Achieving a goal requires a decision. Kaizen as an effective method of achieving the organization's goals

Many people have already learned that in order to achieve a goal, especially a long-term one, it is not enough to simply make a promise to yourself and decide to work with your teeth gritted. In the process, laziness and a lot of excuses will certainly appear, and old thoughts and beliefs will return. As a result, the case will remain idle for weeks. What to do? You need to change radically and adhere to a step-by-step system for achieving goals, which we will talk about today.

Of course, there are people who know how to achieve everything they want. And they are very surprised that others cannot do this. They even write books about how simple it is. But most of these authors forget that a person is very complex matter that he is influenced by hundreds of the most various factors. You need to work very seriously with your psyche and thinking; just the desire to achieve a goal is not enough. At least because it can disappear the very next day.

So we won't just imagine step by step plan achieving goals, but we will also try to approach the issue comprehensively, understanding that a person is always very passionate about returning to a past state. Change is very difficult. Therefore, you need to study yourself carefully and adhere to some rules.

Let's start with excuses that almost all of us have achieved perfection in.

What excuses do we make for ourselves?

Goals, especially long-term goals, make us feel very bad. For various reasons: we haven’t felt progress for a long time, the path seems endless, and much more.

Therefore, we very often come up with excuses. It's our way of explaining to ourselves why we don't grab every chance to succeed in life. Here are the most popular ones.

  • I'm not educated enough.
  • I don't have enough money.
  • I don't have time.
  • I'm not confident enough in myself.
  • I just don't have enough experience.
  • I'm not ready yet.
  • I don't know where to start.
  • It's too complicated.
  • I'm afraid of making mistakes.
  • I'm afraid.
  • It's too risky.

All these excuses keep us in one place long time. Therefore, before you learn to set goals, you must work with yourself and clearly decide that you will no longer accept apologies.

Every time you catch yourself thinking such thoughts, immediately mark them as excuses. You can sit down right away and write about it in your diary. Awareness is extremely important in our business.

Excuses are also generated by laziness, so we will consider it separately.

How to deal with laziness?

Anyone who indulges in laziness loses huge amounts of money, time, prospects and opportunities. Perhaps this is the key difference between successful person and a loser. Great people are not afraid to work, and they do it smartly, while average people look for excuses and stop thinking as soon as they leave the office.

To get rid of laziness, you need to take four important steps:

Determine why laziness occurs

Think about everyone possible reasons why you fall into the trap of laziness and ask yourself:

  • Why do I indulge my laziness?
  • Am I bored, tired, lacking inspiration?
  • Am I afraid of achieving something so I use laziness as an avoidance mechanism?
  • What exactly am I afraid of and trying to avoid?

Study long-term effects

We often indulge our laziness because we don’t cause ourselves enough pain. It turns out that it is better not to achieve a goal than to achieve it.

Therefore, you must convince yourself that if you are lazy, it will lead to great pain in the future. Make a list of all long-term consequences.

Challenge yourself

When you challenge yourself, you feel alive. Ask yourself the question: “Am I really weak?”

Remind yourself every day that only by setting a serious goal can you build character and become a truly strong person.

Take action immediately

It is dangerous to engage in self-reflection without action for a long time. There is a risk of staying in oneself for a long time, becoming isolated: then the study of personality will only cause harm.

Study and, but in the process of achieving goals. Take small steps, develop your individuality and learn along the way.

Step-by-step system for achieving goals

The process of achieving goals must be divided into several successive steps, that is, a system must be created.

Step One: Create Your System

To do this, go through five mandatory steps.

Be clear about what you want

The goal you set is limited solely by your imagination. Therefore, you need to allocate enough time for this stage, without getting off with the banal: “I already know what I want, what’s next?”

Goals can be different: career, family, financial, as well as in the field of health, self-development, and public service.

In this case, the goal itself, in fact, does not matter. It is only a product of your true desires. Answer three questions:

  • What exactly do I want?
  • Why do I want this?
  • When do I want it?

These questions will help you not to concentrate on the goal, but to look, first of all, inside yourself. It may turn out that many desires were unreal and did not reflect the real state of things in your soul.

People don't achieve their goals because they don't answer these questions. And they are very important because they allow you to gain motivation for every day. For example, today you desperately wanted to learn how to play chess. This desire is sincere. But in a few days it will disappear and time will be lost. Better ask yourself why this is needed.

