With 200 operating principle. Anti-aircraft missile system SAM C200

It should be noted that the S-200 air defense system was top secret for a decade and a half, and the first country to which it began to be delivered was Syria. Factors such as availability thermonuclear weapons and the intensive progress of supersonic aviation have led to the fact that the task of creating a transportable air defense system has become very urgent long range, which has the ability to intercept high-altitude high-speed targets (mid-50s). The full range of missions to intercept missiles attacking industrialized areas was not received effective solution using the S-75 air defense system. Resolution of the Central Committee of the CPSU and the Council of Ministers of the USSR dated June 4, 1958 No. 608-293 set the development of a new multi-channel anti-aircraft missile system S-200.

Its means were supposed to ensure the interception of targets with an effective scattering surface (ESR) corresponding to the Il-28 front-line bomber, flying at speeds of up to 3500 km/h at altitudes from 5 to 35 km at a distance of up to 150 km. Similar targets with speeds of up to 2000 km/h were to be hit at ranges of 180–200 km. The probability of hitting targets should have been 0.7–0.8 at all levels. General designer of the system as a whole and radio equipment of the firing channel anti-aircraft missile system"S-200" was identified by A.A. Raspletin (KB-1). The lead developer of the anti-aircraft guided missile was appointed led by P.D. Grushin OKB-2. The developer of the missile homing head was identified as TsNII-108 (later TsNIRTI). The performance characteristics were specified by the Resolution of the Central Committee of the CPSU and the Council of Ministers of the USSR and the decision of the Commission on Military-Industrial Issues. The air defense system, which was accepted for design, included: a command post (CP) of a group of divisions, carrying out target distribution and control of combat operations; five single-channel target firing channels; radar reconnaissance equipment; technical division. In 1958, the foundations of a long-range anti-aircraft missile system, called the S-200 Angara air defense system, were laid. Since when missiles are aimed at targets according to ground-based radar data, the accuracy of missile guidance drops in proportion to the range to the target, we had to switch to homing missiles at targets. Mobile anti-aircraft missile system S-200 (code "Angara") adopted for service air defense countries in 1967. Subsequently, there were modernizations of this anti-aircraft missile system: 1970 - S-200V and 1975 - S-200D (code "Vega"). During the upgrades, the firing range (from 150 km to 300 km) and the engagement altitude (from 20 to 40 km) were significantly increased.

Comparative characteristics various modifications of the S-200 air defense system are given in the table.

Year of adoption.Number of channels per target.Max. speed of targets hit (km/h):Rocket length, mm.Weight of warhead, kg.

1967 1970 1975
SAM type. 5В21В 5V28M V-880M
1 1 1
Number of channels per rocket. 2 2 2
1100 2300 2300
Number of targets fired: 6 6 6
Maximum target engagement altitude (km): 20 35 40
Minimum target engagement altitude (km): 0,5 0,3 0,3
Maximum target engagement range (km): 180 240 300
Minimum target engagement range (km): 17 17 17
10600 10800 10800
Rocket launch mass, kg - 7100 8000
217 217 217
Rocket caliber (main stage), mm 860 860 860
Number of simultaneously guided missiles (pcs): 12 12 12
Probability of hitting targets: 0,45-0,98 0,66-0,99 0,72-0,99

The S-200 long-range anti-aircraft missile system is designed to combat modern and advanced aircraft, air command posts, jammers and other manned and unmanned air attack weapons at altitudes from 300 m to 40 km, flying at speeds up to 4300 km/h, at ranges up to 300 km in conditions of intense radio countermeasures. The S-200D anti-aircraft missile system is designed to combat modern and advanced aircraft, air command posts, jammers and other manned and unmanned air attack systems in conditions of intense radio countermeasures. "Vega" is an all-weather system and can be used in various climatic conditions(the so-called all-kimatic design for land and sea, except Antarctica). The main elements of the Vega anti-aircraft missile system are anti-aircraft missile divisions and anti-aircraft guided missiles. Each division includes a target illumination radar and a starting battery. The target illumination radar is a high-potential continuous-wave radar. It tracks the target and generates information for launching the missile. In addition, it illuminates targets during the missile homing process. The starting battery has six launchers. They carry out storage, pre-launch preparation and launch of anti-aircraft missiles.

