Types of strategic missiles Strategic Missile Forces of the Russian Federation

Strategic Missile Forces - are designed to solve the problems of nuclear deterrence of external attacks in the interests of the Russian Federation and our allies, ensuring strategic stability in the world. These are troops of constant combat readiness, performing the role of the main component of the country's strategic nuclear forces (SNF).

Throughout its history, the Strategic Missile Forces have conducted more than a thousand missile launches. In the context of the implementation of the SALT-1 Treaty, in the period from August 26 to December 29, 1988, 70 missiles were eliminated by launching. All of them were successful and on time.

During the ongoing military reform Rocket Forces strategic purpose, Military space forces and missile and space defense troops of the Air Defense Forces have been transformed into high-quality new look Armed Forces Russian FederationStrategic Missile Forces.

Organizationally Rocket Forces strategic missions consist of missile armies and divisions, training grounds, military educational institutions, enterprises, institutions for launching and controlling spacecraft, associations and formations of missile and space defense. General management of the construction and daily activities of the Strategic Missile Forces is carried out by the Commander-in-Chief of the Strategic Missile Forces through the General Staff, main directorates, directorates and services. The main combat unit is the missile regiment.

The most important tasks of the Main Command of the Strategic Missile Forces are to maintain the ability of the troops to carry out an immediate successful launch of missiles in any situation and at the same time ensure the nuclear security of the country and the world. The solution to these tasks is achieved during combat duty, which is the highest form of maintaining the combat readiness of troops and weapons. The entire daily life and activity of missile units, formations, formations and troops as a whole is subordinated to the organization and performance of combat duty.

Currently, there is a transition from six types of intercontinental ballistic missiles to one - "Topol-M" and from eight types of launch vehicles for launching spacecraft to three ("Proton-M", "Angara", "Soyuz-2"). The further development of the Strategic Missile Forces will prioritize the task of modernizing missile systems in order to increase their stability and survivability.

1.4. Ground forces

Ground forces are the largest type of armed forces and form the basis of troop groupings in strategic directions. They are intended to ensure national security and protect our country from external aggression on land, as well as to protect Russia’s national interests within the framework of its international obligations to ensure collective security.

The Ground Forces are also the most ancient branch of the Russian Armed Forces.

Currently, the Ground Forces include 5 branches of the military - motorized rifle, tank, missile forces and artillery, air defense troops, and aviation.

Motorized rifle troops- the most numerous branch of the military, forming the basis of the Ground Forces, the core of their combat formations. They are equipped with powerful weapons to destroy ground and air targets, missile systems, tanks, artillery and mortars, anti-tank guided missiles, anti-aircraft missile systems and installations, and effective reconnaissance and control equipment.

Tank troops They constitute the main striking force of the Ground Forces and powerful means of armed warfare, designed to solve the most important tasks in various types of military operations.

Rocket Forces and Artillery– home firepower and the most important operational means of the Ground Forces in solving combat missions to defeat enemy groups.

Air defense troops are one of the main means of destroying enemy air. They consist of anti-aircraft missile, anti-aircraft artillery and radio engineering units and subunits.

Aviation The ground forces are intended to act directly in the interests of combined arms formations, their air support, tactical air reconnaissance, tactical airborne landings and fire support for their actions, electronic warfare, laying minefields and other tasks.

The Ground Forces include formations and units of special forces - reconnaissance, communications, electronic warfare, engineering, radiation, chemical and biological protection, nuclear technical, technical support, automotive and rear security. Organizationally, the Ground Forces include military units and logistics institutions. Special troops ensure the successful completion of the tasks assigned to them by combined arms formations.

Currently, the Ground Forces consist of:

from military districts, which in the course of military reform are transformed into operational-strategic commands;

combined arms (tank) armies;

army corps;

motorized rifle (tank), artillery and machine-gun and artillery divisions;

fortified areas;

brigades, individual military units;

military institutions, enterprises and organizations.

In the course of reforming the Ground Forces, the emphasis is on increasing their mobility and autonomy of action, and the introduction of automated control systems for troops and weapons.

