List of special units of the states of the world. Elite troops of Russia: names, list and rating

Australian Army Special Forces (SOCOMD)

  • 1st Command Regiment
  • 2nd Command Regiment - Former 4th Royal Australian Regiment Commandos. They are part of the Tactical Assault Group - East (TAG-E)
  • SASR (English) Special Air Service Regiment ) - Regiment of the Special Airborne Service. This unit, in addition to general military tasks, is charged with carrying out counter-terrorism measures. They are part of the Tactical Assault Groups - West (TAG-W)
  • IRR (Incident Response Regiment)

Australian Navy Special Forces

  • CDT (English) Clearance Diving Team ) - a unit of Australian combat swimmers.


  • Jagdkommando is a special forces group of the Austrian Federal Army. The group is trained to participate in multinational operations, for the rapid detection of intelligence services and for the paramilitary protection of individuals abroad. Some of the commandos are combat swimmers.


Army special forces

  • Special Purpose Battalion of the Ministry of Defense of Azerbaijan.
  • Palandj (Group special purpose ground forces Azerbaijan).
  • Gartal (Special Forces Group of the Azerbaijani Ground Forces).

Navy Special Forces

Special forces of the Ministry of National Security

  • Special unit of the Ministry of National Security of Azerbaijan - fight against terrorism, release of hostages, force cover for the operations of the Ministry of National Security of Azerbaijan.

Special forces of the Ministry of Internal Affairs

  • DIN Rapid Response Regiment of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Azerbaijan.
  • Shahin Special unit for combating terrorism of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Azerbaijan.


  • Forcat RENEA is an Albanian counter-terrorist formation.
  • ROS (Reparti i Operacioneve Speciale)
  • Unit 326


Argentine Army Special Forces

  • 601st Army Commando Company. Stationed in Campo de Mayo.
  • The 602nd Commando Company is a special unit of the Argentine ground forces.

Argentine Navy Special Forces

  • "Buzos tacticos" (Tactical Sabotage Group) is a special unit of the Argentine Navy. The most famous actions to the public: Operation Rosario, Operation Algeciras.




  • Commando Squadron


  • Rapid Action Battalion (Bangladesh)


Army special forces

  • 5th Separate Special Purpose Brigade - reconnaissance and sabotage unit. Located in Maryina Gorka (Pukhovichi district, Minsk region). Formed in 1963, it has high combat training and extensive combat experience. She took part in hostilities as part of a contingent of Soviet troops in Afghanistan, and was one of the Soviet troops that carried out special events in Transcaucasia during the Azerbaijani-Armenian conflict. At the end of the 80s, an officer company was created as part of the brigade, which was staffed exclusively by officers and warrant officers. The brigade is one of several special forces units that make up the Force special operations RB AF. It belongs to the army special forces, and in terms of the nature of the tasks performed, it is fundamentally different from other special forces units included in the security system of the Republic of Belarus.
  • 33 Guards a separate special forces detachment - a reconnaissance and sabotage unit. It is staffed by officers and warrant officers. Performs particularly important tasks.

KGB special forces

  • "Alpha" is an anti-terrorist unit. Formed in 1990 in Minsk. Initially it also served the Baltic republics of the USSR.

Border Troops Special Forces

  • The Separate Active Measures Service (OSAM) is a unit whose mission includes anti-terrorism activities in the border zone. The eldest sons of the President of the Republic of Belarus A.G. Lukashenko, Victor and Dmitry, served in this unit.

Special forces of internal troops of the Ministry of Internal Affairs

  • 3rd separate Red Banner Special Purpose Brigade (military unit 3214, located in Minsk in the Uruchye microdistrict, “Uruchenskaya Brigade”) - performs tasks to combat riots, combat terrorism, provide assistance to border troops in the event of complications in the operational situation on border. In addition, the brigade is undergoing training under a combined arms program in the event of an armed conflict. Formed in the 1990s. based on the 334th regiment of the 120th division.
    • The Special Rapid Reaction Unit (SOBR) is a unit of the Uruchen Brigade.

Police special forces

  • Special Purpose Police Regiment (PMSN) - located in Minsk (analogous to the Russian riot police). Formed in the fall of 2005 on the basis of the Minsk riot police. In August 2012, the PMSN was renamed OMON
  • The Special Unit for Combating Terrorism "Almaz" (SPBT "Almaz") is a unit that carries out tasks to combat terrorism. Reformed from the special forces of the department for the execution of punishments of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the BSSR. According to the combat and special training program, each employee: undergoes training in tactical fire training, special fire training, has urban mountaineering skills, takes a combat swimmers and light divers course, and a parachute jumping course.


Army special forces

  • Parachute reconnaissance brigade "Nest on the Eagle" (Eagle's Nest).

Special forces of the Ministry of Internal Affairs

  • SOBT (Specialized Detachment for Combating Terrorism) is an anti-terrorist unit.



  • BOPE (Batalhão de Operações Policiais Especiais)
  • GATE (Grupo de Ações Táticas Especiais)
  • ROTA (Rondas Ostensivas Tobias de Aguiar)

United Kingdom

  • SAS-22 - 22 Special Airborne Service Regiment, is the main anti-terrorist special forces of Great Britain, formed during the Second World War. The most successful operations were actions against the IRA in Ireland, Holland, and Germany. Participated in thousands of operations from the Sahara to Malaysia. The most famous operation is the release of hostages at the Iranian embassy in London in 1980. A combined detachment of employees of the Increment regiment acts in the interests of foreign intelligence MI6.
  • SBS (Special Boat Service) - Special unit of the British Navy.


Army special forces

  • 1st Special Airborne Division of the Bundeswehr.
  • DSO (German) Division Spezialle Operationen ) - special operations division of the Bundeswehr.
  • GebJgBrg 23 - 23 Alpine Rifle Brigade, consisting of 3 mountain rifle battalions, a mountain artillery battalion, 2 mountain tank companies, a reserve company, a support company and a company for training and using animals.
  • KSK (German) Kommando Spezialkräfte) - a special unit of the German ground forces. The group's tasks include conducting reconnaissance and sabotage activities.


  • SEK M is a special forces unit of the German Navy whose mission is to conduct special operations abroad. Number of people: 800-1000 people.
  • German Marines - An elite unit designed to conduct critical combat operations as part of amphibious assault forces. It is a highly mobile amphibious force of constant readiness, capable of operating independently anywhere in the world and in any climatic zone. Number of people: 1000 people.

Police special forces

  • GSG 9 is an anti-terrorist unit of the German Federal Police. Number of people: 300 people. According to the state, it is a division of the border control agency. According to German law, the group cannot be used outside the country, but sometimes this law is circumvented.


Most of the country's special forces are subordinate to the IDF - the Israel Defense Forces, some - to the Israeli police and intelligence services. All special forces regularly participate in combat and real combat operations. Most special forces are staffed by conscripts. The special forces of the Nachshon prison service and the anti-terrorist units YAMAM and LOTAR Eilat are recruited at professional basis. To serve in special forces, a medical profile of “97” (the highest) is required. Conscripts who are fit for health reasons are sent an offer approximately six months before conscription to undergo “gibush” (“rally” - Hebrew) - selection for service in special forces. Gibush take place on a voluntary basis, only those who wish to do so. Over the course of 2-3 days, candidates undergoing gibush perform various tests for physical and intellectual fitness for service - in a stressful environment, in conditions of hunger, fatigue, lack of time and sleep. People are identified who can withstand difficulties and work in a team. Those who pass the selection are called up to the appropriate units. In Sayeret Matkal, Shaldag, Maglan and Shayetet-13, for the pilot course and for the naval officer course, the gibush is carried out separately in each of the units, for the remaining units the gibush is general, the BAKUM (military registration and enlistment office) decides which unit to recruit to. For service in Sayeret Matkal and for courses for pilots and naval officers, gibush can be carried out within a week. Those who don’t pass can go through death to other units. To serve in these units (where there is a separate gibush) a certain level of clearance (“sivug bithoni”) is required, mandatory conditions are residence in Israel for more than 5 years, no relatives abroad. Only children in the family (“ben yachid”) are not accepted, as an exception - with the written consent of the conscript’s parents. In reconnaissance companies of infantry brigades (Golani, Givati, Tsankhanim, Nahal and Kfir), killing is carried out after conscription, within the unit, before the young fighter’s course (“tironut”). To serve in the “Psagot” and “TIBAM” divisions, a specialized higher education, received before conscription (an appropriate deferment is provided before conscription - “atuda akademai”). Service in special forces is extremely honorable and prestigious, guaranteeing a “worthy place in life” after demobilization. Conscripts who dream of getting into them begin to independently prepare for death during their school years.