The long-range anti-aircraft guided missile, developed by the Fakel design bureau, was two-stage. The first stage consists of four side boosters, the second stage propulsion engine is liquid. Equipped with a high-explosive fragmentation warhead and equipment for semi-active homing.

Composition of the S-200V air defense system:
The S-200V air defense system is a single-channel transportable system placed on trailers and semi-trailers.

Launch of the S-200 air defense missile system / Photo: topwar.ru

The Soviet S-200 anti-aircraft missile system changed the tactics of aviation and forced it to abandon high flight altitudes. It became a “long arm” and a “fence” that stopped the free flights of strategic reconnaissance aircraft S.R.-71 over the territories of the USSR and Warsaw Pact countries.

The appearance of the American high-altitude reconnaissance aircraft Lockheed S.R. -71 ("Blackbird" - Blackbird, Black Bird) marked new stage confrontation between air attack and air defense systems. High speed(up to 3.2 M) and altitude (about 30 km) of the flight allowed it to evade existing anti-aircraft missiles and conduct reconnaissance over the territories they covered. In the period 1964-1998. S.R. -71 was used for reconnaissance of the territory of Vietnam and North Korea, Middle Eastern region (Egypt, Jordan, Syria), USSR and Cuba.

But with the advent of the Soviet anti-aircraft missile system (ZRS) S-200 ( SA-5, Gammon according to NATO classification) long-range (more than 100 km) was the beginning of the decline of the era S.R. -71 for its intended purpose. During his service Far East the author witnessed repeated (8-12 times a day) violations by this aircraft air border USSR. But as soon as the S-200 was put on combat readiness, S.R. -71 s maximum speed and by climbing immediately left the missile launch zone of this anti-aircraft system.

Strategic reconnaissance aircraft SR-71 / Photo: www.nasa.gov

The S-200 air defense system has caused the emergence of new forms and methods of action by NATO aviation, which began to actively use medium (1000-4000 m), low (200-1000 m) and extremely low (up to 200 m) flight altitudes when solving combat missions. And this automatically expanded the capabilities of low-altitude air defense systems to combat air targets. Subsequent events with the use of the S-200 showed that attempts to deceive Gammon (deception, ham translated from English) are doomed to failure.

Another reason for the creation of the S-200 was the adoptiononboard aviation weapons long range type cruise missiles Blue Steel and Hound Dog. This reduced efficiency existing system Air defense of the USSR, especially in the Northern and Far Eastern strategic aerospace directions.

Hound Dog type cruise missile / Photo: vremena.takie.org

Creation of the S-200 air defense system

These prerequisites became the basis for setting the task (Decree No. 608-293 of June 4, 1958) to create the S-200 long-range air defense system. According to the tactical and technical specifications, this should be a multi-channel air defense system capable of hitting targets such as Il-28 and MiG-19, operating at speeds of up to 1000 m/s in the altitude range of 5-35 km, at a range of up to 200 km with a probability of 0.7- 0.8. The main developers of the S-200 system and the anti-aircraft guided missile (SAM) were KB-1 GKRE (NPO Almaz) and OKB-2 GKAT (MKB Fakel).

After in-depth study, KB-1 presented the air defense missile system project in two versions. The first involved the creation of a single-channel S-200 with combined missile guidance and a range of 150 km, and the second - a five-channel S-200A air defense system with a continuous-wave radar, a semi-active missile guidance system and pre-launch target acquisition. This option, based on the “fire and forget” principle, was approved (Resolution No. 735-338 of July 4, 1959).

The air defense system was supposed to ensure the destruction of targets such as Il-28 and MiG-17 by the B-650 homing missile at a range of 90-100 km and 60-65 km, respectively.