In the 2nd half of the 20th century, rocketry developed actively. Rockets were known earlier, but it was from this period that they began to be successfully used. Currently, with the help of rockets, astronauts reach orbital stations, study takes place distant planets However, they found their widest use in the military industry. Their appearance actually changed the conduct of war. When did it appear nuclear weapons, then missiles have become the main tool of deterrence, which guarantees the impossibility of developing a conflict between the most influential powers on the planet.

Purpose of the Strategic Missile Forces

The main weapons are silo-based or mobile intercontinental ballistic missiles (ICBMs) with nuclear warheads that can hit targets anywhere on Earth. This type weapons is in the Strategic Missile Forces. It stands for Strategic Missile Forces. This whole family troops subordinate to the General Staff of the Russian Armed Forces. It was organized on December 17, 1959. The date is considered the official day of the missile forces, when servicemen in the Strategic Missile Forces receive congratulations.

On March 24, 2001, by Decree of the President, the Strategic Missile Forces became a branch of the military, and previously they were their branch. Since mid-2010, Lieutenant General Karakaev became commander. These troops of constant combat readiness represent the ground part of the nuclear forces. They serve as a deterrent tool against possible aggression by corresponding blows from the enemy.


The RV includes a headquarters located in the village of Vlasikha Moscow Region, 3 missile armies, which include 12 divisions. The Strategic Missile Forces also include:

  • central training ground (known as Kapustin Yar);
  • test site in Kazakhstan;
  • NIS in Kamchatka, which has been part of the VKS since 2010;
  • fourth research institute;
  • Academy named after Petra in the Capital;
  • Institute of RV in Serpukhov.

The missile forces also own repair factories and arsenals, bases where equipment and weapons are stored.

According to unofficial data, as of the beginning of 2018, the troops have about 320 carriers with 1214 nuclear warheads, and new ICBMs began to number about 3/5 of the total.

In the 90s and 2000s, the army-divisional structure affected all branches of the military, however, the exception was the Strategic Missile Forces. Here the structure, as well as the tasks, remain the same. As stated above, it consists of 3 armies, namely:

  • 27 Vitebsk Red Banner, stationed in Vladimir (it includes 4 divisions located in Yoshkar-Ola, Ozerny, Kozelsk, Krasnye Sosenki, Svetly);
  • 31 in Orenburg, Rostoshi (it includes 3 divisions: in Pervomaisky, Yasny, Dombarovsky and Svobodny);
  • 33 Berislavsko-Khingan 2 Red Banner, Order of Suvorov in Omsk (it includes 4 divisions: in Irkutsk, Sibirsky, Gvardeysky in Novosibirsk-95 and Solnechny and Uzhur-4).

The Strategic Missile Forces own 7 airfields and 8 heliports. Aviation has Mi-8 helicopters, AN-12, 72, 26, 24 aircraft. In total for 2011 in aviation troops included about 80 air traffic vessels.

The central part contains 3 arsenals: in Khrysolitovoe, Surovatikha and Balezino-3.

The Strategic Missile Forces also include engineering units that have special vehicles MIOM, MDR, Listva and KDM.

For the purpose of anti-sabotage fight, created special units, as well as non-standard formations that protect various objects from enemy attack. Staff units are composed according to organizational structure, and non-standard units are distributed by the commander depending on the situation. If necessary, these formations can be transferred to defense forces based in a specific territory.

How to join the missile forces

You can get into service in the Strategic Missile Forces by conscription, or by graduating from the appropriate higher military institution. Despite the fact that in the first case, one might say, the conscript was lucky, in reality it turns out that the service is not as exciting as it seemed. The fact is that in order to control missile systems it is necessary to undergo special training and receive an officer rank. Conscripts only have to do menial work, providing maintenance and security of facilities. It is also necessary to take into account the fact that the complexes are located far from settlements, which means it won’t be possible to have fun celebrating your dismissal.

To obtain military education and officer rank study for 5 years. Training time is counted towards service time. Cadets live in barracks or dormitories. Every year they have the right to a half-month vacation in winter and a month's vacation in summer.

Candidates must be between 16 and 22 years old if they have not served, or up to 24 years old if they have served in conscription. For contract soldiers, the age has been increased to 25 years. When documents are submitted for secondary military training preparatory program, then up to 30 years.