Israel Defense Forces Special Forces

  • "Sayeret Matkal" - "Compound 101", special forces of the General Staff of the Israel Defense Forces. He specializes in intelligence and security operations abroad, and also carries out anti-terrorist measures together with YAMAM in the country and independently abroad. The only unit of this level in the world that is staffed by conscripts. Military personnel, during their service, usually sign a contract under which the service period is 6 years, instead of 3, as in the entire IDF (Israel Defense Forces).
  • "Maglan" - "Long-Range Anti-Tank Missile Unit." The most secretive special unit of the IDF, apart from the name, there is practically no information in the public domain. It is armed with Nimrod missiles - launch range 30-50 km, hit accuracy - tens of centimeters (with laser correction by an observer near the target), disassembled and carried by two soldiers or transported in a jeep. Used for targeted destruction of particularly important targets. It is possible that it has something to do with Israel’s nuclear potential.
  • “Duvdevan” (“cherry”) - also known as Unit 217. The main goal is the targeted destruction or arrest of terrorists in the Palestinian territories with the help of external transformation into Arabs (Yehidat Mistaaravim - a unit of pseudo-Arabs). One of the selection criteria for service is the absence of a typical Jewish appearance, preferably an appearance similar to an Arab, and fluent knowledge of the Arabic language.
  • Sayeret “Egoz” (“nut”) - Unit621. The goal is to fight the partisans. Organizationally it is part of the Golani infantry brigade, but in reality it acts independently. Since 1995, it has killed more terrorists than any other unit. Engaged in the destruction of ambushes organized by terrorists with the aim of kidnapping IDF soldiers and the destruction of NURS launchers firing at Israeli territory. Those who “fallen” (could not meet the requirements for service) from Sayeret Matkal, Shayetet-13 and Sayeret Shaldag are usually sent to serve in “Egoz”.
  • “Sayeret Shaked” (“almond”, another version of the name “Shomrei Kav Darom” - guarding the southern border) is a special unit of the Southern Military District. Specialized in operations in the Gaza Strip and the Negev Desert. It was staffed mainly by Bedouins and Druze, the officers were Jews. Showed outstanding performance during the Six Day War, the War of Attrition and the Yom Kippur War. Currently disbanded as a separate special forces unit. As usual infantry battalion transferred to the Givati ​​brigade (in 1983).
  • "Okets" ("sting"), Unit 7142 - a special canine unit.
  • “Yakhalom” (“diamond” or “diamond”) - special forces of the engineering troops (undermining or clearing targets, solving engineering problems behind enemy lines). Usually works closely with Sayeret Matkal during operations.
  • “Rimon” (“Grenade”) is a special unit within the Givati ​​infantry brigade, a special anti-terrorist unit stationed on the border with Egypt and the Gaza Strip.
  • “Sayeret Golani, Sayeret Givati, Sayeret Tsankhanim, Sayeret Nahal” - reconnaissance companies of the corresponding infantry brigades. In addition to army reconnaissance and sabotage training, they undergo the LOTAR (fight against terror) course. They act during combat operations in the interests of their units, in their sector of the front. Can be used to support other special forces and as auxiliary anti-terrorism units. Sayeret Tsankhanim (reconnaissance unit of the parachute brigade) - participated together with Sayeret Matkal in the operation to free the hostages in Entebbe.
  • Unit 5114 - Psagot battalion - Special communications and electronic countermeasures unit. Engaged in ensuring communications with other special forces during operations, suppressing enemy communications systems and target detection. Operates in the area of ​​operation, has training at the level of other special forces.
  • Division of TIBAM - "Tikhnut be-ezrat Makhshev" - computer planning. A special unit of “hackers”, acting in the interests of other special units. Hacking enemy computer systems, protecting our own, three-dimensional modeling of the operation object, etc. Operates in the operation zone, has appropriate combat training.
  • Unit 869 - Modiin Sade unit - field reconnaissance. Permanently attached to Sayeret Matkal. Provides other units with intelligence information about the operation area, monitors changes in the situation during the planning and conduct of the operation, and clarifies the achieved results of the operation. Has appropriate combat training.

Israeli Air Force Special Forces

  • "Shaldag" ("kingfisher") - a special unit of the Israeli Air Force. Tasks: reconnaissance of targets in the interests of the Air Force, air guidance, finishing off and clearing the target after an air strike. One of the three most prepared units (the other two are Sayeret Matkal and Shayetet-13). Sayeret Shaldag operated illegally in Iraq during Operation Desert Storm. He was engaged in the “hunt for SCUDs” in the interests of Israel, separately from the United States and its allies.
  • Unit 669 is a special forces unit of the Israeli Air Force. Tasks: rescuing downed pilots, evacuating fighters from behind the front line, air evacuation from the battlefield. To maintain combat readiness, it also evacuates citizens in extreme situations.
  • The Tais course is a training course for military pilots of the Israeli Air Force. It has nothing to do with special forces, but those expelled from the course, as a rule, are sent to serve in Sayeret Matkal, Sayeret Shaldag and other special units. On average, one out of ten applicants completes the course.

Israeli Navy Special Forces

  • “Shayetet 13” (Flotilla 13, Shayetet Shlosh-esre, “shayat”, Commando Yami) is a special unit of the Israeli Navy. Performs tasks similar to Sayeret Matkal (reconnaissance, sabotage, anti-terrorism), but related to operations at sea. (“Yam” - sea, Hebrew).
  • "Hovlim Course" is a training course for Israeli Navy officers. Trainees are brought to the level of combat training corresponding to other special forces. The course is distinguished by a very high level of intellectual and physical activity, and particularly stringent service conditions. Those expelled from the course, as a rule, are sent to complete their service in Shayetet 13.

Special Forces Mossad

  • "Kidon" ("Bayonet") is a special unit within the Metzada department (power operations department) of the Mossad. Objectives: liquidation and kidnapping of Israel's opponents abroad. It is staffed by soldiers who served in the IDF, in various special forces, after additional training at the MOSSAD Academy and obtaining the qualification “Katsa” (MOSSAD operations officer). The actions of "Kidon" are shown in feature films“The Sword of Gideon”, “Munich” (dir. S. Spielberg).

Israel Police Special Forces


  • Mishmar Ha-Knesset “Knesset Guard” is a special unit whose task is to guard and defend the administrative building of parliament and the personnel located in it.
  • Nachshon (named after the biblical character Nachshon ben-Aminadav) - Special unit of Shabash of the Israeli Prisons Administration (outdated name: ABAM - avtaha ve mivtsayim - security and operations) - solving sudden problems in penitentiary institutions (liquidation of riots, release of hostages, conducting searches etc.), as well as escorting especially dangerous criminals when moving them across the country or abroad and ensuring the safety of employees law enforcement agencies when they receive threats from prisoners and their accomplices (has the right to operational activities). It is staffed on a professional basis, mainly from people who served in MAGAV. Since 2005, it has its own canine unit (separate from “Okets”) and recruits women (to work with female prisoners). Works closely with the police and Shin Bet (Sherut Bitakhon Klali, Shin Bet - “Main Security Service”, Israeli counterintelligence).
  • Shin Bet (Sherut Bitakhon Klali, Shin Bet - “General Security Service”, Israeli counterintelligence) - also has its own special forces. The name, number, tasks performed are unknown.

Most Israeli special forces are recruited from conscripts. Those who have completed their military service are in the reserve and perform the “Miluim” reservist service. At any time they can be recruited to participate in special operations, replenish their units or form new special forces, if necessary.

Iraq (during the reign of Saddam Hussein)

Special forces of the Main Directorate of Foreign Intelligence

  • Ku'uat 999 is a special reconnaissance unit. Consisted of 7 battalions with highly trained personnel. Each battalion had its own service sector. The 7th Battalion supported activities against the United States. The soldiers studied foreign languages at the native level, customs and traditions of the country of service.

Republican Guard Special Forces

  • Separate brigade for the protection of the president.
  • Special Republican Guard (“Al-Harith al-Jamhuri al-Khas”) - SRG, it was also called the “Golden Division”.


  • 2 commando divisions - Special forces of the ground forces;
  • SSN "Kode" - Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC)


  • ARW (Army Ranger Wing) is a universal special forces unit capable of solving problems on land, on water, under water, in the mountains, in the jungle and in the desert.


Civil Guard Special Forces

  • GAR (Grupos Antiterroristas Rurales) is an anti-terrorist unit. Mainly operates in the north of the country against Basque separatists.
  • UEI (Unidad Especial de Intervencion) is an anti-terrorist unit. The task includes the release of hostages, conducting reconnaissance and sabotage activities in temporarily occupied territory, and organizing guerrilla warfare. The fighters undergo parachute, mountaineering, and underwater training.

Police special forces

  • GEO (Grupo Especial para los Operaciones) is a police anti-terrorism unit in which the best specialists from the Spanish intelligence services come to serve.


Italian special forces are coordinated by a special center, Operatori Speciali Servizio Informazioni (O.S.S.I).

Italian Army Special Forces

  • COL MOSCHIN - 9th Parachute Regiment.

Italian Navy Special Forces

  • Italian Marine Corps - amphibious assault, capturing and holding the enemy's coastline, guarding its own naval bases.
  • TESEO TESEI - a detachment of combat swimmers (Raggruppamento Subacquei e Incursori).

Police special forces

  • Gruppo Intervento Speciale (G.I.S.) is a special anti-terrorist unit of the Carabinieri.
  • Nucleo Operativo Centrale di Sicurezza (N.O.C.S.) is a special unit for the protection and defense of nuclear facilities. The task of N.O.C.S., in addition, includes carrying out anti-terrorist measures at these facilities.


Army special forces

  • First parachute battalion (1pb).
  • First Special Purpose Service (1SSN).
  • JTF-2 is an anti-terrorist unit.


  • Special Operations Forces of the People's Army of the DPRK

The most numerous special forces in the world - more than 90 thousand people. It consists of 10 “sniper” brigades, 12 light infantry brigades, 17 separate reconnaissance battalions and 1 airborne battalion. Service life - 8 years.


Special units of the People's Republic of China are divided into MTR (special operations forces) of the ground forces and MTR of the navy

MTR of the ground forces

  • "DaDui" are combat-ready units capable of conducting reconnaissance and combat operations in local conflicts in the context of the use of high technology.

In addition, army groups, field divisions and regiments also have units that are limitedly capable of conducting special reconnaissance and special operations. Each of the 18 army groups includes a special reconnaissance group, which can be equivalent in size and combat capabilities to a separate battalion. Each division includes a special reconnaissance company of about 120 people. Each regiment has a special reconnaissance platoon of 30 to 40 people.

All of these units should also be considered part of the ground forces of special operations of the Chinese Armed Forces, since they are capable of conducting direct impact actions and conducting special reconnaissance. The level of their training and equipment is comparable to the level of special forces groups in military areas.

MTR of the Navy

  • Reconnaissance company, marine divisions of the Southern Fleet. The company is stationed in Zhanjiang, Guangdong Province and is located separately from the rest of the Marine Division, approximately five kilometers away. The company size is about 100 people. It organizationally consists of a headquarters and two platoons of 30 people each. The company also includes a unit of combat swimmers of up to 40 people.


Army special forces

  • Scorpion - 25th separate air assault brigade for special purposes. Scorpio fighters wear a green beret with an image of a scorpion printed on it.
  • Ilbirs - special forces brigade, part of the South-Western Regional Command
  • Separate mountain rifle battalion for special purposes
  • Karakurt - special forces of the Ministry of Defense of Kyrgyzstan

Special forces of the State Committee for National Security

  • Alpha is an anti-terrorist unit.
  • Kalkan - combat operations department

National Guard Special Forces

  • Panther - air assault brigade

Special forces of the Ministry of Internal Affairs

  • SHER - anti-terrorism and fight against crime.