Il-28 front-line bomber / Photo: s00.yaplakal.com

In 1960, the task was set to increase the range of destruction of supersonic (subsonic) targets to 110-120 (160-180) km. In 1967, the S-200A Angara air defense system with a launch range of 160 km against a Tu-16 type target was put into service. As a result, mixed brigades began to be formed consisting of the S-200 air defense system and the S-125 air defense system. According to the United States, in 1970 the number of S-200 air defense missile launchers reached 1100, in 1975 - 1600, in 1980 - 1900, and in the middle of 1980 - about 2030 units. Almost all of the country’s most important facilities were covered by the S-200 air defense system.

Composition and capabilities

ZRS S-200A(“Angara”) is an all-weather, multi-channel, transportable long-range air defense system that ensures the destruction of various manned and unmanned aerial targets at speeds of up to 1,200 m/s at altitudes of 300-40,000 m and ranges of up to 300 km in conditions of intense electronic countermeasures. It was a combination of system-wide assets and a group of anti-aircraft divisions (firing channels). The latter included radio engineering (target illumination radar - antenna post, equipment cabin and power conversion cabin) and launch (launch control cabin, 6 launchers, 12 charging machines and power supplies) batteries.

S-200 "Angara" air defense system / Photo: www.armyrecognition.com

The main elements of the S-200 air defense system were a command post (CP), a target illumination radar (RTS), a launch position (SP), and a two-stage anti-aircraft missile.

KP in cooperation with a higher command post, he solved the problems of receiving and distributing targets between firing channels. To expand the capabilities for detecting targets, the command post was equipped with surveillance radars of the P-14A “Defense” or P-14F “Van” type. In difficult weather and climatic conditions, the S-200 radar equipment was placed under special shelters. ROC was a continuous radiation station, which provided irradiation of the target and guidance of missiles at it using a reflected signal, as well as obtaining information about the target and the missile in flight. The two-mode ROC made it possible to lock on a target and switch to automatic tracking with the missile's homing head (GOS) at a range of up to 410 km.

ROC S-200 air defense system / Photo: topwar.ru

JV (2-5 in the division) serves to prepare and launch missiles at targets. It consists of six launchers (PU), 12 charging vehicles, a launch control cabin and a power supply system. A typical SP is a circular system of platforms for six launchers with a platform for the launch control cabin in the center, power supplies and a rail system for charging vehicles (two for each launcher). Launch control cabin provides automated control of the readiness and launch of six missiles in a time of no more than 60 s. Transportable PU with a constant launch angle is designed for missile placement, automatic loading, pre-launch preparation, missile guidance and launch. Charging machine provided automatic reloading of the launcher rocket.

Diagram of the starting position of the S-200 air defense system / Photo: topwar.ru

Two-stage missile defense (5V21, 5V28, 5V28M) is made according to a normal aerodynamic design with four triangular wings of high aspect ratio and a semi-active seeker. The first stage consists of 4 solid rocket boosters, which are installed between the wings of the second stage. The second (propulsion) stage of the rocket is made in the form of a series of hardware compartments with a liquid two-component rocket engine. The head compartment houses a semi-active seeker, which begins to operate 17 s after the command is issued to prepare the missile for launch. To hit a target, the missile defense system is equipped with a high-explosive fragmentation warhead - 91 kg of explosive, 37,000 spherical striking elements of two types (weighing 3.5 g and 2 g) and a radio fuse. When a warhead is detonated, fragments scatter in a sector of 120 degrees. at speeds up to 1700 m/s.

SAM 5V21 on PU / Photo topwar.ru

ZRS S-200V("Vega") and S-200D("Dubna") - modernized versions of this system with increased range and height of engagement of targets, as well as a modified 5V28M missile.