And of course, set deadlines. Without this, you won't create a sense of urgency within. Without a deadline, you will not push yourself, you will become lazy and eventually give up on your goal.

Decide if the goal matches your personality

To understand what kind of person you are, you need to understand what it consists of: values, standards, beliefs, lifestyle and priorities.

We know that this sounds quite depressing. But don't skip to the next section, because this one is also incredibly important. Many people simply do not pay attention to what kind of individuals they are. They set wonderful goals for themselves and even begin to achieve them, but in the end they abandon them. These goals simply did not correspond to the core features of their personality.

In psychology there is a concept of congruence. This is the consistency of speech, ideas and beliefs with each other. In a broad sense - integrity, self-consistency of the individual.

You've probably had times when you did everything right and still felt miserable. Have you ever wondered why? The psyche senses the discrepancy between actions and personality parameters, therefore it transmits this information using bad mood and the feeling that you are “out of place.”

Knowing yourself is a long process. But you can start with simple but correct questions:

  • Is this goal consistent with my core values?
  • Do I truly believe that I will achieve this goal?
  • Does this goal fit my lifestyle?
  • Could it happen here?
  • Perhaps I need to adjust my priorities to make room for this goal?
  • Does this goal conflict with my other goals?
  • How can this contradiction be resolved?
  • Once I achieve my goal, will I become the person I am trying to become?

The reality is that if your core values, beliefs and priorities are not in harmony with your goal, then there is little hope for results. But if you set aside a little time and set the right goal, then everything will go like clockwork: you yourself will feel that you are doing everything right.

Consider external consequences

When we set a goal, we think about how it will affect our life, personality and amount of time. But we rarely analyze what will happen to the environment and other people. And this can lead to big problems and conflicts.

Every goal you set has a number of consequences, both good and bad. Ask yourself the following questions:

  • Who could potentially be affected?
  • How exactly?

Don't get overconfident and think that you can easily handle conflict in the future or that it's not something worth paying attention to. Such ignorance can be costly. It's best to take steps to minimize the damage. After all, if you decide to visit every day gym, you will spend less time with your loved ones. It will inevitably affect your life in one way or another. So consider a variety of different scenarios.

Ask yourself the following questions:

  • What's good about my current situation?
  • Having achieved this goal, will I be able to preserve all the good things that I have now?

Now you have a lot of time to spend with your children. But if you start working more, it will not be enough. How will this affect the family? You don't have to give up on your dreams, but it is important to understand that there will inevitably be consequences.

Ask yourself:

  • What sacrifices will I need to make to achieve this goal?
  • Can I really make these sacrifices?

This is the price of success. To accept the right decision, think about the following:

  • What are the consequences of giving up on this goal?
  • What's at stake?
  • What could I miss or lose?
  • How will I feel?

Now you can see that even though you will spend less time with your family, it will only lead to better things in the end. You can earn more money, provide children good education. As a result of the analysis described, you may also understand that you should choose a completely different goal.

There will be many questions:

  • What will I get if I achieve this goal?
  • What will my loved ones get if I achieve this goal?
  • How will this change me as a person?
  • How will I feel?

You were probably counting on some simple system of five steps that can be written down on a piece of paper or studied in 10 minutes. But we suggest that you first learn a lot about yourself, and also learn to predict consequences. With this approach, the chances of achieving your goal will increase significantly.

Sketch your plan

It's time to make a plan to achieve your goals. It will help you understand what obstacles you may encounter. It is also useful to think about the resources that may be needed.

First, let's think about the obstacles. They can accept different shapes in the form of people, events, circumstances, fears, limited beliefs, lack of experience or knowledge. You can't prepare for everything, but remember that you always choose your reaction. Ask yourself:

  • What potential obstacles might stand in my way?
  • How can they hinder my progress?
  • What should I do to successfully deal with them?

Resources can come in the form of tools, skills, knowledge, connections, and more. It may take a little time to get the information you need.

Every obstacle you encounter is nothing more than a problem that can be overcome with help, the right resources, and resourcefulness.

To learn how to plan for the future, ask yourself:

  • What resources do I have?
  • What resources might I need?
  • How can I get them?