In accordance with the law “On military duty and service”, the following persons will not be considered as candidates if:

  • a decision was made on non-compliance necessary requirements(commissariat or commission);
  • any punishment has been imposed based on the conviction;
  • they are being investigated or the case has been referred to a judicial authority;
  • there is a criminal record in connection with the commission of a criminal act, and it has not yet been expunged;
  • are serving their sentences in correctional institutions;
  • deprived of the right to hold office for a certain period.

In addition, candidates must be in good health. If in special forces, airborne forces, border troops and navy taken only with full health, category A, then for the Strategic Missile Forces, as well as for anti-aircraft missile, chemical units, ground forces In Russia, the state of health must at least correspond to category B.

Depending on their rank, cadets receive different amounts of money, but it is certainly small. On good salary Those who will subsequently serve in the Strategic Missile Forces for the benefit of the Motherland can count on this.

The Strategic Missile Forces (RVSN) are currently a branch of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation, directly subordinate to General Staff RF Armed Forces.

The Strategic Missile Forces were transformed from a type of military service into a branch of the military in accordance with the decree of the President of the Russian Federation of March 24, 2001. The commander of the Strategic Missile Forces, Lieutenant General Sergei Viktorovich Karakaev, was appointed to this position by decree of the President of the Russian Federation of June 22, 2010.

As of the beginning of 2017, the Strategic Missile Forces allegedly had 286 missile systems five various types, which were capable of carrying 958 nuclear warheads:

Number of complexes Total warheads
Missile complex Warheads Locations

R-36MUTTH/R-36M2 (SS-18)

Dombarovsky, Uzhur

UR-100NUTTKH (SS-19)


Poplar (SS-25)

Topol-M sh (SS-27)


Topol-M m (SS-27)

Teykovo, Novosibirsk, Nizhny Tagil, Yoshkar-Ola, Vypolzovo



Strategic Missile Forces units

The Strategic Missile Forces include three missile armies: the 27th Guards Missile Army (headquarters located in Vladimir), the 31st Missile Army (Orenburg), and the 33rd Guards Missile Army (Omsk). The 53rd Missile Army (Chita) was disbanded at the end of 2002.

As of the beginning of 2017, the missile armies of the Strategic Missile Forces included 11 missile divisions armed with combat missile systems.

Number of missile systems

Missile division

Type of missile system

27th Guards Ra (Vladimir)

Tatishchevo: 60 rd (Tatishchevo-5, Svetly)

UR-100NUTTKH (SS-19)

Topol-M sh (SS-27)

Kozelsk: 28th Guards District

Vypolzovo: 7th Guards Rd (Ozerny, Bologoe-4)

Teykovo: 54th Guards District (Red Sosenki)

18 Topol-M m

Yoshkar-Ola: 14 rd.

31st ra (Rostoshi, Orenburg)

Dombarovsky: 13 rd (Yasny)

R-36M2 (SS-18)

Nizhny Tagil: 42 rd (Verkhnyaya Salda, Nizhny Tagil-41, Svobodny)

33rd Guards Ra (Omsk)

RA - missile army, rd - missile division, guards - guards

Missile systems

Rocket development R-36M2 (RS-20V, SS-18) was carried out by Yuzhnoye Design Bureau (Dnepropetrovsk, Ukraine). The R-36M2 missiles were deployed in 1988-1992. R-36M2 missiles are two-stage liquid-fueled and can carry 10 warheads. The missiles were produced by the Southern Machine-Building Plant (Dnepropetrovsk, Ukraine). The development plans of the Strategic Missile Forces provide for the preservation of R-36M2 missiles on combat duty until approximately 2022.

Rockets UR-100NUTTKH (SS-19) were developed by NPO Mashinostroeniya (Reutov, Moscow region). The missiles were deployed in 1979-1984. The UR-100NUTTH missile is a two-stage liquid-fueled missile that carries 6 warheads. The production of rockets was carried out by the plant named after. M. V. Khrunicheva (Moscow). To date, some of the UR-100NUTTH missiles have been withdrawn from service. At the same time, some of the missiles will remain in service until 2019. At the same time, it is possible that the warheads with nuclear warheads will be removed from the missiles remaining in their silos (this practice was used in the 1970s with UR-100 missiles).