The special forces detachment "SHER" was created to fight crime, illegal gangs, liquidate their bases and protect the constitutional rights of citizens. The detachment consists of professionally trained officers and warrant officers who have undergone special training in Turkey, China, the USA and Russia. Every year in the fall, military personnel take exams for the right to carry " maroon beret » The founder and commander of the detachment was Colonel A.A. Shamsutdinov

Special forces of the State Security Service

  • Arstan is a secret sabotage and reconnaissance unit that also provides security for top officials of Kyrgyzstan and guests of the Kyrgyz Republic; it was disbanded after the 2010 revolution.

Special Forces of the Drug Control Agency (DCA)

  • Kyrgyi is a unit that carries out reconnaissance, surveillance and further special operations against drug trafficking and the detention of drug traffickers. They cooperate with the Border Troops unit “Boru”.

Special Forces of the Border Troops of the State Committee for National Security

  • Boru - fight against terror and combat cover in border areas. Deployed in dangerous border areas (on the borders with Uzbekistan and Tajikistan)

Special forces of the State Penitentiary Service

  • Omega - special forces of the State Penitentiary Service. The main functions are the suppression of riots and unrest in the institutions of the State Penitentiary Service, combat cover during the transfer of especially dangerous criminals.

Police special forces

  • SOBR - special rapid response units located in regional centers
  • OMSN - special purpose police detachment, OMSN groups are located in each district department of internal affairs


Moldova and Transnistria

The specific state structure of Moldova and the presence in its composition of the unrecognized Transnistrian Moldavian Republic determines the presence in this country of two armed forces independent of each other, and in the recent past, they fought among themselves.

Special Forces of Moldova

  • OPON is a special police unit. The units took an active part in the Transnistrian conflict.
  • Foulgere is an anti-terrorist unit of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Moldova.

Special forces of Transnistria

  • Presidential Security Service.
  • Dniester is a separate special purpose brigade of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the PMR. The brigade includes special forces
    • Cobra - a separate special-purpose reconnaissance company
    • SOBR is a special police rapid response unit.
  • Delta is a special unit of the MGB of the PMR.
  • A special forces group of 14 people, consisting of former GRU special forces soldiers. Formed as part of the 2nd Battalion of the National Guard.
  • Special purpose detachment of the PMR Ministry of Defense.
  • Special forces squad "Scorpion" of the Ministry of Justice of the PMR


Army special forces

  • HJS is a parachute special reconnaissance unit.
  • HJK (Jegerkommando) - reformed from HFJS (Haerens Fallskjermjegerskole), reconnaissance and sabotage unit. In 2006, HJK was officially renamed Fosvarets Spesialkommando/Haerens Jegerkommando (FSK/HJK)
  • FSK (Fosvarets Spesialkommando) - anti-sabotage, anti-terrorist unit. The main task is to assist the police in the fight against terrorism, protecting oil rigs in the North Sea.

Navy Special Forces

  • MJK (Minedykkertroppen) - anti-sabotage unit.
  • MJL (Marinejegerlot) - underwater sabotage unit. In 1991, renamed MJK (Marinejegerkommandoen).
  • MDK (Marinejegerkommandoen) - the Mine Diver Command.


  • FOES (Fuerza de Operaciones Especiales) is a reconnaissance and sabotage unit, consisting of paratroopers and combat swimmers. The division is divided into three groups (Grupos de Operaciones Especiales), each of which serves a different region of the country:
    • GOE center - located in Callao;
    • GOE-north - in Caleta Cruz;
    • GOE-northeast - in the Peruvian jungle, its location is in Pucaypo - (Pucallpo).


Special forces of the Armed Forces

  • Thunder (Grupa Reagowania Operacyjno-Manewrowego) mobile rapid response group is a special unit of the Polish Army.
  • 1st Special Commando Regiment; military unit of the Special Forces of the Armed Forces of the Republic of Poland. Assault, combat swimmers.
  • Formosa - (Morska Jednostka Działań Specjalnych "Formoza") a special Polish naval unit, consisting of combat swimmers.

Police special forces

  • SPAP - Samodzielny Pododdział Antyterrorystyczny Policji special police units are available in all voivodeships, tasks are anti-terrorism, detention of armed criminals.

Special forces of the GRU of the General Staff of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation

  • 2nd separate special purpose brigade (formed 1962-63, Pskov, Leningrad Military District);
  • 3rd separate Guards Warsaw-Berlin Red Banner Order of Suvorov 3rd degree special purpose brigade (formed in 1966, Tolyatti) Samara region, Purvo);
  • 10th Separate Order of Zhukov Special Purpose Brigade of the North Caucasus Military District (formation 2003, Molkino village, Krasnodar Territory);
  • 12th separate special purpose brigade (formed in 1962, Asbest, Purvo) - disbanded in September-December 2009;
  • 14th separate special purpose brigade (formed in 1963, Ussuriysk, Far Eastern Military District);
  • 16th separate special purpose brigade (formed in 1963, Chuchkovo, Ryazan Region, Moscow Military District), redeployed to Tambov, Moscow Military District;
  • 22nd separate guards brigade special purpose (formed in 1976, Kovalevka village, Aksai district Rostov region, SKVO);
  • 24th separate special purpose brigade (formed in 1977, Ulan-Ude, Siberian Military District); redeployed to Irkutsk
  • 67th separate special purpose brigade (formed in 1984, Berdsk, Novosibirsk Region, Siberian Military District) - disbanded in March 2009;
  • 42nd ORP Special Forces of the Pacific Fleet of the Navy. Russian;At the stage of disbandment due to the summit.
  • 561st ORP Special Forces DKBF Russian Navy Navy Parusnoye
  • 100th separate reconnaissance brigade (as of 08.2012, the final staff has not been approved, however, there are assumptions about similarities with armored cavalry units or with the Battlefield Survelliance Brigade of the US Army, there is a statement by the Commander-in-Chief of the Ground Forces of the Russian Federation about the formation of 10 reconnaissance brigades within several years, each combined arms army in order to ensure comprehensive provision of intelligence information and mobile special forces.
  • 25th Special Purpose Regiment. Created in 2012 to ensure security for the 2014 Sochi Olympics. It is stationed in Stavropol on the territory of the headquarters of the 49th Army.
  • 346 OBRSpN. Created simultaneously with the 25th regiment to provide the same tasks. It is stationed near Krasnodar.

Russian Airborne Forces

  • 45th Separate Guards Reconnaissance Order of Kutuzov Order of Alexander Nevsky Special Purpose Regiment of the Airborne Forces. Formed in 1994 military unit 28337 Cuban.

Russian Marine Corps

Special forces of the Russian Navy

42nd naval reconnaissance point (Russky Island, Kholuai Bay, near Vladivostok, Pacific Fleet);

  • 420th naval reconnaissance point (Polyarny, near Murmansk, Northern Fleet);
  • 431st naval reconnaissance point (Tuapse, Black Sea Fleet);
  • 561st naval reconnaissance point (Parusnoye village, near Baltiysk, Kaliningrad region, Baltic Fleet).

Detachments for combating underwater sabotage forces and means:

Special forces of the border troops of the FSB of Russia

  • Separate Special Intelligence Group (GSRG)

Special forces of the internal troops of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia

  • 604 TsSN - formed in 2008 as part of ODON by combining 1 OSN “Vityaz” and 8 OSN “Rus”, successor to URSN.
  • 7 OSN "Rosich", Novocherkassk
  • 12 OSN "Ural", Nizhny Tagil
  • 15 OSN "Vyatich", Armavir
  • 16 OSN "Skif", Rostov-on-Don. Disbanded 2010
  • 17 OSN "Edelweiss", Mineralnye Vody,
  • 19 OSN "Ermak", Novosibirsk
  • 20 OSN "Vega", Saratov (disbanded)
  • 21 OSN "Typhoon", Khabarovsk
  • 23 OSN "Mechel", Chelyabinsk
  • 24 OSN "Svyatogor", Vladivostok
  • 25 OSN "Mercury", Smolensk
  • 26 OSN "Bars", Kazan
  • 27 OSN "Kuzbass", Kemerovo
  • 28 OSN "Warrior", Arkhangelsk
  • 29 OSN "Bulat", Ufa
  • 33 OSN "Peresvet", Moscow
  • 34 OSN, Grozny
    • The tasks of the center and detachments include carrying out anti-terrorist measures in the operational service area, searching for and eliminating illegal armed groups, eliminating mass riots, detaining especially dangerous criminals, and releasing hostages.

22 OBron UrSN "Alligator" Kalach-on-Don

Police special forces of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia

Special forces of the Federal Penitentiary Service

Special units of the Federal Penitentiary Service of Russia. Currently they are called “Special Purpose Departments”. OSN FSIN of Russia was created on November 13, 1990. The tasks of the units include the prevention and suppression of crimes and offenses at the facilities of the Federal Penitentiary Service, the search and capture of especially dangerous criminals, ensuring security at special events, the release of hostages taken by convicted prisoners, as well as the protection of senior officials of the department.