Remember also that you do not have to have all the skills and knowledge. Other people may come in handy for this. This means you must learn to find useful connections.

Take a piece of paper and start creating a rough outline. Consider all your answers that you have given before.

Make an action plan

Many experts debate whether the action plan should be too detailed. The answer is this: try both options.

It’s best to create two plans at once. The first is detailed, and the second is in general outline, which only indicates right direction. In a month you will be able to understand which is better. Or perhaps you will realize that both are good and in harmony with each other.

An action plan is a step-by-step guide on how you are going to achieve your goal. A simple example: you want to join a gym. Moreover, they already made one attempt, but in the end they gave up after two weeks. Action plan:

  1. Earn money for a subscription.
  2. Get a job extra work(which you can then abandon to free up time).
  3. Buy several books about sports and fitness.
  4. Buy a subscription and sportswear.
  5. Create sports affirmations in order to maintain the level of motivation at the highest level.
  6. Meet like-minded people.
  7. Create a new diet.

Step Two: Use Visualization Techniques

Visualization techniques help you get a solid dose of motivation every day. Each of us has experienced the fact that we wake up and have no desire to achieve our long-term goal. This condition is discouraging.

Sit in a quiet place where no one can disturb you. Start visualizing your goal. Throw yourself into the future and feel that everything worked out. How are you feeling? Who's nearby? What thoughts are in your head?

Now think about the last action you took to achieve this remarkable result. Next, move to reverse side: penultimate action and so on.

“Be” in the present. Now you know how to achieve your goal. Moreover, they mentally survived all the difficulties and coped with them.

Step Three: Create a Morning Schedule

Everything is decided in the morning: once you give yourself some indulgence, in a few hours you will feel laziness of such strength that it will kill all desire and enthusiasm. Create the right mood with some repetitive actions.

Immediately after waking up

No matter how difficult it is, smile immediately. Probably nothing special will happen after this action. And this is normal, because no one promised a magic pill. But a start has been made.

Ask yourself some good questions while you're lying in bed:

  • What am I proud of?
  • What am I happy with?
  • What am I grateful for?
  • What do I expect from today?
  • What am I going to do today?

Drink a glass of water. This simple act will help replenish the lack of water that has formed overnight.

20 minutes after waking up

Take up meditation. Set aside at least 5-10 minutes for this. With this exercise you will put your brain in order.

Take a journal and write down your goals for that day. If they are already there, just review them. It will only cost a few seconds, but will get you set up.

Read an inspiring book. It can be about self-development, about achieving goals, about dreams. The point of all this is to get enough motivation. Without it, it will be very unpleasant to get down to business.

Use the Brian Tracy Technique

If everything written above seems too complicated, then try something simple that you can use right now.

Brian Tracy does so much work in goal counseling that you might want to try this technique:

  1. Create a burning desire within yourself.
  2. Believe in yourself.
  3. Write down the goal.
  4. Analyze your starting point.
  5. Determine why you want to succeed in this field.
  6. Set a deadline.
  7. Identify obstacles.
  8. Determine what additional knowledge you may need.
  9. Determine what kind of people you might need.
  10. Make a plan.
  11. Visualize.
  12. Never give up.


If you think that the techniques and tips presented in the article are not enough, there is always the opportunity to read several additional books on this topic. Reading large amounts of information helps the brain get used to (and it will resist) the fact that change will come very soon. Here's a list of books to get you started. Just don’t forget that the main thing is action.

  • “Achieving goals. Step-by-step system" Marilyn Atkinson, Rae T. Choice.
  • “A whole life. Key skills to achieve your goals" Les Hewitt, Jack Canfield, Mark Victor Hansen.
  • “This year I…” M.J. Ryan.
  • "Getting Things Done" by David Allen.
  • "Focus. Achieving Priority Goals" Stephen Covey.
  • “52 Mondays. How to achieve any goals in a year" Vic Johnson.
  • “Try it - it will work!” Seth Godin.
  • The Psychology of Achievement by Heidi Grant Halsvorson.
  • "The Habit of Achievement" by Bernard Ross.

How to achieve a goal in life is a relevant topic for every person, regardless of age, social status and professions. The most common mistake is the substitution of concepts. The concept of “achieving a goal” and “result of achieving a goal” is often confused. A well-formulated aspiration has specificity, a time frame, and measurability. Otherwise we're talking about about dreams.