Ground-based missile systems Poplar (SS-25) were developed at the Moscow Institute of Thermal Engineering. The missiles were deployed in 1985-1992. The Topol complex missile is a three-stage solid-fuel missile that carries one warhead. The production of missiles was carried out by the Votkinsk Machine-Building Plant. Currently the process is underway removal of Topol complexes from service due to the expiration of the missiles’ service life. It is planned that all missiles will be withdrawn from the Strategic Missile Forces in 2021.

Missile complex Topol-M (SS-27) and its modification RS-24 Yars developed at the Moscow Institute of Thermal Engineering. The complex was created in a mine-based version and in a ground mobile version. The Topol-M missile is a three-stage solid-fuel missile, initially created in a monoblock version. In 2007, tests were carried out on a version of the missile equipped with a MIRV, designated RS-24 Yars. The deployment of RS-24 complexes in a mobile version began in 2010.

The missile forces in Russia are almost the youngest branch of the military in the state, which was created in the middle of the last century. But during this time they have become a real shield of our Motherland from the encroachment of the enemy, as well as a sword that is still in its sheath, but at any moment can be picked up to protect the people of Russia and territorial integrity states.

Russian Missile Forces: the shield and sword of our Motherland

It is difficult to overestimate the role of this type of troops. The missile forces are a component of the country's nuclear forces and a separate type of troops. The accumulation of nuclear potential in its time by the USSR could have led to a third world war in which humanity would have perished. But it should be noted that the presence of powerful weapons, including mobile systems, has become a deterrent to aggression, preventing a potential enemy from striking our country, including a nuclear one.

The missile forces today are entrusted with the following tasks:

  1. Inflicting, independently or as part of nuclear forces, a massive, group or single strike using nuclear missile weapons against strategic targets, which represent the basis of the enemy’s military and military-economic potential, in several or one strategic direction.
  2. Nuclear deterrence.

Today, silo-based and mobile intercontinental ballistic missiles with nuclear warheads are the main weapons of Russian missile forces.

History of Russian missile forces

Even during World War II, the United States began to develop a secret nuclear program, which was a response to intelligence received that clearly stated that Germany at a fast pace is moving towards the creation of weapons of mass destruction based on the principle of thermonuclear reaction. Many German researchers in this field who disagreed with Adolf Hitler's regime immigrated to the United States, bringing their knowledge to the development of the Manhattan Project.

* The Manhattan Project is a secret project of the US Armed Forces to create nuclear weapons, which was launched in September 1943.

After Hitler's Germany and its satellites were defeated, then enemy No. 1 for “democratic values” became the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics. In the United States, starting in 1945, plans were made for an attack on the “Red Empire” using nuclear weapons. In total, it was planned to drop more than 300 atomic bombs on the country's cities, which were supposed to destroy most of the industry, demoralize the Soviet troops and population, and completely decapitate the country and the army. Death civilian population was not taken into account.

But thanks to Soviet scientists, as well as powerful Soviet intelligence by 1949 the first tests were carried out atomic bomb. Which seriously undermined the Americans’ plans to defeat the main enemy in 30 days, without serious retaliatory measures on his part. Therefore, instead of capturing the USSR former allies They began to prepare to repel a nuclear attack by the Soviet Union on the United States. Since 1945, the Pentagon has annually developed plans for waging a war with the active use of atomic bombings. And after successful tests similar weapons in the USSR (the Americans predicted their creation only by the end of the 1950s), the last date for the most advantageous strike on Soviet territory was 1954, until the enemy had time to build up the proper nuclear potential. But US President Eisenhower, the only person who has the right to press the button, did not do this, judging correctly that “there are not enough bulldozers in the USA to remove all the corpses from the streets as a result of the war.” True, he did not abandon plans to build up nuclear potential.

Management Soviet Union was not going to stand by while a potential enemy built up its offensive weapons, which could be directed against Soviet people at any moment when political and diplomatic dialogues cease to be effective.