Main characteristics of the S-200 air defense system

Year of adoption 1967 1970 1985
SAM type15В2115В2815v28M
Target engagement range, km 17-160 17-240 17-300
Target engagement altitude, km
0,3-40,8 0,3-40,8 0,3-40,8
Speed ​​of targets hit, m/s ~ 1200 ~ 1200 ~ 1200
Probability of being hit by one missile 0,4-0,98 0,6-0,98 0,7-0,99
Ready to fire time, s
up to 60up to 60up to 60
Weight of launcher without missiles, t
up to 16up to 16up to 16
Launch weight of missiles, kg 7000 7100 8000
Warhead weight, kg
217 217 217
Expansion (collapse) time, hour 24 24 24

Combat use and supplies abroad

The S-200VE air defense system received its “baptism of fire” in Syria (1982), where it shot down an Israeli E-2C Hawkeye long-range radar aircraft at a distance of 180 km. After this, the American aircraft carrier fleet immediately departed from the shores of Lebanon. In March 1986, the S-200 division on duty in the area of ​​Sirte (Libya) shot down three carrier-based attack aircraft of the A-6 and A-7 types of the American aircraft carrier Saratoga with successive launches of three missiles. In 1983 (September 1), an S-200 missile shot down a South Korean Boeing 747 that violated the USSR border. In 2001 (October 4), the Ukrainian S-200 air defense system during an exercise mistakenly shot down a Russian Tu-154, which was flying along the Tel Aviv - Novosibirsk route.

Airplane E-2C Hawkeye / Photo: www.navy.mil

With the entry into service of the S-300P air defense system by the beginning of 2000. The Angara and Vega air defense systems were completely withdrawn from service. On the basis of the 5V28 anti-aircraft missile of the S-200V complex, the hypersonic flying laboratory "Kholod" was created to test hypersonic ramjet engines (scramjet engines). At a test site in Kazakhstan on November 27, 1991, for the first time in the world, a hypersonic ramjet was tested in flight, which exceeded the speed of sound 6 times at an altitude of 35 km.

Flying laboratory "Cold" / Photo: topwar.ru

Since the beginning of the 1980s. The S-200V air defense system under the designation S-200VE "Vega-E" was supplied to the GDR, Poland, Slovakia, Bulgaria, Hungary, North Korea, Libya, Syria and Iran. In total, the S-200 air defense system, except the USSR, was put into service with the armies of 11 foreign countries.

Thanks for the movie!
What would you like to clarify?
I don’t know about some kind of “plant”, but KECh stands for TO apartment- E operational H is.
KECH is a town, water, sewerage, and maintenance of the town where officers and their families live.
There is also a “location”, or soldier’s town, where there are barracks, headquarters, a canteen, a parade ground, warehouses, a park and a bathhouse, the tiles of which are given considerable screen time. Of course, even though that tile has seen a lot of naked bodies, I don’t think this is the most interesting object in part, however, like a boiler room pipe.
And the most interesting thing is the firing and technical positions. Here are long declassified pictures from the Air Defense Historian. A typical regiment of three S-200 divisions in the first picture, and a group of 5 fire battalions and a technical division in the second:

Accordingly, for each firing channel (fire division) there is a hill for the ROC, plus a separate (for the entire regiment) hill for the position of a radio engineering company with a surveillance radar and a radio altimeter. Shelters for control cabins, 6 launchers each in concrete pits, next to which are shelters for the reserve of the second salvo with an automatic loading machine.
At the position of the technical division there are arched storage facilities for disassembled missile ammunition, tanks and refueling stations for components rocket fuel, a hangar in which missiles were tested using an AKIPS vehicle, and a separately fenced bunded storage facility for special warheads. The location of all the structures is similar everywhere, so next time I wish the expedition to study everything in more detail interesting places. Yes, and in the next topic about the S-200 a real specialist appeared who served on such a complex. I think he will be happy to tell you more and correct me if I explained something wrong.

Thanks for the information. In principle, the idea immediately came to mind about separate slides for the Russian Orthodox Church of each division. But they didn’t even think about a separate one for the radio engineering company, or rather, they didn’t know) More likely, we were there. Yes, thanks for the diagrams, everything became clear. We have plans for the C 75, now without first studying the math parts we can’t get anywhere.