  • SATURN - 04.29.92 - Moscow
  • TORCH - 05.30.91 - Moscow region
  • SOKOL - 03/17/91 - Belgorod
  • TORNADO - 06/11/91 - Bryansk
  • MONOMACH - 06.21.91 - Vladimir
  • SKIF - 05.13.91 - Voronezh
  • HURRICANE - 01/04/91 - Ivanovo
  • GROM - 09/23/91 - Kaluga
  • THUNDER - 06/07/92 - Kostroma
  • BARS-2 - 01/15/93 - Kursk
  • TITAN - 01/06/91 - Lipetsk
  • ROSICH - 07.30.91 - Ryazan
  • JAGUAR - 08/13/92 - Eagle
  • PHOENIX - 09/14/91 - Smolensk
  • VEPR - 04/17/93 - Tambov
  • GRIF - 12/04/93 - Tula
  • LYNX - 03.26.91 - Tver
  • STORM - 08.19.91 - Yaroslavl
  • CONDOR - 07.07.91 - Republic of Adygea
  • SCORPIO - 06/07/91 - Astrakhan
  • BARS - 03.13.91 - Volgograd
  • EAGLE - 11.11.92 - Republic of Dagestan
  • SHARK - 03/04/91 - Krasnodar
  • VOLCANO - 03.14.93 - Republic of Kabardino-Balkaria
  • GYURZA - 02.10.92 - Republic of Kalmykia
  • ROSNA - 03.14.91 - Rostov-on-Don
  • BULAT - 10/20/91 - Republic of North Ossetia
  • RUBEZH - 03/01/92 - Stavropol
  • SIVUCH - 08/18/93 - Arkhangelsk
  • VIKING-2 - 07/23/91 - Vologda
  • GRANITE - 07.07.93 - Republic of Karelia
  • SAPSAN - 03/11/93 - Komi Republic
  • BASTION - 03/06/91 - Kaliningrad
  • ICEBERG - 07/11/91 - Murmansk
  • RUSICH - 11/13/91 - Novgorod
  • BISON - 11/13/91 - Pskov
  • TYPHOON - 02.20.91 - St. Petersburg
  • DELTA - 01.11.92 - Severonezhsk joined the SIVUCH detachment (Arkhangelsk)
  • SPRUT - 07.07.93 - Mikun
  • FOBOS - 06.28.91 - Penza
  • YASTREB - 01/22/92 - Republic of Mari El
  • RIVEZ - 03/14/91 - Saransk
  • LEOPERS - 01/17/91 - Kazan
  • GUARD - 07/15/91 - Cheboksary
  • TORDO - 04/03/91 - Ufa
  • KRECHET - 07/01/91 - Izhevsk
  • SARMAT - 01.02.91 - Orenburg
  • BEAR - 02/06/91 - Perm
  • MONGUST - 06.22.91 - Samara
  • ORION - 09/05/91 - Saratov
  • ALMAZ - 03/01/91 - Kirov
  • BERSERK - 03/04/91 - Nizhny Novgorod
  • SHKVAL - 11/28/91 - Ulyanovsk
  • VARYAG - 03.23.93 - Solikamsk
  • CHEETH - 04/23/93 - Yavas
  • CENTAUR - 10/01/92 - Lesnoy
  • MIRAGE - 07/31/91 - Kurgan
  • ROSSY - 01/14/91 - Ekaterinburg
  • GRAD - 03/19/91 - Tyumen
  • NORTH - 09.09.99 - Surgut
  • URAL - 01/09/91 - Chelyabinsk
  • VORTEX - 12.22.93 - Sosva
  • SOBOL - 03.22.93 - Tavda
  • WOLVERINE - 12/01/2008 - Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous Okrug
  • EDELWEISS - 04/05/93 - Republic of Gorny Altai
  • SAGITTARIUS - 07/11/91 - Ulan-Ude
  • HURRICANE - 06.18.91 - Irkutsk
  • KODAR - 02.26.91 - Chita
  • LEGION - 04/17/91 - Barnaul
  • ERMAK - 02.21.91 - Krasnoyarsk
  • KEDR - 05/09/91 - Kemerovo
  • VIKING - 02/12/91 - Omsk
  • CORSAIR - 09/14/91 - Novosibirsk
  • SIBERIA - 02.12.91 - Tomsk
  • IRBIS - 06.06.91 - Kyzyl
  • OMEGA - 06.11.91 - Abakan
  • SHIELD - 02/25/91 - N. Poyma
  • EAST - 04/01/92 - Blagoveshchensk
  • SHADOW - 02.26.93 - Birobidzhan
  • LEADER - 08.22.92 - Vladivostok
  • POLAR WOLF - 05.27.91 - Magadan
  • MIRAGE - 04.04.91 - Yuzhno-Sakhalinsk
  • AMUR - 02.12.91 - Khabarovsk
  • POLAR BEAR - 05.05.92 - Yakutsk
  • BERKUT - 03/31/92 - Kamchatka
  • Interregional training center for training employees of special purpose departments "Krasnaya Polyana" Sochi - training of special forces of the Federal Penitentiary Service of Russia and other law enforcement agencies to perform operational combat missions in mountains and other special conditions. In 2013, it began training sniper instructors. Created on August 29, 2001. Official website:

Special forces of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia

  • Special Risk Special Operations Center "Leader".


Army special forces

  • Vulturii - Special Operations Battalion. The deployment of the battalion until 2006 was a state secret, until the Chief of Staff of the US Armed Forces visited it, and the American Embassy in Romania published a press release in this regard, which caused a huge diplomatic scandal. Until this moment, the Romanian intelligence services carried out a number of actions to exclude any discussion of issues about this unit (purpose, name, deployment) on the Internet. Some providers have been prosecuted for such attempts.
  • HUMINT - Special Operations Battalion. Created on the basis of the 404th reconnaissance and sabotage battalion of the General Staff. At this moment, the battalion has 200 personnel.
  • HUMINT&CI - NATO Intelligence and Counterintelligence Center, with a Romanian component (Сentru de excelenta de spionaj si contraspionaj al Aliantei Nord-Atlantice, cu componenta romaneasca).

Saudi Arabia

  • The National Guard is a special unit staffed by Bedouins and adherents of Wahhabism. Created as a counterweight to the army to protect the monarchy.
  • Special Forces Brigade No. 1 named after Faisal bin Turki.
  • Special anti-terrorist unit. The unit is the most secret in the Arab world, and therefore its departmental affiliation and staff are unknown. It first showed itself in March 2001, when he had to storm a Russian Tu-154 captured by four Chechen terrorists and landed in Medina. Then his actions, which resulted in the death of three people (including flight attendant Yulia Fomina, who died from a special forces bullet), were harshly criticized by employees of the FSB Special Operations Center.


  • 72nd Commando Reconnaissance Battalion
  • Counter-Terrorist Group of Serbia (PTJ, Anti Terrorist Jedinica)
  • Gendarmerie (Serbia)
  • Special Anti-Terrorism Group (SAI, Special Anti-Terrorism Unit)
  • Special brigade


Syrian ground special forces:

  • Special purpose division (three regiments).
  • Separate special forces regiments (18 regiments in total).

All units have combat experience.


  • “FBI SWAT Teams” is a special unit within the FBI created to combat terrorism and especially dangerous criminals. FBI SWAT tasks: neutralize or destroy terrorists, free hostages, storm buildings, prevent terrorist attacks.
  • "Hostage Rescue Team" is an anti-terrorism special unit of the FBI.
  • "SWAT" (originally English) Special Weapons Assault Team; now English Special Weapons And Tactics) - special units of the US police.
  • "SRT" (Special Reaction Team) - military police units in the Army, Marine Corps, Navy and Air Force of the United States, created to respond to high-risk situations within one military base or connections. The units are equivalent to FBI SWAT or SWAT teams.
  • Units of the Separate Special Command (GSA) - Groupment special autonome:
    • The first parachute regiment of the Marine Corps - (1 Regiment parachutiste d’infanterie de marine, 1er RPIMa), despite the name, has nothing to do with the Marine Corps. With SAS roots at its core, the 1st Regiment is quite similar to its British counterpart. In order to join the regiment, volunteer candidates undergo a rigorous selection process. The regiment consists of a headquarters, a command and general services company, a training company and three RAPAS combat companies. The training company, if necessary, is capable of forming an additional four RAPAS companies. Each of the RAPAS companies has a specialization:

1st company is intended to conduct operations outside the city, crossing water barriers and protecting and escorting especially important persons. The 2nd company specializes in operations in urban areas, sabotage and sniping. In addition, company soldiers are trained in the use of mine explosives, and also practice “breaking and entering” techniques. The 3rd company provides fire support with heavy mortars, air defense, and also conducts reconnaissance on light all-terrain vehicles.

    • Aviation detachment of special operations (Detachment aerien des operations speciales).
  • Five naval special forces units that are part of the Marine Corps and Special Forces Command - Commandement des fusiliers - marins commandos (COFUSCO).
  • Air Force special forces. These include:
    • The Tenth Parachute Company of the Air Force Commando - Commando parachutiste de l'air No. 10 (CPA 10). One of the main tasks of the company is to carry out rescue operations on enemy territory for pilots of downed aircraft.
    • Special Operations Helicopter Squadron - Escadrille des helicopteres speciaux (EHS).
    • Special Operations Aviation Division - Division des operations speciales (DOS).

Special forces of the French ground forces

  • The 2nd Parachute Regiment of the Foreign Legion is not formally classified as special forces.

French Navy Special Forces

Traditionally, the special forces of the French Navy are named after the officers who were the first commanders.

  • de Penfentegno
  • de Montfort
  • Hubert is a squad of combat swimmers.
  • Joubert
  • Francois. In one of the battles in Indochina, the detachment lost half of its personnel, after which it was withdrawn from the special forces and reorganized into a reserve unit.
  • naval commando units "Trepel".

The five remaining squads are the French equivalent of the British SBS - Special boat squodron and American SEALs. However, the Hubert squad stands out from the general list. It is fully staffed with combat swimmers.

Special forces of the French gendarmerie

  • 2nd detachment RECCE - reconnaissance and sabotage unit.
  • 3rd detachment RECCE - reconnaissance and sabotage unit.
  • 4th detachment RECCE - a unit of special reconnaissance and sabotage work on the water.
  • 5th detachment RECCE - reconnaissance and sabotage unit.
  • 6th detachment RECCE - reconnaissance and sabotage unit.
  • 32nd Buffalo Battalion
  • Yugoslavia

    Army special forces

    • 63rd Airborne Brigade "Sky Otters".
    • 72nd Special Forces Brigade "Mighty Hawks".
    • - IN this list lists the planes and helicopters of the international coalition lost during the operation in Afghanistan after 2001. Only irretrievable losses are given (that is, aircraft that were completely destroyed or written off... ... Wikipedia

      A service list of articles created to coordinate work on the development of the topic. This warning does not apply to informational articles, lists and glossaries... Wikipedia

      This article is a description of the hierarchy of the armed forces of the Alliance of the Interplanetary Union from the universe of the computer game Half Life 2. The armed forces of the Alliance on Earth are represented by personnel and military equipment, including ... ... Wikipedia

      Half Life 2 computer game is a first-person shooter sequel to Half Life, released on November 16, 2004. The list below contains information about the weapons in the game and its continuation series of episodes: for the present ... ... Wikipedia

      Emblem of the USSR Armed Forces The list includes USSR armored vehicles produced not only during the Second World War, but also before wartime, which was used early in the war. Experimental samples that did not go into mass production were not included... ... Wikipedia

      This is a list of land vehicles by type of use. The main battle tanks section is the main tanks in the US Army that are used in military conflicts. Many older tank models are still in service in the US Army, (in... ... Wikipedia Wikipedia

    Having previously been a former colony of Great Britain, many things in Australia were created according to the English model, including special forces. But, despite this, much in the Australian special forces differs from similar units in the UK.