Popular goal setting technology S.M.A.R.T.

In fact, this method is well known - planning. First of all, you need a high-quality, good aspiration that meets the SMART criteria.

  • Specific. First of all, specificity is important. You need to clearly understand why this particular dream is important to you. When will they be identified? real reasons desires, you can move on to planning.
  • Measurable. The end result of efforts must have a specific criterion by which it can be determined that the desired has been achieved.
  • Agreed. It is necessary to understand that to achieve this goal you will need to involve other people. To simplify the task, it is necessary to improve the strategy in such a way as to eliminate or minimize the participation of outsiders.
  • Realistic. Undoubtedly, ambitions must be great, but at the same time it is important to balance them and correlate them with one’s own capabilities.
  • Timed (time limit). Set a clear deadline for the implementation of your plan. This will mobilize efforts and allow for the most efficient use of resources and energy.
  1. The two concepts of “goal” and “means to achieve a goal” should not be confused. For example, baking a cake for your spouse is the means, but making your loved one happy is the end result.
  2. Think - what do you really need? Buying a car is a means to an end. If you want to ensure comfortable travel for yourself, it may make sense to use a taxi.
  3. Think about how sincere you are in your desire. Are your mental attitudes deceiving you? Perseverance in achieving your goal depends on how honest you are with yourself. For example, if by
    you need to get additional education, answer yourself - do you really want this or are you following the orders of management?

This is important! If you want to achieve a goal at any cost and at the same time do not feel a sincere desire to achieve results, do not even start and do not waste your own time.

If the process of moving towards a goal itself brings satisfaction, and you are confident that you can sacrifice to achieve big goal time and resources, then you are on the right track.

Drawing up a step-by-step plan to achieve your goal

It is absolutely not necessary that the dream meets all of the listed criteria. You can get by brief wording and subsequently detail the plan if the strategy for achieving the goal requires adjustment. Read about how to decide on life goals

When you have decided on your aspirations and are sure that you will not experience mental discomfort, start making a plan.

To achieve the goal, it is necessary to assess what tasks need to be solved and how much time each of them will require. There are many methods and techniques, but the most popular and effective is to create a task tree. You can simply write down each task and try to determine its complexity.

When making a plan, there are a number of factors to consider.

  • Correct definition of each task. It is necessary to understand that a task is a subgoal, therefore, it must comply with SMART.
  • Answer whether the assigned tasks are sufficient to achieve the specified goal. An effective plan does not have to contain hundreds of points. Friends or other competent people will help you evaluate its effectiveness.
  • Does the dream justify the means? If achieving your goal requires resources that you do not have, there is no point in wasting effort.
  • Correct timing. Realistically assess your capabilities and time frames. The scale of the task must correspond to the deadline. Remember that the strategy for achieving a goal can be thought out to the smallest detail, but there is always the possibility of emergency situations.

This is important! Drawing up a plan to achieve the specified goal - important stage. You can begin to implement it only after checking each task, assessing its necessity and effectiveness.

It often happens that a person is completely immersed in new idea and strives to move to
. Psychologists recommend not to succumb to provocation and to show consistency and perseverance in achieving your goal. It is useful to think about what qualities a person needs to achieve a goal and whether you have the means to realize your plans. If you don't make a good plan, all your efforts will be wasted, you may be able to achieve what you want, but you will spend a lot more effort, resources and time on it.

Implementation of a plan to achieve the goal

We have studied the theoretical part of the question - how to achieve a goal in life. At the stage of practical implementation, it is important to regularly monitor the dynamics and evaluate the implementation of the plan. This will allow you to adjust tasks in a timely manner.

Persistence in achieving a goal is manifested, first of all, in a systematic approach and
. In other words, if you sincerely want something, you need to consistently follow your dream and make every effort.

To achieve this goal, it is necessary to determine the frequency of monitoring. It is necessary to establish a time frame that will allow specific actions to be taken. The frequency of tracking the implementation of the plan depends on the specific aspiration.

  • If it takes several months to achieve this goal, monitoring is carried out once a week.
  • If the entire plan is planned for several weeks, it makes sense to monitor the dynamics daily.