The S-200 long-range anti-aircraft missile system (code "Angara") was developed at the Almaz Central Design Bureau in the early 1960s. The S-200 air defense system was created at the same time as the Dal air defense system and had similar parameters for the affected area, but was single-channel. The S-200 air defense system (code "Angara") was adopted by the country's air defense forces in 1967. Subsequently, there were modernizations of this anti-aircraft missile system: 1970 - S-200B (code "Vega") and 1975 - S -200D (code “Dubna”). During the upgrades, the firing range (from 150 km to 300 km) and the engagement altitude (from 20 to 41 km) were significantly increased.

The S-200 anti-aircraft missile system is designed to defend the most important administrative, industrial and military facilities from attacks by all types of air attack weapons. The S-200 air defense system ensures the destruction of modern and advanced aircraft, including air command posts, AWACS aircraft, jammers and other manned and unmanned aircraft. The S-200 is an all-weather system and can be operated in various climatic conditions.

The main elements of the S-200V anti-aircraft missile system are anti-aircraft missile divisions (ZRDN) and 5B28 anti-aircraft guided missiles (SAM). Each division includes a target illumination radar and a starting battery. The target illumination radar is a high-potential continuous-wave radar. It tracks the target and generates information for launching the missile. In addition, it illuminates targets during the missile homing process.

The starting battery has six 5P72V launchers. They carry out storage, pre-launch preparation and launch of anti-aircraft missiles.

The combat operation of the S-200V air defense system is provided by the 83M6 controls, automated systems"Senezh-M", "Baikal-M".

The 5V28 anti-aircraft guided missile of the S-200V system is two-stage, made according to a normal aerodynamic design, with four triangular wings of high aspect ratio.

The first stage consists of four solid rocket boosters installed on the main stage between the wings. The main stage is equipped with a liquid two-component rocket engine with a pumping system for supplying propellant components to the engine. Structurally, the sustainer stage consists of a number of compartments containing a semi-active radar homing head, on-board equipment units, a high-explosive fragmentation warhead with a safety actuator, tanks with fuel components, liquid rocket engine, rocket control units. Rocket launch - inclined, with a constant elevation angle, with launcher, induced in azimuth. The missile's flight is controlled and aimed at the target using a semi-active radar homing head installed on it.


Target engagement range, km:
- maximum


- minimum
Height of targets hit, km:
- maximum


- minimum


Speed ​​of targets hit, m/s:
- maximum
- minimum
Number of channels per target
Number of channels per rocket
Number of anti-aircraft divisions, pcs.
Number of missiles in a division, pcs.
Ready to fire time, min
Rocket length, mm


Rocket caliber (main stage), mm


Rocket launch mass, kg


Warhead weight, kg


Anti-aircraft missile division:

  • Antenna post K1V with target illumination radar 5N62V
  • Equipment cabin K2V
  • Launch preparation cabin K3V
  • K9M command post
  • Control tower K7
  • Distribution cabin K21M
  • Diesel power station 5E97
  • Starting position 5Zh51V consisting of:
    • Six 5P72V launchers with 5V28 missiles
    • Transport-loading machine 5YU24M


Anti-aircraft missile system S-200V has been supplied abroad under the designation S-200VE "Vega-E" since the early 1980s to the following countries:

  • GDR - after unification with Germany, all complexes were transferred to the USSR or removed from service;
  • Poland - one anti-aircraft missile brigade is in service, it is planned to carry out modernization on our own;
  • Slovakia - received the S-200VE air defense system after the division of Czechoslovakia;
  • Bulgaria;
  • DPRK;
  • Libya;
  • Syria;
  • Iran - The S-200VE air defense system was acquired in the late 1980s - early 1990s.