    The first special units were created during the Second World War, taking an active part in it on the side of the Allies. It was only in 2003 that a unified special forces command was created in Australia, called SOCOMD.

    SOCOMD includes an operational headquarters located in Sydney and Canberra, subordinate to which is a special operations squadron. In addition, SOCOMD includes an airborne regiment and two commando regiments. A special regiment has been created to deal with emergencies and is stationed in South Wales.

    Since 2003, Australian Army special forces have taken part in combat operations in Afghanistan and Iraq, provide security for all major sporting events in the country, took part in the protection of US President George W. Bush, participated in the resolution of the armed conflict in East Timor, and since 2009 have been carrying out patrolling in Afghanistan. Currently, SOCOMD fighters enjoy well-deserved respect among fighters of other special forces in the world.

    2. Her Majesty's Special ServiceSAS

    The UK Special Air Service (SAS), together with the Special Boat Service, the Special Reconnaissance Regiment and the Special Forces Support Group, form part of the UK's Special Forces. The first 22nd SAS Regiment was created on 24 August 1941, during the Second World War. The new unit was staffed by volunteers of the airborne troops. The unit conducted sabotage raids on enemy rear communications in North Africa. The unit was disbanded in 1946, but the modern SAS was formed from a volunteer regiment in 1947.

    The main tasks of the SAS are to conduct anti-terrorist operations, both in the UK and abroad. In addition, SAS trains special forces soldiers from other countries.

    Organizationally, the SAS consists of three regiments numbered 21 to 23, each of the three regiments performing its own specialized tasks. The 22nd Regiment carries out assault, anti-terrorist and anti-revolutionary operations. The 21st and 23rd Regiments perform tasks to support British interests in other countries in resolving conflicts. Nowadays, the SAS is the most famous and best-trained special unit in the UK.

    GSG 9 – special forces of the German Federal Police

    3. GSG 9 –special forces of the German federal police

    The reason for the creation of GSG 9 was the tragic events that occurred during the Olympics in Munich in 1972. Then radical Palestinian terrorists seized the Olympic village with Israeli athletes. During the special operation to free the hostages, they led to a large number of casualties, both among athletes and German police officers. The result of this tragedy was the understanding that to carry out such specific tasks to free the hostages, it was necessary to create a new unit.

    Thus, in 1973, a special unit GSG 9 was born, which is part of the German Ministry of Internal Affairs and performs special operations tasks. GSG 9 is directly subordinate only to the German Ministry of Internal Affairs; this was done in order to exclude the participation of the unit in minor operations that are not typical for the unit. The strength of GSG 9 is 300 people, which are divided into three detachments, the first of which, consisting of 100 people, performs tasks to combat terrorism, the second detachment, also consisting of 100 people, performs tasks to protect any maritime facilities and ships from attacks by terrorists. The third group of GSG 9 consists of paratroopers.

    Currently, the unit's fighters carry out various special activities, both in Germany and abroad.

    Israeli foreign intelligence - MOSSAD

    4. External Israeli intelligence - MOSSAD

    The motto of MOSSAD was the words from the book of proverbs of King Solomon: “Lack of attention to the people leads to their decline, but with great care of advisers they prosper.” These words are printed on the MOSSAD emblem and its members adhere to the organization’s motto in their work.

    Israel's foreign intelligence service, MOSSAD, is rightfully considered one of the best and most effective in the world. The organization's tasks include conducting secret operations outside the country and collecting intelligence information. Analyzing the information received and the situation in the world, MOSSAD tries to work proactively, identifying threats to the citizens of its country and Jewish diasporas in other countries and eliminating them before the blood of civilian Jews can be shed.

    The founding day of the MOSSAD service is considered to be June 7, 1948. A large role in the fate of MOSSAD was played by emigrants from the USSR, many of whom held senior positions in the organization and made MOSSAD the structure that now enjoys respect throughout the world.

    MOSSAD became widely known after carrying out a number of operations in the mid-20th century to physically exterminate Nazi criminals who had fled from trial to countries Latin America. But until now, all MOSSAD operations are classified as secret, and it is unlikely that we will learn their details in the near future.

    NOCS - Italian police special forces

    5. NOCS - Italian police special forces

    Italy became one of the first European countries to experience the danger of political terrorism. Since 1970, leftist criminal groups plunged the country into chaos, kidnapping businessmen and politicians. When trying to free the hostages, the police, unprepared for such tasks, carried big losses. All this led to the fact that in 1977, during the reform of the Italian Ministry of Internal Affairs, a special unit, NOCS, was created to combat terrorism.

    The first NOCS consisted of 30 police officers who underwent a series of training throughout the year in hand-to-hand combat, shooting firearms and developing a number of other skills. Upon completion of training, the detachment’s fighters began to be involved in special operations, as a rule, mainly to detain members of the terrorist group “Red Brigades”

    IN further group was transformed into a full-fledged division while maintaining the original goals and functions of NOCS, namely the fight against terrorism and the prevention of terrorist acts. All fighters are police officers and report only to the Italian Ministry of Internal Affairs, while maintaining close relations with other special forces in Europe, and training special forces soldiers from other countries.

    CANSOFCOM - Canadian Special Operations Command

    6. CANSOFCOM - Canadian Special Operations Command

    CANSOFCOM brings together all Canadian special forces and commands and is responsible for managing them to protect against terrorism and protect the interests of citizens and the state outside of Canada.

    CANSOFCOM consists of Joint Task Force 2 (JTF2), the Canadian Special Operations Regiment (CSOR), and 427 Special Operations Squadron. CANSOFCOM was formed in 2006 and its mission was to prevent terrorist threats and support Canadian Expeditionary Forces in operations outside the country.

    In the Canadian Armed Forces, CANSOFCOM has been called “quiet professionals”; the most elite is the special forces group JTF2, whose main task is to combat terrorism and all its manifestations. The group currently has 600 members and $120 million in annual funding.

    CANSOFCOM's track record includes participation in a peacekeeping operation in Bosnia, where the unit's fighters hunted Serbian snipers. Since 2001, CANSOFCOM has been involved in military operations in Afghanistan. Performed security tasks during the Winter Olympic Games in 2010. CANSOFCOM is currently a balanced structure performing a wide range of tasks in the interests of Canada.


    The GRU includes all army and navy special forces units of Russia; each of the special forces units included in the structure of the GRU has its own unique history of creation and combat path. The main reason What led to the creation of the GRU in the USSR was the creation of mobile nuclear attack forces in NATO countries, and in the fight against them the GRU special forces units became the most effective. At that time, the tasks of the GRU detachments included long-range reconnaissance, the destruction of enemy mobile nuclear installations, carrying out sabotage on enemy territory and behind enemy lines, and creating partisan detachments. At that time, the tasks assigned to the GRU special forces were considered impossible, but thanks to the highly trained fighters and good technical equipment, the special forces even had portable nuclear mines in their arsenal. The GRU special forces could complete all the tasks assigned to it.

    The training of GRU special forces soldiers took place according to an individual program and groups under the leadership of an officer consisted of 2-3 people. As a result, trained GRU soldiers, upon completion of training, were universal soldiers and could perform a wide range of tasks.

    Currently, the number of GRU detachments ranges from 6 to 15 thousand people and includes six special forces brigades that carry out a wide range of combat missions assigned to them.

    SWAT - US police special forces

    8. SWAT– US police special forces

    The concept of creating special forces originated in the United States in 1960 after mass unrest caused by anti-government forces swept across the country. Which entailed heavy losses among entrepreneurs and government agencies, who were attacked by an angry crowd. Subsequently, snipers began hunting for the police officers, which resulted in a response from the Los Angeles police. It was in this city that the first SWAT team was created. Initially, the newly created special unit had no organizational structure and consisted of ordinary police officers who had undergone special training and, in addition to their participation in SWAT, carried out their normal daily tasks. Such an organization had a bad effect on the organization of the unit, since not all employees arrived at the command of the gathering, completing their immediate official tasks on time, and not being able to free themselves.

    Subsequently, the SWAT team became a separate unit with a permanent composition, not distracted by regular police tasks, and was assigned to the city's metro police.

    Currently, similar to the city of Los Angeles, regional SWAT units operate in all major cities The United States, successfully fulfilling the tasks assigned to them in the fight against crime and terrorism.

    9. GUR – Ministry of Defense of Ukraine

    The Main Directorate of Intelligence of Ukraine carries out a wide range of intelligence operations outside the country. The GUR includes a special forces detachment, the main tasks of which are to conduct special operations outside the country. The GUR special forces include officers who previously served in military unit A 2245 located in the city of Kyiv.

    Special units of the Main Intelligence Directorate perform a wide range of tasks to protect the interests of Ukraine beyond its borders and ensure the safety of its citizens outside the country.

    Currently, the Main Intelligence Directorate of the Ministry of Defense of Ukraine is one of the most closed departments in the country and little is known about it. So, the GUR includes only one special forces detachment, which was mentioned above, and the funding of which comes from the structure itself. Also, the Main Intelligence Directorate of Ukraine is nominally subordinate to all special units of the Ministry of Defense of Ukraine, but they are financed and trained by the Ministry of Defense of Ukraine, and not by the limited staff of the Main Intelligence Directorate of Ukraine.

    In the near future, reform is expected in Ukraine, the result of which will be the creation of Special Operations Forces, which will result in centralized leadership and financing of special units of Ukraine.

    COS - French Special Operations Command

    10. GCOS - French Special Operations Command

    In 1992, similar to other NATO member countries, the French Ministry of Defense created COS whose tasks included managing all units, detachments and special forces units performing reconnaissance tasks outside the country and carrying out sabotage actions on enemy territory.

    Currently, the COS structure includes detachments and units of ground forces and naval response forces. And in connection with its reorganization, COS was tasked with the following tasks:

    • rendering military assistance other allied countries, namely training special forces soldiers from other countries, and providing humanitarian aid, these agreements were signed by France with a number of African countries on military assistance;
    • conducting special military operations, deep raids on enemy territory, day and night landings and peacekeeping missions;
    • the fight against terrorism, namely the release of hostages captured by terrorist groups, the evacuation of French citizens from the territory of other countries.