Monitoring is a tool for achieving what you want, which involves performing certain actions:

  • evaluate which points of the plan have been completed and what results were achieved;
  • compare actual achievements with planned results;
  • analyze the situation and adjust tasks (if necessary).

There are three options for assessing the completion of assigned tasks:

  1. everything goes according to plan - nothing needs to be changed;
  2. some items do not go according to plan - in this case, priorities need to be reconsidered and deadlines adjusted;
  3. everything is not going according to plan - you need to start all over again - formulate new dream and make a plan to achieve the specified goal.

This is important! According to psychologists, it is precisely ignoring the monitoring stage that leads to the fact that this technique does not work. Remember, a person who does not have his own aspirations turns into a puppet.

Conclusions and experience

For the technique to be as effective as possible, it is necessary to use the principle feedback. In practice it looks like this:

  • upon achieving a certain result, evaluate how the technique contributed or hindered the achievement of the result;
  • draw appropriate conclusions;
  • next time you can make a plan based on your experience.

Now you know how to achieve your goal in life, the next step is to try the technique in practice and make sure of its effectiveness. You want
so “so that later it won’t be excruciatingly painful for the years spent aimlessly”?

Watch the video to see how to achieve what you want using the Tony Robbins method.

Every person wants to achieve something specific. And he is faced with the question: “How to achieve your goal in life?” After all, everyone wants to see themselves successful and happy. A person does not always want something unattainable and unrealistic. Sometimes he simply doesn’t know how to achieve even a very simple one. Some wait for the right moment, which most often never comes. Others rely on help that may not come. All this pushes the desired goal away, making it blurry and unattainable. And then the person simply lets her go, being content with little, believing that he is simply not given it, blaming his difficult fate for everything. But fate has nothing to do with it. Each individual is the creator of his own destiny and can, if desired, achieve almost any real goal. Failure, problems in life, pessimism - all this happens due to the inability to realize what you want.

How to achieve your goal from simple to complex

Most often, to achieve what a person wants, only one thing is missing - action. It’s not enough to make plans, you need to do something to fulfill them. A dream by itself very rarely comes true. To make her closer, you need to take more than one step towards her. And so, with big and small steps, dashes and leaps, but you can achieve what you want. A wise man once said: “If you don’t accomplish your plan within a year, you will never do it!”

Algorithm of a successful person

In order to know exactly how to achieve your goal in life, you need to develop a strategy or action plan, the implementation of which will lead to the fulfillment of what you want. You will need:

1. Start a great battle with your own fears and laziness. And on this battlefield you must be the winner.

2. Believe in yourself and your success. I never believe. Swear to yourself that you will always, under any conditions, believe in your strength and your luck. This is the kind of faith you will have best assistant when doing great and small things. It will constantly push you forward as an incentive.

3. Perseverance and hard work. Remember Darwin’s phrase: “Labor made man from ape.” In your case, work will make you a successful and purposeful person. Be persistent in your learning and honing your skills. Spend less time on empty and unnecessary things.

4. Don’t scatter your goals - “I want this and that, and also this.” Choose the most important goal for yourself and achieve it.

5. Learn to plan and wait. Again, the popular proverb will help: “Patience and work will grind everything down.” By developing an action plan and following it, you will learn to focus your attention on what is important and not be distracted by unnecessary things. Remember that fruits do not ripen immediately on a tree. And so sometimes you have to wait before This wisdom tells you how to achieve your goal in life.

6. Train yourself to be self-disciplined - don’t sleep until lunch, eat right, learn something new every day, train your body and mind, etc. Self-discipline will help turn time into your assistant. You will learn to manage everything without harming yourself and your body.

7. Forgive yourself for your mistakes and learn from them. Everyone makes mistakes: and ordinary people, and geniuses. Don't dwell on your mistakes, but try to learn from them. After all, every minute of life teaches us something. Open your heart and mind to gain knowledge - and then you will understand how to achieve your goal in life.

8. Learn to accept help and help others. Mutual assistance as soon as will speed up the approach of your goal.

9. Visualization. If you find it difficult to set yourself in the right mood, then put in a visible place or post pictures around the house depicting your goal - they will constantly remind you of what you need to achieve.