MKB "Fakel"


The S-200 anti-aircraft missile system took part in local military conflicts and individual military clashes - for example, according to some data, the Syrian military shot down an Israeli AWACS E-2C "Hawkeye" with an S-200VE air defense missile, and also Libyan S-200 systems took part in repelling a raid by American FB-111 bombers and possibly shot down one bomber. Soviet complexes


Central Design Bureau "Almaz"- the complex as a whole

MKB "Fakel"- anti-aircraft missile 5V21, 5V28, 5V28M.
1 - the system cannot be called completely mobile, which is the S-300P system. In fact, the system is stationary with the possibility of redeployment, which can last several days.
2 - S-200 complex In general, the system was developed to repel massive raids strategic aviation using special nuclear warheads, destroying air command posts and AWACS aircraft, as well as strategic reconnaissance aircraft of the SR-71 type. Accordingly, the S-200 complexes were the number one targets when applying probable enemy pre-emptive strike.

Sources of information

Essentially, this is an Iranian development Soviet system Air defense S-200. This complex in various modifications was called “Angara”, “Vega” and “Dubna.

The S-200 all-weather long-range anti-aircraft missile system is designed to combat modern and advanced aircraft, air command posts, jammers and other manned and unmanned air attack weapons at altitudes from 300 m to 40 km, flying at speeds up to 4300 km/h, at ranges of up to 300 km in conditions of intense radio countermeasures.

The development of a long-range anti-aircraft missile system began at the Almaz Central Design Bureau in 1958, under the designation S-200A (code "Angara") the system was adopted for air defense service Soviet Union in 1963. The first S-200A divisions were deployed from 1963 to 1964. Subsequently, the S-200 system was modernized several times: 1970 - S-200V (code "Vega") and 1975 - S-200D (code "Dubna"). During the upgrades, the firing range and target engagement height were significantly increased.

The C-200 was part of anti-aircraft missile brigades or regiments of mixed composition, including C-125 divisions and direct cover assets.

In 1983 The S-200V air defense system began to be deployed in countries Warsaw Pact: in the GDR, Czechoslovakia, Bulgaria and Hungary, which was a consequence of the outbreaks that began in 1982. supplies of AWACS AWACS aircraft to NATO. The S-200V air defense system has been supplied since the early 1980s under the designation S-200VE "Vega-E" to Libya, Syria, and India. At the end of 1987 S-200VE were delivered to the DPRK. In the early 1990s, the S-200VE complex was acquired by Iran.

In the west, the complex received the designation SA-5 "Gammon".

The S-200V air defense system is a single-channel transportable system placed on trailers and semi-trailers.

The S-200V air defense system includes:

General-system facilities, including a control and target designation center, a diesel power plant, a distribution cabin and a control towerAn anti-aircraft missile division, which includes an antenna with a 5N62V target illumination radar, an equipment cabin, a launch preparation cabin, a distribution cabin and a 5E97 diesel power plant, a 5Zh51 launch battery consisting of six 5P72V launchers with 5V28 missiles and a transport-loading vehicle on the KrAZ-255 or KrAZ-260 chassis.

For early detection of air targets, the S-200 air defense system is equipped with a radar station aerial reconnaissance type P-35 and others.

The 5N62V target illumination radar (RPC) is a high-potential continuous-wave radar. It tracks the target, generates information for launching a missile, and illuminates targets during the missile homing process. The construction of the ROC using continuous target probing with a monochromatic signal and, accordingly, Doppler filtering of echo signals provided resolution (selection) of targets by speed, and the introduction of phase-code keying of a monochromatic signal - by range. Thus, there are two main operating modes of the target illumination radar - MCI (monochromatic radiation) and PCM (phase code shift keying). In the case of using the MHI mode, support air object ROC is carried out according to three coordinates (elevation angle - also the approximated height of the target - azimuth, speed), and FCM - according to four (range is added to the listed coordinates). In the MHI mode, on the indicator screens in the control cabin of the S-200 air defense system, target marks look like luminous stripes from the top to the bottom edge of the screen. When switching to the FCM mode, the operator performs the so-called range ambiguity sampling (which requires significant time), the signal on the screens takes on the “normal” form of a “collapsed signal” and it becomes possible precise definition range to target. This operation usually takes up to thirty seconds and is not used when shooting at short distances, since the choice of range ambiguity and the time the target remains in the launch zone are values ​​of the same order.