And in 1945, the first missile unit was created, stationed in Western Europe 72nd Engineer Brigade special purpose. At that time, the secret units were armed with ballistic missiles with conventional warheads. Soon the unit was transferred to Kaliningrad region. By 1950 another one was created secret part. By the end of the 1950s, missile units had nuclear weapons, and in 1959 the first intercontinental ballistic missile (training) was launched near Plesetsk. December 17, 1959 is considered the date of birth of the missile forces, when the Missile Forces were separated into a separate branch. The command was entrusted to General M.I. Nedelin. who contributed to the development of new troops

After the Cuban Missile Crisis between the USSR and the USA in 1962, growth from the strategic offensive arms race was limited. In 1987 they signed international treaties USSR, according to which the countries participating in the treaty were supposed to gradually reduce not only strategic missiles, but also short- and medium-range missiles that hit targets.

The international obligations assumed by Russia after the signing of START-1 in 1991 and START-2 in 1993 (a treaty with the United States of America on the reduction of strategic offensive weapons) led to the fact that our state’s nuclear arsenal was significantly reduced. Among other things, the most important strike weapon of the missile forces - missiles whose warheads could be separated - was withdrawn from service and later completely eliminated.

In 1995, in accordance with the Decree of the President of the Russian Federation, the day of the Missile Forces and Artillery was established to be celebrated on November 19. The date was chosen in honor of the anniversary of the victory Soviet troops near Stalingrad, where artillery played a significant role in the overall outcome of the battle. In 2001 Space Force were withdrawn from the Strategic Missile Forces, becoming the youngest troops in the Russian Armed Forces.

Structure of the Strategic Missile Forces (Strategic Missile Forces)

The troops that constitute the ground component of the nuclear forces still have an army-divisional structure. In other branches of the military, such a structure has already been partially or completely abolished. On at the moment The strategic missile forces consist of 3 missile armies: the 31st and 27th Guards, the 31st, which is planned to be disbanded in the plans of the Ministry of Defense. The 3 armies organizationally include 12 missile divisions, including 5 guards divisions.

Strategic Missile Forces leadership

The first commander of the Rocket Forces was Marshal of Artillery M.I. Nedelin. from 1955 to 1960, until his tragic death at the Baikonur Cosmodrome. From Russian generals The greatest career heights were achieved by I.D. Sergeev, who commanded the Strategic Missile Forces from 1992 to 1997, received the rank of army general and later became the Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation. Since 2010, Colonel General S.V. Karakaev has been appointed the country's chief rocket scientist.

Composition and strength of the Strategic Missile Forces

The Rocket Forces of the Russian Federation includes a command, located in the village of Vlasikha, 3 missile armies, 12 missile divisions. Also, the strategic missile forces include the Kapustin Yar State Test Site, a Test Site on the territory of Kazakhstan, a Separate Scientific Testing Station in Kamchatka, Military Academy named after Peter the Great in Moscow, Research Institute and Serpukhov Military Institute of Missile Forces. In addition, repair plants and arsenals, a storage base for weapons and equipment are an integral part of the Missile Forces. Today the number of troops is 120 thousand people, a third of which are civilians.

Development prospects

Video presentation of the Russian Strategic Missile Forces:

If we take into account weapons, then more than 70% of intercontinental ballistic missiles They have simply exhausted the resource of their service. In addition, most mobile missile systems based on railway trains, which received the NATO classification “Stiletto”, were dismantled. It is also worth noting that Russia cannot partially cover the Atlantic and Pacific oceans.

At the same time at Krasnodar Territory, Kaliningrad and Leningrad regions The newest missile attack warning stations have been put into operation. Four military satellites were launched into Earth orbit and became a key element of the Oko early warning system.

As the latest data shows, today total quantity missile systems and missiles with nuclear warheads are not being reduced. They are being purposefully replaced with latest developments, including mobile complexes “Topol-M”, “Yars”.

The most modern technology which enters the Strategic Missile Forces requires qualified personnel. This task has been assigned to the Higher Educational Institution and military registration and enlistment offices. For example, when recruiting lower-level military personnel and junior command personnel, attention is paid to their education. Preference is given to those who have completed higher education educational institutions with a technical bent.