Of course, it will be difficult at first, but in order to know for sure how to achieve your goal in life, you need to cultivate all these qualities in yourself. The main thing is not to stop halfway and not give up at the first failure. Imagine that you are an icebreaker or a torpedo that is heading towards the intended destination and will definitely reach it.

You should not assume that when you achieve what you want, your goal in life will disappear, because when one goal is achieved, a person immediately faces others, no less desirable ones. The right motivation is able to set a person in a positive mood and help him cope with his own fear.

There is nothing easier than achieving goals, and nothing more difficult than achieving goals. How many books have been written, how many trainings have been conducted, how much money has been earned from the ignorance of people who consider themselves losers. I am writing this note for myself, first of all, to understand what I myself know about this.

SMART goals

The most clear technology for achieving goals, which I became familiar with relatively recently. By the way, even without this knowledge I managed to achieve some results, but not always, or rather sometimes. So, let's decipher this strange abbreviation, which is also step by step instructions setting goals:

  • S  (specific, or particular)  -  to decide in the direction of the initial movement.
  • M (measurable, or measurable)  -  set the units of its measurement.
  • A  (achievable, or achievable) — compare with the realities of the day and environment.
  • R  (realistic, or realistic, pragmatic) — have a subsequent application of this achievement.
  • T(timed, or defined by time) — to determine the date or period of achievement.

Here everything is described in detail: “SMART goals, or Conditions for setting goals.” But why is it not always possible to achieve goals, sometimes without even starting?

Reasons for not achieving goals

Based on my own experience, I would like to highlight several problem areas that are worth paying attention to.

Inarticulateness. When a goal is unclear, it is unclear how to achieve it, and it is unclear how to determine that it has been achieved. An example of a vague goal: to become a dancer. How do you know that you have already become a dancer? Fuck knows. But here is a more clear statement: one year, five times a week for three hours, study dancing (or graduate from the choreographic department of the Institute of Culture).

Why do I need this? When you set a goal and cannot answer the question “Why?”, most likely the goal will not be achieved. And the body simply will not release enough energy to achieve it, especially when it becomes difficult or temptations arise. Motivation should be simple and clear, for example: earn money for a car, take a break from work, update the interior of your apartment, etc.

Call. Drive appears when, in the process of achieving a goal, you can surpass yourself a little. For example, achieving a better result than before, winning a competition, or creating something that you haven’t created before, but this idea just energizes you. Most often, the challenge is hidden in the goal setting itself: it is one thing to lay a brick wall and quite another to build a temple.

Deadline. Limiting deadlines acts like a battery for the brain: knowing that there is less and less time left, you begin to better focus on the most important things and cut off everything unnecessary. Even if the goal is very difficult, it can and should be broken down into steps and set a deadline for the first step, then take a break and move on.

Energy dissipation. It's best to focus on one important goal at a time. at the moment, maximum two. Focusing on multiple targets simultaneously dissipates energy: a river can turn the turbines of a hydroelectric power plant when all the streams merge into a single whole.

What can interfere? When setting a goal, it is important to pay attention to factors that may interfere with its achievement. Focusing on them helps you find potential problems, develop ways to solve them, and protect yourself.

Progress monitoring. It is important to see what stage you are at now and how much is left until the end. This is very energizing and stimulating, especially when your strength is running low and you want to give up everything.

Celebrating goal achievement. Achievements should be enjoyed and celebrated, especially if you have been working towards your goal for a long time. Our brain is designed in such a way that it releases neurotransmitters different actions so that we feel pleasure. If we don't feel the pleasure of achieving goals, if we don't celebrate and praise ourselves, life ultimately comes down to an endless race for achievements. Do we achieve something in order to get pleasure and enjoy the result in the end, or not?

A simple recipe for setting and achieving a simple goal

To understand how to achieve a goal, you don’t have to go into theory. You need to set yourself a simple goal and achieve it. For example: in a month I want to do 20 push-ups to surprise my mother. The boy said, the boy planned, the boy did. It's simple!

Wunderlist - a simple task manager

But it's all bullshit

They really confused and made me sad, and quite recently I realized why.