The 5V28 anti-aircraft guided missile of the S-200V system is two-stage, made according to a normal aerodynamic design, with four triangular wings of high aspect ratio. The first stage consists of four solid rocket boosters installed on the main stage between the wings. The main stage is equipped with a liquid two-component rocket engine with a pumping system for supplying propellant components to the engine. Structurally, the sustainer stage consists of a number of compartments in which a semi-active radar homing head, on-board equipment units, a high-explosive fragmentation warhead with a safety-actuating mechanism, tanks with fuel components, a liquid-propellant rocket engine, and rocket control units are located. The rocket launch is inclined, with a constant elevation angle, from a launcher aimed in azimuth. Warhead high-explosive fragmentation with ready-made submunitions - 37 thousand pieces weighing 3-5 g. When a warhead is detonated, the angle of fragmentation is 120°, which in most cases leads to a guaranteed hit of an air target.

The missile's flight is controlled and aimed at the target using a semi-active radar homing head (GOS) installed on it. For narrow-band filtering of echo signals in the receiver of the seeker, it is necessary to have a reference signal - a continuous monochromatic oscillation, which required the creation of an autonomous HF heterodyne on board the rocket.

Pre-launch preparation of the rocket includes:

transfer of data from the ROC to the starting position; adjustment of the seeker (HF heterodyne) to the carrier frequency of the ROC probing signal; installation of the seeker antennas in the direction of the target, and their automatic target tracking systems in range and speed - to the range and speed of the target; transfer of the seeker to automatic tracking mode.

After this, the launch was carried out with automatic tracking of the target by the seeker. Ready to fire time - 1.5 minutes. If there is no signal from the target within five seconds, which is provided by illumination from the ROC, the missile homing head independently turns on the speed search. It first searches for a target in a narrow range, then after five scans in a narrow range it switches to a 30-kilohertz wide range. If the target is illuminated by the radar again, the seeker finds the target, the target is re-acquired and further guidance occurs. If the seeker, after all the listed search methods, has not found the target and has not re-acquired it, then the command “maximum up” is issued to the rocket rudders. The missile goes into the upper atmosphere so as not to hit ground targets, and there the warhead is detonated.

In the S-200 air defense system, a digital computer appeared for the first time - the "Plamya" digital computer, which was assigned the task of exchanging command and coordinate information with various command posts and before solving the launch problem. The combat operation of the S-200V air defense system is ensured by the 83M6 controls and the Senezh-M and Baikal-M automated systems. Combining several single-purpose air defense systems with a common one command post made it easier to control the system from a higher command post and made it possible to organize the interaction of air defense systems to concentrate their fire on one or distribute it to different targets.

The S-200 air defense system can be operated in various climatic conditions.

Characteristics of S-200V

Number of channels per target 1

Number of channels per rocket 2

Range, km 17-240

Target flight altitude, km 0.3-40

Rocket length, mm 10800

Rocket caliber (main stage), mm 860

Rocket launch weight, kg 7100

Warhead weight, kg 217

Probability of hitting a target with one missile is 0.66-0.99

After the defeat of the Syrian air defense in the Bekaa Valley, 4 S-200 air defense systems were delivered to Syria, which were deployed 40 km east of Damascus and in the northeast of the country. Initially, the complexes were serviced by Soviet crews, and in 1985 they were transferred to the Syrian air defense command. First combat use The S-200 air defense system occurred in 1982 in Syria, where an E-2C Hawkeye AWACS aircraft was shot down at a distance of 190 km, after which the American aircraft carrier fleet departed from the shores of Lebanon.

The first S-200 systems were delivered to Libya in 1985. In 1986, S-200 systems, served by Libyan crews, took part in repelling a raid by American bombers on Tripoli and Benghazi and may have shot down one FB-111 bomber (according to Libyan According to the data, the Americans lost several more carrier-based aircraft).