our husband or wife because it has become difficult to live with them. This is similar to desertion during combat operations, to evasion of one's duty. But problems are not solved this way. We form new karmic knots without untying the old ones.

2. Thanksgiving mindset

I accept everything with gratitude. I accept people and situations with a sense of responsibility and humility. Understanding that every person in this life helps me in my development. With this attitude towards life, the mind is in a subordinate position. That is, he is satisfied with the situation that exists, satisfied with what he has: spouse, salary, government, country, weather, housing.

With this attitude, I understand that my service to the Truth does not depend on all this. In any position I can serve people and God. I can be happy. And I can continue my Path. But at the same time, I am very attentive to everything that happens to me, I remain vigilant, because I understand that any of my actions is connected with the world around me and has certain consequences. Therefore, accepting everything, I make a choice in favor of goodness, in favor of goodness.


The Slavic Vedas describe three levels of existence: Nav, Reality and Rule. Nav is the lower world of brute force, where dark deities rule. Reality is the middle world, the abode of people and deities of the earthly level. Rule is the highest spiritual world; the ROD itself and its highest divine manifestations live here. (Editor's note)

End of free trial.

What is the Path of Life? Where is the beginning of the Path and its final goal? And why do we say the True Path? Does this mean there is also a false Path? How are they different from each other? Why do some people experience disappointment or fear at the end of their lives, while others experience calm, joy and peace? The purpose of man - what is it? The author answers these and other questions that the reader may have during the course of the story on the pages of this book.


At all the seminars that I conduct in different cities and countries, participants ask me the same question: “What is the purpose of man? What to do in life? How to find your true Path?

Judging by the number of questions and the sincere interest that people show, I understand that the topic of human destiny is very important for everyone. That is why I decided to write this book. In it I summarized the results of my many years of research. Partial information on this topic is already in my previous books, so I will repeat myself somewhere, but, as they say: “Repetition is the mother of learning!”

So! What is the Life Path? Where is the beginning of the Path and its final goal? And why do we say the True Path? Does this mean there is also a false Path? How are they different from each other? Why do some people experience disappointment or fear at the end of their lives, while others experience calm, joy and peace? The purpose of man - what is it?

We will try to answer these and other questions that arise in the course of the story on the pages of this book.

The Path is Life

Each person is looking for his own Path. Some people do this consciously, while others do it unconsciously. We try to read the lines on the hand, turn to an astrologer, look at the horoscope. We are interested and scared at the same time. Will I be happy, and what does fate have in store for me?

We look at the lives of others. This person seems happy to us. He lives in a big beautiful house and drives an expensive car. This means that in order to be happy, I also need to strive for this. We are accustomed to paying more attention to the external attributes of happiness, as a rule, without attaching importance to our internal state. But you and I know that it is precisely what is in our soul, in our subconscious, that determines what our life will be like. Our lives are determined largely by how we perceive life itself and ourselves.

I discovered that many people attach very little importance to their life, frankly do not value it, and treat it carelessly. And some don’t want to live in this world at all. There are people who don't know what to do. There is even an expression: “Kill time.” But what does this mean? This means destroying your life.

At the beginning of my medical career, I conducted one study, the results of which turned out to be very interesting. I asked people to imagine an image of their life path. People of different ages imagined their Path differently. Almost all teenagers, with rare exceptions, imagined not one path, but several. They said that they had a choice of paths, that all roads were open - choose any one. “I can become such and such,” they said, “get such and such a profession.”

After graduating from an educational institution, after receiving one or another specialty, the path of life looked different. This was already one road. Some saw it as wide as a highway, others saw it as a country road.