First, I saw a speech by Maxim Batyrev (manager, author of the book “45 Manager Tattoos.” - Ed.), who, based on examples from his life, sorted everything out:

  1. The goal should be such that it is unclear how to achieve it. And you shouldn’t be afraid of this, but on the contrary, you should be happy. Then the goal motivates.
  2. The goal should lead to a change in lifestyle or life in general.
  3. The goal should be a challenge, so that you want to prove something to yourself or other people. Then energy appears.
  4. We need a living example, a guideline to believe in reality, to catch up and surpass.
  5. You need to imagine as if you have already achieved it, it is yours. If the goal is normal, then the dream begins to come true. If you are in a difficult situation, your goal and dream will save you.

Then I came across Steve Pavlina’s book “Personal Development Course for Smart People,” in which I found ideas that confirmed and complemented my personal guesses. Below are a few key quotes.

“Whenever you set a goal to achieve something, always ask yourself the following question: “How does setting this goal improve my present reality?” If it does not improve your present reality, then the goal is meaningless and you can discard it. But if it brings more clarity, focus and motivation to your life when you think about it, it's worth it.

Set goals that help you feel strong, motivated and proactive long before the end result is achieved!

If you set a goal that improves your present reality, then what difference does it make whether it takes a week, a month or ten years to achieve the end result? The entire journey is fun and enjoyable.

What's even more important is that you feel happy and fulfilled at this very moment. You act in a state of joy, so you are also productive. Instead of pursuing a goal that you think will make you happy in the distant future, focus on a goal that makes you happy right now. Your goals don't actually have to be specific, clear and measurable.

You don't need clear deadlines and a detailed step-by-step plan. All you need is a burning desire to take appropriate action.

Don't set boring goals that don't excite you. Focus on goals that inspire and motivate you in the present tense. Because this is the only place where you have any real powers.

If you are not ready to take action, it means your intentions are weak. You try to create something that you don't want badly enough, and it dies on the vine. Yours physical body is part of the process by which your intentions manifest. True Desires will make you get up and start moving. If you find yourself completely unprepared to hit the nail on the head, then you've set the wrong goals.

Desire is the fuel for movement. If you try to use false desires as fuel, you will simply not move. If there is no movement, there is no motivation.

Achieving meaningful goals usually requires hard work, but if your goals are right for you, then such work will not bring you suffering.

Choose goals that are so exciting that you will not find it difficult to make serious efforts.”

In short, a big dream and desires - that’s what’s more important than all the recipes and recommendations. This is the main motivation and fuel of your ship called “Life”.

Most of us know that having goals in life is one of the indispensable conditions for well-being, prosperity and happiness. Thanks to goals, our life is filled with meaning; with the help of goals, we gain the inner strength necessary to overcome problems, obstacles and ordinary troubles in life. By setting goals, we help mobilize the internal reserves of our body and, at the same time, unlock our potential. In addition, the presence of our own goals makes us more integral individuals, true masters of our lives, while their complete absence turns our life into a gray, colorless existence, where goals, or rather tasks, are determined for us by the people and circumstances around us. A man without a goal and without big dreams like a boat launched into a stormy stream of a river, obediently loitering along the banks and swirling in whirlwinds fast current. Naturally, the achievements of such a person are limited to small victories in everyday life and at work. A person with a goal, like a sailboat, uses wind energy to maneuver along the entire channel, pass through rifts and reach the desired shores. Such people are more easily able to overcome obstacles and achieve significant victories in their lives.

Purpose is what allows us to “be, not seem.” This is not just a dream that we treat ourselves to from time to time while lying on the couch, it is something more defined, formalized and permanent. The target is a pointer on our life path, guiding star in the stormy ocean of life, our internal source energy that makes the heart beat faster and, at the same time, a movement plan thought out to the smallest detail. It's not enough to just know what your life's purpose is and what you want to achieve - we all dream of something, but not everyone manages to make their dreams come true. Why? Achieving goals - great job. It requires us to take deliberate steps, to transfer our desire from the world bright pictures, built by our imagination, into a world of numbers, subject to the rules of logic and the power of intellect. We must learn to divide big goals, whose magnitude makes us despondent, into a number of small goals, the achievement of which seems more than possible to us. We also need to fight our laziness, fears and weaknesses, which means that we not only need to force ourselves to take the required steps, but also work on ourselves, improve ourselves and develop our personality, and much, much more. In this section of the site meto dorf .ru you will find the maximum useful information about what goals are, how to set them and how to achieve them.