    Today it has become clear that the creation of COS was a timely and correct action by France, taking into account the changing trends in the world in the management and implementation of assigned tasks for various special units.


    Do you remember the old Soviet joke? At a meeting at NATO, generals decide in which army in the world, which elite units are best trained. English Green Berets? Or American? Or someone else? Finally, one old general says that the most terrible troops are in the Soviet Union. They are called a strange word, and due to their special savagery, they are not even trusted with weapons. The Soviet Union conveniently collapsed. In the Russian army, the construction battalion was abolished (replacing it with more favorable phrases “railway troops” and “engineering troops”), but it is still interesting to know which country owns the most powerful elite special forces.

    Of course, it is difficult to compare these troops with each other, since it is impossible to hold a tournament between them according to the Olympic system in the manner of gladiator fights practiced in Ancient Rome, but you can try to evaluate the entry requirements, training, and track record of these military formations. So….

    8. Black Stork Squad, Pakistan

    A special forces group that got its name from its unique headgear. During training, the fighters of this formation must complete a forced march of 58 km in 12 hours and with full equipment. It fights mainly against Afghans, including the Taliban.

    7. Special Operations Unit of the Spanish Navy

    Created in 1952, initially only volunteers were recruited there. It was called a “company of mountaineering divers” ( original title, isn't it?) Later transformed into an elite unit. The selection for this unit is very strict. Based on the results of the qualifying course, 70-80% of applicants are usually eliminated.

    6. Russian special forces "Alpha"

    Created in 1974, of course, under the KGB, later, after the collapse of the Soviet Union, it came under the control of the FSB. After the collapse of the Union, this special unit clearly had more work. All kinds of operations in the North Caucasus and beyond. Alpha fighters fight both with and representatives of organized crime. As you understand, there are an order of magnitude more of both of them in Russia than in the former USSR.

    What can you do, the world is changing. For Beslan and Nord-Ost, Alpha is still criticized to this day, making unjustified accusations against the security forces large number victims. But, it must be said that in the same notorious Moscow theater, Alpha people corrected the mistakes of other people who showed phenomenal carelessness and indifference. The result was 129 dead hostages, mainly from the effects of paralytic.

    However, the professionalism and highest fighting qualities of the Alpha fighters are beyond doubt. Suffice it to recall the storming of Amin’s palace in Kabul in 1979, numerous operations in Chechnya, Ingushetia, Dagestan and others. For example, the liquidation of the leader of Ichkeria Aslan Maskhadov and the representative of Al-Qaeda in Chechnya and the adjacent regions of Abu Havs, the release of hostages in Mineralnye Vody in 2001. As for criticism, it seems that the peculiarities of the Russian mentality have an effect. Criticize, look for those to blame, and sometimes even curse, accusing of all known mortal sins, but when it gets hot, tearfully beg for help.

    5. Special forces of the French gendarmerie, the so-called intervention group. GIGN

    Basic combat missions– operations to free hostages, this is the specificity of the group. When seizing the Al-Harak Mosque in 1979 in Mecca, Saudi Arabia, special forces were faced with the fact that only Muslims could be allowed into the territory of the holy city. Then three fighters of the group, and after that they immediately joined the Saudi Arabian troops, who were liberating the mosque from the terrorists. In total, the group’s combat account includes more than 600 freed hostages.

    4. Special unit Sayeret Matkal, Israel

    The main tasks are reconnaissance and information collection. Therefore, the fighters of this unit spend a lot of time behind enemy lines. Not everyone can withstand the extreme stress of the qualifying course (gibusha). are carried out under the supervision of doctors and a psychologist. Based on the results of the death, only the best are accepted into the unit. One of the group's most memorable operations was the release of an Israeli taxi driver named Ilyahu Gurel, who had been kidnapped by three Palestinians whom he had taken to Jerusalem. His captors held him in a 10-meter shaft in an abandoned factory on the outskirts of Ramallah. However, special forces soldiers found him there too. As for the terrorists, they were given what they deserved.

    3. UK Special Air Service, or SAS (Special Air Service)

    This is, in a way, a double of the SBS Marine Corps special unit. The motto of this unit is “He who takes risks wins.” The SAS saw action in Iraq following the overthrow of Saddam Hussein. As American General Stanley McChrystal noted, “Their participation was critical. We couldn't have done it without them." This statement best characterizes the role of the SAS in those events, as well as the level of combat training.

    2. Special unit of the British Marine Corps - SBS (Special Boat Service)

    There is also a very tough selection and high intensity of training. The training course includes all kinds of endurance tests, training in survival skills in combat conditions, training in the jungles of Belize, plus intensive interrogation of candidates for admission. You can take the test course no more than twice.

    1. SEALs are an elite unit of the US Armed Forces

    The main tactical unit of the US Navy's special operations forces. They are mainly engaged in reconnaissance, sabotage activities and the release of hostages, and also solve other tactical tasks (mine clearance, combating illegal border crossings). The formation of the detachment began in 1962. First of all, fighters who could swim well and wield bladed weapons were selected for the detachment. From 1962 to 1973, SEALs fought in Vietnam, both as part of reconnaissance teams and as instructors for Vietnamese soldiers. Invaded Grenada (Operation Flash of Fury, 1983). Participated in the Gulf War (Operation Main Chance). They fought in Panama and Afghanistan. On May 2, 2011, a Navy Special Forces team conducted a successful operation to eliminate Bin Laden.

    Specifics of preparation fur seals is that they perceive water not as an obstacle, but as a natural environment. Service in the SEAL places increased demands on the health of fighters, both physical and psychological, and therefore the training there is appropriate. What is “” worth when for 5 days the fighters sleep only 4 hours a day, and the rest of the time is occupied with survival tests. The motto of the Navy SEALs - “the only easy day was yesterday” - clearly indicates the progressive nature of the loads, which would already seem prohibitive to an ordinary person.

    The successful implementation of any military campaign depends on the availability of information about the enemy’s forces, their weapons and numbers. Since ancient times, before the start of a large-scale offensive, detachments of spies were formed from volunteers and infiltrated into enemy territory to collect data or carry out sabotage. The development of weapons and the enrichment of military experience have improved the methods of conducting reconnaissance and sabotage work and served as an impetus for the creation of various paramilitary formations, each of which performs its own highly specialized task.

    Specialized army unit

    The fighting involves numerous casualties and destruction of houses and buildings. Victory in wars often comes at a very high price. Based on this and already having decent centuries-old combat experience, the army leadership realized the urgent need to create special professional groups to carry out special tasks. This is how a special unit appeared in the regular armies of different countries - army special forces.

    What is it intended for and how does it work?

    Army special forces from different countries, with differences in the specifics of training, weapons and camouflage, have one task assigned to them - the quick and silent elimination of the enemy.

    For this purpose, the most vital organs of the enemy are affected, which eliminates any possibility of resistance and guarantees instant death.

    Army special forces use camouflage techniques in their work, which have certain differences in units of different countries. It all depends on the environment, characteristic of a particular area, weather and seasonal conditions in which you have to operate. Based on this, army special forces are equipped with a special uniform, adapted to the colors of the terrain, and special equipment for firearms - silencers and flame arresters, allowing them to be freely used behind enemy lines, without fear of being betrayed by the sounds of gunfire or flashes of flame.

    The detachments carry out reconnaissance work, regardless of environmental conditions and the situation in the enemy camp. The end result is considered to be the information obtained about the enemy’s weapons, his numbers, and the characteristics of the terrain on which further open combat operations will take place.

    What information does the special forces obtain?

    Reconnaissance carried out by detachments is considered effective if it is able to provide the army leadership with the necessary information:

    • Information about the enemy.

    This is information about the topographical location of those objects that are subject to capture, and an assessment of the degree of their security. The report must contain data on the quantity, quality and location of enemy fire weapons, on the possible proximity of reserve combat units, on the distance from them to captured objects, on the time and methods of approach of enemy reserves in the event of a direct combat clash.

    • Location data.

    The report contains information about the passability of the territory, the presence of natural obstacles (gorges, reservoirs), their nature and the possibility of overcoming them. This also includes data on populated areas, which must be taken into account in order to ensure a discreet approach to the capture objects of interest.

    History of creation

    In order to identify, neutralize and eliminate terrorist groups, carry out sabotage and counter-terrorist combat missions behind enemy lines, in Russian Federation special combat units and units of special services, armed forces and police are used.

    Russian special forces have their own history.

    On July 29, 1974, Directorate “A” was formed in the USSR, which until 1991 belonged to the seventh directorate of the KGB. This unit is still active today. This is a special counter-terrorist unit “A” of the FSB, known to everyone as the “Alpha” special forces, recognized in the world as one of the most effective.

    In 2011, the team of Detachment “A” under the FSB of Russia participated in the world championship of special forces, where they received the first two places and were recognized as the best international team.

    Special forces: division “A”. Functions

    Its main task is to carry out specific military security measures to search and identify terrorist organizations, neutralize and further destroy armed criminals. Alpha special forces are engaged in the release of hostages and negotiations with terrorists. The detachment is intended to seize aircraft and water vessels, ground transport and storm buildings with hostages held there. The services of Detachment “A” are often used during riots in prisons and colonies, since the unit is considered elite and is highly effective. This made it in demand when carrying out military operations in “hot spots” and in other situations that are complicated or out of control.

    World analogues

    Such a special unit is not the only one in the world. American special forces have shown high effectiveness in the fight against terrorism. Good material support for the groups made it possible to conduct numerous experiments, which allowed them to achieve high results. During an assault on fortified buildings, fighters from such detachments penetrate inside unexpectedly for terrorists - at points that, unlike door and window openings, are not controlled by them. This significantly reduced the mortality rate in American special forces.

    Almost all developed countries have similar anti-terrorism units, which differ little from each other. They also perform the function of anti-terrorism in their state and their tactics are similar.

    About combat training

    Completing tasks requires each special forces soldier to have enormous physical and psychological stress. This is due to the fact that the special forces detachment carries out its functional tasks primarily either behind enemy lines, or in terrain completely unsuitable for normal human life.

    Staying in an extreme environment, in harsh conditions, without communication with the outside world requires each participant in the special forces to have physical and psychological health, fitness and moral readiness to withstand possible stress.