The 5th Commandant's Office of the Strategic Missile Forces Command Support, or military unit 95501, is stationed in the city of Odintsovo, Moscow Region, and carries out supply and security tasks for the Strategic Missile Forces Main Headquarters. The location of the unit is better known as the village of Vlasikha.


Chevron of military unit 95501

In Vlasikha back in 1958 it was planned to locate the headquarters long-range aviation air force. But after the creation of the missile forces in the fall of 1959, the command of the strategic missile forces began to manage the military camp.
In Vlasikha during the period cold war“There were already built residential buildings, several administrative buildings, a medical unit and savings banks. However, there was simply no room to accommodate military personnel and their families after the formation of the 50th Missile Army in 1960.
In the second half of the 1950s, the army was rearmed, and missiles were equipped with nuclear warheads. By 1965, Vlasikha already had 3 office headquarters buildings, an Officers' House, a canteen, a hotel, a clinic, two shops, a first-aid post and a dormitory. After the United States and the USSR eliminated small and medium-sized missiles in 1987, medium range, and there was a reduction in the missile forces, some strategic buildings were demolished. Vlasikha itself became an ordinary regional center, which was improved and built up with residential buildings.

Hall in the Strategic Missile Forces Museum

The 131st Separate General Staff Security Battalion, staffed by officers from regular formations security airborne troops And Marine Corps. Summer exercises, including diving training, were held in Kubinka.
At the beginning of December 2005, the 131st was reorganized separate battalion to the 5th Commandant's Office for Missile Forces Support, consisting of two security battalions, a garrison guard and management units.
Since mid-January 2009, the Strategic Missile Forces in Vlasikha have the status of a closed administrative-territorial entity with a special security regime.
In military unit 95501 itself there are no strategic missile control points; it is stationed in the city of Odintsovo, in the garrison - Vlasikha - the Headquarters of the Strategic Missile Forces are located, as well as some management facilities.

Eyewitness impressions

Barracks part from the inside

Now Vlasikha has a fairly developed infrastructure with banks, educational institutions, as well as the famous Museum of Missile Forces. Odintsovo itself is called the “winter apartment” of the strategic missile forces, which are in a constant state of combat readiness. Military personnel live in cockpit-type barracks (conscript soldiers) and dormitories for officers (contract personnel). A special feature of the military camp is small bunkers with iron armor - fire installations.
One unit is on combat duty in the 5th Support Commandant's Office, and the second is located on the territory of the unit. They belong to anti-sabotage battalions and provide security command posts And launchers, and are also responsible for establishing communications and logistics.
During training sessions employees of military unit 95501 learn not only technologies for launching and controlling missiles, but also monitoring extraneous signals and interference at various frequencies and encrypting radio communications. Soldiers practice combat training skills on the parade ground.
Those who served in military unit 95501 note that there is no hazing or hazing. The officers and command of the unit strictly monitor violations of discipline and conduct daily physical examinations of soldiers.

As for dismissals, soldiers are released outside the unit only after taking the oath; it is forbidden to go outside the military camp in Vlasikha.

Sports corner in one of the mouths

The rest of the time, meetings with relatives take place in the visiting room at the checkpoint. Relatives should know that Saturday is a park and maintenance day in the unit and soldiers are released for meetings only from 12.00 to 14.00. On Sunday, relatives can meet with soldiers from 9.00 to 18.00.
Telephone communication with relatives is allowed only on Sundays; among mobile operators, preference is given to Megafon (the “Everything is simple” tariff within the framework of the state program “Call Mom”) and MTS (“Per Second” for Moscow and the Moscow region).
Since military personnel are prohibited from leaving the military camp, it is better to spend time on its territory. Among the cultural institutions there is the Strategic Missile Forces Museum, and among the recreational places there is the “Caramelka” cafe and two more - “Turtle” and “Pop-corn”. They are located in the central square of the town, or as the locals say, “near the missiles.”

Procedure for taking the military oath

Cash payments to soldiers urgently and contract service are carried out on a Sberbank of Russia card. There are two ATMs in Vlasikha:

  • st. Marshala Zhukova, 42 (24 hours);
  • st. Sports, 10 (from 9.00 to 19.00).