    A lot of films have been made about the special forces of the Airborne Forces. documentaries, series that colorfully show how effectively and efficiently a special squad works. But behind the side visible to the audience, there is another, which consists of daily and tedious briefings and training, high demands placed on the fighters by their leadership.

    Special forces training is carried out under the supervision of experienced instructors. The purpose of the training is to transfer knowledge to the trainees and develop in them practical skills necessary to perform combat missions. During the exercises, fighters are taught both standard and highly specialized skills.

    What does special forces training include?

    1. Standard skills:

    • hand-to-hand combat;
    • fire, psychological and general physical training.

    2. Highly specialized knowledge and practical skills:

    • silent movement behind enemy lines, which includes the ability to covertly overcome water and engineering barriers, swamps, and navigate the terrain at night;
    • performing tasks for observation and collection of information in urban environments and populated areas;
    • effective camouflage: the special forces uniform is selected for the soldiers depending on the conditions of the terrain in which the work is being carried out - it can be mountains, forests, desert, swampy terrain or a surface covered with snow;
    • orientation on the terrain both with the help of a topographic map and without it, the ability to notice and distinguish traces;
    • the ability to carry out radio reconnaissance and use other means of technology for this purpose;
    • survival skills in difficult conditions for the human body;
    • psychological training and obtaining the knowledge necessary to provide emergency medical assistance.

    Tasks and structure of the Russian Navy

    The naval special forces of the Russian Federation are engaged in:

    • mining ships, militarized naval bases and hydraulic structures of the enemy;
    • search for and further physical destruction of enemy weapons intended for nuclear attack and the points that carry out their operational control;
    • detection of other enemy objects and accumulations of manpower in the coastal zone;
    • providing landing operations in the coastal zone;
    • directing and adjusting air and naval artillery strikes against identified enemy forces.

    IN peacetime engaged in the fight against terrorism and exchange of experience with other special forces.

    The staff of the naval special detachment includes 124 people - 56 of them are fighters, the rest are technical personnel. The fighters in the squad are divided into units and act autonomously. Each of these groups consists of 12 people. They are divided into groups of 6 people: an officer, a midshipman and four sailors.

    The naval special forces of the Russian Federation are represented by three detachments, each of which performs its own task:

    • The first detachment is intended to destroy enemy targets located on land. The detachment's tactics consist of a discreet underwater approach to targeted enemy targets with further sabotage. The fighters act as divers and act on the spot as saboteurs of the Main Intelligence Directorate.
    • The second detachment is engaged in reconnaissance work.
    • The third detachment of naval special forces carries out underwater mining of ships, naval bases, manpower locations and other important enemy targets. The detachment's fighters train especially intensively for the role of combat divers, since they operate primarily not on land, but under water - they conduct sabotage work and carry out attacks.

    Internal troops of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia

    In the Russian Federation, these troops belong to and are subordinate to the Ministry of Internal Affairs. Following the law “On Internal Troops”, the special forces of the Internal Troops perform the following tasks:

    1. In peacetime:

    • ensure public order;
    • carry out protection of nationally important objects and cargo during transportation;
    • release hostages;
    • assist other units in the fight against crime.

    2. In wartime and regime emergency, according to a certain law “On Internal Troops,” the special forces of the Internal Troops receive additional responsibilities - providing assistance to border security forces in ensuring the territorial defense and security of the country, protecting the state’s borders.

    Features of the work of special forces in urban conditions

    To carry out combat missions in populated areas, Russian special forces use the following equipment:

    • overcoming obstacles;
    • covert inspection of the area;
    • silent penetration into the building;
    • fast and effective storming of buildings;
    • clearing occupied buildings.

    1. Overcoming obstacles in urban areas. The work is carried out after a thorough examination of the situation. Before overcoming an obstacle along the way, special forces soldiers inspect the territory for the possible presence of a hidden enemy. Before overcoming the wall, its opposite part is inspected.

    2. Inspection of the urban area. Buildings are ideal for this task; observation is recommended from behind their corners. The main thing is to do this carefully, without revealing yourself with weapons or equipment.

    3. When entering a building, window openings pose a particular danger; you must move under them at a fast pace and bend low. The fighter must be below the level of the window cut. It is recommended to step over window openings in semi-basements.

    4. During the assault, the advance of the special forces is carried out along the walls, and also involves passing through them, using faults and cracks. Doorways are overcome by throwing under the cover of fire from a partner. The throw should be made quickly and immediately aimed under cover.

    Russian special forces, like special forces of other countries, use smoke screens in addition to fire cover when crossing open terrain. In this case, dashes are made from one shelter to another if there is a small distance between them. Such advancement is carried out by a group with a mandatory interval of at least ten steps between fighters. This distance will prevent possible fire damage.

    During an assault, American special forces use means that allow them to destroy walls in a captured building in places that are not controlled by armed criminals. The unexpected appearance of special forces soldiers in a hole formed in the wall has an overwhelming effect on terrorists - the effect of surprise is triggered. A moderate explosion, knocking out bricks and cinder blocks strictly along a certain contour, stuns an enemy unprepared for such an assault.

    In Russian special forces, a building is stormed immediately after a grenade is thrown into a window opening. The downside to this type of capture tactic is that the enemy can quickly react and throw it back. In this case, there is a high risk of being hit by fragments of one’s own exploding shell.

    5. Clearing the captured building. After the assault, the building is subject to thorough inspection. For this purpose, one fighter takes firing position outside the doorway and covers the group. Premises that have passed the inspection are marked with a symbol. The special forces clear the area by moving up flights of stairs from top to bottom. This allows you to “push” the enemy to the lower floors, where it is easier to destroy him or push him out onto the street and detain him. It is not advisable to clean from the bottom up. This will give the enemy a chance to gain a strong foothold on the upper floors or escape along the roofs of nearby buildings.

    Equipment of special forces soldiers

    According to the season, special forces uniforms are replaced by winter and summer uniforms. Depending on the purpose, special forces equipment is divided into three types:

    • Field uniform. Used for combat missions, training and duty. It is also intended to be worn during times of war or emergency. The highest demands are placed on this type of clothing.
    • Dress uniform. Designed for soldiers during their stay at ceremonial state events: performing a guard of honor, receiving awards. Also used during parades, holidays and weekends.
    • Casual uniform. Applies in all other cases.

    Material for workwear

    The main requirements for the material from which special clothing is made are the ability to ensure safety, high levels of ergonomics and protection. To camouflage special forces, a special fabric with an appropriate pattern is produced. In each country, a pattern is selected for the fabric from which special equipment is sewn, for a certain characteristic type of terrain.

    Russian special forces use the “surpat” color scheme, which takes into account the typical characteristic features domestic territory.

    In addition to clothing, the special forces uniform includes weapons, means of providing protection, navigation, life support, and is accompanied by an individual first aid kit and special elements.

    Edged weapons for special forces

    In their activities, Russian special forces often encounter situations in which they cannot do without the use of a knife. When descending from the wall of a house or from a helicopter, you can get tangled in ropes and parachute lines; during the seizure of a vehicle, sometimes there is a need to cut jammed seat belts. In such situations, a knife is simply necessary. It is a mistake to believe that all law enforcement agencies of the Russian Federation are required to use cold steel - airborne troops, riot police or marines. The right to carry and use during special operations combat knives Only special forces have them. Mostly these are blades not exceeding 200 mm in length and 60 mm in width.

    An army special forces knife in skillful hands makes it easy to inflict terrible wounds on the enemy. In the production of combat knives for special forces, very durable and high-quality steel is used.

    Naval special forces often use a knife in their activities, which is also called “Reconnaissance Battalion”. To make such a knife, stainless steel is used. Blade width - 60 mm, length - 300 mm. The knife is equipped with a protective guard, which makes it easier to strike the enemy.

    The second most popular type of bladed weapon among the fighters of this special unit is the “Katran” blade. It is versatile because it can be used both as a tool and as a weapon. As a tool, this knife, thanks to the transverse groove at its base, is successfully used for bending and breaking wire. The blade is equipped with a double sharpening - regular and sawtooth - on the side of the butt. Plastic is used to make the handle and sheath. The knife is secured in the sheath by snapping the guard. “Katran” is equipped with an additional retainer in the form of a rubber ring, which prevents the blade from slipping out of the sheath, which is undesirable for a fighter during a special operation.

    Today the “Gyurza” knife has been officially accepted for supply to the FSB special forces. Its blade has a one-and-a-half blade on the butt side, which improves the quality of a military weapon and makes it possible to use it to perform related “peaceful” tasks - it is very convenient for them to cut ropes, cables, and use them as a saw.

    The history of the use of special forces in reconnaissance and sabotage activities behind enemy lines, in the fight against terrorists and especially dangerous criminals, has proven the urgent need for the use of combat knives. Rich experience in performing special specific tasks is taken into account when selecting bladed weapons for modern army units.

    In the decades that have passed since the creation of the first special forces, the fight against terrorism has turned from a vocation into a real science. However, each state has its own approach to eliminating bandits who terrorize civilians in various ways. And our own, specially trained people, who can be compared with each other only in terms of efficiency and work results. 5th place. FBI HRT/SWAT. USA The special unit of the US Federal Bureau of Investigation is one of the most invisible in the media space. Hostage Rescue Team (HRT) fighters do not often appear on TV screens and news broadcasts from the United States, but these are the people who do the hardest work in the fight against terrorism and especially dangerous criminals in America. Such special forces are available at each of the 56 FBI departments, which allows them to respond to any threats with almost lightning speed. Contrary to popular belief, HRT does not replace police special forces SWAT. In case of urgent need, SWAT and HRT act together, under unified control. HRT fighters are somewhat similar to the fighters of the Russian “Alpha” or “Vympel” - getting into the American unit is considered a great honor, and only two out of ten candidates are able to pass the selection. To enroll in the HRT, you must have close to ideal health, fast and accurate shooting skills, and also pass a mental health assessment specialist. In addition to traditional small arms, the HRT is armed with helicopters and even combat boats. The “broad profile” of the work of HRT specialists - from detaining criminals to working in the coastal zone - is provided by its own teams of divers and employees of the demining center, so the FBI special forces can act autonomously and independently in almost any situation. HRT within the US law enforcement agencies is considered one of the most well-equipped: since the founding of the FBI special forces in 1983, the management has drawn up a separate budget, which includes not only the purchase of modern types of weapons and protection, but also armored cars with mine protection. Like many foreign ones special forces, HRT was created in the image and likeness of the British special forces SAS, and the training of the first groups of American special forces was carried out by retired British military personnel. However, despite good equipment and funding, HRT is mainly engaged in preparation for possible combat work: the unit’s specialists spend almost every day at the shooting range. The HRT fighters became widely known due to the “hunt” for the brothers Dzhokhar and Tamerlan Tsarnaev, suspected of organizing the terrorist attack in Boston. HRT, in the usual sense, is a kind of analogue of several units at once Russian special forces- Rosgvardia, TsSN FSB and partly the Federal Security Service, since the competence of HRT employees also includes the protection of top officials of the state at official receptions. Employees of SWAT (Special Weapons And Tactics), the US police special forces, also work almost on equal terms with HRT. Despite some differences in structure and jurisdiction, US police special forces have the most modern weapons and equipment and are almost always the first to work in critical situations. Snipers deserve special mention in SWAT. Many of the shooters are not only experienced police officers, but also professional shooters who take prizes in federal and international competitions.
    4th place. BRI/RAID/GIGN. France As in many European countries, the starting point for the creation of special anti-terror groups in France was the terrorist attack during Olympic Games in Munich in 1972. Almost immediately after the failure of the German special forces and the death of Israeli athletes at the hands of the Black September terrorists, several regional special forces were formed, united in 1976 into a single combat detachment GIGN - the National Gendarmerie Intervention Group. In the same year, the baptism of fire of a unique special forces unit by European standards took place: GIGN specialists freed hostages from a bus seized by militants in Djibouti. From 1980 to the mid-1990s, GIGN fighters participated in a whole series of special operations. Experts in the field of law enforcement agencies recognize the release of a hijacked Air France plane in Marseille in 1994 as one of the most difficult and successfully carried out. However, the results of the assault caused controversy in the expert community for a long time. And although the Algerian terrorists who hijacked the plane in the country of departure were eliminated, during the assault, 25 passengers on the flight were injured of varying degrees of severity.
    Currently, GIGN has almost 400 fighters and wide-ranging specialists - from snipers to mine-explosive experts. Together with other French special forces BRI and RAID, GIGN fighters have participated in the elimination of terrorists over the past two years - since November 2015. The GIGN special forces soldiers were subjected to the strongest criticism only once - during the liquidation of terrorists in a kosher food store in Paris, during the assault, in addition to the terrorists, three hostages were killed, but experts still disagree as to whose fault the civilians died - as a result unprofessional actions of special forces or at the hands of terrorists. The employees of the BRI special forces, a unique combat group, whose forces carry out both investigations and active actions to capture/eliminate particularly dangerous criminals, are also worthy of special mention. The competence of BRI includes not only operational search activities, but also external surveillance, assaults and much more. Separate program in the training of employees, according to BRI commander Christophe Molmy, are negotiations with bandits. According to experts, BRI fighters were among the first to get to the scene of a hostage situation in a kosher food store in Paris in January 2015. French RAID special forces are also involved in particularly difficult tasks. RAID employees deservedly enjoy respect not only among colleagues in France, but also in other countries, since the unit’s fighters regularly undergo high-altitude, mountain, parachute, special canine and other types of training and courses. RAID traditionally has strong programs for sharing experience. Including with Russian security forces. One of those who meet with RAID employees are specialists from the Central Specialist Service of the Main Directorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia for Moscow.
    3rd place. BOPE. Brazil The exotic and virtually unknown BOPE special forces from Brazil are engaged in perhaps the most dangerous and difficult work. Officers of the unit are engaged in the fight against organized crime and carry out regular raids to clear favelas of drug dealers and arms dealers. BOPE (port. Batalhão de Operações Policiais Especiais), or Special Police Operations Battalion, is five companies of the most experienced officers and specialists in almost all types of organized crime groups. The geography and social situation in Rio de Janeiro leaves a certain imprint on the actions of the Brazilian police special forces, created in the image and likeness of the American SWAT, adjusted for the local mentality. Operating mainly in the narrow streets of poor areas of Rio, BOPE special forces do not adhere to one single operating pattern. The mentality, as well as the tendency of favela residents to drug trafficking and other illegal activities, also leaves an imprint on the methods of delivering special forces to the place of work. In addition to armored vehicles with mine protection and armor of the fifth protection class, BOPE fighters also have helicopters at their disposal.
    The minimum set of tests for enrollment in BOPE is as follows: fire training, high-altitude/mountain training, parachute jumping, hand-to-hand and knife fighting skills in cramped conditions. On average, according to experts, up to 90% of volunteers are eliminated at the selection stage. Since 2009, BOPE has been the only special forces unit that allows women to serve. Provided that the candidate has the minimum experience for such work and passes all tests. The main difficulty when joining the BOPE service is the conditions in which Brazilian specialists have to work. The slums of Rio are mountains, a city, and a jungle practically in one bottle. There are practically no analogues to the special unit from Brazil, which is responsible not only for the fight against drugs and the release of hostages - the only special unit similar in the specifics of its tasks was formed in neighboring Colombia.
    2nd place. GSG-9. Germany After the Bavarian police failed to storm the terrorists and free the hostages in Munich, the German Ministry of Internal Affairs felt the need to create a special unit, unique even by world standards, whose main task would be the fight against terrorism. It took the German Ministry of the Interior less than a year to do everything - already in 1973, Hans-Dietrich Genscher, then head of the German Ministry of Internal Affairs, reported to the leadership about the formation of the battle group GSG-9 (German: Grenzschutzgruppe) - Border Protection Group. As in the case with other special forces, getting into GSG-9 from the very moment of its founding is extremely difficult. There were always more people wishing to join the Grenzschutzgruppe than there were vacancies. This is what causes some bias in the consideration of potential candidates. Preference is given to those who served in the ranks of the border guard service or the Navy: it is believed that it is the “originals” from army special forces who have the most developed skills and perform their assigned tasks faster and more efficiently than others. The personnel of GSG-9 are experienced, but young officers. Most of those who serve in GSG-9 are under thirty. German anti-terrorism specialists also have quite a few differences from foreign units. Combat groups have a pronounced “specialization”: GSG-9 has a special “marine” detachment, which is in charge of combat work with river and sea vessels of various displacements - a kind of analogue of Russian combat swimmers. The unit also includes top-class paratroopers, explosives bombers and a special “fire group” whose main specialization is the use of special weapons in urban conditions.
    The GSG-9 is considered a unique special forces unit for a variety of reasons. The first reason is the almost complete absence of foreign weapons and auxiliary equipment. Almost all the “tools” for the work of the German special forces are provided by domestic and “friendly” companies - Heckler Koch, Steyr Mannlicher, Sig Sauer and others. The main feature in this case is the sending for “testing” of prototypes and experimental weapons, based on the results of work with which the manufacturer makes changes to the design. To help the GSG-9 fighters, a separate aviation detachment has been formed, capable of delivering an anti-terrorism group not only to any point in Germany , but also peace. The tasks of GSG-9, in addition to anti-terrorism work in the country, have recently also included the protection of diplomatic and other government missions of Germany abroad. Security of embassies, assistance to the intelligence services of friendly states and much more are carried out practically without interruption from the main activity. One of the most elegant operations of GSG-9 is the neutralization of a lone terrorist in Dusseldorf. The fanatic who hijacked the KLM airliner was neutralized without noise, dust or the use of weapons in a matter of seconds. The absence of American-style shooting is noted by all experts in the field of law enforcement agencies. In the entire history of the group's existence, small arms were used by GSG-9 specialists only twice.
    1st place. ALFA/VIMPEL Russia The Special Purpose Center of the FSB of Russia is not just anti-terrorism professionals gathered under a single command. These are special people performing impossible tasks. Contrary to popular belief, domestic specialized publications place Alpha and Vympel at the top of the ratings of anti-terror groups not based on nationality. It’s just that Russian special forces carry out tasks where any other rapid reaction group fails. And European/American and any other counter-terrorism groups do not have such experience. Despite the fact that in Russia there are many special forces units that are part of the Russian Guard, Alpha are ultra-professionals in anti-terrorism work. Once formed for secret sabotage work, “Alpha” and “Vympel” in 1998 expanded the range of tasks they could solve. The Special Purpose Center of the FSB of Russia, created in 1998, clearly defined the main areas of work of the units - anti-terrorism. Yes, the tasks of the TsSN FSB and the Russian Guard differ from each other, but the most dangerous and complex “events” are carried out jointly by the specialists of the TsSN FSB and the Russian Guard. It is worth noting that not a single foreign unit has experience similar to the combat work of Russian specialists in the North Caucasus. Neither the French RAID and GIGN, nor the German GSG-9, nor many others have ever carried out operations anything like the assault on the theater center on Dubrovka. Experts explain that European experts still do not call the decision to enter the building, where the entire auditorium was held hostage not just by militants, but also by suicide bombers ready to sacrifice themselves, as anything other than “impossible.”
    European specialists cannot comprehend how in a matter of seconds it is possible to neutralize a dozen armed fanatics ready to die and at the same time neutralize all improvised explosive devices, the force of which was enough for the building of the center on Dubrovka to “fall” on the heads of the stormers. Such problems, of course, are not solved by chance, although trained people. To be invited to serve in Alpha or Vympel is still considered an honor, and not everyone inspires such trust. 95% of candidates are “weeded out” at the selection stage, and only 5% of “highest-class specialists” end up serving in the FSB TsSN. Russian anti-terrorism is specialists who can solve any problem. At sea, land, in the air and wherever the situation requires it. As experts note, there are no impossible tasks for Alpha and Vympel. There are only deadlines and execution of actions. For the FSB TsSN, in addition to special training programs, special equipment is also being developed. Recently, in many videos where FSB TsSN specialists perform combat missions, you can find black, angular armored vehicles with an unusual design. These are Falcatus and Viking, developed specifically for Russian special forces. However, even before the advent of special equipment, the FSB TsSN carried out tasks that were impossible, from the point of view of Western security officials. Many foreign experts on anti-terrorism and security forces still, even 16 years later, call the operation to liberate a school in Beslan captured by militants the best among those known to the world.